Vermicelli soup Vermicelli soup Lenten vermicelli soup with peas Food during Lent. To make this soup, we need very ordinary ingredients. I’ll take canned green peas TM FRAU...
Banana Cookies Banana Cookies A collection of regular banana cookie recipes with step-by-step photos and instructions. Prepare delicious banana cookies with your own hands together with our chefs! Organize...
Blueberry pie made from puff pastry Blueberry pie made from puff pastry. Recipes for any day In our article we will tell you how to make the right blueberry pie from...
Thick pea soup made from pork; no one will refuse this first Thick pea soup made from pork - no one will refuse this first Pea soup in its own right is not bad...
Pollock in batter Pollock in batter Ingredients Pollock (fillet) – 300 g Chicken egg – 1 pc. Wheat flour – 3 tbsp. Vegetable oil – 1 tbsp. Pepper…
Yeast pie with potatoes Yeast pie with potatoes Yeast pie with potatoes - a delicious recipe for fluffy dough and potato insides. Ingredients: 3 cups flour (250 ml cup) +…
Kundums (lenten dumplings with mushroom inside) Kundums (lenten dumplings with mushroom inside) Turkey with pumpkin in the oven Pie for tea. Jellied lavash pie with cottage cheese Zebra Cupcake…
The most playful and necessary tomato soup with beans; step-by-step recipe The fastest and most necessary tomato soup with beans - step-by-step recipe Now there is tomato soup waiting for us in the kitchen...
The most delicious dough for dumplings with kefir The most delicious dough for dumplings with kefir Since the time for dumplings with fruit and berry insides is in full swing, I would like to share with you...
Compote of dried fruits: a step-by-step recipe for making Compote of dried fruits: a step-by-step recipe for making Greetings, dear readers In Your Own Home! Now I will tell you how to properly prepare dried fruit compote...