How to brew your favorite invigorating drink: Turkish coffee

How to brew your favorite invigorating drink: Turkish coffee. Recipes and secrets of making

There is no such person who has not tried or, at least, not heard about this divine drink - like coffee.

But everyone knows its history, and even more so the recipes for making it.

In our article you will get acquainted with Turkish coffee and learn how to prepare it correctly.

Turkish drink review

Turkish coffee is the state drink of Turkey, which has gained worldwide popularity specifically due to its unique taste and fantastic smell.

Basically, Turkish coffee is prepared according to a recipe that is common in production, but at the same time has its own secrets and fundamental aspects.

Turkish coffee first appeared in the 16th century under Sultan Suleiman the Beautiful and was served only in the highest circles of the nobility. Later, the first coffee houses began to appear in 1564 in the town of Istanbul.

A huge number of rituals and traditions are connected with coffee in Turkey. Cooperative drinking of coffee was considered an object of respect and friendship.

People loved to spend time in coffee houses during the day to socialize, play chess, discuss politics, etc.

Vessel selection

When choosing a Turk, the conical shape and small size of the container are more important. The most common type of Turk for making coffee is the iron Turk.

This kind of Turk is very easy to use, durable and easy to use. Iron Turks are made from aluminum, silver, copper and stainless steel.

Among these 4 types of materials, stainless steel and aluminum pots are the worst options to purchase because the coffee in them will be worse in taste and blend.

Silver and copper Turks are good variations on both the aesthetic and multifunctional side of the issue of making Turkish coffee. However, the best coffee comes from a copper pot.

Due to the fact that copper has the highest thermal conductivity, the Turk heats up moderately and this contributes to the correct technology for making the drink. With all this, it is necessary that the bottom of the Turk be covered with tin, because copper can release substances harmful to the human body.

In addition to iron ones, there are other types of Turks, which are less commonly found on sale, but at the same time they are also usually used to make Turkish coffee.

For example, Turkish clay is characterized by thick walls that retain heat and are of good quality.

When buying a Turk, you will benefit from expert advice in the video:

How to choose coffee?

The best type of coffee is Brazilian Arabica. Coffee must be taken in beans and ground very finely, almost into dust, without the help of others before the very act of making it.

There is also Luwak coffee, a very specific coffee in the way it is produced, which is very original, but at the same time recognized as the most precious and tastiest type of coffee in the world.

What types of coffee are there and how to choose the right one, you will learn from the video:

How much water do you pour?

Cool drinking water is poured to the level of the neck of the Turks. It is necessary to achieve little contact with air to completely saturate the drink with the smell and taste of coffee beans.


Sand is used to create uniform heating throughout the entire pot. This coffee is prepared in a special roaster, onto which sand is poured.

A Turk is placed on top, and then the coffee is prepared by analogy with the traditional recipe.

Watch the video for traditional Turkish coffee making on sand:

How to cook in a Turk?

Mehmet Efendi is a large Turkish coffee producer with a renowned name and rich history. How to brew Turkish coffee in a Turk - is this the vessel in which Turkish coffee is brewed?

To make Turkish coffee in Turk according to Mehmet Efend's recipe, the following will be useful.


  • water – 150 ml;
  • ground coffee - 2 tsp;
  • sugar - to taste.

Manufacturing method:

  1. pour all the ingredients into the Turk. Brew coffee over low heat, stirring constantly.
  2. After raising the coffee level for the second time, you can divide it into two halves and pour ½ of the drink into a coffee cup.
  3. The second half must be cooked for another half a minute and poured, along with the coffee grounds, into a cup. In half a minute the grounds will settle.
  4. Usually Turkish coffee is served with a glass of water.

How to brew coffee according to Mehmet Efendi’s recipe, watch the video:

General Tips

  1. Follow the grinding technology.

The process of making Turkish dishes is easy, make sure of this if you try to prepare dishes such as güvec, babaganush or Turkish eggplant.

Recipes with photos

Next we will look at the more popular methods for making this wonderful drink.


Here is a recipe for making traditional Turkish coffee.


  • ground coffee – 2 tsp;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • sugar - to taste.


