Homemade wine from natural apple juice: production specifics

Homemade wine from natural apple juice: production specifics

The apple is the most widespread and accessible fruit (and for owners of their own garden it is also free). It has a neutral, but quite pronounced sweet and sour taste. If there is no way to preserve the fruit in its natural form, then a good solution would be prepared wine from apple juice, which you can enjoy at any time of the year. How to make apple wine at home and not regret the translated products: proven recipes for an all-purpose drink.

Equipment for making wine from apples

To optimize production, you need to prepare the necessary equipment in advance, which includes:

  1. Powerful juicer. The best option is a screw one, as it allows you to “take away” the greatest amount of juice from the fruit. In the absence of a screw or even a classic juicer with centrifuge technology, you can use a grater.
  2. The container in which the wine will ferment in the future (large saucepan, can, bottle).
  3. The final container needed for ripening wine and serving it (glass is considered the best material for such purposes).

How to make homemade wine from apple juice: step-by-step recipe

We offer a simple recipe for homemade wine from apple juice, which includes a minimum of equipment, ingredients and labor.

The first thing you need to start with is to cook the apples. It is better to sort through the harvest, leaving juicy, ripe fruits. You can even take slightly damaged apples by cutting off the warped part. Ideally, they should be washed, but most often it is enough to wipe them with a clean cloth or a brush with hard bristles, removing small debris and dirt. Be sure to cut out the core and remove the seeds. But if you want your homemade apple juice wine to have an unusual, subtle bitterness, you can throw in the seeds.

The 2nd step of the process is processing the apples. As mentioned above, this can be done using a juicer or grater. The first option is preferable, since after the grater there remains a wet cake that will need to be squeezed out.

Step 3 - pour the purchased juice into a container prepared in advance and let it brew for several days (normally - at least 3). During this period of time, natural yeast, which is found in the skin of apples, transforms the pulp into pulp and specifically juice.

The pulp formed on the 3rd day of fermentation must be removed from the surface of the juice. The easiest way to do this is to use a sieve or gauze. To prevent acidification and enhance the work of yeast, the pulp must be stirred at least once a day.

The ideal temperature for fermentation is within 22 degrees. At the same time, wine must be stored in a darkened room, away from direct sunlight.

Step 4 – enhance the taste by adding sugar. Its concentration depends on the rational level of sweetness you prefer. There are two types of apple juice wines: table and semi-sweet. The proportion is as follows: per liter of dry wine you need 200 grams of sugar. For dessert wine, you will need twice as much (400 grams for the same 1 liter).

The next step in making wine is sealing it. The purchased amount of juice must be poured into a container suitable for fermentation. This could be a glass bottle or a wooden barrel. It can be filled to a maximum of 80% of the total size - the remaining 20% ​​will account for the gas and foam released.

It is not allowed to allow concentration of gases, as this can simply lead to an explosion. You can remove them in several ways:

  • We take a small tube, place one end of it directly into the vessel, and attach the second end to the hole in the lid of the tank;
  • if a bottle is used as a vessel, then an ordinary honey glove can be pulled over its neck, which must first be pierced with a needle over the entire area;
  • You can also purchase special plastic tips.

With all this, it is very important to prevent the flow of oxygen inside; otherwise, instead of wine from apple juice, we will get vinegar. It’s better to stop playing with the container with the future wine for 30-45 days. After this time, the finished wine must be filtered, separated from the sediment. To do this, it is poured into another vessel, which is sterilized in advance. Craftsmen use special tubes for this purpose that resemble a siphon. With their help you can remove the pulp one hundred percent. After completing the procedures, put the wine back into a darkened space for at least 2 months. During this time, the drink will one hundred percent develop its own taste and “reach.” It can be strained again as needed.

If you don't understand how to make apple juice wine taste the best, feel free to use spices when serving it. Cinnamon and anise mix well with the neutral taste of apples. They can be added to heated wine, enhancing the taste with honey.

Despite the length of the process and certain manipulations, wine prepared from apple juice at home allows you to enjoy a beautiful drink that does not contain artificial colors or flavors.

