Pork cutlets; the most delicious recipe

Pork cutlets - the most delicious recipe

Now I’ll teach everyone how to cook cutlets, which will be made from pork. It is from this kind of meat that they turn out to be the most delicious and juicy. Try these soft and delicate delicacies and you will be satisfied.

Minced pork cutlets go well with any side dish and are also good with vegetables. There are two methods for baking them, in the oven and in a frying pan. I'll show you the 2nd one. And you will have an amazing dinner.

Before heating, you will need to roll the meat pieces in breadcrumbs, if you stick to the traditional recipe. Either you can use flour or, like me, semolina. It is precisely this that gives the crust its crispiness. You take a bite, and there’s still a lot of juice. Mmm... swallow your fingers!

In addition, real pork cutlets must contain a lot of onions and there is an additive. Which? Some people put grated potatoes, others prefer to put zucchini. I add bread, which gives it softness, plus I soften it in milk (or in water, the taste does not change), which in turn gives a gentle taste.

The fundamental condition is the ability to prepare them correctly. And I will show you how to create it so that the end result will amaze everyone in the household.

So let's get down to business. Read this step-by-step summary and repeat. Fortune!

The most delicious recipe for juicy and soft pork cutlets

Minced pork cutlets, as I said earlier, are quite high in calories, but at the same time they are very filling. And their best taste makes everyone who eats them happy. The main part of the meat is filled with proteins, which in turn are absorbed by our body at an A level.

Naturally, these ruddy handsome men cannot be classified as dietary food, but to say that they will greatly harm your figure is also not correct. Someone invented such a stereotype and ran off. There is more benefit to them than harm. Therefore, arrange such a delicious lunch for yourself and your household, naturally, serving them with any side dish and vegetables or salads.

Remember, home-cooked cutlets are always much better than store-bought ones. All you need to do is twist a piece of fresh meat; by the way, the perfect option for this is the neck or shoulder blade. Add more onions, pepper and salt, fry in a frying pan. This is the most common manufacturing method.

Naturally, like any dish, this is no exception, it also has its own features and aspects, let’s look at them all and remember them. First read the list of goods that you will need to take.


  • minced pork, a piece of pork, minced in a meat grinder or chopped in a blender - 500 g
  • piece of snow-white bread - 1 pc.
  • milk or water - 0.5 tbsp.
  • chicken egg - 1 pc.
  • onion - 1 head
  • semolina or breadcrumbs - for deboning
  • vegetable oil - for frying
  • salt (0.5 tsp) and pepper to taste

How to make savory minced pork cutlets

To be honest, I always cook cutlets with bread. And I do this for a reason, firstly, this is what the traditional recipe says. And secondly, this ingredient is put into meat products not for the sake of economy, but for the sake of taste, it comes out more tender, and the products themselves are softer. Because of this, the texture of the “dough” becomes more uniform throughout the mixture.

Fundamentally! Don’t just add a lot of bread, so as not to overwhelm the taste of the meat, it should highlight it.

The next important point is the chicken egg. You can’t do without it, as it seems to help connect all the components of the goods so that it is comfortable when frying. Then the finished products will not fall apart and will keep their shape. The aspect is that it is better to use only the yolk. Since by adding egg white the mass can become more watery and liquid. In other words, it will be awkward to sculpt. Look at the fact, this time I added it.

As for onions, they are needed in this dish for juiciness and a sweet, pleasant note. Usually it is grated on a large grater, but if desired, it can be finely chopped so that it does not lose all its useful characteristics.

Well, we have seen the secrets and aspects that you should not forget about, and now let’s get down to manufacturing.

Add the pulp of a loaf or bread to the minced pork, soak it in milk (or water) and squeeze it with your hands to make porridge. Then add salt and pepper to taste.

Did you know? The perfect cutlets will be those made from homemade minced meat; in other words, you must cook it yourself by grinding the meat in a meat grinder. And then beat the whole mass (you just take it and toss it, throw it into a saucepan or on a cutting board 6-7 times). It is precisely this battered structure of the meat that will make the finished products more plump and airy. Is this what you also want to achieve?

