Oriental style zucchini-eggplant caviar

Oriental style zucchini-eggplant caviar


Eggplants – 2 pcs.

Young zucchini – 2 pcs.

Onions – 2 pcs.

Garlic – 2 cloves

Sweet pepper – 2 pcs.

Vegetable oil – 60 g

  • 76 kcal
  • 45 min.
  • 45 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

How does vegetable caviar in the eastern version differ from the same caviar prepared in the Russian expanses? As I realized myself, the method of presentation and production differs. The oriental caviar is not boiled, but fried in a cauldron; it is not crushed later, the vegetables remain in small pieces.

Everyone in Uzbekistan prepares such caviar and even closes it for the winter without any sterilization. You can combine zucchini and eggplant, or you can cook from only one type of vegetable. The presented option is very simple: we take everything equally, adjusting the size of each vegetable. If the onions are large, it is enough to take one piece, literally the same with tomatoes. My vegetables are not large, they are young.

To make oriental squash-eggplant caviar, let’s take the following products: I have a large tomato, the Yusupov variety, so I took one.

Peel all vegetables and cut into small cubes. I cut it small, some people like it larger. First fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. At first it seems like there is a lot of oil, but later the eggplants will take it all on themselves.

Once the onion is perfectly fried, add the bell pepper. Any layer must be thoroughly fried, then the caviar will turn out delicious.

After the peppers come the eggplants. Fry, stirring, until soft. It’s not enough to add salt to any layer.

After the eggplant, zucchini is added; they do not cook for long. The caviar must always be stirred.

And lastly, tomatoes are added. I had a very juicy and large tomato. A lot of water immediately came out, we need to let the water given to us boil until we get a suitable mixture.

At the very end, add garlic and herbs, pepper and check for salt. Stirring, fry for another 3-4 minutes, and the oriental eggplant-squash caviar is ready.

Caviar can be sealed in jars immediately or served as an appetizer with bread.

Caviar from zucchini and eggplant for the winter

Friday, July 29, 2016

There are never too many recipes for squash caviar, right? And yet, each housewife has her own proprietary methods for making caviar from zucchini. Now I will share with you another recipe for preparing vegetables for the winter, which will appeal to all lovers of similar cool snacks. We are preparing fragrant, tasty and tender squash caviar with eggplants!

It must be said that the recipe for zucchini caviar, in addition to the zucchini and eggplants themselves, includes a sufficient amount of fresh carrots and onions, which we will fry separately. Thanks to this method, the finished zucchini-eggplant caviar will be indescribably fragrant, it will have a completely different taste than chopping all the vegetables and stewing together. We will also fry the peeled zucchini and eggplants in pieces - in this way, not only will the time for stewing the caviar be reduced (by evaporating the water), but also fragrant notes will be added.

Almost all chefs prepare squash caviar with tomatoes, but I prefer to use tomato paste. This is an extract, due to which the taste of the finished vegetable snack becomes richer, the color is more saturated, and the caviar needs to be stewed less (there is no need to evaporate the excess liquid from the tomatoes for a long time).

From the indicated amount of ingredients used, 1.5 liters of finished squash caviar with eggplants comes out. I indicated the weight of vegetables in already peeled form. You can safely replace apple cider vinegar with wine or table vinegar (take a little less), and fresh garlic with dried garlic (half a teaspoon is enough). If you like it spicy, you can also add ground red pepper or chili, but my son eats squash caviar, so I don’t make it spicy at all.

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Making a dish step by step:

The recipe for homemade squash caviar with eggplants for the winter includes the following ingredients: zucchini, eggplant, carrots, onions, tomato paste, refined vegetable oil (I use sunflower oil), salt, sugar, vinegar (apple, wine or table), and garlic ( both dried and fresh will do) and ground dark (snow white is excellent, but I just didn’t have it on hand) pepper to taste.

It is necessary to prepare such squash caviar in a thick-walled container, because the vegetables may burn during the stewing process. Pour 150 ml of refined vegetable oil into a pan and heat it. In the meantime, peel the onions and carrots (250 and 200 grams of each in peeled form), then chop the vegetables not very finely. Place the onions and carrots in hot oil and fry until soft, beautiful golden color and the appropriate smell - over medium heat without a lid for about 10-12 minutes. I hope you realize that time in this case is a very relative concept. This is how much it takes me, but you may need more or less (depending on the diameter of the dishes, the size of the vegetable pieces, the strength of the fire.).

