Prague cake - a traditional recipe with sour cream and condensed milk

Prague cake - a traditional recipe with sour cream and condensed milk

Prague cake is a traditional Russian culinary recipe, which was prepared both in stores and at home. Chocolate sponge cakes with sweet chocolate cream, what could be tastier? I decided to treat my nephew to one of these delicious treats for his birthday - and I did! I invite you to evaluate my version of dessert - Prague without embellishment.

Prague (or Prague) is distinguished from similar cakes by the indispensable presence of condensed milk in the dough, cream, or everywhere. Let us determine that there are usually two common options for making dessert: according to GOST and with sour cream shortcakes. I chose option 2 because the traditional sponge cake is a bit dry on its own.

Prague cake - recipe with photos step by step

Let's prepare and measure all the components.

  • Flour - 2 cups.
  • Egg - 3 pcs.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Sour cream - 1 glass.
  • Condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Baking powder - 1.5 teaspoons.
  • Sugar - 1 glass.
  • Cognac - 1 glass.
  • Oil - 250 gr.
  • Condensed milk - 150 gr.
  • Cocoa - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
  • Vanilla - 1 teaspoon.
  • Milk - 300 ml.
  • Cocoa - 2 tbsp. spoons.
  • Sugar - 100 gr.
  • Oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Is the number of components impressive? Don't be afraid, in reality everything is not so scary. Let's start baking and carefully analyze how to prepare any aspect of our recipe.

Baking shortcakes

We soften our chocolate sponge cake with sour cream. This component imparts additional looseness and airiness to the dough. Otherwise it is baked in the usual way.

  1. Beat large eggs into a bowl. Beat them into a watery mass.
  2. Add sugar to them. Mix the ingredients. It is better to create this function in two steps.
  3. Add medium and high fat sour cream. Do not add low percentage sour cream , it will give unnecessary sourness.
  4. Pour in some good condensed milk. A bad product will have grains and an incomprehensible taste. Mix all the watery ingredients again. This dough with condensed milk will be even sweeter and softer due to the viscous structure of the milk.
  5. It's time to tackle the dry ingredients. Be sure to sift the flour and baking powder to enrich it with oxygen.
  6. Mix cocoa into it, also sifted through a sieve.
  7. Mix the mixture, breaking up any dry lumps of cocoa.
  8. Combine dry and wet ingredients evenly. To do this, add flour and cocoa in parts to the watery mass, stirring them continuously. Add dry ingredients 3-4 times. Achieve complete dough homogeneity.
  9. Line the bottom of the pan with parchment paper.
  10. Pour the dough into the mold in an even layer. The chocolate sponge cake comes out tender and airy. It pours perfectly into the mold, spreading moderately over it. Bake the crust for 25-35 minutes at 180 C. Adjust the time according to your own oven.
  11. Allow the finished cake to cool for 5-7 minutes. Then carefully remove the paper from it.

Leave the biscuit to cool completely. It is best if the shortbread sits for 8-12 hours. Homemade sponge cake is often baked with a top. To reduce its height, leave the sponge cake to cool with the “cap” down on the grid, as in my photo.

Cooking the impregnation

This component of the cake is not inevitable, especially if a sour cream version is being prepared. In the case of a traditional sponge cake, it is better to use impregnation. We prepare alcohol impregnation with cognac. Don’t be alarmed, during the cooking process all the alcohol will come out, leaving only the smell. But if the cake is intended only for kids, then the impregnation can be created ordinary - sweet.

  1. Pour cognac into a saucepan and add sugar.
  2. Boil the mixture until thickened. The syrup of the correct thickness should flow from the spoon and not drip, so cooking will only take a couple of minutes.

Preparing the cream

Cream is a special and fundamental part of Prague. Naturally, you can create a cake with sour cream, but usually it is butter cream with condensed milk.

  1. The butter for the cream is taken perfectly warmed up, not heated over a fire, but thawed at room temperature for 3-5 hours. Beat it with a mixer.
  2. Add vanilla scent to the cream. I use vanilla syrup for this. Because it conveys the taste even better than ordinary vanilla sugar.
  3. According to the classics of the genre, we sweeten the cream with condensed milk. Mix everything carefully at low or medium speed of the mixer.
  4. Add cocoa powder to the cream. Rub it through a sieve so that there are no lumps.

