The recipe for my favorite oatmeal with milk and what toppings I add to it

The recipe for my favorite oatmeal with milk and what toppings I add to it

Dear readers, hello! Remember, Barrymore, giving Baskerville porridge, when asked: “What is this?”, solemnly answers: “Oatmeal, sir!” At the beginning of the movie, Baskerville eats the porridge with a wince, but at the end he devolves it with pleasure. This is probably why they prepared it according to a completely different recipe (from whole or crushed oats, and not from purified compressed flakes). Although, seriously, oatmeal is the most delicious dish, and the recipe for making it is completely simple.


Our recipe

Video recipe

Be sure to watch the video about overnight oatmeal. Tip: during the day, heat the preparation in a water bath: place a mug of porridge in a plate with hot water.

Watch the video recipe for oatmeal with tops: 3 very tasty dessert recipes.

Other recipes

  • On the water

Oatmeal with water is my favorite porridge! This option conveys the taste of the oatmeal itself, so it is not interrupted by milk or all sorts of toppings and sweet additives. I brew Hercules oatmeal with boiling water, add a little salt and just let it brew for 10-12 minutes under the lid. During this period of time, the porridge will swell, increase in size, and become fluffy. I eat it with unrefined sunflower oil. This is quite tasty! Tasty, you say?! But there is no arguing about tastes. Just try to make the world's most ordinary oatmeal, I hope you enjoy it too.

If you still want to add something, don’t do it, although you can eat the porridge as a bite with different fruits: pears, apples, without cutting them, or with sandwiches.

  • In a slow cooker

Poor multicooker! Stands bored on the shelf. Well, you bought it with pleasure and used it intensively for the first 2-3 months, and later you simply forgot about it. So I suggest cooking porridge in it. It's very comfortable! In the multicooker, an oven effect is created; the cereal is steamed and swells, increasing in size. It turns out to be a wonderful dish. Add any tops to the plate and enjoy.

  • Whole grain

In order for whole grain oatmeal to turn into a worthy dish, it is imperative to maintain proportions. For one part of whole grain, take 5 parts of water, so that during the long cooking process it does not all evaporate, and the grain becomes soft. Next, everything is according to the traditional recipe. Before cooking, it is better to soak the grain overnight (that is, in the dark) or for several hours in warm water, so that it swells and later cooks more quickly. Usually such porridge needs 50-60 minutes to be one hundred percent cooked. Although it will never be very soft and airy. This is a coarse peasant dish, and in our time it is, naturally, not an acquired taste.

  • Frisky made (from flakes) with blueberries

In the modern world, you can prepare porridge for breakfast in just 3 minutes. Naturally, you need to take care in advance - buy quick-cooking oatmeal and some tops to decorate the dish later. I advise you not to even cook this porridge, but simply steam it with boiling water for 3-5 minutes, covering the bowl with a lid. When it “cooks”, in other words, increases in size - swells, add blueberries and honey or some other sweetener. If you don't have any newfangled maple syrup in your cupboard, then take some jam out of the refrigerator. Oatmeal with jam will remind you of your childhood.

  • With butter

“You can’t spoil porridge with butter!” - says a Russian proverb, although I don’t advise you to oil it too much, simply because it will be very nutritious. I usually put a tablespoon of butter or ghee in a huge bowl. We cook oatmeal according to the traditional recipe in water or milk, add salt, add a little sugar or honey and add butter. Naturally, with butter it turns out very tasty, but if you are a vegan or fasting, then feel free to pour in any vegetable with a smell, in other words, unrefined. Believe me, it's worth experiencing!

Benefits for the body

The benefits of oatmeal cannot be overestimated, because it:

  • is a source of vitamins A, E, K, PP and group B;
  • has a wide range of minerals: potassium, magnesium, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, iron, nickel and others;
  • lowers cholesterol (an organic compound, a natural fatty, lipophilic alcohol found in the cell membranes of all living organisms except non-nuclear ones) and the risk of developing blood clots;
  • helps improve the digestion process, kidney function, and thyroid function;
  • is the best healthy breakfast for kids and adults, containing carbohydrates, proteins and fiber.
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But all this applies to whole grain porridge. If we use flakes, this is already a product that has undergone preparatory heat treatment and has lost some of its own necessary parameters. Therefore, I advise you to take whole grain oats or porridge in packs that indicate the production time of at least 20 minutes.

Read more about this in the article Oatmeal: benefits and harms, also watch a video about what will happen if you start eating oats once a day.

