Recipe: Pizza with whey - in the oven

Recipe: Pizza with whey - in the oven

This is approximately the same condition as in the photo.

The dough must be kept warm so that it rises perfectly; in the summer we put it on the windowsill, where the sun’s rays warm it, and in the winter we put it on the gas stove and turn on one burner so that it is warm near the dough. If the dough is kept warm, then it rises quickly and when it rises you will need to add more flour so that it comes out like this in my photo.

So that the dough does not stick to your hands, moisten them in sunflower oil; you can also pour one tablespoon of oil into the dough itself, then it will be even more elastic.
Later, let the dough rise and you can put it on a baking sheet. In the meantime, our dough is rising, we begin preparing the insides for our pizza. The ingredients can be very different, whatever your heart desires, I also always put different fillings, whatever I find in the refrigerator will be the inside. Therefore, in this recipe I will outline the filling that I put in last time. And the amount of inside is also at your discretion, if you want it to be more modest and cheaper, then add a little at a time, and if you want it to be tastier and more filling, then add the filling without sparing with all your heart.

We cut two tomatoes into thin slices in advance and give it the opportunity to release a little liquid from them, although this is not important, you can cut it specifically before laying it on the dough. The tomatoes I came across were hard and there was nothing to leak out, so I cut them right away.

Then we open a can of canned corn, which is what I use for two pizzas. Drain excess liquid from the corn and place in a plate. In principle, you don’t have to put it out, or just leave it in the jar. Here it’s a household matter; if you throw it in a jar, you’ll have one less plate to wash.

Then we chop the smoked sausage. You can cut it like I do in the photo, you can cut it into circles, you can cut it into cubes, in general, cut it however you like and feel comfortable. You don’t have to put any smoked sausage at all, but just limit yourself to boiled sausage, but I put both. The type of sausage is also your choice. Pizza will still be delicious with any sausage.

These are the cubes I used to cut the boiled sausage. From time to time I put it in the form of sausages, from time to time I take a doctorate, in general, see for yourself according to your abilities. You can create it without boiled sausage, but limit yourself to only smoked sausage.

If you like greens, you can put them on pizza too. I always add dill because I don’t really like parsley. I also wash it in advance, dry it and cut it.

We also prepare hard cheese for our pizza, grate it on a coarse grater. I always take average-priced cheese, so God forbid the prices for them at the moment, but the more expensive and fattier the cheese, the tastier the pizza will be, that’s for sure.

I also like to put pickled mushrooms on pizza.
In principle, it is possible to do without them. But if you decide to create with mushrooms, you will need to chop them a little. Mushrooms can be of various types; I usually always add champignons, which I marinate myself. Then, when the dough has risen, we divide it into two parts and distribute it in a baking tray along the entire length of the mold. The mold must be generously greased with sunflower oil. I immediately say that when you spread the dough, you need to distribute it with your hands, it will roll back into a pile, but it’s not terrible and it’s supposed to be like that. Later, under the weight of the inside, it will stretch and will no longer roll.

Read also:  Pie with cheese and cottage cheese

First I coat the dough with ketchup, and then I start adding the filling.
You can decide for yourself what to put in what sequence, here I will outline how I did it. I put tomatoes on top of the ketchup, then two types of sausages, then I coat it with a layer of mayonnaise and sprinkle corn, mushrooms and herbs on top. And later, the outermost layer is grated cheese.

These are the two pizzas I get.
One round and one rectangular. Then we put our pizzas in a previously preheated oven to 180 degrees and bake for 30-35 minutes. It all depends on the amount of inside and layer of dough. My pizzas are usually always in the oven for 35 minutes; in general, you need to make sure that the cheese on top and the dough don’t burn, because all ovens bake differently. This is what we got after 35 minutes.

The pizza came out very tasty and appetizing. I hope someone likes my recipe. Bon appetit!

Whey pizza (thin crust, crispy edge)

My husband and I have been baking pizza according to this recipe for a long time, but yesterday for the first time I replaced the water in the recipe with whey left over from making cheese. The result simply stunned my husband and I. It's never been so tasty for us before. The dough is thin, soft on the inside, airy, not heavy, not dry, not rubbery, very pleasant, and the edge was amazingly crunchy. It tastes even better than our favorite pizza in an Italian restaurant, which we always ordered.
Well, of course, the insides of homemade pizza are many times larger than those of a restaurant pizza. I’m bringing a piece for you to try too

The recipe is taken from the instructions for our bread machine, plus my configurations this time.

