French onion soup with cheese and croutons

French onion soup with cheese and croutons


  • Large onion 6 pieces
  • Butter 3–4 tbsp. spoons
  • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Sugar ½ teaspoon
  • Dry snow-white wine 100 ml
  • Flour 1 tbsp. spoon
  • Broth 2 l
  • Salt 1 teaspoon
  • Pepper to taste
  • Baguette 4–8 slices
  • Cheese 40 g

Manufacturing method

Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Place a thick-bottomed saucepan over medium heat and add butter. To prevent it from burning, add a spoonful of vegetable oil.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

When the butter is melted, add the onion to the pan. Stir well.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Add sugar: it will absorb excess water and help the onions caramelize better.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Fry the onions until they have a lovely coffee color, stirring occasionally.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Add wine to the pan. Because onions themselves are sweet, it is better to take dry wine to maintain a balance of taste.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Now add the flour, stir well and leave to fry for 1 minute.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Then pour in 1 ladle of broth. Mix the resulting mixture well.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

After this, add the remaining broth and bring the soup to a boil. Pepper, salt and cook for 10 minutes.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Remove the soup from the stove and pour into clay baking pots.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Dry the slices of bread in a frying pan or in the oven. Do not use oil.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Place 1-2 baguette slices on top of the soup.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Sprinkle coarsely grated cheese on top.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Bake in an oven preheated to 200°C for 1-2 minutes until golden brown. To get the full flavor, you need to eat everything right away: soup, croutons, baked cheese.

Photo: Yulia Obolenskaya / Lifehacker

Broths and soups French cuisine

How to make onion soup with cream cheese

The recipe for onion soup with cheese has been known since ancient times. At the moment, literally no one will say who was the founder and inventor of this recipe: either farmers, whose lot was ordinary food, or cooks of rich nobles and rulers, who from ordinary goods could create true masterpieces of culinary art, using meat broths, good cheese and fragrant bread. French chefs of the early 18th century became the popularizer and new inspiration for this dish. Even after centuries, the recipe for onion soup with cheese has remained constant. Now such soup can be found in almost all restaurants in the world, as well as in the kitchen of any housewife who loves a combination of simplicity and sophistication. If you follow the usual manufacturing rules, you will get an original dish that is not inferior to the one prepared by famous chefs.

French Onion Cheese Soup Recipe is a traditional recipe. But each prepared dish may differ slightly from the traditional one, depending on the ingredients you add to it. It should be especially noted that the taste mainly depends on the chosen type of cheese added to the onion soup.

Processed, hard or soft cheese is just a matter of preference and your abilities. And, if your abilities are limited to purchasing only processed cheese, don’t worry, your soup will turn out tasty, quite thick and rich in inimitable notes of smell.

The cream cheese makes the onion soup quite filling. But you shouldn’t think about calories, because in one serving of such a dish there will be no more than 250 kcal. Therefore, you can eat this soup quite often without worrying about the extra pounds and inches around your waist.

The onion taste, which after heat treatment and in combination with other ingredients will lose its pungency and pronounced smell, will allow you to enjoy this dish even for those who do not really like onions as an additive.

Let’s not torment ourselves any longer and let’s move on specifically to making onion soup with processed cheese, looking at a simple, but at the same time unique in taste and very appetizing recipe.

Fragrant onion soup with melted cheese

The soup we'll be preparing for now consists of the usual ingredients (we'll base it on approximately 6 servings).

  • onion - 3 heads (1 is used to make broth);
  • processed cheese – 250 g (approximately 3-4 processed cheese);
  • chicken broth – 400-600 ml (2 chicken breasts);
  • butter – 80 g (or sunflower – 2 tablespoons);
  • carrots – 1 pc. (used to make broth);
  • flour – 1 tablespoon;
  • sugar – ½ teaspoon;
  • salt and spices to taste.

Production time: approximately 1-1.5 hours.

