Layered salads with chicken

Layered salads with chicken

Layered salad “Wife” with smoked chicken

testicle – 1-2 pcs.; smoked chicken (fillet) – 50g; cheese – 40g; champignons – 80g; salt - to taste; potatoes – 1 pc.; pepper - to taste; green onion - to taste; vegetable oil – 50g; mayonnaise - to taste.

Layered salad “Wife” with chicken and mushrooms

testicle – 1-2 pcs.; potatoes – 1 pc.; onions – 1/4 pcs.; salt - to taste, cheese (hard) - 40g; mayonnaise - to taste; mushrooms (champignons) – 40g; chicken (fillet) – 120g.

Chinese cabbage salad with chicken, croutons and cheese

Chinese cabbage (leaves) – 250g; chicken (boiled meat) – 150g; crackers – 100g; tomatoes – 2 pcs.; cheese – 120g; mayonnaise – 80-100g; eggs – 2 pcs.; salt - a pinch; for decoration: fresh greens.

Salad “Male Tears” with chicken and Korean carrots

canned champignons – 350g; meat (chicken, beef) – 250g; cheese – 150g; Korean carrots – 250g; eggs – 4 pcs.; vinegar – 50 ml; onion – 1 pc.; salt - to taste; mayonnaise - to taste.

Layered salad with chicken, boiled beets and pomegranate

chicken (fillet) – 300g; potatoes – 1 pc.; carrots – 1 pc.; beets – 1 pc.; testicle – 2 pcs.; walnuts – 100g; pomegranate – 1 pc.; onion – 1 pc.; mayonnaise - to taste; salt - to taste; greenish salad - to taste.

Layered salad with smoked chicken, pineapple and potatoes

smoked chicken (leg) – 1 pc.; potatoes (boiled) – 3 pcs. (medium size); canned pineapple (pieces) – 1/2 can; egg (boiled) – 2 pcs.; onions – 1/2 pcs.; salt - to taste; mayonnaise - to taste.

Layered salad with smoked chicken, beets, prunes and nuts

smoked chicken (chicken leg) – 1 pc.; onions – 1 pc.; potatoes – 2-3 pcs.; carrots – 1 pc.; testicle – 3 pcs.; beets – 1 pc.; walnuts – 50g; prunes – 1 handful; salt - to taste; mayonnaise - to taste; vegetable oil for frying.

Layered salad with smoked chicken and mushrooms

smoked chicken (chicken leg) – 1 pc.; salted mushrooms (I used salted dark milk mushrooms) – 200g; semi-hard cheese – 200g; testicle – 4 pcs.; mayonnaise - to taste.

Layered salad with mushrooms “Little Red Riding Hood”

fresh mushrooms (any) – 300g; onions – 1 onion (large); ham (or boiled meat, smoked chicken) – 150g; mayonnaise; tomato (or cherry tomatoes); testicle – 3 pcs.; cheese – 150g.

section: Layered salads

Breaded chicken salad

chicken (chicken breast) – 1 pc.; flour – 3-4 tbsp; testicle – 1 pc.; salt, pepper - to taste; vegetable oil for frying; corn (canned) – 3/4 cans; cheese – about 50g; green salad (frise, lettuce) – 1 bunch; mayonnaise - to taste

section: Chicken salads

Layered chicken salad with quail eggs, prunes and nuts

chicken (fillet), quail egg, walnuts, prunes, mayonnaise, salt (small), carrots, Russian cheese.

section: Chicken salads, Layered salads

Layered smoked chicken salad with cheese and chips

chips (sour cream and herbs), green onion, egg, hard cheese, tomato, chicken (smoked breast).

section: Chicken salads

Layered chicken salad with pineapple and cheese

egg (boiled), potatoes, carrots, chicken (boiled), walnuts, processed cheese, hard cheese, pickled cucumbers, mayonnaise, salt, green onions.

section: Chicken salads, Layered salads

Layered salad with smoked chicken, prunes, cheese and pomegranate

chicken (smoked), potatoes, carrots, prunes, mayonnaise, walnuts, eggs, hard cheese, beets, pomegranate (grains), salt.

