Pumpkin marmalade - 6 homemade recipes

Pumpkin marmalade - 6 homemade recipes

Marmalade is a famous sweet that was invented before the Middle Ages. At that time, marmalade was made only from apples and quinces, but now you can find recipes with the addition of various goods. For example, pumpkin marmalade.

Pumpkin marmalade with gelatin

Pumpkin marmalade with gelatin can be given to your children quietly, because it consists of natural ingredients.

Products you need:

  • Pumpkin – 0.50 kg;
  • sugar – 0.15 kg;
  • gelatin (fast-acting) – 0.03 kg;
  • lemon juice – 0.03 l.


Rinse the pumpkin, remove the skin and remove the fibrous part with the seeds. Cut the fruit into cubes and place in a baking dish.

Preheat the oven to 180 degrees and bake the vegetable for 30 minutes. Let the finished pumpkin cool slightly, and then puree it using an immersion blender. To be sure, grind the puree through a sieve.

Pour sugar into the pumpkin pulp, add juice squeezed from lemon, and stir. Add gelatin and stir again. Wait 15 minutes and then place the container on the stove. Heat over low heat for 3 minutes, stirring the pumpkin mixture; it should not boil.

Interesting to know! Gelatin contains beneficial enzymes that have a beneficial effect on skin, hair and nails.

Cut the plex into a suitable size and place it on the vessel where you will transfer the future marmalade.

Pour the pumpkin mixture onto the plex; the layer thickness should be approximately 2 centimeters. When the mass has cooled down one hundred percent, place it in the refrigerator to harden for at least 1 hour.

After the marmalade has hardened, it is necessary to remove the film from it and cut it into pieces of any shape.

Pumpkin apple and orange marmalade

Not a single gourmet will be able to resist the delicious marmalade made from pumpkin and apples.

Products you need:

  • Pumpkin – 0.30 kg;
  • apples – 0.30 kg;
  • orange juice – 0.10 l.;
  • sugar – 0.10 kg;
  • gelatin (instant) – 3 tbsp. l.


Wash and peel the pumpkin. Cut into pieces and place in a saucepan. Do the same with an apple. Cover the fruits with sugar and pour in the juice squeezed from the orange. Place the saucepan over low heat and cook, covered, until the juices have evaporated and the pumpkin and apples have softened.

Rub the cooked apples and pumpkin through a sieve, heat slightly and pour the gelatin directly into the pulp. Then stir quickly until the gelatin dissolves.

Next, you need to pour the resulting mixture into molds and let it cool. Then transfer to the refrigerator and wait for complete hardening.

Good to know! As molds for marmalade, you can use an ice mold or plastic candy packaging with cells.

Pumpkin marmalade with cherries and pectin

The colorful sweet pumpkin can also be combined with a sour and no less catchy berry called cherry.

Products you need:

  • Pumpkin – 0.15 kg;
  • cherry – 0.15 kg;
  • sugar – 0.20 kg;
  • pectin – 0.01 kg;
  • lemon juice – 0.05 l.;
  • vanilla – 1 pinch.


Rinse the pumpkin and cherries. Remove the skin and inside of the pumpkin and cut into cubes. Remove pits from cherries.

Place the pumpkin and cherries in a saucepan, add sugar, vanilla and lemon juice, cook until the pumpkin softens. Rub the finished puree through a sieve and add pectin to it. Stir well and continue cooking over low heat, stirring constantly, for 10 minutes.

Cover the mold with cling film and place the resulting mush on it. Carefully level and leave to harden at room temperature for 24 hours. There is no need to cover it with anything.

After the designated time, turn the marmalade onto cling film and wait another 24 hours. Then cut it into cubes and sprinkle with sugar.

Good to know! This marmalade should be stored in a container with a hermetically sealed lid.

Marmalade with honey

This marmalade is suitable for those with a sweet tooth who are not allowed to eat sugar. In this recipe we swapped it out for honey.

Products you need:

  • Pumpkin – 1 kg;
  • honey – 0.10 l.;
  • agar-agar – 0.025 kg;
  • vanillin – 1 pinch.


Wash the vegetable, cut off the skin with a knife and remove the fibrous part with the seeds. Cut into small slices.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet and place pumpkin pieces on top. Place the baking sheet in the oven and cook for 30 minutes at 180 degrees.

