Compote jelly

Compote jelly

Recipes: 10

for 2 braids
250 ml.
clear juice, concentrated compote (I have apricot compote) 15g gelatin
3 tbsp.
coffee sugar mistral a handful of berries
mint leaves

  • 18
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  • July 23, 2013, 10:56

for drinks:
100 gr.
tarragon leaves (tarragon) 1 pc.
lime 50 gr.
sugar 1.5 l. water

  • 25
  • 19


  • 09 July 2013, 23:26

1 tbsp.
(with top) hibiscus tea 250 ml.
boiling water 1 tsp.
(with top) gelatin 4 tbsp.
fresh water at room temperature blackberries (any berries)

  • 23
  • 38


  • 19 April 2011, 14:55

1 tbsp.
orange juice juice of 1.5 lemons (1 “sour” is enough)
2 tbsp.
water 3/4 tbsp.
sugar 2 bags of orange jelly (170 g consistency with sugar - per 1 liter of water)
400 ml. sour cream (15-18% fat content)

  • 15
  • 33


  • 24 August 2010, 21:33

per 100 gr.
cherries: 3 tbsp.
sugar, 2.5 tbsp.
water 20 gr. gelatin.

  • 7
  • 20


  • 06 July 2009, 20:49

compote or juice (in this case I took plum compote) 200 ml.
milk 200 ml.
gelatin 4 tbsp
cool boiled water 1 tbsp.
vanilla sugar 1 tsp.

  • 10
  • 27


  • May 25, 2009, 10:38 pm

dark currants – 2 tbsp.
gelatin – 1 tbsp.
sugar – 1/2 tbsp.
lemon juice – 1/2 lemon
reddish dessert wine – 3-4 tbsp.

  • 13
  • 45


  • 04 April 2009, 02:03

cherries – 300 g
low-fat yogurt – 400 g
gelatin – 1 tbsp.
/ 200 gr. mint juice

  • 35
  • 53


  • 19 June 2008, 02:20

30 gr. gelatin 200 ml. various juices/drinks 6 eggs sugar

  • 13
  • 44

  • 16 May 2008, 18:55

you can take arbitrary fillers, these can be natural juices, syrups or ready-made concentrates; I used ready-made jelly packets, I prepared the milk layer without the help of others.

  • 31
  • 61

ats2230 309 05

  • 16 January 2008, 19:51

Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”

Compote jelly

Option 1: Traditional compote jelly recipe

Compotes themselves are very tasty and healthy. You can make good jelly from compote at home. In our selection of recipes, we will look at the most noteworthy options for making jelly from compotes. As usual, we’ll start with the classics and continue with various improvisations from the most experienced housewives.


  • a liter of any kind of compote;
  • three tablespoons of gelatin;
  • two hundred ml of water;
  • a couple of drops of lemon juice;
  • two tables of sweet sand.

Step-by-step recipe for compote jelly

Put everything you need on the table right away so as not to be distracted from the process. First, soak the gelatin in water according to the instructions on the package - let it swell.

Then add the indicated amount of boiled warm water to it and put it on low heat. Stirring, dissolve it without bringing to a boil.

Pour the compote into a saucepan and place on medium heat. Add lemon juice or a pinch of citric acid. For now we just heat the compote.

When the compote becomes quite warm, add the swollen dissolved gelatin and sweet sand.

Stir vigorously, practically bringing to a boil. We just need to dissolve the sugar.

Place the berries from the compote into the prepared jelly bowls. Fill with the acquired mass, which has cooled slightly.

Bring to room temperature and place in the refrigerator for four hours to completely harden.

Serve the jelly cool for dessert.

Option 2: Frisky recipe for compote jelly

A light and delicious dessert in fifteen minutes. We would like to offer a recipe for cherry compote jelly. For decoration and taste, add a cinnamon stick and star anise. You can omit these ingredients if you wish.


  • liter of cherry compote;
  • 40 g gelatin;
  • two tables of sweet sand;
  • cinnamon stick;
  • star anise.

How to quickly make jelly from compote

Pour gelatin into a glass, pour in 2-thirds of a glass of cool compote and leave for a quarter of an hour to swell.

Pour the rest of the compote into a saucepan and place on medium heat. When it becomes hot, add sweet sand and stir until dissolved.

Note: If the compote is already quite sweet for you, you don’t have to add more sugar so that the jelly doesn’t turn out cloying.

Add a cinnamon stick and star anise to the pan and stir.

When the compote boils, turn off the heat on the stove and leave to cool at room temperature.

Place the bowl with gelatin in a water bath. We heat the mass, completely dissolve the gelatin, do not boil under any circumstances, otherwise the gelatin will lose its characteristics.