section: Layered salads, Chicken salads

Layered salad of chicken, mushrooms and Korean carrots

chicken (fillet, boiled), cucumber, honey mushrooms (pickled), Korean carrots, mayonnaise, .

section: Korean salads, Chicken salads

Layered smoked chicken salad with corn, beets and crab sticks

chicken (smoked breast), corn (canned), pickled cucumber, onion, potato, egg, crab sticks - 250g, hard cheese, garlic, mayonnaise, lemon juice, dark pepper (ground), beets, pomegranate (seeds), .

section: Chicken salads, Crab stick salads, Layered salads

Layered salad with smoked chicken, beets and walnuts

chicken (smoked), tomatoes, beets, onions, potatoes, carrots, pomegranate, eggs, walnuts, mayonnaise, dark pepper, herbs, .

section: Chicken salads, Tomato salads, Layered salads

Layered salad with smoked chicken, mushrooms and croutons

champignons, chicken (smoked), hard cheese, egg, onion (small), vegetable oil (for frying), croutons (white bread), mayonnaise, spices, herbs (no matter what), .

section: Chicken salads, Mushroom salads, Layered salads

Layered smoked chicken salad with prunes and grapes

chicken (smoked breast or leg), grapes (seedless), hard cheese, eggs, walnuts, prunes, mayonnaise, herbs, .

section: Chicken salads, Layered salads

Layered smoked chicken salad with Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage, chicken (fillet, smoked), tomato, egg, hard cheese, mayonnaise, white bread (for croutons), salt, pepper, .

section: Chicken salads, Layered salads

Layered Parisel salad with smoked chicken and vegetables

chicken (smoked), potatoes, tomato, cucumber, sweet pepper), corn (canned), salt, pepper, dill, parsley (greens), mayonnaise, green onion, .

section: Chicken salads, Layered salads

Layered smoked chicken salad with melted cheese

egg, processed cheese, chicken (smoked), potatoes, onions, a pinch of pepper (ground), mayonnaise, .

section: Chicken salads, Layered salads, Cheese salads

Layered smoked chicken salad with cottage cheese, mushrooms and prunes

chicken (smoked), cottage cheese (crumbly), green onions, prunes, mayonnaise, champignons, onions, .

section: Chicken salads, Mushroom salads, Layered salads

Layered chicken salad with persimmons and walnuts

chicken (fillet), walnuts, persimmon (large), onion, sour cream, vinegar (for marinade), .

section: Chicken salads, Layered salads

Layered salad with chicken and grapefruit

chicken (boiled), grapefruit, corn (canned), Chinese cabbage, bell pepper, parsley, dill (greens), mayonnaise, .

section: Layered salads, Chicken salads

Layered Sunflower salad with chicken, mushrooms, corn and chips

corn (canned), chicken (fillet), champignons (marinated), carrots, eggs, onions, vegetable oil for frying, mayonnaise, potato chips, salt, .

Read also:  Pink salmon soup

section: Chicken salads, Mushroom salads

Puff Chicken Salad Recipes

The best selection of chicken puff salad recipes is collected here. You will always find it in chicken salad recipes. We also have two thousand seven hundred and 50 one recipe for salads with boiled chicken.

Layered salad with chicken and kiwi

Ingredients: Chicken 250 grams (boiled or baked), Kiwi 2 pieces, Mayonnaise 3 tbsp. spoons, Carrots 250 grams, Egg 1 piece, Salt 1/2 teaspoons Layered salad with chicken and kiwi is simple, quick and easy to prepare. The recipe is completely easy, and now I’ll tell you how to prepare such a puff salad for the festive table. In general, it is suitable for any day, especially if you have leftover chicken gr.

Salad with chicken, prunes and mushrooms

Ingredients: Smoked chicken – 200 g, Hard cheese – 80 g, Chicken eggs – 2 pcs., Mushrooms – 150 g, Potatoes – 4 pcs., Carrots – 1 pc., Onions – 1 pc., Walnuts – 40 g , Salt - to taste, Mayonnaise - 80 g For this multi-component puff salad, take the products from the list: chicken meat (boiled or smoked), boiled potatoes and carrots, eggs, onions, mushrooms, prunes, cheese, nuts, oil for frying and mayonnaise for dressing. Peel the boiled potatoes.

