Common secrets of pickling garlic

Common secrets of pickling garlic

We are already accustomed to the fact that on the shelves of hypermarkets we can see a huge number of jars with various canned food. Those who have their own summer cottage are accustomed to homemade preparations. After all, this is not only a method of preserving vegetables and fruits grown in the summer for the winter. This is an opportunity to cook something exciting, something that you rarely see on store shelves. For example, salted garlic

Salted garlic is a tasty appetizer that can be used as an independent dish or added to salads, soups or sandwiches.

A cure for all diseases

Housewives know how difficult it is to preserve such a well-known spice as garlic until spring. Meanwhile, there are several methods to save it without losing all the useful characteristics.

One such method is pickling garlic. With this method of preservation, not only all its medicinal components are preserved, but also a slight specific smell, which after salting becomes gentle and soft. And what could be tastier than hot borscht with garlic in the winter after a ski trip or a cheese salad with it at a family dinner?

Well, even kids know about its usefulness. This particular vegetable is eaten during the autumn-winter period of colds, so that it is easier for the body to resist an emerging infection (The term means various types of interaction of foreign microorganisms with the human body) . For the suppression of pathogenic microflora of the intestinal tract, the treatment of hypertension, vitamin deficiency, heart and vascular diseases and other problems of the human body, its usefulness is invaluable. In folk medicine it is called a cure for all diseases.

But not everyone loves the freshest garlic for its pungent taste and pungent smell. Salting eliminates these problems, because after such processing the astringency disappears, and the smell becomes barely noticeable. This vegetable is so popular all over the world that recipes for preserving it by pickling are included in the recipes of almost all cuisines of the world. Here are some of them.

Traditional recipe for lightly salted garlic

Connoisseurs of savory food love to eat the spicy vegetable from jars of pickles. It, prepared according to this recipe, will have the same taste.

To make it you need:

  • garlic;
  • a few dark currant leaves;
  • three dill umbrellas;
  • two leaves of horseradish;
  • 5-6 peas of dark pepper;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 80 grams of salt.

All ingredients are designed for a three-liter jar.
It is more convenient to pickle in small jars, because if the jar is half-liter or liter, then the number of components will need to be counted based on their size. The pickling process is easy. First you need to peel the slices. It’s easy to do this with a knife, but if the garlic is fresh, then the husk will be easily removed by lightly pressing the cloves with your fingers. While we are cleaning, you can sterilize the jars.

Preparing the brine

Boil water and pour salt into it. First put the prepared spices into the container, and then fill the jars to the top with garlic cloves. Pour hot brine, close with tight sterilized lids or roll up. Salted garlic prepared according to this recipe can be consumed immediately, allowing it to stand at room temperature for 4-5 days, or throwing it away for the winter by placing the jars in a cold space.

Salting whole heads

For those who prefer to pickle whole heads of garlic, we can offer a different recipe.

  • 1 kg. garlic;
  • 300 gr. salt.

Prepare the garlic ahead of time, sorting it out and removing damaged cloves. In sterilized jars, pour a thin layer of salt on the bottom, lay a row of garlic, then again pour a layer of salt, repeat the rows again until the jar is completely filled. To avoid spoilage of the product during long-term storage, the top layer in the jar must be salt as a powerful natural preservative. The finished jar should be covered with a lid and placed in a cold space for storage. Garlic prepared according to this recipe remains elastic and crunchy for a long time, just like the freshest.

Salted garlic in Georgian style

Another exciting option for preparing for the winter is salting garlic in Georgian style.
Will come in handy:

  • half a glass of sugar;
  • 9 peas each of dark and aromatic pepper;
  • 3-4 buds of cloves;
  • half a glass of grape vinegar;
  • one liter of grape juice;
  • salt;
  • 20 heads of garlic.

Preparing the ingredients

The process of salting in Georgian takes a little longer, but the result is very tasty.

The heads of fresh garlic selected for pickling must be dried in advance for 2 weeks. Remove the damaged husks and cloves, remove the roots, wash, put in any container, pour cold water overnight (that is, in the dark) . After soaking, you need to take out the spicy vegetable and remove the top layer of husk from it, put it in a pan where you will pickle it.


To make brine, dissolve 2 full tablespoons of salt in one liter of water and heat until hot. Pour this mixture over the garlic and leave it for a day. The next day, repeat the function again, in other words, drain the brine from the pan and add freshly prepared brine. This needs to be done once a day for 3 weeks.