How about additional spices? If you are a lover of unique tastes, then you can add whatever your heart desires. I prefer to add just salt and a little ground dark pepper. The traditional version dictates exactly these rules. Stir until smooth.

Next to the acquired mass, add onions, which you grate on a large grater, and one yolk (it’s better not to put the whites, but you see, I did, I already outlined why above). Mix again with your hands, only with your hands! Not with a spoon or fork.

Next, place the purchased meat “dough” in a cold space for half an hour. Or move on. If you skip this step, nothing terrible will happen.

Make koloboks from the finished mass. You can create any size and shape, some prefer oval products, others prefer round ones. Personally, I make balls first and then flatten them later.

Limitation! Just remember that the thickness of the cutlets does not have to exceed 3-4 centimeters. Otherwise, they will not be baked inside, they will be raw, and the crust will become very fried during the frying process or completely burnt.

You can also wet your hands with cool water from time to time so that the remaining minced meat does not stick; if you are making a huge portion, then this recommendation will be useful for you. I think it’s not worth describing why it’s important to sculpt sweets of a similar size, you already understand why.

Next you need to bread the culinary products. Do this in breadcrumbs, flour, or as shown in this photo in semolina. Take the bun and roll it, and then flatten it with your hands into the desired shape.

Seen by me! By using breadcrumbs or semolina, the juice content in the cutlets remains to the maximum. But if you use flour, then use it to a minimum. The crispiest ones are obtained either in breadcrumbs or in semolina, keep this in mind.

Fluffy and juicy minced pork cutlets in a frying pan

And now we come to the most important step - frying. Naturally, there is nothing complicated about this, and it’s better not to get distracted. So what then, you risk getting an ugly burnt result.

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Heat the frying pan with vegetable oil well, then reduce the heat to medium. And only after this lay out the blanks. When the first side is nicely browned, turn it over to the next one. You can check readiness by cutting the product with a knife on a plate. But it is not recommended to press with a fork or knife; the juice will run out and a “bubble attack” will begin.

Naturally, if you are preparing cutlets for the first time, then difficulties may arise in this regard, and if not the first time, then you will already know approximately when to take them out, even without checking. I don’t use a lid at all, you can cover it if you want, for me it only increases condensation, which later falls into the oil and this starts to happen, wow. I do not advise! Moreover, it turns out great without it.

You see, the pork cutlets turned out to be very appetizing, and seemed to melt in your mouth the moment you took one bite of them. After frying, it is recommended to place them on paper napkins to drain all excess fat. Their color is golden, and the mixture turned out dense and elastic. Serve immediately hot and piping hot; in this form they are the most delicious and have a rich meaty taste.

For the latest tests! You can optionally put finely chopped boiled chicken eggs inside, as well as mushrooms or cheese. But this is already more obvious. And yet such surprises can captivate your loved ones.

Well, of course, experiment with the side dish, which is best served with gravy. You see, you can create mashed potatoes or cook buckwheat porridge or pasta. Bon appetit!

Now I propose to use a video tip, which may be very useful and relevant for someone:

Well, in the end, I want to write these words. The pork cutlets may come out, although they are, quite high in calories, but you have to realize that it all depends on the size of how much you eat. So for those who want to lose weight, I recommend eating only one such sweet tooth meat and no more, or a piece).

I wish you all a joyful mood and a positive day! See you soon.

PS Don’t forget to share the article on social networks and give classes.

Pork cutlets: the most delicious recipe

If you are planning to cook pork cutlets, the most delicious recipe for this hearty and nutritious dish, in addition to minced meat, will definitely include the rest of the ingredients. These are onions, previously chopped and added to the meat, as well as garlic - it is used to give a special taste to the finished dish.

Almost all cutlet recipes also contain bread soaked in water or milk. All these additives are necessary so that the finished cutlets are not very dry, because during the manufacturing process no meat juice remains in them.

Cutlets made from minced meat prepared at home are always tasty and appetizing. In this case, you can choose a suitable piece of meat for minced meat - moderately fatty, without streaks or film. Twist it with other ingredients that will ensure the juiciness of the meat dish, and then form cutlets of the same size as you like.

