Scrambled eggs in French: description and methods of making the dish

Scrambled eggs in French: description and methods of making the dish

French chefs are known for their originality. The dishes they prepare differ not only in their excellent taste, but also always look quite beautiful and representative. For example, French scrambled eggs are a true work of culinary art. And you can prepare it using various methods.

Regular option

Noteworthy scrambled egg recipes can be found in the state kitchens of various countries. The French have their own worldview on this matter. Everyone knows their unusual approach to culinary matters. So, the most common French-style scrambled eggs requires the following ingredients:

  • cups sour cream:
  • salt;
  • 5 eggs:
  • spices.

  1. First, you need to heat the frying pan perfectly on the fire, and then pour sour cream onto it. Butter or any other fat should not be added.
  2. Once all the liquid has evaporated from the sour cream, you need to randomly drive eggs into it. No special care is required here. It's not a big deal if the yolk gets damaged.
  3. Season with salt and add your favorite spices.
  4. Cover the pan with a lid and extinguish the flame.

The dish must be ready as it cools. This will only take a couple of minutes. Warm and very tasty French-style scrambled eggs can be the perfect breakfast for those who don’t have time to spend a long time with food in the morning. The majority of modern people belong to this group.

Unusual approach

There is still one unique recipe in French cuisine. With the help of simple changes in production and serving, instead of the most ordinary scrambled eggs, you get a simply unique dish. You don’t need to be a culinary guru or a top-class chef.

  • 4 testicles;
  • 35 g olive oil;
  • 4 slices of loaf (or bread);
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 50 g cheese;
  • one onion;
  • salt;
  • the freshest greens.

Unique French fried eggs are prepared using the following technology:

  1. Peel the onion, cut it into cubes, and then lightly fry in olive oil. You need to wait until the pieces become virtually transparent.
  2. Add randomly chopped tomatoes. Continue heating until the liquid evaporates.
  3. Grind the bread (or loaf) into strips or cubes. Pour it into the pan and continue to fry the products together.
  4. Beat the eggs separately in a bowl with a whisk or fork, and then pour them on top of the bread and vegetables.
  5. Sprinkle everything with grated cheese and keep covered until ready.

Before serving, the dish should be sprinkled with chopped herbs.

French omelette

In France, they really love creating various egg dishes. Local chefs have achieved real perfection in this. In addition to scrambled eggs, the traditional frying pan omelette is especially popular. At the same time, the French make it without flour and dairy products.

  • 4 testicles;
  • 20 g butter;
  • salt;
  • a little ground pepper.

Break the eggs alternately into a plate, and then beat them with pepper and salt for about 30 seconds. With all this, the whites and yolks should mix well.

Heat the oil in a frying pan and wait until the formed foam disappears evenly.

Pour the beaten egg mixture over it.

While heating, tilt the pan sharply in the opposite direction a couple of times. This way the edges won't burn.

Slightly tilt the pan and smoothly transfer the omelette onto a previously heated plate. Roll the still hot mixture into a roll.

The finished dish can be sprinkled with any fresh herbs.

From time to time, experienced chefs use an ordinary fork to roll an omelette in a frying pan. But this requires a certain skill and, of course, practice.

Scrambled eggs in bread

There is also one more unique option. This is French fried eggs in bread. This dish looks very special. In this case, the eggs are fried in a special form made from toast.

  • 2 testicles;
  • tomato – 1 pc.;
  • 2 pieces of snow-white bread (or loaf);
  • salt;
  • a bunch of greenery;
  • 20 g butter.

  1. First, you need to remove part of the crumb from the middle of each piece of bread. As a result, a hole appears. However, its shape may be different.
  2. Fry the bread on both sides.
  3. Carefully break the egg so that it falls directly into the prepared pan. You can use a fork to slightly stir the protein so that it cooks better. But the yolk must remain intact despite all this.
  4. Fry until the desired stage of doneness. Everyone has their own taste here. The main thing is not to dry out the toast. Otherwise, it will be difficult to figure it out.
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The dish looks very elegant on the plate. For its design, you can use pieces of new tomatoes and herbs. These scrambled eggs are very filling in themselves and are perfect for a real breakfast.

Fried egg with cheese

Experienced chefs say that you don’t have to cook scrambled eggs in a frying pan. You can even use an oven for this. There is a very fascinating method that produces wonderful French-style eggs with cheese. A unique option requires a small set of components, specifically:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g hard cheese;
  • salt;
  • ground dark pepper.

To make fried eggs, you must complete the following steps:

  1. Break the eggs. In this case, the proteins need to be collected in one container. In this case, it is better to put the yolks in separate saucers.
  2. Cover a baking sheet with parchment.
  3. Beat the whites well with salt. The result should be a compacted, stable foam.
  4. Divide the resulting mass into two parts and place them on a baking sheet in the form of small nests.
  5. Sprinkle the workpieces with grated cheese in advance.
  6. Carefully place the yolk in the middle of each of them.
  7. Place the baking sheet in the oven for 6 minutes, having previously preheated it to 230 degrees.

