Sponge cake with sour cream

Sponge cake with sour cream


Sour cream 35% – 200 g

Butter – 100 g

Baking powder – 8 g

  • 357 kcal
  • 50 min.
  • 50 min.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

This biscuit can be prepared if you have fatty sour cream in the refrigerator, or if you are a fan of sour cream baked goods.

From the resulting sponge cake with sour cream, you can construct a sour cream cake or eat the sponge cake straight away, washed down with tea. Don’t pay attention to the modest photo, I can assure you that the sponge cake comes out decent - savory and tender, slightly dense, it’s even pleasant to break it into pieces.

I added sugar to the dough according to my own taste. The recipe called for 200 grams, but I took a little less. The amount of flour depends on the size of the eggs used, here it is necessary to diversify, add a little more or a little less.

To make a sponge cake with sour cream, take all the products on the list.

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Add a pinch of salt to the whites and beat them until snow-white foam. Then add half the total amount of sugar in portions and beat until the bitter end, in other words, until stiff peaks form. Set the whipped whites aside.

Then it’s the turn of the yolks. You also need to add a pinch of salt to them and add the remaining sugar in portions, without ceasing to beat until fluffy, light, creamy.

This is the mixture of yolk mass you should get. The whisk leaves obvious marks on the surface.

Melt the butter and cool. Pour the oil into the yolks in a stream, whisking continuously.

Then add sour cream and mix well until smooth without using a mixer.

Sift the flour into the yolk mixture along with baking powder and vanilla. This needs to be done in several steps, each time carefully mixing in the flour with a hand whisk.

The result is a fairly thick but homogeneous fluffy dough.

Add the whites into the dough in several stages, carefully mixing them with a spatula from bottom to top. Do not use the mixer anymore.

Distribute the purchased dough into the mold. I don’t grease the pan, I just line it with parchment. This time I decided to play it safe and add sides. Bake the sponge cake with sour cream at 190 degrees for approximately 45-50 minutes, until dry.

Cool the finished biscuit in the mold, and then remove and release from the parchment.

You can coat it with cream or serve it immediately with tea.

Sour cream cake

Sour cream for cake

Quite often in comments on cakes I see reviews that the sour cream does not come out, or that it comes out watery. I decided to post a recipe for the right sour cream.

Honey cake with sour cream

This is perhaps my family's favorite cake. It’s quite simple to prepare and even a novice housewife can handle it. Come in and help yourself)

Cake “Smetannik”

I understand, you will say - there are already so many recipes for “Smetannik”. Yes, I agree with you. But my recipe is completely different. The cake literally melts in your mouth. Very affectionate, not cloying.

Cake “Sour cream” with strawberries without baking

The cake is ready in almost 5 minutes! – a good option when unexpected guests are on the doorstep. So..

Cake “Smetannik” in a frying pan

I would like to share another pan cake recipe! The recipe is fascinating because it is done simply and quickly, without looking at the fact that you need to roll out the shortcakes; the fact that the dough requires a minimum of ingredients, no eggs or butter; because the result is always tasty and different with different creams. This is the anti-crisis recipe for a frisky cake. It was called this because the dough is based on sour cream, and the shortcakes are baked in a frying pan. In general, a minimum of goods, simple, fast and tasty! Everything I like.

Birthday cake “Smetannik”

Delicate, delicious cake. I prepared for my wife for a birthday party - that says it all

Cake “Tender sour cream”

I offer you a recipe for a very tasty and tender cake “Smetannik”

Cake with sour cream custard

An ordinary and unpretentious homemade sponge cake with sour cream custard. Light, airy, tender, moderately sweet. Totally easy! It is very convenient because both the sponge cake and the cream can be prepared in advance. Come in and help yourself. It's delicious!

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Pie with raspberries and sour cream

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A chocolate cake perfect for chocolate lovers. Making a cake is quite simple and requires a minimum of complicated work, and in the end we get a tender and delicious dessert.

Sour cream cake . Sour cream cake, or the well-known sour cream cake, is one of the most beloved treats for both children and adults. It is very simple to make, does not require intricate products, has a breathtakingly tender and light texture and can be prepared for both warm family tea parties and joyful festive feasts. The juicy and tender crumb of such cakes will not leave anyone indifferent!

The recipe for a traditional sour cream contains only flour, sour cream, sugar and eggs, but the matter is not limited to traditional sour cream alone, because a sour cream cake can also be prepared using other ingredients. Condensed milk will definitely give such a cake the richest taste; in addition, you can safely add honey, vanilla or nuts, as well as cocoa or chocolate to sour cream.

Such famous cakes as “Napoleon” or “Medovik” are also prepared with sour cream. Adding sour cream gives them a more delicate taste and a slightly loose texture. And the dough for these cakes is usually rolled into flat cakes.

It is not always necessary to bake a sour cream cake - there are also recipes for sour cream cakes without baking. You can, for example, make a wonderful jelly cake with sour cream or an even more exciting version of a jelly cake with sour cream and cottage cheese. Well, the popular “Broken Glass” cake is also made with sour cream! No less delicious will be a no-bake cake made with gingerbread or cookies and sour cream - even kids can handle making these culinary masterpieces!