  1. You need to fill the Turk with coffee, cool water, and sugar.
  2. Put it on a slow fire, wait for the foam to rise, then remove it from the heat, wait until the foam settles and put it on the fire again.
  3. After the second rise of the foam, pour the coffee into a Turkish coffee cup and serve.

For home

You will learn how to prepare Turkish coffee at home by carefully reading the article below.


  • nutmeg – 1 tsp;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • ground coffee – 2 tsp;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • cream – 30 ml.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Pour coffee into a coffee pot, add water, cook until the foam rises a second time, pass through a filter, separating the grounds.
  2. Heat the cream and sugar separately. Combine coffee and cream in a cup. Garnish with ground nutmeg, sprinkling it on top of the coffee.

With garlic and honey


  • ground coffee – 2 tsp;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • honey – 1/3 tsp;
  • garlic – 1/3 clove;
  • sugar - to taste.

Manufacturing method:

  1. Place garlic and coffee in a pot and add water. Add sugar and place on low heat.
  2. Keep on fire until foam appears, then remove from heat and wait until the foam settles.
  3. Put it on fire a second time and repeat until the foam rises 3 times. Then you can pour it into a cup along with coffee grounds. Add honey and serve.

Making coffee with garlic is shown in the video:

What to add?

In Turkey, spices are often added to the main recipe, which are important to combine perfectly with each other. For example, the combination of cinnamon, cloves and vanilla is very popular for making this drink at home.

You can vary the coffee preparation by adding cream or milk.

It is very popular in coffee shops to serve coffee with syrups for any taste and color at the latest. Such options are very different from the unusual, but in order to amuse guests, Turkish coffee can also be given completely unusual serving options with whipped cream and mashmallows, which is a very popular option these days.

For lovers of Turkish cuisine, several recipes for delicious dishes are offered: imam bayaldi, gubadia, achma, lahmajun, kufta.
See how to vary Turkish coffee in the video:


It is not for nothing that Turkish coffee has become a cult in its historical homeland, because it is distinguished by its invigorating effect, helps to instantly gather ideas, relieves stress and improves mood. Another popular drink in Turkey is ayran, find the recipe here.

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Turkish coffee is prepared in a Turk and is very simple to make. Now you understand not only how to make Turkish coffee, but also how to drink it. And the most important thing is that you can drink this unique drink in large quantities without leaving your home.

Turkish coffee – a fragrant legend of the East

Turkish coffee (türk kahvesi) is an integral part of the vibrant Turkish culture, an attribute of hot oriental hospitality. It is not customary for Turks to reveal culinary secrets. And yet, we will try to figure out how ordinary Arabica beans are turned into a masterpiece, the taste of which is remembered forever.

  1. History of the origin and spread of the drink
  2. Tips and Recipes
  3. Utensils and ingredients
  4. Traditional
  5. Recipe by Mehmet Efendi
  6. With cream and nuts
  7. Individualities of the ritual

History of the origin and spread of the drink

There are two main versions of how coffee actually came to Turkey. According to one of them, in 1554 it was brought here by two Syrian traders, who immediately opened a shop in the capital selling exotic beans. The second version dates the emergence of Turkish coffee to 1517. The ruler of Yemen (then part of the Ottoman Empire) Ozdemir Pasha presented the Turkish Sultan Suleiman the Beautiful with an unusual gift - coffee beans.

Along with the gift, the method of production was also communicated. But the proud chef of the Ottoman Palace made his own unique recipe, in other words, he brewed Turkish coffee. The drink immediately struck the Sultan. At first, only courtiers were given the honor of drinking “Muslim syrup”. Later, “dark gold”, coupled with the recipe, went beyond the walls of the palace to conquer the masses. Istanbul began to be filled with coffee houses, where men had long conversations over fragrant cups and backgammon.

It is alleged that precious beans began their journey across Europe specifically from Turkey. In the early 17th century, Istanbul merchants exported “dark gold” to Venice. And by the middle of the same century, the ruler of France, Louis XIV, received a mind-blowing gift from the Turkish Sultan Mehmet IV - the same grains. To this day, in almost all European capitals, establishments offer the famous Turkish coffee.

