Dark currant marshmallow: the best recipes - how to create currant marshmallow at home

Dark currant marshmallow: the best recipes - how to create currant marshmallow at home

Dark currant pastille is not only a tasty, but also an indescribably healthy dish, because during drying the currant retains all the beneficial substances and vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) . The huge content of vitamin C and substances with antibacterial properties make the delicacy from this berry truly irreplaceable during seasonal colds diseases. In addition, a sweetened version of marshmallow can easily replace sweets or become an unusual decoration for a cake. Pieces of marshmallow can be added to tea or to a pan with fruit when cooking compotes.

Methods for drying marshmallows

The development of making marshmallows is quite simple: the berry mass is crushed until smooth and dried. There are several drying methods:

  • On air. The drying container is lined with cling film from the inside and the currant mass is distributed in it. The product is dried in the sun for 3-4 days, then cut into pieces and dried until completely cooked. The marshmallow is considered dried if the top layer does not stick to your hands.
  • In the oven. For drying, use a baking tray, which is covered with baking paper. To prevent the berry mass from sticking, grease the surface of the parchment with vegetable oil. The oven temperature during drying should be set at 80 - 100 degrees.
  • In an electric dryer. Some dryers are equipped with special containers for making marshmallows, but if your unit is of the most standard configuration, then such a tray can be created independently, armed with wax paper and a stapler. Dry the marshmallow at a temperature of 70 degrees, occasionally rearranging the trays.

Recipes for making homemade dark currant marshmallows

Natural marshmallow without sugar and without cooking

Natural currant marshmallow without sugar will be especially suitable for those people who watch their own figure or whose own health does not allow them to eat a lot of sweets.

Currant berries (any quantity) are washed and blanched in a small amount of water. After this, they are punched with a blender until a homogeneous mixture. Then the berry mass is dried using any of the methods indicated above.

This marshmallow is the healthiest because it does not contain sugar and is not subject to heat treatment, but its disadvantage is that the product is very sour, like lemon. To brighten up the taste, you can add watery honey to the berry mass before drying. The ratio of currants and honey is 2:1.

Pastila boiled with sugar

For 1 kilogram of currants, 1/2 kilogram of sweet sand is useful. Washed and dried berries are blanched and crushed with a blender or meat grinder. Then the mass is put on fire and brought to a boil. After this, reduce the heat and boil the puree to a viscous state, stirring constantly. The berry mass is placed on baking sheets or trays and dried until ready. After this, the dried leaves are cut into strips and rolled in a mixture of starch and sweet powder, taken in equal proportions.

Dark currant marshmallows that have been subjected to heat treatment are the softest and most elastic.

Seedless currant pastille

The marshmallow, which was previously passed through a sieve, comes out into a smooth and homogeneous mixture. To do this, after grinding, the berry puree is heated over a fire to a temperature of 50 - 60 degrees. This procedure makes it even easier to get rid of seeds and skins. Then sugar is added to the strained mass and boiled according to the technology of the previous recipe.

Watch the video from the channel “Prank was a success” - Blackcurrant marshmallow

Pastila with different fillings

We looked at the main options for making dark currant marshmallows. Now let's talk about additional ingredients. You can vary the taste of the marshmallow by adding crushed walnuts, lemon or orange zest, ginger or coriander to the berry mass.

Currants also go well with other berries and fruits, for example, red currants, bananas, grapes or apples. Place the rest of the fruit puree on the berry mass in random patterns, and the appearance of the marshmallow will become much more original.

A video from the Brovchenko family will present to your attention a recipe for currant and zucchini marshmallows

How to store marshmallows

It is not at all necessary to eat the marshmallow right away. It is ideally stored in a glass jar in the main compartment of the refrigerator. If you plan to store the currant preparation for more than 3 weeks, then the fruit rolls can be frozen by packing them in an airtight container.

Homemade dark currant pastille

Natural yummy for kids and adults! Dark currant marshmallow or other in my family is eaten with greater pleasure than fresh berries, or, for example, jam. You can dry it longer so that it becomes as dry as possible. And for children it is better to use a softer one.

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  3. Homemade dark currant pastille

Ingredients and how to cook

ingredients for 8 servings or - the number of products for servings suitable for you will be calculated automatically!'>

tea spoon 5 ml
dessert spoon 10 ml
tablespoon 20 ml
cup 200 ml


Composition weight: 100 gr
153 kcal
Belkov: 1 g
Zhirov: 0 g
Carbohydrates: 40 gr
Used: 2 / 0 / 98
N 18 / C 0 / B 82

Production time: 4 hours 30 minutes

Step-by-step production

Step 1:

How to create currant pastille? Prepare fresh or thawed currants. The freshest must be sorted out and washed under running water in advance.

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Step 2:

Place the currants in a thick-walled pan and add very little water, just so that the currants do not burn at the very beginning.

