The usefulness of Borodino bread, its harm and recipes for making it

The usefulness of Borodino bread, its harm and recipes for making it

Few people think about the benefits of Borodino bread for the body. In fact, this is a nutritious product that should be included in the diet of every person, in the absence of contraindications, of course. In particular, the baked product is useful for women when losing weight, because it has a positive effect on the figure.

Composition of Borodino bread

The benefits and harms of Borodino bread directly depend on its composition. It is determined according to GOST. According to it, a bakery product is baked from the following components:

  • Rye flour.
  • Wheat flour 2 grades.
  • Rye malt.
  • Sugar.
  • Salt.
  • Leaven.
  • Syrup.
  • Spices.

Fundamentally! Borodino bread is prepared only using the custard method.

The above components allow the product to contain the following substances beneficial to the body:

  1. Phosphorus.
  2. Calcium.
  3. Vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A, B, E and PP.
  4. Sodium.
  5. Iron.
  6. Alimentary fiber.

Borodino bread is also enriched with saturated and organic acids.

Calorie content of Borodino bread

Thousands of people are convinced that Borodino bread has much fewer calories than snow-white bread. Although in reality everything is not so.

Pay attention! The calorie content of Borodino bread is 210 calories per 100 g of product.

A small piece of the product usually contains about 60 calories. For this reason, it is very difficult to call it a dietary product.

The benefits of Borodino bread for the human body

The usefulness of Borodino bread for ladies and guys, adults and children is undeniable. Doctors and nutritionists often advise introducing it into your diet in order to improve the health of the body and restore the functioning of individual internal systems.

Need to keep it in mind! Constant consumption of Borodino bread can improve the functioning of the intestinal tract and get rid of acquired constipation.

The baked product has the following beneficial qualities:

  1. Prevention of cholesterol plaques.
  2. Improving the functioning of the nervous system.
  3. Improved skin condition.
  4. Strengthening the heart muscle and blood vessels.
  5. Relieving spasms.
  6. Normalization of the condition of gums that suffer from bleeding.
  7. Increased appetite.
  8. Improving the process of digesting food in the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .

In addition, Borodino bread saturates the body with useful substances that are valuable for losing weight and healing the body.

What is Borodino bread mixed with?

In order to obtain the greatest benefits from Borodino bread, you need to learn how to use it in combination with suitable foods. These can safely include:

  • Milk and fermented milk drinks.
  • Herring.
  • Sprats.
  • Borsch.
  • Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes.
  • Butter.

This composition perfectly reveals the taste of both the bread and the additional component.

How to use baked goods

There are several options for consuming Borodino bread.

Fundamentally! It is best to eat this product for breakfast in order to charge the body with the necessary energy for the whole day. In addition, it gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time.

Borodino bread is not bad either fresh or in the form of crackers. The extreme option is considered the most necessary for the body, namely for digestion.

Crackers based on Borodino bread with spices help to cope with nausea (Nausea is a painful sensation in the epigastric region and pharynx, often precedes vomiting) and motion sickness. Also, in combination with strong tea, they help get rid of diarrhea.

Recipe for Borodino bread in a bread machine

The recipe for Borodino bread, which is made in a bread machine, evokes enthusiasm. It is worth understanding for any person who wants to frequently pamper himself and other household members with a tasty and healthy product.

To make Borodino bread, the following ingredients are required:

  • Malt (2 tbsp.).
  • Boiling water (240 ml).
  • Cumin (2 tbsp.).
  • Wheat and rye flour (210 g each).
  • Honey (2 tbsp.).
  • Dry yeast (1.5 tsp).
  • Salt (1.5 tsp).
  • Ground coriander (1 tbsp).
  • Sunflower oil (2 tbsp.).
  • Wine vinegar (2 tbsp.).

First, pour the malt into a clean bowl, then add water brought to a boil. The components must be given time to cool. Afterwards they are poured into a bread machine. Honey, vegetable oil and vinegar are also added here.

You need to sift the flour and add cumin. They are also placed in a container for baking bread. Now it's time for the remaining ingredients.

It is recommended to bake Borodino bread in the “French baking” mode. The color of the crust will be medium, and the weight will reach 750 g.