Tips and Recipes

To properly brew Turkish coffee at home, you need very little: a real cezve, good ground grain and a recipe.

Utensils and ingredients

So, the main attribute is the Turk. As a standard, it must be cast copper. The inner surface is coated with silver plating or food-grade tin. The bottom of the cezve is made wide and the neck narrow. This vessel structure is the best for the formation of fluffy foam and maximum extraction of grains. The size of the container is equally important.

It is not allowed to brew coffee for two people in a large cezve. You should select dishes according to the number of servings.

  • Read also : What type of coffee pot should it be?

This is the only way to achieve a suitable outcome. By the way, in Turkey cezves are measured in cups. Here you can purchase a vessel for four, two, or even one person.

Now you need to prepare the main component - in fact, coffee. The best choice is 100% finely ground Arabica. A cheap product will spoil the traditional recipe for making Turkish coffee. And large grinding will not provide a suitable extraction; it will not have time to reveal the whole bouquet. Well, it’s better to grind the grains specifically before production.

The water can be well, spring or filtered. The best temperature is room temperature.


Pour two teaspoons of ground grain and a spoonful of sugar (if necessary) into the cezve. Mix the bulk ingredients and add 150 ml of cold water. Place on low heat and watch until it foams. When the cap has risen one hundred percent, you need to immediately remove the container from the heat. Allow the bubbles to settle slightly and repeat the raising function.

Some masters do this three times. If you prepare Turkish coffee this way, it will be bitter and stronger. But the Turks say: “Real coffee should be black as hell, strong as death, sweet as love.”

Recipe by Mehmet Efendi

Mehmet Efendi is a renowned coffee manufacturer. The Kurukahveci Mehmet Efendi brand is the most popular in the country. It’s not mind-blowing that he has his own method of making the drink. His recipe is very similar to the traditional one. The difference is that Mehmet Lupi advises constantly stirring the liquid during cooking. In his opinion, this enhances the richness of the coffee.

After the second rise of foam, the guru divides the drink into two parts. The first half is poured into a cup. The second part cooks for another half a minute on the fire, then it is added to the first along with the grounds. In 30 seconds the grounds will settle, and you can drink Mehmet Efendi’s coffee.

With cream and nuts

And here is a unique recipe according to which you can make Turkish coffee at home. First you need to brew a traditional drink. Then pass it through a filter (strainer) to remove the grounds. In a separate bowl, heat 30 ml of cream mixed with a spoon of sugar. Combine the two ingredients of the cocktail and sprinkle chopped nutmeg on top.

Individualities of the ritual

Together with an unusual recipe, the Ottoman court gave birth to the tradition of serving coffee. At first, the drink was apparently brewed without sugar. To brighten up the bitterness, a saucer of tender Turkish delight was added to the steaming cup.

Later, a tradition arose of serving Turkish coffee with water. A couple of sips of cold water are needed to refresh the taste sensors after eating. Then you can fully taste every note of the drink. During the coffee ceremony, you can also “refresh” the sensors with water for the next portion.

It is not customary to wash down extreme sips with water. Firstly, it will kill the wonderful aftertaste. Secondly, it will become a sign for the owner of the house (establishment) that the coffee was bad!

  • This is interesting : Why do you want to drink coffee after drinking coffee?

The male and female population of Turkey are equally passionate about coffee. But ladies turn gatherings with a fragrant cup into a secret oriental ritual. Girls gather in flocks in coffee shops or at a friend’s house, sip a drink with Turkish delight and dried fruit, and exchange breaking news.

The most exciting thing awaits at the end of the ceremony. Using a special method, the mug is turned over on a saucer, allowing the water to drain. Ladies believe that you can see your future in the intricate patterns of the thicket. By the way, the smaller the particles, the clearer and more exciting the “decisive” sketch is.

On average, a cup of coffee in an Istanbul cafe costs 7-8 YTL. But don’t forget to tip the waiter, because in Turkey not leaving a tip is considered the height of indecency. And the indescribably delicious kahve and perfect service will more than justify the couple of liras spent above the price tag!

