Kundyumy (lenten dumplings with mushroom inside)

Kundyumy (lenten dumplings with mushroom inside)

Turkey with pumpkin in the oven

Pie for tea. Jellied lavash pie with cottage cheese

Cupcake “Zebra”

Potatoes with mushrooms in the oven. Potato Casserole / Gratin

Apple Pie with Sour Cream

  • lean
  • For diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food)
  • For pregnant and lactating women
  • vegetarian
  • economical

Kundyumy is an old Russian dish.
These are, in a way, dumplings with mushroom inside. And the dough of these extraordinary dumplings is also extraordinary - it is a combination of choux and stretch dough, and is prepared in vegetable oil. Also, the method of making kundums is very different from making ordinary dumplings - first, the kundums are baked in the oven, and then simmered in mushroom broth. The kundum recipe was reconstructed by the amazing scientist, historian and writer V.V.
Pokhlebkin. In a unique recipe, chopped egg is added to the filling for kundums, and the kundums are served with sour cream.
We will exclude fast ingredients and prepare lean kundums!


For the test
flour 260 g
water (boiling water) 75 ml
vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
For the inside
frozen white or other forest mushrooms 200 g (you can take 100 g of dried mushrooms)
buckwheat or rice 0.5 cups
bulb onions 1-2 pcs
vegetable oil for frying
freshly ground pepper
For mushroom broth
water 0.5 liters
Bay leaf 1 PC
aromatic peppercorns 5-6 pcs
parsley (optional) 2-3 branches
garlic 1 clove
parsley or dill
dill or caraway seeds
freshly ground pepper

general information

Total production time

2 h

Active production time

1 hour 30 minutes



Number of servings

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Pour boiling water into a bowl, add oil, stir with a spoon, add flour, quickly stir the dough with a spoon and knead with your hands.

Knead the dough, place it on a wooden board and cover with an inverted hot bowl or pan.
Throw the dough on

30 minutes.
Rinse the defrosted mushrooms with water and let the water drain.
Pour water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
Place a bay leaf, a crushed clove of garlic, peppercorns and sprigs of herbs into the water.
Place the mushrooms, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer at a low simmer, covered

10 minutes. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little salt.

Remove the mushrooms from the broth (do not pour out the broth) and cool.
Remove spices from the broth and strain the broth.
Chop the cooled mushrooms finely enough.

Prepare the filling.
Sort out the buckwheat, wash and add 1 glass of water.
Place the pan with buckwheat on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and cook over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated.
Lightly salt the porridge, stir, cover again, wrap in a thick towel and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Peel the onion and chop finely.
Place the onion in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, add a little salt and pepper, and fry until soft.
Add finely chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry

3-5 minutes, stirring.
Add buckwheat porridge and stir.
To taste, add a little salt (if necessary), freshly ground pepper to the filling, mix well again, and fry everything together

Lightly grease the desktop with vegetable oil and roll out the dough on it into a narrow layer (thickness

Cut the dough into 5x5 cm squares (if the size seems too small, you can create slightly larger squares, but for food the suggested size is best).

Place a small amount of entrails in the middle of the square, fold the square at an angle and pinch the edges in the shape of a triangle.

Tip 1. It is convenient to turn the dough squares so that the bottom side is on top, in other words, the side of the dough that was adjacent to the table during rolling should be on top, then the edges of the dough will stick together perfectly and the dough will not need to be additionally lubricated with water.

Tip 2. Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear what shape it is necessary to create kundums, but after trying various options, I liked the triangle-shaped kundums. If desired, the ends of the triangle can be connected - you will get almost a dumpling. Someone might want to give it the shape of ravioli. You can experiment with shapes and sizes and choose the option you like best.

Place the kundums on a greased baking sheet and bake

15-20 minutes at temperature

It seems to me that at this step it is not necessary to bake them until golden brown (although you can bring them until golden brown), here you just need to dry the dough, as we usually dry the dough for noodles. By the way, kundums can simply be fried in a small amount of oil.

While the kundums are dried in the oven, the mushroom broth must be brought to a boil.
Place the baked kundums in a wide and fairly deep form, pour in hot mushroom broth, lightly sprinkle with cumin or dill seeds and freshly ground pepper.

Advice. V. Pokhlebkin recommends baking kundums in a pot. I tried two options - in a pot and in a wide form, and in the form it turned out even tastier. The fact is that the mushroom broth (if cooked in a pot) makes the dough soggy and the kundums become very soft, but in shape they come out amazing. You can try both options and settle on the one you like best.

Cover the pan with a lid or cover with foil, return to the oven, and cook the kundums some more.

Read also:  How to cook beshbarmak at home recipe

20 minutes at the same temperature.
Remove the finished kundums from the oven, arrange on plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
If desired, you can sprinkle the kundums with chopped garlic or fried onions.

