Okroshka with sausage on ayran (traditional recipe)

Okroshka with sausage on ayran (traditional recipe)


Boiled sausage – 200 g

Young potatoes – 3 pcs.

Chicken egg – 2-3 pcs.

Fresh cucumber – 2 pcs.

Pepper, h.m. - taste

Green onion – 1 pc.

Dill – 4 sprigs

Mint - a few leaves

  • 73 kcal
  • 20 minutes.
  • 5 minutes.
  • 25 min.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Summer is the favorite time of year in almost all families, and what could summer be without the freshest, fragrant and tasty okroshka? Young, fresh, crispy vegetables, slightly sour ayran and fragrant herbs - mint, dill and green onions. From all this we will now prepare my family’s most beloved cool soup. Some sources say that this version of okroshka is prepared by Russians living in the Caucasus.

To make okroshka with sausage on ayran according to the traditional recipe, prepare all the necessary products according to the list. Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel them, boil the eggs for no longer than 10 minutes, cool in cool water, and peel off the shells. Rinse greens and vegetables under running water and dry.

Chop the dill and mint, finely chop the green onion.

Cut the radishes and cucumbers into thin slices, it will be tastier in the finished okroshka.

Cut the sausage of good quality and from a proven manufacturer into small cubes, and cut the potatoes in the same way.

Place all ingredients in a comfortable deep bowl.

Separate the egg whites from the yolks. Chop the whites finely and add to the rest of the ingredients.

Grind the yolks with mustard, add to the bowl, salt and pepper the contents, pour in the ayran. It is not necessary to add vinegar, ayran is quite sour.

Stir the okroshka and taste it. Place the finished okroshka in the refrigerator for a while; it must be cool before serving.

If summer days are very hot, add a couple of ice cubes to each serving of okroshka and serve. Traditional okroshka with sausage on ayran is ready, enjoy.

Delicious okroshka on ayran with sausage. Recipe with photos step by step

What a pleasure it is to eat delicious, cool okroshka in the heat! I remember how in Russian times in the summer, we, the workers of the computer center, were sent twice a week to the sponsored state farm for weeding, according to orders from the City Executive Committee. Every time the question arose: “What to take with me for lunch?” And we came up with an idea: we’ll make okroshka. Everyone turned out to be fans of this dish, and the recipe couldn’t be simpler.

The other day they decided who should bring what: some brought potatoes, some sausage, some eggs, some onions with dill, etc. All this was already cleaned and cut, all that remained was to dump it into a huge bowl, mix and pour kvass. After several hours of working in the heat, it seemed that there was nothing tastier in the world than okroshka.

Now you can find a huge number of recipes for this cool soup on the Internet. But our family most liked the option when instead of kvass we use ayran or tan. I would like to tell you specifically about this version, confirming each step of the photo.

A little bit of history...

Okroshka (from the word “kroshevo”, in other words finely chopped) is a dish known in Rus' a long time ago. Only some of the ingredients were different. For example, potatoes: back then they didn’t know what they were and they used turnips instead. And instead of kvass, they initially used cucumber or cabbage pickle.

And absolutely, to some extent, the ancestor of okroshka can be considered a simple cool soup, which is called “tyurya” (emphasis on the first syllable). At the moment, most people don’t even know the word, but my grandmother said that even after the war it was popular, like the dish itself.

Here is the recipe for türi: crumble bread or crackers into cool salted water, add a spoonful of vegetable oil and, if desired, finely chopped onions. That's it, the prison is ready. It’s not filling or nutritious, but you won’t die of hunger, especially since in the heat you don’t even feel like eating.

There are a lot of okroshka recipes, but the essential ingredients are: green onions, eggs and cucumbers, usually the freshest. Let's crumble it all, dilute it with kvass and add a spoonful of sour cream - simple and also delicious.

But I would like to give you the recipe for a tasty and satisfying okroshka, which is eaten in our family, and certainly with additives. Only instead of kvass we use ayran or tan. That’s why I somehow can’t make homemade kvass all the time, and I don’t like store-bought kvass: it’s a bit sweet.


I will indicate the quantity of goods for you based on 4 servings plus a slight addition. To suit your own taste, you can slightly increase or decrease this or that product, it doesn’t matter. For example, I like bigger potatoes, so I can crumble some more into my plate.