Layered salad with chicken and strawberries

Ingredients: Chicken breast (boiled) – 1 pc., Corn (canned) – 1 can., Green peas (canned) – 1 can., Tomato – 1 pc., Cucumber – 2 pcs., Hard cheese – 50 g, Lettuce leaves|Salad , Strawberries (fresh), Mayonnaise I really like serving salads in glasses, I just freeze with ecstasy when I see such beauty. The clever girl who came up with this first should have a monument erected. To the salad. Corn is placed at the bottom. . on it - pieces of boiled chicken breast, mayo.

Layered salad with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients: Champignons – 120 g, Pickled cucumber – 100 g, Canned corn – 100 g, Chicken fillet – 170 g, Sunflower oil – 4 tbsp., Mayonnaise – to taste, Salt – to taste, Ground black pepper – to taste Take the following products (see photo): Wash fresh chicken fillet and dry with a cardboard napkin. Pepper and salt. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. Fry the chicken meat until golden brown on both sides. Cool. Cut into small pieces.

Chicken and pineapple salad

Ingredients: Chicken breast 2-3 Pieces, Eggs 3 Pieces (hard-boiled), Hard cheese 150 G, Canned corn 1 Piece (jar), Canned pineapples 1 Piece (jar), Mayonnaise To taste, Parsley To taste (for decoration) How and it is believed that special dishes are prepared for the ceremonial table. This is exactly what chicken and pineapple salad is. The salad is layered, so “assembling” it is very simple. Chicken breast for salad can be boiled, or you can fry it, whatever suits your needs.

Layered salad with chicken and pineapples

Ingredients: Chicken fillet 400 g (boiled), Canned pineapples 400-500 g, Mushrooms 200-300 g, Onions 1 piece, Hard cheese 300 g, Egg 4-5 pieces, Mayonnaise 200 g, Vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp. spoons (for frying mushrooms) There are many recipes for making layered salad with chicken and pineapples, but everyone adds different layers and each salad comes out with its own taste. I offer you my own version of puff salad, which is prepared from ordinary products and comes out surprisingly tasty.

Chicken and cheese salad

Ingredients: Chicken 400 grams, Cheese 200 grams, Apple 2 pieces, Eggs 3 pieces, Mayonnaise 200 grams I often prepare this salad even for dinner. It is light and at the same time satisfying. If you let it soak in the refrigerator, it will taste even better. Apples perfectly marinate chicken, giving the salad a mind-blowing taste and smell. The combination of chicken and apples is always a hit.

Layered salad with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients: Boiled chicken fillet 450 g, Mushrooms 300-330 g (champignons), Eggs 4-5 pieces, Grated cheese 120 g, Mayonnaise 4-5 tbsp. spoons, Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons, Salt to taste, Ground dark pepper To taste Layered salad with chicken and mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Before adding to the salad, mushrooms need to be processed - boiled and fried (do not boil the champignons, just fry). 1. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Mushrooms (the easiest way is to use champignons).

Chicken and mushroom puff salad

Ingredients: Smoked chicken 250 grams, Cucumbers 150 grams, Pickled champignons 150 grams, Onions 1 piece, Chicken boiled eggs 4 pieces, Mayonnaise to taste, Salt to taste, Green onions 1 bunch, Currant berries to taste, Vegetable oil To taste Salads always were, are and will be not only a table decoration, but also a good snack. There are a huge number of recipes, and over time their number only increases. In this salad, all the products mix perfectly with each other. The dish goes well with any.

Chicken salad with prunes and mushrooms

Ingredients: Chicken fillet 2 pieces, Prunes 12 pieces, Onion 1 piece, Mushrooms 200 g, Cucumber 2 pieces, Egg 2 pieces, Sour cream 150 g, Mustard 1 teaspoon, Lemon juice 1 teaspoon, Salt and pepper to taste, Vegetable oil 1 Art. spoon I was always a little skeptical about puff salads, because... I didn’t understand why I should painstakingly carefully form a salad when I could just mix all the ingredients in one bowl. But this salad is beautiful to prepare and arrange – easier than usual! First things first.