Bon appetit!

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Kundums. Several recipes

When you don’t know how to amaze your loved ones, you should listen to the cry of the forefathers. You can simply interest your household by letting them know what they will be having for dinner, for example. kundums.

Kundums (also known as kundums, kunduptsy, kundyuptsy, kundyubki) is an old Russian dish of the 16th century, which is a kind of dumpling with mushroom inside. The dough for kundums is kneaded with vegetable oils (sunflower or poppy seed) and hot water and is thus a combination of choux and stretch dough.

The inside can be prepared from both new and dried mushrooms in combination with cereals (buckwheat, rice) and spices. Unlike dumplings, kundums are not boiled, but first baked and then simmered in the oven.

Kundums are mentioned in almost all historical sources, including the famous “Domostroy” and in the painting of dishes served at the sovereign’s table in 1614. But for a long time it remained a mystery what they are and what they are eaten with.

The renowned culinary historian and popularizer of Russian cuisine, William Pokhlebkin, found a recipe for making them in Vasily Levshin’s 1796 edition of the Cookery Dictionary. It turned out that this was a forgotten ancient Russian dish - a kind of dumpling pies, most often with mushroom inside. Pokhlebkin returned this dish to us, and now almost all restaurants of Russian cuisine can enjoy it. Basically: the dough for kundums is kneaded in vegetable oil (sunflower or poppy seed) and hot water and is a combination of choux and stretch dough.

The inside can be prepared from both new and dried mushrooms in combination with cereals (buckwheat, rice) and spices. There are kundums with egg or vegetable interior (sorrel, chopped hard-boiled eggs, rice). And, in the end, the main thing: unlike dumplings, kundums are not boiled, but first baked (fried from time to time), and then simmered in an oven or oven under mushroom or sour cream sauce. There is a version that kundums are an invention of church cooks, and they arose as a substitute for dumplings on the Lenten, monastic table. But the very name of the dish is of Turkic origin and means “wheat”, i.e. made from wheat dough.

How was it prepared? Knead the dough in boiling water and oil. For the inside, white mushrooms and onions were fried and buckwheat porridge was added. They sculpted kundums in the shape of an ear. They were baked in the oven. Then they put them in pots, poured mushroom broth with spices and simmered them in the oven.

Secrets of making kundums

It would seem that everything is simple, but the know-how, as is clear, is hidden in the details. For the kundums to come out, you need to know some secrets. For the “correct” dough, first pour boiling water into a bowl (in the amount indicated in the recipe), then add vegetable oil and only later add sifted flour. Mix the mixture quickly and quickly with a spoon (it’s too hot otherwise!), and then continue kneading with your hands on the board. Cover with a hot bowl and let rest for 30 minutes.

Mushrooms for minced meat are boiled in a small amount of water with spices. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, lightly salt the mushrooms, then remove them, cool, chop and fry with onions. Buckwheat or rice porridge is prepared in water using the usual method. The finished minced mushrooms and porridge should be quite juicy. If it comes out a bit dry, you can add cream. The dough should be rolled out into an almost transparent layer, then cut into squares with a side of 5 cm. Place a small amount of insides in the middle of each, fold the square at an angle and pinch it in the form of a triangle. In general, Pokhlebkin and Levshin argue that the traditional shape of the kundyum resembled a “cattle ear” - for this, the two corners of the triangle were additionally connected and fastened.

Bake kundums on a baking sheet greased with oil. But they are “simmered” either in one large form, covering it with a lid or foil, or in portioned clay pots. Before pouring the mushroom broth over the kundums, you need to bring it to a boil. Sour cream can be added either to the broth or before serving. The newest recipes use different sour cream sauces for filling. Some housewives go further - sprinkle the kundums with cheese. Or even further - they use meat (veal, poultry) for the insides, in addition to mushrooms. In general, what can prevent you from creating kundums with at least some of the insides, classic for dumplings and dumplings?

And yet, the main enthusiasm comes from the very development of making this dish. Remember how, after making dumplings, we usually expose them to the cold: the dough is partially dehydrated (the water is frozen), and it becomes denser. Approximately the same thing happens with kundums when baked in an oven (oven). As a result, even after simmering in the sauce, the products retain their shape, while acquiring a special taste.

Potato kundums

• 2 cups flour
• 4 tbsp.
l. vegetable oil • 0.5 cups hot water

For the insides and sauce:

• 1 kg of potatoes
• 150-200 g of dried mushrooms
• 1 onion
• 4 cloves of garlic
• 250 g of sour cream
• 500 ml of cream
• chopped fresh herbs
• salt, pepper and spices

Prepare the dough. Soak white mushrooms, boil, cut and fry with onions. Chop the potatoes very finely, mix with mushrooms, salt and pepper, you can add chopped garlic and herbs. For the sauce, fry the garlic, mix sour cream and cream, put on the stove, bring to a boil, add spices, salt and chopped herbs. Make kundums. Brown in a frying pan, place in pots, pour over the sauce, and place in a preheated oven for 30-40 minutes.

