Pumpkin soup Gossamer recipe

Pumpkin soup Gossamer recipe


Pumpkin pulp 500 g.
Potato 3 pcs. 83
Onion 1 PC. 43
Carrot 1 PC. 33
Grated ginger 1 tsp.
Water or broth 500 ml.
Cream 100 ml. 205
Ground dark pepper
Ground reddish pepper
Vegetable oil 899
Sour cream 206

Step-by-step recipe for making Pumpkin Soup Web with photo

This is how the delicacy is prepared:

    Heat the vegetable oil by pouring it into a saucepan, add the peeled and chopped onion. Fry the vegetable pieces until they become soft.

Later, add pumpkin pulp, peeled, chopped potatoes, carrots, grated ginger to the onion, pour in boiling liquid or broth, simmer everything together over low heat until soft.

Then beat the mixture with an immersion blender.

Put the puree back on the heat, pour in the cream, season with spices, heat through, remove from the heat.

  • Pour the food into plates and use sour cream to draw a net on top. That's all, Spider Web pumpkin soup is ready!
  • Video recipe Pumpkin soup Spider Web

    Pizza “Dracula” for Halloween

    You can also pamper your family on Halloween with the indescribably delicious, unusual and unique “Dracula” pizza!

    So, in order to prepare a delicacy according to this recipe, you will need:

    ready-made puff pastry - 200 g;
    mozzarella-450 g;
    tomato-8 tbsp;
    salami-6 pcs.;
    blue onion - 1 pc.;
    olives - 2 pcs.;
    bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
    dark ground pepper, basil - to taste.

    And the food is prepared like this:

      Take the onion, peel it, cut it into thin half rings.

    Cut the salami into circles, and then any circle in half, you should get grins, and to do this, cut off the inner layer, depict a crescent. Turn a few more circles into Dracula's hairstyle, cut out teeth on the sausage half, and you can use small circles of salami for the eyes.

    Divide the olives in half crosswise.

    Wash the bell pepper and remove the seeds. You should cut out 8 long triangles from a greenish pepper, and four triangles from a yellowish vegetable.

    Roll out the dough, cut out two heads, ears, a chin and a square top (head).

  • Now grease the base for the sweetness with tomato, sprinkle with pepper, basil, and grated cheese. On top of the picture, draw the face of the current hero. Place the product in the oven at 180 degrees for half an hour. That's all, an unusual, original Halloween treat is ready!
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    • Servings: 6
    • Preparation time: 15 min
    • Production time: 15 min
    • Difficulty: Easy
    • Calories: 51.5 kcal

    I would like to share the secret of how to prepare the dish Pumpkin Soup Web.
    It's truly worth experiencing. The recipe for “Spiderweb Pumpkin Soup” is posted in the “Soups” group by user sushef. It will take you only 15 minutes to prepare this dish.


    • Pumpkin – 500 g.
    • Water – 500 g.
    • Cream 35% (fat) – 100 g.
    • Potatoes – 330 g.
    • Onions – 85 g.
    • Carrots – 90 g.
    • Ginger – 20 g.
    • Salt – 8 g.
    • Sour cream 25% (traditional) – 10 g.
    1. Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan, add peeled and chopped onion. Fry until soft. Then add pieces of pumpkin pulp, peeled and chopped potatoes, peeled and chopped carrots and grated ginger without skin.
    2. Pour in boiling water or broth, cover and simmer over medium heat until all ingredients are soft, about 20 minutes. Then beat the mass using an immersion blender (if it is plastic, you must first cool the soup until warm).
    3. Put on fire, pour in cream and add spices. Heat through and remove from heat.
    4. Pour into plates and draw a spider web with sour cream. To make it look openwork, you need to cut off a small corner of the package.

    Baked carrots

    • 100

    • Servings: 4
    • Preparation time: 15 min
    • Production time: 60 min
    • Difficulty: Easy
    • Calories: 60 kcal

    Who said that healthy nutrition is something very complex and precious? Start with the usual. For example, bake carrots instead of potatoes as a side dish. The “Baked Carrots” recipe was posted in the “Vegetable Appetizers, Vegetables” group by user mastershef. It will take you only 60 minutes to prepare this dish.


    • Carrots – 750 g.
    • Oil (olive) – 1 tbsp. l.
    • Vinegar (reddish wine vinegar) – 1 tbsp. l.
    • Salt - Mr.
    • Spices (fresh cumin) – 3 g.
    • Garlic – 3 teeth.
    1. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Wash the carrots well.
    2. Mix oil with vinegar and crushed garlic. Pour the carrots with this consistency and stir well. Salt and pepper. Place the vegetables on a baking sheet and place in the oven.
    3. Bake the carrots for 30-40 minutes until they are soft.

