Pizza with tomatoes and cheese

Pizza with tomatoes and cheese

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Pizza with tomatoes and cheese is an option that is considered traditional in the Apennines. There’s nothing superfluous about this kind of pizza; the recipe for pizza with tomatoes and cheese is ascetic, but it turns out indescribably delicious!

Manufacturing Description:


  • Dry active yeast - 1/6 teaspoon
  • Warm boiled water – 250 ml
  • Flour - 375 G
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon
  • Olive oil - 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Tomato sauce - 150 G (other options: ketchup, tomato paste, store-bought pizza sauce, etc.)
  • Cheese - 250 G (preferably mozzarella)
  • Tomatoes - 2-3 pieces

Number of servings: 2-4

How to cook “Pizza with tomatoes and cheese”

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Pizza with tomatoes and cheese

Italians, lovers of delicious food, have come up with a huge number of wonderful dishes, but none of them can be compared with pizza. This particular truly divine masterpiece amazed the whole world with its simplicity of production, appetizing and variety. Luxurious yeast or unleavened dough, different interiors, and sauces are always perfectly mixed in this culinary treasure. Now we are pleased to present for you this particular dish - pizza with tomatoes and cheese !

Ingredients for making pizza with tomatoes and cheese


  1. 200 g wheat flour for dough and 2-3 pinches for rolling out
  2. Sugar 30 gr
  3. Butter 150 g for dough and 1 tablespoon for greasing
  4. Chicken egg 1 piece


  1. Tomatoes 6–8 pieces
  2. Garlic 3–4 cloves
  3. Mayonnaise 4 tablespoons
  4. Cheese 80 gr
  5. Fresh parsley (greens) to taste
  6. Fresh dill (greens) to taste
  7. Ground dark pepper to taste
  8. Salt to taste

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Kitchen board - 2 pieces, Chopping knife - 2 pieces, Deep bowl, Sieve with a small net, Plastic cling film, Refrigerator, Paper kitchen towels, Bowl - 3 pieces, Grater, Deep plate, Non-stick baking sheet or pizza pan with a diameter of 33–36 cm, Rolling pin, Oven, Oven mitts, Plate

Making pizza with tomatoes and cheese:

Step 1: prepare the dough.

Step 2: prepare products for the inside.

Step 3: form pizza with tomatoes and cheese.

Step 4: bake pizza with tomatoes and cheese.

Step 5: Serve the pizza with tomatoes and cheese.

Tips for the recipe:

– together with dill and parsley, you can add finely chopped celery, basil, green onions or spinach;

– the set of spices is not essential; quite often it is supplemented with dried basil, thyme, oregano, allspice and other spices;

– from time to time, instead of ordinary tomatoes, they use cherry or cream (variety), but the best option is reddish tomatoes with dense walls and fat pulp, which have less juice;

– perfect substitute for butter – premium margarine;

– if desired, the filling can be supplemented with any canned or pickled vegetables, for example corn, hot peppers, cucumbers, black olives;

– the manufacturing process can be simplified if, instead of homemade dough, you use store-bought yeast or ready-made shortcakes, the use of which is indicated in the instructions.

Pizza with tomatoes and cheese: recipe for making

One of the most beloved dishes in the world, in its traditional form, is a flatbread of dough covered with tomatoes and cheese. In fact, there are quite a lot of options for pizza interiors, but tomatoes and cheese form the basis of most of them. How to make pizza with tomatoes and cheese at home? We will look carefully at the most popular recipes for this dish in our article.

The individuality of making a delicious pizza with cheese and tomatoes

Even in the birthplace of pizza, Naples, there is no one true recipe for making pizza. Some people believe that the secret to a delicious pizza lies in the insides. The rest adhere to the idea that the main thing is to learn how to create the right dough. Below are the details of how to make a delicious pizza with tomatoes and cheese:

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  1. It is better to use special pizza flour. It contains finely ground hard and soft wheat. Flour has good elasticity, the finished dough does not tear when stretched, and when baked, a crispy crust appears on it.
  2. For the pizza to taste harmonious, the thickness of the inside and crust must be approximately the same (the inside may be slightly larger). The dough layer must be rolled out very thinly, no thicker than 2 mm. But the edges of pizza can be up to 8 mm.
  3. Pizza dough is stretched only with your hands, and it is strictly not recommended to use a rolling pin. This will preserve the structure of the dough and the air bubbles inside it.
  4. The pizza interior doesn't have to be very moist. This is necessary so as not to soak the narrow layer of dough and tear it.
  5. Real pizza should be in the oven for no more than 12 minutes.

Homemade pizza with tomatoes and cheese: recipe

The dish can be prepared using yeast dough or unleavened dough, without adding yeast. It all depends on what kind of base you want to create - very narrow or thickest.

