What you need fish broth for and how to prepare it

What is fish broth needed for and how to prepare it?

This is an irreplaceable base for various versions of fish soup, but not only. Fish stock also works well in sauces, risotto or jelly. Making a fragrant and rich decoction does not have to involve any special problems.

This dish has been appreciated for almost all centuries in virtually all corners of the world. Fish broth is the basis of almost all Asian dishes and an indispensable product in French cuisine. But here the fragrant broth is not very popular now, since it is associated, first of all, with fish soup. Meanwhile, it can become a valuable addition to almost all other dishes.

Fish broth - how to prepare it

The most common solution is, of course, to buy ready-made fish broth, available in the form of cubes or water.
But the composition of this type of product leaves much to be desired, and fish makes up only a small part of it. But there you can find many controversial additives, especially flavor enhancers. Most often it is monosodium glutamate or sodium inosinate. The second of these substances should especially be avoided by people with high uric acid levels and those suffering from gout. Ready-made broths do not lack artificial colors (for example, caramel ammonia) or thickeners (for example, xanthan gum).

For health and getting a good taste and smell, it is much more useful to prepare a decoction without the help of others.

What will be useful:

First of all, fish “waste”: heads, tails or vertebrae, although, of course, pieces of meat are also suitable. You should avoid species that are especially rich in fat (mackerel, salmon, tuna or herring), which give the broth a not very pleasant aftertaste. It is better to eat flounder, trout, hake, pollock, pike perch, pike, sea bream or cod. The fish as a whole should weigh about 2 kg. It is necessary to thoroughly wash everything, free the heads from the burgundy parts of the gills.

How to cook:

  1. Stew (optional) chopped vegetables: two stalks of celery, two branches of parsley, a piece of celery root, carrots and a small onion. Add them to the pan with the fish and fill with cool water in an amount of about 3 liters.
  2. Season with a few peppercorns, a bay leaf, a couple of sprigs of thyme and fennel seeds, the smell of which mixes well with the fish. You can also add a few sprigs of lovage, other herbs to taste and a couple of slices of lemon.
  3. Cook all this over low heat without covering the pan. From time to time, skim off the resulting grayish foam with a slotted spoon. At the end, add salt to the broth, and after cooling slightly, strain through a sieve with thick gauze. If not the entire portion is consumed, you can freeze the remaining portion.

How to use fish broth

The most trivial idea is to make a fish soup based on it, for example, Hungarian halasle , adding pieces of carp to the broth (its meat does not fall apart during cooking), fried onions and an impressive portion of hot pepper (you can use either fresh or powdered).

But fish broth is perfect for other soups. tomato soup using the broth , adding tomato extract and crushed garlic, and at the end adding pieces of fish on which the broth was prepared (naturally, if we used something more than heads and spines).

A slightly modified version of cabbage : add washed and chopped sauerkraut to the broth, as well as soaked and chopped dried mushrooms. When the soup ingredients have softened, add the diced smoked salmon. Serve cabbage with croutons.

Fish broth is an indispensable addition to some versions of risotto , especially those made from seafood. Slowly pour the hot broth over the rice, which will acquire a specific creamy consistency.

If you like Mediterranean food, you can make Spanish paella . Cook the rice in fish broth, be sure to add a pinch of saffron, which will give the dish a wonderful yellowish color. The dish is enriched with pieces of fish, seafood, chicken or spicy chorizo ​​sausage.

Fish broth will also be needed when making jelly, for example, the famous gefilte fish, Jewish fish.

Fish broth is a salvation from diseases! Cooking right!

For the broth to be truly useful, it is important to choose the right fish for its preparation. It is better to give preference to low-fat sea fish - halibut, cod, flounder, sea bass. There is no need to eat fish from the salmon family, as the fat will simply oxidize during long-term cooking.

According to popular belief, fish broth can cure a person of all diseases. Even 2000 years ago, our forefathers used this dish to obtain energy, restore strength, activate intellectual activity, rejuvenate the body and restore male strength. They say that the broth also helped seriously ill and dying people. Taking these facts into account, you should definitely include this dish in your diet; you are guaranteed to feel the difference in your energy level and overall well-being.