Homemade wine from apple juice: useful tips

In order for the finished product to come out flawless, those new to the process will need the following professional advice:

  • with weak fermentation, ordinary raisins can be used as a natural enhancer;
  • To achieve a rich flavor palette of wine, you can include pear, orange or rowan juice in the basic recipe. A particularly catchy taste comes out when combining apple juice and dark currant juice;
  • Even after long fermentation, apple wine contains a very small percentage of strength. You can enhance this indicator by adding pure alcohol or vodka to it. After this, the wine must infuse for at least 10 days.

Wine recipe based on apple juice and lemon

This recipe differs from the above technology only by the presence of a small amount of lemon juice. When making wine, you must add squeezed lemon juice to the purchased apple juice in the following proportion: 1 lemon per 1 liter of apple juice. The development itself remains unchanged. This wine is perfect for the summer heat - chilled, it perfectly relieves thirst.

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2 common juice wine recipes

Were you successful in collecting fruits and berries? This means it’s time to create homemade wine so that you can enjoy delicious berry liqueurs and wines in the winter. This drink will certainly amuse you with its fragrant and light taste.

  • 1. Cherry juice wine
  • 2. Apple juice wine
  • 3. Conclusion

In this article we will give 2 wine recipes - from cherry and apple juice.

The fundamental rule: before adding yeast, determine the sugar content of the wort - it should be within the range of 20-22%. You can assess its level using a hydrometer-saccharometer. Failure to follow this rule may result in the wine not fermenting or becoming very sour.

Cherry juice wine recipe


  • cherry juice – 3 l;
  • wine yeast - according to the instructions;
  • sugar – 300 g;
  • alcohol (vodka/alcohol) – 1 l.

Manufacturing development:

  1. We prepare the berries for the drink: ripe cherries need to be freed from leaves and petioles (no need to wash) and mashed. Don't forget to take out the seeds.
  2. To extract juice, it is better to use a hand press. With it, the drink will retain its full range of nutrients and minerals.
  3. Pour the finished juice into a glass container, add cool boiled water, stir.
  4. Add sugar and yeast to the contents and mix well again.
  5. Leave the drink in a warm place to ferment for five to six days.
  6. Afterwards, carefully pour the wine into a clean jar, add alcohol and close the lid tightly.
  7. Place in a cool, dark space to infuse for five to six months. Then drain the sediment and bottle the wine.

Apple juice wine recipe


  • apples – 10 kg;
  • sugar – 1.5 kg.

We will ferment the wine using wild yeast that is found on the skins of apples. During spinning, most of them are lost, but the remaining ones will be completely enough. Under no circumstances should you wash apples before squeezing them!

Manufacturing development:

  1. Sort through the apples and remove any debris.
  2. Squeeze apple juice. 10 kilograms will give you approximately seven liters. drink A manual squeezing press will come to the rescue, as it does not oxidize and does not spoil the taste of the juice.
  3. Add sugar to juice: 200 g per 1 liter of juice. Stir until completely dissolved.
  4. Pour the drink into bottles, filling them 3 quarters full and place under the water seal.
  5. Put the drink away for fermentation for a month and a half in a dark space.
  6. Drain the future wine from the sediment and filter through cheesecloth a couple of times.
  7. Install the water seal again and leave the drink for 2 weeks. The fermentation process will be completed when the wine becomes one hundred percent clear.
  8. Strain the wine once and bottle it, sealing it tightly.

Essential advice: don’t have the freshest juice on hand or don’t want to squeeze it? Use ready-made extract. Just dilute it with water, and beautiful raw materials for wine are ready.


The most important detail in making homemade wine from juice is the equipment. Approach the process carefully, literally follow the advice above and then delicious, classy wine is guaranteed.

Apple juice wine recipe

Apples ? a natural storehouse of various vitamins needed in the daily human diet. And the abundance of species is amazing. Nutritionists recommend daily consumption of this fruit. Apple juice is especially delicious. The scope of application of apple juice is very wide. It is used in cooking, cosmetology, and even winemaking.

