Homemade oat kvass recipe

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Kvass from oats: preparing the miracle drink of the old Slavs

Homemade oat kvass is a good tonic drink. In the old days they drank it all year round. During fasting times, it was considered a source of vitamins and minerals, and in hospitals, drinking replaced certain pharmaceuticals. You should learn how to make kvass from oats at home, if only for the reason that the natural refreshing drink is even healthier than store-bought chemical analogues.

Benefits and harms of consuming oat kvass

Homemade oat kvass retains all the beneficial substances found in raw cereal, because its production does not involve heat treatment. Namely, let's name the more useful characteristics of the drink:

  • Increased fat oxidation, which has a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.
  • Improving the functioning of blood vessels and the heart due to the carbohydrates, minerals, proteins and microelements contained in the complex.
  • Normalization of the nervous system, beneficial effects in its disorders.
  • Body tone and increased energy levels due to the presence of starch in the raw product.
  • For diabetics - a decrease in the level of sugar in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  • Cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances. Strengthening the immune system.
  • If you have vitamin deficiency, it will saturate you with vitamins and suitable amino acids.
  • Used for weight loss and normalization of blood pressure. It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the pancreas, helps with diabetes, heals ulcers and strengthens the enamel on the teeth.

Are there any contraindications?

Even if homemade kvass from oats looks like a panacea for all diseases, there is still a category of people for whom it can cause harm rather than benefit. You should not drink oatmeal drink if:

  • acquired gastritis and the presence of peptic ulcers.
  • allergies to gluten.
  • severe liver diseases and gout.

In any case, we recommend that you consult a doctor before starting consumption.

Oatmeal kvass according to a traditional recipe

You can prepare kvass from oats at home according to simple and understandable instructions. You will need:

  • oats - a couple of glasses;
  • water (boiled) - 4 glasses;
  • sugar - 4 small spoons.

A step-by-step recipe for kvass looks like this:

  1. Wash the oats thoroughly in several passes in cool water. Sort out any possible inclusions and transfer to a 3-liter jar.
  2. Add sugar there and add boiled cold water.
  3. Leave it to wander for 4 days in a room where it is warm and there is sunlight.
  4. After the expiration date, the drink is ready. Remember that the first portion of the drink will turn out to be quite tasteless and the best thing to do is simply pour it out, and fill the “cereals” remaining in the tank with water again with the same amount of sugar. Stop wandering for the same period.

The longer homemade oat kvass ferments, the stronger it will be. One portion of oatmeal can be poured into a drink 10 times.

Recipe for oatmeal kvass with raisins

From this recipe you will learn how to prepare oat kvass so that it has the effect of carbonation, without using any chemical additives. It will be useful for you:

  • a glass of oats;
  • raisins - 50 gr.;
  • sugar - 4 huge spoons;
  • water - 2.5-3 liters.

Homemade oat kvass makes 3 liters if you follow the following instructions:

  1. Wash the oats, sort them and place them in a 3-liter jar.
  2. Add the steamed raisins to the oats. Place sugar there too.
  3. Fill the jar to the top with cold water and leave it on the windowsill or in any other sunny place for 3-4 days. Do not forget to cover the neck of the jar with gauze before doing this.

The finished drink must be poured into a bottle or carafe and placed in the refrigerator. If desired, you can again add raisins, sugar and water to the remaining grounds. The usefulness of the drink will not decrease after the second filling.

Honey kvass with oats

In some cases, when consuming sugar is unrealistic for a number of reasons, it can easily be replaced with honey. Take:

  • oats - 400 gr.;
  • yeast - 30 gr.;
  • honey - 100 gr.;
  • water - 3 liters.

Study the instructions carefully, because creating oat kvass with honey is a little more difficult.

  1. Wash the grains in cool water. After this, place them in a blender and grind.
  2. Pour the resulting mass with hot water and place in the oven for a couple of hours at 150 degrees. Remove and cool.
  3. Place honey in a slightly warm mixture and add dry yeast. Leave in a warm or sunny place to ferment for 3 days.

