homemade pizza


Pizza is one of the most favorite Italian dishes. This is a round cake of dough with insides, baked in the oven.

The history of pizza. Flatbread with vegetables and cheese has been eaten on the Apennine Peninsula since ancient times. In the 16th century, tomatoes were brought to Europe - one of the indispensable ingredients of classic pizza. In the 17th century, pizza began to gain popularity among the Italian people. Then it was not considered a generous dish, because it included the most ordinary ingredients: dough, cheese, tomatoes, olive oil. And only in the 19th century did it appear on the royal table.

Pizza Margherita. At the end of the 19th century, Naples was visited by the ruler of Italy, Umberto I, and his wife Margaret of Savoy. A “three-color” pizza was made for her: the colors of the Italian flag were used in its interior: greenish (basil), snow-white (mozzarella cheese) and reddish (tomatoes). This pizza was named after the queen.

Pizza dough must be yeast. It is important that the flatbread be quite narrow and soft, so that the finished pizza can be folded in half without breaking. Experts advise not to roll out the cake, but to knead it with your fingers, giving it a suitable shape. In Italian pizzerias you can watch how pizza makers, called pizzaiolos, beautifully roll a flatbread on their finger above their heads.

Pizza interior. Each region of Italy has its own unique pizza making: classic local products, so-called specialties, are added to the filling - different types of cheese, sausage and dried meat, fish and seafood, spices and herbs.

Now the choice of ingredients for the inside is enormous, because by and large, following the advice of the heroine of the movie “The Blonde Around the Corner,” you can put everything in the refrigerator on the pizza. All over the world, pizza is prepared in different ways - according to conventional recipes or inventing your own, boldly imagining on the theme of pizza - sometimes so boldly that the initial dish is not even clear. There are even dessert versions of pizza - with fruits and berries.

Baking pizza. Classic pizza is baked in a special wood-burning oven that can maintain a very high temperature. At home, you need to bake pizza in the oven, previously preheated to a very high temperature - at least 220 C. It is much better to bake pizza on a hot stone. If you don't have a special stone, place an upside down baking sheet in the center of the oven and let it heat up with the oven. Only if these criteria are met will the pizza be baked in a matter of minutes and the dough will be baked, but not dry.


Ordinary Italian pizza, which later, like almost all other culinary inventions, became a favorite dish in almost all countries, is another proof that delicacies are the result of imagination, ingenuity and observation, which made it possible to bring the most ordinary set of goods to perfection of taste.

Pizza on a baguette with chicken and pineapples

For a quick pizza, not only a dried baguette, but also a loaf cut into slices is suitable. If the combination of chicken and juicy pineapple is your thing, then this baguette pizza recipe is literally for you. Everything is as simple as possible: cut the baguette in half lengthwise.

Pizza on baguette with sausage and olives

Is a piece of baguette/loaf drying out in the bread bin again? Then another recipe for lazy pizza or a hot sandwich (call it as you wish) will help you. Now we have chosen slices of smoked sausage and olives for the inside. You can make tomato sauce at home.

Mini pizza with bacon and fried chanterelles

Mini pizzas are convenient because they can be prepared just for how many guests you plan to invite. No one is left without a tasty piece. In this recipe, the pizza dough is not completely ordinary, because... it is not rolled out, but spread on a baking sheet. In the r.

Pizza on baguette with ham and cheese

If someone thinks that this pizza is more like a hot sandwich, then I hasten to agree. Looks exactly like it. But let it remain a baguette pizza recipe, because... the base is the same as other options we have tested. If you like pain (physical or emotional suffering, painful or unpleasant sensation) .

Mini pizza made from kefir dough with shrimp

The dough for this pizza was kneaded without yeast, using kefir with the addition of soda. And it turned out absolutely well: the pizza base was soft, with a crust and pleasant to the taste. For the inside, we took peeled boiled shrimp, sweet bell pepper cut into strips and...