Wine made from homegrown apples has a pleasant, rich fruity taste and aroma. And we won’t even hesitate about the usefulness of its ingredients, because anyone, even a novice winemaker, understands how to create it, what kind of apples he takes, and that he literally “didn’t pour any abomination on them.”

Which apples are best to choose for winemaking?

Any variety of apple is suitable for making wine. With all this, the sweeter the fruit, the faster and better the fermentation process will be. It is not recommended to use store-bought apples. Their specific processing before sale in hypermarkets will not add nobleness to the wine. Also, you should not take the easy route and take ready-made apple juice, it contains a huge amount of chemical additives and other components that are unnecessary for the drink.

Preparing apples and extracting juice

There is no need to wash apples in water. The skin of the fruit contains colonies of yeast fungi, and they will start the natural fermentation process. Visually inspect the fruits, cut off rotten parts, mold, seeds and cores (so that the wine does not taste bitter), remove unnecessary leaves and twigs. Now you need to create juice from apples. There may be several methods.

  • Pound the apples with a regular pestle in an enamel bowl. Although with all this the process will be labor-intensive and time-consuming. It is better to take a wood pestle.
  • Grind the apples in a meat grinder. And then squeeze the resulting mass through gauze, folded a couple of times.
  • One of the most difficult methods? chopping apples on a grater.
  • Use a hand press to extract huge amounts of juice. This is where a huge amount of effort will also come in handy.
  • An electronic juicer will significantly speed up the process, the main thing is that the electrical appliance can withstand the load.

After the juice has been obtained, strain it through thick cotton cloth (medicinal system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) . The degree of its cleaning must be the greatest. If the liquid is cloudy, it means it contains a huge amount of pectin, which is not suitable for wine fermentation.

Juice fermentation containers

As a standard, the nobility of such a drink was given by fermentation in an oak barrel. But let's return to the formidable reality of a winemaker at home. What are we taking?

  • Enameled cookware (in the absence of another option).
  • Glass jars, bottles.
  • Wood barrels (if available).
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Prepare the dishes, wash them thoroughly and let them dry; if possible, sterilize them. Pour the resulting juice into it, leaving 7-10 cm of free space to the edge of the container.

Making wine from homemade apple juice

Despite the seemingly labor-intensive process, creating wine? simple and interesting. To obtain delicious apple wine, the following conditions are important.

  1. The juice needs 20-25% sugar. In the original version, it is usually 10-15%. Due to the fact that you will definitely have to add sugar, otherwise the wine will turn out sour and weak.
  2. Set the best temperature for fermentation. 20-25 degrees for fermented juice? absolutely.
  3. Required acidic environment. But this is a conditional point, used more in industrial-scale production. Calculating the amount of tartaric acid at home is an incomprehensible pleasure.

All conditions are met, and the sight of fermented juice gladdens the soul of an amateur winemaker. Now watch the action closely.

  1. After pouring apple juice (wort) into jars, you need to ferment the wort. Once fermented, the juice will begin to separate the pulp. For 3 days, mix the risen pulp with the wort. On the 3rd day, remove the compacted layer of pulp from the surface of the fermented drink.
  2. Add sugar. Its quantity is given in different recipes. If you need dry wine, little sugar is required, but for dessert wine? against.
  3. After all the above manipulations, install a water seal on the container with juice. Make a small hole in the lid, and install a rubber tube into it, the end of which will be lowered into a container of water. Emitted gas bubbles? indicator of high quality fermentation. As a lightweight option, a sterile honey glove placed on the neck of a bottle or jar is also suitable.
  4. Specifically, the fermentation of apple wine material itself lasts from 30 to 45 days. The end of the process is indicated by the absence of gas release from the tube or the glove falling down. Accordingly, the wine has finished playing. and release air during fermentation.
  5. The wine is ready, although its taste is far from perfect. He needs to stand his ground. Pour the purchased drink into the remaining containers, being careful not to let any sediment get into the wine. Place the bottles in a cold space (basement) and age for another 60-120 days.

Recipes for making wine from apples

Wine made from apple juice with the addition of yeast and lemons

  • apples ? 4 kg;
  • water? 9 l;
  • sugar ? 6-12 tbsp.;
  • yeast ? 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • the freshest lemons? 4 things.