    Kayla Itsines' salmon burger recipe

    • 100
    Read also:  Salad with celery and boiled pork recipe

    • Servings: 4
    • Preparation time: 15 min
    • Production time: 60 min
    • Difficulty: Easy
    • Calories: 290 kcal

    The right burger with salmon fish cutlet The recipe “Salmon Burger according to Kayla Itsines’ recipe” is posted in the group “Fish Appetizers, Sandwiches, Canapés, Croutons” by the user mastershef. It will take you only 60 minutes to prepare this dish.


    • Salmon (fillet) – 170 g.
    • Onion (shallot) – 1 pc.
    • Mustard (Dijon) – 1/2 tsp.
    • Parsley (chopped) – 2 tsp.
    • Yogurt (natural) – 100 g.
    • Cheese (feta) – 30 g.
    • Bread (whole grain buns) – 2 pcs.
    • Capers – 2 tbsp. l.
    • Dill (chopped) – 2 tsp.
    • Juice (lemon) - g.
    • Cucumber – 1 pc.
    • Radishes – 4 pcs.
    • Spinach (fresh) – 1 g.
    • Fennel - Mr.
    • Salt - Mr.
    • Pepper - Mr.
    1. Remove scales and bones from the salmon and cut into large pieces.
    2. Chop the shallots. In a blender, combine onion, salmon, mustard, parsley, salt, pepper and grind thoroughly until minced.
    3. With wet hands, form two patties, place on a plate, cover with cling film and chill in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.
    4. Meanwhile, whisk together the yogurt, feta, dill and lemon juice in a small bowl. Chop the capers and add to the yogurt.
    5. Heat a frying pan over medium heat and lightly grease it with oil. Place the fish cutlets and fry for 4-5 minutes on one side, turn over and cook for about 4 more minutes.
    6. Chop the cucumber, radish and fennel.
    7. To serve, cut the buns and toast them lightly in a toaster, in a frying pan without oil, or in the oven. Place spinach, fresh vegetables to taste and a cutlet on one half, pour over yogurt dressing and cover with the other half. Prepare the 2nd burger using the same method.
    8. Bon appetit!

    Salty cheesecake with herring remoulade

    • 100

    • Servings: 4
    • Preparation time: 15 min
    • Production time: 90 min
    • Difficulty: Easy

    It's literally not dessert. The recipe “Salty cheesecake with herring remoulade” is posted in the group “Fish appetizers, Appetizers with cheese, cottage cheese” by user mastershef. It will take you only 90 minutes to prepare this dish.


    • Bread (Borodinsky) – 300 g.
    • Butter (butter) – 100 g.
    • Spices (ground coriander) – 2 g.
    • Cumin (ground) – 5 g.
    • Gelatin (leaf) – 2 pcs.
    • Sour cream (25%) – 250 g.
    • Horseradish – 10 g.
    • Lemon (lemon juice) – 5 g.
    • Cheese (soft creamy) – 65 g.
    • Cheese (smoked cream) – 60 g.
    • Fish (herring) – 300 g.
    • Capers (chopped) – 1 tsp.
    • Onion (shallot) – 30 g.
    • Celery (stem) – 30 g.
    • Cucumber (mini gherkins) – 30 g.
    • Dill (chopped) – 1 tbsp. l.
    • Onion (sibulet, chopped) - 1 tbsp. l.
    1. To make the bread base, remove the crust from the Borodino bread, cut the crumb into cubes measuring 2x2 cm and dry in the oven at 160 degrees without changing the color.
    2. Mix bread with coriander and cumin in a blender until smooth, stir with soft butter.
    3. To make sour cream jelly, soak the gelatin in cool water for 10 minutes, then squeeze it out and heat it in the microwave.
    4. Mix gelatin, sour cream, lemon juice, horseradish, soft and smoked cream cheese in a blender until smooth.
    5. To make herring remoulade, cut the herring fillet and shallot into small cubes, add chopped celery and gherkins, capers, dill and sibulette. Stir everything.
    6. Add 1/2 of the previously prepared sour cream jelly to the acquired consistency.
    7. To serve, place the bread base mixture in a round pan, top with herring remoulade and sour cream jelly.
    8. Cut the finished dish in half and garnish with fried shallots, capers and dill sprigs. Bon appetit!

    Salmon, tomato and avocado tartare with poached egg

    • 100

    • Servings: 4
    • Preparation time: 15 min
    • Production time: 15 min
    • Difficulty: Easy

    If you don't eat meat or just don't like it, this dish will be a good substitute for traditional tartare. Regardless of the number of ingredients, this is a French Recipe for “Salmon, Tomato and Avocado Tartar with Poached Egg” posted in the group “Fish Appetizers, Fish Salads, Fish” by user mastershef. It will take you only 15 minutes to prepare this dish.

