Dumplings with lard and raw potatoes - a true delight

Dumplings with lard and raw potatoes - a true delight

I would like to offer you a true delight - dumplings with raw potatoes and lard. The dough for them is mixed with ordinary water, but some housewives make the dough with mineral water, kefir, and yeast. It must come out elastic, tight, and not stick to your hands.

Be sure to leave it covered with film for 10-15 minutes before making dumplings. For the inside we use raw potatoes, which need to be minced through a meat grinder, excess liquid drained. We also grind the lard through a meat grinder. It must be only the freshest, not salted or smoked. You can also add onions.

To shape the dumplings, you can use a glass, or roll out the circles with a rolling pin if they turn out even. It is better to pinch it twice so that the dumplings do not open during cooking. They must be served with sour cream, mayonnaise, ketchup or other favorite sauce.

Ingredients for the dough:

  • flour - 2.5 tbsp;
  • water - 200 ml;
  • testicle - 1 pc.;
  • salt - a pinch.

For the inside:

  • raw potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • fresh lard - 150 g;
  • salt and ground pepper - to taste.

Step-by-step recipe for making dumplings with lard

Mix the dough. Pour flour, salt into a bowl and beat in the egg. Stir and add water. Knead a thick dough. Cover with film and set aside for 10-15 minutes.

Let's prepare the filling. Peel the potatoes and pass them through a meat grinder. Using gauze or a strainer, squeeze out excess juice.

We also remove the skin from the lard and pass it through a meat grinder.

Add salt and pepper. Mix.

Let's start making dumplings. Cut the dough into pieces and roll out round cakes.

Place the filling in the center.

We painstakingly fasten the edges.

These are the dumplings we came out with.

Then boil the dumplings in boiling and salted water for 10 minutes.

Serve with sour cream or any other sauce.

For dessert, prepare dumplings with cherries, very tasty.

Dumplings with potatoes and lard

Dumplings with potatoes are a very ordinary and cheap, but at the same time unusually tasty dish that all adults and children adore with rare exceptions. Therefore, I believe that it makes sense to constantly keep a supply of frozen dumplings in the freezer, because this is a universal dish that you will probably need in almost all life scenarios. Dumplings with potatoes are perfect for a quick snack because they take only about 10 minutes to prepare, and besides, they can be served for breakfast, lunch or dinner as a main course, since it is quite filling, healthy and, of course, very tasty food And although the choice of this semi-finished product in stores is currently quite large, nevertheless, now I want to show you how to prepare the most delicious dumplings with potatoes, lard and onions at home.

Despite the fact that making dumplings is a rather long and labor-intensive task, there is nothing technically complicated about this procedure. But it is possible and necessary to immediately prepare a huge batch of dumplings, involving all available family members in the sculpting, so that not only on the same day you can enjoy their delicious taste, but also freeze the dumplings for future use and use this preparation at any time when you want to be frisky and delicious homemade dish. In addition, to make these dumplings, in my opinion, a very successful dough is used, which is kneaded with kefir and comes out tight, elastic and comfortable to work with. This dough is extremely durable, therefore it does not tear when molded, does not disintegrate when boiled in water, it perfectly fixes the filling and ensures that after production the entire contents of the dumpling remain inside.

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Dumplings with potatoes and lard, prepared according to this easy recipe, turn out so tender and tasty that if you try them just once, you will probably love them forever. Under the narrow shell of soft and elastic unleavened dough there is an interior of melt-in-your-mouth mashed potatoes with sweet fried onions and special pieces of lard. This traditional combination of ingredients allows you not only to enjoy, but also to be very satiated and forget about the feeling of hunger for almost several hours. If you serve dumplings with potatoes in the Ukrainian style - flavoring them with sour cream and sprinkling them with fried onions and cracklings - the result is such a beautiful dish that you simply won’t have the strength to tear yourself away from it. Although small children or those who count calories can completely consume them in their natural form or with any sauce of their choice. Bon appetit!

Necessary information

Difficulty level: 4* Serving Size: 150 g
Preparation time: 1.5 hours Calorie content per serving:
Number of servings: 12 Cost of one serving: 7 rub.

