Recipe for making the most delicious rye bread

Recipe for making the most delicious rye bread

Perhaps everyone understands the benefits of rye bread: the recipe for this baking can be reproduced at home. The product restores metabolism, lowers cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) , helps in the prevention of various diseases. Rye bread contains the highest concentration of fiber, which restores normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is useful for anemia and during pregnancy.

It should be noted that the calorie content of rye bread is lower than that of wheat bread. However, it is more difficult to digest. Therefore, it is not allowed to include only it in the diet. It is better to combine rye bread with wheat bread.

Rye bread: individual production

Baking made from rye flour has a number of corresponding features. This is due to the fact that the flour contains a small amount of gluten, which means it has low binding capacity. That’s why it is often combined with wheat flour. There are also advantages to working with rye flour. The dough should not be kneaded for a long time; it forms quickly. At the same time, it is distinguished by its highest stickiness. Therefore, the kneading must be done with a spatula or hands lubricated with vegetable oil.

Rye bread: individual production

Among the other features of making rye bread, it is necessary to note:

  • The base should not be floured. It is better that the baked goods come out porous. To do this, you should use batter;
  • The main part of bread is the leaven. It is prepared at least a day before the baking process. It helps to change the yeast composition. To make sourdough, you can use a drink, sour milk, or yeast. You can make bread a couple of times with one starter. The older the starter, the more sour and brighter the taste of the bread;
  • The taste can be enhanced with the help of various additives: kvass, malt, spices, seeds. As a result, what will happen is to bake a product with suitable taste characteristics.

Rye bread: a recipe for beginner bakers

Almost all housewives love to use a bread machine to bake bread. But if you don’t have this modern device, then a conventional oven will do just fine. When baking homemade bread, you can be confident in its quality. After all, it contains no improvers, artificial flavors, or various additives. We will use rye and wheat flour in the recipe. The ratio can be taken differently. Therefore there will be a reason to experiment. In any case, there must be at least 50% wheat flour!

According to the indicated recipe, very tasty and airy bread comes out. We will include additional ingredients: sesame and flaxseed, cumin, cumin and coriander. Any seasonings can be used. You can include dried dill in your bread.


  • Rye flour – 250 g;
  • Wheat flour – 250 g;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Dry yeast – 1 tsp;
  • Warm boiled water – 350 ml;
  • Vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • Flavoring additives - according to taste and desire.

Rye bread: a recipe for beginner bakers

Manufacturing method:

  1. Sift the wheat flour into a bowl, and sift the rye flour into it. Grind a little rye flour with spices and reserve for dusting;
  2. Add yeast, salt, sugar to the flour. For the yeast to start working, add warm water. Mix the base. It must be homogeneous. After this, cover it with a towel and send it to a warm space for a couple of hours. During this period of time, the yeast will begin to act. The base will double in volume;
  3. Add vegetable oil to the base and knead again;
  4. Take a baking dish, grease it with oil and sprinkle with a small amount of flour. Lay out the dough. The form should be filled 1/3 if you want the texture of the bread to be airy, or one-half if you want to get the densest product. Sprinkle a mixture of flour and spices on top. Cover the mixture with a towel and leave to rise. Once the bread has doubled in volume, you can move on to baking;
  5. Place the pan in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for 15 minutes, then lower the temperature to 180 degrees and bake for another 30-40 minutes;
  6. We determine the readiness of the product with a toothpick; if it remains dry, it means the baked goods are ready;
  7. Cool the bread in the pan, then take it out, wrap it in a towel and cool to room temperature. After cooling, the bread can be cut and served!

Fragrant sourdough bread

The most delicious and fragrant bread comes out with sourdough. The most experienced housewives will always have such a product. There will be no problems with making sourdough. Naturally, the process should be completed in advance. So that by the time of baking you just add it to the composition and that’s it. The freshest starter produces the lightest bread. When it infuses, the taste will be the deepest and most striking.

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If you do not have enough experience, you can bake bread using fresh sourdough. The recipe below does not contain yeast. Therefore, such bread is suitable for those who exclude them from their diet. Thanks to the long-term ripening of the starter, such bread is digested better than usual. Therefore, it can be included in the diet even for people with weak digestion. In addition, this bread contains the highest content of valuable protein, which is absorbed by 98%.