Carefully mixed, the Prague cake cream comes out with a smooth structure, pleasant color and magical smell.

Making the glaze

The final product was always filled with chocolate. In GOST it was icing, but at home it was often replaced with melted chocolate. Let's create a delicate glaze using milk.

  1. In a bowl, mix sugar with cocoa powder. Let the ingredients warm up over the fire for a little while. Don't forget to stir, otherwise the sugar will burn.
  2. Pour milk into the heated dry ingredients, stirring thoroughly. Let the glaze simmer gently for 2-3 minutes.
  3. The finishing touch is a piece of butter. It's fairly easy to melt into the hot glaze with gentle stirring.

Forming a cake

When the cakes have rested for the required time, and the cream and glaze are ready, you can begin to form the cake.

  1. For a completely even product, you need to cut off the protruding top, achieving a completely even top.
  2. Then cut the cake into three similar layers. If you don't have a special string, then look how I do it. First, use a sharp knife to create a small cut around the entire circumference.
  3. Insert culinary string into it. Tie her cake along the cut, crossing the ends. Pull the ends of the thread - an even layer is ready. The thread will cut the shortcake correctly according to your cuts.
  4. Soak any sponge cake generously in syrup. But you don’t have to do this, however you like.
  5. Then everything is simple: lay out the first cake and cover it with an even layer of cream. Try not to bring the cream to the very edge, leave about 1 cm.
  6. Cover the cream with a second layer. Lubricate it with the remaining entrails.
  7. Carefully place the outer shortbread. Pressing it lightly with your hands, form an even cake. During the process of pressure, the cream itself will come out into our unfinished edges. Use the rest to grease the sides of the cake, giving them an even shape. We leave the top of Prague without cream.
  8. Place the cake in the refrigerator to allow it to harden slightly before pouring the glaze.
  9. Place the cooled dessert on a wire mesh. Place a tray under the mesh. Carefully pour the glaze over the top of the cake, spreading it over the entire surface so that it flows freely around the edges.

Toss the cake until the glaze has finished dripping. Now it’s clear why we needed a tray under the mesh? Yes, with such decoration there is a greater consumption of glaze, but you can always collect it from the tray with a spoon and eat it. Yummy!

Read also:  Mannik on kefir with flour

Let Praga stand in the refrigerator for one night (that is, in the dark) , and it will thank you with an unforgettable taste. The classic cake recipe has the lightest cream, which stands out against the background of black cake layers. It’s not so noticeable in my photo, because I used black cocoa powder in both the dough and the cream. Next time I add light powder to the cream.

How to decorate

You can decorate the finished cake as you wish: roses or inscriptions made from butter cream, crumbs, cookies, patterns from leftover glaze. I hesitated on a serious version without decorations, so that nothing would distract from the taste of the cake.

Cake “Prague” according to GOST: traditional recipe at home

Have a nice day, friends!

Now we are preparing the “Prague” cake - a legend of Russian cooking. Excellent, chocolatey, perfectly soaked, it is always loved on the festive table. There are a lot of recipes for making “Prague”, but the most delicious and realistic is according to GOST of Russian times.

If according to the GOST recipe you need to prepare custard, then you do not need to replace it with sour cream, and the syrup impregnation should not be replaced with cognac or liqueur. You don’t need to add or subtract anything, you don’t need to replace some ingredients with others, you need to maintain the temperature and baking time, in short, create everything according to this perfect recipe. And you will get what you need!