    Pumpkin soup

    French pumpkin soup

    This soup belongs to the group of so-called second-day dishes, in other words, those that become tastier if you let them brew for 24 hours. A very warm mixture and a breathtaking smell.

    Pumpkin puree soup with white mushrooms

    This recipe is from the chef of the Balcony restaurant, Giacomo Lombardi. It seems like nothing special, but these aspects - pumpkin with onions fried in olive oil, fragrant broth of snow-white mushrooms, crispy croutons and pumpkin seeds make an ordinary soup a unique restaurant dish. Lenten recipe

    Read also:  Tongue and vegetable salad recipe

    Pumpkin soup with bacon

    This is a very tasty and necessary soup. And if the soup is also beautiful, catchy and pleasing to the eye, then it is doubly necessary.

    Pumpkin puree soup “Warming”

    This easy soup is all about the good stuff. The healthy characteristics of pumpkin, the warm creamy mixture, the spicy flavor and the ease of making - that's what this pureed pumpkin soup is all about. It will definitely charge you with energy for the whole day and will perfectly warm and satiate you on cool autumn or winter days.

    Pumpkin puree soup “Most Beloved”

    In my opinion, this is one of the most successful pumpkin soups. Super-harmonious, affectionate, velvety, satisfying, warming. At the same time, we do not add milk products, so you can enjoy them during Lent. And he also asks for your small specific role. The main highlight of this soup is the roasting of vegetables.

    Pumpkin soup with ginger

    There has probably never been such an influx of pumpkin recipes on the website before. Another delicious pumpkin soup.

    Pumpkin soup

    Soup with a tender, velvety mixture. For pumpkin lovers.

    Pumpkin soup with ravioli

    Soup that will lift your spirits. Many thanks to Oksana (Oxana_71) for the master class on making ravioli.

    Pumpkin soup with beans and hunting sausages

    Let me tell you that this soup is a riot! A riot of colors, tastes and smells. The sweetness and richness of pumpkin, the spiciness of chili, the beautiful color and taste that beans give us, the richness and smoky taste of sausages - and all this is framed by the smell of spices. What else is needed when it’s cold, dank and uncomfortable outside!

    Pumpkin soup with onions

    A very light, tasty puree soup. My boys don’t eat pumpkin, but they ate this soup and praised it. When they found out what it was made from, it was too late to make faces. I got the recipe from the “Simply Delicious” forum, and it turned out great. delicious! The photo didn't come out very well, I apologize.

    Pumpkin soup . Pumpkin soup is a healthy dish rich in vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) . Known in its various interpretations in almost all countries of the world. Occasionally, any cuisine, Eastern, European or Asian, does not contain culinary recipes for soup from this autumn vegetable.

    Light dietary watery soups are prepared from pumpkin, cream soup with meat products, and milk cream soup are made. At the same time, this is the first dish usually served to the table in the form of cream soup. Most often, pumpkin pulp baked in the oven or slow cooker is used to make cream soup.

    In this case, the pumpkin pulp is peeled and seeds removed, then baked on a baking sheet or in a mold (greased with oil or with water added) in the oven until the vegetable is cooked and soft.

    You can remove the skin and seeds after baking the pumpkin in the oven. Then the cooled pumpkin pulp is rubbed through a sieve or crushed in a blender. Next, the pumpkin puree is combined with additional ingredients - milk products, meat broth, and so on, and boiled with spices until tender.

    You can prepare pumpkin soups in the oven by placing the ingredients in a deep form, adding water to it, covering with a lid, also in a multicooker bowl, or in a cauldron. Delicious stewed soup made from the freshest pumpkin pulp comes out in clay pots. In this case, the dish is also prepared in the oven.

    Pumpkin goes well in soups with smoked meats and other vegetables, including ground vegetables (garlic, hot peppers), cereals (rice, millet), poultry, fish, seafood, meat, and meatballs. They also add nuts, seeds, dried and ground spices to soups with pumpkin - ginger, cardamom, saffron, dry cloves, bay leaves, mustard seeds, dark pepper, white pepper and others.

    Suitable breads for pumpkin soup include croutons, croutons, toast, canapés, fried bread.

    Pumpkin Soup - 7 Easy Pumpkin Soup Recipes

    Pumpkin soup is a delicious and tasty first course. The popularity of dishes made from pumpkin fruits is growing because it is useful for maintaining and restoring health not only to the organs of vision. Soups are prepared quickly and are useful for everyone without exception.

    Eating the suggested recipes, monitor your health and come to your own conclusion. Of course, pumpkin is rich in nutritional substances, simply unconditionally.

    Now you will learn simple and delicious recipes for healthy soup at home.

    Pumpkin soup with cream and croutons

    Find out the usual recipe for the first course, which is necessary and tasty.