Dry yeast – 2 tsp
Flour – 400 g
* Salt – 34 tsp
Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp
** Whey – 250 ml

* If the whey from the cheese is salty - as it was for me this time - then we do not add salt!
**The original recipe contained water

We prepare the dough like regular yeast dough, allowing it to rise several times. My bread machine does this with success - the main thing is to put all the components into the oven in the order established by the manufacturer of your oven - I first put the yeast and all the dry products, with all the water on top. Mode - pizza dough (I have 45 minutes - kneading twice for 10-15 minutes, and proofing twice for 10-15 minutes)

From this amount of goods I got two pizzas with a diameter of about 30 cm (I have a small oven). Previously, we baked one in a large oven on an entire square baking sheet - but I liked the small round pizza option even more - because... in a large square, when you cut into pieces - the pieces from the middle do not have the crispy, savory edge of the dough. This version of a larger square pizza is suitable for those who don’t like edges - I saw reviews from girls about edges here

Well, then the inside is completely unimportant what kind you want and love.

I made from what was available:

Roll out the dough a little less than 1cm wide, lightly dust the top with flour, then grease with ketchup (I have Homemade ketchup from Anyutka -

Then sprinkle with a thin layer of grated cheese. (We didn’t do this before, but the option of cheese on the bottom and cheese on top turned out to be much better - both tastier, and the inside is better “connected”, it does not come off from the dough when you cut or bite)

Next were hunting sausages, cut into thin rings (you can use any smoked sausage, just cut it very thinly), and I also had a couple of small sausages, which I cut into strips (you can use boiled sausage, ham, bacon thinly).

Next, I cut my mother’s pickled crispy cucumbers into strips, I didn’t have time to cut one - I crunched it right away (I previously cut the cucumbers into slices, but I don’t like the way these cucumber circles come out of a hamburger, from a hot sandwich and from a slice of pizza when I bite it, so I tried cutting it into strips, I really liked this option!)

Bell pepper, cut into thin quarter rings.

Reddish onion, cut into quarter rings (or half rings if the onion is small).

We cover all this beauty with grated cheese.

All products are in equal proportions, including onions - it loses its pungency, but gives the pizza a stunning taste and smell

Place in the oven - bake at 180-200 degrees for 30-40 minutes.
I have a small electronic oven - for a pizza made from half the dough it took 40 minutes. We check readiness by pressing on the edge of the pizza - it should be hard and not bend under finger pressure - while it bends, the dough is not yet baked. But don’t let this scare you - the dough inside will still be airy, only the edge will crunch sooo deliciously!

Although the next day the edge became soft - the remains of the pizza lay in a plastic tray under a loosely closed lid.

Whey pizza dough recipe. Immediately soft and subtle. And the perfect option for me is to add serum

Pizza is our favorite family dish. Therefore, I tried different options for making pizza. I have various entrails in my “collection”: vegetable, cheese, sausage, fish, minced meat and fruit/berries. But I also collect pizza dough recipes. This is very interesting, because one dish can be prepared in 100 different ways.

Why do I like this whey pizza dough recipe? I have whey left over after making cheese from milk. There is usually a lot of it, and therefore it needs to be put somewhere. And the dough is the most perfect option for me! I get good, immediately tender and thin dough for my favorite pizza.


  • Whey – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • Flour – 2.5-3 tbsp;
  • Hard cheese – 100g;
  • Sausage (dry-cured) - stick;
  • Onion – 2 pcs.;
  • Tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • Testicle – 1 pc.;
  • Sour cream (or mayonnaise) – 3-4 tbsp;
  • Ketchup – 4-5 tbsp;
  • Greenery;
  • Salt pepper;
  • Soda - a pinch.


So, a few words about the serum. How do I get it?

