TOP 16 ordinary and delicious recipes for making lemon jam for the winter

TOP 16 ordinary and delicious recipes for making lemon jam for the winter

Tender, amber, with a pleasant sourness, the dessert will decorate any tea party on cool winter evenings. Making lemon jam is not an easy process, but in the end we get not only a tasty, but also a healthy treat. Lemon contains a huge amount of valuable macro- and microelements and vitamins. They help strengthen the immune system, normalize heart function, participate in hematopoiesis and perform other functions in the body.

The subtleties of making lemon jam for the winter

It’s easy to prepare such a delicacy, the main thing is to observe certain subtleties:

  • Citrus fruits must be soaked in boiling water to remove bitterness;
  • to eliminate bitterness, you can remove the zest and soak it separately;
  • It is recommended to remove the bones inside;
  • if the snow-white layer under the skin is thick, it needs to be cut off;
  • It is necessary to apply a thin layer of zest, as it gives a rich taste and catchy color;
  • readiness is checked by testing: put a small amount of mixture on a saucer; if it thickens quickly when cooling, the jam is ready.

Product selection

The properties, concentration and taste of the finished dessert depend on the correctly selected lemon fruits:

  • the fruits must be whole, without signs of spoilage;
  • the skin should not be thick, the thicker the skin, the more bitterness and the longer it will have to be soaked, or completely removed;
  • do not use fruits with wrinkled skin;
  • the fruits should be hard, softness indicates not freshness, they will not be juicy.

Preparing containers

The success of the workpiece depends not only on manufacturing, but also on the correct preparation of the container. Containers must be without chips on the neck, unstained, sterilized and dry. If they contain water, the jam will spoil and ferment.

  • in the oven;
  • in the microwave;
  • there may be boiling;
  • over the steam.

The best recipes

The uniqueness of this dessert is that a huge number of new exciting delicacies are prepared on the basis of the basic version. Spices, fruits, oranges, and ginger are added to it.

Frisky recipe

To get jam you need:

  • lemon – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 130 ml;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram.

  1. Peel the lemons with a brush. Boil for 5 minutes.
  2. Cut into slices or cubes, as desired.
  3. Boil syrup from water and sugar, add citrus fruits, simmer for 30-40 minutes. Add vanilla if desired.
  4. Check readiness by placing a little on a plate.
  5. Place in prepared container and close.

Lemon jam with pieces of fruit

For contrast, you can use strawberries, currants, apples, pears, plums, pineapples, mangoes, and physalis.

The jam is cooked according to the scheme indicated above. Add pieces of fruit 15 minutes before the end of cooking.

Recipe for meat grinder

Making jam using a meat grinder will allow you to get a homogeneous mixture of jam. The set of components used is the same as in the recipe. Additionally, you can use cinnamon and vanilla.

  1. Soak lemons in boiling water for 10 minutes. Cut, remove the seeds and twist.
  2. Add the indicated amount of sugar.
  3. Boil for half an hour and pour into jars.

With added water

A traditional set of ingredients is used.

  1. Soak lemons in boiling water for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut into thin wheels, add a liter of water and leave for 10 hours.
  3. Boil for a quarter of an hour, add sugar and continue cooking for about an hour. During this period of time, the liquid will evaporate and the slices will become transparent.

From lemon juice

The jam from the juice will be transparent, with a sunny tint.

  1. Wash, cut and pass 1 kilogram of lemons through a juicer.
  2. Place the cake in gauze (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) , it will be in the juice during the cooking process. The substances in the skin allow the mass to thicken faster.
  3. Pour 1.2 kilograms of sugar into the juice and cook for half an hour.
  4. Take out the bag with the cake and pour the mixture into the prepared container.

With zest

When prepared, jam with skin looks like candied fruit. A traditional set of components is used.

  1. Separate the skin and soak for an hour in cool water. Drain the liquid and soak again.
  2. Cut the skin into cubes, add sugar and boil for 10 minutes.
  3. Grind the lemons in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Place on the skin and simmer for another quarter of an hour. Divide into jars.

No cooking

This jam is called “Vitaminka”. Not only a tasty, but also incredibly healthy dish. The absence of heat treatment will allow you to preserve maximum vitamins.

