Rassolnik with kidneys

Rassolnik with kidneys


Meat broth – 1400 ml;

Pork or beef kidneys – 300 g;

Fresh parsley – 1 bunch;

Onion – 1 piece;

Potatoes – 3 pcs;

Pickled cucumbers – 2 pcs;

Refined sunflower oil – 2 tbsp. spoons;

Flour – 1 tbsp. spoon;

Parsley root – 2 pcs;

Black peppercorns – 5 pcs;

Sour cream – 2 tbsp. spoons;

Cucumber pickle – 0.5 cups.

  • 999 kcal
  • 2 hours
  • 2 hours

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Rassolnik is a soup whose essential ingredient is pickles. It is prepared in meat and fish broths, as well as in vegetable broths (vegetarian). When making it, keep in mind that beef broth is clear, while pork broth is cloudy. Rassolnik with kidneys is prepared with pork ribs broth. Kidneys can be taken from either pork or beef.

To make pickle, you need to take ready-made meat broth, pork or beef kidneys, onions, pickles, potatoes, flour, ghee, greens and parsley root, black peppercorns, salt, cucumber pickle and sour cream.

Peel the pickled cucumbers, cut them lengthwise into 4 pieces, remove the seeds, and thinly slice the pulp crosswise. Do not throw away the skins and seeds!

Clean the kidneys from films and excess fat, cut them in half, wash, cover with cool water and soak for 2–3 hours, changing the water from time to time.

Wash the kidneys, pour boiling water over them 2-3 times for 1 minute and wash again.

Pour a small amount of boiling water over the kidneys and boil until soft (about 1–1.5 hours).

Cut the finished kidneys into thin slices. Strain the broth.

Bring the meat broth to a boil and add the peels and cores of pickled cucumbers, pepper and 1 peeled parsley root. Boil the broth for 20 minutes and then strain.

Peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.

Pour a small amount of boiling water over the potatoes and boil until semi-soft. Under no circumstances should you put potatoes directly into meat broth, because the sourness from the cucumbers can make it tough!

Pour a small amount of meat broth over the prepared pickled cucumber slices and cook for 10 minutes.

Peel the onion, cut in half, and then chop each half into thin half rings.

Saute the onion in oil.

Peel the remaining parsley root and grate it on a large grater or cut it into strips.

Sauté parsley in oil.

Combine sautéed parsley root with onion, add a little meat broth and simmer for 7-8 minutes.

Pour the flour into a dry frying pan and dry it, not allowing the color to change.

Dilute the flour sauté with cucumber broth and mix so that there are no lumps.

Pour the kidney broth into the meat broth, add the potatoes along with the liquid and cook for 5-7 minutes.

Add sauteed onions and parsley root, poached cucumbers and diluted flour sauté. Boil the pickle for 10–15 minutes, pour in the cucumber pickle, add salt to taste and bring to a boil. Instead of salt, you can add dry vegetable seasoning to the soup.

When serving, put a portion of kidneys, sour cream and sprinkle with chopped parsley on each plate.

pickle with kidneys. By.

pickle with kidneys. By.


  • Pork kidneys – 3 pcs.
  • Pearl barley – 4 tbsp. spoons (heaped)
  • Large potatoes – 7 pcs.
  • Onions – 1 pc.
  • Carrots – 1 pc.
  • Pickled cucumber – 3 pcs.
  • Salt – 1 teaspoon
  • Seasoning and sour cream - to taste

Short description

Step-by-step recipe with photos of pickle with kidneys. Rassolnik with kidneys is a very risky dish, because... If the kidneys come from an old animal, then consider the dish lost. In terms of production time, this pickle is long, because... you have to pay attention not only to pickles and barley, but also to pork kidneys. The kidneys must be soaked and boiled for 2 hours.

Prescription composition

Manufacturing method

I like preparing dishes from offal (liver, lungs, heart and kidneys). Such dishes are not very high in calories, but at the same time they are rich in useful microelements.

I constantly try to take the internal organs of young animals, but somehow I came across kidneys, most likely from an old animal. As a result, the pickle was spoiled and had to be given to the dogs.

Conclusion: Buy offal from a proven dealer who will honestly tell you what kind of animal they come from. If you are not sure of the quality of by-products, then it is better not to take them.

The memory of the pickle with kidneys is average. I liked the “Leningradsky” pickle made from canned fish more.

But, nevertheless, I will outline the manufacturing process, and it’s up to you to decide whether to start such a long-cooking dish.

Initial composition of goods.

As we see our future dish, it has the following composition: pig liver, potatoes, pearl barley, cucumber, onion, carrots and seasoning.