The time for making bread using this method is 4 hours.

Bread should be judged before slicing.

How to choose the right Borodino bread

Most often, the baked goods are not baked, but received in the store. To purchase the product you really need, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing it.

When purchasing Borodino bread, you need to pay attention to the following points:

  1. Bread must have a specific smell.
  2. The crust should be crispy.
  3. Good bread quickly returns to its original shape when pressed.
  4. The crumb of the product should be elastic and have a brownish color.

You need to take only the freshest bread, the composition and production time of which are known.

Borodino bread: harm and contraindications

Borodino bread is harmful to a certain group of people. Those who have contraindications to it face the negative consequences of consuming this product:

  • Rehabilitation after surgery on the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .
  • Diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage.
  • Sweet diabetes.
  • Gluten intolerance.
  • Personal intolerance to rye flour.
  • Increased acidity of gastric juice.

Abuse of Borodino bread initially has a bad effect on the functioning of the digestive system. Therefore, you should adhere to strictly designated dosages of the product.

Bread “Borodinsky” according to pre-war GOST

I quite love bread with a story. Borodinsky is one of them. They say its roots go back to the time of the Russian War of 1812. Noteworthy details about Borodino and the recipe for this spiritual and very tasty bread according to GOST of the 30s of the last century are here - enter! And, by the way, not a gram of wheat flour

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Ingredients for “Borodinsky Bread according to pre-war GOST”:

  • Coriander (5 g ground, 5 g seeds) - 10 g
  • Rye flour (sifted 140 g + 580 g (80 g for sourdough, 100 g for brewing, 400 g for dough)
  • Molasses - 50 g
  • Salt - 10 g
  • Sugar - 60 g
  • Malt (black, fermented) – 50 g
  • Water (130 g for sourdough, 400 g for brewing, 125-200 g for dough) - 730 g
  • Sourdough (rye 100% moisture) – 40 g
  • Yeast (dry) - 1 g

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
588.1 kcal
5.8 g
1.5 g
141.1 g
100 g dish
61.9 kcal
0.6 g
0.2 g
14.9 g

Recipe for “Borodinsky Bread according to pre-war GOST”:

RECIPE FOR 2 BREADS, 0.8-0.9 kg each.

1. It is necessary to feed the rye sourdough in the following proportion: 40 g of sourdough + 130 g of water + 80 g of rye flour.

Leave for fermentation at 30-34*C for 4 hours until it doubles in size.

2. Along with the sourdough (even a few hours earlier), I make the brew. To do this, brew 100 g of rye flour with 400 g of boiling water. Stir and then add malt.

I thoroughly blend the mixture with a blender so that there are no lumps.

While you are busy brewing, it doesn’t have enough time to cool down. Its temperature should be 60-70*C (standard 63*C). At this temperature, wrap the container with the tea leaves well and leave to saccharify for 6 hours. Then cool to 30*C. Sugared tea leaves will taste less watery and sweeter.

3. Mix the tea leaves and the suitable starter (250 g) well. This will be our dough. We ferment the dough for 3-4 hours at 30*C.

This is what fermented dough looks like - it is swollen and riddled with gas bubbles.

4. Make the dough. Yeast for the dough is activated in 75 g of water with 3 g of sugar for 20 minutes. I can do without yeast completely. If the starter has been well fed in a warm place, it will rise the dough perfectly and quickly. The dough includes all the dough, 400 g of rye flour, 140 g of sifted flour (you can create sifted flour yourself; for this, ordinary rye flour is sifted through a very fine sieve. You will get 2 fractions - sifted flour and bran, approximately in half), yeast, salt, sugar, molasses, ground coriander, water until the mixture is soft. Knead the dough until smooth for 5 minutes and ferment for 30-90 minutes at 30*C (with yeast less time, without yeast, respectively, more).

5. Form the bread with wet hands and place it in molds, greased with butter and sprinkled with flour (you can also make hearth bread).
Proofing 60 min. at 30*C or until the dough doubles in size. Grease the top with flour mash (a paste made from water and wheat flour) and sprinkle with coriander seeds. Bake for 60 minutes at 200*C.

For a glossy crust, the finished fried bread can be greased with brewed starch.