Place the soft pumpkin in a blender bowl and blend until smooth. Then add honey and stir.

Interesting to know! It has been confirmed that daily consumption of honey improves memory and virtually eliminates the possibility of sclerosis in old age.

Pour the agar-agar into a small bowl and add warm water, following the instructions on the package. Pour the prepared agar-agar into the pumpkin puree and stir well.

Pour the resulting mixture into small molds and place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Pumpkin marmalade with lemon, prepared in a slow cooker

Having tried this marmalade once, your family will no longer want to use the store-bought version.

Required product:

  • Pumpkin – 1 kg;
  • lemon – 0.5 pcs.;
  • agar-agar – 0.02 kg;
  • sugar – 0.40 kg.


Rinse the pumpkin, peel and cut into cubes. They need to be placed in a multicooker on a grid for steaming. Pour water into the bowl and cook on “steam” mode for 20-30 minutes.

Turn pumpkin pieces into puree. Wash the lemon and cut it in half, squeeze the required amount of juice from one half. Add it to the puree, stir and place in the multicooker bowl, set the “cook” program and boil the puree for 10 minutes.

Dissolve agar-agar in a small amount of water, following the instructions in the annotation. Add it to the puree and stir thoroughly.

Interesting to know! Today, agar-agar is created only by the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) , Japan and China. Although the necessary aquatic plants are obtained in Portugal, Korea and Spain.

Cover a suitable container with plexiglass and pour out the future marmalade in a not very thick layer. It should be about 1.5 centimeters. When the mass has cooled one hundred percent, the vessel should be placed in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.

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Cut the frozen marmalade into pieces. To do this, you can use a curly knife.

Sugar free marmalade

For this marmalade, you need to choose a nutmeg pumpkin variety with bright orange flesh. This pumpkin is the sweetest.

Products you need:

  • Pumpkin – 0.35 kg;
  • gelatin – 0.03 kg;
  • citric acid - on the tip of a knife;
  • vanillin – 1 pinch;
  • sweetener to your taste.

How to make pumpkin marmalade at home using a step-by-step recipe with photos

This article will be a real salvation for all sweet tooths and mothers of these sweet tooths. Because now I will share a recipe for a frisky and delicious making of pumpkin marmalade. It is impossible to come up with the best recipe, because it contains all the best characteristics: good taste, speed of production, and most importantly, it retains the maximum of the necessary parameters.


Peeled pumpkin 500 g
Sugar 150 g
Lemon juice 3 tbsp. l.
Cinnamon taste
Nutmeg taste
Instant gelatin 30 g

Let's start the manufacturing process

  1. We clean the pumpkin from the skin and seeds. Cut the washed pumpkin into small cubes.
  2. Place the pumpkin in a baking dish and place in the oven for 20-30 minutes.
  3. Cool the finished pumpkin.
  4. Next, blend the finished pumpkin with a blender until smooth.
  5. If you want the marmalade to be even more homogeneous, then rub the resulting puree through a sieve. But this may not be possible.
  6. Add sugar, lemon juice and spices to the finished pumpkin puree.

What is best to serve with and what to eat with dessert?

To decorate the dessert, you can use fresh or frozen fruits, ice cream or chocolate. You can melt the chocolate and pour it on top, or completely dip the gummies, or you can just serve it with whole pieces of chocolate. You can also decorate with dried fruits and nuts. The most common method is to crush it with coconut shavings or sweet powder.

Ready-made marmalades will be a good, light dessert at a gala dinner, and also a useful alternative to store-bought sweets. The combination of pumpkin marmalade and milk drinks will be very tasty. In addition, this dessert can be served with tea, coffee or cocoa.

Video recipe for making pumpkin marmalade

If you still have questions about making a dessert like marmalade, I invite you to watch the video recipe. You can see all the stages of making marmalade and make sure that you are doing everything correctly. The video also shows the usual method of decorating and serving dessert.