Step 3:

Cook the currants over low heat for about 5 minutes until the berries begin to explode. Then remove the pan from the heat.

Step 4:

Using an immersion blender, puree the berries. Make sure that the working part of the blender (with the blades) is completely immersed in the puree, so as not to get burned by the splashes. Next, if you wish, you can rub the puree through a sieve with small holes if you do not want the seeds to be felt in the marshmallow.

Step 5:

Add sweet sand and stir.

Step 6:

Boil the mixture over low heat, stirring occasionally so as not to burn, for about half an hour.

Step 7:

The production time may vary, but in the end the puree should become thicker and more viscous.

Step 8:

Line a baking tray with baking paper and pour the hot puree into the centre. Level the puree into a layer no more than 3 mm high: this is important! And dry in the oven at a temperature of 60-80 ⁰C for approximately 3-4 hours.

Step 9:

Those whose temperature scale starts at 130-150 ⁰C need to turn on the minimum temperature and leave the door ajar! In this case, you will need a special temperature indicator for the oven.

Step 10:

The finished pastille will become matte. Cut the layer into portion strips and roll into tubes. Or cut into lozenges. This makes it even more convenient to eat marshmallows.

Blackcurrant pastille has a sweet and sour taste, with a rich, concentrated taste of these berries. If you like your desserts sweeter, it may be worth experimenting with the amount of sugar.

I liked the marshmallows in rectangular pastilles more than in rolls, so to speak, I took it and ate it. And it looks more appetizing, naturally, in rolls. But this is just a matter of taste.

Bon appetit!

Keep in mind that everyone's oven is different. Temperature and cooking time may vary from those indicated in the recipe. To ensure that any baked dish turns out successful, take advantage of useful information about the features of ovens!

For production, it is better to use filtered or bottled water that is neutral in taste. If you use tap water, keep in mind that it may impart an unpleasant aftertaste to the dish.

Currant marshmallow at home: recipes for making it

Not everyone knows that pastila is an eternal Russian dessert, which was first prepared back in the 15th century. The usefulness of this sweet is explained by the chemical composition of berry or fruit puree, which lies at the base of the sweet. Since the berries are virtually not subject to heat treatment, vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and minerals are preserved in full in the dessert. That is why we can affirmatively say that pastille is not only tasty, but also very healthy. Moreover, preparing the delicacy is completely easy.

In our article we will tell you how to create currant marshmallow at home. To do this, we offer various options for its production: in the air, in the oven and in an electric dryer.

The usual recipe for savory marshmallows

To make this sweet, you don’t need to get any special equipment, and you don’t have to add sugar to the dessert to make it even more healthy. The only thing you need to stock up on is patience. At home, it will take almost a week to make sweets.

The recipe for homemade currant marshmallow consists of the following steps:

  1. The berries are painstakingly washed and cleared of stems and leaves.
  2. The currants are transferred to a colander and placed in a pan of hot water for 5 minutes. This must be done so that the berries become as soft as possible.
  3. After the water has drained, the cooled currants are pureed using a blender.
  4. Place the pan with berry puree on the stove and cook over low heat until its contents are reduced in size by half. 100 g of sugar is added to the warm puree (per 1 kg of currants).
  5. In the meantime, prepare a baking sheet for the marshmallows. To do this, it is painstakingly covered with cling film.
  6. The slightly cooled puree is laid out on a baking sheet, which immediately goes out into the sun.
  7. The marshmallow is dried for 4 days on one side, after which it must be turned over and continued drying for another 2 days.
  8. The pastila can be considered ready when it does not stick to your hands.

How to cook marshmallows in the oven?

An equally delicious dessert made from berry puree can be prepared according to the following recipe. To begin with, currants (1 kg) are poured into a saucepan with 100 ml of water and boiled for 10 minutes. Then the soft berries are crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. After this, the acquired mass is ground through a sieve. The result should be a homogeneous puree. Now you need to add 300 g of sugar and the beaten white of 1 egg. Mix thoroughly.

The oven is preheated to 100°. The baking sheet is covered with parchment, and the berry puree is laid out on it. The currant pastille is baked in the oven for 2 hours, after which it should be taken out for 1 hour and left at room temperature. Repeat similar actions 3 more times. As a last resort, throw the marshmallow on the table in the room until completely dry, then turn it over to the other side and dry for another 1 hour.

Dark currant pastille in an electric dryer

Mouthwatering sweet rolls, generously sprinkled with sweet powder, can be prepared using the following recipe. Dark currant pastila is prepared from ripe and soft berries, with virtually no added sugar (2 tablespoons). If desired, this ingredient can be completely excluded.