All about Turkish coffee: recipes, noteworthy facts and hidden ingredients

The Ottoman Empire has long ceased to exist, but left the unforgettable taste and smell of Turkish coffee to the whole world. The emergence of modern technology has failed to influence people's commitment to the drink, carefully brewed in Turk.

Little history

The birthplace of coffee is Africa, but Turkey is famous for inventing a special method of making the drink. It was in the Ottoman Empire in the middle of the 15th century that they made a recipe that is recognizable today as Turkish coffee. They immediately invented a vessel that we used to call a Turk. Coffee came to Russia from Turkey in the Middle Ages, but our forefathers did not like it. In the Ottoman Empire, on the contrary, a demand for magic grains immediately arose. Coffee shops opened in the towns, where a cup of a tonic drink did not serve to quench thirst, but was a reason for friendly meetings and conversations.

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Europe adopted this tradition, and then Peter 1 introduced the habit of drinking coffee. Moreover, he insisted on drinking it, and soon Turkish coffee became the drink of aristocrats. In the middle of the 18th century, coffee houses, trading shops and coffee shops began to appear in Russia. The love of coffee was put above politics. Even difficult diplomatic affairs with Turkey and wars did not force people to give up Turkish coffee.

How to make Turkish coffee

Let's say right away: this recipe is not for the lazy. It is for those who like to do a little magic in the kitchen. Indeed, making is reminiscent of a ritual in which it is necessary to literally calculate every action. If you decide to simply pour ground beans into a Turk, fill them with water, put them on fire and expect that you will get Turkish coffee, you will be disappointed.

The real recipe looks like this.

  1. Grind the grains very finely. It is important to do this before the moment of production, so that the raw materials are the freshest.
  2. For Turkish coffee, take 2 teaspoons of coffee and 150 ml of cool water. It is necessary to take care of the availability of water of good quality in advance: tap water will not work.
  3. Add sugar as desired; you can do without it.
  4. We carefully mix the contents of the Turk and put it on the most leisurely fire.
  5. We wait until the foam starts to rise, and before it boils, remove from the heat. We repeat this action 3 times.

There are also the most extravagant methods. Instead of the obvious preparation in an apartment on a stove, you can organize Turkish coffee over coals or in hot sand.

How to drink Turkish coffee

It’s not enough to just prepare a unique drink; you need to properly organize its serving and not forget to enjoy its taste. If you need to quickly swallow a cup and run errands, then you will not appreciate the beauty of Turkish coffee.

So, how should the ritual look like in the standard?

  • warm up small cups and place on saucers, complement the serving with a coffee spoon with a long handle (for skimming off the foam);
  • We serve oriental sweets, for example Turkish delight;
  • We drink hot coffee in small sips without haste or fuss.

While drinking coffee in Turkish, it is customary to conduct small talk and discuss topics worthy of attention. Most importantly, the atmosphere must be warm and friendly.

Unique recipes

People often do not stop there, no matter how perfect traditional Turkish coffee is, there is always a temptation to experiment with taste and smell. The main ingredients remain the same, but you can add something new.

Popular hidden ingredient ideas:

  • spices (cloves, cardamom, vanilla, cinnamon, pepper) enhance the smell and change the taste;
  • beaten egg yolk increases the nutritional value of the drink;
  • ice in coffee creates a fresh effect and opens up new facets of taste;
  • honey and garlic: it sounds surprising, but the result is impressive;
  • orange juice turns an invigorating drink into a vitamin cocktail;
  • cognac or whiskey: everything is clear here, coffee and alcohol increase the intensity of the conversation during a meeting.

You can also add milk or cream to Turkish coffee. In this case, the strength of the drink will decrease.

Noteworthy facts about Turkish coffee

Grateful coffee connoisseurs have made a real cult out of the drink. It is associated with many fascinating traditions and historical facts.