Homemade pizza with tomatoes and cheese according to the recipe below is prepared from yeast dough made using dry active yeast. In total, from the ingredients indicated in the recipe, you can prepare two huge pizzas (26 cm in diameter).

After the designated time, divide the dough into 2 parts and form each into a ball. Throw them under a towel to rest, and in the meantime prepare the filling. Make a puree from tomatoes (3 pcs.), having previously blanched them and removed the seeds. To prevent the inside from becoming too moist, the tomatoes must be boiled to a thick mixture in a frying pan along with onions and garlic. Cut mushrooms (3 pcs.) into thin slices, grate three types of cheese (parmesan, mozzarella, feta). Then place the ball of dough on a cutting board, flatten it slightly and with your fingertips begin to stretch it from the center to the edges until it becomes quite narrow. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes, then stretch it again to a suitable size.

Grease the prepared dough layer with oil. Then put tomato puree, cheese and mushrooms with herbs (optional) on it. Bake for no more than 14 minutes in an oven preheated to 230 degrees. From the cutting board, transfer the raw pizza dough only to a hot baking sheet. 2 minutes before the end of cooking, you can sprinkle the dish with cheese again.

Italian pizza with tomatoes and mozzarella

This recipe is used to prepare real Italian Margherita pizza. The dough for it is made according to the previous recipe or any other, including yeast-free or puff pastry. If you purchased it chilled at the store, then before you start rolling it out, you need to let it rest on the table for half an hour.

The pizza interior is prepared very simply and quickly. To do this, one large tomato is blanched and pureed. You can also cut it into rings or cubes. This won't make the pizza taste any worse. Then put the puree on a layer of dough stretched by hand, add mozzarella (150 g) and basil. Pizza with tomatoes and cheese is baked on a hot stone for 8 minutes at 260 degrees. Bon appetit!

Pizza in the oven with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

For this pizza recipe, you will need two layers of dough prepared according to a homemade recipe. They need to be allowed to lie slightly on the table, and then stretched with your hands from the center to the edges, pressing in some places with your palm. The thickness of the cake in the center should be approximately 3 mm, and the edges - up to 8 mm.

For the inside, you need to prepare tomato sauce from new tomatoes. To do this, blanch the tomatoes (350 g) and then puree them. Then fry the garlic (1 clove), onion (½ head) and puree in olive oil, adding dried basil (1 teaspoon), salt and pepper. Keep on the stove until the sauce becomes thick. Place the finished chilled sauce on a layer of dough, then spread salami (50 g), cherry tomatoes (120 g) and cheese (130 g) over it. Bake for 15 minutes at 230 degrees.

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The recipe for pizza with sausage, cheese and tomatoes can be improved to your own taste by adjusting the amount of ingredients. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount of sauce, otherwise the pizza will turn out very juicy and the dough will tear.

Pizza recipe with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese

To make this dish, yeast dough made with water and yeast is more suitable. But for the inside, you will need to fry mushrooms (0.5 kg) in vegetable oil in one frying pan, and in another - onions (1 head), tomatoes (3 pcs.) and garlic (3 cloves) until a thick mixture. After the mushrooms and sauce are ready, they need to be cooled.

While the inside is cooling, you need to preheat the oven and prepare a layer of dough. Then you need to put tomato and onion sauce, mushrooms and at least some grated cheese (150 g) on ​​it. Pizza with mushrooms, tomatoes and cheese is baked for 13 minutes at 220 degrees. Let it cool slightly and you can cut it into portions.

Step-by-step preparation of pizza with minced meat, tomatoes and cheese

There are two main methods for making pizza with minced meat. In the first case, raw minced meat is used as the inside, and in the 2nd case, twisted and fried meat is used. The layer of dough (yeast, puff pastry or unleavened) should be thicker than in the traditional version, so that the languid interior does not tear the narrow crust.

Pizza with minced meat, tomatoes and cheese is baked in an oven previously preheated to 210 degrees. First, tomato dressing prepared from new tomatoes, onions and garlic is laid out on a layer of rolled out dough. Then it is sprinkled with cheese and minced meat. After this, the pizza can be placed in the oven for 20 minutes. After the indicated time, sprinkle it with cheese again and continue baking for 3 minutes.

Pizza with peppers, tomatoes and cheese

To make this dish, you will need unleavened yeast-free dough. To do this, you need to combine flour (450 g), soda, salt (1 teaspoon each) and citric acid (¼ teaspoon) in one bowl. Then add water (300 ml) and vegetable oil (3 tablespoons) to the dry ingredients. Knead the dough and immediately distribute it into 2 balls (for 2 pizzas), any of which must be rolled out on the table.

Mini pizza with puff pastry

Four small portion pizzas are fully capable of replacing one huge one, without having to cut it at all. To make this dish you will need two sheets of puff pastry. Any of them needs to be rolled out thinly and cut from 1 sheet into 2 circles with a diameter of 15 cm (you can use a plate for this).

