Khachapuri in Megrelian

Khachapuri in Megrelian

In the abundance of state baked goods in sunny Georgia, khachapuri occupies a worthy place. The name of the dish contains the roots of two main components. Translated from Georgian, khacha means “cottage cheese”, and puri means “bread”. Even the order in which the roots in the word are built shows the importance of cheese in the baked goods given to us.

The uniqueness of the Megrelian khachapuri recipe is the use of cheese not only for the inside, but also for sprinkling on top of the flatbread.

During the manufacturing process, the powder is baked and turns yellowish, orange and pink.

Mingrelian khachapuri, the real Georgian recipe for which is given below, is prepared in the form of dough flatbreads with cheese.

Megrelian khachapuri with kefir

The recipe for traditional Megrelian khachapuri has its roots in the Middle Ages of Megrelia. Ancient traditions do not provide for the introduction of yeast. The function of loosening the dough is magically controlled by the matsoni bacteria. The usual Georgian drink matsoni is made from pasteurized milk. This analogue of Slavic curdled milk, which is popular in the Caucasus, is now considered the basis of Caucasian longevity. In the absence of matsoni, we use our usual drink.

We offer a step-by-step recipe with photos of the most popular Georgian pastries. To make real Megrelian khachapuri you need the following ingredients:

  • drink, matsoni or other fermented milk drink with a slight sourness. A very sour drink should not be taken. High-quality and fresh matsoni does not spill on a spoon, but holds its shape;
  • the choice of suluguni should also be approached carefully.

Advice: when choosing a product on the market, try the taste, look at the cut, thickness. The color depends on the fat content of the milk and may be slightly yellow or snow-white. The rich color may be the result of the introduction of dye;

  • We select butter and sour cream based on the principle of very natural origin. The composition should include only milk products and sourdough. Shelf life also speaks of natural origin. The shorter the shelf life, the more natural the product.
  • For baking flour, select snow-white flour of the highest quality, without lumps. Before making cakes, it should be sifted twice.

We suggest the following proportion of ingredients:

  • 600 g suluguni cheese;
  • 430 g premium white flour;
  • 140 g sour cream;
  • 200 ml kefir or matsoni;
  • 80 g butter –;
  • one testicle;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of soda;
  • 0.5 teaspoon salt;
  • a tablespoon of sugar.

Having prepared the necessary products, we perform subsequent operations.

We start production with dough. First, melt the butter in the microwave or in a small frying pan and set aside to cool.

Carefully mix the drink and sour cream. Add salt, sugar, soda to them and mix well. Mix the resulting liquid with melted butter. Set aside the mixture for a couple of minutes.

We weigh 430 flour and sift it twice into a comfortable bowl. Then add flour evenly to the prepared mixture of watery ingredients.

Mix the mixture with a whisk first. When it thickens, move it to a table or a special board. Knead the soft dough for Megrelian khachapuri. Its mixture should resemble yeasty, fatty and soft dough.

Divide the mass into 2 equal parts. Using a rolling pin, roll each part into a pancake 0.5 cm wide.

Grate the cheese on a coarse grater or pass it through a meat grinder. There is no need to add any other ingredients to the filling. Place about 200 g (one third of the total mass) of cheese on each flatbread.

We lift the edges and carefully pinch them together in the form of a khinkali, as shown in the photo, and then carefully press down and roll out lightly, so as not to tear, again forming a flat cake. Lubricate the top of the product with beaten egg, and then sprinkle with the inside, based on the calculation of 100 g for each.

  • Step 5
  • Preheat the oven to 190 degrees Celsius.

    Bake for 20 minutes until golden brown.

    The process of making the pancake and the insides can be seen in the video.

    Megrelian khachapuri with cheese, recipe with photo in the oven

    Modern habits and product market offers have brought with them the latest recipes for Georgian flatbreads. They can be made from yeast dough. Various recipes using kefir, matsoni or milk require baking the product in the oven or in a frying pan,

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    Following the step-by-step recipe provided, you can bake real khachapuri from yeast dough.

    Sift 200 flour into a comfortable bowl, add one teaspoon each of small salt, sugar and dry yeast. Mix everything.

    Bring 250 ml of milk to a boil, dissolve 60 g of butter in it, cool to a temperature of 37 degrees, then add to the previously prepared dry mixture. Bring to a homogeneous state. Continuing to stir, add a tablespoon of refined vegetable oil. Knead well and evenly add about 200 g of flour.

    Tip: Don't forget that flour moisture content can vary. We determine the exact size of the product based on the density and thickness of the dough. If, with constant kneading, the mass stops sticking to your hands, it means there is enough flour.

    Place the mass rolled into a ball in a spacious bowl, cover and place in a warm, draft-free space.

    Prepare the traditional filling. Grate half a kilogram of suluguni (you can partly use cheese) on a coarse grater. We set aside 5 tablespoons of cheese shavings for topping, and add a couple of tablespoons of sour cream to the rest for viscosity and juiciness. Mix.