  1. First, we'll prepare chicken broth. Beef can also be used as a meat component for the broth. If you do not want to use meat, you can skip this point and prepare the soup with plain water or replace the meat with vegetables, thus preparing vegetable broth. Place chicken breasts in water and bring to a boil. Remove the foam that appears during cooking, add carrots and onions to the broth, add salt and season to taste. The broth preparation time is from 30 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the chicken and the broth purchased.
  2. While our chicken broth is cooking, let's start making the remaining ingredients for our dish. Peel the onion and cut into thin rings (or half rings). If you don’t like coarsely chopped onions, you can chop them in advance, cutting them into small cubes.
  3. In order to properly prepare the onions for our dish, we take a frying pan, preferably with thick walls and a non-stick coating, and put in our piece of butter. If you are used to using sunflower oil, add it to the frying pan instead of butter in the amount of 2-3 tablespoons. When the oil is slightly hot, add the chopped onion and then sauté, stirring slightly, until it reaches a soft golden color. To prevent the onions from completely frying, you can cover the pan with a lid. Roasting time is approximately 20-30 minutes. It is important to keep in mind that our onions should not burn, and remain moderately colored in the appropriate light brown caramel color.
  4. In order for the taste to be as balanced as possible, when sauteing the onions, we can add a little sugar and flour. Mix everything thoroughly and cook covered for another 1-2 minutes.
  5. While we were busy cutting and sautéing, our broth was already prepared and awaiting seasoning. Add the freshly cooked onion to the pan and boil everything together for about 10 minutes.
  6. Processed cheese, before using it to make soup, can be cooled in the freezer and finely grated. Now add our processed cheese to the broth and, stirring slowly, bring it to a homogeneous mixture. You can add the amount of cheese at your discretion, thus adjusting the density and thickness of our soup. This process will take another 10-15 minutes.
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That's it, our onion soup with processed cheese is ready. To make the soup look most elegant and fresh, you can add the freshest finely chopped herbs to the already prepared dish or simply arrange it in the form of a sprig.

It is also worth keeping in mind that no one is stopping you from varying your dish and not sticking strictly to traditional recipes! If you want the thickest texture of your soup, you can also add pre-prepared mashed potatoes during the cheese addition step. To make broth, you can use not only chicken, but also beef and lamb. It all depends on your taste and gastronomic preferences.

Making crispy croutons

The French traditional recipe for onion soup with cheese involves serving this dish with croutons made from snow-white bread. To prepare crispy and fragrant croutons, let’s follow a few simple steps:

  1. Cut white bread into slices. A baguette or yesterday's snow-white loaf is perfect for this.
  2. Place these slices on a baking sheet and dry them in a preheated oven until golden brown. To complement the taste, it is better to sprinkle the croutons with grated cheese or grease them with garlic and various spices.

Croutons can be served either separately from the dish or by placing several slices of dried bread directly into a plate with onion soup. For the finishing touch, this soup can be additionally garnished with melted cheese grated into small shavings.

If you don’t have time or simply don’t want to make croutons, you can take regular croutons purchased at the store.

Bon appetit and delicious dishes on your table!

Onion soup with cheese

Bonjour, as the creators of our current exercise say!

Remember the dialogue between De'Briglia and Anastasia from the movie "Forward Midshipmen"?

“The Russians just want to fill their bellies.”
What does the poor Russian peasant eat: this terrible black bread, this terrible porridge, this terrible cabbage... - As for you, the French, they say your favorite dish is frogs and onion soup - one onion per bucket of water.

So, now I’ll tell you how I stepped over myself and was about to make a soup in which, contrary to Yaguzhinskaya’s words, there was far more than one onion per bucket, but even more. The heroism lies in the fact that I really don’t like boiled onions in soup. Sauteed or fried - please, but if you come across flaccid translucent fibers. In general, beeeee.

One day we wandered into a small restaurant on Tsvetnoy Boulevard and there was onion soup in pots on the menu. The restaurant had good cuisine and someone tried this masterpiece, and I dipped my toes into it to experience what it was all about. I avoided onions in every possible way, showing miracles of balance, but the taste of the soup itself seemed to me very, very fascinating. In addition, on top of each pot was covered with a piece of baguette and sprinkled with baked cheese, which also added charm to this work of culinary art.

Then this restaurant closed, I was never able to find a similar dish anywhere, my senses themselves were somehow dulled and everything was ready to sink into the abyss of memory, where I could curl up and rest safely in the bose, when not so long ago on the Internet I came across a recipe specifically for onion soup and specifically in pots and specifically with a baguette baked with cheese.

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In general, meet - onion soup with cheese.

