Compotes from reddish and dark bird cherry: let winter smell in summer

Compotes from reddish and dark bird cherry: let winter smell in summer

The fragrant compote from bird cherry will delight you with its unusual taste in the cool winter season and will not allow the body to suffer from vitamin deficiency. Preparing a drink is one of the best methods for identifying berries, which in their freshest form are not universally loved. There are a huge number of recipes, they all differ in labor intensity, type and quantity of ingredients. The taste, color and smell of the product depend on the additives. Here are collected the most common versions of compotes from reddish and dark bird cherry.

General principles for making bird cherry compote for the winter

To make the drink fragrant and catchy, you need to use ripe berries. But they should not be wrinkled, rotten, or wormy. Damaged specimens must be immediately discarded during reassembly, along with twigs, leaves and other debris. Otherwise, it will be difficult to ensure the safety of compote made from reddish or dark bird cherry until winter.

General principles for making compotes:

  1. Before use, the berries are carefully washed, freed from twigs, and dried.
  2. Banks constantly require processing. The most reliable method is to sterilize dishes over steam, in the oven, or in the microwave.
  3. The lids also require processing; they can be boiled or simply doused with hot water.
  4. Sugar for winter preparations must be consumed unstained from the package. It is better not to take the product from the table, crumbs and debris may get into it.
  5. Constantly screw the lid on with a special key, then place the jar upside down and cover with something warm, leave until it cools completely.

You can prepare bird cherry compotes for the winter without sterilization and with additional boiling of the filled jars in a saucepan. The first method is the least labor-intensive, but does not guarantee the safety of the drink until winter. The slightest differences from technology, violation of sterility can lead to souring. To facilitate the technology and reduce production time, they use the techniques of double pouring, blanching, and often add citric acid, which serves as a preservative.

Bird cherry compote for the winter without sterilization

The most common and simple recipe for winter preparation. Because the drink does not undergo sterilization, it is important to maintain absolute sterility, carefully sort the berries, wash them, and dry them. Calculation of ingredients for one three-liter jar. The amount of sugar can be increased, but there is no need to reduce it. Making bird cherry compote for the winter according to this recipe in small jars is not recommended, because during the infusion process under the blanket there is a process of self-sterilization, which is impossible in small containers.

  • 0.5 kg bird cherry;
  • 0.3 kg sugar;
  • 1 tsp. citric acid;
  • 2.6 liters of water.

  1. Process and dry the berries. Pour into a sterile jar.
  2. Combine the recipe water with sugar, bring to a boil and simmer for a minute to ensure the syrup is sterile.
  3. Add citric acid to the berries. Pour the contents of the jar with bubbling syrup right up to the neck, put on a sterile lid and immediately roll it up with a key. Leave until completely cool.

Instead of citric acid, you can add natural citrus juice in an amount of 30-40 ml to the preparation. This ingredient will fill the preparation with a pleasant smell.

Compote of bird cherry and apples with double filling

A blended drink recipe that smells cool and tastes summery. The double filling method is considered the most harmless and is perfectly suitable for dense berries with pits. It is often used specifically when preparing tomatoes and cucumbers for the winter. To make compote from bird cherry and apples, it is recommended to use dense fruits without wormholes, dents or other damage. Overripe fruits are not suitable; the pieces may lose their shape and will not look very presentable.

  • 400 g sugar;
  • 250 g bird cherry;
  • 500 g apples;
  • water.

  1. Dump the cooked berries into a clean jar. Wash the apples, wipe dry, cut into large pieces. Avoid the stubs; their presence in the bird cherry compote is not necessary.
  2. Pour boiling water over the contents of the jar, put on the lid, but do not screw it on. Leave the workpiece for 10 minutes. Put on a lid with holes, drain all the liquid from the jar into a saucepan, and place on the stove.
  3. Add sweet sand to the water. If the apples are sweet, then you can add 0.5 tsp for taste. citric acid, it will also serve as an additional preservative.
  4. Boil the syrup for 2 minutes, pour the blanched ingredients right up to the neck. Return the lid to the space, roll up the jar with a key, and put it under the blanket until it cools completely.