  • Step 4
  • Divide the risen dough into 4 similar parts. Roll out each part with a rolling pin until it forms a narrow cake. We place the filling in its center, after which we collect the edges of the pancake into a bag, pinch it and carefully roll it out on both sides. Grease the resulting flatbread with the consistency of egg white and yolk and sprinkle with cheese, as shown in the photo.

    Bake the products in a previously heated oven at a temperature of about 200 degrees for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

    The process of making the dish can be seen in the video.

    Megrelian khachapuri with cheese, recipe for making in a frying pan

    The products can be baked in a frying pan. They will turn out no less tasty.

    • Dissolve a teaspoon of sugar and 7 g of yeast in half a liter of warm water or milk. Place in a warm space until a foam cap appears;
    • Add 400-500 g of premium white flour mixed with a quarter teaspoon of salt to the watery mixture. Knead soft and smooth dough. Let it rise in a warm place. Press down and let rise again;
    • grate half a kilogram of suluguni on a coarse grater;
    • Divide the prepared dough into 4-5 parts (depending on the diameter of the frying pan). Roll out each part thinly. Place the filling in the center. We lift the edges of the pancake and pinch it into a bag, then carefully press it down and roll it out on both sides until the diameter corresponds to the frying pan. Brush with beaten egg or egg with melted butter;
    • Grease the frying pan with melted butter. If there is no melted, creamy, but not vegetable. Move the pancake into the frying pan and press it lightly with your hands, giving it the size of the pan. We bake khachapuri according to this recipe over high heat, having previously covered the pan with a lid. We don’t leave the stove, we constantly watch so that the cake doesn’t burn.

    Tip: When making and baking khachapuri according to any recipe, do not forget that the taste of the dish should be creamy. The use of vegetable oils is not necessary. To add juiciness, we recommend soaking the dough in oil not only before baking, but also after.

    There are a huge number of khachapuri recipes. Georgian ladies often use inherited family recipes. In rural areas, whey remaining during the cheese production process is used to make dough. These flatbreads have a wonderful taste and soft dough.

    Tip: Cook the tortillas a couple of times with a small gap in time. This way you will determine the ratio of goods that is more suitable for your taste, get your hands on it and notice that making flatbreads takes little time. But the dish turns out tasty and satisfying.

    Homemade khachapuri will become a permanent dish on your table

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    Guests will also appreciate the fragrant cheese scones made from our recipes.

    Khachapuri in Megrelian

    Mon, January 26, 2015

    Megrelian-style khachapuri is an irresistibly delicious cheese flatbread on yeast dough, which we will cook in the oven. It is so tasty that it is very difficult to slow down and not eat a couple of pieces. The most delicate dough and lots and lots of melted suluguni cheese.

    Like almost all other baking recipes at home, making Megrelian khachapuri is not difficult, but it does require some skill when working with the dough. Namely, the prepared yeast dough with cheese inside must be assembled so that it does not tear. However, the dough for this recipe comes out quite elastic and pleasant to work with.

    Regarding the molding of the product, I can add that from the given quantity of goods I prepared one huge cake for the entire baking sheet. But you can create two much smaller ones by dividing the dough and grated suluguni cheese into two parts, respectively.


    Making a dish step by step:

    The recipe for this delicious homemade pastry includes ingredients such as: wheat flour, water, salt, sugar, instant yeast, refined sunflower oil, chicken egg and suluguni cheese.

    First, let's prepare the dough for Megrelian khachapuri. To do this, sift the wheat flour into a bowl (we will leave a handful for working with the dough) and add the yeast.

    Mix everything and pour warm (not more than 39 degrees) water. Add salt and sweet sand.

    Let's start kneading the dough. When the flour is moistened, pour in vegetable oil.

    Knead the dough until it becomes smooth, soft and tender. Cover the bowl with a towel and let the dough rest in a warm place for an hour and a half.

    This is how the dough is supposed to grow after time.

    Now we grate Suluguni on a large grater.

    Sprinkle the table with flour and place the dough on the work surface. You can divide it into 2 parts and create 2 khachapuri.

    Using your hands, stretch the dough into a thin round layer, the thickness of which should be no more than 5 millimeters. You can roll it out with a rolling pin. Place 2/3 of the grated cheese in the center.

    Now we bring the edges of the dough towards the center and pinch it well.

    Turn the workpiece over, seam side down, and flatten it with your hands into a flat cake.

    Transfer the dough to a baking sheet lined with parchment paper. Make a hole in the center of the cake to allow steam to escape during baking.

    Brush the flatbread with egg.

    And sprinkle with the remaining cheese.

    Cook the khachapuri in a hot oven at 190 degrees for 20 minutes until browned.

    Now hurry up and grab the still hot flatbread and choose a piece for yourself!

    Help yourself, friends! Bon appetit!