Oatmeal kvass at home is ready to be consumed. To do this, you need to strain it and pour it into convenient storage containers.

Kvass from oat flakes

For those who love a sharp, savory oat drink, but have not been able to find the real grains, we offer a step-by-step recipe for kvass from Hercules flakes. In fact, flakes are the same oats, but in the most common form for almost everyone. Take:

  • “Hercules” flakes - 500 gr.;
  • sugar - glass;
  • water - 5 l.;
  • dry yeast - 15 gr.

In this summary we will talk about how to create oat kvass from rolled oats easier than usual.

  1. Pour water over the flakes, boil for 50 minutes and let sit for about 3 hours.
  2. Strain, add sweet sand and dry yeast.
  3. Leave in a sunny place. The drink must ferment within 24 hours.

This option must be consumed within a day or two, because it is not stored for a long time.

Oatmeal kvass without yeast

The recipe for oat kvass from ordinary flakes without adding yeast is simple and convenient. Because with one serving of flakes you can ferment the drink for a month. Need to:

  • oat flakes - 320 gr. (not express);
  • sugar - 75 gr.;
  • water - 3 liters.

The recipe for oatmeal kvass from flakes without yeast at home looks like this:

  1. Fill a 3-liter jar about a third full with dry cereal.
  2. Add sugar and top up with boiled cool water.
  3. Tie the neck with gauze and place the jar in a sunny space for the fermentation process. In just two days you can try young oat kvass.
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As you consume the drink, add sugar and water to continue enjoying the savory drink.

It is not for nothing that our forefathers assigned such great importance to such a common recipe for a refreshing drink. Enjoying a refreshing drink, you will saturate your body with useful substances, rejuvenate and look after your figure.

Video: Oatmeal kvass: making a drink with honey

Kvass from oats - 4 recipes for making it at home

Kvass is considered a Russian drink. It was prepared in all families. But now, almost all people prefer the store-bought version, which is why centuries-old recipes for making them at home from berries, bread and oats are forgotten. It is not at all difficult to create this drink at home. It not only refreshes on hot days, but also prevents the development of almost all diseases.

Use oat grains a couple of times. Used cereals can be reused for 3-5 months, and the taste properties of the final product do not deteriorate. Be sure to make sure that oat kvass is not peroxided, so use only high-quality and whole grains.

It is recommended to use spring water to make the drink, but not everyone has this opportunity. Therefore, filtered liquid is also suitable.

Let's look at a few common and common recipes.

  1. Oatmeal kvass with honey and raisins
  2. Whole grain recipe without yeast
  3. Homemade Hercules oatmeal drink for weight loss
  4. Kvass from hulled oats without sugar
  5. Video recipe for making a live drink

Oatmeal kvass with honey and raisins

We will prepare an invigorating and necessary drink at home from natural products. We will not use yeast in this recipe. The prepared starter can be used repeatedly.


  • 400 g oats;
  • 3 tbsp natural honey;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 handful of raisins.


To begin with, we thoroughly wash the cereals, then put them in a 3-liter jar, add honey and pour in clean and filtered water.

Mix the contents of the jar thoroughly, cover the neck with gauze and leave for 3-4 days.

After about three days, drain the liquid. Then add 3 tablespoons of natural honey, a handful of raisins and clean water to the jar. Cover the container again with gauze and leave at room temperature for another number of days.

Now all we have to do is strain the kvass. Fill the container with oats again with water, add the necessary ingredients and wait until the desired drink is ready for use.

Whole grain recipe without yeast

Let's look at another option for making kvass from natural oatmeal. We won't need leaven. To create the desired and cooling drink, we will need ordinary and affordable products.

Ingredients for a three-liter jar:

  • 1 kg of oats;
  • 5 tbsp sweet sand;
  • 2 liters of water;
  • A handful of raisins.