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Fish broth - several recipes for health

  • The most nutritious dish
  • Fish heads are more valuable raw materials
  • Traditional recipe
  • Regular recipe
  • A quick recipe - a substitute, but not a candidate for broth
  • Recipe for vegetable eaters

The most nutritious dish

Cheap and easy to make, fish broth is valued primarily due to the presence of minerals necessary for the body , which, along with vitamins, are essential components of enzymes. The mineral composition of blood serum (the internal environment of the human and animal body) is identical to sea water, which is why the broth replenishes the lack of nutrients in an unhealthy body.

Fish heads are more valuable raw materials

The thyroid gland is located in the fish’s head, and in our difficult times, who would benefit from feeding this gland? After all, according to statistics, every second inhabitant of the Earth suffers from hypothyroidism.

For the broth to be truly useful, it is important to choose the right fish for its preparation. It is better to give preference to low-fat sea fish - halibut, cod, flounder, sea bass. There is no need to eat fish from the salmon family, as the fat will simply oxidize during long-term cooking.

Traditional recipe

To make a medicinal broth, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • bone frames and heads – 3-4 pieces;
  • butter – 2 tablespoons;
  • large onions - 2 pieces;
  • carrots – 1 piece;
  • dry snow-white wine – 120 g;
  • vinegar – 60 g;
  • trunks of thyme, parsley, bay leaf;
  • salt to taste;
  • purified cool water – 3 liters.

Melt the butter in a saucepan, add chopped vegetables and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then you should add wine and bring the mixture to a boil. You need to put the fish frames in the pan and fill everything with cool water with the addition of vinegar, then bring everything to a boil again. Next, you need to add the herbs tied with a thread to the broth and boil everything over low heat under the lid for 4-24 hours. All that remains is to remove the frames from the pan, strain and cool the broth, making sure to collect all the fat from the surface.

Regular recipe

  • water 2-3 liters;
  • fish bones and heads – 1 kg;
  • apple cider vinegar – 60 g;
  • greenery;
  • salt to taste.

Place a saucepan with water and fish over low heat; when the liquid boils, add vinegar. It is imperative to remove foam from the surface of the water. Cook for 4-24 hours over low heat, add the herbs 5 minutes before readiness. When the broth is ready, cool it and you can give it to the sick.

A quick recipe - a substitute, but not a candidate for broth

To quickly make broth, you can add a couple of tablespoons of dusty collagen to traditional vegetable broth.

Recipe for vegetable eaters

It’s easy to prepare a vegetarian dish - just boil vegetable broth and add mushrooms or sea aquatic plants to it. Of course, the purchased dish will differ in mineral composition from traditional fish broth, so for seriously unhealthy people it is still better to eat a dish cooked with fish bones, at least during the entire healing period. And the effect can be enhanced by using different combinations of the desired herbs and spices, such as:

  • ginger and coconut milk (turmeric or sea aquatic plants);
  • coconut milk, turmeric, ground ginger, dark pepper, garlic and salt;
  • coconut milk and butter, cinnamon and cocoa;
  • lemon and parsley;
  • garlic and mushrooms.

Don’t be afraid to experiment and add any ingredients that suit the patient’s taste preferences . Posted by econet.ru.

PS And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

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Fish broth - the best recipes. How to cook fish broth correctly and deliciously.

Fish broth - general principles of production

The advantage of fish broths is that they cook much faster than meat or mushroom broths. In addition, the first dishes with fish broth are not only tasty and satisfying, but also very healthy. To cook regular fish broth, no matter what type of fish will do (carp, pike perch, perch, hake, carp, etc.). Very tasty fish soups are made from salmon, trout and pink salmon.

The principle of making any fish broth is as follows: fish waste is poured with water and boiled together with onions, carrots and seasonings (bay leaf, black or white peppercorns, coriander, cumin, etc.). The fish does not require long-term cooking; the average cooking time is 35-50 minutes. The finished broth is filtered from vegetables and seasonings, then you can cook fish soup on its base, adding potatoes, fried vegetables, herbs, cream cheese or other ingredients.

Fish broths are more convenient and easier to prepare from soup sets that include heads, fins and other waste. If whole fish is used, it must be cut and gutted in advance. Fish broth is often frozen for the next preparation of first and second courses, sauces, fillings, etc.

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Fish broth - preparation of goods and utensils

To cook fish broth, you will need a saucepan, a cutting board with a knife, and a frying pan for frying vegetables. Fish broths can also be prepared in a slow cooker.