Prepare the apples. Wipe, remove the seeds, place in a suitable container and fill with boiled water. Press down the entire mass with pressure; the apples should be covered with water. After 4 days, the wort (fermented juice) is ready. Pour, add sugar to taste, lemon juice and yeast. Place in a warm, dark room until gas bubbles stop releasing. Strain the wine until transparent, pour into bottles, barrels and leave to ripen for another 4-6 months. The purchased drink has a pleasant smell and a pronounced citrus aftertaste.

Low alcohol wine

  • apples ? 2 kg;
  • dry yeast ? 1 tbsp. spoon.

Prepare the fruit using the above method. Squeeze out the juice, add yeast. Leave it to ferment until the juice is released. Strain and bottle. This type of wine spoils quickly, so it should be consumed as quickly as possible. The drink has a refreshing tart taste and is perfect for a chilled dinner on a hot summer day.

Fortified apple wine

  • apple juice? 8 l.;
  • water? 1 liter;
  • sugar ? 2-2.3 kg

Mix the juice with water and sugar until it is completely dissolved. Pour this wort into containers and leave to ferment for 9-12 days. The result will be a drink with a strength of 6-11 degrees. To get the strongest wine, add vodka or alcohol (for 9-10 liters - 1.2 liters of vodka). Stir thoroughly and leave the mixed liquids to interact for another 8-10 days. Then pour into clean bottles and seal tightly. Store at a temperature no higher than + 18 degrees.

Wine from juice

If you were preparing apple juice in hot weather, and at one point it showed signs of fermentation, do not despair. Make a good homemade wine out of it.

  • Juice ? 6 l.;
  • Vodka? 60 ml;
  • Sugar ? 1 kg;
  • Raisin ? 50 gr.

Pour it into a large container, add sugar and stir until completely dissolved, add raisins. Leave to ferment for a week. Seal the container with wine and watch the fermentation. After 5-7 days, separate the wine from the sediment, add vodka and leave to ripen for another 5 days at a temperature of + 22 degrees. The purchased strong drink is immediately ready to drink.

Apple champagne

  • Apple juice (2 types)? 2.4 l;
  • water? 7 l;
  • purified vodka? 0.75 l;
  • sugar ? 1.5 kg.

Pour the juice of two types of apples (it is better if they are sour and sweet) into a container of the appropriate size. Dissolve sugar in water and boil the syrup for an hour over low heat. cooled to room temperature with juice and place in a cool space for a week. After 7 days, add vodka to the drink, close the container with an airtight lid and leave in a cool place for 3-4 months. This champagne will pleasantly surprise you with its rich taste and will differ profitably from the store equivalent.

Despite the simplicity of making all the recipes, the process of creating wine must be approached very carefully. Sometimes even the most reputable winemakers make mistakes in the recipe and storage criteria.

Home wine ? a good reason to amuse yourself and your guests with a good drink. The main thing is to constantly keep in mind that only moderate consumption of alcoholic beverages can have fun without causing damage to the body.

How to make homemade wine from apple juice? Recipes for the production and personality of the drink

The apple is one of the most common and widely available fruits. It is used as a raw material for almost all homemade preparations, but perhaps the most exciting thing that can be created from this product is apple wine. It is prepared using apple juice.

There are many descriptions of the technology for producing this tasty drink on the Internet. In this article, we will present you with more traditional recipes for wine made from apple juice, we will also tell you about the necessary properties of this product and share little tricks for making it.

  • 1. Taste and smell
  • 2. How to create: regular recipe with the addition of wine yeast
  • 3. How to cook at home without yeast?
  • 4. Useful characteristics
  • 5. Tips for making a drink from apples

Taste and smell

In terms of juiciness and aroma, this drink is in no way inferior to traditional grape wine. Its composition is perfectly balanced between acidity and sweetness, and the taste itself is very pleasant and rich.

But obviously, the final taste of apple wine depends on what type of apple was used. Wine made from the juice of sour apples (such types as Simirenko, Antonovka, Idared, Granny Smith, etc.), rich in sugar and acids, has a regular and strong apple taste. If we take the latest varieties as a base, the end result will be a rich, fragrant drink with a sweet, slightly strong taste.