While the vegetables are frying, let’s not waste time and prepare the zucchini and eggplants. If you have young zucchini, you can simply wash and dry them. Even though they are not old, their seeds have already formed, so I removed them. Moreover, the skin wasn’t very good either, so I peeled it off thinly with a vegetable peeler. I also washed the eggplants, peeled off the skin in a thin layer, and cut off the stalk. For this recipe for squash caviar, we take 850 grams of squash pulp and 550 grams of peeled eggplant.

Cut zucchini and eggplant into large pieces.

The fried vegetables, which we did not forget to stir, have already become golden, softened and fragrant.

Using a slotted spoon (this is a large spoon with holes), we take out the onions and carrots and put them in a bowl - until we need them. There was a decent amount of oil left in the pan. Place pieces of zucchini and eggplant slices in a bowl - fry them over high (!) heat without a lid for about 10 minutes, stirring several times during this period of time.

Don't expect vegetables to turn golden without breading (batter or flour). At first the slices will only brown slightly, then they will begin to release juice - this is how it should be. By the way, eggplants cook faster than zucchini, so they will actually fall apart in the puree.

When the zucchini is half cooked and becomes translucent, add the onions and carrots that have been fried in advance. Stir, cover the pan with a lid and simmer over medium heat for about 15 minutes. During this period of time, the vegetables will release even more juice and everything will be stewed in it. Don’t forget to open the lid several times and stir everything.

When the zucchini, eggplant, carrots and onions are completely soft (they will not fall apart, but will still somewhat hold their shape), blend the contents of the pan with an immersion blender.

As a result, you have this pale orange, rather thick and homogeneous mass. Naturally, if you don’t have an immersion blender, you’ll have to put everything into a food processor and grind it. But in any case, this recipe does not provide for the preparatory grinding of raw goods through a meat grinder or in a food processor - we prepare the vegetables in the form of pieces, only after that we chop them!

Add 100 grams of high-quality tomato paste, salt, sugar and ground dark pepper to the vegetable puree. If you wish, season the future squash caviar with hot pepper. Do not forget that you should adjust the amount of salt and sugar according to your own taste - I have proportions that I personally like.

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Mix everything, cover the pan with a lid and simmer the squash caviar with eggplants for another 15 minutes over low heat (closer to low). During the stewing process, the caviar will spit quite a lot (it will fly to the ceiling!), so it is important to cover the dish with a lid. In order to mix the mass, remove the pan from the stove and let it stand for a few seconds - only then remove the lid. Towards the end of production, add a tablespoon of vinegar and garlic (pass the freshest one through a press). Mix everything and heat the squash caviar under the lid for 5 minutes.

Remove the pan from the stove and taste the result. If necessary, add more salt-sugar-vinegar so that you personally like the combination of flavors. Homemade squash caviar with eggplants is ready - it’s time to close it for the winter.

Jars with lids must be sterilized in advance - we do this while the caviar is being prepared. Each housewife has her own favorite method, and I do this in the microwave - I wash jars (0.5 liter volume) in a soda solution, rinse and pour approximately 100 ml of cool water into each. I steam them in the microwave at the highest power for 5 minutes each. Two or three jars will take 7-9 minutes. I also boil the lids on the stove for about 5 minutes. We put practically boiling squash caviar with eggplants into jars.

We close the lids using a machine or tighten them with screws.

We turn the jars upside down and wrap them in a blanket or rug. In this position, let the squash caviar cool completely. Then we transfer it to the basement or cellar and store it until needed.

That's how many delicious snacks I got. From the indicated amount of ingredients used, 1.5 liters of finished squash caviar with eggplants comes out. I closed 2 jars for the winter, and cooled one completely, closed it with a nylon lid and put it in the refrigerator - in the next couple of days I will enjoy it in the company of black bread.

Well, just look how beautiful it is! Colorful, warm, smooth, completely homogeneous, fragrant and tasty homemade squash caviar with eggplants is a cool appetizer that you would not just want to spread on a slice of fresh bread, but also eat it with a spoon! Successful preparations for you, hostesses! What recipes do you use to prepare squash caviar for the winter?

Oriental style zucchini-eggplant caviar


Eggplants – 2 pcs.

Young zucchini – 2 pcs.