  • Rye flour – ½ tbsp. + 300 g;
  • Water – ½ tbsp. + 250 ml;
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp;
  • Salt – 1 tsp;
  • Onions -250 g;
  • Vegetable oil - to taste.

Fragrant sourdough bread

Manufacturing method:

  1. Let's start making bread by kneading sourdough. To do this, mix half a glass of rye flour and half a glass of boiled water in a jar. Instead of the lid, install gauze and wrap it with an elastic band. It is important that the leaven breathes. Place the jar in a warm place. Once a day we add to it the same amount of fertilizer, which is prepared from the same amount of consistency. Let the starter stand for 5 days. After this, you can start baking bread;
  2. Just before baking the bread, we feed the starter and keep it warm. After it rises, it can be used;
  3. Add the starter to warm salted water, then begin to add flour and knead the sticky dough. After kneading, cover the dishes with film and leave the base to ripen for 1-1.5 hours. During this period of time the dough must rise;
  4. Take a baking dish and grease it with vegetable oil, put the base in it and leave it under a covered towel for another 40 minutes. The mass must rise 2 times. If you want to speed up the process, you can put the base in a preheated oven. In this case, they focus on the size of the mass;
  5. The baking process consists of two parts. First, the bread is baked at 250 degrees for 10 minutes. Place a bowl of water under the mold. Then the temperature is lowered to 200 degrees and bake for another 50-60 minutes;
  6. Once the bread is ready, cool it first in the pan, and then wrapped in a towel. After cooling completely, the bread can be cut into pieces and served!

What ingredients should be included in rye bread?

Very tasty bread comes out with the addition of fried flax. The seeds are heated in a dry frying pan, stirring constantly. As soon as they begin to crackle and darken, you can remove the kernels from the heat, cool and add them to the dough. Bread with the addition of fried crushed almond kernels is no less tasty.

What ingredients should be included in rye bread?

Sweet sand, which causes the dough to ferment, can be replaced with watery honey or cane sugar. With such a substitution, the base will have a bitter aftertaste, which will make the product more special. If you want to improve the nutritional value of the bun, then 15-20 minutes before the end of the baking process, you can sprinkle it with oatmeal.

The French love to add olives, garlic and the freshest chili peppers to their bread. This snack bread is perfect as a complement to cheese and sausages. It can be included in various snack plates and served with a foamy drink or with dishes that are neutral in taste. If you like special foods, you can supplement the base with fried onions, carrots and even cheese. As a last resort, you should try to keep the cheese inside the bread. Otherwise, during the baking process it will flow to the surface and flow out.

Delicious rye bread comes out with the addition of nuts and dried fruits. As for dried fruits, dried apricots and raisins are usually used. They need to be prepared: soak in cool water, then wash under running water and dry. You should not keep it in boiling water, because the dried fruits will steam while the bread is rising.

Chefmarket brings products with recipes so that you can cook at home simply and deliciously. Delivery is always free, even to the countryside! We arrive up to 60 km from Moscow, up to 30 km from St. Petersburg and up to 30 km from Nizhny Novgorod.

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Rye bread

Rye bread, made from sourdough, rye flour, water and salt, has been prepared in Rus' for several centuries.
Perhaps this is the most popular type of bread among Russians: it’s not for nothing that we begin to miss black bread when we are abroad. To be fair, it should be noted that rye or dark bread is popular not only in Russia, but also in Northern Europe. By the way, rye bread is called black because of the color of the resulting baked goods: rye flour acquires a black color during heat treatment. There are many types of rye bread: from peeled, wallpaper, sifted flour, regular, custard, rye. Nowadays, rye bread is often prepared with the addition of wheat flour. Rye bread has the least calories and is more useful than light varieties of bread: it contains a low content of fats and carbohydrates, and at the same time has the highest percentage of healthy fiber.
Experienced housewives say that making rye bread at home is no more difficult than baking a pie. But the taste of such a loaf will be special, not at all similar to its store-bought counterpart.