A dish in such a unique design will be a real table decoration. From the outside, it looks as if the yolk is in a small nest of the most delicate fluff.

Magic envelope

The French also have one very unusual dish. Some people consider it an omelette. However, this is a real French-style scrambled egg. The recipe for making it is as simple as possible. The most common products will be useful for work:

  • 4 testicles;
  • salt;
  • butter;
  • 4 tomatoes;
  • hard cheese;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of chopped walnuts.

Method for making scrambled eggs:

  1. Pour boiling water over the tomatoes, remove their skins, and cut the pulp into cubes.
  2. Heat oil in a frying pan. It should warm up perfectly. For those who like golden brown crusts, we recommend using at least some kind of vegetable oil rather than butter.
  3. Beat eggs with salt.
  4. Pour the mixture into a frying pan and fry until golden brown.
  5. When there is absolutely not enough water left, place chopped tomatoes, nuts on the surface and sprinkle everything with grated cheese.
  6. Bring the dish to readiness under the lid.
  7. Fold the scrambled eggs into an envelope and sprinkle with herbs.

If desired, the finished mass can be wrapped in a roll or simply folded in half. In this case, nothing depends on the appearance.

Savory scrambled eggs in French

What would the world's population do if there were no such thing in nature as an egg (not fundamentally a chicken, quail or ostrich)? After all, it is hardly possible to find the most successful and quickest product to manufacture when there is no time (or desire) to tinker with making breakfast or dinner. Moreover, there are a huge number of options for dishes made from it. Now, for example, for breakfast we have the usual, but incomparably delicious French-style scrambled eggs with boiled pork.

This is exactly the option when our refrigerator contains almost a couple of pieces of deli meat and a single signor tomato. Well, other ingredients are usually always in stock, at least in small quantities. So we won’t go to work hungry.


  • 3 large chicken eggs;
  • 2 slices of bread (optional, rye or wheat);
  • onions and salt - to taste;
  • 50 g each of hard cheese and butter;
  • large tomato;
  • 2 pieces of boiled pork.
  • Some not very hot spices and seasonings, herbs and herbs will come in handy. Instead of boiled pork, obviously, any deli meat, leftover boiled meat, sausage or sausage will do.

  • Cooking time for scrambled eggs is a maximum of 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings – 2-3.

How to cook scrambled eggs in French:

First of all, let's prepare all the ingredients:

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Rinse the tomato, remove the stem and cut into small thin slices. Cut the bread into small cubes. Peel the onion and finely (unscrupulously) chop it. Grate the cheese on a large grater (you can also use a small one). Cut the boiled pork into small pieces.

Break the eggs into a bowl, season with salt and shake lightly with a fork.

Throw a piece of butter into the frying pan and put it on medium heat until it melts and starts to click. Then add the chopped onion and sauté until translucent. Next, put the pieces of boiled pork into the frying pan and fry for a minute, now together with the onion. Cook the scrambled eggs over medium heat only.

Next, add the tomatoes and mix.

After a minute, throw in the bread and, after mixing the contents of the pan, pour in the eggs.

Here we will mix everything, as if we were preparing scrambled eggs, sprinkle cheese on top, cover the pan with a lid and cook until done. In other words, until the egg mass is slightly compacted and the cheese melts, forming a delicate soft crust on the surface.

We will serve French scrambled eggs with boiled pork, which is distinguished by its fluffiness and delicate taste, hot.

Bon appetit and have a successful day.

With respect, Ira Kalinina.
recipe and photo of the creator

Savory scrambled eggs in French

What would the world's population do if there were no such thing in nature as an egg (not fundamentally a chicken, quail or ostrich)? After all, it is hardly possible to find the most successful and quickest product to manufacture when there is no time (or desire) to tinker with making breakfast or dinner. Moreover, there are a huge number of options for dishes made from it. Now, for example, for breakfast we have the usual, but incomparably delicious French-style scrambled eggs with boiled pork.

This is exactly the option when our refrigerator contains almost a couple of pieces of deli meat and a single signor tomato. Well, other ingredients are usually always in stock, at least in small quantities. So we won’t go to work hungry.


  • 3 large chicken eggs;
  • 2 slices of bread (optional, rye or wheat);
  • onions and salt - to taste;
  • 50 g each of hard cheese and butter;
  • large tomato;
  • 2 pieces of boiled pork.
  • Some not very hot spices and seasonings, herbs and herbs will come in handy. Instead of boiled pork, obviously, any deli meat, leftover boiled meat, sausage or sausage will do.

  • Cooking time for scrambled eggs is a maximum of 20 minutes.
  • Number of servings – 2-3.