Step-by-step description with photos of pickle with kidneys.

1. Preparing the kidneys with photos.

We take the freshest buds and cut them lengthwise to the middle. Then you need to remove the film from them and clean them of fat.

We wash the prepared kidneys in cool water, put them in a bowl and fill them with cool water for 3 hours.

Read also:  Soup dressing

Why is it necessary to soak the kidneys? This must be done in order to remove their specific odor. After all, everyone understands that the kidneys act as a filter in which various unnecessary substances settle.

The water must be changed to fresh water every hour.

3 hours have passed. Drain the water and cut each kidney (crosswise) into 4 equal parts. Place it in a saucepan, fill it with cool water, turn on the powerful gas and wait for the mixture to boil.

As the contents of the pan begin to boil, reduce the heat to medium. Remove the resulting foam and cook for 10 minutes.

10 minutes have passed, drain the broth, rinse the kidneys in cool water and set to cook again. To do this, pour the steamed buds again with cool water 3 cm above the product, and turn on a powerful fire. As soon as the liquid boils, remove the foam and reduce the heat to medium. We need the broth to bubble slightly.

Cooking time for kidneys is 1.5 – 2 hours. Splashes fly out of my pan, even at low simmer, so I inserted a toothpick to make it easier for the steam to escape.

2. Preparation of pearl barley with photo.

I don’t soak the pearl barley ahead of time, but cook it straight away. But before that, you need to wash it twice in cool water, and only then fill it with cool water again and put it on the stove. Turn on the heat and cook for 25 minutes from the moment it boils.

3. Preparation of pickles with photos.

Cucumbers also deserve a lot of attention, and you will have to work with them.

First, let's decide what kind of cucumbers you have. If their seeds are young and soft, then they do not need to be removed. If the cucumbers are old, then the seeds need to be cleaned, because... They won’t do any good in the dish, but will only irritate with their own hard structure.

If the cucumber is old, remove the peel. If it’s a cucumber (like mine is young), then I chop it without peeling it.

After the cucumbers are prepared, they need to be cut into layers. Then we dissolve the layers into cubes and only then cut them into cubes 0.7 cm wide.

Place the sliced ​​cucumbers in a saucepan and add cool water to lightly cover them. Turn on the gas and cook for 20 minutes from the moment it boils.

4. Prepare the frying with the photo.

We start frying after the kidneys have been cooked for 1.5 - 2 hours. Remove them from the pan and cool. Any chilled piece must be cut lengthwise into 3 layers 0.7 - 1 cm wide. Then we cut these layers into cubes of equal size.

Peel the onions, rinse them in water and cut them into 2 halves. We cut each half lengthwise into cubes, and then crosswise into cubes.

The onion is chopped, you can start frying. To do this, pour 5 tbsp into the frying pan. spoons of sunflower oil, turn on the gas and wait for it to heat up. Add the onion and fry over high heat for 3 minutes, stirring constantly.

After 3 minutes, add chopped, boiled kidneys and fry for 5 minutes, stirring constantly.

Place carrots grated on a medium grater at the end. Reduce the gas to medium and fry the mixture for another 10 - 15 minutes.

5. Assemble the pickle.

The pearl barley is cooked, it needs to be washed in cool water and thrown into a colander - let the water drain. Wash the potatoes in water, peel them and cut them into cubes 1 cm wide.

Place washed, boiled pearl barley into a 3-liter saucepan. Then fill it with 2 liters of 350 ml of cool water, turn on the gas and wait for it to boil.

As soon as the water boils, add 1 tbsp of salt. spoon of salt and add potatoes. The potatoes will cook for approximately 10 minutes.

Once the potatoes are cooked, add the frying agent to the pan and cook everything for 5 minutes from the moment it boils.

After 5 minutes, add the stewed pickles to the ingredients. There is a small aspect here.

Cucumbers can be added together with the brine, but provided that you do not over-salt your own pickle. To do this, first add the cucumbers, taste the broth for salt, and only then add the brine in portions. With all this, taste the broth every time - we are not allowed to over-salt it.

Once the cucumbers are in the pan, add spices, bay leaves, reduce the heat and simmer the pickle over low heat for 10 minutes.

Our pickle with kidneys is ready. It must be served strictly with sour cream, otherwise the taste will not be very good.

Delicious pickle with kidneys is ready!

Bon appetit!

Rassolnik with beef kidneys - step-by-step recipe

Have a nice day, dear readers! Now I would like to share with you a recipe that housewives do not often prepare in the kitchen. The usual pickle soup is more commonly used, but now we will prepare this soup with beef kidneys.