Recipe for Prague cake according to GOST

We have already realized that the “Prague” cake prepared according to this recipe must strictly comply with all GOST requirements. We try not to deviate from manufacturing technology, which includes: temperature conditions, mechanical and thermal processing, requirements for the quality of goods, compliance with the proportions of ingredients, etc.


for biscuit

  • flour - 115 g
  • eggs - 6 pcs.
  • sugar - 150 g
  • cocoa powder – 25 g
  • butter - 40 g

  • water - 20 g
  • egg yolk - 1 pc.
  • condensed milk - 120 g
  • butter - 200 g
  • vanilla sugar - 10 g
  • cocoa powder – 10 g
  • dark chocolate - 1 bar
  • butter - 50 g
  • apricot jam – 100 g
  • dark tea - 100 ml
  • sweet sand - 70 g

Step-by-step production:

The biscuit dough is prepared from a small set of ingredients and if you follow the technology, it always comes out very light and tender. All products for production must be at room temperature.

Take 6 eggs. They must be fresh, the shell must be free of cracks and damage.

The eggs must be thoroughly rinsed with warm water, because there is a possibility of becoming infected with salmonellosis.

Separate the yolks from the whites. We will beat them separately, so our sponge cake will turn out more fluffy.

We begin to beat the whites with a mixer at medium speed, as soon as the protein mass becomes snow-white and quadruples in volume, we begin to add 1/2 sugar in a narrow stream. Increase the mixer speed to high and beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.

If the egg whites are not whipping well, add a few drops of lemon juice.

In the second bowl, combine the yolks with sugar and beat until fluffy.

Combine the whipped whites and yolks.

Add cocoa powder to the sifted flour and mix well.

Gently add the mixture of flour and cocoa to the whipped protein-yolk mixture, stirring from bottom to top.

Add butter there and stir well. The butter must be melted and cooled to room temperature in advance.

Take a springform baking pan and line the bottom with parchment. I have a mold with a diameter of 21 cm.

Biscuit dough cannot be cooked for a long time: it must be baked immediately, otherwise air bubbles will evaporate from the biscuit, it will lose its taste and tenderness

Bake for 30 minutes at 200 degrees, check readiness with a wooden skewer.

We take the hot sponge cake out of the oven and cool it at room temperature in the mold, then remove the mold and leave it for another 8 hours, covering it with a towel. The sponge cake came out light and tender, and while it is “resting” we prepare the cream for the cake.

First, let's prepare the syrup for the cream. Pour 20 grams of water into a small saucepan, add the egg yolk, and stir well. Add condensed milk, vanilla sugar and stir again.

Place on low heat, while constantly stirring, boil the syrup until slightly thickened, then leave it to cool for 20-30 minutes.

Place the softened butter in a separate bowl and beat with a mixer at medium speed for 5-7 minutes. It should become fluffy and creamy.

While constantly stirring, gradually add the cooled syrup into the whipped butter.

At this step, add the sifted cocoa powder and mix everything well again. The color of the cream will depend on its quantity.

You can also prepare impregnation for the cake. It is prepared very simply. Stir 70 grams of sugar into 100 ml of regular cool dark tea.

So, we have all the components ready, let's start assembling the cake.

We need to carefully cut the biscuit into three shortcakes. I would like to immediately warn you that not everyone can do this function the first time. The more often you practice this, the faster you will get at it. We take a knife with a long, narrow blade and slowly cut off an even cake, then a second one. So, we got three shortcakes, perfectly and evenly cut.

It is convenient to cut the finished biscuit into layers with a fishing line rather than with a knife. The shortbreads turn out even and of any thickness.

Place the first shortbread on a thin tray, soak it and spread cream on top. We do the same with the second cake. If you are expecting a lot of guests, make more cakes.

Soak the third cake on top with apricot jam in a thin layer and place it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

While the cake is soaking, prepare the glaze.

Melt the dark chocolate and butter in a double boiler and cool to room temperature. Cover the top and sides of the cake with the finished glaze. When the glaze hardens, you can create any pattern and put it in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) .

To prevent the glaze from spilling over the surface of the cake, you need to sprinkle it with starch before pouring the glaze. You need to smooth it out with a knife, dipping it in hot water.

The Prague cake is ready. Can be served. Enjoy and enjoy your tea!

Here is the most delicious traditional Prague cake recipe, prepared at home, which is sure to amuse you and your guests. Write in the comments what useful information you received from the article, and what other cake recipes you would like to see on the website. I would be grateful for your likes.