Read also:  Risotto with chicken and mushrooms

Kundums from Pokhlebkin

• 2 cups flour
• 0.75 cup boiling water
• 4 tbsp.
l. oils For the decoction: • 0.5 liters of water
• 3 bay leaves and cloves of garlic
• 5 peppercorns
• parsley
• 1 cup sour cream
• salt

• 20 dried white mushrooms
• 1 onion
• 1 glass of buckwheat or rice porridge
• 4 tbsp.
l. butter • 1 egg

Soak the mushrooms, boil them, and fry them with onions in oil. Add porridge and chopped egg, mash. Cut the dough into squares. Fill them with minced meat and mold them. Place the “ears” on a baking sheet and place in the oven for 15 minutes. Place in a pot, add mushroom broth, add spices, leave for 15 minutes. into the oven, pour sour cream.

Meat kundums

• 400 g mushrooms
• 2 onions
• 0.5 cup sour cream
• 250 g duck meat
• salt
• dark pepper

• 250 g sour cream
• 300 ml broth
• 2 onions
• vegetable and butter
• 1 tbsp.
l. flour • salt, pepper and garlic to taste

Knead the dough. Make kundums with mushrooms and meat stewed in sour cream. Bake until golden. Chop the onion and fry in the consistency of vegetable oil and butter, add flour, fry, add sour cream and broth, boil, add salt, pepper and garlic.

Place the kundums in the mold, pour in the sauce, close the lid and place in the oven for approximately 20 minutes.

Kundyumy (lenten dumplings with mushroom inside)

Turkey with pumpkin in the oven

Pie for tea. Jellied lavash pie with cottage cheese

Cupcake “Zebra”

Potatoes with mushrooms in the oven. Potato Casserole / Gratin

Apple Pie with Sour Cream

  • lean
  • For diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food)
  • For pregnant and lactating women
  • vegetarian
  • economical

Kundyumy is an old Russian dish.
These are, in a way, dumplings with mushroom inside. And the dough of these extraordinary dumplings is also extraordinary - it is a combination of choux and stretch dough, and is prepared in vegetable oil. Also, the method of making kundums is very different from making ordinary dumplings - first, the kundums are baked in the oven, and then simmered in mushroom broth. The kundum recipe was reconstructed by the amazing scientist, historian and writer V.V.
Pokhlebkin. In a unique recipe, chopped egg is added to the filling for kundums, and the kundums are served with sour cream.
We will exclude fast ingredients and prepare lean kundums!


For the test
flour 260 g
water (boiling water) 75 ml
vegetable oil 4 tbsp.
For the inside
frozen white or other forest mushrooms 200 g (you can take 100 g of dried mushrooms)
buckwheat or rice 0.5 cups
bulb onions 1-2 pcs
vegetable oil for frying
freshly ground pepper
For mushroom broth
water 0.5 liters
Bay leaf 1 PC
aromatic peppercorns 5-6 pcs
parsley (optional) 2-3 branches
garlic 1 clove
parsley or dill
dill or caraway seeds
freshly ground pepper

general information

Total production time

2 h

Active production time

1 hour 30 minutes



Number of servings

Step-by-step recipe with photos

Pour boiling water into a bowl, add oil, stir with a spoon, add flour, quickly stir the dough with a spoon and knead with your hands.

Knead the dough, place it on a wooden board and cover with an inverted hot bowl or pan.
Throw the dough on

30 minutes.
Rinse the defrosted mushrooms with water and let the water drain.
Pour water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil.
Place a bay leaf, a crushed clove of garlic, peppercorns and sprigs of herbs into the water.
Place the mushrooms, bring the water to a boil, reduce the heat and simmer at a low simmer, covered

10 minutes. 2-3 minutes before the end of cooking, add a little salt.

Remove the mushrooms from the broth (do not pour out the broth) and cool.
Remove spices from the broth and strain the broth.
Chop the cooled mushrooms finely enough.

Prepare the filling.
Sort out the buckwheat, wash and add 1 glass of water.
Place the pan with buckwheat on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat, cover with a lid, and cook over low heat until all the liquid has evaporated.
Lightly salt the porridge, stir, cover again, wrap in a thick towel and leave for 15-20 minutes.

Peel the onion and chop finely.
Place the onion in a frying pan heated with vegetable oil, add a little salt and pepper, and fry until soft.
Add finely chopped mushrooms to the onion and fry

3-5 minutes, stirring.
Add buckwheat porridge and stir.
To taste, add a little salt (if necessary), freshly ground pepper to the filling, mix well again, and fry everything together

Lightly grease the desktop with vegetable oil and roll out the dough on it into a narrow layer (thickness

Read also:  Quick sausages in dough

Cut the dough into 5x5 cm squares (if the size seems too small, you can create slightly larger squares, but for food the suggested size is best).

