Roast beef

Roast beef

The name "roast beef" is translated from British as "roast beef." To truly enjoy the taste of roast beef, you need to know how to cook it the way English chefs do.

Based on the beliefs of the rules, the traditional roast beef recipe is simple and complex at once. We will need:

- choose suitable meat;
- observe the temperature regime.

Suitable meat for roast beef

To make roast beef, you can cut it, thick or narrow edge, rump, sirloin. Choose a piece that is large and as even as possible, which will ensure uniform production. It’s great if the meat is marbled, in other words, with layers of fat. During baking, the fat will melt, giving juiciness and a distinct flavor to the meat.

Frozen meat is absolutely not suitable! The beef must be fresh, but not steamed. Aged meat will be even tastier, juicier and softer. Experts advise keeping it in the refrigerator for 2-3 days; during this period of time, special enzymes are formed in the tissues, which change the structure of beef meat, help soften muscle protein during the manufacturing process, due to which the dish acquires a unique smell and taste, and comes out soft and juicy. . For the same reason, you shouldn’t take veal, it has a different structure and the taste will be somewhat different.

Roast beef degrees of doneness

The degree of roast beef roasting is determined by the temperature of the meat at the end of baking:

  • 60 degrees - “with blood (internal environment of the body) ”;
  • 70 degrees - medium done;
  • 80 degrees - fully cooked.

To literally find out how well a piece is cooked, you will need a culinary temperature gauge. If it is not there, then be guided as follows: beef weighing 1 kg at a temperature of 160 degrees, usually needs to be baked for 30-40 minutes (depending on what cut is used).

Baked meat from the oven should be immediately wrapped in foil and left for 30-40 minutes “to rest” - due to the leisurely cooling, the juices inside the piece will be moderately distributed, the roast beef will turn out very juicy and soft.

Set of herbs and spices

Roast beef according to the traditional recipe requires the use of only pepper, salt and vegetable oil. Such a small set of seasonings makes it possible to enjoy the real taste of meat, not clogged with extraneous odors. If you still want to add spices, then you can expand the list by adding rosemary, mustard, garlic and onion in powder form.


  • beef (rump) – 1 kg
  • mixture of coarsely ground peppers – 1 tbsp. l.
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.
  • large salt - to taste


We wash the meat in cool water and dry it thoroughly with cardboard towels. Sprinkle the mixture with the peppers, pressing them in with your hands - it is better to use coarsely ground pepper, freshly ground. In a traditional recipe, it is not necessary to use pepper; the meat is simply greased with vegetable oil and cooked. But roast beef in pepper comes out even tastier and more aromatic, try it with millet!

Grease on all sides with vegetable oil and wrap in cling film. This time I took a rump, weighing 1 kg. The meat is fresh, so I kept a piece in the refrigerator for 1 day (to prevent it from suffocating, I made punctures in the film with a toothpick). If your meat is not fresh, but already seasoned, then it is enough to marinate it in pepper for 8-10 hours. Please note that there is no need to add salt.

Before continuing production, the meat should be removed from the refrigerator and left for 1 hour to warm up to room temperature (20-22 degrees inside the piece). If you skip this step, it will cook unevenly and you will end up with a soggy center and a dry edge. We tie the piece with thread so that it gets an oval shape - this will make it easier to cut after baking.

Let's start roasting. Place a grill pan on the fire, grease it with a small amount of vegetable oil and heat it until red hot. Place the meat in a hot frying pan and fry until golden brown, 3 minutes on all sides. In this way, we will “seal” all the juices inside the piece, they will not leak out during baking. It is not allowed to move the meat throughout the pan, otherwise the fibers will tear and valuable juice will leak out. For the same reason, you should twist it with tongs (or a pair of wooden spatulas).

Place the beef in the oven, previously preheated to 160 degrees. My grill pan has a detachable handle. If you don’t have such dishes, then transfer the piece to a warm baking sheet (with high sides). It is most convenient to determine readiness using a temperature indicator. I baked the roast beef in the oven for 30 minutes, then measured the temperature - it reached 60 degrees. If you like the most intense degree of roasting, then cook to 75-80 degrees. To find the degree of readiness of meat without a thermometer, pierce it with a sharp knife: if pale pink juice is released at the puncture site, then it is ready; bright red color means you need to keep it in the oven for at least 15 minutes; light and clear juice indicates that the meat is overdried.