Read also:  Delicious cake with sour cream recipe

Cake "Prague" (traditional recipe)

The classic chocolate Prague cake was very popular in Russian times. Now such a cake can be prepared at home, we tried to outline specifically the traditional recipe for making a cake, in fact, according to GOST. The “Prague” cake has a rich chocolate taste and smell; every piece of the cake is moderately sweet and moist. According to the recipe, the biscuit is not soaked in anything. If you like the most moist cakes, you can soak the sponge cake with sweet syrup. In the recipe, the finished cake is greased with apricot jam, but you can use any kind of jam or jam, but it is important that the fruit mass is homogeneous and hardens on the cakes over time. Of course, if you have any difficulties with this step, you can skip the jam impregnation. This will not greatly affect the taste of the cake. Try to prepare the popular Prague cake at home and treat yourself to the famous taste.

How to make Prague cake (traditional recipe)

  • Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Add half the sugar to the yolks.
  • Beat the yolks with a mixer into a fluffy snow-white mass.
  • In a clean, dry bowl, beat the egg whites with a mixer until stiff peaks form. While whipping, slowly add the remaining sugar to the whites. It is necessary to beat the whites for quite a long time (at least 5 minutes) until they reach a stable snow-white foam.
  • Then carefully mix the whites with the yolks with a wide spatula.
  • Add sifted flour and cocoa to the eggs. Knead the airy dough with gentle movements. It is necessary to stir in the flour not with radial movements of the spatula, but with movements from bottom to top, this way the dough will retain its airiness.

Thank you so much for the recipe. I made it literally according to the recipe and it turned out very tasty. One question about what diameter of the form.

I've been making Prague using this recipe for a couple of years. The biscuit turns out luxurious. I'm too lazy to separate the whites and yolks. I whip everything up at once. For a long time. About 10 minutes. And I bake it in a slow cooker. I have a shteba. Soup pressure 30, hour, valve open. The biscuit never fell off.

in short, everything is fine. The cake is delicious and tasty

8 hours on the grid
Who in their right mind would create this?

Add 1 tsp. Baking powder

Why is there no baking soda or baking powder?

Don't put baking soda in biscuits

otherwise there will be a disgusting unpleasant taste of this soda, and baking powder is finally not needed here! Add a little starch along with flour and cocoa, and you’ll get a good chocolate sponge cake!

and therefore why not spoil the biscuit with soda!!

This cake recipe needs to be baked in two batches; it’s been tested for years; I’ve been baking this cake quite often in pan 21, it comes out low; add one more egg and that’s it; you can create any kind of cream

your hands should not be from the *experienced, and then there will be one approach when baking. The recipe is good.

Thanks for the recipe! Everything worked out, everyone was happy. I have a mold with a diameter of 28, I advise you to use a smaller mold. Allowed for three thin shortcakes

I baked it for the first time for my marriage anniversary, exactly according to the recipe. I didn’t put any jam because no one in the family eats that kind of stuff. It turned out a little crooked, but that's my fault. Everyone really liked the taste, the son asks for something else for himself. I’ll try to fix the jambs)))

Can you find out the diameter of the mold?

Please tell me why leave the biscuit on the grid for 8 hours? Is it possible to do without this operation? Thanks in advance.

Hello. My shortcake rose perfectly but not evenly. What can I do to make it come out evenly? Thank you for the recipe and answer))))

cut and turn over

Not a bad recipe. The sponge cake rose perfectly, only my shape is 24 cm, so the cake was only divided into 2 parts... Next time I’ll just increase the number of ingredients by 1.5 times... otherwise everything is great!

Not a bad recipe. Only takes a long time if you cook it like a master chef. I will also say that there is no jam in the cake.

No, you're wrong. Prague cake is the Russian version of the Austrian Sacher cake. It is called “Prague” because the chef of the Prague restaurant baked the Russian equivalent of an Austrian cake. And the unique Sacher recipe (and therefore the Prague recipe) contains apricot jam.

I just wanted to also write that there doesn’t have to be jam.

Thank you very much for the recipe. I’ve already baked it twice, and my family wanted it again for New Year’s. Everything turned out very well, I did everything exactly according to the recipe. The sponge cake came out tender and very chocolatey, in general everything was great.