Read also:  Turtle Cake with Sour Cream

So, we will need:

    fresh cucumbers – 1 piece (

200 gr);
boiled eggs – 4 pieces (

220 gr);
boiled potatoes - 4 medium-sized pieces (

400 gr);

  • doctor's sausage – 200 gr;
  • green onion – 150 g;
  • dill – 30-40 g;
  • radishes – 1 bunch (6-7 pieces,

    100 gr);

  • ayran – 1 liter;
  • sour cream 20% – 200 gr.
  • When using ayran for okroshka, it is possible to do without sour cream, but you won’t mind if I say that it will taste better with sour cream?

    Now let’s calculate how much our okrosheka will cost. Here's how much I spent on groceries in convenience stores in May 2019:

    • cucumber 1 pc. – 20 rub.
    • eggs 4 pcs – 24 rub.
    • potatoes 4 pcs – 10 rub.
    • sausage 70 rub.
    • onion and dill 40 rub.
    • radishes 60 rub.
    • ayran – 60 rub.
    • sour cream – 50 rub.

    The total cost of one serving is 334 rubles. / 4 = 83.5 rub.

    Well, completely acceptable. Let's find out how many calories we get by tasting a plate of our delicious okroshka:

    • Potatoes 80 kcal * 4 = 320 kcal
    • Green onion 20 kcal * 1.5 = 30 kcal
    • Ground cucumbers 15 kcal * 2 = 30 kcal
    • Radish 20 kcal
    • Dill 31 kcal * 0.3 = 9.3 kcal
    • Boiled egg 160 kcal * 2.2 = 352 kcal
    • Sausage 257 kcal * 2 = 514 kcal
    • Ayran 17 kcal * 10 = 170 kcal
    • Sour cream 20% 204 kcal * 2 = 408 kcal

    Total: 1853.3 kcal

    Calorie content of 1 serving = 1853.3 / 4 = 463.3 kcal

    Okroshka step by step

    We’ve read it, done the math, and now let’s wash our hands and start actually preparing the dish. We will need:

    • cutting board;
    • knife;
    • container in which we will stir the chopped products.

    We chop the products finely. I love creating so much, it seems to me that with a small cut the taste of okroshka comes out, in other words, the products are mixed and give a general taste. And with a large cut, you can feel the taste of any individual product that came across your teeth at that particular moment; this seems to me the least exciting.

    Step 1. Boil eggs and potatoes. We wash and clean the ingredients.

    Step 2. Finely chop the onion and dill. Pour the onion into a container, add a little salt and lightly mash it with a spoon (you can use a masher) so that the onion releases its juice. Okroshka will then be more flavorful. Add chopped dill there and mix.

    Step 3. Cut the potatoes and cucumbers and send them after the onions. By the way, the potatoes can be cut a little larger. Instead of fresh cucumbers, you can use salted ones. I’ve never tried to create something like this, I do it every time, and every time the smell of new cucumbers makes me forget about it. Especially if the freshest cucumbers are from your own garden.

    Step 4. It's time to cut the eggs and sausage. I make sure to chop the sausage finely so that it doesn’t interfere with the taste and smell of the cucumbers. Still, cucumber is the main component in okroshka, and we add sausage for satiety. By the way, instead of sausage you can eat meat and even fish, but this will be a different recipe. In our recipe, add eggs and sausage to a bowl.

    Step 5. Oh, I almost forgot about the radishes. Although okroshka will be good without radishes, it is spicier with radishes. At the same time, to make it spicy, I don’t chop the radish, but grate it to create juice, which will give it an extra spicy taste. We also put the radish in the bowl; they won’t wait for it there.

    Step 6. Well then! All that remains is to mix everything carefully so that our ingredients get to know each other and exchange their smells and tastes. The final touch is to pour ayran over all this deliciousness, add salt to taste (be careful: ayran is salty), mix and let sit for at least 10 minutes so that all the products in our okroshka become completely friendly with each other.

    Step 7. Pour okroshka into plates, add sour cream if desired and... bon appetit!

    Finally, notes...

    Okroshka is a popular dish. But there are people who don’t like okroshka. What if there is such a person in your company? Don't leave him hungry. By the way, my best friend did not like this dish. Therefore, we laid out the prepared “crumbs” on plates, and everyone poured what they wanted into it for themselves: kvass, ayran, mineral water, and so on. But my friend didn’t pour anything and ate salad with sour cream instead of okroshka.