After three weeks, transfer the garlic into sterilized jars and prepare the marinade: bring one liter of water to a boil, add all the spices, half a glass of salt and sugar, and grape vinegar. Boil for two minutes, cool and pour the prepared filtered marinade over the vegetable. Cover the jars with clean gauze and put them in a cold place for two weeks. Pour out the marinade, pour grape juice over the garlic and let it sit for another 5 days. The result is a good snack that can be used not only by adding it to food, but also as a completely independent savory dish.

Salted garlic in salad

As a fun way to use salted garlic, you can prepare a salad called “Salted Garlic Salad.” To make it you will need:

  • 1 canned corn;
  • can of beans;
  • 1 pack of crackers;
  • half a glass of salted garlic;
  • 150 grams of cheese;
  • mayonnaise.

Grate the cheese on a large grater or cut it into small cubes, mix with the rest of the ingredients, and season with mayonnaise. The result is a delicious salad that everyone will love.

Salting garlic is not a difficult task. Try different options, find your own recipe and delight your loved ones with fragrant crispy teeth.

How to properly salt garlic - ordinary recipes for winter preparations

Garlic is a very popular vegetable among lovers of winter pickles. It is prepared in different forms, and in the cool season it is used for making food or as an independent dish. The special snow-white vegetable is healthy, and if you preserve it correctly, most of the vitamins and microelements remain. A spicy snack in brine can be purchased at any grocery store, but true housewives always knew how to salt garlic at home.

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In modern cuisine, there are many recipes for garlic preparations for the winter. The desired vegetable is salted dry or filled with brine, pickled and prepared together with other vegetables from the garden. On the market and on home preserved shelves you can find garlic prepared:

  • whole heads;
  • teeth;
  • crushed.
  • Pickled garlic for the winter - simple recipes for quick preparations
  • Eggplants are like mushrooms - ordinary recipes for savory preparations for the winter
  • Beet tops: ordinary and tasty recipes for preparations for the winter

Dry pickling or cold preparation of vegetables is considered traditional. To store garlic in this form at home you will need a minimum of ingredients. The housewife is obliged to stock up on the required amount of vegetables and salt. Glass storage containers are also useful.

It is important to remember that it is better to salt garlic in small jars up to 1 liter.

For 100 g of garlic, usually take 30 g of salt. The vegetable heads are processed in preparation for pickling. To do this, they are peeled and the roots are trimmed, after which they are washed.

In the next step, a thin layer of salt is poured onto the bottom of the glass container and the cleaned cloves are laid out in a dense row. After that, the garlic is salted again. Laying continues in rows until the jar is one hundred percent full. The outermost layer is also sprinkled with salt, and the container is closed with a lid. It is recommended to store this product in a cool place.

You can simply prepare dry-salted and grated garlic. To do this you need 1 kg of vegetable and 300 g of salt. The garlic heads are peeled and washed. After that, the teeth are ground using any convenient method. Fans of the traditional recipe advise making this using a grater.

When the vegetable mush is ready, it is carefully mixed with salt and placed in jars. Store the workpiece in a cool, dark place.

Housewives often pickle healthy vegetables by cutting them into slices or pieces.

Pickled garlic pulp is often used to marinate lard for the winter without the use of salt.

Garlic prepared by the dry method is used as a seasoning, because if consumed raw separately, it will be very salty and spicy. So that guests can smell the freshest vegetable, you can cut it and add it to the dish just before serving.

The shelf life of garlic sprinkled with salt can be up to 2 years.

For fans of preparations in brine, there is also a suitable recipe. For this, the housewife will need the following ingredients:

  • garlic;
  • salt;
  • water.

The recipe calls for salting whole heads of vegetables, using 100 g of salt per 1 liter of water. Having removed the top layer of husk from a vegetable that has not been disassembled into teeth, it must be placed in cool water for a certain number of days. Typically, the water treatment period is 48–72 hours, and the liquid in the container is changed 2 times a day.

After the required time has passed, the vegetable heads are removed, placed in glass jars and filled with prepared cool brine. To do this, you need to boil water and dissolve salt in it. After that, let the water cool and then pour it over the garlic in the jars.

In the winter, vegetables from brine can be eaten without the help of others, because it will give the water some of its own pungency without losing its smell and beneficial characteristics.

If you have reddish or dark currants at your dacha, you can pickle the garlic in fruit juice. The preparation will require the following ingredients:

  • garlic;
  • currant juice or whole berries;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • water.

You can prepare vegetables using this method either with lightly peeled whole heads or with individual cloves. Production begins the day before the specific pickling. Whole heads are peeled from the top layer of skin and the roots are trimmed. Then the vegetable is poured with water and left to “soak” for a day.