Main lowercase truths

  • To make marmalade, it is better to use bright orange pumpkin . Then the marmalade comes out catchy and rich.
  • If you have it on hand, then in the process of making marmalade you can use agar-agar instead of gelatin . Agar-agar also works as a thickener, the only difference is that it is made from a plant base.
  • You can use fresh or frozen berries and fruits not only for decoration, but also in the manufacturing process itself . To do this, pour not all the pumpkin puree into the mold, but half. Place fruits, berries or chocolate. And pour the rest of the puree over it.
  • To make marmalade, you can use the whole form, and later, when the marmalade is ready, cut it as you wish . Or you can immediately pour pumpkin puree into portioned molds in the shape of animals, hearts or stars.
  • To ensure that the marmalade can be easily removed when ready, cover the mold with cling film or cool the mold in the refrigerator in advance.

Options for making pumpkin sweets

I don’t understand how your family is, but mine is one hundred percent made up of sweet tooths. Every day I search for a recipe for some new cake, pastry or cookie. Taking sweets is not an option for us for two reasons: firstly, when we open a bag of sweets, we will not close it until everything is completed. And secondly, because we have another little gourmet growing up. And if I am ready to put up with the first condition, because we are all adults and must take responsibility for our own actions, then with the second point we have to invent something. In connection with this, all recipes for savory desserts are salvation for me, and one of them was pumpkin marmalade with gelatin.

So that you have the opportunity to pamper your children with tasty and healthy sweets as often as possible, I would like to share with you a recipe for pumpkin jam. Although such jam will not leave even an adult phlegmantic. It comes out moderately sweet with a very pleasant and gentle aftertaste. Also a very easy and simple recipe for making candied pumpkin. Candied fruits have helped me out more than once on the road when I was unable to eat a full meal. Candied pumpkin fruits are also moderately sweet and very nutritious.

Step-by-step recipe for making pumpkin marmalade at home

When I want to amuse the kids with candy, but don’t want to buy worthless and often tasteless candy in stores, I make it myself. Pumpkin marmalade has many recipes and is prepared quickly and deliciously, so I like to make them to be sure of the quality.

I prefer to use agar-agar rather than gelatin, because it is very necessary for our body. Firstly, it is not absorbed by the body, but is excreted from it, taking with it the harmful microflora of the intestinal tract. Secondly, it helps cleanse the liver of excess bile. It also hardens quickly and does not overshadow the taste of the main ingredient - pumpkin. And the pumpkin itself has anti-inflammatory properties, and also strengthens the body as a whole.

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But if you can’t find agar-agar in your town, then gelatin gummies can also be prepared very quickly and deliciously, the main thing is to follow the recipe. They take a little longer to prepare, but the taste is in no way inferior to store-bought marmalade, and maybe even tastier. There are several recipes, and therefore for now I will tell you what we need for the desired sweets prepared at home.

Pumpkin marmalade with gelatin

Kitchen equipment: baking tray, blender, saucepan, marmalade mold, spoon.


Pumpkin 500 g
Sugar 150 g
Lemon juice 3 tbsp. l.
Gelatin 30 g

Manufacturing process

  1. Cut the peeled pumpkin into pieces and bake in a preheated oven at 200° for 25 minutes.
  2. When the pumpkin is ready, grind it with a blender and grind through a sieve so that there are no lumps left.
  3. Add sugar and lemon juice and mix well.
  4. Add gelatin to the pumpkin, stir and place on low heat. Stirring for a few minutes, heat the mixture.
  5. Line a marmalade mold with cling film and pour the mixture into it. Let it cool, and then leave it in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) .
  6. Cut the finished marmalade into small pieces and roll in sugar.

Video recipe for pumpkin marmalade with jelly

If you want your marmalade to come out perfect the first time, then watch this short video. You can figure out all the aspects and create everything correctly.

Pumpkin marmalade with agar-agar

  • Production time: 20 minutes + 30 minutes.
  • Servings: 10-12 pieces.
  • Kitchen appliances: mixer, spoon, saucepan, jelly molds.


  • pumpkin – 250 g;
  • 4 tablespoons sugar;
  • 1.5 teaspoons agar-agar;
  • 50 ml water;
  • vanilla, cinnamon.