Place a small amount of entrails in the middle of the square, fold the square at an angle and pinch the edges in the shape of a triangle.

Tip 1. It is convenient to turn the dough squares so that the bottom side is on top, in other words, the side of the dough that was adjacent to the table during rolling should be on top, then the edges of the dough will stick together perfectly and the dough will not need to be additionally lubricated with water.

Tip 2. Unfortunately, it is not entirely clear what shape it is necessary to create kundums, but after trying various options, I liked the triangle-shaped kundums. If desired, the ends of the triangle can be connected - you will get almost a dumpling. Someone might want to give it the shape of ravioli. You can experiment with shapes and sizes and choose the option you like best.

Place the kundums on a greased baking sheet and bake

15-20 minutes at temperature

It seems to me that at this step it is not necessary to bake them until golden brown (although you can bring them until golden brown), here you just need to dry the dough, as we usually dry the dough for noodles. By the way, kundums can simply be fried in a small amount of oil.

While the kundums are dried in the oven, the mushroom broth must be brought to a boil.
Place the baked kundums in a wide and fairly deep form, pour in hot mushroom broth, lightly sprinkle with cumin or dill seeds and freshly ground pepper.

Advice. V. Pokhlebkin recommends baking kundums in a pot. I tried two options - in a pot and in a wide form, and in the form it turned out even tastier. The fact is that the mushroom broth (if cooked in a pot) makes the dough soggy and the kundums become very soft, but in shape they come out amazing. You can try both options and settle on the one you like best.

Cover the pan with a lid or cover with foil, return to the oven, and cook the kundums some more.

20 minutes at the same temperature.
Remove the finished kundums from the oven, arrange on plates and sprinkle with chopped herbs.
If desired, you can sprinkle the kundums with chopped garlic or fried onions.

Bon appetit!

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Kundyumy is a fairly old Russian dish. In old Rus', almost everyone prepared it for a couple of centuries (as the chronicles say about them, it is clear from the times of Monomakh). These Russian dumplings are incredibly suitable for any Lenten meal. Their main difference from dumplings is that they have a specific recipe for making dough, and another difference is that they are not first boiled, but baked. After which they no longer simmer in the oven for a long time, because in those days there were no ovens, they used a Russian oven for this.

Ingredients for making kundums

To make the dough we will need:

  1. Premium wheat flour 160 gr.
  2. Pure spring water 75 ml.
  3. Sunflower oil 40 gr.

To make a decoction we will need:

  1. Mushroom decoction 250 ml.
  2. Garlic 10 gr.
  3. Sour cream 20% fat 100 gr.
  4. Parsley to taste.
  5. Dark peppercorns to taste.
  6. Bay leaf to taste.
  7. Salt to taste.

To make the inside we will need:

  1. Dried or fresh mushrooms 60 gr.
  2. Buckwheat or rice 150 gr.
  3. Sunflower oil 40 gr.
  4. Onions - 1/2 pieces. taste
  5. Chicken egg 1 piece.

Products won't fit? Choose a similar recipe from the rest!


Bowl for kneading dough, Board for rolling out dough, Wooden roller, Knife, Pan for cooking mushrooms, Stove, Colander, Wood cutting board, Bowl, Enameled mug for boiling eggs, Small saucepan for cooking rice or buckwheat, Spatula for turning, Frying pan for frying mushrooms, Oven, Baking tray, Kettle, Spoon and fork, Clay pots, Portion plates

Making kundums:

Step 1: prepare mushroom broth.

Step 2: mode and fry the mushrooms.

Step 3: take buckwheat or rice.

Step 4: prepare the dough.

Step 5: cut the kundums.

Step 6: bake and simmer the kundums.

Step 7: serve kundums.

Tips for the recipe:

– – we recommend at the baking step – you don’t necessarily need to bake the kundums until deeply golden brown. The most important thing here is that you just need to dry the dough, for example, the way noodle dough is usually dried.

– – more kundums, you can not bake them, but simply fry them in a small amount of vegetable oil, and then put them in pots.

– – it will be more convenient to twist the dough squares before placing them on the filling and sealing them. As a result, the bottom side of the squares will be on top, which will facilitate the process of making them and you will not need to additionally lubricate the dough with water.

– – unfortunately, it is still not clear what the correct shape of kundums should be, but after trying various options, we recommend sticking to triangular-shaped kundums. You can connect the ends of the triangle themselves, and you will get the same dumpling. Someone might try to create them as ravioli. In general, experiment to your heart's content.

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