  • Chicken
  • Snow white onion
  • Flour
  • Gruyère cheese
  • Snow-white dry wine
  • Butter
  • Garlic
  • Baguette
  • Salt

For one and a half liters of soup everything is in the following quantities:

Now let's talk more about the ingredients. You see, there are a lot of onions here - about a kilogram. They say you can use sweet reddish onions, but we decided to stick to the usual recipe.

Same story with cheese. Here you need Gruyere, which, by the way, costs more than a thousand per kilo, but it feels like you can use some other hard cheese like Parmesan or even Cheddar (see Schwerin cheese soup). Although, naturally, the taste of the soup will change. With Parmesan, I think it will be sharper, since Gruyère has a rather mild taste. But this time we decided not to experiment with cheese, as well as with onions, but stick to the source. Moreover, those 150 grams that are needed for our dish are not that cheap)))

Okay, let's get to the point. We cut our half of the chicken into small pieces and put it in a saucepan with one and a half liters of water to cook until it becomes a strong broth (about an hour and a half).

Thinly slice the onion into half rings. Indeed, subtly:

This is the amount that came out:

Three of our Gruyères on a small grater:

Take a saucepan with a thick bottom or, as in my case, a metal cauldron, and melt the butter:

Pour in all the onions, cover with a lid and simmer for half an hour, stirring occasionally:

Here's what happened:

Crush the garlic, pour in the flour:

Stir and add wine. Stir again, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes:

After this, pour in our strained chicken broth without meat (we use the chicken itself for something else) and bring to a boil:

Pour 80% of all the cheese into the bubbling soup and stir until it dissolves, taste, add salt:

Now preheat the oven to 200°C and pour the soup into serving bowls. The original had clay pots, but here at the dacha we found only Ikea bowls. We put a piece of baguette in each, sprinkle all the splendor with the remaining cheese and put it in the oven for about fifteen minutes:

After this time, the cheese has melted, or even better, if it has browned, you can eat it. Bon appetit!

In general, what can I say. The soup is actually quite awesome. Everyone in my household praised him for his sweet soul, and even strict experts in the person of the neighbor’s daughter, who couldn’t stand onions, approved of him. The onion here acquires the density of cabbage, does not disperse into the jelly and is, indeed, quite tasty. By the way, if you don’t know that it’s an onion, you’ll never be able to tell.

French onion soup with cheese sticks

  • 3 huge onions
  • flour – 1 tbsp.
  • 150 ml dry white wine
  • 1 liter chicken or vegetable broth
  • 4 slices white bread
  • garlic – 3 cloves
  • salt
  • Swiss cheese – 100 g
  • 3 tbsp. l. butter
  • salt – 0.5 tsp.
  • 0.5 tsp. paprika
  • baking powder – 0.5 tsp.
  • 100 g Swiss cheese
  • flour – 150 g
  • butter – 75 g
  • milk – 0.5 cups


Instead of broth for this soup, you can use regular drinking water.

Substances found in onion skins strengthen blood vessels, and onion juice has a beneficial effect on hair growth. In addition, the beneficial properties of onions are used in everyday life. Its juice removes stains from clothes. Use a cut onion to remove rust and stains from iron products.

Key words

Onion soup has been popular in Europe since ancient times, and it was prepared mainly in.

Soup recipes are indescribably diverse. Hot and cool, light and very filling, transparent and...

Very cool soup)

Great recipe! And if you put it in a blender, it’s just a masterpiece!

The soup is good! The family is ecstatic, even the 10-year-old!

I was skeptical about the phrase “onion soup” before the recipe. The taste is unique, wonderful, extraordinary... I will definitely repeat it, thank you!

This is the most reliable recipe - the most real French onion soup. I have been preparing it for 8 years specifically using this and only this recipe. From time to time I leave out the wine when my child expresses a desire to eat French onion soup. Cook this recipe and don’t hesitate!

I made a good soup

so weird. They don’t advise))) it’s a matter of taste. If you like it, cook it, if you don’t like it, don’t cook it. Why I don’t recommend writing. everyone has their own head on their shoulder, everyone can think.

Fox, the unique smell here comes from the wine! It’s not for nothing that this soup is French. Wine, along with onions, are the main ingredients.

I often make soup using the same recipe. The family loves it, I adore it. But I agree that this soup is not for everyone.

