Lingonberry jelly: a mind-blowing and ordinary dessert for the winter

Lingonberry jelly: a mind-blowing and ordinary dessert for the winter

The freshest lingonberries are virtually inedible. No, you can eat them, but they are so sour that it will bring little joy. And if you have an ulcer or gastritis, then this tasting may end poorly. But in processed form, lingonberries lose excess acidity, leaving a pleasant sourness and the forest smell of new berries. What’s especially great is that lingonberries are not subject to heat treatment. You can make beautiful preparations from it, and in the winter season you can amuse yourself with various desserts.

The easiest way to make jelly from lingonberries for the winter. It is tender, fragrant, beautiful, and thanks to the high content of pectin in the berries, gelatin can be omitted and the jelly hardens on its own.

The ratio of berries and sugar for making lingonberry jelly is the same as for making jam 1:1. In other words, for 1 kg of berries, you need 1 kg of sugar.

Wash the lingonberries and place them in a saucepan with a thick bottom. Press them down slightly so that the berries release their juice, or pour in a glass of water.

Turn on the heat under the pan and cook the berries for 7-10 minutes. During this period of time, most of the berries will burst and more juice will appear, which must be strained through a sieve and squeezed well.

Add sugar to the lingonberry juice and place the pan on the stove again over very low heat. Do not let the lingonberry juice boil too much, and skim off the foam from time to time. The juice should be boiled to 2/3 of the initial volume. Make sure that the juice does not burn, and it is better to place the pan on the divider.

Check the readiness of the jelly. Place a drop of lingonberry juice on a chilled plate and tilt it. If the drop does not flow, but freezes here, then the jelly is ready. If, despite the fact that the juice has boiled down, the drop does not harden, add a little gelatin.

For 1 liter of juice, 40 grams of edible, instant gelatin is enough. Dissolve the gelatin in a separate container with lingonberry juice until completely dissolved, and mix with the rest of the juice.

At this point, remove the pan from the heat. Under no circumstances should you boil juice if gelatin or agar-agar has already been added to it. To vary the taste, you can add the same additives to lingonberry jelly as in the case of lingonberry syrup.

Pour the still watery lingonberry juice into clean, dry jars and seal. Don't worry about too much fluidity; the lingonberry jelly will harden as it cools.

This jelly is stored very well, and the kitchen cabinet is a completely suitable space for it.

Watch the video on how to make lingonberry jelly for the winter:

Lingonberry jelly for the winter: softer than jam and jam

Berry jelly differs from preserves and jam in the most tender mixture. It should not be used as a pie crust because it becomes watery when heated. But it is a good dessert {in itself}, and can also serve as an addition to other sweet dishes, decorating them. You can create this delicacy from garden berries, for example, reddish currants, or from forest ones. Lingonberries are a good choice. When fresh, this berry is very sour, but opens up well in sweet preparations. Lingonberry jelly for the winter can be created even without thickeners, because this berry contains a huge amount of pectin. But adding gelatin or other similar ingredients makes the dessert even denser and more appetizing. The introduction of thickeners makes it possible to reduce the time of heat treatment of raw materials, so lingonberry jelly is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Individual manufacturing

  • Lingonberries on jelly must be selected when they are ripe. Unripe berries are not very tasty and juicy, they do not contain enough pectin, which gives the delicacy thickness and contributes to its best preservation.
  • Jelly is made from lingonberry juice or puree. The berries can be immediately passed through a juicer, but usually they are first stewed for some time to soften, and then rubbed through a sieve.
  • Lingonberry juice has a rich, sour taste and is usually diluted with water before making jelly. Usually, 300-400 ml of water is taken per 1 kg of berries, which is approximately 1.5 cups.
  • Sugar for making jelly is taken from 0.5 to 1 kg per 1 kg of lingonberries. But from time to time the amount of sweet sand is calculated depending on the size of the purchased juice. In some recipes, sugar is supplemented or replaced with honey. In order not to make a mistake, you need to carefully read the recipe.
  • Lingonberry jelly is often made as a dessert for immediate consumption. Not all versions of this sweet can be stored for a long time. If you are not convinced that the recipe allows you to obtain sweetness for long-term storage, do not prepare jelly for the winter using it.
  • Jars for lingonberry jelly, which will last a long time, need to be washed with soda and sterilized. Lids also require sterilization; they are usually boiled for this purpose.
  • Lingonberry jelly should be covered with metal lids to ensure density. Plastic ones will not work for this purpose.
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Storage conditions for lingonberry jelly depend on the specific recipe. If the dessert does not contain enough sugar or the cooking time was short, then it must be kept in a cold place, from time to time it even requires storage in the refrigerator. If the jelly has been cooked for a long time, it usually stands well even at room temperature. If the storage conditions are met, the dessert will not spoil for at least a year.

Traditional recipe for lingonberry jelly (with honey and gelatin)

  • lingonberries – 1 kg;
  • honey – 350 ml;
  • water – 0.25 l;
  • gelatin – 25 g.