This dish requires preparation, because kidneys are a product with its own “requirements”. Maybe this is precisely why it is not so popular, because with the pace of modern life we ​​give preference to fast recipes.

Approach the production of this by-product with all responsibility. Then you will not only receive a rich, tasty dish, but also replenish your diet with vitamins and microelements. There is also a worldview that eating beef kidneys prevents the formation of cancer cells.

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Choose the right product. Glossy black color, the absence of “bruises” and other flaws will indicate its freshness. Remember, the younger the animal, the fresher the buds, which means less nasty aroma.

How to prepare rassolnik with kidneys, pearl barley and pickles

A fascinating fact is that until approximately the 18th century the very name “rassolnik” was not mentioned in cookbooks. It would seem that this is not reasonable - after all, the dish is acceptable Russian in terms of the content of ingredients. In essence, there was a dish, but the unchanged name was given to it later, and earlier it could have been called kalya or hangover, or less often solyanka.

If you strictly follow the advice, you will cook a very tasty soup. The buds perfectly reveal the smell of salted or pickled cucumbers. Such a dish will not stand in the refrigerator for a long time, because it will be eaten very quickly.


  • Beef kidneys – 400 gr
  • Veal or beef on the bone - 500 g (for broth)
  • Pearl barley – 150 g
  • Potatoes - 5-6 pcs.
  • Onions - 2 pcs.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Celery root - 2 pcs.
  • Cucumber brine - 1 cup (optional)
  • Tomato paste - 2 tbsp
  • Greens (dill, parsley) - 1 bunch
  • Vegetable oil - 3 tbsp
  • Butter - 50 g
  • Pickled cucumbers - 2 pcs.
  • Salt, pepper, bay leaf to taste

Step 1. First, the kidneys need to be prepared for cooking. There are several methods.

Option 1. Cut the kidneys lengthwise into 2 parts, remove all veins, ureters, ducts and fill the kidneys with cool water or a slightly saline substance. The offal needs to be soaked for 5-6 hours, while the water must be changed every 1.5 hours. Then put the pan on the fire and bring the kidneys to a boil. We change the water to fresh water and bring it to a boil again. It is better to repeat this function up to 2-3 times.

At this time, you can soak the pearl barley for about 4 hours. This way it will become softer and cook faster

Option 2. Make incisions on the kidneys to expose the urinary ducts.

Add vinegar to cool water and soak the offal for 30 minutes.

After the time has passed, wash the kidneys properly under running water. Cut the washed product into arbitrary pieces, removing the ducts at the same time.

Fill the pieces with hot water and put on fire.

The kidneys are cooked for approximately 1.5 hours. We do not use broth from this product.

Step 2 . Prepare the broth. Rinse meat and bones with cool water. Cut into small pieces and cook over high heat. Cover the pan with a lid. After boiling, skim off the foam, salt the broth and leave to simmer over low heat for 2-4 hours. Remove the meat from the finished broth. You can cut it into pieces and add it to the pickle when serving, or prepare another dish. For example, navy pasta. You can strain the liquid itself through a sieve until the broth becomes clear.

Step 3. Cut the potatoes into cubes. Wash the pearl barley. Send everything together to cook in the broth.

If you wish, you can boil the cereal in advance, then you will need to add it at the end of preparing the dish

Step 4. While the broth is preparing, fry it. To do this, finely chop the onion and celery root, grate the carrots. Fry in a preheated frying pan with vegetable oil until the vegetables are soft.

Step 5. When the vegetables are ready, add diced pickles to them.

If cucumbers have hard skin, it must be cut off. Saute the cucumbers with vegetables for 5 minutes, add a little broth and simmer for a few minutes under a closed lid.

Step 6. Add a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste to the prepared vegetables and cucumbers. You can also exchange it for a glass of tomato juice or the freshest pureed tomato.

Step 7 . Add sautéed vegetables to the finished potatoes. The tuber pieces should be completely cooked, as the roast contains a salty ingredient. And salt increases the cooking time of potatoes.

Also, if you boiled the pearl barley in advance, then add it at this step.

Step 8. If you cut the cucumber skin, pour a small amount of broth into it in a separate saucepan and cook slightly. After that, pour the resulting liquid back into the soup. The peel can be thrown away.

If you want the pickle to be more sour, pour a glass of cucumber pickle into the soup

Step 9. Bring the pickle to the desired taste. Salt and add your favorite spices. Please note that we add salt to the soup at the end, since the brine and cucumbers already contain a certain amount of salt.

Step 10 Add kidneys, fresh finely chopped herbs and a piece of butter to the pickle. It will give the soup tenderness and velvety.

Before serving, let the soup brew for about 15 minutes, then serve it to the table seasoned with sour cream or mayonnaise.