For 2 kg of garlic take 400 g of currants, 100 g of sugar and 70 g of salt. 700 ml of cool water will also come in handy.

If ready-made currant juice is available, it is boiled and salt and sugar are added to it. If there are whole berries available, then they need to be washed, removing leaves and twigs, and filled with boiling water. Then add salt and sugar and bring the water to a boil again.

The vegetable removed from the water is washed again with running water and placed in jars. After that, it is filled with the prepared fruit liquid. Since the recipe asks for pressure on the contents of the jars, it is best to use a larger container.

It is recommended to store garlic in currant juice in a cool place.

If there are no currants, and the housewife wants to give the garlic pickle a wonderful reddish color, then you can use freshly squeezed beet juice for this. To make this recipe you will need:

  • garlic;
  • beet juice;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • water.

The required number of vegetable heads, as in the previous recipe, is peeled from the outer skin and their roots are cut off. After that, the garlic is filled with water and soaked for 24 hours.

For 2 kg of vegetables, 300 g of beet juice and 700 ml of water will be useful. 70 g of salt and 50 g of sugar will also come in handy.

The soaked garlic is washed and placed tightly in a prepared container. Sugar and salt dissolve in boiling water. When the liquid has cooled, beet juice is poured into it. After that, the brine is poured into a container with garlic.

The workpiece is pressed under pressure and removed into a cold space.

Housewives who want to vary garlic pickles and give the vegetable a new taste can use the recipe for making garlic in brine with dill.

The recipe uses cool, unboiled brine, which preserves vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and other beneficial characteristics of garlic.

For the preparation you will need:

  • garlic;
  • dill;
  • salt;
  • water.

The prepared amount of garlic crop is cleared from the soil. The tails and roots are cut off from the heads. You should also remove the top layer of husk.

The heads are placed in jars and topped with washed dill. Next, the containers are filled with cool brine. To prepare liquid for pickling, you need to dissolve 250 g of salt in 10 liters of cool water.

Filled glass containers are locked with ordinary plastic lids and removed to storage space.

In this form, the vegetable is perfectly stored even in ordinary conditions, outside the refrigerator or cellar.

Apart from pickling, vegetables can be pickled, and here the culinary imagination has no limits. The recipe for pickled garlic in soy sauce is especially popular. For this you will need:

  • garlic;
  • vinegar;
  • soy sauce.
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1 kg of peeled and washed cloves is poured into a clean jar and filled with 0.5 liters of vinegar. Garlic stays in this form for 7 days. It is better to place the jar in a black, cold space.

After the vinegar-soaked vegetable is placed in treated jars, it fills half the container. Next, 1 liter of soy sauce is boiled for 10 minutes and then poured into containers with teeth. The dark liquid must fill the jar one hundred percent to the very neck.

The blanks are rolled up with sterilized steel lids and put away in a cold black space for storage. You can conduct the first tasting of the vegetable after 21 days.

Garlic is a universally useful vegetable, because no matter what part of it can be used in winter preparations, from the arrows to the roots-heads. Whatever cooking recipe the housewife chooses, when she opens the jars in the cool season, she will enjoy the healthy and tasty product.

How to cook salted garlic heads for the winter

Salted garlic heads can be prepared according to various recipes. They differ not only in the set of ingredients, but also in the manufacturing method. If you create everything as indicated in the recipe, then such an appetizer will become the highlight of any festive table.

Rules for preparing vegetables

Salted garlic is gaining more and more popularity among housewives every year. This is a very tasty preparation that will be a good appetizer for meat, smoked meats, and borscht. Garlic can also be used as a decoration for a festive table.

Before you start making it, you need to properly prepare the vegetable. Not only its appearance, but also its taste will depend on this.

Only young garlic is used for pickling.

Preparation rules:

  • remove the thick skin from the heads, leaving the young ones;
  • thoroughly wash the vegetables under running water;
  • It is not recommended to remove the edge and tail of the head.

Vegetables should be salted in glass or wooden containers. You can also use a clay vessel. It is not recommended to make preparations in plastic containers, because garlic can lose its taste.

Salted garlic heads: traditional recipe

This method is often called “dry salting.” To make this kind of garlic you need a minimum of time and ingredients. If everything is done correctly, the finished product will not lose its taste throughout the winter. This vegetable is perfect for making various dishes.

For the preparation you will need:

  • 1 kg heads of garlic;
  • 300 g salt (iodized salt can be used).


  1. Peel the vegetables, rinse and thoroughly dry.
  2. Place a layer of salt on the bottom of pre-sterilized jars.
  3. Then start laying the garlic in balls, sprinkling with salt. Once the container is filled, you need to seal it with a lid.

