No-bake cakes made from cookies and sour cream - 5 recipes

No-bake cakes made from cookies and sour cream - 5 recipes

Cake! What a wonderful word this is! And how many pictures immediately appear in our heads: lush, large products and small, moderate desserts! Sweet tea and an equally sweet treat! Waffle, curd, biscuit, shortbread! In the midst of such abundance it is easy enough to get lost, in such abundance it is not difficult to get confused...

Quite often, the hostess has no desire to hang around in the kitchen all day and cook a delicious dessert. She breaks her head and regrets the wasted time: after all, everything is eaten almost in one evening, but she’s so willing to add more! Fortunately, in the modern world you can find an answer to any question that worries us. And if you have been thinking about how to prepare an indescribably delicious drug and at the same time not spend the whole day just cooking, then you have come to the right place!

No-bake cakes made from cookies and sour cream are an ideal option for quick homemade desserts. They are very simple to make and do not require special expenses, but they are indescribably delicious. Try to cook them too!

I would like to note that any type is suitable: from crackers to shortbread and oatmeal. You can take both small fish and huge ones like “Maria”.

Regular no-bake cake made from cookies and sour cream

This recipe is more common. You can start with it, and then move on to making the rest of the most complex and elaborate treats!

What to take?

  • Sugar (100 gr)
  • Sour cream (500 gr)
  • Shortbread cookies (250 gr)
  • Walnuts, optional (decide how many)

Let's prepare it like this:

  1. Combine sour cream and sugar. Let's mix. Let the sugar dissolve completely. Here comes the cream.
  2. Place the cookies on a flat plate in a careful, even layer.
  3. Lubricate any row with the cream that we got.
  4. Let's repeat steps 2 and 3.
  5. Let's put our dessert in the refrigerator for some time. It is better to leave it for 4 hours or at night (that is, in the dark) .
  6. Sprinkle with walnuts or cocoa. You can cook ganache or glaze. Or sprinkle with cracker crumbs.

I prefer not to use very fatty sour cream, it is still quite harmful. And to reduce the calorie content, I dilute it with yogurt.

Recipe for a cake made from cookies, sour cream and bananas

This recipe is perfect for anyone who loves bananas and unique insides! Naturally, fruits can be replaced and supplemented with other types, dried fruits, nuts and even marshmallows. I'll show you the process itself.

What do we cook from?

  • Sour cream (500 gr)
  • Unsalted crackers (500 g)
  • Sugar (250 gr)
  • 4 bananas
  • Chocolate (100 gr)

Go! It is better to take the milk product chilled.

  1. Take a mixer. Very carefully beat the sour cream with sugar - you should get a homogeneous mass.
  2. Cut the bananas into thin slices.
  3. On a flat dish, make an even base of crackers. To do this, carefully lay them out in several layers.
  4. Grease with previously prepared sour cream. Lay out the sliced ​​banana pieces.
  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4. Forming and coating any row.
  6. Grind the crackers on a small grater. We do the same with chocolate. The decoration sprinkles are out!
  7. Sprinkle our cake with the resulting crumbs!

Place in the refrigerator for an hour and a half.

No-bake dessert with gelatin and fruit

I love fruit like crazy, which is why this cake is my favorite! It looks catastrophically appetizing – you’ll want to eat it right away! Thanks to gelatin, it holds its shape perfectly and does not fall apart in the plate.

What do we need?

  • Water (two and a half glasses)
  • Cookies (700 gr)
  • Very rich sour cream (500 g)
  • Sugar (200 gr)
  • Gelatin (25 g)
  • 3 bananas
  • 2 oranges
  • 3 kiwi
  • 3 apples
  • Berries (whatever you want!)

Let's start cooking!

  1. Pour gelatin with cool boiled water. Leave and do not touch for 10 minutes until it swells.
  2. Then we'll make the jelly. To do this, finely chop the fruits, having peeled them first. Wash the berries and let them dry.
  3. Beat sour cream and sugar.
  4. Heat the gelatin slightly in a water bath. It’s important not to boil it, otherwise it will stop working.
  5. Add dissolved gelatin to sour cream and add fruit. This is our jelly.
  6. We make a base of cookies: spread them out in an even layer, before doing this, not forgetting to dip them into the resulting mass.
  7. Pour the remaining cream onto the cookie base.