Transfer the finished meat to a wooden board or a warm plate. Wrap in several layers of foil. And leave it “to rest” for 30-40 minutes. All this time, the meat will be cooked, and the meat juice will be moderately distributed inside the piece.

Roast beef is good both hot and cool (in extreme cases, fully roasted is recommended). Before serving, remove the foil from the meat, cut into slices and sprinkle with plenty of salt. It is customary to serve without a side dish in its classic sense; appetizers, sauce and herbs can be served as an accompaniment. The British prefer the combination with sauces based on mustard and horseradish, sometimes served with green peas, cabbage, french fries or mashed potatoes, salad or Yorkshire pudding.

Roast beef: traditional recipe

Roast beef is rightfully considered one of the best inventions of English classic cuisine. The traditional recipe in respectable homes was always prepared from a thick cut edge. For the dish, they used the freshest meat, which was only available in butcher shops. Otherwise, it is impossible to achieve the proper softness corresponding to the standard roast beef. This is the first fundamental condition, without which a traditional dish is impossible. 2nd – maintaining the temperature regime. But let's talk about this in more detail.

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How and how much to cook roast beef

Beef roast beef is prepared without compromise. The traditional recipe is baked in the oven, taking into account the type of meat, its weight and the preferred degree of doneness. As for the type of meat, it is often sliced, including on the bone. It can also be a sirloin (around the hip part of beef with thin layers of fat) or rump (the highest part of the hind thigh). Choose a piece that is even and large. This way it will cook moderately. The presence of fatty layers has a beneficial effect on the softness and juiciness of the finished dish.

How and how much to cook roast beef

The traditional recipe does not strictly declare how long to cook beef roast beef. This is because every meat lover has his own preferences regarding the degree of roasting. The type of meat also matters: the cut has the loosest structure of meat fibers, so it cooks faster. The sirloin has a higher density, so production will take a little longer.

Conditions for producing juicy meat: after preparatory frying, roast beef according to the traditional recipe is baked in the oven for 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees per 1 kg. Then take it out, wrap the meat in foil and leave for another 30-40 minutes. During the slow cooling process, the juices will be moderately distributed inside and the roast beef will turn out soft.

To clearly determine the degree of doneness, use a culinary temperature gauge. At the end of baking, track the temperature measurement results inside the piece:

  • 80 degrees – fully cooked;
  • 70 degrees - medium done;
  • 60 degrees – “meat with blood (internal environment of the body) .”

If you prefer low-temperature cooking of roast beef, prepare the traditional recipe in the oven taking into account the following rule per 1 kg. meat: 2-3 hours at 90 degrees. Well, don’t forget to take into account the type of meat used.

Roast beef using traditional manufacturing technology

Despite the royal grandeur of the baked meat laid out on a beautiful dish, beef roast beef is prepared quite simply. We suggest repeating the traditional recipe from the upper part of the fillet or the outer part of the leg. Use high quality natural spices for marinating.

You will need:

  • 3.5-4 kg. sirloin;
  • 5 tbsp. l. olive oil;
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. plenty of salt;
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. freshly ground dark pepper;
  • 1-1.5 tbsp. l. Provençal herbs.

Roast beef using traditional manufacturing technology

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the meat, remove any imperfections, and dry with a cardboard towel.
  2. Rub the spices, salt and olive oil over the beef roast. The traditional recipe should be cooked in a preheated oven. Therefore, it’s time to turn on the heating to 75 degrees.
  3. Leave the grated meat for 20 minutes.
  4. Heat a frying pan with 1-2 tbsp. l. olive oil. It is better to use a cast iron frying pan for cooking meat. It has thick walls and maintains temperature unsurpassedly and moderately distributes heat.
  5. Fry the meat on a hot surface for almost 2-3 minutes on each side. Here it is important to use high heat so that a crust quickly forms on the meat. In this way we will seal the juices inside the piece.
  6. Place the fried roast beef on a grid with a tray or just a baking sheet. For the traditional recipe, bake at 75 degrees for about 3-4 hours or until the inside temperature of the flesh reaches the desired level of doneness - 60-80 degrees.