Remove the cinnamon and star anise from the compote. Stirring the compote with a spatula, pour in the mixture with gelatin and bring until smooth.

Pour into special jelly molds or bowls. Or you can put it in regular glasses. Place in the refrigerator until completely frozen, then enjoy.

Option 3: Compote jelly without gelatin with agar-agar

We will not use gelatin to make this jelly. We will replace it with agar-agar, they are identical in their properties. We will create the jelly in multi-colored layers and add a few new fruits and berries.

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  • four teaspoons of agar-agar from the floors (one and a half in any layer);
  • one and a half liters of compote (half a liter of different colors);
  • orange, kiwi, grapes and banana - to taste.

Step by step recipe

Pour agar-agar into a glass, pour in cool compote and leave to swell. As you can see, the principle is the same as with gelatin. Only agar-agar takes longer to swell. We leave it on all night (that is, in the dark) .

To make 3 layers of jelly, it is better to use half a liter of various compotes. They should vary in color.

Take the first compote. Pour it into a saucepan and place it on the stove set to medium heat.

When the compote begins to boil, add a teaspoon of swollen agar-agar into it and continue cooking, stirring constantly with a spatula or spoon.

Dissolve the agar-agar at a low boil of the compote.

Wash the fruit and slice it fine. Bananas in rings, kiwi in half rings, and oranges in thin slices.

Pour the first compote prepared with agar into molds. Place the oranges in the watery mixture and place in the refrigerator until hardened.

Now we do the same with other compotes and fruits. Heat it, add agar-agar, dissolve it at a low boil, fill it with a second layer, fill it with fruit. Make a 2nd layer of kiwi, bananas and grapes. Spread them out, but leave them for the 3rd layer.

So, after the second one has hardened, we form the 3rd layer of jelly. For the agar to freeze perfectly, it only takes about half an hour. Unlike gelatin, which needs three to four hours.

Serve directly in the ramekins. You can also turn the finished compote jelly over onto a flat plate with the bottom layer facing up.

Option 4: Jelly from compote and sour cream

This jelly is not only tasty, but also very beautiful. We will combine a tender layer of sour cream jelly and compote. We will cook with gelatin.


  • half stack of compote;
  • four hundred grams of sour cream;
  • a packet of gelatin;
  • two hundred grams of sweet sand.

How to cook

Pour the compote into a bowl. Add half the gelatin and stir well. Now we are waiting for everything to freeze.

Place sour cream in another container and add sweet sand.

Stir the second part of the gelatin with a small amount of water and stir until it swells. Then heat it slightly in the microwave and add it to the sour cream when the gelatin dissolves.

Pour sour cream jelly into a bowl. Leave for several hours until completely hardened.

Heat the compote with gelatin in the microwave, dissolve it and pour a second layer into the bowl. Again, let everything cool completely in the refrigerator.

Serve a delicious and delicious dessert, decorated to your liking.

Option 5: Compote jelly with ice cream and cookies

A very exciting version of cherry compote jelly. We will form layers of jelly, cookies and ice cream. Let's arrange them perfectly, at an angle. Decorate the top with mint leaves.


  • three hundred ml of cherry compote;
  • two hundred 50 grams of ice cream;
  • 100 grams of cookies;
  • 30 g gelatin;
  • mint leaves for decoration.

Step by step recipe

Pour cherry compote into the pan, immediately add gelatin and mix well. Leave for fifteen minutes to swell.

After the designated time, place the container with compote and gelatin on the stove and turn on low heat. Cook, stirring constantly, but do not boil. Dissolve the gelatin for about 5 minutes.

Cool the resulting mass to room temperature.

We take the tallest glasses. Fill them one third with compote. Place in the refrigerator on an incline until it hardens. This way we get perfectly decorated layers of dessert.

Place two tablespoons of ice cream on top of the frozen jelly, then one tablespoon of crushed cookies.

Stir the layers until the glasses are one hundred percent full.

Top with mint leaves and serve.

Option 6: Jelly from fruit braided compote

An exciting option where we will create a braided pattern from jelly made from compote. Let's fill it with the freshest fruits and delight our loved ones with an unusual and fruity dessert.


  • a quarter liter of compote;
  • fifteen grams of gelatin;
  • three table spoons of cinnamon sugar;
  • a handful of all berries;
  • mint leaves;
  • two bowls;
  • fruits to choose from.

How to cook

Dissolve gelatin in compote. It is best to use a rich compote. After the gelatin swells, heat and dissolve it.

Pour into bowls, place any berries and mint leaves on the bottom. We press the smallest bowls on top. When it hardens, you will get braids of jelly. Place in the refrigerator for three to four hours.

Remove from the refrigerator, lower the bowl into hot water for almost a few seconds and remove the braided jelly onto a flat plate.