Decorate the cake with fruits and berries. We put it in the refrigerator.

No-bake cake made from cookies, sour cream and condensed milk

My mother told me this recipe. Condensed milk is a favorite delicacy of my youth: I was ready to eat buckets of it. If you are a fan of condensed milk, then this cake is literally for you!

If all this is very sweet to you, then take unleavened crackers as a base.

What is needed?

  • Cottage cheese (400 gr)
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.
  • Condensed milk (200 g)
  • Cookies (700 gr)
  • 2/3 cup milk
  • One banana
  • Cocoa powder (one teaspoon)
  • Vanillin
  • Candied fruits and nuts (to decorate)

How to cook?

  1. Take half the cottage cheese, condensed milk, vanillin. Dilute the sweetness with a small amount of sour cream. Let's grind them and mix.
  2. Mix the remaining cottage cheese and condensed milk into another container. For beauty, add cocoa to them.
  3. We make the base: evenly, carefully lay out the cookies, having previously dipped them in milk poured into a plate.
  4. Spread the curd-vanilla mixture on top in an even layer.
  5. Cut the banana into slices.
  6. Place it on top of the cream.
  7. Next is another layer of biscuit cookies, which we dipped in milk.
  8. Next is the curd mass with cocoa.
  9. Repeat steps 4-8 until ingredients are complete.

Decorate the cake with candied fruits and nuts. Leave in the refrigerator for a couple of hours.

Recipe for cookies with added cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is one of the main products of healthy nutrition. It's tasty and filling. Prepare this for your family and they will probably be pleased!

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What do we take for production?

  • Cottage cheese (300 gr)
  • Sugar (half a glass)
  • Butter (180 gr)
  • Sour cream (one glass)
  • Raisins (optional) (half a glass)
  • Chocolate (30 gr)
  • One glass of milk
  • Cookies (400 gr)

We cook as follows:

  1. Grind the sugar and butter (soften it first). It’s more convenient for me to create this with a mixer.
  2. Mix sour cream and cottage cheese separately.
  3. Beat the resulting cottage cheese and sweet butter together using a blender or mixer.
  4. Place three to four tablespoons in a separate bowl.
  5. Meanwhile, wash the raisins.
  6. Add it to the rest of the consistency.
  7. Grate the chocolate on a small grater. And we will complete all the preparations here.
  8. Let's collect dessert. Place the cookies in an even layer on a flat dish, having previously dipped them in milk.
  9. Grease the cake with curd innards.
  10. Again, carefully lay out an even layer of cookies.
  11. Drizzle with the raisin mixture that we set aside in step 4.
  12. Sprinkle the surface of the finished sweet with hard or melted chocolate.

Place the treat in the refrigerator for some time.

I told you all the recipes that I understand myself. Even the most expensive cakes cannot compare with such ordinary, but unique products. The news that this dessert was prepared in just a couple of hours will be completely unexpected for household members and guests! And what a surprise they will be when they try this delicacy and cannot put it down!

You can pamper your loved ones and yourself with this tasty treat any weekend. Let such cakes become an integral dessert for tea in the evenings, accompanied by joyful, spiritual discussions!

Sour cream cake without baking

This no-bake sour cream cake has become a frequent guest on my table. I wanted to try it in different variations, so all summer this cake amused us with strawberry insides, raspberry, and cherry. And from time to time with a mix of berries and fruits. Peaches and nectarines are also great for making this no-bake sour cream cake. The only thing is not to use hard fruits, or boil or bake them beforehand until soft.

A no-bake sour cream cake is a good solution for those who don’t like prolonged hassle at the stove or oven. A minimum of effort and a real cake will decorate your festive table or simply amuse you for no reason. It is prepared very simply. The taste is simply bliss. You just need to be patient and let the cake harden in the refrigerator. But this is relatively short; 2 hours is more than enough. And I don’t recommend replacing sour cream with cream. Here the sour cream sets the tone for the whole cake. Sour cream is characterized by a slight sourness in taste. When combined with sugar, a very interesting result is created. The cake comes out moderately sweet, with a narrow sour color. Berries also benefit the flavor of the base.