And now there is little theory and practice.

Sourdough is something without which it is impossible to prepare real rye bread with a Russian spirit. It can be derived, for example, using this recipe: http://www.povarenok .ru/recipes/show/797 43/.

Molasses is a product of sugar processing and is supposed to improve the taste of bread and extend its shelf life. I have long and successfully replaced molasses with fragrant Mistral cane sugar. For example, in this recipe you can simply use 110 g of cane sugar and skip the molasses.

And for the appetite there are few fascinating facts about Borodino bread .

According to one of the {romantic} versions, this bread arose thanks to the love of Margarita and Alexander Tuchkov.
Margarita came from the princely family of the Naryshkins.
Her husband, Alexander Tuchkov, was a colonel. For 5 years after her marriage, Margarita followed her husband on all military campaigns, until she gave birth to a son in 1811. The birth of the baby forced the princess to stay at home. According to legend, she had a dream in which she heard the words “Your fate will be decided in Borodino!” But Margarita had never heard of such a place. In September 1812, in the village of Borodino, a decisive battle took place with Napoleon’s army, which attacked Russia. It was in this formidable battle that her husband was killed, whose body the ill-fated Margarita found on the battlefield. The search was in vain, and the grief-stricken wife came up with the idea of ​​erecting a church on the site of the death of her beloved wife. Soon the church was built, construction was completed and the Help Not Made by Hands was illuminated in 1820. Margarita moved to the temple after the death of her son, becoming the abbess of the Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery. The monastery had its own bakery, where a recipe for bread made from rye flour was developed. This bread did not go stale for a long time, had a rich taste, a glossy surface and was sprinkled with either caraway seeds or coriander, which could symbolize buckshot. This bread was called “funeral”, and only at the end of the nineteenth century it began to be called Borodino bread.

There is another version of the appearance of Borodino bread. According to the version given to us, Borodino bread was invented by the famous Russian composer and chemist Alexander Porfiryevich Borodin. According to legend, the idea of ​​making Borodino bread came to the scientist after a trip to Italy with a group of fellow chemists. However, this version is rejected by historians, because rye does not grow in southern countries. Therefore, rye bread is supplied from Russia to almost all foreign countries where Russian emigrants live.

Or maybe “Borodinsky” simply comes from the word “fermentation” and has nothing to do with either Borodino or Borodin?

Be that as it may, the only thing that is clear for certain is that the recipe for today’s Borodino bread was developed in 1933 by the Capital Baking Trust. According to the recipe given to us, one of the ingredients of the bread was coriander. Before 1920, there is not a single mention of the name “Borodinsky” bread in any literary source devoted to bread baking, so it is entirely possible that the name of the bread arose together with its modern recipe.

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Borodinsky is a custard type of bread. Infusing part of the flour in a bread recipe is a very old technique, and was known back in “prehistoric times” to the Egyptians and Greeks, but in Russia before the revolution, the use of infusions was considered a technique so precious and special that the development (and mythology) of infusions was kept secret by bakers. For the first time, classical brewing technologies in Russian bread recipes were published by nine metropolitan bakers in 1928-1930, and in the 1930-1940s, the brewing was carefully studied by scientists, classified into 6 classes and formalized in the form of GOST standards for “chouxed” bread and watery yeast (sourdough starters).

Choux bread has a very specific taste and making it is not so much difficult as it takes a lot of time. Therefore, now, under constant time pressure, both factories and owners of bread machines at home are no longer baking “real” Borodino bread, but rather its analogues, for example, coriander bread. Instead of sourdough, store-bought yeast and vinegar are used, instead of malt - dry kvass, instead of tea leaves - special preparations, etc. And in order for the bread to be more voluminous and taller, the proportion of wheat flour in it is increased from 0-15% to 50% and more. As a result, the bread comes out sweet and sour and coriander, and therefore - “Borodinsky”! But if you try real Borodino bread at least once, you will feel a huge difference! Borodinsky is a very soft, thin-crust, never stale, very rye bread, tender to the bite. Easy to make if you leave the tea leaves to saccharify overnight (that is, in the dark) . And quick to make, if you have a starter with good lifting power and have the ability to ferment the dough and dough at 30*C.