Whole fish must be cut and the entrails removed before cooking. The gills must be cut out, and large heads can be cut into several parts. Then the fish is cut into pieces and washed. You can use ready-made soup sets for fish broths, consisting of heads, tails, fins, etc. All fish waste also needs to be thoroughly washed before cooking.

Fish broth recipes:

Recipe 1: Fish broth

The most common recipe for making rich fish broth. No matter what kind of fish is suitable for this, vegetables (onions and carrots) are also needed. The purchased broth can be used to make the most complex fish first courses.

Required ingredients:

  • A kilogram of fish (heads, tails, etc. are also suitable);
  • Greenery;
  • Carrot;
  • Onion;
  • Salt;
  • Paprika - a pinch;
  • Pepper.

Manufacturing method:

If you use fish waste, simply wash it and put it in a pan. We cut up the whole fish, remove the gills, and cut the carcass into pieces. Place peeled onions and carrots into the pan, throw in all sorts of greens. Fill all the ingredients with cold water and place the pan on the fire. After the water boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat. Cook the fish broth for about 45 minutes, then add paprika (a couple of minutes before the end of cooking) and turn off the heat. Strain the broth, add salt and pepper and serve with chopped herbs and pieces of boiled fish.

Recipe 2: Fish broth with tomatoes, celery and seasonings

This fragrant, rich and tasty fish broth is prepared very simply. It can be used as a base for first and second courses; it is better to immediately cook more of this broth and freeze some of it in the refrigerator. It is best to eat carp, trout or carp.

Required ingredients:

  • Fish waste from 2 fish (skins, bones, heads, tails, etc.);
  • Tomatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Celery - three stalks;
  • Parsley;
  • Fennel;
  • Garlic – several cloves;
  • Snow white wine – 0.75 cups;
  • 0.5 tsp. cumin, coriander and dark pepper;
  • Several bay leaves;
  • 0.5 tsp. sea ​​salt;
  • Chili pepper - two pods.

Manufacturing method:

Place the washed fish, pieces of celery stalks and cut tomatoes into the pan. Next we throw in herbs, garlic, peppers, all the spices (not counting salt) and snow-white wine. Fill all the ingredients with one and a half liters of water and send to cook. Cook the fish broth over low heat for about 40 minutes. Strain the broth and add some salt.

Recipe 3: Fish broth in a slow cooker

The multicooker greatly simplifies the process of preparing all dishes, including the first ones. The fish broth comes out rich and fragrant in the slow cooker; the main thing is to prepare all the ingredients.

Required ingredients:

  • Set for fish broth (heads, fins, etc.);
  • Carrot;
  • Lukovka;
  • Salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Water;
  • Snow white peppercorns.

Manufacturing method:

We rinse the fish waste and place it in the multicooker bowl. Add peeled vegetables, bay leaves and spices. We fill all the products with 2 liters of water (you need to look at the number of products, the water must completely cover them). Cook in the “stew” mode for 1.5 hours. Strain the finished broth and divide the fish into separate pieces of meat. We serve the dish with boiled fish and herbs, or use it to prepare other dishes.

Recipe 4: Salmon fish broth

Indescribably tasty and necessary salmon fish broth. Reddish fish soup turns out rich, fragrant and very satisfying.

Required ingredients:

  • Salmon (the backbone is used);
  • Potatoes – 2-3 tubers;
  • Lukovka;
  • Carrot;
  • Three spoons of rice;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Salt;
  • Pepper;
  • Sunflower oil;
  • Greenery.

Manufacturing method:

Boil the salmon together with the bay leaves until cooked; after boiling, do not forget to remove the foam. We take out the fish, let it cool and remove the meat from the bones. Chop the carrots into small cubes and finely chop the onion. Cut the peeled potatoes into bars. Chop the greens with a knife. Place the potatoes in the bubbling fish broth and cook for about 20 minutes. Fry onions and carrots in sunflower oil. Wash the rice and add to the soup (25 minutes after the potatoes). Then we add roasted vegetables and fish fillets. Salt and pepper the soup to taste, cook until done. Three minutes before the end of cooking, add chopped herbs. Serve salmon fish broth after steeping.

Recipe 5: Fish broth with eggs

Any fish broth can be supplemented with boiled eggs - the dish will only benefit from this. This recipe uses pink salmon waste, vegetables, seasonings and herbs.