  1. Soak a kilogram of lemons in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Drain the liquid and dry it. The fruits must be one hundred percent dry, otherwise the jam will ferment.
  2. Grind through a meat grinder and add 1.5 kilograms of sugar. Let it sit for a quarter of an hour, stirring occasionally, until it dissolves. Place in a sterilized, dry container and store in the refrigerator.

With oranges

Oranges will give lemon jam brightness, flavor and richness.

  • orange – 450 gr;
  • lemon – 450 gr;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram.

  1. Wash citrus fruits. Remove the skin from the oranges. Cut into slices, remove seeds. Add sugar.
  2. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons with your hands. Pour over oranges.
  3. Cut the squeezed lemons into strips, add a liter of water, boil for 5 minutes, drain the liquid, add again and cook for half an hour.
  4. Using a sieve, drain the liquid from the lemons into the oranges. Boil for half an hour and beat with a blender.
  5. Cut the orange zest into narrow strips or small cubes, place in the lemon-orange mixture and cook for another quarter of an hour.
  6. Place into prepared container.

With ginger

Lemon and ginger are a combination that is not only tasty, but also healthy.

  • lemons – 1 kilogram;
  • ginger – 230 gr;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram.
  1. Squeeze juice from 1 lemon, boil the others for 10 minutes.
  2. Cut into pieces, remove the seeds and beat with a blender. Pour out the prepared juice.
  3. Add sugar and boil for half an hour.
  4. Peel the ginger, grate and add to the lemon. Boil for another 10 minutes, put into jars.

With oranges and ginger

Lemon-ginger jam with oranges is prepared according to the previous recipe. Cut 450 grams of oranges into pieces, beat with a blender together with the oranges. Increase the amount of sugar by 200 g.

With cinnamon and vanilla

Jam with spices has a special delicate taste. If desired, you can use only vanilla. The jam is prepared according to a quick recipe. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 5-7 grams of vanilla and half a cinnamon stick.

With gelatin

If the housewife is unsure whether the mass will gel, you can use gelatin. Jam is prepared according to any of the proposed recipes.

  1. For the indicated quantity of goods you need 15 grams of gelatin. You need to fill it with 100 milliliters of water and wait until it swells.
  2. At the end of cooking, place in hot jam and boil for 2-3 minutes. Divide into jars.

With kiwi, bananas and orange

This jam is prepared according to the recipe with oranges. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add 2 kiwis and 2 bananas, whipped in a blender.

With nutmeg

Nutmeg will give the jam a special piquancy. The taste is not for everyone, but it’s worth trying. It is prepared according to the recipe with vanilla and cinnamon, you just need to add 5 grams of nutmeg.

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In the bread machine

This assistant will quickly and without any hassle make a beautiful, delicious dessert. The set of components is according to the traditional quick recipe.

  1. Boil the lemons for 10 minutes, cut into small slices, and place in a bread maker.
  2. Add the indicated amount of sugar and set the desired mode. If this is not the case, set a mode that requires production for 1.5 hours.
  3. Place the finished jam into jars.

Recipe for confiture in a slow cooker

The set of components can be used from any recipe; the main secret is that the multicooker will make this jam without wasting the housewife’s time and effort.

  1. Boil lemons for 10 minutes. Finely chop and place in a multicooker bowl.
  2. Add sugar and wait half an hour until the juice separates.
  3. Set the “Baking” mode for 1 hour at 120 o.
  4. Place the prepared jam into jars.

Dessert storage

Hermetically sealed containers are stored in room conditions for a year, in black, cold rooms - up to 2 years. “Vitaminka” - jam without cooking - is stored only in the refrigerator, for no more than six months.

How to make delicious and healthy lemon jam at home

Lemon jam is a treat made from peeled lemons without being peeled from time to time. If you eat a spoonful of jam at least once every few days, the body will better absorb calcium and iron, and the digestive system will be normalized.

The beneficial properties of lemon jam are based on its composition. It contains a lot of vitamin C, which is a natural antiseptic and antioxidant. Also, for the purpose of preventing ARVI and after therapy (therapy is a process to relieve or eliminate the symptoms and manifestations of the disease) with antibiotics, it is recommended to eat jam. The delicacy is indicated for people with low stomach acidity (it increases it perfectly).