  • I either boil the milk with a drop of lemon juice, or just wait 2-3 days until it sours.
  • I pour the curdled milk into a bowl and freeze it for 6-8 hours.
  • I put perfectly frozen curdled milk, which has practically turned into a piece of ice, in cheesecloth (I roll the cheesecloth in several layers) and place it in a colander over a bowl.
  • The whey drips into the bowl. But the curd cheese remains in the gauze. I make all sorts of goodies out of it. I use whey for testing.

Mix the whey only with the yolk. This will allow the dough to be even more tender.

Add all the sifted flour. Add a pinch of soda.

Knead the stiff dough on a work surface. It should take approximately 5-10 minutes to knead. The dough should turn out very soft and flexible.

Make a ball out of the dough. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Only after proofing will the dough be so good that you can roll it out into a thin layer and prepare a delicious pizza.

Meanwhile, prepare the pizza filling.

Cut the onion into rings and separate each ring from the others.

Cut the tomatoes into discs 3-4mm in height.

Cut the sausage into circles (the width of the circles is about 2mm).

Three cheese on a grater. But you can cut it into strips or thin slices.

Divide the dough into 4 parts.

Before rolling out the dough, knead it. Later we roll out a narrow layer.

Lubricate the entire layer with sour cream. We pay special attention to the edges of the layer.

We twist the dough from 4 sides. This is how we make pizza sides.

This is the kind of preparation we should get. Transfer it to a baking sheet.

Lubricate pizza bases with ketchup.

Place the sausage and tomato slices on it.

Place onions and greens on top of the base.

Sprinkle everything with cheese.

Bake pizzas at 180C for 20 minutes. You see, I focus on cheese. Usually, when it starts to melt, the dough will already give off a baked smell.

Whey Pizza Dough Recipes

In order for the pizza to be truly appetizing, you must correctly create the dough, which can be varied in its recipe. But it is precisely this that will influence the final result of the traditional Italian dish you prepare.

Yeast base recipe (dry)

  • flour – 350 g (but more may be needed);
  • dry yeast – 5 g (or 1 teaspoon);
  • whey – 0.5 cups;
  • warm water – 30 ml;
  • egg - 1 piece;
  • salt and sugar - a pinch;
  • olive oil – 1 tablespoon.
  1. To start, you need to pour the yeast into a glass or mug, add hot water ( do not stir yet ) and leave it alone for 10 minutes. Then stir and leave for another 5 minutes. Pour the whey into a saucepan and heat it a little, add the egg and mix everything thoroughly. .
  2. Now you can add sweet sand and salt, stir, pour in the yeast and mix everything well again. The flour must be sifted and added in parts, without forgetting to stir the dough so that it does not come into pieces.

The dough is perfectly kneaded when it stops sticking to your hands, but at the same time it must be gentle and elastic.



the sausage thinly , for example in the form of a strip,
open a jar of olives , cut them in half.

Finely chop the mushrooms , preferably champignons , and lightly fry them (this is completely optional, you can use the freshest ones).

More “successful” interior options:

  • potatoes and mushrooms;
  • carrots, onions and eggs.

We constantly cover it with mayonnaise sauce and cheese .

Traditional fermentation method without yeast


  • 4 cups flour;
  • 1 glass of whey;
  • 3 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 0.5 tsp. soda

Pour the whey into a deep bowl, add 1 cup of flour, salt and soda and mix well until smooth .

Next, add vegetable oil and mix again.

After this, add the rest of the flour in small doses, thoroughly mixing each new portion so that lumps do not form.

Over time, you will have a perfectly stretchable mass. Divide it into parts and, having greased your hands with oil, stretch a suitable piece of dough directly to the desired shape of the area specifically in a roasting pan or baking sheet, and hide the other parts of the dough in the freezer until the next version.

In a multicooker, such yeast-free pizza is baked in the “Bake/Bake” for 25 minutes.
After the readiness symbol sounds, do not open the lid for 5-10 minutes . After the confirmed period has passed, open and take out the delicious, slightly infused pizza.

What is the highlight of this production method and what sauce should I add?

Whey gives the dough additional porosity and airiness . Various types of pizza sauce are used, depending on its contents. Most often, of course, it is a reddish or pink sauce, but for the most tender pizza, we still recommend using snow-white sauce.

The result is a tasty, narrow pizza with crispy edges, very similar to the one prepared in a pizzeria. Or it could be better, what do you think?

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