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First, prepare the berry puree. To do this, the currants are painstakingly washed and crushed using a blender to a suitable mixture. The resulting mass should be boiled for 5 minutes and, if necessary, add sugar at this step. Now the puree is laid out on parchment, which is immediately transferred to the drying tray. Currant pastille takes about 5 hours to prepare. It must become hard and not stick to your hands.

Red currant pastille

A healthy delicacy with a delicious sweet and sour taste comes out according to the following recipe. To begin, the berries (1 kg) are cleared of twigs and leaves, transferred to a saucepan and boiled with a small amount of water (100 ml) for about 20 minutes. Hot currants are ground through a sieve, combined with sugar (600 g) and boiled until thick. After this, the mass should be cooled and thoroughly blended with a blender.

Red currant pastille is dried in an electric dryer for at least 12 hours. If necessary, you can hold it in the air for a little while and then dry it some more.

The most necessary marshmallow

At home, currant marshmallows according to this recipe are prepared using the cool method, that is, without heat treatment of the berries. This allows you to preserve all the beneficial vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) that are contained in currants in full.

To make marshmallows, the berries are crushed in a blender or passed through a meat grinder. Then you can add a couple of tablespoons of sugar to the resulting puree to taste. The mass comes out quite thick, so you don’t need to boil it. The baking tray is covered with baking paper, and currant puree is placed on top. The marshmallow must be dried in the sun, and to prevent insects and dust from landing on it, it is recommended to cover the baking sheet with gauze on top. After 1-2 days, the dried layer is turned over to the other side. The finished pastille is rolled into a roll and wrapped in parchment.

Manufacturing secrets

The following tips will help you create a delicious dark currant marshmallow:

  1. In order for the marshmallow to dry as quickly as possible, spread the berry puree on the parchment in a very thin layer.
  2. If you prefer to dry the treat in the oven, do not forget to remove the baking sheet from time to time and leave it in the air for at least 1 hour.
  3. The finished pastille can be stored for the whole winter. To do this, it is rolled into rolls and wrapped in parchment, or the finished layers are sandwiched with baking paper that is given to us.

Homemade dark currant pastille

Almost all housewives have a problem with processing the harvest of berries and fruits. If your family doesn’t eat berry jam well, then dark currant pastille will be a good way to prepare it for future use. Blackcurrant marshmallow retains virtually all the beneficial properties of the freshest berry. It stores well and takes up less space than jars of jam.

Description of dark currant marshmallow

Currant marshmallow is prepared from the ripe fruits of this crop. For it, boiled or raw berry puree is most often used. Honey and (or) sugar are added to taste and desire. If the marshmallow recipe does not provide for the addition of proteins, then the product looks like black matte layers, rolled into a roll or cut into pieces with a sweet and sour currant flavor. The taste of this pastille is reminiscent of marmalade or very boiled thick currant jam.

There are options for currant marshmallows prepared with the addition of proteins. This product is the lightest and most fluffy. From the outside it resembles a pie, although it contains no flour. Such a product may have 2–3 layers, connected together with berry puree. It tastes closer to marshmallow than to marmalade. Any type of currant sweet can be a healthy snack or a pleasant addition to tea.

Harm and usefulness of the product

The freshest dark currants are the richest source of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C. Just 30 - 50 g of this berry for us is enough to replenish the daily need for it. But, during processing, the content of this vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) is reduced. Vitamin C (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) C can be preserved in marshmallows, which are prepared from raw puree and dried at a low temperature. Apart from vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, currant marshmallow contains vitamin (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) And beta-carotene. These substances help maintain visual acuity, they are responsible for metabolic processes and work as antioxidants in the body. Vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) of group B normalize the production of enzymes and are responsible for the functioning of the central nervous system (central nervous system, brain) , gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, intended for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , normalize hormonal levels.

Currant berry pastille contains macro- and microelements. Potassium and magnesium are necessary for the functioning of the heart, molybdenum and cobalt help eliminate toxins, copper and iron help improve the composition of the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) and avoid anemia.

The carbohydrate content is approximately 70 g per 100 g of product. These are mostly glucose and fructose. A small piece of currant marshmallow helps to quickly get a boost of energy even with enormous intellectual or physical burdens. It will help restore immune protection and speed up recovery from inflammatory and cold diseases. The presence of dietary fiber cleanses the body of harmful compounds, including heavy metal salts.

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Marshmallow can be harmful to the health of people who are allergic to currants. People with diabetes should not eat it if it contains sugar or honey. A bad factory product containing preservatives, chemical flavors, and dyes can cause harm to health. How to create marshmallows from currants, natural and healthy, you can find out from the recipes below.

Methods for making marshmallows

It is not difficult to prepare marshmallows in a home kitchen if the household has an oven, a household dryer or a multicooker.

In the oven

Dark currant pastille in the oven without cooking and adding sugar comes out very healthy, but very sour. To improve the taste of sweetness, you can add natural honey to the berry mass.

