Curd mass at home

Curd mass at home

Cottage cheese is healthy, but not everyone loves it. It is especially difficult to explain to children that they need to eat cottage cheese, whereas young bodies need this product. But children enjoy the sweet curd mass, which is used as an independent dessert or used to make cheesecakes, pies and other baked goods. This delicacy is not a drawback: it is available on the shelves of any grocery store. But it is difficult to purchase a high-quality product at an affordable price: the cheaper the cottage cheese delicacy, the less cottage cheese it contains, which is replaced with vegetable raw materials. Housewives who want to pamper their loved ones with sweet products made from cottage cheese often have no choice but to create the curd mass at home. The decision to prepare the product without the help of others allows you to choose the recipe to your own taste, because this delicacy can be prepared with the addition of sour cream, butter, eggs, dried fruits, new or frozen berries. You can even find methods for making unsweetened cottage cheese spread to use as a spread on sandwiches.

Individual manufacturing

It’s not difficult to create a curd mass: even if you choose the most difficult recipe, no matter what kind of housewife can handle this task. To get a better result, she will need to know a few things.

  • The properties of the goods used for the production of curd mass are of decisive importance. If you purchase a curd product containing vegetable fats, the delicacy you will get is no healthier than store-bought. A tastier and more desirable curd mass comes from homemade cottage cheese of your own making. Butter, if it is included in the dessert, cannot be replaced with spread. The sour cream must be fresh; the percentage of its fat content is not decisive.
  • To make cheese mass, you can use cottage cheese of any fat content, but usually preference is given to a product with a fat content of 9%.
  • To obtain a mass that has a pleasant thickness, the cottage cheese must be passed through a sieve or meat grinder. You can mix the products with a spatula or use kitchen appliances: a blender, a mixer.
  • If the curd mass contains dried fruits, they should be steamed before adding to the curd mass, in other words, pour hot water for 10–15 minutes, then squeeze. Large dried fruits (dried apricots, prunes) are chopped before adding to the curd mass; raisins, dried cranberries and other small berries are left whole. It is necessary to mix them into the cottage cheese last, without resorting to the help of kitchen appliances.
  • When preparing the curd mass with fresh or frozen berries, you must first sprinkle them with sugar and drain off the released juice. It will be needed to make fruit juice or syrup, and it is better to add berries to cottage cheese with the least juice content so that the mass does not turn out very watery and unappetizing.

Technologies for making curd mass may vary slightly depending on the chosen recipe. By following the instructions that accompany it, you will not make mistakes and get the expected result.

Curd mass with sour cream

  • cottage cheese – 0.25 kg;
  • sour cream – 50 ml;
  • fine crystalline sugar or sweet powder – 30–50 g;
  • vanillin – 1 g.
  • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  • Add sugar and sour cream. Beat with a mixer.
  • Add vanillin, mix the mixture again, at this step you can also use kitchen appliances.

All that remains is to transfer the curd mass into a vase and serve. According to this recipe, it comes out tender and light.

Curd mass with eggs

  • cottage cheese – 0.25 kg;
  • sugar – 20–40 g;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • vanillin – 1 g.
  • Hang the cottage cheese in cheesecloth over a saucepan for half an hour to separate excess whey.
  • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve.
  • Break the egg into a bowl, add sugar to it.
  • Beat with a mixer until it turns snow-white.
  • Add vanilla, beat for another 15-20 seconds.
  • Combine the egg mass with the cottage cheese, beat them together. As a result, it should acquire an even creamy density.

If you want to eat such a mass raw, the eggs must be washed with soap before insertion to prevent harmful microbes from getting into the egg mass from the shell. A similar mass of cottage cheese is perfect for baking.

Curd mass with butter

  • cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • butter – 100 g;
  • sweet powder or small sugar - 100 g;
  • vanillin – 2 g.
  • To give it the smoothest mixture, rub the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind it through a meat grinder and temporarily set it aside.
  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance so that it softens by the time the curd mass is made.
  • Add sweet powder to the butter, beat them into a fluffy mass.
  • Add vanilla and beat a little more.
  • Continuing to beat, add cottage cheese. It must be added in parts, almost a spoon at a time.