How to cook scrambled eggs in French:

First of all, let's prepare all the ingredients:

Rinse the tomato, remove the stem and cut into small thin slices. Cut the bread into small cubes. Peel the onion and finely (unscrupulously) chop it. Grate the cheese on a large grater (you can also use a small one). Cut the boiled pork into small pieces.

Break the eggs into a bowl, season with salt and shake lightly with a fork.

Throw a piece of butter into the frying pan and put it on medium heat until it melts and starts to click. Then add the chopped onion and sauté until translucent. Next, put the pieces of boiled pork into the frying pan and fry for a minute, now together with the onion. Cook the scrambled eggs over medium heat only.

Next, add the tomatoes and mix.

After a minute, throw in the bread and, after mixing the contents of the pan, pour in the eggs.

Here we will mix everything, as if we were preparing scrambled eggs, sprinkle cheese on top, cover the pan with a lid and cook until done. In other words, until the egg mass is slightly compacted and the cheese melts, forming a delicate soft crust on the surface.

We will serve French scrambled eggs with boiled pork, which is distinguished by its fluffiness and delicate taste, hot.

Bon appetit and have a successful day.

With respect, Ira Kalinina.
recipe and photo of the creator

Societies › Deliciously eat › Blog › Three French scrambled eggs

I have already prepared scrambled eggs according to the recipes of various countries, but there was no French recipe yet. And now it will be. At the same time, I came across him completely by chance.

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Scrambled eggs “Orsini”

Although, if you look at it, the word “omelet” itself is of French origin - it is scrambled eggs made from eggs scrambled with flour and milk, which means, in one way or another, the same old Russian drachena is an omelet, which means it can be looked at like a French dish. But this is all speculation, and for now I’ll tell you about scrambled eggs “Orsini” - a common French dish.

Although, if you think about it, “Orsini” is still not scrambled eggs, and you can’t call it a full-fledged omelette - it’s something in between. But first things first.

We will need:
Testicles – 4 pcs.
Salt – 1 pinch.
Hard cheese – 50 gr.

Yes, there are few goods, but there will be a lot of manipulation with them.
First, turn on the oven, we need it already preheated.
Now you need to separate the whites from the yolks.

We need whole yolks, so we need to divide them carefully; for example, I lost two, so there are only three in the photo. But let’s put them aside for now. And we need to beat the whites with a mixer. Before whipping, salt them.

Line a baking sheet with wax paper and grease it with oil if necessary. We place the beaten egg white with a spoon on a baking sheet so that hills the size of scrambled eggs come out, making a depression in the center of each of them for the yolk, in fact, we transfer the yolks into these depressions - this can be completely created with a spoon - and sprinkle the resulting scrambled eggs with grated cheese.

Place the baking sheet with scrambled eggs in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 10 minutes.

This is the beauty that comes out. Honestly, it looks quite nice. All that's left to do is try it out. Well, let's arm ourselves with a fork and knife and...

I must say, as for me, it turned out not so tasty, but wonderful. By God, the protein turned out no tastier than polystyrene foam. Although, this is my personal worldview, and someone may completely like this airiness.

Scrambled eggs de Parisienne

Not so long ago, I wrote that I don’t have any recipes for French scrambled eggs yet, but now I’m posting the second recipe, and like the Orsini scrambled eggs, this recipe is somewhat unusual.
On the other hand, this recipe is similar to the recipe I posted for scrambled eggs in a frame not long ago; by the way, I recently discovered that these scrambled eggs are called French. And why? And therefore, the scrambled eggs in a frame are similar to the scrambled eggs de Parisienne, which I will talk about at the moment. The recipe is not difficult to make, but to be honest, the dish was difficult to eat.
I examined the resulting dish and couldn’t understand how to eat it all?! Along the way, we came up with several methods for consuming this scrambled egg, but this is not necessary; it is better to use slightly different bread to make scrambled eggs.
But first things first.
So, we will need:
Eggs – 6 pcs.
Baguette – 1-2 pcs.
Depends on its size, and I would take a larger baguette, well, so that it is larger in diameter. Boiled sausage – 100 gr.
Hard cheese – 100 gr.
Canned corn – 4 tbsp.
l. Mayonnaise – 50 gr.
Salt and dark ground pepper - to taste.
Greens - to taste.

We start by preparing the baguette. We cut it into stumps. My baguette was narrow, so I cut them 15 or even 20 cm high. But if the baguette is thicker, the “stumps” can be made lower, their internal size will be sufficient. What is the inner size? It is necessary to scrape out the crumb from the “stumps” using a teaspoon, leaving about a centimeter on the bottom, and it is better not to destroy this bottom. Again, in my case, it was very awkward to remove the crumb, which again speaks in favor of a larger baguette.

The “cups” are ready, now we need to work on the inside. Cut the sausage into small cubes and grate the cheese on a large grater.

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