Prepare onion pizza topping. To do this, fry onion (2 heads), garlic (4 cloves), thyme (2 teaspoons), dry white wine (3 tablespoons), salt, pepper (¼ teaspoon) in olive oil. Keep the mixture on low heat for 10 minutes and cool.

Prick the prepared layers of puff pastry with a fork, sprinkle with Parmesan (1 tablespoon each), lay out the onion mixture (¼ of each), sprinkle with goat cheese (morache is recommended). Next, place a tomato ring on any layer of dough, brush with olive oil, then salt, pepper, basil and Parmesan again. Mini pizza with tomatoes and cheese is baked in a preheated oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees. Bon appetit!

Real Italian pizza with tomatoes and cheese

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It is quite difficult to imagine the concept of Italian cuisine without pizza. And this is logical, because a pizzeria in Italy is equal to a restaurant, and there are so many varieties of this dish that it can be safely served for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Pizza is prepared from different types of dough, with different interiors, sizes, shapes and even different manufacturing methods.

Regular Italian pizza

Like almost all other dishes known around the world, pizza was prepared quite by chance, specifically 200 years ago, when the government needed to feed the poor people in Italy. To do this, thin flatbreads were baked, which were covered with a layer of cheap vegetables - tomatoes and sprinkled with grated cheese and various spices, which at all times and peoples were present on the food preparation table in Italy. When serving, it was also sprinkled with vegetable oil.

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This is how pizza arose, which is now a favorite dish of both children and adults. By the way, the first pizza arose in Naples, so we can safely say that the traditional recipe for Naples pizza consists of ingredients such as dough, tomatoes, spices and hard cheese. Neapolitan pizza was carried by vendors on the streets of Italy and even sold on credit. Fishermen separately added fish to the flatbread with tomatoes, butchers added meat - and this is how varieties of this dish arose. Gradually, this dish with additives moved onto the tables of the rich, and then gained global popularity.

Recipe for making Italian pizza with cheese and tomatoes

Real pizza is made only from actual hand-made dough.

For the test you will need:

  • 1/2 pack of yeast
  • 1 glass of warm water or milk
  • 1/2 tsp. spoons of sugar
  • 400 g flour
  • 3 tbsp. olive oil
  • 1 tsp salt.

Shivers dissolve in warm water, but better in milk, and sugar is added here. Give the yeast time to foam - about 10 minutes. Add 4-5 tbsp to the mixture. flour, a little salt, still warm water or milk, vegetable oil. The dough dough should rise slightly, then the remaining flour is added to it and the dough is kneaded. The dough rises for 1 hour, then kneads again and the longer the better, it is rolled out into thin cakes. This amount of dough is completely enough to make 4 pizzas with a diameter of about 25 cm.

Pizza ingredients:

  • 1 kg small tomatoes
  • 400 g mozzarella or any other hard cheese
  • olive oil
  • dried oregano, oregano and other pizza spices.

Tomatoes are cut into circles, laid out on dough previously greased with vegetable oil, sprinkled with spices, salt as desired and hard cheese grated on a large grater.

Pizza with tomatoes and cheese cooks in the oven for a relatively short time - approximately 20-25 minutes in a very preheated oven.

As you can see, no mayonnaise, tomato paste, fried onions, etc. There is absolutely no need for making pizza. The recipe is as simple as possible, and the taste is simply incredible. If you season such a pizza with additional olive oil or garlic sauce, then you can not only peel off your fingers, but also eat a pizza dish.

But you can prepare this type of pizza using the other method, but for this you need to roll out the dough as thinly as possible. A narrow pizza with tomatoes and cheese takes even less time to bake, although it takes a little longer to prepare, but this pizza can be used as bread during meals. Skinny pizza does not use chopped tomatoes, but a sauce made from them.

You need to fry finely chopped garlic in vegetable oil, which will give off its own smell, but then you will need to catch it. Here you also need to add very finely chopped onion after the garlic and fry until slightly golden brown, stirring constantly. This will only take a couple of minutes. During this period of time, pour boiling water over the tomatoes and peel them, cut them into small cubes and pour them into a frying pan, season with spices, and if desired, you can also add a little table wine. Cook this mixture over low heat until thickened. Then put the tomato “filling” on the dough, grate hard cheese on top and sprinkle with additional spices, garnish with finely chopped herbs or sprinkle with dried herbs, rubbed in your hands. This pizza is baked for about 10-15 minutes in a hot oven, although if the dough is very thin, then even less is possible so that the dough does not dry out.

Pizza with tomatoes and cheese turns out to be very tender and reveals the real taste of Italian pizza, because the smell and taste of spices are not interrupted by other ingredients, and the sourness of the tomato and the pungency of the hard cheese are only enhanced by the revelation of flavors in each other.

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