Before serving, the curd mass must be put in the refrigerator for 1–2 hours, then it will acquire a pleasant creamy thickness, becoming even more appetizing.

Curd mass with raisins

  • cottage cheese – 0.5 kg;
  • small sugar – 100 g;
  • vanilla sugar – 20 g;
  • raisins – 100 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • butter – 80 g;
  • sour cream – 60 ml.
  • Pour boiling water over the raisins. After 15 minutes, drain the water, squeeze out the raisins, and let them dry.
  • Remove the butter from the refrigerator until it softens.
  • Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve and divide into three parts.
  • Beat the butter with a mixer until it turns white.
  • Add sugar, regular and vanilla, and salt to the butter. Beat well.
  • Place one part of cottage cheese and a spoon (20 ml) of sour cream in a container with butter.
  • Beat everything together with a mixer until a homogeneous composition is obtained.
  • Add the second part of the cottage cheese and a spoonful of sour cream, beat.
  • Add the remaining cottage cheese and sour cream, stir using a blender or mixer.
  • Add raisins. Stir the curd mass with a spatula, trying to distribute it moderately.
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The finished mass needs to be cooled before it can be served. With raisins you can create any kind of curd mass, prepared with sour cream, eggs, and butter. It’s just important to take into account that raisins are sweet, and so that the mass does not turn out cloying, you should put a little less sugar in it than when making it without raisins.

Curd mass with cherries

  • cottage cheese – 0.25 kg;
  • sour cream – 50 ml;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • fresh cherries (pitted) – 50 g;
  • sugar – 50 g.
  • Rinse the cherries and let them dry. Remove the seeds from the berries, sprinkle them with a spoon of sugar, and leave for 10–20 minutes.
  • Beat the softened butter with the remaining sugar.
  • Add sour cream and cottage cheese rubbed through a sieve to the butter.
  • Beat the butter together with cottage cheese and sour cream.
  • Drain the cherry juice, put the cherries in the curd mass, stir.

The dessert will taste better if it is cooled in the refrigerator for an hour.

Curd mass with dried apricots

  • cottage cheese – 0.2 kg;
  • dried apricots (seedless) – 40 g;
  • sugar – 50 g;
  • butter – 50 g;
  • vanillin – 1 g.
  • Combine softened butter with sugar and vanilla, beat.
  • Add the cottage cheese, pureed through a sieve, stir.
  • Cut the steamed dried apricots into small pieces, add to the curd mass, stir.

You can place the dessert in bowls and serve. The result will be no less tasty if you replace the dried apricots with prunes.

Unsweetened curd mass with herbs

  • cottage cheese – 0.4 kg;
  • thick sour cream – 50 ml;
  • fresh dill – 20 g;
  • cumin – 5 g;
  • mixture of peppers - to taste;
  • salt (optional) - to taste.
  • Grind the cottage cheese through a sieve or grind it through a meat grinder, combine with sour cream, and beat with a mixer.
  • Wash, dry the dill, chop it finely with a knife, add to the cottage cheese.
  • Add ground pepper, cumin and salt. Stir.

The curd mass made according to this recipe can be used to make sandwiches and savory pastries. It is also good in its pure form, as an independent snack.

Curd mass prepared at home is almost always tastier and healthier than store-bought ones, although it is not as expensive as ready-made ones. If you have children in the house, you should learn how to prepare this unpretentious delicacy with your own hands.

Curd mass: calorie content, benefits and harm

  • What is it anyway and what is it made of?
  • How is it different from cottage cheese?
  • Chemical composition and number of calories
  • Useful Features
  • Contraindications
  • Consumption Personalities
  • How to cook?
  • How and for how long to store?

In the dairy department you can often find curd mass. Most often it is taken for children, because it is already sweet and contains dried fruits inside. The mass is eaten for breakfast or cheesecakes are made from it. Is there any benefit to such a product and how to prepare it at home?

What is it anyway and what is it made of?

Curd mass is a popular milk product containing cottage cheese. In addition to this, butter, sour cream or cream, sugar or condensed milk are added there. There is also a mixture with raisins, dried apricots, cherries, vanilla or chocolate chips. There are also the most special combinations, for example, pasta with herbs and garlic.