    1. Peel the pumpkin and cut into large pieces.

    Read also:  Yeast pizza dough recipe

    2. Cut the onion into small cubes, put it in a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour in oil and put on fire. Simmer for 2 minutes over low heat.

    3. Cut the carrots into rings or cubes and add them to the onion, mix, close the lid and simmer for another 3 minutes until the vegetables are soft.

    4. Chop 2 cloves of garlic into pieces. Finely chop the parsley.

    5. Add chopped garlic and pumpkin cubes to the stewed vegetables in a saucepan. Pour boiled water in the amount of 0.5 liters into the pan. Cover the pan with a lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

    6. Meanwhile, let's create delicious crackers. Take a snow-white loaf, cut it into slices, cut off the crusts and form cubes. Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, pour pieces of bread onto it and sprinkle with salt and spices.

    Sprinkle a little olive oil on top and mix so that both the croutons and the pumpkin soup are tasty. Bake in the oven at 150 degrees C until done.

    7. In a saucepan with vegetables, add parsley, salt, pepper and you can add more ground coriander.

    8. Using an immersion blender, turn the soup into puree soup.

    9. Then add cream, stir, taste, bring to a boil and the pumpkin soup is ready.

    10. Pour the first dish into a plate, add crackers, decorate with herbs and enjoy the taste.

    Savory pumpkin soup with ginger

    • pumpkin - 1 kg
    • onion - 1 pc.
    • garlic - 3-4 cloves
    • grated ginger root - 1 teaspoon
    • salt - to taste
    1. Peel and cut into small pieces: onion, garlic, pumpkin.
    2. Lightly sauté in a frying pan: ginger, pumpkin, garlic, onion.
    3. Then add salt and pour 1 liter of boiling water over the vegetable mixture. Cook for 320 minutes until the pumpkin is done.
    4. Let the vegetables cool and grind using your preferred method. Pour the purchased puree back into the pan, bring to a boil and serve with sour cream and rye crackers.

    How to prepare children's soup with pumpkin and semolina

    Please keep in mind that due to the high carotene content, pumpkin is a highly allergenic product. Therefore, children with a tendency to allergic diseases should be given yellowish pumpkin with great caution.

    • pumpkin - 1/2 kg
    • milk - 4 cups
    • water - 2 glasses
    • semolina - 2 tbsp
    • butter - 2 tbsp
    • sugar and salt - to taste
    1. Peel and wash the pumpkin. Cut it into slices or cubes.
    2. Place everything in a saucepan with a thick bottom, add butter and simmer.
    3. Then pour in boiled milk, add salt, sugar and cook over low heat for 10-15 minutes.
    4. At the end of cooking, pour 2 cups of boiling water into the pumpkin soup and add semolina in a thin stream.
    5. Mix everything thoroughly, let it boil, turn off the heat and let it brew.

    Video on how to make creamy pumpkin and celery soup

    Check out the recipe for this unusual and delicious soup.

    Eat and remember that you are strengthening your own body with healthy potassium.

    Stary Oskol pumpkin soup with millet

    Find out the recipe for stew according to an ancient recipe.

    • pumpkin - 300 g
    • milk - 1 liter
    • millet - 1/4 cup
    • ghee - 1 tbsp. spoon
    • honey - 1 tbsp. spoon
    1. Wash the pumpkin, peel and cut into cubes.
    2. Place the cubes in bubbling milk or a mixture of milk and water and cook until half cooked.
    3. Heat the millet in a dry frying pan, add cool water and cook until half cooked in a separate pan.
    4. Combine the soup with millet and honey and cook until done.
    5. Season the stew with oil.

    Pumpkin soup with potatoes

    Find the taste of potatoes combined with pumpkin.

    • hard-rind pumpkin - 800 g
    • croutons from snow-white bread - 250 g
    • potatoes - 300 g
    • milk - 4-5 glasses
    • butter - 3 tbsp. spoons
    • sugar - 2 teaspoons
    • ground cinnamon - on the tip of a knife
    • salt - to taste
    1. Peel the pumpkin and potatoes. Cut the potatoes into pieces.
    2. Remove seeds from pumpkin, wash, cut into thin slices.
    3. Place all pieces in a saucepan. pour 3-4 glasses of water, add salt, sugar, butter and cook over low heat for 25-30 minutes.
    4. Then add croutons fried in oil, stir and boil.
    5. After boiling, strain, rub the puree through a sieve, dilute with hot milk until the consistency of sour cream and season with oil.
    6. You can sweeten the soup slightly with the consistency of cinnamon sugar.

    Dietary pumpkin soup - video recipe

    Look at the recipe for fat-burning soup with almost all the necessary vegetables.

    This recipe can be prepared all year round, if only there was pumpkin.

    All the recipes discussed are beneficial for the human body. Introduce pumpkin soup into your diet and diversify your daily menu.

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