Manufacturing method:

  • Pour gelatin with boiled water, previously cooled to room temperature, and leave to swell.
  • Melt the honey until watery in a water bath or in the microwave.
  • Wash your lips and jars of soda, sterilize them. Boil suitable lids.
  • Sort the lingonberries, discarding greenish and spoiled specimens. Grind the finished berries to a puree using a blender or meat grinder. If you don’t have kitchen equipment, you can simply mash the fruits with a masher.
  • Squeeze the lingonberry puree through several layers of gauze.
  • Combine the purchased berry juice with honey. Bring to a boil over low heat.
  • Add gelatin and boil the berry mixture for 2-3 minutes. Remove the container with it from the stove.
  • Place the dessert among the prepared jars and close them tightly.

Once the treat has cooled to room temperature, put it in the refrigerator.

7 best recipes for making lingonberry jelly for the winter

These berries are widely known for their beneficial properties and high vitamin content. They prepare many delicious preparations and jelly from ripe lingonberries, rolled up for the winter, will become a truly exciting, tasty and unusual dessert. There are different, tested, but relatively ordinary recipes for making it, including with different thickeners.

Specifics of making lingonberry jelly for the winter

To make a tasty, healthy and beautiful jelly of a suitable mixture, you need to choose the right berries, sterilize the container and follow the recipe correctly.

Rules for choosing ingredients

Only ripe, elastic and whole berries are selected for production. Spoiled, putrid or unripe, greenish fruits are discarded - they will spoil the taste of the future jelly. Interestingly, some housewives cook jelly without adding thickeners - ripe lingonberries contain enough pectin for a suitable mixture of the preparation .

How to properly prepare containers

To preserve the preparations, the jars are well washed and sterilized. To do this, treat with hot steam over a saucepan, fry for 10-15 minutes in the oven, use a multicooker or microwave oven, where they place the container, pouring water on the bottom.

How to make lingonberry jelly at home

To do this, you need to choose high-quality fruits and correctly, step by step follow the requirements of the recipe.

For cooking, use pans with a thick bottom and low sides, in which it is comfortable to boil the berry mass.

Traditional recipe

This is an easy, tried and tested recipe that only requires the bare minimum of ingredients. This jelly is suitable for dietary nutrition, as an original, harmless treat for children and simply as a tasty, wonderful, nutritious dessert.

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  • berries – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 250 ml;
  • thickener (gelatin) – 25 g;
  • watery honey – 350 ml.
  1. The berries are sorted, washed and dried.
  2. Then they are ground through a sieve or mashed with a masher, and then the juice is squeezed out using gauze.
  3. Add honey to a saucepan with juice, put on fire and, stirring, bring to a boil.
  4. Then add gelatin and, stirring constantly, cook until the thickener (gelatin) is completely dissolved.
  5. Afterwards, there are two options: simply pour the roast into sterilized, unstained jars, or add berries and only then pour it.

No-cooking option

This jelly preserves all the taste, smell and benefits of lingonberries. There is nothing complicated in such production. You must first sprinkle the fruits with sugar so that they give juice. Then bring to a boil, allow to cool and grind through a sieve. Then they heat it up again and add a thickener before boiling, and after a couple of minutes remove it from the heat.

But some housewives manage without it. To make it you need to take:

  • lingonberry fruits – 2 kilograms;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram;
  • water – 3 glasses;
  • thickener (pectin) – 30 gr.

With gelatin

To make sure that the finished jelly literally acquires the appropriate thickness, almost all housewives use a proven ingredient - gelatin. Apart from this, the following will be useful:

  • lingonberry fruits – 2 kilograms;
  • gelatin – 50 g;
  • water – 750 ml;
  • sugar – 1 kilogram.

With pectin

Housewives often use pectin to make jelly - a substitute for regular gelatin. But with all this, it is important to keep in mind that it does not tolerate prolonged heat treatment. It is added only 7-10 minutes before the end of production, having previously been dissolved in water. The following ingredients are needed: berries – 1 kilogram; sugar 500 g, water 1.5 cups, pectin – 15 g.

With yellowfix

More and more often, instead of gelatin, housewives use zhelfix, a substance based on pectin and citric acid, to make jellies and jellies. In addition to everything else, it also acts as a preservative. For production you need the following ingredients:

  • lingonberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 500 gr;
  • water – 350 ml,
  • Zhelfix – 1 pack.

With liqueur

This is a jelly recipe for adults only, adding liquor makes the taste more special, increases the smell and extends the shelf life.

The recipe actually does not differ from the traditional one, only 2-3 teaspoons of liqueur are added to 1 kilogram of berries at the end of production.


But the prepared jelly with spices will not leave even a single real gourmet phlegmatic. The following ingredients will be useful for this:

  • lingonberries – 1 kilogram;
  • sugar – 800 gr;
  • cinnamon – 1 stick;
  • cloves - 2-3 buds.