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Fried sardines are very popular in the Mediterranean and are widely used for sandwiches and.


After the holiday there is often a lot of uneaten bread left. It begins to dry out, and you are already thinking.


Alaska - regular rye bread with seeds. It is magnificent specifically because of its simplicity - it is simply prepared,...

The smell and taste of French bread - they even write songs about them. But there is only one satisfaction.


The fastest and easiest way to make bread at home. This kind of bread is especially helpful in the country.

Sweet breads Doctor Körner are an ideal pair for jams and preserves, also standalone.




We really love freshly baked, still warm bread. And we are even ready to eat “Riga” bread.


I liked it - sour, porous, not very dense.

A sandwich with stewed meat on rye bread is something from the distant camping of youth. Although it is faster there with .


This bread is not for any day, not for any dish. Delicious, with a complex taste and smell.


Rye bread

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Impeccable rye bread at home (recipe, method, step-by-step instructions)

If you dream of baking delicious rye bread at home, then this recipe is for you. This is a step-by-step instruction with photos that will help you achieve the desired result the first time.

Bread baked according to this recipe has a pronounced rye taste, does not crumble when cut, and retains its characteristics for a long time.

Last year, I already presented one bread recipe to the public tribunal - The newest one differs in its recipe (composition and quantity of goods used) and in the fact that all the required quantities are given in grams. This extreme condition allows you to achieve the greatest repeatability of perfect bread. Therefore, to make bread according to this recipe, you will need an electric scale.

As before, I will bake bread in an electronic oven.

Necessary ingredients for making rye bread at home

The bread baked according to my recipe is not purely rye, because it uses a mixture of wheat and rye flour. At the same time, the amount of wheat predominates.

The highlight of the recipe is rye malt.

Required list of products for rye bread:

  • Premium wheat flour - 300 gr.
  • Peeled rye flour - 200 gr.
  • Dry rye malt - 30 gr.
  • Salt - 10 gr.
  • Sugar - 20 gr.
  • Sunflower oil - 15 gr.
  • Dry baker's yeast - 4 gr.
  • Water - 350 gr.

Additionally, you will find it useful:

  • Electric scales
  • Dishes (bowl) for kneading dough
  • Form for baking
  • Half a teaspoon of sunflower oil for greasing the baking dish
  • A glass of water for baking with steam

How to prepare dough for rye bread

First we need to “resurrect” the dry yeast. To do this, mix them with a glass of warm water (200 g) and leave for 10..15 minutes:

Next, into the container for kneading the dough, for example a plastic bowl, add one by one:

Wheat flour in the amount of 300 g:

Rye flour - 200 gr.:

Rye malt – 30 gr.:

Then salt - 10 g:

The resulting mixture must be thoroughly mixed:

Now add the appropriate yeast, another 150 grams of water and a tablespoon of sunflower oil - 15 grams.

After that, we proceed specifically to the process of kneading the dough. At first I do this with a tablespoon, and later with my hands. Knead the dough for about 10 minutes until the dough becomes elastic and begins to pull away from the edges of the bowl.

After this, cover the bowl with the dough with a lid or towel and put it in a warm space. My dough fermentation time is usually 2.5 hours.

Once the dough size doubles, the maturation process can be considered complete:

Grease a baking dish with sunflower oil, place the dough in it and form the desired shape with your hands:

Then let the dough sit again for 30 minutes. After which it will increase in volume again:

Baking rye bread in an electronic oven

I place the pan with the dough on the grid in the middle of the oven. I don’t preheat it (the oven) in advance. I place a baking tray down into which I pour a glass of water. Then I bake the bread for 55 minutes at 180 degrees Celsius:

The finished bread looks like this:

It needs to be allowed to cool for 3 hours. I usually place it on a net and cover it with a towel.

Then it is ready for use:

And at the end, a small video that will clearly show the properties of baked bread.

Necessary information

The total time for making bread, including kneading, fermentation and baking, is 4.5 hours. Plus it will take about 3 hours for it to cool completely.

Check the amount of yeast with the manufacturer's information on the package. Typically, it is equal to 8-10 grams of dry yeast per kilogram of flour.

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