Manufacturing process

  1. Peel the pumpkin, cut into pieces and cook until tender. Then mash it into a puree, add cinnamon, vanilla and stir with a blender.
  2. Add agar-agar and sugar to the water and bring to a boil.
  3. Boil for 3 minutes and then add to the pumpkin puree.
  4. Stir the pumpkin well with a mixer until smooth and pour while still warm into cooled molds.
  5. Leave in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and you can serve.

Video recipe for pumpkin marmalade with agar-agar

Watch this short video so you literally don’t confuse anything and create a delicious dessert. A small video with music, and you are a guru in making marmalades.

What is marmalade served with?

Marmalade is a dessert, and desserts are usually served with hot drinks: chas, coffee, cocoa. Although you can just eat them for a snack without drinking anything.

Homemade marmalades can also be used in making and decorating cakes, pastries or ice cream. It can be created in various fascinating shapes that little gourmands will literally appreciate.

Some tips

  • The marmalade should be placed in molds while still hot so that it hardens evenly.
  • If you don't have a blender or mixer, you can create a puree with a fork , just be sure to grind it through a sieve to get rid of lumps.
  • Sugar can be replaced with honey , just check how much honey you need for this.

If you decide to use pumpkin for desserts, then don’t limit your imagination! Bake pies, cakes, casseroles and pastries. Make a sweet salad or roast pumpkin with honey. Make pumpkin jam that can be used for sweet cereals, pies, pancakes or sandwiches. Prepare candied pumpkin and enjoy your waking hours with delicious desserts. Try to prepare desserts without the help of others - and you will forever refuse store-bought goods.

Homemade pumpkin marmalade

Pumpkin, which has long been valued in Rus', contains a large amount of essential substances and vitamins that the human body needs so much. It is clear that pumpkin is especially useful for children. Scientists have confirmed that people who consume pumpkin as part of their diet are less susceptible to digestive problems, and, accordingly, suffer less from hypertension.

  • The main rules for making pumpkin marmalade
  • Main stages of production
  • Recipe for making pumpkin marmalade
  • Recipe for pumpkin marmalade with vanilla
  • Recipe for pumpkin marmalade with honey
  • Recipe for making pumpkin marmalade with citrus juice
  • Little tricks for making pumpkin marmalade

The main rules for making pumpkin marmalade

For pumpkin marmalade to be appetizing at home and have excellent taste, you still need to use nutmeg varieties , but only ripe fruits. If the pumpkin is very large or has a grayish color, then you should not use it to make marmalade. It will not have any beneficial properties and there will be no taste either.

To make marmalade from this fruit, you will certainly need sugar and gelatin. The amount of sugar will depend on how sweet the fruit pulp is, and from time to time it is also replaced according to the recipe with honey. Instead of gelatin, you can use either pectin or agar-agar . By the way, from time to time, in order to give pumpkin marmalade a special smell, cinnamon or vanillin is added to it during production.

Main stages of production

To make pumpkin marmalade, you need to peel the fruit and remove the fibers along with the seeds. The resulting peeled pulp should be cut into small pieces and placed on a baking sheet , which must be covered with parchment in advance. The pumpkin is baked in the oven for 35 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. If you don’t have this ability, then you can place these small cubes in a saucepan, add a little water and boil until soft.

When the pumpkin pulp becomes completely soft, it is removed from the oven or pan and placed in a blender, where it is pureed . You need to make sure that there are no pieces in the pumpkin mixture. Only after this add sugar according to the recipe to this pumpkin puree and mix everything well.

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At this time, the gelatin is poured with water and left for some time so that it can swell. Then it is also added to pumpkin puree. Place the pan with this sweet pumpkin puree on the stove and heat until the sugar and gelatin are completely dissolved . But it’s worth making sure that this mass doesn’t boil.

All that remains is to cool slightly, pour into molds and put in the refrigerator to harden. But it is worth keeping in mind that it is necessary to fill the molds with pumpkin mixture so that its height does not exceed 2 cm. You can add nuts and dried fruits to such pumpkin marmalade, but only first they need to be chopped. The finished pumpkin marmalade is cut into pieces. And you can serve it to the table by previously dipping it in sugar or coconut flakes.

It is better to store pumpkin marmalade in a transparent glass jar, wrapped in parchment and with a tightly closed lid.