Roast beef with rosemary accent and garnish

A little needed set of spices for roast beef includes salt, pepper and sunflower oil. This combination emphasizes the self-sufficient taste of natural meat. If you want to slightly shade the traditional result, use rosemary, mustard, onion and garlic in powder form. We suggest preparing just that, fragrant beef roast. We will prepare a traditional recipe in the oven using a rump steak base.

You will need:

  • 4 kg. side of the leg;
  • 1 tbsp. l. dried chopped rosemary;
  • 4 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard;
  • 3 tsp. sea ​​salt;
  • 3 tsp. ground dark pepper;
  • 2-3 large carrots;
  • 0.5 kg. potatoes;
  • 180 ml. beef broth.

Roast beef with rosemary accent and garnish

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the meat cut under water and blot off excess water.
  2. Rub the piece with mustard on all sides.
  3. Combine rosemary and pepper in a bowl.
  4. Rub the meat with a set of prepared spices.
  5. Wrap with cling film, then place the piece of beef roast in a vacuum bag. The traditional recipe advises to marinate for 6-12 hours. It is still enough for the mustard to soften the fibers and for the spices to imbue them with their odors.
  6. Before cooking, preheat the oven to 220 degrees.
  7. Prepare the vegetables: peel, rinse.
  8. Cut the potatoes into 6-8 pieces.
  9. Cut the carrots into rings, half rings or large strips.
  10. Place the vegetables in a bowl, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper, and stir.
  11. Remove the films from the marinated meat, salt it, and place a piece on a baking sheet.
  12. Bake the beef roast for 15 minutes. The traditional recipe with vegetables harmonizes perfectly. After 15 minutes, reduce the temperature to 160 degrees.
  13. Remove the pan from the oven. Add vegetables to the meat and pour in broth.
  14. Bake all ingredients together for 40 minutes.
  15. Cover the baking sheet with foil and bake for another half hour.
  16. Before removing, check the degree of doneness of the meat using a kitchen temperature indicator. If you are happy with the temperature, remove the pan.
  17. Cover again with foil and leave for 15 minutes.
  18. Serve the meat on a large platter with vegetables.

Roast beef with Dorblu cheese sauce

We suggest preparing beef roast beef according to a traditional recipe with a unique blue cheese sauce. By following the tips, you will truly have a culinary masterpiece. Such a dish will become a real asset to the gala menu. Therefore, there is no need to create complications, just bake the meat and impress all your guests!

You will need:

  • 2 kg. slicing;
  • 1 tsp. salt;
  • 100 gr. heavy cream;
  • 1.5 tsp. ground pepper;
  • 100 gr. Dorblu or other blue cheese;
  • 1 tsp. dry oregano;
  • 1 tsp. dry mustard;
  • 1 tsp. dry ground rosemary;
  • 1 tsp. dry thyme.
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Roast beef with Dorblu cheese sauce

How to cook:

  1. To prepare a recipe for traditional beef roast in the oven, correctly calculate the time for marinating and baking. It is normal to marinate meat overnight (that is, in the dark) . If there is no such supply, leave a piece rubbed with spices for 1-2 hours at room temperature.
  2. Use spices of the highest quality and freshly ground (if available). Do not add salt before long marinating. Use it specifically before baking.
  3. If the meat is fresh, keep a piece in the refrigerator for a day. If it is aged, it is enough to marinate according to ability.
  4. Consider these aspects to prepare delicious beef roast. The traditional recipe is prepared with salt, pepper and butter. But in this version we want to achieve a wonderful smell. Therefore, mix the spices indicated in the recipe in a bowl. There is no need to add salt at this step.
  5. Rub the meat with a mixture of spices and wrap in cling film.
  6. Place in the refrigerator to marinate overnight (that is, in the dark) . If you don't have time, marinate for 2 hours at room temperature.
  7. After the time has passed, preheat the oven to 160 degrees in advance.
  8. Place the roast beef on a baking sheet without film. Bake the traditional recipe in the oven until medium rare, 1.5 hours.
  9. Before serving, prepare the sauce: beat the cheese and cream with a pinch of pepper in a blender.
  10. Leave the finished roast beef for 20 minutes, covered with foil. Then cut into layers and serve with sauce.

Roast beef with wine sauce

Wine sauce perfectly complements the taste of baked beef. Don't worry about the alcohol content. Under the influence of high temperatures it evaporates, leaving a pleasant aftertaste of grapes.