Wash the fruit and cut into small pieces. Chop the mint and grind it with sweet sand.

We place pieces of fruit in the wicker. Sprinkle with sweet mint and serve.

Note: To truly decorate this dessert, use cocktail umbrellas.

Ordinary recipes for jelly from compote or jam with berries and fruits

Do you understand that natural ingredients such as agar-agar and pectin are used as modern gelling agents, along with gelatin, in cooking! By the way, some natural food additives will make your jelly dessert even tastier! For example, a spoonful of fresh lemon juice or natural dry reddish or snow-white wine is suitable for this.

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But when choosing decorations for jelly, you can give a flight of culinary imagination and use caramel, nuts, biscuit crumbs, sesame seeds, walnuts, dried fruits, candied fruits to decorate the jelly; whipped cream, grated chocolate; confiture, jam, suitable preserves and the freshest fruits or berries. Don't forget about the mint leaves.

Fruit and berry compote jelly recipe

All housewives usually roll up summer compotes for future use under a hard lid, especially if there is a surplus of new berries and fruits in the house. This is not only a pleasant drink, but also a material for winter and spring jelly, which is practically easy to prepare - you just need desire and time.

If you use whipped cream as a jelly decoration, and also sprinkle it with grated chocolate, then this dessert will become a festive treat for both kids and adults. What is the recipe for jelly made from fruit and berry compote, let's get to know it!

  • compote - 500 ml;
  • gelatin - 15 grams;
  • sweet sand - to taste.

Compote jelly is prepared according to my mother’s recipe as follows:

  1. Half an hour before making compote jelly, mix and soak the required amount of gelatin in a small amount of compote taken from the recipe 500 ml.
  2. Bring the remaining compote to a boil in a suitable container and remove from heat. While the gelatin is swelling, the compote has cooled down a little.
  3. All that remains is to add the swollen gelatin into the still warm compote, stir until it is completely dissolved and pour into molds or cups prepared in advance.
  4. First, cool completely at room temperature, then cool in the refrigerator.

You can serve the dessert without any decorations, but naturally, jelly, topped with just thick cream sprinkled with caramel nuts, for example, is more beautiful.

The usual recipe for jelly from freshly squeezed fruit and berry juice

The attractiveness of this jelly is that it can be prepared even for young children, because the freshest natural juice is squeezed out and only natural products are added to its composition - no dyes or artificial flavors, with a low sugar content. This jelly can also be prepared using agar-agar or pectin instead of gelatin.

  • any fruit or berry juice - 300 ml;
  • drinking water - 100 ml;
  • sweet sand - to taste;
  • gelatin - 15 grams.

According to the usual recipe, prepare jelly from freshly squeezed fruit and berry juice as follows:

  1. Soak the gelatin in 100 milliliters of water to swell half an hour before making the jelly.
  2. While the gelatin is swelling, bring the prepared fresh juice to a boil, remove it from the heat, cool briefly and evenly add the prepared gelatin into it while stirring, stirring until it is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour warm jelly into the prepared molds, cool it naturally and cool it in the refrigerator.

Serving this jelly topped or without any decoration, for example, sprinkled with sweet sand, is a matter of your taste.

Homemade jam jelly recipe

What is easier if there is some kind of jam in the pantry at home, and besides, it is in excess. Liquid jam made from small berries is better, the jelly from which can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days.

  • liquid jam - 200 grams;
  • drinking water - 400 ml;
  • gelatin - 20 grams;
  • sweet sand - to taste.

According to a family recipe, jam jelly is prepared as follows:

  1. Soak the jelly in water for 30 minutes.
  2. Pour jam, hot water, add sugar into a suitable saucepan while stirring, place it on the fire and bring to a boil.
  3. Let the contents of the pan cool slightly and pour the swollen gelatin into it while stirring, which should dissolve completely without lumps.

Pour the cooled jelly into molds prepared in advance and cool it completely in the refrigerator (you can pour liquid jelly into glasses and glasses, at your discretion).

Homemade cherry jam jelly recipe

Cherry jam jelly comes out beautiful, wonderfully fragrant, and it’s easy to prepare even at home, because you can simply separate the berries from the syrup. Cherry jam with pits is more fragrant than without pits, but it is better not to add such berries to jelly.

  • cherry jam = 0.5 liters;
  • drinking water - 1 glass;
  • gelatin - 15 grams;
  • sweet sand - to taste.

Prepare cherry jam jelly according to a home recipe as follows:

  1. Start by soaking the gelatin for 30 minutes.
  2. Separate the cherry jam from the syrup, pour it into a suitable saucepan, pour in water and swollen gelatin. Stir everything until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour the jelly into the prepared molds and cool first at room temperature and then in the refrigerator.

You can decorate the jelly dessert according to your own preference or the way your guests adore it.