The usual recipe for compote of reddish bird cherry and rose hips

An exciting development that allows you to avoid sterilizing filled jars in a saucepan. The preparation of this drink is carried out in two steps; it will take several hours to infuse the ingredients in the syrup. Berries of burgundy varieties have the least pronounced taste. Therefore, to make compote from reddish bird cherry, it is recommended to use additional ingredients. Usually these are cherries, raspberries, currants, and any fruits that coincide in ripening time. One option is rosehip. The drink is not only rich, but also rich in vitamins. Ingredients for three liters.

  • 200 g rose hips;
  • 500 g bird cherry;
  • 270 g sugar;
  • 2.3 liters of water.
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  1. Boil water, add sugar, boil for three minutes.
  2. Sort out the bird cherry berries and rose hips, wash them well, but don’t need to dry them.
  3. Place the drink ingredients in a pan with hot syrup and immediately turn off the stove. Cover, leave for 5 hours, maybe a little longer. During this period of time, the berries will be saturated with syrup and share their taste with it.
  4. Prepare the jars. Using a slotted spoon, remove the berries from the compote and transfer to a sterile container. Place the syrup on the stove and boil for 5 minutes. The last step in making a regular compote from reddish bird cherry is pouring boiling liquid. Seal the jars hermetically. Throw upside down under a warm blanket until completely cooled.

Any compote will become more interesting if you add fragrant spices to it: vanilla, cinnamon, cloves. A piece of ginger will give the preparation a special taste. Lemon or orange zest will give you a fascinating smell; you can add a few slices of citrus.

There are essentially many more recipes for making bird cherry compote, but almost all of them are based on these basic developments. By adding various fruits and berries, adjusting the amount of sugar and spices, you can change and even invent new flavors. Experiment!

Bird cherry compote

Bird cherry compote with lemon

Bird cherry compote is prepared because of its unique properties and excellent taste. These characteristics of bird cherry are revealed only in preparations. The berries themselves have a tart and sweet taste, and adding lemon will acidify the drink and give it a pleasant citrus flavor. Bird cherry compote is prepared by infusing the berries in syrup and without sterilization.

Compote of reddish bird cherry with cherry leaf

From ripe and freshly picked berries of reddish bird cherry, which constantly produces a bountiful harvest, you can prepare the desired and fragrant compote. This would be a good candidate for store-bought juice. Cherry leaves are added to the compote, maybe with twigs, which will give the drink a cherry smell. We prepare compote without sterilization.

Compote of reddish bird cherry with orange

It is clear that reddish bird cherry is sweeter and more pleasant than dark bird cherry; it can be consumed fresh. Berries are rich in vitamin C, strengthen the immune system, promote rejuvenation of the body, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Bird cherry fruits, branches and leaves are often used in medicine. I suggest making a compote of reddish bird cherry with orange.

Compote of reddish bird cherry with cherries

A light, rich compote of cherries and reddish bird cherry is prepared very simply. You can simply prepare such a compote for the winter, or boil it for drinking during the week. If you have a successful season for berries, you can create an assorted compote of burgundy berries.

Bird cherry compote for the winter without sterilization

Bird cherry fruits are very healthy berries that normalize metabolism in the body, help with colds, and perfectly strengthen the immune system. The berries are slightly tart in taste, but when used in compote they turn out to be very tasty, giving a rich color to the decoction.

Compote of reddish bird cherry and apples

It’s easy to prepare a fragrant and wonderful compote of bird cherry and apples for future use to feed the body with vitamins in the winter. Bird cherry colors the compote a pleasant pink color and also gives the preparation a unique smell. This time we added pears to the apples for flavor, but if you don't have any, just use more apples!

Compote of bird cherry and currant

Bird cherry is a useful plant, quite common in almost all countries of the world. It is used both for cooking and for honey purposes. It has anti-inflammatory properties and increases immunity. If you want to make compote from it, it is best to add the rest of the berries to the preparation, because bird cherry does not have a pronounced taste. Now we will prepare bird cherry compote with the addition of dark currants. The compote comes out very rich with a catchy ruby ​​color.

Bird cherry compote for a 2-liter jar

Bird cherry is a magnificently beautiful plant. It gives us the amazing smell of fragrant flowers at the end of May and bears fruits in July-August, from which you can create delicious sunsets. Now we will start making bird cherry compote. The compote comes out dark, rich in color with the taste of ripe berries.