Borodino bread is useful for everyone without exception - both healthy and unhealthy. It is recommended for people with high blood pressure, high levels of cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) , and people suffering from constipation. This bread does not harm the figure at all, which is why it is so loved and needed by people who are overweight. Almost all ladies also use Borodino bread as a natural cosmetic for hair and facial skin.

Borodinsky is the most mysterious bread in Russia!

Borodino bread is one of the most famous Russian products, which in recent years has become widespread in the rest of the world. In addition to its unusual taste, it has a reputation as one of the most necessary types of bread, which includes a huge amount of minerals and vitamins necessary for the body. Was Borodino bread really named after the famous battle and why are there so many rumors around it? Let's try to figure it out.

Beautiful legend

When it is necessary to tell a wonderful story about Borodino bread, almost all historians and bakers remember this legend. Some experts even admit that such actions could completely occur, but modern science, unfortunately, is not able to substantiate their correctness.

The history of the appearance of Borodino bread sends us back to the last decades of the 18th century, when a daughter was born into the famous noble family of the Naryshkins. The ancestors christened their child Margarita and from an early age predicted a great destiny for her. Therefore, when Margarita turned into a beautiful lady, they found her a groom with a worthy position.

He became Major General Pavel Lasunsky, an authoritative man whose favor almost all the court ladies sought. But Margarita was categorically against this marriage, which is why the newly-made family soon separated. Later, the woman fell in love with Colonel Alexander Tuchkov and married him. The faithful wife was next to her husband during military campaigns until she gave birth to a daughter in 1811. A year later, a battle took place at Borodino, during which French soldiers destroyed Tuchkov.

Having learned about the death of her husband, Margarita went to the battlefield to find his body, but this venture was unsuccessful. Therefore, the inconsolable wife decided to build the famous Spaso-Borodinsky Monastery nearby, in which she remained to live until the end of her days. One of her favorite pastimes was baking bread for monks and abbots. One fine moment, Margarita came up with a recipe for rye bread, which remained fresh for a long time and had an extraordinary taste. Later, her invention was called Borodino bread.

Who invented the modern recipe?

The recipe for modern bread was invented in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) .
In 1933, MTH for the first time baked a new type of rye bread, called Borodino bread. In addition to rye flour, it included molasses, malt and coriander. To be fair, it is worth seeing that similar recipes can be found in baking books of the 19th century, although the name “Borodinsky” had not yet become widespread.

Why is he so necessary?

Borodino bread is primarily useful thanks to the rye flour included in its composition, which is perfectly absorbed by the body, providing a lot of essential minerals and vitamins. It contains even more protein than other types of bread and the amount of vitamin B can be compared only with the freshest meat . Molasses contains unrefined sugar, which, unlike refined sugar, is rich in vitamins. Malt, in turn, is a rich source of trace elements and amino acids.

Legends about Borodino bread

  • It is believed that Borodino bread is a unique invention and has no analogues throughout the world. In fact, in the CIS countries (the Commonwealth of Independent States is a regional international organization (international treaty) designed to regulate cooperative relations between states that were formerly part of the USSR), several types of bread are produced that are very similar to Borodino bread. Among them are: Riga, Narochansky, Kulikovo, Radzvilovsky, Karelian and Pumpernickel.
  • Almost everyone thinks that Borodino bread has no contraindications. Nutritionists do not recommend using it for unhealthy people with sweet diabetes, gluten enteropathy and people with high acidity of gastric juice.
  • There is a popular belief among ordinary people that modern Borodino bread is no longer what it was before and contains harmful additives and preservatives. In fact, most bakeries, like 80 years ago, use a traditional recipe, which involves the use of only natural ingredients.
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The recipe for making Borodino bread is indescribably simple and uses ordinary baking equipment. However, modern bakers have not yet come up with a more delicious and healthy bread than the traditional Borodino bread. It is entirely possible that it will remain one of the main products on the table of Russians for almost all the decades to come.