Lemon jam removes waste and toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) from the human body. This product is also used in dietetics, as it speeds up the metabolic process and does not contain fat. The energy value of jam (in 100 grams) is 200 kilocalories.

Although the delicacy is very healthy, it should be eaten within reasonable limits. People who suffer from frequent allergic rashes are not better off consuming dessert in large quantities.

Lemon jam contains citric acid, which has a bad effect on tooth enamel, so if a person has sensitive teeth, he should not include this food in his diet. It is necessary to give up jam if you have diseases: pancreatitis, stomach ulcers, gastritis and sore throat.

Recipe for lemon jam with zest

Lemon jam with zest is an unusual recipe that is popular and prepared by almost all housewives. The cooking process will take about 3 hours. The result is 3 liters of rich jam.

For production you will need:

  • 2 liters of unsullied water;
  • 2 kilograms of sweet sand;
  • 1.5 kg of ripe lemons.

First you need to rinse the lemons and dry them with a towel. Then the lemon zest is removed and cut into strips or grated on a large grater.

Next, cut the lemons in half and squeeze the juice into the container in which the delicacy will be cooked. Water and sugar are poured into the juice and crushed zest is added.

The snow-white lemon peel and seeds should be placed in a bag, tied and placed in the pan in which the dessert will be prepared (but this is optional). Next you need to turn on medium heat and bring the brew to a boil. Cooking duration is 1-3 hours.

The container must not be covered with a lid. During production, the contents of the container will decrease by 2 times.

The readiness of the jam is checked as follows: a few drops of sweetness must be dripped onto the plate; when turning the dish in different directions, the dessert must maintain its structure. This recipe for lemon jam is very simple, despite the ease of making it, the result is a very tasty lemon jam mass.

Lemon jam with peel

Lemon jam with peel takes an hour and a half to prepare. Ingredients that will be useful in the manufacturing process: 4 huge lemons, 1 liter of water, half a kilogram of sweet sand. First you need to rinse the lemons and wipe them dry. This can be created using a cardboard towel.

Grate the zest of 3 lemons into a bowl. Peel the remaining lemon, chop it and add it to the zest.

Add 250 ml of water to the zest and peel in a saucepan and light the gas (medium heat). The contents of the cooking container should boil after 10 minutes.

The next step of production is the disassembly of lemons into segments; to obtain a tasty and fragrant lemon jam at home, you only need the pulp of the fruit. Place the pulp with one glass of sweet sand in a food processor and beat well. After this procedure, drain the water from the zest and shavings and beat the contents of the combine again for 10 minutes.

Repeated whipping is necessary so that the jam does not become bitter.

The next step is to add the lemon-sugar mixture from the food processor to the zest and shavings. The remaining sugar and water are also added to the pan. The ingredients are mixed with a wooden spoon, the saucepan is placed on the fire. Cooking duration is 45-60 minutes. The finished delicacy must be thick, catchy and boiled down.

The dessert can be poured into beautiful containers or containers and eaten with toast. The jam mixture will perfectly decorate breakfast, because bread spread with such sweetness will not make even a single person feel phlegmatic.

Lemon-orange jam

Lemon and orange jam is a sweetness that is impossible to tear yourself away from. It is also called amber because of its beautiful rich color. For one person, the following will be useful for making jam:

  • 3 medium sized oranges;
  • 3 huge lemons;
  • 1-1.5 kg of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon vanillin;
  • 1 cinnamon stick (you can just use crushed cinnamon).

1st step. It is necessary to remove the zest from the oranges, but do not throw them away, as they will be useful later.

2nd step. Oranges should be cut into 6-8 parts and the seeds removed. Fragrant fruits are covered with sweet sand and left for 1.5-2 hours. This is necessary so that the oranges release as much juice as possible.

The 3rd manufacturing step begins after 2 hours. Squeeze the juice out of the lemons and remove the seeds. Freshly squeezed juice is poured over chopped oranges.