Thanks for the recipe! The sponge cake rose luxuriously, I did it exactly as written and added a pinch of salt when beating the whites. You definitely need to stir it because it says in the recipe. The dough comes out really airy. The only thing is that next time I will add more cocoa to the biscuit, otherwise it will turn out pale. But sooooo delicious!

I understand that the cream should be sour

in traditional Prague there is no jam, this additive arose later and became known as Prague jam

History[edit |
edit wiki text] There is a widespread belief that the unique recipe for the Prague cake comes from the capital of the Czech Republic of the same name. It was very labor-intensive and expensive, because it included four types of buttercream made with cognac and Chartreuse and Benedictine liqueurs, and the shortcakes were soaked in rum[1]. But this cake is not included in Czech cuisine recipes. In fact, the “Prague” recipe, which was loved in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) , was invented by the head of the confectionery department of the capital’s restaurant “Prague” Vladimir Mikhailovich Guralnik, who is the creator of more than 30 unique cakes and pastries, including the Bird's Milk cake. At the very beginning of his own culinary career, Guralnik, while an apprentice in a restaurant, studied confectionery art from master pastry chefs from Czechoslovakia, who often came to Moscow to exchange experiences[2]. In principle, “Prague” is a variation on the theme of the Viennese Sacher cake, in the recipe of which, however, there is no cream at all[3].

During the times of the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia), the cake was not patented due to the lack of practice of issuing a patent for culinary recipes, but was issued according to GOST and as such This way it can be prepared at any confectionery factory[4].

Recipe[edit |
edit wiki text] The “Prague” cake consists of three cake layers soaked in “Prague” cream and topped with chocolate fondant. Cake shortcakes are baked from sponge dough with the addition of soft butter and cocoa powder. The cream consists of butter, chicken yolks, cocoa and condensed milk. After soaking the cake for 24 hours in the refrigerator, the top cake and side surfaces are smeared with fruit and berry jam (usually apricot), covered with glossy chocolate fondant and decorated with cream or chocolate chips. In almost all recipes, chocolate fudge is replaced with the most ordinary chocolate glaze due to the difficulty of production.

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Step-by-step recipe for making a “Prague” cake according to GOST at home

Hello dear subscribers and guests of my blog. It has already become a tradition to introduce you to desserts, the recipes of which came to us from Russian times. Back then, in some hotels, the breakfast table was often decorated with a “Prague” cake.

This unique dessert was very popular at that time, although, like almost all other desserts, it was not so easy to purchase. Long queues lined up for it in branded stores. But experienced housewives prepared this cake according to their own recipes, sharing together. And it turned out no worse than the branded ones. At the moment, we will look at one of the recipes that can be considered traditional.

  1. Cake "Prague" according to a traditional recipe
  2. Ingredients
  3. Chocolate sponge cake
  4. Impregnation
  5. Oil cream
  6. Chocolate glaze
  7. How to make Prague cake
  8. How to assemble and decorate a cake
  9. Cake “Prague”: useful tips from experienced chefs

Cake "Prague" according to a traditional recipe

Together we will go through all the stages of making a Prague cake according to a traditional recipe. You will learn how to choose the right ingredients. As a result, a real “Prague” cake will appear on your table, made according to GOST, as in Russian times. Despite the huge number of operations, it is prepared quite simply.


The Prague cake consists of three layers of chocolate sponge cake. As a layer, a delicate butter cream containing cocoa is used, giving it an appetizing chocolate color. If the cake is intended for adults, you can add rum or cognac to the cream. A cake prepared for a children's party is soaked in syrup. The entire surface is covered with chocolate glaze. We will prepare all these components for you at the moment.

Chocolate sponge cake

  • testicle – 6 pcs;
  • sugar – 150 gr;
  • flour – 125 gr;
  • cocoa – 25 gr;
  • butter - 40 gr.

You can buy ready-made sponge cake for the cake in the store. But after getting acquainted with the step-by-step tips, you will make sure that it is not difficult to prepare it without the help of others. In this case, you will be one hundred percent convinced that the cakes contain only high-quality products and there are no unnecessary flavor enhancers, which ready-made cakes sometimes contain. The biscuit should be prepared in advance.