    Khachapuri in Megrelian

    Recipes: 5

    water 250 ml.
    flour 450 – 500 gr.
    eggs 2 pcs.
    yeast 1 tsp.
    salt 1 tsp
    sugar 2 tsp

    • 3

    Sveta Svetik

    • 09 February 2019, 22:25

    flour 500 gr.
    yeast 2 tsp.
    sugar 2 tsp
    salt 1 tsp
    milk (warm) 250 ml.
    butter (soft) 30 gr.

    • 2

    Other Cuisine

    • 28 July 2018, 08:10

    for dough:
    milk – 250 ml.
    vegetable oil – 1 tbsp.
    butter – 60 g.
    dry yeast – 1 tsp.
    flour – 400 g.

    • 1
    • 10

    Ksyushina's kitchen

    • May 14, 2017, 11:52 pm

    flour – 3 tbsp.
    butter – 50 g
    milk – 250 ml.
    yeast – 5 g
    egg – 1 pc.

    • 59
    • 78


    • 08 September 2011, 22:14

    for dough:
    1 kg.
    flour 1-2 teaspoons yeast
    100 gr.
    sunflower oil milk as much as is useful for mixing ingredients, you can also drink.
    for the inside:

    • 68
    • 109


    • 12 April 2011, 13:39

    Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”

    Khachapuri in Megrelian

    Mergel-style khachapuri recipe especially for those who love cheese. It is not only inside the cake, but also on top - double pleasure!

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    In fact, every region of Georgia has its own type of khachapuri. Perhaps the most famous of them are: in Imeretian, Adjarian, Mingrelian and Gurian. Megrelian khachapuri differs from all other Georgian khachapuri in that it is constantly baked in the oven, has a baked cheese crust on top, and a rich cheese interior inside. It turns out very tasty, crispy top and stretchy middle.

    In the traditional recipe, Megrelian khachapuri is filled with Imeretian cheese, which in its mixture and appearance is more reminiscent of cottage cheese. Finding such cheese in our country is quite problematic, so at home you can use suluguni for the inside. We will knead the dough for khachapuri using dry fast-acting yeast. It is flexible and elastic, does not tear, and rises well. The cakes will turn out soft and fluffy.

    In total, from the indicated amount of ingredients you will get three khachapuri with suluguni, medium size, approximately 20 cm in diameter.


    • milk – 250 ml
    • salt – 1 tsp.
    • sugar – 2 tsp.
    • wheat flour – 400-450 g
    • dry instant yeast - 1 tsp. with a slide
    • vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. l.
    • butter – 50 g
    • egg for greasing the dough - 1 pc.
    • suluguni – 600 g
    • sour cream – 1-2 tbsp. l.


    I sifted 400 g of flour into a deep bowl, added dry yeast, sugar and salt. I stirred the dry mixture so that the yeast dispersed moderately throughout the flour.

    Heated the milk in a ladle, poured in vegetable oil and dissolved a piece of butter. The temperature should be approximately 35-37 degrees, in other words, it should not be very hot, but rather warm, so that the yeast does not die.

    Make a hole in a bowl of flour and pour milk and butter into it. I mixed everything with a spoon and then with my hands.

    Knead the dough for at least 10 minutes. The longer the kneading, the more elastic the dough will be. It should be soft and smooth, not stick to your hands. If necessary, you can add more flour, but not more than 50 grams, so as not to “clog” the dough. Next, you need to roll it into a ball, cover the bowl with a towel and put it in a warm space for 1-1.5 hours.

    For the inside, I chopped the suluguni on a large grater. For juiciness, I added a couple of spoons of sour cream and stirred thoroughly. If your cheese is lightly salted, you can add a pinch of salt to taste.

    Divide the rested dough into 3 equal parts. Roll out a portion of the dough into a circle and place grated cheese (approximately 150 g) in the center. It is more convenient to work right away on a sheet of parchment paper. To prevent the cake from sticking to the parchment, sprinkle it with flour.

    I lifted the edges of the dough and gathered them in the center, forming a “pouch” with the inside. She painstakingly pinched it and turned it over to the other side, pinching down.

    Lightly dust the cake with flour and roll it out with a rolling pin to a diameter of approximately 20 cm (thickness approximately 1 cm). To allow air to escape from the khachapuri, I pinch off a little dough in the center. You can not roll out the dough, but knead it with your hands, the main thing is that the cake comes out flat, more or less similar throughout the entire thickness, then it will bake moderately.

    I transferred the workpiece to a baking sheet. Brush the top with a scrambled raw egg and sprinkle with shavings of cheese (another 50 g).

    I sent the baking sheet into the oven, previously preheated to 200 degrees for 10 minutes, then increased the temperature to the maximum and baked until golden brown for about another 5 minutes. During the baking process, the khachapuri may swell slightly, this is normal; it will settle later.

    You need to eat Megrelian khachapuri right away, while it’s still hot. This is a very satisfying pastry, so it can be served as an independent dish, without any additions, with the freshest herbs. Bon appetit!

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