Next you need to cut the lemons into strips and put them in a saucepan, fill them with water and bring to a boil. After boiling, after 3-5 minutes, you need to drain all the water and pour in fresh water (1 liter).

Draining the water and pouring new water is necessary so that the sweetness does not become bitter.

Cooking will take from 1 to 1.5 hours until the lemon peels are soft.

The next step is to strain the lemon juice into the oranges. Cinnamon and vanillin are added. Only now you need to start boiling the oranges for one and a half to two hours. The sweet mass should be reduced by half.

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The last step of cooking: you need to take out a cinnamon stick (in case a stick was thrown into the seasoning space) and chop the oranges in a food processor. Orange zest should be cut into strips and added to the jam mixture.

The last time we bring the finished goodness to a boil and turn off the gas. The finished product can be placed in glass jars and stored in the refrigerator. When preparing lemon jam with love, a recipe with a photo will help you not to make mistakes in the manufacturing steps and create everything correctly.

What can you eat lemon jam with?

Jam from lemons and other fruits or dried fruits can be added to various dishes, complementing them and adding sophistication to their taste. The lemony jammy sweetness blends perfectly with the homemade pancakes and pancakes. Jam can become the insides for the frogs.

Lemon jam with ginger is not only necessary in the cool season, but also special. It can serve as a dressing for fruit salad and create the most richness of it. Options with which you can eat the delicacy: with waffles, diet bread, croutons, buns without inside, bagels, rye bread croutons.

Jam made from juicy lemons will become the delightful interior of baked yeast products. Homemade scones and pies are rich, fluffy and smell wonderful.

For those losing weight, natural products containing a minimum of fat should form part of the diet. Jam made from freshly squeezed fruits will fit perfectly into your diet and will bring great benefits.

Lemon jam


Lemons (large) – 5 pcs.

  • 192 kcal
  • 50 min.
  • 5 minutes.
  • 55 min.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

I absolutely love dark tea with lemon, but one setback is that often the citrus fruit turns sour in the refrigerator and loses its attractiveness. You have to get the newest lemon, etc. At one time I tried to layer lemon slices with sugar or honey in a jar, and even this preparation is stored for no more than a week, later acquiring a bitter aftertaste. And here I found a recipe for lemon jam - a luxurious dessert that can be added not only to tea, coffee, lemonades, fruit drinks, but also used as insides for pies, buns and other baked goods.

The delicacy is stored well in the cellar, basement, and pantry at the highest temperature. The most important thing is that you will always have a supply of lemon jam, even in the summer, when citrus fruits are sold at the highest prices in hypermarkets. By the way, I recommend preparing canned food in the winter, closer to the New Year. Do not buy lemons with darkened skin; choose only the freshest, juiciest fruits.

So, prepare the necessary ingredients and let's start cooking!

Scald the citrus fruits with boiling water for a few seconds, but not too much, otherwise the peel will begin to taste bitter. Cut in half and remove all the seeds with a knife. You can cut it smaller if that is more convenient for you.

Pass the lemon tenderloin through a meat grinder using the small mesh attachment.

Cover the mixture with sweet sand. Stir gently and leave for 30 minutes so that the sugar can dissolve in the lemon juice.

Place the mixture into a cauldron or saucepan with a non-stick bottom, add a little hot water and heat to a boil, placing the container on the stove.

Then turn down the heat and simmer for about 10 minutes, turn off and let cool. As the lemons cool, they will draw in the syrup and the jam will become clearer.

Puree it with an immersion blender.

Place on the stove and heat again, immediately sterilizing the jars and lids.

Place the bubbling lemon jam into hot jars and immediately seal with hot screw-on or turnkey lids. Out of the entire size of the goods, I got two 0.25 liter containers of jam.

Lemon jam: a recipe for making it at home

Even kids know what lemon tastes like and that it helps to quickly cope with flu and colds. Meanwhile, this bright yellow fruit can be not only sour, but also sweet if you make jam on its base. It has a beautiful, sunny color, a pleasant taste and can bring great benefits to the body. In our article we will present recipes for lemon jam. But first, let's talk about the properties of this citrus fruit.