Jelly cake may not be the most suitable dessert option for the cool season, the recipe is late. It was lying around in my materials filmed back in the summer. And, since the recipe for this no-bake sour cream cake is magical, I can’t help but share it with you.

  • 1 liter sour cream
  • 130 g sweet powder
  • 10 g vanilla sugar
  • 40 g gelatin
  • 200 ml water
  • 350 g cookies
  • 100 g butter
  • 1.5-2 cups of berries

For making such a cake, I choose sour cream with a low fat content and, of course, with a sour taste. You will need exactly 1 liter of sour cream, in other words, 2 packs of 0.5 liters each. Cookies are also useful for making a no-bake sour cream cake. The most suitable one is “baked milk”. Variants of it are sold everywhere. You will also need gelatin, sweet powder, vanilla sugar, butter, a little water and berries. I have raspberries. Frozen berries are also great.

We start making a no-bake sour cream cake by soaking the gelatin. This should be done according to the instructions on the packaging of this gelatin. My gelatin needed to be soaked in cool water for 15 minutes, after which it swelled and became suitable for the upcoming cake making.

Let's create the base of a no-bake sour cream cake from cookies and butter. Cookies should be turned into crumbs. The easiest and fastest way to create this is with a blender.

The butter should be melted and then poured into the container with the crumbs.

Carefully mix the crumbs with butter and use the acquired loose mass to lay out the bottom of the future cake. Yes, I forgot to say, to make such a sour cream cake without baking, you should use a springform pan. This form is simply removed from the finished cake without damaging it.

Mix sour cream with sweet powder and vanilla sugar. Let's warm it up slightly, but only slightly. The mass does not have to be hot, otherwise we risk that our cake will not harden.

Add gelatin to perfectly warm sour cream and use a blender to make the mixture homogeneous.

On top of the first layer of the cake, which we formed from cookies and butter, lay out the 2nd layer. You can immediately mix the sour cream with the berries and simply pour it all over the first layer. You can pour the mixture little by little and add berries to it. I used the second method.

We send the form with the still watery sour cream cake to the refrigerator until it hardens completely. After two hours you can inspect the cake for doneness. Maybe you could use some extra time. It all depends on the parameters of the gelatin and the temperature in the refrigerator.

Decorate the finished sour cream cake, made without baking, with the remaining cookie crumbs and berries. Agree, the cake looks great!

Be sure to make this no-bake sour cream cake too. I'm sure you'll be as ecstatic about it as I am. Bye everyone and see you soon!

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Sour cream cake

Sour cream for cake

Quite often in comments on cakes I see reviews that the sour cream does not come out, or that it comes out watery. I decided to post a recipe for the right sour cream.

Honey cake with sour cream

This is perhaps the most beloved cake in my family. It’s quite simple to prepare and even a novice housewife can handle it. Come in and help yourself)

Cake “Smetannik”

I understand, you will say - there are already so many recipes for “Smetannik”. Yes, I agree with you. But my recipe is completely different. The cake literally melts in your mouth. Very affectionate, not cloying.

Cake “Sour cream” with strawberries without baking

The cake is ready in almost 5 minutes! – a good option when unexpected guests are on the doorstep. So..

Cake “Smetannik” in a frying pan

I would like to share another pan cake recipe! The recipe is fascinating because it is done simply and quickly, without looking at the fact that you need to roll out the shortcakes; the fact that the dough requires a minimum of ingredients, no eggs or butter; because the result is always tasty and different with different creams. This is the anti-crisis recipe for a frisky cake. It was called this because the dough is based on sour cream, and the shortcakes are baked in a frying pan. In general, a minimum of goods, simple, fast and tasty! Everything I like.

Birthday cake “Smetannik”

Delicate, delicious cake. I prepared for my wife for a birthday party - that says it all

Cake “Tender sour cream”

I offer you a recipe for a very tasty and tender cake “Smetannik”

Cake with sour cream custard

An ordinary and unpretentious homemade sponge cake with sour cream custard. Light, airy, tender, moderately sweet. Totally easy! It is very convenient because both the sponge cake and the cream can be prepared in advance. Come in and help yourself. It's delicious!