10 hearty chicken salads that will make you ecstatic

Win-win options with pineapple, eggs, mushrooms, cheese, cucumber, kiwi and more.

Almost all recipes call for cooked chicken. You will find all the details of its production in this article for us. If desired, you can simply create mayonnaise yourself, replace it with sour cream, yogurt or other sauces.

Read also:  Norwegian soup recipe

1. Salad with chicken, prunes, champignons, cheese and walnuts


  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 100 g prunes;
  • 150 g champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2–3 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 50 g walnuts.


Boil the chicken in salted water until done. Pour boiling water over the prunes and leave for 20 minutes. Cut the mushrooms into medium pieces and the onion into half rings.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the champignons and onions. Fry, stirring, until golden brown and add salt.

Cool all ingredients. Place diced chicken on a platter. Grease with mayonnaise and place mushrooms and onions on top. Distribute coarsely chopped prunes over them. Sprinkle with finely grated cheese and chopped nuts.


  • 10 tasty and satisfying salads with champignons

2. Salad with chicken, Korean carrots and corn


  • 400 g smoked chicken;
  • 300 g Korean carrots;
  • 250–300 g canned corn;
  • 3–4 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • croutons - optional, to taste.


Cut the chicken into small pieces. Add carrots, corn and mayonnaise and stir well. Before serving, the salad can be sprinkled with croutons.


  • 10 smoked chicken salads that will literally hit the spot

3. Salad with chicken, pineapple and cheese


  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • 300 g canned pineapple;
  • 150–200 g hard cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • salt - to taste.


Boil the chicken and cool it. Cut the fillet and pineapple into small pieces. Grate the cheese on a small grater. Combine ingredients, reserving a little cheese for decoration.

Mix mayonnaise and chopped garlic. Season the salad, add salt and stir. Sprinkle with remaining cheese. Let the dish sit for a while before serving.

Try other options

  • 10 delicious salads with pineapple

4. Salad with chicken, celery, grapes and almonds


  • 900 g chicken fillet;
  • 180–200 g reddish grapes;
  • 3 stalks of celery;
  • 80 g thinly sliced ​​almonds;
  • a few green onions;
  • 200–230 g mayonnaise;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard;
  • salt - to taste;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Boil the chicken until cooked, cool and cut into small cubes. Divide the grapes into halves or quarters. Cut the celery into pieces. Lightly fry the almonds in a dry frying pan.

Add chopped onion, mayonnaise, mustard, salt and pepper to the prepared ingredients. Thoroughly stir the salad.

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  • 10 Amazing Methods to Cook Chicken and Potatoes in the Oven

5. Salad with chicken, potatoes, eggs, cheese and pickled onions


  • 1 onion;
  • 2 teaspoons sugar;
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar 9%;
  • 250 g chicken fillet;
  • 4 testicles;
  • 2–3 potatoes;
  • 2 processed cheeses (weighing 90 g each);
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt - to taste.


Finely chop the onion. Add sugar and vinegar to it. Pour boiling water, stir and leave until completely cool.

Boil the chicken, eggs and potatoes until tender and cool. Cut the fillet into small pieces. Grate the whites and yolks separately on a small grater. Potatoes and chilled cheese - for a large one.

Lay the salad in layers in the following order: chicken, onions without water, potatoes, yolks, cheese and whites. At the same time, cover the chicken, potatoes and cheese with a mesh of mayonnaise. Add salt to the layers to taste.

Write it down in your recipe book

  • 15 delicious salads with eggs

6. Salad with chicken, beans, eggs and cucumber


  • 300 g chicken fillet or smoked chicken;
  • 3–4 testicles;
  • 2–3 cucumbers;
  • 250–300 g canned snow white beans;
  • mayonnaise - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • no matter what kind of greens - optional, to taste.


If using fillet, boil it until tender and cool. Hard-boil the eggs, cool and peel. Cut the chicken, eggs and cucumber into small pieces.

Add beans, mayonnaise, salt and chopped herbs and stir. Or lay out the ingredients in layers in the following order: chicken, cucumber, eggs, beans. Don't forget to add some salt and grease the layers with mayonnaise. Sprinkle the salad with herbs.