Mini-pizza made from kefir dough with chicken and pineapples

You can make any kind of mini-pizza dough, but this time I stuck with a slightly unusual option - kefir dough. The mixture is slightly thicker than pancake batter. The result was pleasantly surprising. The pizza base came out both tasty and soft.

Pizza “Margherita” in baguette

If you don’t understand where to put the remains of a dried baguette, then use this recipe to quickly prepare a delicious snack - pizza in a baguette. In this version, the traditional set of goods for Margarita is used for the inside - tomatoes, cheese and ba.

Pizza with cheese and smoked chicken

It's no secret that without changing the dough base, but by choosing different insides, the pizza will be new every time. Now we offer a recipe for a narrow, crispy pizza made from yeast dough with a topping of smoked chicken, cheese and vegetables. In this case, vegetables can be taken directly and.

Pizza with mushrooms and caramelized onions

If the pizza dough may be the most ordinary, then with the choice of interior there is room for imagination. We offer a recipe for yeast pizza with thinly sliced ​​mushrooms and perfectly fried onions with the addition of coffee sugar. It turns out delicious and special.

Pizza on baguette with ham, cheese and mushrooms

Pizza on a loaf or baguette is a good option for recycling dried bread. You can choose any filling according to your mood or what’s left in the refrigerator. Now, after inspecting the refrigerator, a delicious pizza came out with ham, cheese, etc.

Baguette pizza with sausage and mozzarella

Pizza according to this recipe can be prepared both on a baguette and on slices of an ordinary loaf. The main thing is not to spare the insides, because the taste of the finished dish depends on it. Cut the sausage into thin slices, and let it be a little spicy. .

Read also:  Omelette in the oven

Pizza on baguette with chicken and mushrooms

If you don’t want to bother with pizza dough, and even if you’re not in the mood to go to the store for ready-made pizza, but there is a dried baguette in the house, there are no obstacles for the cook! A baguette pizza recipe with chicken and fried mushrooms will help you achieve the same quickly and easily.

Pizza on baguette with tomatoes and mozzarella cheese

There is no prep or dough required for this pizza recipe. Its base is yesterday's baguette, which has become slightly stale, but at the same time remains just as tasty. For the inside of the pizza on a baguette, I chose tomatoes and two types of cheese - mozzarella and semi-hard. In the r.

Kefir pizza with crab sticks

A quick pizza recipe made from kefir dough. To prepare it you will need very little time and the most ordinary products. For the inside we chose crab sticks, cheese and cherry tomatoes. But you can simply change the filling to any other one of your own.

Mini pizza with narrow crust

For a tasty snack, you don’t necessarily need to bake one huge pizza. Instead, you can create many small ones, as described in this recipe. Choose any filling. The most common option is to arrange sliced ​​sausage and tomato slices on flatbreads.

Quick pizza with mayonnaise

If time is short, then the recipe for frisky pizza with mayonnaise will come in handy. There is no need to knead the dough and wait for it to proof, but simply mix the ingredients listed in the recipe. You will get a thick, elastic dough that is easy to prepare.

Kefir pizza with sausage and mushrooms

Pizza is one of the dishes that appeals to both adults and children. To make this tasty and satisfying open pie, a variety of available products are used: sausage, tomatoes, pickled cucumbers, olives, sweet peppers, mushrooms, herbs, and...

Pizza with mussels

If you add seafood to the pizza filling, the result will be unusual, but very tasty. We suggest you try making pizza with mussels using this recipe. Due to the fact that shellfish do not require long-term heat treatment, pizza is prepared quickly.

Pizza with smoked fish

If you're tired of meat pizza, then change the filling. For example, make a pizza with the entrails of hot smoked fish. In combination with pickled cucumbers, the freshest vegetables and herbs, and also with a snow-white sauce made from sour cream and mayonnaise, pizza comes out.

Pizza bombs with sausage and mozzarella cheese in a muffin tin

Recipe for mini-pizzas with the insides on the inside, not the outside. To make them, it is convenient to use cupcake molds. The filling is assembled as for an ordinary pizza, i.e. take slices of sausage, cheese and vegetables. Smoked hunting meat is suitable for this recipe.