    I live in Siberia. In spring and early summer, Siberians add wild garlic to okroshka. This is wild garlic. It has a pungent taste and a corresponding smell. If you chop young wild garlic trunks and mash them together with onions, the okroshka will acquire a specific sweetish-sharp flavor.

    Read also:  Garlic buns

    Okroshka is rightfully considered a summer dish. But no one forbids you to cook it in the winter, if you really want to. Moreover, even in winter you can buy green onions, dill and the freshest cucumbers in the store.

    Therefore, eat this simple dish at any time of the year. Prepare according to the suggested recipe or use your own recipe. It’s not important, the main thing is that it’s tasty for you. Eat healthy!

    By the way, how do you prepare okroshka? Share the recipe in the comments.

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    Respectfully. Your Lyudmila

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    Okroshka on ayran: a refreshing and tasty dish

    Okroshka with ayran turns out to be very refreshing.

    1. Okroshka on ayran: ingredients
    2. Okroshka on ayran: recipe
    3. Okroshka on ayran is ready!

    Okroshka on ayran: ingredients

    1. 350 (three hundred 50) g ​​– potatoes
    2. 200 (two hundred) g – chicken fillet
    3. 200 (two hundred) g – cucumbers
    4. 4 (four) pieces – chicken eggs
    5. Bunch of green onions
    6. 150 (100 50) g ​​– radish
    7. 10 (10) gr – mustard
    8. Bunch of dill
    9. 900 (nine hundred) ml – ayran
    10. Salt to taste

    Okroshka on ayran: recipe

    • Boil the chicken fillet, then cool and cut into cubes
    • Boil potatoes in their skins. Then cool, peel and cut into cubes
    • Boil chicken eggs, cool and peel. Separate the yolk. Cut the whites into cubes. Combine the yolks with mustard and grind until smooth.
    • Cucumbers cut into cubes
    • Radish cut into small cubes
    • Finely chop the greens, sprinkle with salt and rub with your hands. Greens are required to give up juice
    • Combine all ingredients in a bowl. Mix thoroughly. Add salt. Pour in cool ayran and mix thoroughly again

    Okroshka on ayran is ready!

    This moment the yolk with mustard adds incredible piquancy to our okrosheka! Be sure to take note of this option!

    Another option: use soft beef instead of chicken. Or boiled sausage. And cucumbers: grate them. So the dish turns out very, very tender!

    Ayran is considered a cure for all diseases. It forms suitable microflora. Thus raising immunity. Thanks to its amino acids, ayran evens out the water and salt balance of the body. In the Caucasus and the East they drink it to quench their thirst.

    Okroshka on ayran

    Among the Turkic peoples and inhabitants of the Caucasus, ayran is a popular fermented milk drink. It is identical to kefir; it is not for nothing that the drink is often called ayran even by the manufacturers of this product.

    Ayran is made from cow's or goat's milk, adding a special starter with fermented milk microbes, as well as water and salt.

    The thickness of the ayran depends on the amount of water. The thick ayran mixture is similar to sour cream and can be eaten with a spoon. Watery ayran perfectly relieves thirst, which is why it is so popular in the summer. They also make okroshka with it. It comes out slightly harsh, with a pleasant sourness and very tasty.

    Subtleties of manufacturing

    • Okroshka with ayran is prepared in the same way as with kefir. If ayran is watery, then, unlike kefir, it is not diluted with water.
    • Salt is added to okroshka, taking into account the taste of ayran.
    • The ingredients used for okroshka on ayran are the same as for traditional okroshka. Potatoes, fresh cucumbers, radishes, eggs, green onions and a lot of greens are put in it.
    • If ayran is thick, it is diluted with milk or water.
    • From time to time, okroshka on ayran is made only from new cucumbers and a huge amount of spicy herbs - dill, parsley, cilantro, basil. To add piquancy, dark ground pepper, coriander, and crushed walnuts are added to this okroshka.