Treat your loved ones

  • 10 recipes for stewed chicken that will bring the whole family to the table

7. Salad with chicken, kiwi, Korean carrots, apple and eggs


  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • 3 testicles;
  • 5 kiwi;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 150 g Korean carrots;
  • 1–2 green apples;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.


Boil the chicken and eggs until tender and cool. Cut the fillet and two kiwis into small pieces. Grate the eggs on a small grater.

Layer the salad in layers: salted chicken, kiwi, carrots, finely grated peeled apple and eggs. Cover any layer, not counting the chicken layer, with mayonnaise. Cut other kiwis into thin slices and decorate the finished salad with them.


  • 10 delicious salads with apples

8. Salad with chicken, tomato, Chinese cabbage, cheese and croutons


  • 200 g chicken fillet;
  • salt - to taste;
  • seasoning for chicken - to taste;
  • 2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • 150–200 g Chinese cabbage;
  • 150 g hard cheese;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 2–3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • 100 g crackers.


Season the chicken with salt and seasoning. Heat the oil in a frying pan and fry the fillet on each side for about 5 minutes until golden brown. Cool and cut into small pieces.

Tear the cabbage with your hands. Cut the cheese and tomato into small cubes. Add chicken, salt and mayonnaise and stir. Before serving, add croutons to the salad.


  • 10 amazing salads with croutons

9. Salad with chicken, bell pepper, champignons and eggs


  • 200 g champignons;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1–2 tablespoons vegetable oil;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 2 testicles;
  • 1–2 tomatoes;
  • ½ reddish bell pepper;
  • 250 g smoked chicken;
  • 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise;
  • ground black pepper - to taste.


Cut the mushrooms into large pieces and the onions into small pieces. Fry them in hot oil until golden brown and add some salt. Hard-boil the eggs, cool and peel.

Cut the tomato, pepper and chicken into large long pieces, eggs into medium pieces. Add cooled mushrooms with onions, mayonnaise, salt and pepper to the ingredients and stir.


  • 10 brightest salads with bell peppers that you will literally love

10. Salad with chicken, egg pancakes and corn


  • 400 g chicken fillet;
  • salt - to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 6 eggs;
  • ground black pepper - to taste;
  • 7 teaspoons vegetable oil;
  • 100–150 g canned corn;
  • mayonnaise - to taste.
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Boil the chicken fillet in salted water until tender and cool. Cut the onion into half rings and pour boiling water for 30 minutes. Then remove the water. Beat one egg at a time with salt, pepper and 1 teaspoon of oil.

Grease a hot frying pan with the remaining oil, spread one beaten egg and brown on both sides. Fry other pancakes literally the same way. When they have cooled, cut them and the chicken into strips. Mix these ingredients with onion, corn, mayonnaise and salt.

Puff Chicken Salad Recipes

The best selection of chicken puff salad recipes is collected here. You will always find it in chicken salad recipes. We also have two thousand seven hundred and 50 one recipe for salads with boiled chicken.

Layered salad with chicken and kiwi

Ingredients: Chicken 250 grams (boiled or baked), Kiwi 2 pieces, Mayonnaise 3 tbsp. spoons, Carrots 250 grams, Egg 1 piece, Salt 1/2 teaspoons Layered salad with chicken and kiwi is simple, quick and easy to prepare. The recipe is completely easy, and now I’ll tell you how to prepare such a puff salad for the festive table. In general, it is suitable for any day, especially if you have leftover chicken gr.

Salad with chicken, prunes and mushrooms

Ingredients: Smoked chicken – 200 g, Hard cheese – 80 g, Chicken eggs – 2 pcs., Mushrooms – 150 g, Potatoes – 4 pcs., Carrots – 1 pc., Onions – 1 pc., Walnuts – 40 g , Salt - to taste, Mayonnaise - 80 g For this multi-component puff salad, take the products from the list: chicken meat (boiled or smoked), boiled potatoes and carrots, eggs, onions, mushrooms, prunes, cheese, nuts, oil for frying and mayonnaise for dressing. Peel the boiled potatoes.