Traditional recipe

To make juicy and savory pork cutlets, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • 0.5 kg. pork (moderately fatty);
  • 2 pcs. onions;
  • 5 cloves of garlic;
  • 4 slices of white bread;
  • 0.5 tbsp. milk or water;
  • Testicle;
  • Dark pepper;
  • Basil;
  • Salt;
  • Refined oil for frying.

Traditional recipe


  1. To prepare tasty pork cutlets, you can use ready-made store-bought minced meat. Or you can select the meat without the help of others, grind it in a meat grinder and use it for a dish that is popular and beloved by everyone. So you will probably know what you will get in the end of production.
  2. We begin making cutlets by preparing the meat. We wash it under running water. Let the excess water drain, you can blot it with a cardboard towel. After that we twist it in a meat grinder. Depending on how thick the minced meat you want, you can pass the minced meat through a meat grinder a couple of times. This way he will turn out to be the most affectionate.
  3. Peel the onions and garlic. Onions in cutlets are responsible for their taste and juiciness. You can safely add it without fear of a specific smell and taste.
  4. Take bread slices and cut them off the crust. Break the crumb into small pieces and fill with water or milk (cool). After just a couple of minutes, you can lightly squeeze the bread so that it remains quite moist, but at the same time liquid does not drain from it.
  5. After the meat, grind the garlic and onion in a meat grinder, then add the resulting pulp to the container with the already prepared minced meat.
  6. Already soaked pieces of bread go into the meat grinder at the end, which we then combine with minced meat.
    Mix all the ingredients for the cutlets together, then add a large egg to the minced meat. If desired, you can beat it in advance using a whisk. Carefully knead the minced meat again.
  7. Add salt and spices to the cutlet mass.
    We definitely taste it to avoid oversalting and undersalting. To prevent pork cutlets from falling apart during frying, it is recommended to beat the minced meat. It's done like this. Scoop a little cutlet mass into your palm and throw it back into the bowl. Repeat until we get a homogeneous and viscous mass. During the beating process, small particles of minced meat are broken, which allows them to stick together better. The minced meat, ready for frying, can be placed in the refrigerator to steep.
  8. We form the minced meat into medium-sized oval-shaped cutlets (about 50 g). To prevent your hands from sticking to the cutlet mass, from time to time we expose them to a stream of cool water. You can create a breading from ground crackers, wheat or corn flour.
  9. Heat a frying pan over heat and pour in vegetable oil. We lay out the formed cutlets so that there is free space between them for turning over during the frying process.
  10. Fry the cutlets for about 8 minutes on each side until golden brown and evenly golden brown.
    Transfer the finished cutlets to a saucepan or saucepan, add a little water and simmer them under the lid. This is necessary to make the minced meat dish as soft and fluffy as possible. We definitely check how well our cutlets are stewed. There is no need for them to become very wet and absorb excess water. During the heat treatment they should remain quite dense and elastic.

Serve the finished dish to the table with a side dish. The perfect partner for fried cutlets is mashed potatoes with sauerkraut and pickled cucumber. A very tasty combination with cutlets comes from a side dish of buckwheat. A good option is fresh vegetables, cut into pieces or in salad form.

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Pork cutlets with inside

You can use vegetables, mushrooms, butter or cheese as the inside of minced meat cutlets. To make the meat dish juicy and tasty, the “surprise” cutlets are rolled in breadcrumbs, which help retain the filling inside.

To prepare cutlets with cheese inside you will need:

  • 500 g minced pork;
  • 100 g hard cheese;
  • Testicle;
  • Onion;
  • A few slices of bread;
  • Breadcrumbs;
  • Salt and pepper.

Pork cutlets with inside


  1. We start making delicious cutlets by grinding minced meat. Take a piece of pork and add it to the minced meat. Mix. Add the egg, salt and pepper to the minced meat. We squeeze the bread out of the water, then knead it and send it to the minced meat.
  2. Prepare the cheese for the inside of the cutlets. Cut it into thick straws.
  3. Let's start forming our cutlets.
    We form a flat cake from the minced meat, wrapping a strip of cheese inside it. Bread the cutlet on all sides. We put a frying pan with vegetable oil on the fire; when it warms up, we lay out our cutlets and fry over low heat on both sides.