Pizza dough

It's great to have a proven pizza dough recipe on hand. This dough is kneaded with new yeast, but if desired, it can be replaced with dry yeast in a ratio of 1:3 (i.e., new yeast is taken 3 times more than dry). Pizza dough can be prepared.

Mini pizza with mushrooms and cauliflower (pizzoni)

Mini-pizzas are not bad, first of all, because they are immediately portioned. They do not need to be cut into pieces when serving. The recipe for mini-pizza with fried mushrooms and cauliflower can be divided into 2 parts: first prepare the yeast dough for the so-called.

Pizza in muffin tins

Try making mini pizzas in muffin tins with this recipe. Choose the filling according to your own taste. For example, a very successful combination of smoked sausage and mozzarella cheese. And don’t forget to spread a little bit of dough on the bottom of each mold.

Pizza roll

Pizza roll differs slightly in taste from ordinary pizza, because the inside is on the inside, between the layers of dough, and not on the outside, as in the traditional recipe. But it is more convenient to divide such pizza into portions. Pizza dough can be prepared ahead of time and stored in cold storage.

Pizza wreath

The most ordinary pizza can be decorated in such a way as to be served as a celebratory dish. One such option is to mold the pizza in the form of a wreath. You can choose the dough and filling according to your own taste. In this recipe, I made pizza dough from whole wheat flour.

Whole wheat pizza dough

To make pizza dough using new yeast from wheat and whole grain flour, no special skills are required. You just need to mix two types of wheat flour, add yeast and rub it into the flour with your hands. Then you can add other ingredients.

Pizza in the oven: 12 recipes at home

Even the ancient Romans prepared dishes that were served on large slices of bread. Pizza in its modern form arose when tomatoes were brought to Europe en masse. There is even a clear year of production of the signature Italian dish in Naples - 1522. Since that time, many delicious recipes for oven-baked pizza have emerged, and we have collected the best of them!

1. Pizza Margherita

The traditional pizza recipe with which it has become so popular in the world!

It will be useful for you: 500 g flour, 250 ml water, 60 ml olive oil, 1 tsp. salt, a pinch of sugar, 4 g dry yeast, 100 g pelati tomatoes, basil, oregano, 100 g mozzarella, 70 g parmesan.

Making: Knead the dough from flour, salt, sugar, yeast, olive oil and water. For a regular round pizza, 200 g of this dough is enough, but you can roll it out onto a full baking sheet. Grind the tomatoes with herbs, brush the base with sauce, add mozzarella, sprinkle with grated Parmesan and put in the oven at 220 degrees for 5-10 minutes.

2. Pizza “4 cheese” on dough with herbs

The spices in the dough harmoniously complement the combination of cheeses.

It will be useful for you: 2 cups of flour, 0.5 cups of milk, 3 tsp. dry yeast, a pinch of sugar and salt, herbes de Provence, 150 g mozzarella, 50 g each of parmesan, emmental and gorgonzola.

Preparation: Mix yeast, salt and sugar in warm milk, add flour evenly and knead the dough well. Leave it warm for half an hour, and during this period of time, cut and grate all four cheeses. Place the filling on the dough and bake the pizza for 10 minutes at 200 degrees.

Read also:  Lazy cabbage rolls in a pan

3. Pizza with sour cream dough and spinach

The pizza comes out very tender, and the light sour cream taste mixes perfectly with the greens!

You will need: 200 g sour cream, 200 g flour, 450 g spinach, 2 eggs, butter, 100 g feta, 50 g hard cheese.

Production: Knead the dough from sour cream and flour, and then roll it out onto a baking sheet or divide it into three circles. Mix chopped spinach with egg yolks and beaten whites, lightly fry in butter and season. Place the feta and spinach mixture on the dough, sprinkle with cheese and bake in the oven for half an hour.