Layered salad with chicken and strawberries

Ingredients: Chicken breast (boiled) – 1 pc., Corn (canned) – 1 can., Green peas (canned) – 1 can., Tomato – 1 pc., Cucumber – 2 pcs., Hard cheese – 50 g, Lettuce leaves|Salad , Strawberries (fresh), Mayonnaise I really like serving salads in glasses, I just freeze with ecstasy when I see such beauty. The clever girl who came up with this first should have a monument erected. To the salad. Corn is placed at the bottom. . on it - pieces of boiled chicken breast, mayo.

Layered salad with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients: Champignons – 120 g, Pickled cucumber – 100 g, Canned corn – 100 g, Chicken fillet – 170 g, Sunflower oil – 4 tbsp., Mayonnaise – to taste, Salt – to taste, Ground black pepper – to taste Take the following products (see photo): Wash fresh chicken fillet and dry with a cardboard napkin. Pepper and salt. Heat 2 tablespoons of oil in a frying pan. Fry the chicken meat until golden brown on both sides. Cool. Cut into small pieces.

Chicken and pineapple salad

Ingredients: Chicken breast 2-3 Pieces, Eggs 3 Pieces (hard-boiled), Hard cheese 150 G, Canned corn 1 Piece (jar), Canned pineapples 1 Piece (jar), Mayonnaise To taste, Parsley To taste (for decoration) How and it is believed that special dishes are prepared for the ceremonial table. This is exactly what chicken and pineapple salad is. The salad is layered, so “assembling” it is very simple. Chicken breast for salad can be boiled, or you can fry it, whatever suits your needs.

Layered salad with chicken and pineapples

Ingredients: Chicken fillet 400 g (boiled), Canned pineapples 400-500 g, Mushrooms 200-300 g, Onions 1 piece, Hard cheese 300 g, Egg 4-5 pieces, Mayonnaise 200 g, Vegetable oil 2-3 tbsp. spoons (for frying mushrooms) There are many recipes for making layered salad with chicken and pineapples, but everyone adds different layers and each salad comes out with its own taste. I offer you my own version of puff salad, which is prepared from ordinary products and comes out surprisingly tasty.

Chicken and cheese salad

Ingredients: Chicken 400 grams, Cheese 200 grams, Apple 2 pieces, Eggs 3 pieces, Mayonnaise 200 grams I often prepare this salad even for dinner. It is light and at the same time satisfying. If you let it soak in the refrigerator, it will taste even better. Apples perfectly marinate chicken, giving the salad a mind-blowing taste and smell. The combination of chicken and apples is always a hit.

Layered salad with chicken and mushrooms

Ingredients: Boiled chicken fillet 450 g, Mushrooms 300-330 g (champignons), Eggs 4-5 pieces, Grated cheese 120 g, Mayonnaise 4-5 tbsp. spoons, Vegetable oil 2 tbsp. spoons, Salt to taste, Ground dark pepper To taste Layered salad with chicken and mushrooms can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. Before adding to the salad, mushrooms need to be processed - boiled and fried (do not boil the champignons, just fry). 1. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Mushrooms (the easiest way is to use champignons).

Chicken and mushroom puff salad

Ingredients: Smoked chicken 250 grams, Cucumbers 150 grams, Pickled champignons 150 grams, Onions 1 piece, Chicken boiled eggs 4 pieces, Mayonnaise to taste, Salt to taste, Green onions 1 bunch, Currant berries to taste, Vegetable oil To taste Salads always were, are and will be not only a table decoration, but also a good snack. There are a huge number of recipes, and over time their number only increases. In this salad, all the products mix perfectly with each other. The dish goes well with any.

Chicken salad with prunes and mushrooms

Ingredients: Chicken fillet 2 pieces, Prunes 12 pieces, Onion 1 piece, Mushrooms 200 g, Cucumber 2 pieces, Egg 2 pieces, Sour cream 150 g, Mustard 1 teaspoon, Lemon juice 1 teaspoon, Salt and pepper to taste, Vegetable oil 1 Art. spoon I was always a little skeptical about puff salads, because... I didn’t understand why I should painstakingly carefully form a salad when I could just mix all the ingredients in one bowl. But this salad is beautiful to prepare and arrange – easier than usual! First things first.

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