The benefits and harms of lemons

India is considered the birthplace of citrus fruits, specifically the area at the foot of the Himalayas, as well as Southeast Asia. A suitable warm and damp climate allows lemons to bloom and bear fruit 2-3 times a year. From India, this plant spread to European areas, and now it can be seen even on home balconies.

The composition of lemons can safely be called unique. The yellowish fruits contain a large amount of vitamins (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, A, B1, B2, D and P, also pectin, bioflavonoids, organic acids, essential oils. The seeds of the plant contain fatty oil and the bitter substance limonin. The high content of essential (lemon) oil explains the pleasant and immediately pungent smell of the zest. The calorie content of 100 grams of fruit is only 16 kcal.

What are the benefits and harms of lemons for the body? Several more fundamental points need to be emphasized:

  1. The fruits have a pronounced disinfectant effect. Lemon juice is recommended to be consumed to prevent atherosclerosis (atherosclerosis is a chronic disease of the arteries of the elastic and muscular-elastic type) , urolithiasis, metabolic disorders, and hemorrhoids. You can add it to tea or salad dressing.
  2. Lemon juice will also be useful for inflammatory diseases of the mouth and pharynx. It is enough to ensure constant rinsing with a substance prepared from 120 ml of water and the juice of half a lemon.
  3. The yellowish citrus fruit provokes appetite, improves digestion, helps lower cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  4. Lemon zest often helps with the onset of a sore throat. Both essential oils and citric acid found in the skin have a beneficial effect on the inflamed mucous membranes of the larynx.
  5. Lemons are used for vitamin deficiency, viral and infectious diseases, salt deposits and rheumatism.
  6. Lemon peel is excellent for treating headaches (an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential tissue damage or described in terms of such damage) .

This citrus fruit is recommended for use for heart disease and for pregnant women to include in their diet.

How to make lemon jam?

The recipe below has Portuguese roots. A similar delicacy can also be made from lime or orange. The same recipe uses only lemon with sugar and a little water. From 10 ripe fruits with a total weight of 1.5 kg, approximately 3 liters of very tasty jelly come out.

Lemon jam at home is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Using a small sharp knife, remove the yellowish skin from the lemons and cut them into narrow strips.
  2. The peeled fruits are cut in half.
  3. The juice is squeezed out using a juicer or manually.
  4. The zest and lemon juice are placed in a saucepan and filled with water (2 l).
  5. The snow-white skin and seeds are folded into 2 layers of gauze or a nylon bag. The bag is tightened and lowered into a pan with water and juice.
  6. The contents of the pan are brought to a boil and, without covering with a lid, the compote is cooked for 1-3 hours. During this period of time, the amount of water must decrease by 2 times.
  7. Remove the bag, let it cool slightly and carefully squeeze it with your hands over the pan. Now you can safely throw it away.
  8. Add sugar (2 kg) to the saucepan with lemon compote and continue cooking the jam over medium heat for 20 minutes.
  9. Place the contents of the pan into sterilized jars. Hot jam will be watery, and after cooling it will become thick. It is recommended to store jars in the refrigerator.
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Savory lemon treat in a slow cooker

The main advantage of this manufacturing method is that you don’t have to worry at all about the possible jam burning to the bottom of the pan. In general, the jelly-like dessert turns out just as tasty, but there is much less hassle with it.

Step by step, lemon jam is prepared in a slow cooker in a certain sequence:

  1. Rinse the ripe fruits (6 pcs.), thoroughly, place in a bowl and pour boiling water over them for 2 minutes.
  2. Cut the lemons with the skin into thin slices, immediately removing the seeds.
  3. Place the slices in a multicooker bowl and add water (1.2 ml).
  4. Turn on the “Multi-cook” program and select the cooking time 160°. As soon as the water in the bowl boils, the temperature should be reduced to 130° and continue to cook the lemons for another 50 minutes.
  5. Pour sugar (1.2 kg) into a bowl. Continue cooking the jam for another 1 hour at the same temperature.
  6. Place the delicacy in sterilized jars, roll it up with a can opener and wrap it in a blanket. Leave the jars in a warm place until they cool completely.

Lemon jam with ginger

Eating this jelly is a good way to support your own immunity. The recipe for lemon jam with ginger lists cinnamon as one of the ingredients. Meanwhile, if desired, this spice can be omitted.