Required ingredients:

  • Fish heads, tails, etc.;
  • Potatoes – 2 pcs.;
  • Onion;
  • Carrot;
  • Peppercorns;
  • Salt;
  • Boiled eggs - for serving;
  • Greenery;
  • Bay leaf;
  • Carnation.
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Manufacturing method:

Rinse the fish, put it in a pan and fill it with cold water. Let's cook. After boiling, remove the foam and turn down the heat. We throw in a few cloves, bay leaves and a few peppercorns. Cook the fish broth for about 20 minutes. Then strain the broth and remove the boiled fish from the bones. Pour the broth back into the pan and put it on the stove. Cut the potatoes into cubes and throw them into the bubbling broth. Next, add chopped onions and carrots, add some salt and cook until the vegetables are ready. At the end of cooking, add pieces of boiled fish and herbs. Let the soup boil for two minutes and turn off the heat. Place half boiled eggs on each plate.

Fish broth - secrets and useful tips from the best chefs

— If you are preparing a broth from reddish fish, it is recommended to use ready-made fillets. Pieces of boiled fish can be placed on a plate when served or used to make second courses;

— Ready-made fish broth can be served with boiled eggs, chopped herbs or crispy croutons;

— The richest fish broths come from pike perch, ruffe, perch and sturgeon;

— To make the fish broth golden, you can add onions fried until golden brown;

— Fish broth can also be made from frozen fish. Place it only in cool water, otherwise the soup will turn out tasteless;

— Fish broths can be prepared immediately from several types of fish. Take note of such combinations as perch and ruffe, or whitefish and burbot;

— We constantly heat the fish broths over low heat, removing the foam from time to time;

— From time to time, fish broths come out cloudy and unpresentable. This can be corrected this way: beat some egg whites with salt and add to the broth. After boiling, cook, stirring, for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the fish broth through cheesecloth.

How to make fish broth

I would like to share a recipe for making a delicious and healthy fish broth. It’s completely easy to prepare, the main thing is to eat good quality fish and follow the usual tips indicated in the recipe.

  • Total cooking time – 0 hours 45 minutes
  • Active cooking time – 0 hours 15 minutes
  • Cost - very economical
  • Calorie content per 100 g – 24 kcal
  • Number of servings – 6 servings

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How to make fish broth


  • Fish – 700 g
  • Water – 2 l
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Garlic – 1 tooth.
  • Greens – 15 g
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Dark pepper – 7 pcs.
  • Salt - to taste


River fish are used to make broth: pike perch, perch, pike; or sea: sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga. You can also take the backbone of reddish fish, for example salmon, pink salmon, etc.

Be sure to inspect the fish before making broth; do all the signs indicate that this is a high-quality product? The fish must be fresh or thawed according to all the rules, transparent, unstained eyes, pink gills, a whole abdomen, tail and fins without damage, scales tightly adjacent to the skin, and have a natural color.

You can prepare the broth either from the freshest fish, after washing it well, cleaning it and gutting it, or from frozen fish. Frozen fish must be thawed on the refrigerator shelf, and then consumed according to the recipe.

So, if you have a whole fish, then separate the fillet from the backbone to make other dishes, for example, fish soufflé, fish cakes, casseroles, etc. The remaining ridge, head and fins are the basis for making the broth. They need to be washed thoroughly. Remove the gills and eyes from the head. This is a must!

Peel the carrots, cut them into large pieces (for example, cut the carrots into 3-4 parts). Peel the onion and clove of garlic. Wash the greens (I used parsley).

Place fish soup set, whole peeled onion, chopped carrots, herbs, garlic, bay leaf, peppercorns into a saucepan.

Fill with drinking water and place over medium heat.

When the broth boils, reduce the heat to low, remove any foam and cook for 25-30 minutes. 5 minutes before readiness, add salt to the broth.

Catch the boiled parts of the fish in a separate bowl; if there is meat left on the bones, you can separate it and add it back to the broth.

Strain the broth through a fine sieve. You can throw away all the vegetables; they have already given the broth its own smell and nutrition. Return the broth to the pan on the stove and bring it to a boil. When the broth boils, turn off the heat.

Fish broth can be served with crackers, you can also cook fish soup on it, and use it as a base for sauces and aspic dishes. Fish broth can be stored in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.

It can also be frozen for up to 3 months at -18 degrees. Defrost the broth in the refrigerator or on the “Defrost” mode in the microwave.

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