The selected raw materials are washed and immersed in boiling water. 1-2 minutes after the start of re-boiling, the currants are thrown into a colander. Beat the prepared berries with a blender. Add honey and beat again. To dry, the mixture is poured onto a baking sheet, which has been covered in advance with greased baking paper.

The baking sheet is placed in the oven, preheated to +70 degrees. The door is opened slightly by 2-3 cm. The drying process takes several hours. When the surface becomes dense and matte and does not stick to your hands, the product is ready.

In the dryer

Pastila can be prepared in the dryer. To do this, the tray from the device is covered with parchment or foil, greased with oil and filled with currant mass. Set the device to + 70 degrees. The pastille is kept in it for up to 20 – 25 hours. After that, the dried layers are removed and cut into pieces. To fill the dryer completely, you will need at least 8 - 10 kg of berries.

On air

Processing of raw materials can be done right in a suburban house after picking the berries. The absence of an oven or electronic dryer is not an obstacle. You can air dry the marshmallow. To do this, cover a suitable tray with parchment, grease it with oil, pour out the puree in a layer of less than 1 cm. Keep it in a dry room for 5-6 days. When the product does not stick to your hands, the pastille is ready.

Don't understand how to make dark currant marshmallow? The simple recipes below will help you create a delicacy at home.

Pastila recipes

Currant marshmallow without sugar is a necessary product, but very sour. At home, the delicacy can be prepared with the addition of sugar, honey, and other fruits, berries, and nuts.

Currant pastille with sugar

For production you need:

  • currants, dark 2 kg;
  • sugar 1 kg;
  • oil 20 ml;
  • mixture of sweet powder and starch 100 g.


  1. Sort the berries, remove any foreign debris, wash.
  2. Combine berries with sugar. Beat with a blender or pass through a meat grinder.
  3. Heat the mixture to a boil, cook over moderate heat until the puree becomes thick and viscous.
  4. The resulting mass is placed on a baking sheet covered with oiled foil.
  5. Dry in the oven with the door ajar. The manufacturing temperature is +70 degrees.
  6. The dried layer is cut into strips, sprinkled with a mixture of equal parts starch and powder, and rolled up.

Currant marshmallow without seeds and skins

For the tender marshmallow you will need:

  • currant berries 3.0 kg;
  • sugar 1.0 kg.


  1. Sort through the berries and wash them.
  2. Place the berries in boiling water for 2 - 3 minutes, beat them, rub through a sieve.
  3. Add sugar, put on fire.
  4. Heat to a boil, cook over moderate heat until reduced in size.
  5. Pour the mixture onto a baking sheet and dry it in the oven with the door open at a temperature of + 70 degrees.
  6. Roll the finished product into a roll.

Apple-currant pastille for future use

Pastille from currants and apples solves the problem of processing apples and currants that are ripe at once. If the currants have been collected earlier, they can be frozen. It is permissible to eat substandard fruits. They prepare delicacies both for food and for future use. To do this, they take a fairly huge amount of raw materials:

  • apples of any variety 4 kg;
  • dark currants 4 kg;
  • natural, flower or linden honey 1.5 kg;
  • piece of lard, unsalted


  1. Wash the apples, peel them, cut out the seeds.
  2. Chop the apples finely into randomly shaped pieces.
  3. Sort through the berries. Wash them.
  4. Place the berries and pieces of fruit into a saucepan. Mix.
  5. Boil everything for about a quarter of an hour from the start of boiling.
  6. Beat the mass with a blender, cool to + 60 degrees, combine with honey, beat again.
  7. Grease the trays from the electric dryer with a piece of lard.
  8. Fill the trays with fruit and berry puree.
  9. Dry at + 35 degrees for approximately 35 – 40 hours.

If the delicacy is prepared without honey or sugar, the drying time is reduced by almost half. The finished layers are cut into pieces and rolled into tubes. The indicated quantity of goods yields almost 4 kg of delicious sweets. So that it does not lose its own parameters, it must be stored correctly.

Storage Methods

If the marshmallow is intended to be stored for a long time, it is important to remember that this product:

  • quickly absorbs surrounding odors;
  • in the open air, especially in the sun, it dries out;
  • If the storage criteria are violated, larvae of food moths and bugs appear.

You can store:

  1. In unstained, dry jars. The dried layers are cut into pieces and transferred to a jar. You can cut it into strips and roll it up. The jar is sealed hermetically with a nylon or steel lid. It is placed in a black space and stored at a temperature of + 10 degrees for no longer than 6 – 8 months.
  2. In the freezer. Pieces of marshmallow or rolls from it are wrapped in cling film. Place it in a suitable container with a lid and put it in the freezer. At a temperature of -18, the shelf life is 1 year.

Despite the fact that homemade currant pastille does not contain chemical preservatives, it retains its taste and beneficial properties virtually until the latest berry harvest.

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