Onions – 2 pcs.

Garlic – 2 cloves

Sweet pepper – 2 pcs.

Vegetable oil – 60 g

  • 76 kcal
  • 45 min.
  • 45 min.

Photo of the finished dish

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Step-by-step recipe with photos

How does vegetable caviar in the eastern version differ from the same caviar prepared in the Russian expanses? As I realized myself, the method of presentation and production differs. The oriental caviar is not boiled, but fried in a cauldron; it is not crushed later, the vegetables remain in small pieces.

Everyone in Uzbekistan prepares such caviar and even closes it for the winter without any sterilization. You can combine zucchini and eggplant, or you can cook from only one type of vegetable. The presented option is very simple: we take everything equally, adjusting the size of each vegetable. If the onions are large, it is enough to take one piece, literally the same with tomatoes. My vegetables are not large, they are young.

To make oriental squash-eggplant caviar, let’s take the following products: I have a large tomato, the Yusupov variety, so I took one.

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Peel all vegetables and cut into small cubes. I cut it small, some people like it larger. First fry the onion in vegetable oil until golden brown. At first it seems like there is a lot of oil, but later the eggplants will take it all on themselves.

Once the onion is perfectly fried, add the bell pepper. Any layer must be thoroughly fried, then the caviar will turn out delicious.

After the peppers come the eggplants. Fry, stirring, until soft. It’s not enough to add salt to any layer.

After the eggplant, zucchini is added; they do not cook for long. The caviar must always be stirred.

And lastly, tomatoes are added. I had a very juicy and large tomato. A lot of water immediately came out, we need to let the water given to us boil until we get a suitable mixture.

At the very end, add garlic and herbs, pepper and check for salt. Stirring, fry for another 3-4 minutes, and the oriental eggplant-squash caviar is ready.

Caviar can be sealed in jars immediately or served as an appetizer with bread.

The most delicious caviar from zucchini and eggplant

Excellent vegetable caviar from zucchini and eggplant, cooked in a frying pan! It’s simply impossible to spoil it - add your favorite vegetables in all proportions, experiment with spices - it will still turn out delicious. You can add sweet or bitter peppers or herbs to this basic recipe with photo - the taste of the dish will be completely different. Such caviar can be eaten immediately or stored for the winter.


  • zucchini - 2 medium or 1 large;
  • eggplants – 2-3 pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 large or 2 small;
  • onions – 2 pcs. medium size;
  • tomatoes – 3-4 pcs.;
  • garlic – 2 cloves;
  • vegetable oil – 50-70 ml;
  • table salt – 1 tsp. (to taste) + for filling eggplants;
  • sweet sand - 1 tbsp. l.

How to make caviar from zucchini and eggplant

Cut the zucchini into small cubes. If the vegetable is young, you do not need to peel it, just rinse it well and remove the ends. You need to peel off the skin from the “old” zucchini and remove the seeds.

Also cut the eggplants into cubes, and then transfer them to a bowl and cover with salt. After 20-30 minutes, drain the juice, wash the eggplants in plenty of water and place in a colander to drain the liquid.

Peel the carrots and also chop into cubes. If you plan to grind the caviar with a blender at the final stage of production, then you can grate the carrots - whatever is more convenient.

Also chop the onion into cubes - not very finely, but not coarsely - like other vegetables.

Wash the tomatoes, chop them coarsely and grind them in a blender or grind them through a meat grinder.

Heat the oil in a thick-bottomed frying pan, add the carrots and onions and fry until soft over moderate heat, stirring occasionally.

Then pour the zucchini into the frying pan, stir and cook for 2-4 minutes.

After this, add the eggplants, stir and fry the vegetables until lightly browned.

Pour the tomato into the pan, stir, reduce the heat and simmer the caviar, stirring, until fully cooked.

5 minutes before the end of cooking, add salt and sugar to the caviar, as well as crushed garlic using any convenient method.

The finished caviar can be ground until smooth, returned to the frying pan and brought to a boil. And you can eat caviar in this form - in pieces - as you like. The caviar is ready and can be served.

And in order to prepare squash-eggplant caviar for the winter, it must be placed hot in clean and dry jars, sterilized for 7 minutes, rolled up and wrapped. After cooling, you can store the preserved food in the cellar until winter.

And be sure to prepare a vegetable sauté with eggplant.

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