Keep salted garlic in a cool place. This could be either a refrigerator (bottom shelf) or a cellar.

If salting garlic using the cool method does not lend itself to sudden temperature changes, then the vegetable can be stored for up to 2 years.

Recipe for salted garlic with lard

The dish comes out very tasty and fragrant. This recipe is often used if there is a need to use lard, which is in the refrigerator.

To prepare this garlic, you need:

  • 1 kg of fresh lard;
  • 1 kg cooked garlic heads;
  • 4 tbsp. l with a hill of salt (ordinary);
  • Bay leaf;
  • reddish, dark pepper (to taste).

Cut the lard into similar medium-sized pieces. In any of them, create small holes with a knife and fill with peeled garlic cloves.

Then combine the spices in a container. Mix everything well and grate the lard.

Place a layer of lard in a barrel or jar, and cooked garlic heads on top. Sprinkle a small amount of salt and spices on top. Then lard again and so on until the vessel is completely filled. Close the jar with a lid and place in a cool place.

You can start tasting this lard in just a week. The product is stored for 4 months.

Salted garlic cloves: regular recipe

Vegetables salted using this method do not have a strong garlic aroma. It also loses its pungency, but acquires other tastes, which depend on the selected goods.

For a 3 liter jar you will need to use:

  • cloves of young garlic;
  • 80 g small salt;
  • 1 liter of clean, cool water;
  • 3 dill umbrellas;
  • 3 medium currant leaves;
  • 1 small root of horseradish;
  • dark peppercorns – about 15 pcs.

Before salting garlic cloves, you must first peel it. Wash in cool water and dry with a cardboard towel.

Then take sterilized jars and put garlic in them along with dill, leaves and chopped horseradish.

To make brine, you need to take a pan, pour water into it, add salt and pepper. Boil and remove from heat.

Pour the slightly cooled liquid over the garlic. Close the jar tightly with a lid. After cooling completely, place the workpiece in the refrigerator.

You will be able to try the preparation in 7 days. It is recommended to store this garlic for no more than 3 months. If you want to keep the workpiece longer, then before placing it in jars, any clove should be blanched. To do this, you need to take a huge bowl or pan, put the vegetable in the container and pour boiling water over it. Keep in this state for no more than 3 minutes.

Because the contents need to be eaten as quickly as possible (no longer than a week), it is better to use small containers for pickling.

This method is also suitable for salting garlic arrows. The flower stalks turn out soft, tasty and very rich in vitamins.

Salted garlic heads are not only very tasty, but also healthy. If you follow all the proportions and tips, then the workpiece will be a true find in the kitchen. She is able to add her aftertaste to any dish and make it extraordinary. By using salted garlic, you can be sure that your guests will be satisfied with your treat.

Savory pickled garlic - video

Pickled garlic as on the market: ordinary production methods - how to pickle garlic shoots for the winter, garlic with whole heads and cloves

If you haven't tried pickled garlic, then you've missed out on almost everything in life. This simple dish is so tasty and healthy that you just have to correct the mistake and, using the recipes in our article, try to pickle the fragrant spicy vegetable yourself.

Selection and preparation of main ingredients

You can ferment not only whole heads of garlic, but also individual cloves, as well as greenish garlic shoots, which our gardeners get rid of by unknowingly disposing of them on compost heaps.

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The greenish part of garlic (arrows) is usually cut out in late June early July. To use the arrows for culinary purposes, they are rinsed with water, and then the soft part of the rich greenish color is cut with kitchen scissors or a knife. It is better not to use the yellowed parts of the arrows, because they are quite hard.

If you plan to salt the heads of garlic completely, then you need to choose only the freshest onions, those whose scales have not yet dried. The heads are freed from the root lobe and the flowering tube is trimmed so that the vegetable fits most compactly into the curing container. Before fermentation, the heads are soaked in cool water for an hour. This is done so that the outer skin simply comes off. Only the top covering of the onion is removed, leaving the cloves “captured” by the thin skin.

If the garlic is not completely fresh, then it is best to slow down on fermenting individual cloves. The teeth are separated from the bottom and painstakingly cleaned. With all this, they should be quite juicy.

Recipes for pickling garlic

The most delicious garlic arrows - winter preparation

For this recipe, garlic and dill are useful. A clear quantity is not regulated - how much there is. One dill umbrella and garlic arrows, cut to arbitrary trim, are placed in unstained jars.