Useful tips

  1. In my opinion, porridge must be porridge, and if you make a dessert out of it, well, that’s your right, although it’s no longer porridge! Therefore, deviating from the traditional recipe, I do not put sugar or sweeteners in it. I prefer the salty, “masculine” version.
  2. How long to cook oatmeal is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It's a matter of experience! No matter how many tips you read until you try it yourself 100 times, you won’t be convinced over the course of production time. The only thing I can literally say is that oatmeal is prepared simply and quickly.
  3. If the porridge comes out watery, it’s easy to fix: cook longer so that the liquid evaporates; add the main ingredient and cook more; add more topcoats that will change the density.
  4. Quite often I make oatmeal with banana for breakfast. From time to time I simply cut the banana into slices and add it to the plate, but if the banana is very ripe, then I mash it with a fork.
  5. I make breakfast for the kids from oatmeal, which you can buy in the store or create yourself using a blender or coffee grinder. Beat the most delicate porridge made from oatmeal in water with a banana using an immersion blender, you get an oat-banana mousse. Add something sweet to it.
  6. If you want to get a good, cheerful men's breakfast during the day, I advise you to pour 4 beaten eggs into boiling oatmeal, stirring evenly, and cook for another 2-3 minutes. Then steam under the lid for 5 minutes. Sugar is usually not added to this dish, although for men with a sweet tooth it is possible.
  7. Even such an ordinary product as porridge requires a beautiful frame, so get the best utensils and take your favorite spoon. Delicious porridge deserves it.


We prepared oatmeal according to the usual traditional recipe. We made it with milk and figured out how to cook it without milk. We found out what to add to make it even tastier. Although, if you dig deep, the recipe for oatmeal is endlessly varied. We are sure that you have your own signature recipes for making oatmeal, write about them in the comments, we are curious to find out something new.


A collection of regular oatmeal recipes with photos and step-by-step instructions. We will tell you and show you how to cook oatmeal in a delicious and healthy way!

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How to cook oatmeal?


Oat flakes – 100 g

Cocoa powder – 2 tbsp.


Hercules – 1 glass

Brown sugar – 50 g

Butter (optional) – 20 g


Butter – 30 g

Quick-made Hercules flakes – 1 cup (250 ml)

Salt – 1 pinch

Walnuts – 1 handful (optional)


Oat flakes – 70 g

Salt – 1 pinch

Vanilla sugar – 1 tsp.


Oat flakes “Hercules” – 1 cup

Butter – 30 g

Sugar - to taste

Salt – 2 pinches


Oat flakes – 80 g

Butter – 30 g


Hercules (oatmeal) – 1 cup

Milk – 1 glass

Sugar - to taste


Oatmeal “Hercules” – 1 cup

Milk – 3 glasses

Butter – 25 g


Oatmeal “Hercules” – 2 cups (250 ml)

Vanilla sugar – 10 g

Salt – 1 pinch

Baking powder – 1 tsp.

Banana – 2-3 pcs. (or fruit to taste)

Milk – 375 ml (1.5 cups)

Egg white – 2 pcs.

Sugar – 3-4 tbsp. (optional)

Nuts – 1 handful

Dates – 10-12 pcs. (or dried fruits to taste)

Vegetable oil – 1 tsp (for greasing the mold)


Oatmeal – 1/4 cup;

Milk – 1/3 cup;

Drink or yogurt – 1/4 cup;

Sugar, honey, jam - to taste.


Finely ground oatmeal – 3 tbsp.

Watery yogurt – 2 tbsp.

Milk – 1/3 cup

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Cocoa powder – 1 tbsp.


Oatmeal – 1 cup

Milk – 2.5 cups


Oatmeal – 1 cup

Milk – 3 glasses

Butter – 1 tbsp.

Salt – 1 pinch

Raisins, fresh frozen berries - to taste


Oatmeal – 1 cup

Water – 2.5 cups

Sugar or honey - to taste


Oat flakes – 1 cup

Milk – 2.5 cups

Condensed milk – 3 tbsp.


Oat flakes – 100 g

Brown sugar - to taste

Vegetable oil – 30 ml

Lemon zest – 1/3 tsp.

Coconut flakes - to taste


Quickly made oat flakes – 1 cup

Boiling water – 1.5 cups

Drink – 1 glass

Cocoa powder – 1.5 tbsp.