Borodino bread stirs up the imagination of all bakers, young and old, and fully deservedly so. Baking Borodinsky is like passing an exam, it is the highest class, the taste and smell familiar from youth, only created with your own hands! Some people still have the satisfaction of seeing it on the shelves of hypermarkets, but at the same time they pass by, so they are convinced: it is no longer the same. Nobody anywhere bakes it like they used to. And, in general, I also adhere to this idea: there is no longer that same Borodino bread, and under the guise of this bread, at the moment, anything is sold: suspicious loaves of ready-made flour consistency, small dark bricks rubbed with garlic, breathtakingly fluffy breads with the smell of coriander and with raisins. In general, it’s not that, in childhood I had a completely different Borodinsky, it was Borodinsky! Even though I didn’t respect spices at all back then, I picked out coriander from a top of Borodinka, and cumin from a piece of Larva cheese. That’s why baking homemade Borodinsky brings me satisfaction, especially since this bread is not as simple as it might seem.

I baked it in three steps without fermenting the tea leaves (according to this recipe ), because it’s faster, and this was my second successful sourdough bread in my life, which actually came out! I baked it then in the dead of night; I didn’t have an oven, so I used the microwave, turned on in convection mode. Then it turned out simple and easy for me, but now I had to tinker with it to get good bread. And still, I don’t think I was able to completely conquer Borodinsky: the crumb remained slightly wet and rolled off when cutting. I suspect that I usually underbaked. But I can’t eat Borodinsky anymore, so I’ll try to finish baking it later, with another attempt, maybe in a week

So, let's get started, for the dough, take:
70 gr.
mature rye whole grain sourdough (starter); 55 gr.
whole grain rye flour; 30 gr. warm water.

Stir the starter in the water, add flour, stir well until smooth, cover with film or cover with a lid. Leave to ferment at a temperature of 28-30 degrees for 3.5-4 hours. I fermented my starter in a Brod&Taylor proofer .

On the left is a photo of 70 gr. mature sourdough, on the right is ready-made dough (sourdough) for bread

Here we make tea leaves:
85 gr.
whole grain rye flour; 28-30 gr.
reddish rye (fermented) ground malt; 2 tsp
chopped coriander; 285 gr. boiling water

Mix all the ingredients in a bowl, pour boiling water over it, stir well, cover with a lid, and hide in a warm place until needed.

When the starter is ripe, make the dough:
130 starter;
350 tea leaves;
250 whole grain rye flour;
75 gr.
2nd grade flour (I have a mixture of equal amounts of first grade and whole grain wheat flour); 20 molasses;
30 sugar;
5 salt;
70 water (I took 50 grams more, because the dough was very thick due to the use of millstone flour, and it is more moisture-intensive than roller-ground flour).

coriander for sprinkling

Rye dough is kneaded without autolysis; add sourdough, tea leaves, flour, water and other ingredients to the bowl. I kneaded in the Ankarsrum dough mixer at 2nd speed for about 8-9 minutes, helping from time to time with a scraper, until all the flour was moistened and until all the ingredients were mixed properly.

I left the dough to ferment right in the bowl of the dough mixer, forming it into a kind of ball; all the places in the proofing cabinet were occupied.

Well, the house was hot from the working oven, so we can safely talk about the fermentation temperature being close to 30 degrees. Fermentation is 2 hours, the dough should double in size.

Pour the dough onto a table greased with oil or water, without kneading it, form an oblong piece, smooth it with your hands so that there are no uneven spots. I started shaping it into a larger dough mixer. In general, you can put the dough directly into the mold and smooth the top with a spoon or wet hands. Fermentation for 50-60 minutes at room temperature; in this case, it is better to cover the workpiece with a bag or a bath cap so that the surface does not become airy. Sprinkle or brush the proofed bread with water and sprinkle with coriander

Look who I found in the packet of coriander seeds!

Bake the bread in an oven preheated to 210 degrees for about 65-70 minutes. I preheat my oven at least 30 minutes before baking, the better it is heated, the better the bread will rise in the oven and the tastier the crust will be. About 10 minutes before the end of baking, you can sprinkle the surface of the bread again. Rye bread needs to ripen after baking, so before cutting it, let it sit for 6-8 hours. Firstly, it will balance the taste and smell, and secondly, excess moisture will leave with the steam and the bread will not seem soggy.

I arranged a whole photo session for my own Borodinsky

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