From time to time, sour cream cake is called so because sour cream was used in its production - such cream will unsurpassably emphasize the taste of even the most unique cake. And, nevertheless, a real sour cream cake contains sour cream not only in a delicious cream, but also in an equally delicious dough.

To make the sour cream cake especially tasty, it is best to use sour cream with a fairly high percentage of fat content. First, beat the eggs with sugar, and only later add sour cream to them, and this should be done very carefully so as not to accidentally precipitate the foam. If the sour cream has a very heterogeneous mixture or a very thick product is found, then it must be carefully mixed in a separate bowl beforehand.

Shortbreads for sour cream cake can be baked both in the oven and in a slow cooker. If they turn out to be very tall, then it is completely acceptable to cut them. And only later are all the shortcakes coated with cream - either sour cream, butter or custard, cream with condensed milk or even chocolate paste are suitable for these purposes. Then the cakes are allowed to soak for several hours, and you can start enjoying your favorite cake!

Marble sponge cake based on sour cream

By themselves, biscuits according to any recipe often simply help out the housewife in a situation where she needs to quickly and inexpensively make a dessert.

And how can you not adore sponge cake with sour cream if cakes with its base are always perfectly soaked and wet.

Ready-made “marble” sponge cake based on sour cream

The striking thing is that sponge cake with sour cream is very simple and quick to prepare - without any separation of whites from yolks (as conventional recipes dictate). In addition, the shortcakes can be combined with any type of cream, and the sponge cake itself can be made attractive from the inside – marbled.

Baked sponge cake with marble effect

History of marble

Since we touched on the marble color of the dessert, let’s look into the origin of crystalline rocks. Marble, as the final result of a natural phenomenon, is created by the method of recrystallization of dolomite or limestone. Construction practice uses marble as a decoration for interior and exterior surfaces. After all, metamorphic natural rocks are endowed with medium hardness and are perfectly amenable to processing: grinding, cutting, and so on.

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Marble fireplace decoration: a natural multi-valued material

The introduction of marble by people began in ancient times: not enough sculptural monuments, building structures, products, dishes and everything else that happened during the ancient period have survived to this day. The word itself was invented by the Greeks - “marble” meant nothing more than “shine” or shining granite. The natural polysemantic stone was considered to have divine origin and power: the temple of Artemis of Ephesus, which, unfortunately, has not survived to this day, was supported by columns of marble.

Temple of Artemis of Ephesus

The temple is still considered one of the 7 main wonders of the ancient world.

Ingredients for 8 servings

3 pieces of chicken eggs

270 g sifted flour (wheat)

200 grams of any fat content of sour cream

240 grams of sweet sand

50 g butter

2 tbsp. dusted custard cocoa (for the beauty of the dessert)


form for baking

mixer or whisk

How to make sour cream biscuit

So, let's start preparing an all-purpose butter sponge cake.

Melt the butter over low heat, skimming off the foam. Let it cool to room temperature.

Ghee butter

Let's start beating chicken eggs. We cast a spell over them until the total size of the mass actually doubles.

Broken chicken eggs in a convenient beating bowl

Add melted butter and sweet sand to the risen eggs.

Cover the beaten eggs with sugar and pour in the cooled butter.

Add sour cream and soda to the resulting consistency.

You don’t have to extinguish the soda with lemon juice or vinegar, since sour cream contains acid that will extinguish it in the total mass.

Add the main ingredients to the dough: sour cream and soda

We begin to knead the dough, adding flour. The mixture should resemble thick sour cream.

The purchased liquid dough can be divided into a couple of parts or 1/3, into which cocoa powder can be mixed. We will mix as the butter sponge cake recipe asks.

Artistically place the biscuit dough with sour cream in a greased (butter) pan or lined with parchment.

You can make the dessert more exotic by arranging the dough a little more carefully. Then we will get a cross-section of the Zebra cake.

Filled dough, colored with cocoa

The baking process should take place at a temperature of 180° until done.

The finished biscuit can be cut into 3 parts and assembled into a delicious cake.

Finished sponge cake cut lengthwise for layering with cream

A cake can be made beautiful on the outside by decorating it with cream and mastic, but on the inside it is already magnificent. By the way, sponge cake with sour cream holds its shape unsurpassedly, so creating 3D cakes from it is a pleasure.

How to bake an airy sponge cake with sour cream: recipes with condensed milk, snow-white chocolate and cocoa

What could be tastier than homemade baked goods? Biscuit with sour cream became a favorite delicacy of almost everyone. Its recipes are varied, but they are all united by the ease of the manufacturing process, as a result of which you will receive an indescribably tender and airy dessert.