Roast beef

Roast beef is a British recipe, a fully roasted piece of beef. Roast beef is usually cooked in the oven. But there are other options for how to cook roast beef. Read more about roast beef .

The meat under the vegetable meringue crust has a simply wonderful taste! And when serving, pieces of meat can be poured with lemon sauce on top.

British roast beef (roast beef) or our boiled pork - in truth, what could be simpler and tastier than baked piece of meat! Garnish: potatoes. For complete harmony, you can add green beans to this dish with lemon juice, butter and thyme.

For everyone who loves roast beef - a recipe in watery dough.

Recipe for roast beef with grilled potatoes, vegetables in a special sauce.

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Roast beef can be grilled or stewed. As the name of the dish already suggests (English: “fried beef”), it is correct to cook roast beef from beef . However, roast pork also has many admirers. Meat for roast beef should be carefully selected. Beef roast beef is best prepared from “marbled” meat. Very lean meat will be a little dry after cooking, so it is better to have fatty streaks. Apart from this, it is advisable to cook roast beef from veal - this meat is the most tender. There are other tricks on how to cook roast beef. Making roast beef begins with preparing the meat: it does not have to be very fresh; it is better to keep it in the refrigerator for a certain number of days (but not freeze) so that it softens and loses some of the water. There is a recipe for making roast beef that recommends boiling the meat a little beforehand. But British roast beef is roast beef with blood (the internal environment of the body) . When the cooked meat is pierced, red juice should flow out. Please note that if you want to cook roast beef from beef, the recipe usually contains advice on the temperature regime for baking the meat: from the highest at the initial step, with a decrease towards the end of making the roast beef.

Marinated roast beef naturally comes out the most tender and has a pleasant smell. If you want to cook marinated roast beef, the marinade recipe occasionally contains wine or vinegar. Marinade for roast beef usually consists of chopped vegetables (onions, carrots, celery) and spices. Before putting it in the oven, it is better to spread the future roast beef with vegetable oil and tie it with a formidable thread. To prepare tasty roast beef, the recipe also often recommends cutting or piercing the meat.

In the UK, both hot roast beef and cool roast beef are eaten. Roast beef with a side dish is served occasionally, usually chopped vegetables or baked potatoes. The salad goes very well with roast beef. Roast beef sauce typically includes olive oil, egg yolk, lemon, mustard, spices and the occasional fat that drips off during the roasting process. After you cook the roast beef, be sure to take a photo. Men love to devour fried meat even with their eyes.

Roast beef - what is it anyway? Beef roast beef traditional recipe with photo

Roast beef is a traditional English dish. The translation of the word “roast beef” can be interpreted as “baked beef.” In Great Britain, it is customary to bake beef in the oven, or to simmer a piece of fresh meat over low heat. Roast beef can be prepared in different ways. Let's look at the accepted definition of “roast beef”.

Roast beef - what is it anyway?

A dish of the highest cuisine, known throughout the world as roast beef, it is prepared from painstakingly selected meat. It is best to choose marbled beef for this dish, and regular cuts, also the thick edges of the meat from the carcass are completely suitable.

The well-known fresh meat is not entirely suitable for roast beef. When baked or fried, it becomes harsh. The essence of this recipe is that the meat gets a special smell and remains tender.

Therefore, you need to take meat for roast beef 2-3 days after slaughter, which was kept at a temperature of 4-5 degrees above zero.

The British went even further than accepted norms when preparing meat for roast beef. They hung the carcasses in cold rooms for three weeks, thereby increasing the amount of enzymes in the fibers of the raw material. In home conditions, where sanitary treatment of the premises is impossible, this is not recommended.

The first attempts to cook something similar to today's recipe were made in the UK over an open fire. So the meat was not cooked through or was burnt. Then they began to use stoves, grill grids, roasting pans, and ovens for cooking.

Secrets of juicy roast beef

To hear a lot of compliments from your family and guests, you should know the secrets of making roast beef. The subtleties of this dish are as follows:

  • When choosing between vacuum-packed meat and dried fillets, you should give preference to packaged meat. This way, roast beef will be easier to prepare in modern realities, and the meat itself will be more tender;
  • Before placing the dish in the oven, you need to let it warm up to room temperature. You won’t get tender meat any other way; it will cook unevenly;
  • Some recipes contain information that the beef must first be wrapped in thread, and then fried in a frying pan until it has a thin crust. It is believed that in this way all the juice in the fillet remains inside;
  • When housewives cook beef in the oven, they often make a grave mistake: they check the readiness with a fork or knife. At the same time, juice flows out of the beef onto the baking sheet, which aggravates the taste of the dish. You can cut only the top fat layer of the roast beef, so that the fat nourishes the beef on top;
  • At the end of cooking, remove the meat from the oven and allow it to cool independently for 20 minutes. This is done so that the meat juice is distributed moderately throughout the entire piece of beef.