Serve the finished dish with the freshest herbs and your favorite side dish. Juicy and appetizing meat cutlets are accompanied by a side dish of potatoes, cereals or vegetables. It is better to serve the cutlets hot. Then the viscous cheese interior will best emphasize the rich meaty taste of the cutlets and add special notes to it.

Cutlet under a fur coat

It’s absolutely easy to transform ordinary cutlets into a wonderful dish worthy of becoming the star of a gala table.

To make a surprisingly tasty meat dish, the following ingredients will be useful:

  • 500 g minced meat;
  • A piece of bread;
  • Onion;
  • A couple of cloves of garlic;
  • Salt, pepper to taste;
  • Tomato;
  • Hard cheese - 100 g;
  • Mayonnaise;
  • Flour;
  • Vegetable oil.

Cutlet under a fur coat


  1. We begin making meat cutlets by preparing minced meat.
    We pass a suitable piece of meat through a meat grinder, add onion and garlic to the meat pieces. Soak slices of bread in milk, which we also put into a meat grinder and mix with the purchased minced meat.
  2. Place the egg, salt and pepper into the container with the minced meat.
    Mix all ingredients well. We form our cutlets from the finished minced meat. We wrap a piece of hard cheese, previously cut into thick cubes, into a flatbread the size of half a palm. After that we form an oblong cutlet, which we roll in flour on all sides.
  3. Fry the meat cutlets in a frying pan with vegetable oil on both sides until half cooked.
  4. We are preparing the form in which we will bake the cutlets in the oven. Lubricate it with vegetable or butter, then transfer the cutlets from the frying pan. We also pour the oil in which the cutlets were fried into the baking dish.
  5. Place a piece of tomato cut into slices on each meat cutlet, spread a thin layer of mayonnaise on top and sprinkle with grated hard cheese. During baking, tomatoes and cheese form an appetizing and juicy “coat” for cutlets. This dish not only looks appetizing, but also has a breathtakingly tender taste.
  6. Melted cheese and tomato mix well with minced meat, making the dish quite satisfying.
    Bake the meat dish in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 20 minutes.

The finished cutlets can be transferred to a serving plate or dish, decorated with the freshest herbs and served at the festive table with a side dish of potatoes. What other side dish would go well with meat cutlets in a “fur coat”? There are likely to be different experiences and combinations here.

Side dishes made from cereals are perfect for serving; however, it is better to serve them in portions, garnished with sliced ​​​​circles or cubes of new vegetables. You can serve the cutlets with tomato or sour cream sauce.

Juicy minced pork cutlets: recipe with photos

There are few people who don’t like juicy pork cutlets, and even with some tasty side dish. But natural juice is contained not only in meat, but also in minor ingredients, therefore special attention should be paid to such components.

Juicy minced pork cutlets, recipe with photos

Production time : 60 minutes

Number of servings: 10

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​336.4 kcal;
  • proteins – 17.5 g;
  • fats – 18.4 g;
  • carbohydrates – 25.4 g.


  • pork (rump, neck, brisket) – 900 g;
  • onion – 200 g;
  • garlic – 5-6 cloves;
  • milk loaf (stale) – 150 g;
  • milk – 100 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • wheat flour – 2 tbsp;
  • grated crackers – 150 g;
  • salt - to taste;
  • olive oil – 60-80 ml.