How to cook dumplings with potatoes and lard - a recipe for homemade dumplings with potatoes, onions and cracklings with step-by-step photos


  • 500 g flour
  • 220 ml kefir
  • 1 huge testicle
  • 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
  • 600 g potatoes
  • 100 ml milk
  • 2 patients onions
  • 300 g lard
  • salt pepper


Dough for dumplings with potatoes on kefir

1. In order to prepare dumplings with potatoes and lard, first knead the usual unleavened dough with kefir. To do this, sift the flour and salt into a deep bowl or the bowl of a food processor.

2. Create a hole in the thickness of the flour and pour in the drink, chicken egg and vegetable oil.
It is better, although not absolutely necessary, to remove all the ingredients for the dough from the refrigerator in advance so that they have time to warm up to room temperature. 3. Knead the dough thoroughly for 5 – 10 minutes until it forms a flexible ball of a homogeneous mixture. Cover the bowl with the dough with a kitchen towel and leave it at room temperature for 30 minutes.

Interior for potato dumplings with fried onions and lard

4. To prepare the filling for dumplings from potatoes with onions and lard, you first need to boil the potatoes.
To do this, potatoes need to be peeled and cut into large slices. 5. Place the potatoes in a saucepan and add cool water, place the saucepan on medium heat and cook until tender for 40 - 50 minutes after boiling, removing the foam as necessary.
At the end of production, drain the water completely. 6. While the potatoes are cooking, peel the onions and chop them very finely.
7. Cut the lard into cubes as small as possible. If there was lard on the skin, then it must be completely removed.

8. Fry lard in a dry frying pan over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.
With all this, a huge amount of fat will be rendered out of it, and pieces of lard should turn into ruddy, fragrant cracklings. 9. Add onions to the lard and fry for another 8 - 10 minutes until the onions are browned. Lightly salt the prepared onion fry.

10. Crush the boiled potatoes along with hot milk into a soft, homogeneous puree.
11. Add about a third of the onion with cracklings to the mashed potatoes, add salt and pepper and mix thoroughly. The interior for dumplings with potatoes, lard and onions is ready!

How to cook dumplings with potatoes and lard

12. After the dough has rested, you can start making dumplings with potatoes. To do this, roll out half the dough on a lightly floured surface as thin as possible. The remaining dough should be kept under a towel, because it tends to dry out quickly.

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13. Cut out small circles with a diameter of 7–8 cm from the dough using a glass or a round cookie cutter.
Place 1 tsp in the center of each circle. potato insides. 14. Cover the filling with dough and form randomly shaped dumplings. To make it easier to sculpt these flour products, use the following tips:

1) The size of the dumplings should not be very small, otherwise their modeling will be very long and labor-intensive, but also not very huge, because in this case they will turn out to be the least tasty due to the richness of the dough.

2) The potato filling must be placed fairly compactly in the center of the dough circle. I advise you to slightly compact it and smooth it with wet fingers so that the potatoes do not fit into the seam when making the dumpling.

3) Before sealing the dumpling, lightly stretch the dough around the inside and close the reverse edges, carefully pressing them together. There are various ways to form the seam of a dumpling, including particularly artistic ones, but in addition to being difficult to perform, thick seams also increase the amount of dough in the dumpling, which is not good for its taste.

4) While making dumplings, it is comfortable to keep a wet towel under your hand so that from time to time you can wipe your hands stained with flour or entrails on it.

5) If you plan to freeze excess dumplings for the future, they should be placed in a single layer on a plate wrapped in a plastic bag and placed in the freezer compartment for 1 hour. After this time, the package must be carefully removed from the plate so that the dumplings are inside, tie tightly and store at -20°C for several months.

15. Now you can start cooking dumplings. To do this, you need to boil water in a large saucepan, lightly salt it and put a bay leaf and 2 - 3 dark peppercorns in it.

To prevent the dumplings from sticking to the bottom and to each other during the cooking process, I will teach you one simple procedure.
Using a tablespoon, you need to start stirring the water in the pan in a circle and, without stopping this process, throw the dumplings into the pan one at a time. When the last dumpling is thrown in, you need to continue to gently stir the water for about a minute. Thanks to this conventional technology, which does not allow the dumplings to immediately sink to the bottom, the dough will quickly set in the boiling water and the dumplings will not stick anywhere, maintaining their integrity and shape. 16. Cook dumplings with potatoes and lard at a low simmer until they all float to the surface.