Pie with raspberries and sour cream

I had to make this summer pie for an encore three times. I recommend it to you with all my heart, you won’t regret it. I would like to thank Elena Obukhova for the recipe!

Cake “Truffle sour cream”

A chocolate cake that is perfect for chocolate lovers. And preparing the cake is quite simple and requires a minimum of complex work, and in the end we get a tender and delicious dessert.

Sour cream cake . Sour cream cake, or the famous sour cream cake, is one of the most beloved delicacies among both children and adults. It is very simple to make, does not require intricate products, has a breathtakingly tender and light texture and can be prepared for both warm family tea parties and joyful festive feasts. The juicy and tender crumb of such cakes will not leave anyone indifferent!

The recipe for traditional sour cream contains only flour, sour cream, sugar and eggs, but the matter is not limited to traditional sour cream alone, because sour cream cake can be prepared using other ingredients. Condensed milk will definitely give such a cake the richest taste; in addition, you can safely add honey, vanilla or nuts, as well as cocoa or chocolate to sour cream.

Such famous cakes as “Napoleon” or “Medovik” are also prepared with sour cream. Adding sour cream gives them a more delicate taste and a slightly loose texture. And the dough for these cakes is usually rolled into flat cakes.

It is not always necessary to bake a sour cream cake - there are also recipes for sour cream cakes without baking. You can, for example, make a wonderful jelly cake with sour cream or an even more exciting version of a jelly cake with sour cream and cottage cheese. Well, the popular “Broken Glass” cake is also prepared with sour cream! No less delicious will be a no-bake cake made with gingerbread or cookies and sour cream - even children can handle making these culinary masterpieces!

From time to time, sour cream cake is called so because sour cream was used in its production - such cream will unsurpassably emphasize the taste of even the most unique cake. And, nevertheless, a real sour cream cake contains sour cream not only in a delicious cream, but also in an equally delicious dough.

To make the sour cream cake especially tasty, it is best to use sour cream with a fairly high percentage of fat content. First, beat the eggs with sugar, and only later add sour cream to them, and this should be done very carefully so as not to accidentally precipitate the foam. If the sour cream has a very heterogeneous mixture or a very thick product is found, then it must be carefully mixed in a separate bowl beforehand.

Shortbreads for sour cream cake can be baked both in the oven and in a slow cooker. If they turn out to be very tall, then it is completely acceptable to cut them. And only later are all the shortcakes coated with cream - either sour cream, butter or custard, cream with condensed milk or even chocolate paste are suitable for these purposes. Then the cakes are allowed to soak for several hours, and you can start enjoying your favorite cake!

The usual recipe and decoration ideas for sour cream jelly cake without baking

Light and frisky low-fat cake made from sour cream jelly. Main recipe and design ideas.

Recipe for making a light sour cream cake

Such a cake will be appropriate both in the summer heat, when you don’t want anything superfluous, and after a rich festive feast, when you don’t want to feast on something languid and high in calories. By the way, even girls who are constantly on diets can indulge in a small piece of this tender and refreshing sweet, as well as homemade marshmallows (read about easy diets here).

The recipe for making this dessert will appeal to even the laziest housewives, busy ladies and young chefs taking their first steps in the kitchen.

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To make a huge no-bake cake with sour cream, you will need the following products:

  • 1 liter of sour cream;
  • 3-4 tablespoons of gelatin (the lower the fat content of sour cream, the more gelatin);
  • 1 cup of sugar;
  • vanilla or vanilla sugar.

Gelatin is soaked in a partial glass of cool boiled water for approximately 40-50 minutes. Then place the dishes with it in hot water and dissolve it in a water bath until smooth.

The sour cream should be thoroughly beaten, adding sugar or sweet powder evenly (if the mixer is not very powerful, then it is better to use powder). Gourmets can increase the amount of sugar by 1.5-2 times. Here you need to add vanillin, and then pour in the cooled gelatin mass.

You can create anything you want with the purchased jelly base. Having a basic recipe in hand, it is not difficult to create different masterpieces every time. We offer you a few thoughts, and then turn on your imagination and create!