And a couple of final notes:

  • The broth can be not only beef, poultry (chicken, duck, turkey) is also excellent, but in this case, replace the pearl barley with rice.
  • To create the thickest pickle, dilute 1 tablespoon of flour in a glass of water and pour into the soup 5 minutes before it is ready.
  • If you are very sensitive to odors and the very fact of making buds raises doubts in you, then after soaking you can keep the buds for another 2 hours in low-fat kefir. This will allow you to completely get rid of the inherent “smell” of this offal.
  • If you want to add great originality to the dish, you can saute lightly pickled mushrooms along with the vegetables.
  • To pamper your loved ones with rassolnik, instead of bread, you can serve rastyagai, donuts, kulebyaki and other savory pastries.
  • This recipe is also suitable for pork kidney pickle.
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I would be glad if this recipe complements your culinary notes. Rassolnik with kidneys is indeed a dish worth paying attention to. A strong, rich broth, hearty barley, healthy vegetables and good taste - these are the main properties of this dish.

Rassolnik with kidneys

Rassolnik in Kuban style

A very exciting recipe. My husband liked the soup so much that he was practically exhausted for two weeks: “Cook it. make me THAT soup again!” How can you stand here? Of course I did! Somehow it turns out that I always end up with soup for anniversary recipes. Not on purpose, my word of faith. This is the 300th recipe at the moment. and again soup.

Rassolnik “Leningradsky”

Rassolnik Leningradsky is a classic of Russian cuisine. It was prepared in all canteens, cafes, holiday homes, sanatoriums and even restaurants in the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia) . This particular pickle soup with pearl barley captured the hearts (or rather the stomachs) of all Russian people. Specifically, Leningrad rassolnik has become a household name. And if you ask a hundred people what rassolnik is made from, then 80 of them will say: pickles, pearl barley, potatoes, onions and carrots. And although we consider this dish a classic of Russian and even Russian cuisine, it is not that old. By the way, this year Leningradsky rassolnik turns 100 years old! Do you want to find out where it came from? Check out the recipe!

Rassolnik with kidneys

When the whole website was preparing soups as part of a culinary week, I was surprised to find that the pickle that my family loves was not on the website. So I decided to cook it and show it to you.

Rassolnik with kidneys

I read the recipe for this cool pickle in Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatyeva’s book “Practical Basics of Culinary Art.” Manufacturing requires a huge amount of time and literally does not tolerate fuss and haste, so it is best to set aside one of the weekends for this. Trying to follow the advice of Alexandrova-Ignatyeva, I still made some deviations from the basic recipe. For example, I did without flour sauteing, considering that the soup came out quite thick and rich without it. In addition, I did not have a sufficient set of roots needed to make snow-white broth: I could not find parsley and parsnip root, and instead of celery root I used the trunk. And the ingredients of the huge bouquet of garni in my set were crushed, but they did not lose their smell. And I also added an onion, which is not in the unique recipe.

Rassolnik with kidneys

Beef broth soup with kidneys.

Rassolnik with kidneys and beans

Not a bad abundance of regular soups. Give it a try :)


Rassolnik is a delicious soup with the taste of pickled tomatoes.

Pickle with kidneys . Rassolnik with kidneys is an ancient dish of Slavic cuisine, nutritious and rich. The preparation of the dish is similar to making pickle soup with beef or any other meat, but there are some subtleties in making soup with kidneys.

To make pickle with kidneys, beef kidneys are usually used. They should be washed in advance, fat and film should be removed from them. Next, the kidneys should be soaked in cool water for 3 hours. The kidneys need to be boiled separately from all products in 3 waters. In other words, bring the kidneys to a boil, let the water boil and boil them for a couple of minutes, then drain the water, pour in a new portion of water and repeat the process twice more. When the kidneys are boiled using this method until soft, they should be removed from the broth with a slotted spoon and cut into slices across the fibers of the kidneys.

Next, pour in a new portion of water, in which the soup itself will be prepared. You can prepare pickle soup with kidneys in a cauldron, in a multicooker bowl, or in an ordinary saucepan. Place chopped potatoes, washed pearl barley in water, rice (optional), and cooked kidneys into the water.

While the potatoes and cereal are boiled, vegetables are sautéed separately in vegetable oil, in a frying pan or in a saucepan - onions, carrots, pickles, tomato paste or finely chopped tomatoes. When the vegetables are ready, they are added to the soup. You should also add spices to it (salt, bay leaf, pepper, other seasonings), chopped herbs.

Pickle soup with kidneys is served hot at the table, with bread, pies, pies, and toast. Also, guests are often given sour cream to season the soup with rassolnik.

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