After 2 - 3 minutes after this action, turn off the stove, carefully remove the dumplings with a slotted spoon and serve hot. Dumplings with potatoes and lard turn out incredibly tender and tasty and will appeal to both adults and children!
If you are not afraid of excess calories, then I recommend lightly pouring sour cream over them, and then generously seasoning them with fried onions and cracklings. This combination can transform ordinary dumplings into a surprisingly tasty dish that is completely impossible to tear yourself away from!

How to cook dumplings with potatoes and lard

My dumplings with potatoes are instantly swept off the table (I just add lard and onions to the chopped potatoes)!

I grind raw potatoes in a meat grinder and squeeze them. Later I add cured fresh lard and onions to the potatoes. Such interior comes out tasty and satisfying.

I’m revealing my own secret to making hearty and savory dumplings. I make the filling using a meat grinder. In it I chop potatoes, lard and onions. I mix the dough for dumplings from premium wheat flour with the addition of eggs and water. My dumplings with potatoes and lard do not get overcooked and have a nice appearance.

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5 minutes to prepare the ingredients required for the recipe:

10 minutes – kneading the dough;

10 minutes – making the insides for the dumplings;

30 minutes – making dumplings;

10 minutes – cooking dumplings;

The entire process will take approximately 1 hour and 10 minutes.

Prepared: on the stove

For the test:

  • Premium wheat flour – 3 cups;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Water – 1 glass;
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon.

For the inside:

  • Potatoes – 3-4 pieces;
  • Fresh pork lard – 150 g;
  • Onions – 1 pc.;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Ground dark pepper - to taste.

Dumplings with potatoes and lard recipe step by step with photos

First I knead the dough. I sift the flour and mix it with salt. I add an egg to the flour and pour in cooled boiled water. I mix the ingredients to form a lump. I continue kneading the dough for dumplings on the table. I put the resulting dough in a bag while preparing the insides. For the inside, I peel the potatoes. I cut it into cubes and put the tenderloin into the bowl of the meat grinder. I definitely squeeze out the resulting potato mass.

You can put gauze folded in 2-3 layers in a bowl, and then scroll through the potatoes. This will make it easier to squeeze it out.

Next, I scroll through the lard along with the onions. Season the ingredients to taste with salt and ground black pepper.

I mix the inside ingredients well.

I roll out the dough into thin layers, dividing it into 2-3 pieces. Using a culinary ring, I cut out round blanks for dumplings.

I put the filling of potatoes and lard on the blanks.

I fasten the edges of the blanks. You can perfectly decorate the edges of the dumplings with a braid, if you can do it.

I boil the dumplings in boiling water. You can also freeze them for supplies. I serve the finished dumplings with my favorite sauce.

Dumplings with potatoes and lard


Potatoes – 400 g

Onions – 1 pc.

Salt, pepper - to taste

Dough for dumplings – 300 g

  • 480 kcal
  • 40 min.
  • 40 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

I suggest preparing for you a dish of Ukrainian cuisine - dumplings with potatoes and lard. Naturally, this dish is far from dietary, but from time to time you can pamper your loved ones with such a hearty delicacy. The dumplings are very tasty, and with fried crispy onions they are simply delicious.

So, let's prepare the dough for dumplings according to our favorite recipe (I prepared choux pastry with sour cream). Now let's get to the inside. Potatoes, lard, onions, salt and pepper - that's all we need.

I decided to try a new method for making insides - from raw potatoes. Peel the potatoes, grate them on a small grater or grind them through a meat grinder. We will also twist half the lard.

Stir, add salt and pepper.

Let's start making dumplings. I make medium ones, with a lovely wavy comb, just like my grandmother taught me.

Cut the second half of the lard into small cubes.

Put the frying pan on the fire and add the lard into it. Let's wait until the lard begins to melt and becomes transparent.

Add finely chopped onion to the lard and fry until golden.

Let's boil water in a saucepan, don't forget to add salt. Place the dumplings in, stir carefully and cook for 8-10 minutes. Serve dumplings with potatoes and lard, topping them with fried onions and cracklings. You can serve sour cream separately. Bon appetit!

Honestly, I liked the dumplings with the inside of mashed potatoes and lard more. Although with an inside made of raw potatoes and lard, they are also very tasty! Help yourself!

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