The creation of this product begins with the usual production of cottage cheese using the sourdough method. After the usual cottage cheese is ready, it is supplemented with various additives, everything is painstakingly mixed in a special apparatus. Then the mass is molded and packaged. A high-quality product must contain cottage cheese, butter, cream and sugar. There should be no harmful additives in the form of flavors and dyes. Careless producers can replace high-quality butter with affordable and unhealthy palm oil.

The curd mass retains its shape even outside the package. It has a pleasant and gentle taste. It can be used as a paste for sandwiches or as a cream for fragrant waffles, you can bake cheesecakes, cheesecakes from it, or simply eat it without the help of others.

How is it different from cottage cheese?

The main difference between the curd mass is that it contains only a small part of the fermented milk product. Real cottage cheese is a natural product that does not contain any additives. But there are many other components in the paste, and they are not always of good quality.

Cottage cheese, unlike mass, is a dietary fermented milk product because it does not contain sugar or condensed milk. But the curd mass can be classified more quickly as desserts.

Chemical composition and number of calories

Curd mass, due to countless additional ingredients, is considered a high-calorie product. On average, it contains more than 340 kcal per 100 grams of product. Regular cottage cheese has several times lower calorie content.

The high-quality mass consists only of natural products, therefore it contains a huge amount of necessary vitamins and components. Naturally, the composition contains calcium, phosphorus, protein, amino acids, vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) group B, folic acid and other substances needed by the body.

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Useful Features

Of course, there is a certain usefulness in the curd mass. Naturally, provided that it is a high-quality product that does not contain any harmful ingredients.

The use of such a product allows the body to receive easily digestible milk protein. In addition, the mass fills the body with various vitamins and minerals, which have a beneficial effect on the condition of bone tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) , hair, skin and nails. The product has a suitable effect on the functioning of the intestinal tract, improving its microflora. It also strengthens the immune system, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, helping to fight lethargy, stress (Stress from English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) and insomnia. Moreover, the mass helps normalize blood pressure and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system.


This product can cause harm if consumed in large portions. Since it has a high calorie content, its constant and excessive consumption will have a bad effect on the figure. Also, those who have allergies or personal intolerances should not eat this product. You should not use the mass during diets, in case of obesity. Excessive consumption can also lead to digestive and intestinal dilemmas.

Consumption Personalities

Naturally, you should not use this product when losing weight. If you are on a diet, then it is better to replace the curd mass with ordinary fresh cottage cheese, which does not contain sugar and butter. Eating cottage cheese specifically during diets helps get rid of extra pounds. This is evidenced by countless reviews from those who have already managed to become slimmer. This product can be eaten for breakfast by adults and children, if the mass is of the highest quality, and there are no contraindications for its consumption.

But a nursing mother should use this product with great caution. In order not to harm the baby's health, she should give up curd mass, which contains chocolate and dried fruits - it is better to give preference to the traditional version. A neutral product, for example, vanilla mass, will not cause an allergic reaction in the baby, but you should not abuse such a high-calorie product either. It will be enough to eat 50-100 grams of curd mass for breakfast.

It can be used as an independent product. It can also become the insides of pancakes or cheesecakes. Just remember that if you prepare cheesecakes or other dishes from curd mass instead of cottage cheese, then the calorie content of the finished dish increases significantly.

How to cook?

The curd mass can be completely prepared at home. This process will not take much time.

The homemade product will be very tasty and literally harmless.

  • Mix 50 grams of sour cream and sweet powder in a separate bowl. In this case, it is better to take powder specifically, so the sugar crystals will crunch unpleasantly during consumption.
  • If desired, you can add a little vanilla.
  • Next, take 200 grams of cottage cheese and mix with the prepared consistency. It is best to mix the mixture using a blender, so it will turn out homogeneous.
  • Then add 50 grams of dried fruits and mix again. With all this, it is better to soak dried fruits in boiling water for 10 minutes so that they become a little softer. If you take prunes or dried apricots, then you can grind them in a blender along with the mass, and you should throw in the raisins whole.
  • The dish is ready to eat.

Here is another recipe that will allow you to prepare a delicious curd dessert at home:

  1. Grind 250 grams of cottage cheese through a sieve or beat in a blender to obtain a homogeneous mass without lumps;
  2. add to it 30 grams of softened butter, 50 grams of sour cream, a little vanilla and sugar to taste;
  3. mix until a homogeneous mass is obtained;
  4. add dried fruits or berries, and you can enjoy a delicious dessert.