Secrets of airy sponge cake

Whatever recipe for sponge cake with sour cream you take as a base, it would be useful to listen to the advice of the most experienced housewives:

  • Before mixing the biscuit base, the flour should be sifted. Firstly, with this method you will get rid of excess debris, and secondly, the flour will be saturated with oxygen, which will give the sponge cake a fluffy appearance.
  • You can check if the biscuit is ready using 2 methods. Take a toothpick and carefully insert it into the baked goods. If the dough does not stick to it, then the sponge cake can be removed from the oven. Or lightly press your finger onto the baking surface. In a perfectly baked delicacy, the hole will quickly recover.
  • If the sponge cake sticks to the pan, before removing it, place the container on a damp towel and leave for a couple of minutes.
  • To get a chocolate sponge cake, add cocoa powder to the base.

Advice! To turn an ordinary sponge cake into a real confectionery masterpiece, add pieces of your favorite fruits or berries to the dough.

Traditional sponge cake with sour cream: recipe with photo

The secret of biscuit baking lies in the properly whipped protein mass. Don't be lazy and be sure to separate the yolks from the whites.


  • 25 g soft butter;
  • 1 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 2 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 1 tbsp. sweet sand;
  • 6 eggs;
  • ½ tsp. soda
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  1. First, we need to use some convenient method to separate the protein mass from the yolk mass.
  2. Combine the yolks with sweet sand.
  3. Beat this mass well and add sour cream. Stir until the structure is homogeneous.
  4. Mix the yolk-sugar mixture with the sifted flour. Stir until smooth.
  5. Let's beat the whites, without being lazy, to stable peaks, and then carefully introduce them into the base.
  6. Grease the mold with soft butter and pour the biscuit dough into it.
  7. Bake the delicacy for forty minutes at a temperature of 180°.

On a note! Using the biscuit base, you can make a delicious cake or unique pastries. In the first case, cut the biscuit into two parts and coat them with any cream. To make the cakes, cut the pastries into small pieces, pour syrup over them and decorate with berries.

Unique baked goods with a surprise

Now let’s prepare a not quite ordinary sponge cake with sour cream. A recipe with a photo will help you easily bring this confectionery idea to life. And the surprise lies in the snow-white chocolate.


  • 75-80 g of sweet sand;
  • 2 yolks;
  • 100 g sour cream;
  • 150 g snow-white chocolate;
  • 50 g soft butter for glaze;
  • salt;
  • 75-80 g of sifted flour.


  1. This recipe involves adding only yolks to the dough. We will grind them painstakingly with sweet sand.
  2. Add sour cream and mix.
  3. We break the chocolate bar and melt it in a microwave (microwave radiation, ultra-high frequency radiation - electromagnetic radiation, including the decimeter, centimeter and millimeter range of radio waves) - oven or in a water bath.
  4. Add a little chocolate mass to the dough, leaving the rest for the cream.
  5. Add flour in small portions and mix the biscuit base. It doesn't have to be very watery.
  6. Grease the mold with soft butter and place the dough into it.
  7. Bake the biscuit at a temperature of 180 degrees until cooked. It should be covered with a beautiful golden brown crust.
  8. Remove the biscuit from the mold and cool.
  9. Combine melted snow-white chocolate with butter and mix until smooth.
  10. Drizzle the prepared glaze over the dessert.
  11. Our delicacy is ready!

On a note! You can quickly and without much hassle bake a sponge cake with sour cream in a slow cooker. To do this, select the “Baking” option.

Airy sponge cake with chocolate notes

Your household will certainly appreciate the chocolate sponge cake with sour cream. And this is logical, because it has an unsurpassed smell and delicate taste. We will bake it in a slow cooker, but you can cook the delicacy in the oven.


  • 200 ml sour cream;
  • 100 g cocoa powder;
  • 100 g soft butter;
  • 1 tbsp. sifted flour;
  • 4 testicles;
  • 1 tsp. baking powder;
  • 200 g sweet sand.


  1. Combine the softened butter with sweet sand and beat until a fluffy mass appears.
  2. Continuing to beat, add the eggs.
  3. Add sour cream and beat the mixture until smooth.
  4. Sift the flour and mix with baking powder and cocoa. Add dry ingredients to biscuit base and stir.
  5. Grease a multi-bowl with oil and place our dough into it.
  6. Set the “Baking” option and cook the biscuit for 40-50 minutes.
  7. Remove the sponge cake from the multi-bowl when it has cooled, carefully turning it over onto the mesh designed for steaming.

Tender biscuit with condensed milk

A sponge cake with condensed milk and sour cream will be the perfect dessert for a celebratory tea party. This recipe is considered universally suitable, because such pastries can be served separately at the table, or in the form of a cake, greasing the sponge cake with any cream.


  • 1 b. condensed milk;
  • 250 ml sour cream;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 1 tsp. soda;
  • 1 ½ tbsp. flour.


  1. In a deep bowl, combine condensed milk with sour cream and beat the resulting mass until a homogeneous structure.
  2. Now add eggs, soda and sugar. Mix the base well.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees in advance. Bake the biscuit until ready.

Advice! Grease the heat-resistant form in which you bake the biscuit with butter and sprinkle with semolina.

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The sponge cake with sour cream always comes out fluffy and airy. And there are so many recipes for making it that you will certainly choose the option that suits you. Cook with pleasure and bon appetit!

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