Connoisseurs of meat dishes know that all similar recipes differ only in the degree of roasting of the beef. What gradation does modern roast beef have in essence?

Roast beef and degrees of doneness

Like steak, roast beef has varying degrees of doneness. The only way to avoid drying out beef is to not bake it over high heat.

In British cuisine you may find references to the fact that beef should be stewed at 90 degrees. Then the meat dish will take 2-3 hours to get ready.

The degree of roasting of beef is determined by the temperature at the end of production:

  • With blood (the internal environment of the body) – about 60 degrees;
  • Medium roast – 70 degrees;
  • Powerful roasting - 80 degrees.

Since beef cooked according to the British recipe cannot be pierced to determine readiness, you should constantly focus on the temperature of the process and the baking time.

To make the roast beef even softer after cooking, you need to place the warm meat in foil for 30 minutes and leave it on the table at room temperature.

Seasonings and spices for roast beef

The British recipe for making beef involves using only salt and pepper in the recipe; it is allowed to add mustard and olive oil to the meat.

Variations on the roast beef theme are made with the addition of rosemary, parsley and dill. From time to time the meat is seasoned with dried onions and garlic. It is worth keeping in mind that a huge amount of spices can spoil the taste of meat no worse than an incorrect processing and baking process.

British roast beef recipe

The traditional roast beef recipe contains the following ingredients:

  • A little more than kg of beef;
  • Salt to taste;
  • Two tablespoons of olive oil;
  • Two tablespoons of mustard.

Here the baking time is equal to 130 minutes. The specific cooking process takes place at a temperature of 150 degrees.

The manufacturing method is as follows:

  1. The beef is removed from the refrigerator and brought to room temperature;
  2. Rub with mustard grains, then rub with salt;
  3. Tie a thread tightly around the beef;
  4. Leave the bandaged meat to simmer in the room for 1-2 hours;
  5. The prepared fillet is fried in a frying pan in a drop of olive oil for 10 minutes or immediately baked in the oven (250 degrees) for the same 10 minutes;
  6. After a while, the oven temperature is reduced to 150, after which the dish is baked for another 120 minutes, occasionally pouring over it with the juice released onto the baking sheet;
  7. When production is completed, the beef is cooled naturally for 30 minutes, sliced, and served.

If before production it is planned to marinate the meat for 8-10 hours, do not rub it with salt, but limit it to pepper and spices.

The degree of roasting during the baking process begins to be adjusted after 40-50 minutes in the oven at 150 degrees. The temperature is reduced to the point at which the frying turns out to be light, medium, or fully cooked.

What do you eat roast beef with?

The meat dish can be eaten with or without a side dish. In Great Britain, roast beef is eaten with sauces and cereals. In European countries, the dish is served with French fries, vegetables, salads, and cabbage.

Roast beef recipes vary. Any country that adopts a recipe adds something of its own to it. For example, in Russia they eat baked beef with potatoes, in the States they love marinated meat, in France they add cognac to roast beef.

Serving roast beef with “greenish butter” is considered especially chic. In the recipe, add herbs and lemon juice to ordinary butter and mix the mixture until smooth.

The British often serve Yorkshire pudding with baked beef. Essentially, this pudding is a pastry made from batter. The second most popular side dish for real roast beef is green peas.

Fascinating facts about roast beef

There is a worldview that roast beef originated in British lands during the Renaissance. They were proud of him in Shakespeare's time. They sang the dish in songs and poems during the war with Napoleon.

Churchill prepared the authentic roast beef, albeit from pork, with his own hands. In Hogarth's famous painting one can see how the English fighters, fed on roast beef, are larger than the French. By the way, in Great Britain, baked beef is also sung in the song “Roast Beef of Old Great Britain,” composed by Henry Fielding.

British roast beef can rightfully be called the country's state dish. It is still prepared in most British kitchens only according to the ancient recipe.

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