Step by step, lemon and ginger jam is prepared in the following sequence:

  1. Ripe citrus fruits (1 kg) are peeled and cut into slices. You should try to cut off the snow-white part of the lemon.
  2. Ginger (50 g) cut into small cubes.
  3. Place lemon slices and ginger in a saucepan and add sugar. Add ground cinnamon and vanilla if desired. Throw the lemons in the pan for 1 hour so that they release their juice.
  4. Turn on the stove. Place the pan over medium heat, bring the lemons with juice and sugar to a boil. Cook the jam for no more than 5 minutes. Remove the pan from the heat and cool.
  5. Repeat the function two more times. Thanks to leisurely cooking and complete cooling, the jam will acquire an amber color and become thick. It is recommended to store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator.

Lemon jam without cooking

In order to preserve the maximum of vitamins and essential substances contained in citrus fruits, it is not recommended to heat them. Therefore, in the following recipe, the jam will be prepared without cooking. For such sweetness, only two ingredients are needed: lemon and sugar.

To make jam, 500 g of lemons must be thoroughly washed and placed in a bowl. Then citrus fruits are poured with boiling water for 1 minute. This will get rid of wax on the surface of the fruit. After this, any lemon is cut into several parts and twisted in a meat grinder.

Sugar (1 kg) is added to the resulting mass. The sweet lemon mixture is mixed and placed in jars. This jam can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks. To increase shelf life, the lemon mass will need to be boiled with sugar for several minutes.

British lemon jam for breakfast

A sandwich with this jelly-like dessert will provide you with healthy vitamins and give you a good mood for the whole day. The recipe for lemon jam for breakfast is as follows:

  1. Carefully wash citrus fruits (2 pcs.), pour over boiling water and cut into several pieces.
  2. Place the lemons in a blender, add a glass of sugar and a raw egg. Grind the ingredients until smooth.
  3. Add 100 g of soft butter to the lemon mixture. Place the jam in a saucepan and place it on the heat for a few minutes to melt the butter. Cool the lemon mixture, transfer it to a glass jar, and in the afternoon you can serve it for breakfast.

Lemon jam with gelatin

This delicacy resembles jelly in its mixture. It comes out very tasty and fragrant. The lemon jam recipe consists of several steps:

  1. Remove the zest from ripe citrus fruits (4-5 pieces) using a grater.
  2. Lemons are cut and divided into slices. If possible, remove all the bitter film from them and cut them into small pieces.
  3. Place the zest and pulp into a saucepan and sprinkle sugar (300 g) on ​​top.
  4. Cook the lemon mixture over low heat for 30 minutes.
  5. At this time, soak a pack of gelatin (8 g) in 100 ml of cool water.
  6. Pour the swollen gelatin into the lemon jam. Warm the mixture for one minute and transfer to a jar.

Lemon and nutmeg dessert

At home, you can prepare a good remedy for colds and flu prevention. Lemon jam, according to the recipe given below, is not actually cooked, which means that vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) are not actually destroyed in it. In addition, it is an excellent addition to any pastries, pancakes and pancakes.

Making jam is very simple if you follow a certain procedure:

  1. Lemons (2 pcs.) are cut into small pieces so that all the seeds can be removed without effort.
  2. Grind the fruits in a meat grinder.
  3. Sprinkle the resulting mass with sugar (400 g) and leave it in this form for a day so that the lemons release their juice.
  4. Place the pan on the stove, add a pinch of nutmeg.
  5. Bring the lemon mixture to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  6. Now the confiture can be poured into jars.

Making Tips

The following tips will help you make delicious and delicious lemon jam:

  1. The longer the heat treatment of sweets, the longer it can be stored, but the less vitamins are retained in it.
  2. For jam, it is recommended to take specifically ripe lemons, which have a lot of juice and not a lot of bitterness. Compared to unripe fruits, they weigh slightly more.
  3. Before grinding lemons in a meat grinder, you must remove the seeds from them. Otherwise, a nasty bitterness will be felt in the finished jam.
  4. The taste of the jelly will be most special if you add cinnamon or nutmeg to it.

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