Jelly Cake Design Ideas

  1. Divide the resulting mixture into two parts, add cocoa to one, and then quickly spoon the not yet hardened jelly into the mold with a spoon: lay out one spoon of snow-white sour cream, then brown. The end result will be something like a zebra pie. You can add cocoa to 1/3, then the black stripes will be most pronounced.
  2. Divide the sour cream jelly into several parts and add a catchy dye to each of them. Lay out the cream in layers, each time putting the mold in the refrigerator for a short time. Make sure that the rest does not have time to freeze.
  3. Prepare fruit jelly (the easiest way is to buy instant jelly in the store), pour a little jelly into the bottom of the mold and refrigerate. Place peaches, raspberries, oranges, strawberries or other fruits and berries on the frozen layer. Carefully pour the remaining jelly on top so that the sketch does not blur. It’s better to pour a little bit so that the berries stick, let it harden, and then pour out the rest. Once the fruit base has hardened, pour in the sour cream jelly and leave to harden.
  4. Can't live without biscuit? Use it for the bottom and layer, and if you want to get the most tender cake, cut the sponge cake into pieces and mix with sour cream.
  5. Don't want to bake? Take the finished biscuit roll and carefully cut it into pieces. Cover the bottom of the bowl with cling film and line the sides and bottom with biscuit circles. Instead of a biscuit, you can put pineapple slices on the bottom and fill them with transparent or fruit jelly. Pour sour cream jelly into the resulting hole and let it harden perfectly. This will make a fascinating turtle to create a head for.
  6. Are you on a diet? Place the fruits in small silicone muffin cups and fill them with the jelly mixture. When it hardens, turn the molds over and serve beautiful and light cakes to the table with a cup of delicious coffee with spices.

Photo selection of decoration options

We hope that you will master the making of this no-bake jelly cake to perfection! For inspiration, here is a small selection of photos of homemade masterpieces prepared using this recipe.

If you have your own ideas for making this delicious sweet, share them in the comments. We also recommend taking note of the usual recipe for cheese muffins and panna cotta (if you don’t like wasting time on complex dishes, you’ll like them). We are for ordinary recipes!

We want inspiration and success for you! And if your passion for baking leads to extra pounds, choose a light diet for yourself or use herbs for weight loss and pharmaceutical preparations for slimness.

explanations 7

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I love jelly cakes, perfect for summer! Some people recommend immersing the mold in hot water for a few seconds so that the sour cream jelly will better release from the mold. Is it worth creating something like this, do you think? I'm afraid I'll spoil the cake, maybe it'll fall apart...

I would like to share my innovative thoughts on sour cream cake. I make the base according to your recipe, but! Once I added whole currants directly to the sour cream, and the second time I crushed the berries in a blender. You can use any - cherries, currants, strawberries, but sour ones give a great effect - a pleasant contrasting sourness. It will appeal to those who don't really like sweets. If you have time, you can create two layers or more - with different berries and snow-white.

Oh, girls, what a beauty) Masterpieces, not desserts. But from personal experience, I can recommend how to create dessert as such “easier.” It is necessary to use yogurt instead of sour cream. The system is the same - gelatin, sugar. But in the end, the dessert comes out much lower in calories. You can decorate with peaches and pineapples. Or create another layer of chocolate.

The cakes turn out very beautiful and you don’t need to fuss with them much. Kids always ask me to make cakes like this. Very tasty and wonderful. Yes, they don’t have a lot of calories, they are suitable for everyone.

And I always make a jelly cake for the holidays, bake two biscuits, cut them into pieces, put them in a mold, top them with fruit, and fill them with jelly. For those who do not have suitable molds for pouring, I advise you not to throw away plastic packaging from store-bought cakes, they often come with a pattern, it’s not a shame to throw them away and it’s easy to take out the cake, you can just cut the packaging. Do not use marmalade in the cake, especially those sprinkled with sugar. I had this experience: while the jelly froze, the marmalade dissolved and flowed, leaving holes.

This is the first time I have seen a cake like this that is made of jelly and has no baked goods. I will definitely try to create it without the help of others.

Sour cream jelly is a great idea, I’ve naturally made jelly before, but never with sour cream! The cakes look absolutely amazing, I’ll definitely try to create them!

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