Recipe for making pumpkin marmalade

To make regular pumpkin marmalade you need the following products:

  1. Pumpkin pulp – 0.5 kilograms.
  2. Lemon juice-75 ml.
  3. Sugar -250 gr.

First you need to prepare the pulp, clearing it of skin, fiber and seeds, and bake it. After this, we turn the fruit pulp into puree . It is better to create this using a blender, but you can also use a masher. The purchased puree is ground through a sieve into a saucepan so that there are no lumps, and then this container with pumpkin puree is placed on the stove. Sugar and lemon juice are added to it according to the recipe.

During cooking, the pumpkin mass must be constantly stirred until it boils. After this, you should continue cooking for another 10 minutes so that it can thicken. The marmalade is ready, you can put it in a mold previously lined with parchment. At room temperature, this pumpkin delicacy is left for a day, and then all that remains is to decorate it: cut into small pieces and sprinkle with sweet powder.

Recipe for pumpkin marmalade with vanilla

To make pumpkin gummy sweets for this recipe you will need the following products:

  1. Gelatin -50 gr.
  2. Pumpkin – 500 gr.
  3. Sugar – 120 gr.
  4. Vanillin – 10 gr.

Peel the pumpkin so that only the pulp remains and cut into small pieces. Small pumpkin cubes on a baking sheet go into the oven for 35 minutes. After this, it is imperative to chop them and rub them through a sieve so that a homogeneous mass comes out.

, vanilla sugar and gelatin are now added to the pumpkin puree , which quickly dissolves. Everything needs to be thoroughly mixed and left for 25 minutes so that the gelatin can swell. Place the pan on the heat again, and cook this whole mass until the gelatin and sugar dissolve one hundred percent. But it doesn’t have to boil, but rather turn off the heat and let the mixture cool. Now you can cut it, put it in molds and put it in the refrigerator to harden.

Recipe for pumpkin marmalade with honey

To make pumpkin marmalade with honey, you will need the same products:

  1. Pumpkin - 1 kilogram.
  2. Vanillin -10 gr.
  3. Gelatin -25 gr.
  4. Honey -100 gr.

The method of making this recipe with honey is no different from any traditional recipe, because the pumpkin pulp is also peeled and baked in the oven, and then pureed. When the pumpkin puree is already ground through a sieve, you should add honey and mix everything well . Gelatin, which was previously soaked, is also added here.

All that remains is to carefully mix all this and pour it into a mold, which should later be placed in a cold space for several hours. It is best to put it in the refrigerator, so the marmalade will cook faster.

Recipe for making pumpkin marmalade with citrus juice

Pumpkin marmalade is unusual if you add citrus juice to it. To make such a fascinating and mouth-watering sweet, you need to use the following ingredients:

  1. Sugar -600 gr.
  2. Lemon.
  3. Pumpkin pulp -1 kilogram.
  4. Water -1 glass.
  5. Carnation -2 inflorescences.
  6. Orange - 1 piece.

The method for making such marmalade is simple and does not take much time. We start cooking with the pumpkin, which must be washed, thoroughly wiped and cut into four parts. Peel each part of the fruit from the skin and fibers that always contain seeds. The remaining pulp needs to be cut into small pieces and placed in a saucepan. Lemon and orange must be washed and cut, squeeze out their juice directly into the pan where the pumpkin is already being cooked. We also add cloves and sugar to this mass. All that remains is to pour out the water and mix everything thoroughly.

Bring this pumpkin mixture with citrus fruits to a boil and, reducing the heat, stirring, cook until the pumpkin becomes soft. This usually takes 40 minutes.

As soon as we remove the pan from the heat, the cloves must be removed immediately , and the rest of the mass must be turned into puree, but without lumps. Place on the fire again and heat for 3 minutes. All that remains is to spread out the warm mixture of pumpkin and the marmalade is ready!

Little tricks for making pumpkin marmalade

It is worth constantly keeping in mind that you need to cook such a delicacy in a saucepan with a thick bottom . If suddenly the housewife decides to add pumpkin juice to the puree, which has suddenly become very thick, then it must certainly be the freshest. Gelatin is added to the marmalade mixture only when it is already swollen and has stood for several hours. The shelf life of this pumpkin marmalade can be up to three months, provided it is stored in the refrigerator at a suitable temperature.

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