4. Pizza on yeast-free dough with mushrooms and ham

A very tasty recipe for pizza at home, and the advantage of this dough is that you don’t have to wait for it to sit in a warm place!

You will need: 350 g flour, 250 ml kefir, 2 eggs, a pinch of salt and soda, 40 ml olive oil, 300 g ham, 200 g mushrooms, 300 g cheese, 150 g grated tomatoes.

Preparation: Beat the eggs with salt, and stir the drink with slaked soda. Combine the ingredients and slowly add flour, stirring. At the very end, add olive oil, knead the dough and roll it out. Grease the base with tomato sauce, add spices, add ham, mushrooms and cheese, and bake the pizza for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

5. Pizza with salami

For this pizza, you can use any dough that you like best.

You will need: 500 g of dough, 140 g of grated tomatoes, 200 g of mozzarella, 100 g of spicy salami, olive oil, herbs, garlic.

Production: Lightly grease the mold with oil, lay out the dough and let it stand for 10-15 minutes. Mix grated tomatoes with herbs and crushed garlic, add spices to taste and spread moderately over the dough. Place mozzarella cubes on top and bake the pizza for 5 minutes at 220 degrees. Place thin slices of sausage and put it in the oven for another 2 minutes.

6. Pizza with pear and gorgonzola

The most discerning gourmets will appreciate this special pizza!

You will need: 150 g flour, 250 ml water, a pinch of salt and dry yeast, 120 g mozzarella, 100 g gorgonzola, 1 pear.

Production: Knead the dough from flour, salt, yeast and water, let it lie for about half an hour. Grease the pan with oil, roll out the dough and sprinkle with grated mozzarella and chopped Gorgonzola. Peel the pear, cut into thin slices, place on top and bake in the oven for 10 minutes.

7. Pizza with seafood

You can use any mixture of seafood or add fish.

You will need: 400 g of dough, 400 g of tomatoes, 150 g of squid, 200 g of shrimp, garlic, parsley, pepper.

Preparation: Grind the tomatoes through a sieve, wash, clean and dry the seafood. Roll out the dough, lightly brush it with tomato paste and lay out the shrimp and squid. Add thin cloves of garlic, sprinkle with pepper and spices, and bake the pizza for 20 minutes at 200 degrees.

8. Mexican Pizza

Spicy and satisfying pizza with hints of Mexican cuisine, which is very easy to prepare at home!

You will need: 400 g of dough, tomato, avocado, cheese, onion, canned beans, garlic clove, herbs, lime, hot pepper, corn, spices.

Production: Roll out the dough into a mold and bake for 10 minutes. Grind the sauce from beans, garlic, onion, chili, lime juice and spices in a blender. Place the sauce on the base, arrange tomato slices, corn, avocado slices and cheese. Bake the pizza for another 5 minutes and garnish with herbs before serving.

9. Pizza with Parma ham and mascarpone

Another traditional pizza recipe, with nothing superfluous!

You will need: 200 g of dough, 100 g of grated tomatoes, 180 g of mozzarella, 50 g of mascarpone, 90 g of ham, 10 ml of olive oil, herbs, garlic.

Preparation: Roll out the dough and brush with sauce made from grated tomatoes with spices and garlic. Add mascarpone and mozzarella, bake for 7 minutes in the oven at 250 degrees, and before serving, add thin slices of Parma ham.

10. Pizza with hunting sausages

The pizza will taste even more exciting if you swap the tomato paste for BBQ sauce!

You will need: 250 g flour, 50 g butter, 200 ml milk, 25 g dry yeast, onion, 500 g hunting sausages, 300 g tomatoes, garlic, spices, herbs, cheese.

Preparation: Knead the dough from warm milk, butter, yeast, flour and salt, and let it stand for 2 hours. Slice the sausages, season, mix with herbs and garlic, drizzle with olive oil and place in the oven for 10 minutes.

Roll out the base, brush it with grated tomatoes and spices, place sausages on top and sprinkle with cheese if desired. Bake the pizza for 20 minutes at 220 degrees.