Rules for storing lingonberry preparations

Rolled lingonberry jelly is stored in dry, black and cold places. They should not freeze out in winter, and the temperature should not rise above +10 C degrees. These are glazed, unheated balconies, cellars, basements, and also ordinary home refrigerators.

Lingonberry jelly: recipe and manufacturing principles

Lingonberries are a sour berry, so it is recommended to consume them in processed form. Fresh lingonberries can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or stomach ulcers due to high acidity. Be careful. But if you have the opportunity to purchase this berry, then be sure to buy it, because it is rich in useful substances that are not lost during heat treatment. You can make delicious desserts from the berries, for example, lingonberry jelly is fragrant and unusual, which is very easy to prepare. It can be eaten at any time of the year, because such preparations are stored for a long time.

Personality of berry jelly

The basis of berry jelly is juice. The finished dish is a thick transparent mass with an excellent taste and pleasant aroma. Jelly is also used as a dessert, as well as an addition to meat and vegetable dishes. Lingonberry jelly can be used as a decoration for cakes, pastries, salads and sandwiches. But it is not recommended to use it as an interior for pies and flour products, because when exposed to high temperatures, it spills. Since lingonberries are rich in pectin, lingonberry jelly is prepared for the winter without gelatin, because it already hardens quickly and does not require the use of additional thickeners. Eight hundred grams of sugar are taken per liter of juice. And if the juice is thick, it is diluted with a small amount of water. If desired, you can add spices, essences, citrus fruits, etc. to the dish.

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Manufacturing principles

It is recommended to cook the jelly in a large container with low sides or in a saucepan that has a thick bottom; do not use enamel dishes. First, the berries are washed and their juice is squeezed out. Later it is filtered, sweet sand is added, water is added if necessary, and boiled over low heat, stirring occasionally, and removing foam from the surface. The readiness of a dish is determined in several ways. It will be ready if its size has halved, huge bubbles have appeared, and foam collects in the center. If you put a spoon into the pan, the jelly slowly flows down it and hardens on a cool dish. You can know that lingonberry jelly is ready if it has received a glassy glow and all the berries have risen to a height. Then the jelly is poured into jars and rolled up, cooled and put away in a black space.

"Live" jelly

You can prepare lingonberry jelly for the winter without gelatin using the cool method. It will then retain all vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) and useful microelements. This dish is made without boiling. Add sugar and spices to the squeezed juice and mix well, leave for some time so that the sugar is completely dissolved. Later, the foam is removed and poured into jars, closed and stored in the cold.

Lingonberry jelly

The recipe is simple. Ingredients:

  • 320 grams of lingonberries (fresh or frozen);
  • 120 grams of sugar;
  • 150 grams of cream;
  • 45 grams of sweet powder;
  • 20 grams of gelatin as needed.

The berries are washed, placed in a bowl and filled with water, and set to boil for 5 minutes. Afterwards they are kneaded and squeezed out using gauze. The juice is cooled and refrigerated. The squeezed berries are transferred to a saucepan and filled with water (1.5 liters), boiled for 10 minutes, filtered, added sugar and cooled. These two decoctions are combined together, mixed and poured into a mold, and refrigerated for four hours. Whip cream with powder. The frozen lingonberry jelly is cut into pieces, laid out on plates and poured over with cream.

Lingonberries in jelly

  • 350 grams of lingonberries;
  • 350 grams of reddish grape juice;
  • 160 grams of berry liqueur;
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice;
  • 10 grams of gelatin;
  • sugar.

According to this recipe, lingonberry jelly is prepared quickly. To do this, pour gelatin with lemon juice and set aside. Grape juice is diluted with liqueur, added to gelatin, left for about fifteen minutes, and transferred to a water bath. The berries are washed and combined with the mixture, mixed, poured into molds and placed in the refrigerator.

Lingonberry jelly for the winter

  • 2 cups lingonberries;
  • 350 grams of sugar;
  • 2 glasses of unstained water;

This lingonberry jelly for the winter is easy to prepare. First, the berries are washed and covered with 4 tablespoons of sugar, mashed with a fork and left for a short time so that the juice appears. Then they squeeze it all out through gauze and leave it. Syrup is made from sugar and water. When it boils slightly, add lingonberry juice and turn off the stove. The jelly is poured into sterile jars and sealed. It needs to be cooled and then stored.

Berry jelly

  • 1 kilogram of lingonberries;
  • 700-800 grams of sweet sand;
  • cinnamon or cloves.

The berries are placed in a saucepan and put on fire, stirring constantly. After a while, the berries will begin to explode and release juice, then they are removed from the stove and cooled. Next, the lingonberries are passed through a sieve, covered with sugar and stirred until it dissolves. The prepared mass is put on fire, boiled for about eight minutes, adding cinnamon or cloves, then poured into sterile jars and rolled up. You can simply cool the berry jelly and then serve it with hot tea.

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