Lisa, it's not about the recipe. Do you generally like stewed onions? If not, this is not your dish at first. Secondly, there is a reason why wine is in a recipe: it significantly affects the taste by adding the right acidity. Thirdly, in the spring, onions may, to put it mildly, not be of the best quality. So I repeat – the recipe has nothing to do with it. And people have different tastes, you saw that correctly.

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To be honest, I’ve heard a lot of good things about onion soup, but this recipe made me think about the fact that people have very different tastes. I did everything according to the recipe, just without the wine. It’s impossible to eat, the taste is nauseating, the smell is even worse. After the third spoon, everything floated into the toilet N E. S O V E T U Y. E T O T R E C E P T

My sister lives in France, she often prepares this kind of soup, common for the French, she always makes it with water and not with broth, as they say, it’s customary. And add a pinch of nutmeg to the soup. Very tasty! I really love!

I didn't like the soup! I did everything according to the recipe. I don't recommend it.

I made the soup exactly according to the recipe! Result: a very catchy, rich and rich taste! Many thanks to “Gastronom” for such a wonderful recipe!

Yes, the soup is excellent. As for reddish wine instead of snow-white wine, this is not what is necessary; if there is no snow-white wine, then it is better not to add it at all. I understand from personal experience, only my mother and I did not add reddish wine to the soup, but to the carbonara pasta, the recipe also called for snow-white wine, so the taste of the dish was completely different. The final conclusion is that you need to make it strictly according to the recipe! Or learn by trial and error, which will also be needed in life. I wish everyone bon appetit!

I have made this soup recipe a couple of times and every time I always add parsley and cream to it. – It seems to me that these additions impart a special smell. And as for the soggy crackers - but they won’t force you, you don’t have to put them there, or just create small crackers, or as they are called – “croutons”!

Yes, it is not allowed to use water instead of broth. It will most likely be tasteless. You need to cook the broth either on a piece of chicken or on a piece of soup beef. And caramelize the onions in butter with sugar (sugar is insignificant).

Yes, it is not allowed to use water instead of broth. It will most likely be tasteless. You need to cook the broth either on a piece of chicken or on a piece of soup beef. And caramelize the onions in butter with sugar (sugar is insignificant).

Hm. for lovers of soaked crackers in soup. I literally won't eat this. and about adding cheese to the broth. I don’t agree either... the cheese will simply dissolve and there will be a cloudy broth with an indeterminate taste.

I would recommend preparing this soup with beef broth, which is the most common way. There is no need to add cheese into the soup itself, just on top of the bread slices. And the most desirable spices are thyme and parsley. This will be the most authentic way.

belka911: thank you for your note – the soup also requires 100 g of cheese

I would like to make this soup, but I just can’t figure out how much cheese is needed specifically in the soup itself. Sticks contain 100 grams. But in the soup?? it says grate half the cheese, add it to the soup, sprinkle half of it later.. Half of how many grams??

Nourishing and tasty if everything is created correctly. The only remark is that it seems that the garlic was unnecessary, I added 1 clove, but it overpowered the smell of wine, without it it would probably have been tastier.

2 Ksenia, In principle, you can cook completely without wine, but for cooking together with cheese, reddish wine is the exception. If you don't mind cheese and wine, make cheese fondue with red wine. I don't think you'll like it.

The soup turned out great, thank you for the recipe. But Ksenia made me laugh. she would also put condensed milk in it to sharpen the senses)))

I laughed for a long time with “they lost the reddish one, because there was no snow-white one.” so, of course it will turn out to be bullshit :)))

I didn’t realize how much cheese is needed in cheese sticks?

I made cheese sticks from this recipe. I used gouda cheese. A wonderful thing came out. We ate everything at once))) Another time I added ground ginger instead of paprika. Amazing too.

We didn't like the soup. The first few spoons were interesting to eat, because the taste was unusual and specific, but later for some reason it became disgusting. We didn't even finish it. We did everything according to the recipe except wine - we added not snow-white, but reddish wine (there was no snow-white). Maybe this is why the taste has changed so much? I also didn’t like the fact that the crispy, delicious croutons became very soft and became mush in the soup. But the sticks turned out to be quite okay. Savory, crispy, you could feel the cheese inside. Surely we’ll finish the chopsticks and pour out the soup

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