11. Pizza without dough

Diet pizza is suitable for those who are worried about their figure!

It will be useful for you: 2 onions, 2 tomatoes, 2 peppers, 5 eggs, 75 g of Parmesan.

Preparation: Chop the onion, cut the pepper into thin strips and fry them in olive oil until soft. Place the vegetables on the bottom of the pan in a thin layer and cover with beaten eggs. Place tomato slices on top, sprinkle with grated cheese and bake for 15-20 minutes at 200 degrees.

12. Pizza with chicken dough

Another dietary pizza recipe, but instead of a vegetable base - protein-rich chicken!

You will need: 600 g chicken fillet, 50 g Greek yogurt, 50 g tomato paste, 1 tomato, 100 g mozzarella, olives.

Preparation: Cut the fillet into thin slices, place it in a mold instead of a base and bake for 10 minutes. Mix tomato paste with yogurt and spread the sauce over the fillets. Arrange tomato slices, olives, cheese or any other toppings. Bake the diet pizza for another 15 minutes!

Pizza interior - 20 recipes for pizza interior at home

We have already talked about making yeast-free dough and pizza dough with yeast. I propose to continue to disassemble this wonderful dish and get acquainted with its equally important component - the insides.

Read also:  Chicken with potatoes

There are a huge number of options that are completely different from each other. Any self-respecting pizzeria has its own signature recipe.

But in all this abundance there are a few ordinary entrails, the recipe of which remains constant. You all understand Pepperoni, Margherita or Neapolitano pizza.

I would like to collect these unshakable pillars in one place, not forgetting about the most common options that are easy to prepare at home.


Well, don’t forget that pizza sauce can also be different and depends on the type of interior.

And one more fundamental rule before you start: you don’t have to put the toppings with the words: “At this point, I’ll show these cheapskates from the pizzeria how much there should be inside.” For pizza, the rule “more is better” does not apply. Everything must be in moderation

Traditional Italian pizza innards just like in a pizzeria

Today there are more than 2 thousand “registered” recipes for entrails. We will look at those that can be found in any pizzeria. These are classic internals that do not change when changing restaurants. And almost all of them have their own legends of origin.


For example, pizza Margherita is named after the queen, wife of King Umberto I. It was made from mozzarella, tomatoes and basil, and symbolized the colors of the Italian flag. The queen liked it so much that the pizza maker named the pizza after her - Margherita.

  • Tomatoes
  • Mozzarella
  • Fresh basil leaves
  • Sauce - olive oil

4 seasons (Quattro Spaggione)

A very exciting pizza, divided into 4 sectors.

  • Sector 1 - winter, mushrooms and boiled eggs
  • Sector 2 - spring, olives and artichokes
  • Sector 3 - summer, salami with black pepper
  • Sector 4 - autumn, tomatoes and mozzarella cheese
  • Sauce - traditional tomato

Caprese (Capricciosa)

An extraordinary interior that replicates the recipe for the traditional Italian Caprese salad, only in the form of pizza.

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Mozzarella
  • Mushrooms
  • Ham
  • Greenish and dark olives
  • Pesto sauce - garlic crushed in a blender with fresh basil and mixed with olive oil

4 cheeses (Quattro Formaggi)

Unlike 4 seasons, the cheese is not distributed into sectors, but is mixed and applied immediately to the entire base.

  • Dorway Blue cheese (or Gorgonzola)
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Emmental cheese
  • Tomato sauce

Prosciutto con Fungi

The pizza is named after the ingredient of the same name - Italian ham, made from ham, rubbed with salt. The most recognizable option is Perm ham. I don’t think it’s worth explaining that in our country prosciutto is replaced with ordinary ham.

  • Ham
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Champignon
  • Dark pepper
  • Tomato sauce


The original Italian word for capsicum is peperone But when pizza captured the hearts of the Yankees, they began to use this word to refer to the spicy variety of salami. Since then, pizza with spicy sausage has been called pepperoni. If you order a spicy pizza at a restaurant, in 95% of cases you will be offered Pepperoni.