Bird cherry compote for a 3-liter jar

Bird cherry is a tasty and healthy berry that boosts immunity, and this is so important in the winter-spring season, when our body requires a huge amount of vitamins. The taste properties of bird cherry do not have a pronounced taste, therefore, to make seams, it is often supplemented with citric acid, or made assorted with other berries or fruits. Now we will make a delicious compote from bird cherry with the addition of apples, which will give the compote a rich smell and successfully complement the taste of bird cherry.

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Compote of reddish bird cherry for the winter

Reddish bird cherry is larger in size, less tart and more sweet than its counterparts. The compote comes out with a beautiful burgundy color, very fragrant and unique in taste.

Bird cherry compote for the winter

Bird cherry in its raw form has a tart taste. Who could think that from the berries given to us we could cook such a tasty and at the same time very necessary compote. The main thing is to use ripe and fresh berries for seaming.

Bird cherry compote for the winter

Bird cherry is an undemanding berry, and in other years its yield exceeds even the wildest expectations of gardeners. In this case, it is necessary to procure it for future use using all possible methods. One of the most popular preparations is bird cherry compote, which can be prepared for the winter according to the usual recipe - it does not even require sterilization. But it’s still worth knowing some of the unique features of making bird cherry compote.

Individual manufacturing

Compote made from it is perfectly stored at room temperature for a couple of years, even if it is prepared without sterilization. But 6 months after production, this compote is no longer worth drinking. The thing is that over time, bird cherry seeds begin to release hydrocyanic acid, albeit in small quantities. It is especially unsafe to give this dessert to children. This is just one highlight of bird cherry, which should be taken into account by those who make compote from it, but there are others.

  • In order for the compote to have a rich ruby ​​color and tart taste, there is no need to rush to collect bird cherry for it - let it ripen and darken. But by waiting, you cannot miss the moment when it may begin to dry out.
  • Even if the berry used for compote is very ripe and juicy, the bird cherry compote will not acquire a rich color and smell, as well as taste, right away. Moreover, the less the berries were subjected to heat treatment during production, the longer you will have to wait for the moment when you can try the bird cherry compote.
  • Jars and lids for compote need to be sterilized, otherwise it will quickly deteriorate - even before the time comes to try it.

It is not allowed to drink a lot of bird cherry compote, because this can lead to disruption of the intestinal tract. This drink is strictly contraindicated for those who suffer from constipation and heart disease, but for diarrhea it will only bring benefits.

The usual recipe for bird cherry compote (for a 3-liter jar)


  • bird cherry – 1 kg;
  • water - how much will go into the jar;
  • sugar - 0.3 kg per three-liter jar.
  • Sort through the berries thoroughly, discarding spoiled, rotten and dry ones. Wash the remaining berries in running water, dry them by pouring them onto a paper towel.
  • Sterilize a 3-liter jar and let it dry.
  • Pour the bird cherry into a jar and fill it with hot water.
  • After 10 minutes, drain the water into a saucepan, add sugar and cook the syrup.
  • Fill the bird cherry with syrup so that it reaches the very edge of the jar.
  • Seal the jars with tin lids that have been boiled for 5 minutes.
  • Turn the jars over and cover with a cotton blanket or other item that retains heat well.
  • Leave for 24 hours for additional preservation.
  • Remove the blankets, place the jars correctly and put them away for the winter.

It will be possible to taste this compote only in a month, and it’s even better to wait one and a half to two months.

Not a bad recipe 1

Bird cherry compote: recipe without sterilization


  • bird cherry – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 200 g;
  • water – 2 l.
  • Place the washed and sorted bird cherry in a colander, lower it into boiling water and blanch for several minutes. Remove the colander and let the berries dry slightly.
  • Boil water in a saucepan, dissolve sugar in it, cook for about 5 minutes.
  • Dip the berries into the syrup and leave for 5-6 hours.
  • Sterilize a three-liter jar.
  • Using a slotted spoon, remove the bird cherry from the compote and transfer it to a jar.
  • Boil the syrup and pour it into the jar with bird cherry to the very edge.
  • Roll up the jar. When it cools down, store it.