To impregnate the orta, a syrup is prepared from sugar and water. Instead of ordinary water, you can use strong tea leaves, which will add an additional exciting taste to the dessert.

  • sugar - 50 gr
  • water 100 g

Oil cream

The cream for the Prague cake is prepared according to a traditional recipe using butter and condensed milk.

  • water – 20 ml
  • testicle – 1
  • condensed milk – 120 gr
  • vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • butter - 200 gr
  • cocoa - 10 g
  • apricot jam (for spreading) – 50 g

Chocolate glaze

The wonderful chocolate taste of the Prague cake is complemented by the icing, which can be made on the basis of cocoa or natural chocolate.

chocolate - 100 gr

butter - 100 g

How to make Prague cake

At this point, you will step by step go through all the stages of making a cake at home. The main thing is the exact observance of all proportions of ingredients and the selection of high-quality products.

    Separating egg whites from yolks

Beat the whites, add 75 grams of sugar, beat until stable foam.

Add 75 sugar to the yolks, beat into a fluffy, light mass.

Mix flour and cocoa

  • Melt butter, cool
  • Alternating, mixing evenly, add flour with cocoa and whipped whites to the egg mixture.

    Add butter to the dough.

    Grease a mold with a diameter of 22 cm, sprinkle with flour, place the dough in it, bake at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

    The finished cake should stand in the mold for about 5 minutes, then remove it and place it on a board.

    Set aside the shortbread to settle for 8 hours. Then wrap it in film.

    Unroll the cake and cut off the convex top.

    Cut the biscuit into three shortcakes.

    Preparing the cream. Break the egg and mix it with 25 ml. water.

    Add condensed milk 150 g, vanilla sugar.

    Place the mixture in a water bath and cook until thick (about 10 minutes). Cool to room temperature.

    Beat the butter.

    Continuing to beat, gradually add the brewed syrup.

    Add cocoa.

  • Heat up the jam. Instead of jam, you can use jam.
  • Preparing the glaze. Combine the butter with chocolate and heat in a water bath.

    This completes all stages of making the cake. Let's start assembling and decorating it.

    How to assemble and decorate a cake

    1. Place the first shortbread on a plate. Spread a layer of cream.

    Place the second cake and apply a layer of cream.

    Coat the top crust with heated jam.

    Using a spatula, lightly spread the glaze over the entire surface of the cake.

    Place the dessert in the refrigerator for two hours.

    As you can see in the photo, the Prague cake covered with chocolate icing looks very appetizing. But to give it the most solemn look, you can use additional decorations. There are certain recipes for the design of this dessert.

    Decorating this cake with chocolate is more common. To do this, melt 50 grams of chocolate and place it warm in a disposable cooking bag. And any pattern is applied randomly. Decorate the cake the way you like.

    Professional confectioners use stencils to apply chocolate designs. With a little imagination, such a stencil can be created independently on parchment paper or thick film. The sketch can be applied not only with chocolate, but also with butter cream, or decorate the cake with mastic. The attached photos will help you with this.

    Cake “Prague”: useful tips from experienced chefs

    1. I do not recommend using butter as indicated in the recipe for margarine.
    2. To make the cake as moist as possible, the cakes can be soaked in sweet syrup with the addition of cognac or rum.
    3. If you have cocoa powder with sugar, then you need to add a couple of spoons to the amount indicated in the recipe.
    4. All ingredients for the cake and cream should be washed at room temperature.
    5. The exception is chicken eggs for dough. They should be cool.
    6. Do not open the oven until the biscuit is finished baking. Baking time is approximately 30 minutes.
    7. In order not to spoil the taste of the cake, you need to choose a good quality cognac or rum.
    8. Be sure to keep the product in the refrigerator for at least 5 minutes before serving, and only after that can it be cut.

    With this, dear friends, our meeting has come to an end. I am sure that everything worked out for you, and now your loved ones are enjoying the wonderful taste of this cake. And I’m waiting for you with equally exciting recipes. Until next time.

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