Summer fruit jelly recipe

Summer is rich in a variety of ripe fruits, by cutting them into pieces and adding ripe strawberries or raspberries for a catchy ruby ​​color and bouquet of aromas, you can quickly prepare a very tasty jelly to enrich your home dessert menu, which is especially adored by children of any age.

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  • apricots - 4-5 pieces;
  • apples - 1 piece;
  • raspberries - 100 grams;
  • drinking water - 2 glasses;
  • gelatin - 15 grams;
  • sugar - to taste.

Prepare fruit jelly according to a summer recipe as follows:

  1. Soak gelatin in a small volume of water for half an hour.
  2. Prepare the fruit: wash, remove pits from apricots, cut into pieces and grind in a blender; Sort out the raspberries and chop them too.
  3. Place the fruit and berry mixture in a saucepan, add the appropriate amount of sweet sand, pour in water - 1.5 cups - and, stirring constantly to avoid burning, bring the mass to a boil and remove from heat.
  4. After cooling slightly to 50 degrees, add the swollen gelatin and stir until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
  5. All that remains is to spread the gelatin into the molds and cool completely in the refrigerator for at least 4-5 hours.

You can decorate such a dessert when serving it, so that the fruits or berries do not lose their attractiveness in the refrigerator.

Culinary tips for making jelly

In order to remove the jelly from the mold where it has frozen, as needed, you need to lower the mold with the jelly to the edges into very hot water for 30 seconds, then immediately turn it over onto a saucer or plate. It may be possible to grease the molds with deodorized vegetable oil before pouring the jelly mass, then the finished dessert, with a gentle shake, will slide out onto a suitable surface. In this case, the dessert should be decorated just before serving.

It is not recommended to prepare jelly in duralumin containers, in which it can change color and acquire an unnecessary iron taste. The perfect dishware would be a stainless steel container or brand new enamel cookware.

Homemade compote jelly

Jelly is a light, low-calorie dessert. You can order it in a cafe, purchase it in a store in the form of a ready-made dry powder with added flavors, or you can prepare it yourself in your kitchen. This delicacy comes in a variety of flavors. The indispensable basis of the dish is gelatin. But the {filling} can be very different: berries, fruits, cottage cheese, milk, coffee, jam, aromatic herbs, chocolate, sour cream, yogurt - whatever your imagination desires.

From time to time, alcoholic drinks are added to the jelly: rum, absinthe, cognac. As a powder you can use sweet powder, vanilla sugar, cocoa, grated nuts, cinnamon. Classic decorations include whipped cream or frozen berries, but you can show your imagination in choosing the decor according to your mood and occasion. You can combine a number of types of this jelly in one container. And if it is transparent, it will amuse everyone with its fancy color transitions. For homemade jelly, it is recommended to use tea, juice or compote, which will make it very healthy and rich.

Homemade compote jelly is a dish that will take you back to childhood, leaving the aftertaste of summer in your mouth. It is prepared very simply, but it turns out unusually solemn and looks beautiful on any table. The compote jelly recipe that we are about to prepare will make it one of your favorite desserts, featuring a special vitamin composition. After all, the currants that we add to it are very good for health.

  • water – 100 ml;
  • compote – 750-800 ml;
  • gelatin – 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • berries - optional (in our case - currants).

How to make homemade jelly from compote:

In an enamel or glass container, bring water to a boil and let it cool so that the temperature does not exceed 90 degrees. Then add gelatin evenly, stirring it thoroughly so that it dissolves completely, leaving no lumps and not settling to the bottom. Leave the solution for 10 minutes, and then stir well again.

Cook berry or fruit compote. It's better to prepare it in advance. Adjust the concentration based on your own preferences. Remember, the taste of the jelly depends on how rich and sweet it is.

After making sure that the gelatin has dissolved completely, slowly pour the purchased solution into the compote, stirring it constantly.

Using a ladle, pour the compote with gelatin into containers. Usually they use transparent bowls or glasses, because the finished jelly looks bright and bright, but you can use any kind of utensils: cups, glasses, rosettes.

Wash and peel the currants.
It is better to choose whole and ripe berries for adding to the jelly. Add currants to each portion of jelly poured into cups in any quantity that is suitable for you.

Jelly is a dessert that needs to be cooled before use so that it hardens. Therefore, put the cups with the product in the refrigerator and leave for 30-40 minutes.

When serving jelly from compote and gelatin to the table, you can decorate it with a mint leaf or whipped cream. If you present jelly as a dessert at festive events, you can stick an “umbrella” or other decor into it. This delicacy will decorate any formal table, because it always looks elegant and appetizing.

With respect, Evgenia Khonovets.
Step-by-step recipe with photos especially for the Well-Fed Family website.

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