Snow-white mushrooms in cream Snow-white mushrooms in cream Savory fried mushrooms in cream. An amazing recipe for dinner or lunch. It is prepared very simply and quickly, and the dish itself comes out...
Zucchini pie Zucchini pie Zucchini pie with kefir Zucchini is a universally useful product, because a huge number of dishes are prepared on its basis. Savory zucchini pie is also...
Curd cake Curd cake Chocolate cake with curd and yoghurt cream Pieces of wonderful chocolate sponge cake framed by the most delicate curd and yoghurt cream, chocolate glaze and notes of currant confiture... What could be tastier....
Eclairs with protein cream Eclairs with protein cream Eclairs with protein cream Eclairs with protein cream Choux pastry Wheat flour – 200 g Butter – 100 g…
10 tasty salads with beans that you’ll want to cook again and again 10 tasty salads with beans that you’ll want to cook again and again Noteworthy combinations with chicken, beef,…
Lenten vegetable soup Lenten vegetable soup Description of the dish. Hello, dear readers, thank you for visiting my website page! Now I was preparing lean vegetable soup and would like to share...
Thick pancakes with kefir Thick pancakes with kefir Wednesday, May 2, 2018 Every housewife probably has recipes for thick pancakes in her piggy bank, and I suggest preparing for you...
Pudding: step-by-step recipes Pudding: step-by-step recipes Pudding has been prepared all over the world for many years. Previously, it was a festive Christmas dish, but at the moment it is simply prepared as...
Salad with squid and pickled mushrooms Salad with squid and pickled mushrooms Salad with squid and pickled mushrooms is light and pleasant to taste, it’s perfect for…
Chicken with mushrooms in a slow cooker - an impeccable combination Chicken with mushrooms in a multicooker - an impeccable combination. The best recipes for chicken with mushrooms in a slow cooker: stuffed, julienned, etc. Mushrooms…