It will be possible to test bird cherry compote prepared without sterilization in just a month.

Not a bad recipe 1

Bird cherry compote with apple cider vinegar


  • bird cherry – 0.2 kg;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • water - how much will go into a liter jar;
  • apple vinegar (6 percent) – 5 ml.
  • Sort through and wash the berries well.
  • Pour the bird cherry into a sterilized 1 liter jar. Compote can be made in larger jars, but the amount of ingredients in this case must be increased proportionally.
  • Pour boiling water into the jar with bird cherry, wait 10 minutes, then pour the water into the pan.
  • Add sugar and boil water along with it, cook for a few minutes.
  • Pour a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar into the jar, pour syrup on top to the very edge of the jar (you can even over the edge).
  • Screw the jars with metal lids or roll them with a special key.
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After the jars have cooled, it remains to be stored. The compote according to this recipe is sour and not very sweet. You can drink it after 1.5 months.

Compote of bird cherry and rosehip

  • bird cherry – 0.5 kg;
  • rose hips - 0.5 kg;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sugar – 150 g.
  • Prepare the bird cherry berries and rose hips by carefully sorting them out and rinsing them well.
  • Boil water, add sugar and simmer for 5 minutes.
  • Dip the bird cherry and rose hips into the syrup. Cook over low heat for 20 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars and lids.
  • Use a slotted spoon to remove the berries from the bubbling compote and place them in jars.
  • Pour the bubbling syrup over the berries.
  • Roll up the jars.
  • Turn the jars upside down and wrap them up.
  • After cooling, return the jars to their original position and put them away for winter storage.

This compote is ready for use in just a couple of weeks. It is especially useful because it is rich in vitamin C, which strengthens the body's defenses.

Bird cherry compote for the winter

Bird cherry compote for the winter is simple and delicious! Bird cherry compote for the winter is a tasty and healthy delicacy. It is useful because it is not harmful - in our time, and this is a huge advantage! You can serve the compote as a dessert with buns, cookies, or just like that.

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  3. Bird cherry compote for the winter

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 7 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
44 kcal
Belkov: 0 g
Zhirov: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 11 g
Used: 0 / 0 / 100
N 9 / C 0 / B 91

Production time: 12 hours 30 minutes

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

To make bird cherry compote for the winter, take the freshest bird cherry berries, sugar, water and lemon to add acidity.

Step 2:

Sort the bird cherry well, remove the stalks if you find them. Wash the berries under the tap using a sieve or colander.

Step 3:

I show you the simplest way to make bird cherry compote in a small volume. This way you can cook berries within one to one and a half kg, it all depends on how much sieve or colander you have. Place the berries in a sieve, and lower the sieve into a deep bowl of suitable size so that the berries with the sieve can sink into it when immersed in water. Pour boiling water over the berries in a sieve bowl for 2-3 minutes.

Step 4:

lift the sieve, shake the berries and let the water drain. Sterilize jars or bottles, add berries.

Step 5:

Add lemon slices, the bottle is hot, the berries too, the lemon will fall into their midst.

Step 6:

Pour sugar into the water and cook the syrup by boiling water with sugar. Boil for 5 minutes until all the sugar dissolves.

Step 7:

Pour the bubbling syrup into bottles with berries and immediately close with sterile caps.

Step 8:

The bird cherry compote is ready for the winter, place the jars with the compote upside down, the bottles can be placed under a fur coat, placed on their sides. Wrap it well and let it cool one hundred percent.

Step 9:

You can store the compote indoors.

It is very easy to prepare bird cherry compote for the winter according to the proposed recipe, it will take little time, and the drink will turn out excellent. You can treat both adults and children to this compote; it is especially good as a chilled drink after a bath, or after a ski trip, when you are very thirsty.

The compote has a pleasant cherry flavor and smell, which is why such compote is always needed, because bird cherry compote is quite an economical option, especially if you have your own berries. The cost of bird cherry, unfortunately, is even higher at the latest than cherries!

Since bird cherry berries have a sweet, slightly tart taste, completely devoid of acid, it is customary to add other sour berries to the compote: black or reddish currants, cherries, etc. In this case, the acid of the freshest lemon is used.

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