Berries, jam - to taste


Hercules – 3/4 cup

Milk – 2 cups

Salt – 1 pinch

Butter – 30 g


Oat flakes – 50 g

Natural yogurt (without additives) – 100 ml

Orange jam – 1 tbsp.

Acacia honey – 1 tsp.

Tangerines or oranges – 2 pcs.


Oatmeal – 8 tbsp;

Black chocolate – 30 gr.

New in the selection


Oatmeal – 4 tbsp.

Milk – 1 glass

Sugar - optional

Vanilla essence – a couple of drops

Butter – 15 g

Berries and mint (if available) - for serving


Oat flakes (high quality) – 300 g

Water – 2 glasses

Salt – 0.5 tsp. (or to taste)

Butter – 1 tbsp. (optional)


Rolled oatmeal – 1 cup

Water – 3 glasses

Honey – 2 tbsp. (or to taste)

Raspberries – 100 g (+ for serving)

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Oatmeal – The best oatmeal recipes

    General set of ingredients for 1 serving:
  • Oatmeal – 4 tbsp. spoons,
  • Milk or water – 200 ml,
  • Butter – 10 g,
  • Granulated sugar – 1 tbsp. spoons,
  • Salt – a pinch.

As an option, we offer you a choice of the most common and proven recipes for oatmeal porridge made from whole grains and flakes prepared with milk and water.

Traditional oatmeal with cereal water

The modern version of oatmeal is mainly prepared in water. If you are allergic to the milk protein “casein” or perhaps you are on a diet, then it is better to cook the porridge in water. Its taste can be varied with fruits and berries. Oatmeal is the perfect start to the day!

Place oatmeal in a small saucepan or saucepan, approximately 50-60 g.

Pour a glass of water, place it on the stove and turn on medium heat. Stirring constantly, bring the water to a light boil and add salt to taste.

Reduce the heat and, without ceasing to stir, cook the porridge over low heat until it noticeably thickens.

The usual time for making oatmeal from flakes is 2-3 minutes .

Oatmeal porridge recipe

The time for making oatmeal from cereal is 30-40 minutes, taking into account that the cereal has been soaked for at least 2 hours.

Oatmeal porridge with rolled oats milk

Oatmeal with milk is a tasty and necessary breakfast for both children and adults, which should certainly be included in the diet of a healthy person.

Pour milk into a saucepan and place on low heat.

When it starts to boil, add the flakes and stir.

Add a pinch of salt, maybe a little sugar, stir all the contents and cook over low heat for 3 minutes. Don't forget to stir.

Turn off the heat, add a small piece of butter, stir, close the lid and let it brew for some time.

An important point: to avoid burning, the dishes in which dairy dishes will be prepared must be rinsed with cool water just before starting the process.

Children's oatmeal with cottage cheese

As an option for a children's breakfast, we recommend preparing porridge with cottage cheese, which also contains berries and fruits, honey and the favorite delicacy of children and all those with a sweet tooth - chocolate.

List of goods: 40 g oatmeal, 60 g low-fat cottage cheese, 30 g blackberries, 1/2 part peach, 2 tbsp. spoons of honey and chocolate.

Cook the flakes in water as usual, cool slightly and mix the porridge with low-fat cottage cheese. Add berries, chopped peach, season with honey and sprinkle grated chocolate over the oatmeal.

With a slight movement of the hand, a delicious and healthy breakfast is ready! In this recipe, you can use any fruits and berries, as available and in season.

Homemade oatmeal muesli for breakfast

It is believed that if you eat muesli at the beginning of the day, you will be provided with positive energy for the whole day. And this is because after eating this dessert, our body produces serotonin - the “happiness hormone”, which calms the nervous system and helps improve mood.

Composition of goods: rolled oats – 3 tbsp. spoons, dry cream - 2 tbsp. level spoons, apples – 2 pcs., honey – 2 tbsp. spoons, also sunflower seeds and coconut flakes - 2 teaspoons each. How to make muesli for breakfast

Cut the apple into small pieces, chop the nuts and put them together with the cereal in one deep bowl.

Peel the roasted seeds, milk cream powder, coconut flakes and a small amount of honey.

Pour boiled hot water over all the ingredients so that the liquid covers all the ingredients.

Cover the dish with a flat plate and let it sit for 10 minutes, after which you can consume it.

Why overpay for a semi-finished product, because homemade muesli made from oatmeal is much cheaper and tastier. And most importantly, preparing the breakfast you need is completely easy.

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