Next, cook the marinade. In 1.5 liters of water, 100 grams of salt and sugar are carefully dissolved. After boiling for five minutes, the liquid is cooled, and then the jars are filled with it so that the vegetable is completely immersed in the brine. The jars are covered with a lid, but not screwed on, and left on the table at room temperature for 5-8 days. It is advisable to place the containers in a basin or large dish, because during fermentation some of the brine may run out. What is a damp table for you? For this reason, the level of the marinade is constantly monitored and, as necessary, either ordinary boiled water or the remnants of the original prepared solution, which has been stored in the refrigerator all this time, are added.

After about a week, the brine from the jars is poured into a saucepan, brought to a boil and returned. Seal the preservation with sterile lids. Pickled garlic arrows do not require leisurely cooling under a blanket.

We invite you to look at the page with photo recipes for salting garlic arrows and pickling green garlic with seed arrows.

Whole heads

The marinade is prepared from 1 liter of water and 2 tablespoons of salt. After boiling, turn off the heating of the stove and allow the pouring to cool completely.

Place peppercorns (possibly aromatic) in a clean jar - 6-8 peas, an umbrella of dill and 2 dark currant leaves. You can add cherry leaves, but this is optional.

Selected heads of garlic are placed in a dense layer in a jar, trying to allow as few voids as possible. The top of the pickle is covered with a thick layer of dill. Cover the container with a lid and leave to ferment in a warm place for 10 days. If necessary, add brine. The best option is to add the same salt substance, and not simply boiled water.

After the lactic acid bacteria have done their job, remove the resulting foam on the surface with a spoon. The jars are covered with plastic lids and stored in the refrigerator.

The creator of the video from the Zinaida-Echo channel claims that his recipe for pickling whole garlic bulbs is the most accurate

Pickling garlic cloves with vinegar

For the marinade, 45 grams of salt are dissolved in 900 milliliters of water. After the solution boils, add 45 ml of vinegar of 9% strength. The brine is allowed to cool thoroughly before use.

Garlic cloves, freed from skins, are placed in a jar, to the bottom of which a horseradish leaf has been added. Place an umbrella of dill on the cloves and fill the contents of the jars with marinade.

The fermentation process should begin at room temperature. To do this, cover the jars with lids and leave them warm for 2 weeks. After this, the workpiece is tightly closed and put in the refrigerator. After another week, salted garlic can be served.

With beet juice

Garlic turns out very beautiful if it is fermented in beet juice. With all this, the taste of the vegetable becomes softer and more unique.

So, for the marinade, take 1 kilogram of the freshest juicy beets. Root vegetables are cleaned and passed through a meat grinder. Add 2 glasses of water to the vegetable puree, and then carefully filter the mass through cheesecloth. Beet pulp is now used to make soups.

The purchased juice is diluted with water so that the total size of the water is 1 liter. Then add 70 grams of salt and 50 grams of sweet sand and bring everything to a boil.

Only whole garlic onions are salted in this way. They are laid out in jars in a dense layer. If desired, add peppercorns (5-6 grains) and bay leaves. Pour the cooled marinade over the garlic. The fermentation process begins quite quickly and lasts for 10-14 days. After this, the winter preparation is covered with lids and stored in a cold space.

We invite you to carefully study the video from the 1st Suburban channel about pickling garlic cloves in beetroot sauce

With beet slices

To tint the beet brine, you don’t necessarily have to bother with a meat grinder and gauze. You can use beets cut into slices for this. The main thing is that the root vegetable is fresh and juicy. Beet slices can be added to jars of garlic, pickled according to any of the recipes listed above. Unless salted garlic arrows get the desired effect from adding beet cloves to the marinade.

Spicy pickling

The addition of herbs and spices is also purely personal. The composition of the brine and the manufacturing method can be chosen at any time.

Those who like it spicier add hot peppers, whole or in slices, to jars of garlic. A sprig of basil, tarragon or rosemary adds a fascinating taste to the preparation. Cherry or bird cherry leaves help add special notes. The horseradish leaf imparts crunchiness to the peeled wedges and a subtle flavor. Also don't forget the parsley. It is added both in the form of greens and in the form of slices of fragrant roots.

By the way, on our website there are noteworthy recipes for pickling herbs, for example, sorrel and dill.

Storage rules

Housewives usually don’t make very many of these preparations, so the point of preserving jars disappears. Pickled garlic, closed with ordinary nylon or screw-shaped lids, is perfectly stored in the refrigerator or cellar for 2 - 3 months. And if you occasionally add a saline solution to the jar (20 grams of salt per 1 liter of water), then the shelf life of the product can be significantly increased.

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