  • Spicy salami
  • Mozzarella
  • Champignon
  • Tomato sauce


But this inside is for real fans of spicy food. The spiciness of salami is nonsense compared to jalapeno pepper.

  • Spicy salami
  • Jalapeno pepper
  • Beef
  • Cheese Paremzan
  • Mozzarella cheese
  • Tomato sauce


The highlight of this interior is Pecorino cheese, a type of hard sheep's cheese. It is virtually impossible to find it on sale here, so most often it is replaced with Parmesan cheese.

  • Pecorino cheese
  • Anchovies
  • Tomato sauce


Another traditional pizza with anchovy insides. The fish must be baked or marinated.

  • Tomatoes
  • Anchovies
  • Mozzarella
  • Parmesan
  • Basil
  • Tomato sauce


The most unique of the usual recipes. As you might have guessed, it was not invented in Italy at all. Lovers of the combination of sweet and salty really like this interior.

  • Ham (or smoked chicken)
  • Pineapples
  • Mozzarella
  • Tomato sauce

Canned corn is often added to the recipe. But this is completely an acquired taste.

These filling options are among the most popular in most fast food chains and restaurants with an Italian twist. To make such a pizza yourself, you will have to spend some time searching for suitable ingredients.

Ordinary and delicious pizza insides at home

Therefore, I consider it necessary to show other recipes for entrails from products that are in most refrigerators.

I won't give exact amounts of ingredients because it will vary greatly depending on the size of the pizza.

There is only one rule here: The main ingredient is meat and it must make up 40% of all ingredients. The other 60% is divided into vegetables: onions, tomatoes, olives and so on. In other words, vegetables, mushrooms, herbs and other ingredients of the pizza should add flavor colors, and not overwhelm the main meat taste.

Naturally, this is only true for non-vegetarian dishes.

Smoked chicken with pickles

  • Smoked chicken
  • Hard cheese
  • Salted cucumbers
  • Tomato sauce

Chicken and bell pepper

  • Boiled chicken fillet
  • Mozzarella
  • Bulb onions
  • Bulgarian pepper
  • Oregano
  • Tomato sauce

Interior with chicken fillet and pineapples

  • Boiled chicken breast
  • Canned pineapple
  • Hard cheese
  • Oregano
  • Olive oil and mayonnaise sauce

Regular with sausage, cheese and tomatoes

  • Boiled sausage
  • Hard cheese
  • Tomatoes
  • Oregano
  • Snow white sauce with mayonnaise

Pizza with sausage and mushrooms

  • Boiled sausage
  • For previously fried champignons
  • Gouda cheese
  • Dark olives (olives)
  • Greenery

Pizza interior with minced meat

  • Minced meat (fried)
  • Gouda cheese
  • Bulb onions
  • Tomato sauce
  • Oregano or herbs de Provence

Pizza with seafood

  • Shrimps
  • Lightly salted salmon
  • Gouda cheese
  • Snow white sauce with sour cream
  • Oregano

Unique inside with potatoes

  • Boiled potatoes
  • Smoked sausage
  • Gouda cheese
  • Sauce with the consistency of mayonnaise and ketchup
  • Dill greens

Country pizza with cottage cheese

  • Cottage cheese
  • Chicken fillet
  • Hard cheese
  • Green onions
  • Dill

Vegetable with eggplant

  • Eggplants (previously fried)
  • bell pepper
  • Onion
  • Olives
  • Hard cheese
  • Oregano

Inside with crab sticks

  • Crab sticks
  • Boiled sausage
  • Tomato
  • Hard cheese
  • Tomato sauce

This list can be continued for a long time, but I think you get the basic idea: pizza is a beautiful option for a flight of fancy. You can create whatever filling you want, just create it carefully, without trying to immediately put everything that was found in the refrigerator on the workpiece.

That's all I have for today, thank you for your attention.

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