How and for how long to store?

High-quality curd mass, which is made only from natural ingredients, must have a uniform snow-white color. This product should be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will quickly turn sour, and its shelf life should not exceed 3 days. It is better to use this mass on the first day, without leaving it for the future. This is especially true for products that contain dried fruits. Opened packaging can be stored for no more than a day. Pasta containing harmful additives has the longest shelf life, but cannot bring the same benefits as real curd mass.

Home-made mass should also not be stored for a long time. It is better to use it on the same day. If you add berries or dried fruits to the mass, then try to add it right before use.

To learn how to prepare sweet curd mass, see the following video.

Curd mass (curd mass)

It’s easy to prepare a very tasty curd mass! For this you will need a blender and 5 minutes of time.

Ingredients for “Curd mass (curd mass)”:

  • Cottage cheese – 0.5 kg
  • Butter - 60 g
  • Sour cream (heaped) - 2 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 100 g
  • Vanilla sugar (you can do without it) - 1 packet.
  • Dried apricots (optional) – 50 g
  • Raisins (optional) - 50 g

Production time: 5 minutes

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
1285 kcal
5.9 g
60.1 g
182.2 g
100 g dish
389.4 kcal
1.8 g
18.2 g
55.2 g
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Recipe for “Curd mass (curd mass)”:

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March 10, 2016 novosel8212 #

August 27, 2015 Knopa_Marina #

August 27, 2015 elcross # (recipe creator)

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  • Potassium 112 mg
  • Calcium 135 mg
  • Magnesium 23 mg
  • Sodium 31 mg

Curd mass is a type of dairy product made from cottage cheese and various additives. In popularity, it is not inferior to ordinary cottage cheese and can be used as a dessert. The appearance of the curd mass is identical to the curd paste. It is often sold without special packaging in markets. The product does not require any heat treatment before use and can be stored for a relatively short time. The curd mass can be eaten as an independent dish or added as an inside to other culinary masterpieces. The composition of the curd mass initially contains sugar and fruit additives, so it does not require the addition of more sweet ingredients. So, when using curd mass when preparing some dishes, you can forget about sugar.

How to choose curd mass?

It is worthwhile to approach the choice of the curd mass itself very carefully. It must be the freshest. A product that does not contain preservatives can be stored for only 72 hours, and if it is packaged in an airtight container - 7 days. The calorie content of the curd mass depends on the initial curd product that is used to make it. Pay also attention to the density of the mass itself. There should be no lumps or excess water separated from the product. The mixture must be homogeneous. If you notice that there are grains in the curd mass, this indicates that the manufacturer has added artificial thickeners there.

The real curd mass should be light, slightly creamy in color. The high-quality product remains consistently homogeneous and has a pleasant aroma. Be sure to pay attention to the conditions in which the curd mass is stored at the point of sale. It does not have to be in the freezer, because very low temperatures have a bad effect on the thickness of the product. When thawed, the curd mass will begin to separate. After opening, the curd mass can be stored in the cold for only 24 hours. If the curd product has become slightly sour, it can still be used, but only after heat treatment.

Composition of curd mass

The composition of the curd mass may vary slightly due to the flavoring additives that the manufacturer decided to place in it. It can even be found in salted form. But very often the composition of the curd mass remains similar. To obtain it, use the freshest cottage cheese, cream, butter, sweet sand, table salt and condensed milk. Often candied fruits, vanillin, dried fruits, nuts or herbs are added to the curd mass to add more taste and smell to the product. Also, such additives make the mass more interesting, giving it a non-uniform thickness.

Usefulness of curd mass

The usefulness of curd mass does not differ approximately from the usefulness of cottage cheese. Because the mass itself does not have to undergo heat treatment, all useful components and vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) . The chemical composition of the curd mass contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) D, C and A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, E, and choline. In addition, the curd mass contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, iron, sulfur, chlorine, sodium, iodine, copper, manganese and aluminum. The human body absorbs this product very quickly and receives from it all the valuable components that improve the functioning of the entire body.

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