Step-by-step production

  1. At the moment, we will look step by step at the recipe for juicy minced pork cutlets with photos and videos. But first, collect all the necessary products from the list so that you have them at hand. Wash the pork with running water, dry it with a cardboard or cloth towel and put it in the freezer for an hour or two - this makes the meat easier to process. When it hardens slightly, cut the pulp and grind through a meat grinder.
  2. Crumble a few slices of loaf and pour milk over it. Peel the garlic and onions, dividing the heads into 4 parts. Grind it all. Stir the ingredients (you can use a spoon). These ordinary actions will take no more than 8-10 minutes.
  3. Break the egg and separate the white (if you use it somewhere, pour it into a glass), and add the yolk to the minced meat. Now add salt to your own taste and carefully stir the ingredients, but not with a spoon, but with your hands - in the end you should get a homogeneous mass.
  4. To remove air bubbles from the composition, which have a bad effect on viscosity, beat the minced meat. To do this, take it in your hands and throw it back into a bowl or onto a cutting board. Repeat the action a couple of times.
  5. Mix breadcrumbs and flour in a dessert (shallow) plate. Form cutlets of a suitable size (you can make them up to 2 cm in thickness), roll in breading and place on a board.
  6. Heat a frying pan with olive oil, and when it is hot, fry the cutlets over moderate heat until golden brown (approximately 3-4 minutes on each side).
  7. Place the finished products in a saucepan or cauldron. Pour in half a glass of hot water (you should already have it on hand) and simmer under the lid for 25-30 minutes after boiling, just to do this you need to create a slow fire or set the electric stove to low.

Serve these cutlets hot or warm with mashed potatoes or crumbly buckwheat porridge, your favorite sauce and fresh herbs. You can also add summer or canned vegetables and salads to the dish.

Advice : if you bread the cutlets only in flour, they will turn out very soft, but if coated only in breadcrumbs they will crisp up, but will become a bit dry. Therefore, the best option is a mixture of these ingredients.

How to cook soft cutlets for the whole family

Production time : 60 minutes

Read also:  Potatoes with liver in the oven recipe

Number of servings: 12

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​373.4 kcal;
  • proteins – 19.9 g;
  • fats – 28.0 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.5 g.


  • pork (pulp without bone) – 800 g;
  • chicken breast – 200 g;
  • snow-white stale bread – 150 g;
  • raw potatoes – 100 g;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • freshly ground black pepper – 1-2 chips;
  • nutmeg – 1 chip;
  • salt - to taste;
  • breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp;
  • Refined sunflower oil – 70 g.

Step-by-step production

  1. Let's look at how to make juicy minced pork cutlets - the recipe is suitable for both home dinners and entertaining guests. Collect all the necessary products, wash the pork and chicken, dry it and place it in the freezer for one and a half to two hours. You also need to freeze the butter.
  2. To make the cutlets more tender, twist the meat twice or use a small mesh. Soak the bread for 5-6 minutes.
  3. Some housewives grate onions, garlic and potatoes on a large grater, and grind the rest, but this does not affect the taste in any way, so choose the processing method yourself. If the bread is already swollen, also pass it through a meat grinder.
  4. Add very finely chopped frozen butter, ground pepper, a little nutmeg, salt and thoroughly stir the ingredients. To make the minced meat juicier, it must be beaten by throwing it into a bowl a couple of times. Kneading and beating takes no more than 5-7 minutes.
  5. If you find that the minced meat is very thick, the cutlets will turn out elastic and not soft. To improve the situation, add a little cool water (just don’t overdo it - most often 20-30 ml is enough), stir again and determine the thickness.
  6. Place a frying pan with oil on moderate heat to warm up, form medium-sized cutlets, but no thicker than one and a half cm, roll them in breading and fry until golden brown. You will spend 4-5 minutes on each side.

Serve with your favorite side dish (potatoes, porridge, pasta, noodles), fresh or pickled vegetables, parsley or dill.

Tip : if all the cutlets do not fit in the frying pan, then fry them in several batches. The oil should be changed after each serving so that there are no burnt black fragments left.

Recipe with sauce

Production time : 1 hour 20 minutes

Number of servings: 14

Energy value

  • calorie content – ​​192.7 kcal;
  • proteins – 10.2 g;
  • fats – 11.2 g;
  • carbohydrates – 12.7 g.