  1. Fortune telling on coffee grounds. The basis for the prophecies is specifically Turkish coffee. First, you need to drink a cup of fragrant drink, thinking about what you want to find out. Then the cup with the grounds is turned over onto the saucer. You need to wait a few minutes and begin to interpret the outlines of signs and objects.
  2. Coffee is illegal. It’s terrible to think, but previously people were executed for their adherence to the drink. Coffee lovers were persecuted in the 16th and 17th centuries in the Ottoman Empire. Coffee shops were closed, and if the authorities found out that someone was drinking an illegal drink at home, the culprit was sewn into a coffee bag and thrown into the sea.
  3. Testing the groom with coffee. Turkey has a fascinating tradition. When a young man comes to formally ask for a girl's hand in marriage at her parents' house, she is obliged to make him coffee. It would seem that this is not a bad tradition, but... she can put any ingredients she wants in the Turk. For example, a lot of salt or pepper. The groom must drink what his chosen one has prepared with a grin on his face, without showing displeasure.

Now that you have learned more about Turkish coffee, it will become even more attractive to you. Although you don’t have to talk about this wonderful drink, it’s better to learn how to prepare and drink it for the strength of your soul and vigor of your body.

Turkish coffee in Turkey

Coffee has been known in Turkey since the times of the Ottoman Empire, and now it is drunk not only in this country, but throughout the world. This is an important part of the local state culture, the drink, which is served at all important events, including the wife’s bride, is also drunk just like that - for enjoyment after a hearty lunch. You can simply make Turkish coffee in a Turk at home - this requires a minimum of equipment, utensils, and ingredients. You will succeed!

Personality of Turkish coffee in Turk

Turkish coffee differs from other coffee drinks in that it uses finely ground grains, like sweet powder. Almost like dust that stains your fingers, you don’t feel the grains when you rub them. Due to this special mixture, a dense, strong foam emerges when brewed. The drink itself becomes thick, velvety, and due to the use of a large portion of the dry product, it becomes very strong and truly invigorating.

What’s curious is that the grounds pour out of the cezve directly into the cup, so the last sips are not finished. But this residue is where you can tell fortunes from the coffee grounds - as they spread, they form detailed pictures and patterns worthy of attention. This is not how a traditional medium grind flows at all.

What is needed to make Turkish coffee in Turkey?

Naturally, the ingredients of the recipe are minimal, but they are all important, especially if you want to brew coffee with high-quality foam. By the way, it is by the foam that they evaluate how well and correctly the drink was prepared, so it’s worth trying and learning how to brew according to traditions. So, we will need:

Finely ground coffee

It’s better to use Arabica to get a catchy, multi-faceted taste and an impressive aroma, but if you have a mixture with Robusta, it’s okay. More important is the correct grind.

  • A home electronic coffee grinder usually cannot grind so finely. Try to set the grinding to the maximum and rub the resulting mass between your fingers - if the particles are not felt, everything is fine.
  • A home hand grinder usually works better, because you can screw on the regulator quite a bit. It will take some effort, but it will definitely be worth it.
  • In the store where you buy coffee beans, you need to check whether they can be ground so finely, but usually there are no problems with this.
  • In hypermarkets or coffee shops you can find real Turkish coffee; the packaging usually contains the inscription “Türk kahvesi”. These are small packages, and the grinding there is the most accurate.
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Do not store freshly ground or freshly unpacked product in open packaging. Pour into a jar with a tight lid. Stale grains are often the very reason why the foam does not rise.


Naturally, you need just such special dishes. It can be clay, duralumin, stainless steel or porcelain, but most ideally - copper or alloys. Copper cezves heat up more evenly, which means that extraction will happen literally as needed.

The size of the cezve is selected based on how much of the drink is drunk after production. You shouldn’t buy a very capacious container for one person; it’s better to buy one cup, and if you’re treating someone, brew the coffee twice, it’ll taste better! In general, for those who drink coffee together, the most spacious dishes will be more convenient.

The key to high-quality brewing is the concentration of suspension, oils and CO2 in the upper part of the cezve, where a compacted head of foam is formed, and under it extraction is enhanced and taste and smell are revealed. Foam does not collect well on a wide surface; faster, the liquid will simply boil. That’s why you shouldn’t take a huge cezve in reserve.

The water absolutely must be cool if you want to get foam on the surface. With warm or hot water, the result is completely wrong, and besides, there may be a lack of brewing, when the liquid is heated up and practically boiling, and the grounds have not yet produced oil and ingredients. Use purified water; chlorinated water from the tap gives a certain aftertaste and aggravates the properties of the drink. It is better bottled or filtered if you want this to literally be your best coffee.