How to create: regular recipe with the addition of wine yeast

Typically, wine based on apple juice is made without the introduction of yeast. The fact is that the skin of these fruits has its own natural yeast, which causes a natural fermentation process. However, from time to time there is a desire to speed up this process, and this is where wine yeast comes to the rescue. Thanks to them, the drink not only ferments faster, but also retains the freshest apple flavor and richness.


  • sweet and sour apples – 15 kg;
  • yeast – 150 g;
  • water – 8 l;
  • sweet sand – 6 kg.

Manufacturing method:

  1. First you need to cook the apples by carefully wiping them with a dry towel, also removing the core and tails.
  2. Cooked fruits are crushed into puree or juice is squeezed out of them.
  3. The resulting mass should be transferred to an enamel pan, covered with a lid and left in a black, warm place for 5 days, during which the fermentation process will begin. From time to time the contents of the pan need to be stirred.
  4. After 5 days, the fermented juice must be filtered and then mixed with yeast, warm water and sweet sand.
  5. Next, you need to carefully mix this mixture and pour it into clean bottles with a water seal.
  6. Bottles with future wine should be placed in a black, warm space, the temperature in which should be as expected - within 20–22 degrees.
  7. Once the fermentation process is completed (and it’s quite simple to realize this, just wait for the gas bubbles to stop releasing), the purchased drink needs to be poured into containers in which it will ripen and reach a suitable state for a few more days.
  8. Containers with wine should be moved to the basement or other cold room with a temperature of 9 to 12 degrees.
  9. After 4-5 days the drink is ready!

How to cook at home without yeast?


  • apples – 20 kg;
  • purified water - 1 liter of fresh apple juice contains 100 ml of water;
  • sugar - from 250 to 350 g per liter of juice (depending on the sweetness and acidity of the apples used).

Method on how to create an alcoholic drink from freshly squeezed apple juice:

  1. Under no circumstances should apples be washed. They can only be cleaned with a dry towel or napkin. This is necessary to preserve the natural yeast that is on their skin.
  2. The fruit must be cut into quarters and the cores and tails removed.
  3. It is also necessary to cut off any warped or dented areas.
  4. Peeled apples need to be crushed to a pulp: it is best to do this using a food processor, but the presence of one or a juicer is almost an indispensable condition; it is completely possible to do without squeezing. A meat grinder or grater will do.
  5. The resulting mixture is called pulp. It must be placed in a prepared glass container, covered with a lid and left in a warm place for 5 days.

Video on how to make wine from apple juice without yeast:

Useful Features

In addition to its rich taste and distinctive aroma, apple wine has an abundance of necessary parameters. Even after manufacturing, it retains vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) , minerals, acids, pectins and other useful substances.

Apple juice wine helps to cope with the following problems:

  • depression;
  • stress (Stress from the English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) ;
  • lethargy;
  • removal of toxins;
  • restoration of metabolism.

It has also been confirmed that the rare consumption of apple wine helps normalize blood pressure, block free radicals that are responsible for the aging process, and will also have a positive effect on the digestive system.

Tips for making a drink from apples

As you can see from the recipes, making homemade wine from apple juice is not that difficult . But to improve the outcome and get a really good drink, you need to follow some tips.

  1. If you crush apples using an electronic juicer or food processor, then the juice will be several tones lighter.
  2. Winter apple varieties or a combination of several are ideal for making wine.
  3. Under no circumstances should apples be washed. Otherwise, all the tiny organisms that trigger the fermentation process will be washed away.
  4. If only sweet apples are selected for making wine, then approximately 10% rowan juice can be added to increase acidity.
  5. If the wine is made from overripe apples, its shelf life will be very short.
  6. To enhance fermentation, you can add raisins instead of grape yeast.

These are, perhaps, all the secrets of making homemade wine from apple juice. The main thing is to strictly adhere to the procedure, then you will get a light and fragrant wine, with a bewitching amber color, which will decorate any festive table.

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