  • pork (minced meat) – 800 g;
  • white cabbage – 500 g;
  • raw potatoes – 100 g;
  • reddish carrots – 100 g;
  • onion – 100 g;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • oat flakes – 5 tbsp;
  • ground black pepper – 1-2 chips;
  • salt - to taste;
  • wheat flour – 2-3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml.
  • tomatoes in their juice – 500 ml;
  • tomato juice – 100 ml;
  • basil – ½ tsp;
  • dry mint – ½ tsp;
  • ground black pepper – 1-2 chips;
  • salt - to taste.

Step-by-step production

  1. At first you will have to spend 10-15 minutes on vegetables. Process the cabbage and onions in a blender until the mixture becomes a paste. Grind the peeled garlic and carrots with potatoes on a medium or small grater. Vegetables need to be squeezed out, just don’t pour out the juice! Divide it into molds and freeze, and then use it to make soups, borscht and gravy.
  2. Add processed vegetables and chopped oatmeal to the minced meat. Add ground pepper and salt to your own taste.
  3. Mix the ingredients thoroughly with your hands, beat the minced meat and set aside for 15 minutes so that the flakes swell well.
  4. Process the tomatoes in a blender and add tomato juice. Add pepper, mint, basil and salt.
  5. Form into patties and lightly roll in flour. Fry over high heat for 2 minutes on each side.
  6. Turn on the oven and heat to 180°C. Place the products on a baking sheet and pour in the sauce, but so that it does not completely cover the meatballs. Place the cutlets in the oven for 30-35 minutes.
  7. Serve hot or warm with mashed potatoes, crumbly buckwheat porridge, and sprigs of herbs.

Tip : the best ratio of minced meat and vegetables is 50/50. This makes the dish more tender.

You see, making juicy cutlets from minced pork is not so difficult, you just need to follow the advice given in a particular recipe. Naturally, you can experiment by adding other ingredients, but it is very important not to overdo it.

Pork cutlets

Recipes: 10

minced cutlet:
pork (layer) 800 g
chicken meat (chicken fillet is possible) 300 g
onion turnip 1 pc
milk 100 ml.
+ for soaking bread 100 ml. bread (stale) 70 gr

  • 41
  • 51


  • December 18, 2012, 10:23

750 gr.
minced meat (veal and pork) 1 medium onion (grate)
1 clove of garlic (press)
3/4 tbsp. small semolina

  • 53
  • 119


  • December 18, 2011, 01:35

pork – loin on the bone – 900 gr.
for marinade:
soy sauce – 5 tbsp.
Riga black balsam – 1 tbsp.
watery honey – 1 tbsp.
orange – 1 pc.

  • 33
  • 41


  • 18 February 2011, 02:06

for cutlets:
800 gr.
minced meat (I have 50x50% pork-beef) 100 gr.
bacon 1 large sweet and sour apple
2 onions
1 egg

  • 30
  • 58


  • 15 October 2010, 16:29

pork pulp / I have a shoulder /. pork can be replaced with veal - 800 g
chicken breast - 200 g
onion - 1 piece garlic
- 2 cloves
dry white bread - 2 pieces
butter - 70 g

  • 73
  • 152


  • 28 February 2010, 01:33

500 gr.
pork 100-120 gr.
butter salt
2 eggs

  • 32
  • 54


  • 28 September 2009, 21:13

lean pork (loin) – 800 gr.
eggs – 2 pcs.
mayonnaise 67% – 200 gr.
dried garlic – 1.5 tsp.
potato starch – 4 tbsp ground
dark pepper

  • 38
  • 104


  • August 10, 2009, 00:38

500 gr.
pork 2 onions
1-2 cloves of garlic
60 gr.
wheat bread 150 gr.
fresh cabbage 50 gr. milk

  • 19
  • 37


  • July 23, 2009, 00:08

chicken – 200 gr.
pork – 200 gr.
snow-white ground pepper
ready-made mustard – 1 tsp.
mushrooms (oyster mushrooms) – 300 gr.
sour cream – 1 tbsp.

  • 55
  • 129


  • 08 November 2008, 01:24

500 gr.
minced pork and beef 1 large potato
1 egg
1 onion

  • 40
  • 65

Max's mother

  • June 18, 2008, 10:34 pm

Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”

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