Hint: to literally measure the amount of water for the cezve, pour the water into the cup you will drink from and pour it over. This way you can simply measure the appropriate size for several servings.

Likely additives

In principle, for a good drink, just water and crushed coffee beans are enough, but some people like special flavors. Not a problem: you can add ingredients to the Turk:

  • Sugar or sweeteners. Pour them along with coffee so as not to stir the foam in the cup later.
  • Spices. Any oriental ones are suitable and go perfectly in coffee. These are already classic cardamom and star anise, cloves, nutmeg, and also dark pepper (quite insignificantly).
  • Milk. A regular drink is drunk without adding milk or cream, but if you don’t like it any other way, add it. It’s better to pour it into a cup right away or carefully add it later. You can pour it into a Turk if you are convinced that it will be comfortable for you to wash it later to remove milky deposits on the walls.

Because the most important thing in Turkish coffee is the foam; after pouring the drink, they do not stir it in any way, so as not to damage it. Whatever you want to add to the cup, it is better to pour it in advance or pour it into the Turk.

Turkish coffee: recipes for making it in Turk

The main thing is to master the basic principle and do not forget to watch the coffee so that it does not escape. We will give the usual ingredients and proportions: because the drink is strong, it is drunk in small cups.

The most common recipe for Turkish coffee in Turk at home

  • Two teaspoons or a tablespoon of Turkish coffee;
  • 100 ml water.
  • Pour crushed coffee into the cezve, add a portion of water and stir. If you need sugar, add it at this step.
  • Place the Turk on low heat and watch when foam begins to appear. Remove the Turk or set it aside so that the foam subsides slightly.
  • Repeat the foam raising function two more times.

If you have several servings of the drink in the Turk, spread the foam with a spoon into the cups, and then carefully pour the hot drink down the wall. If there is only one serving, pour it all at once.

Turkish coffee in a Turk on the sand

There are small braziers or special equipment that allows you to prepare the drink the way it has been brewed for centuries - in hot sand. Equipment and sand for Turkish coffee can be purchased in specialized stores, also on the Internet. In general, you can take nothing and make do with what you have at home.

The manufacturing principle is simple, nothing complicated. And if the foam does spill onto the sand, carefully remove the dirty part.

Electronic Turkish coffee turk

At the moment, there are such devices - they look like a cezve and are connected to the mains. This is a good option to prepare your favorite drink at work or on a trip, and in the latter case, in a car (although there are special auto coffee makers for this). Cook in it in the same way as in an ordinary one, removing from the stand when bringing to a boil.

Turkish coffee in Turk with spices

We have already written that you can use a wide variety of “coffee” spices, and each time it will turn out interesting. But if you want a traditional oriental taste, try cooking like this:

  • With cardamom. Either crush the grains to open them, or use ground ones, it will be more flavorful. Do not skimp on cardamom; in Turkey from time to time they add a third of a teaspoon per serving.
  • Cinnamon. Another traditional spice, only half a teaspoon can be added. It will be very rich, and it is better to combine it with sugar.

It is better to take ground spices, because when you pour all the water into a cup, pieces will always get there, and catching them from the foam is awkward.

Turkish coffee with milk

You can prepare it at home any way you like, but in the east, cafes often refuse to serve milk with Turkish coffee in principle, because they believe that a good drink is excellent on its own, and there is no need to soften its taste. The milk can be cool or heated, it doesn’t matter.

It is better to pour milk into a cup, and then pour coffee from the cezve on top. This will literally preserve the foam head. But you can pour in later, just try to carefully, without powerful splashes, along the wall.

If you have a Turk with a rather wide neck, try replacing part of the water with milk - you will get a thick and very interesting drink.

Let's summarize

Making Turkish coffee in a Turk is quite simple, and this can be easily done at home. Take a cezve comparable in size to the required volume of the drink, finely ground coffee and cool, clean water. Bring to a boil two or three times, and do not stir in the cup to preserve the foamy top layer.

Fundamentally: never boil coffee, this spoils its taste. Just bring it to a boil and you will have a delicious and great looking drink!

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