    Okroshka on ayran with ham

    Ingredients (for 5-6 servings):

    • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
    • ham – 300 g;
    • fresh small cucumbers – 4 pcs.;
    • radishes – 4 pcs.;
    • eggs – 3 pcs.;
    • green onions - one bunch;
    • dill and parsley - one bunch;
    • ayran – 2 l;
    • water;
    • salt - to taste.
    • Boil the potatoes ahead of time so they have time to cool thoroughly.
    • Wash the radishes, cut off the tops and tails.
    • Wash the cucumbers, cut off the ends on both sides.
    • Cut the ham crosswise into slices 0.5 cm wide, and then cut these slices into cubes.
    • Cut the potatoes, cucumbers and radishes into the same cubes as the ham. Place all ingredients in one bowl.
    • Hard-boil the eggs, cool, and peel. Then chop with a fork. Combine with other products.
    • Cut the green onions into thin rings, add salt, and mash with a spoon until juice appears. Finely chop the greens. Pour into a bowl. Stir everything carefully, adding a little salt.
    • Place the salad in deep plates or quiche, fill with ayran.
    Read also:  Pasta casserole

    Note: Okroshka can be prepared using the usual method: put all the chopped products in an enamel pan, add salt and pour ayran. Stir. Take a sample. If the okroshka is not sour enough, add a little vinegar or citric acid. After thorough mixing, pour the okroshka into plates and serve.

    Okroshka on ayran with meat: 1st recipe

    • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
    • boiled meat (chicken, beef, veal) – 300 g;
    • fresh cucumbers – 3 pcs.;
    • eggs – 3 pcs.;
    • dill and parsley - a small bunch each;
    • green onions - a few feathers;
    • ready mustard – 1 tsp;
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground dark pepper - to taste;
    • ayran – 1.5 l.
    • Boil lean meat in advance. To make it savory, pour cool water over raw meat. As soon as the foam appears, remove it with a slotted spoon, add salt, reduce heat and cook at low simmer until cooked: beef - 2 hours, veal - 1 hour, chicken leg - 40 minutes. Cool the meat in the broth. Keep it there until cutting.
    • Boil the potatoes in their skins, quickly rinse with ice water, and remove the skin. Cool.
    • Hard boil the eggs. To prevent the boiled yolk from coming out with a green tint, cook the eggs for no more than 12 minutes. Cool in cool water and remove shells. Separate the yolks from the whites and place in a separate cup. Add mustard and mix well with the yolks. Finely chop the whites with a knife.
    • Wash the cucumbers and cut into small cubes. Cut the potatoes into the same cubes.
    • First cut the meat lengthwise and then crosswise into small cubes.
    • Finely chop the onion, dill and parsley.
    • Place all the ingredients in a saucepan and pour over the ayran. Add some salt. Mix thoroughly. Cool in the refrigerator for at least half an hour, then pour into plates and serve.

    Okroshka on ayran with meat: 2nd recipe

    • boiled meat (beef or veal);
    • fresh cucumbers – 5 pcs.;
    • green onions - 5 feathers;
    • parsley, dill and cilantro - a large bunch;
    • eggs – 4 pcs.;
    • ayran – 1 l;
    • salt - to taste;
    • ground dark pepper - a pinch.
    • For okroshka, take lean meat, boil it, cool without removing it from the broth. Then remove from the pan, wait for the liquid to drain, and cut into strips. Take another pan and add the meat there.
    • Hard boil the eggs. Separate the yolks from the whites and place them in a small bowl. Grind them with salt, adding a little ayran. Cut the whites into narrow strips.
    • Wash the cucumbers and cut off both ends. Grate on a medium grater.
    • Finely chop the green onions and herbs.
    • Add eggs and vegetables to the meat. Place the yolks mashed with salt here. Fill everything with ayran. Add salt and pepper and stir. If the okroshka is not sour enough, add vinegar or citric acid.
    • Let the okroshka steep in the refrigerator for half an hour, pour into plates and serve.

    Okroshka on ayran with carrots

    • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
    • carrots – 1 pc.;
    • eggs – 5 pcs.;
    • green onions - a narrow bunch;
    • dill - a small bunch;
    • ayran – 1 l;
    • salt - to taste.
    • Boil potatoes until soft. To prevent it from falling apart during cutting, it must be boiled in its uniform.
    • Cook the carrots separately from the potatoes, otherwise they will turn yellow during cooking. Rinse the roasted carrots with cool water and cool. This will allow the carrots to retain their vibrant color.
    • Hard-boil the eggs, cool them, and peel them.
    • Cut vegetables and eggs into similar small cubes. Chop the onion into thin rings. Place all ingredients in a saucepan or bowl, lightly salt and stir.
    • Chop the dill.
    • Place a portion of vegetable salad in a deep plate, fill with ayran, sprinkle with dill.

    Note to the hostess

    These recipes provide general advice. But you can replace some ingredients with others, add some other vegetables, taking into account your taste preferences. The main thing is that all the products combine perfectly with each other, then the end result will be a tasty dish.

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