We carefully wash the grains and leave them in the jar so that they dry out a little. Then pour the indicated amount of sweet sand into the container and add raisins. Now fill the glass container with boiled and cooled water up to the hangers. Mix the ingredients well.

We cover the neck of the jar with a piece of fabric (the structure of the tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) , secure it with an ordinary rubber band and put it in a warm space for a couple of days.

When the first kvass is ready, pour it through a sieve into a plastic bottle or other container. Leave in a warm place for a day so that the drink is enriched with carbon dioxide and becomes carbonated. This process is called carbonization.

Fill the jar of oats with water again, add sweet sand and wait another 2 days. The second kvass comes out the most spicy and untainted.

Homemade Hercules oatmeal drink for weight loss

Oatmeal kvass not only improves your overall health, but also helps you lose extra pounds. Its use allows you to remove toxic substances, speed up metabolism, and improve the functioning of the digestive system. Combined with physical overload, this drink helps you lose weight in the shortest possible time.


  • 150 g oatmeal;
  • 85 g sweet sand;
  • 5 g yeast.


  1. It is not necessary to wash Hercules, but it is recommended to remove spoiled flakes. We pour them into a 3 liter jar.
  2. We dilute yeast and sugar in warm water and place in a container.
  3. Fill the container with filtered liquid up to the shoulders.
  4. Cover the neck with 2 layers of gauze.
  5. Leave in a warm place for two days.
  6. We filter the finished kvass and pour it into a comfortable container.

To lose weight, take 1 glass of the drink 30 minutes before your main meal.

During the period of weight loss, it is recommended to adhere to a vegetable diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) in order to avoid hypovitaminosis. The daily dose of oat tincture is 800 ml.

Kvass from hulled oats without sugar

Let's look at another option for making a healthy drink at home. This method will suit you in this case if you do not want to use sweet sand, for any reason.


  • 300 g organic oats;
  • 2 tbsp raisins;
  • 2 tbsp natural honey.


All ingredients, in the indicated quantities, are sent to a 3-liter jar. Pre-soak the raisins in boiling water for a couple of minutes.

Fill with main or filtered water and mix thoroughly. Cover the container with gauze and put it in a warm place for 3-4 days.

It is recommended to drain the first kvass because it has a pungent odor. Then fill the container with the cereal again with water, add honey and leave for another three days.

Video recipe for making a live drink

If you want to clearly see how you can create invigorating and necessary kvass at home, then watch the video below with an annotation:

Not many people will like the taste of the drink, but it perfectly relieves thirst and enriches the body with useful substances, microelements and vitamins.

Oatmeal kvass is a recipe made from whole oats. The benefits and harms of kvass

On hot summer days, the demand for soft drinks increases. The retail chain provides various drinks, but in order to quench your thirst without harm to the body and get benefits, it is better to prepare them at home. Compotes of berries and fruits, fruit drinks, homemade kvass made from black bread - all these drinks deserve attention. There is another one - this is oat kvass.

This soft, sour, slightly spiced drink is considered eternally Russian. It is prepared by fermentation from oat grains and has natural carbonation.

It is valued not only for its taste, but also for its medicinal properties, and folk doctors knew about this back in old Rus'. They were given to children with scrofula and rickets, and to adults weakened by tuberculosis.

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It’s not difficult to create a drink at home; all you need is whole oat grains, water, sugar and a few raisins.

  1. Oatmeal kvass - a recipe made from whole oats without yeast
  2. The benefits of oat kvass
  3. Oatmeal kvass - harm and contraindications
  4. Video on how to make kvass from oatmeal at home

Oatmeal kvass - a recipe made from whole oats without yeast

The secret of the highest value of oat kvass lies in the use of whole unrefined grains. All substances found in the shell and in the grain itself flow into the drink, affecting the body in the most suitable way.

When buying grains, pay attention to their properties, they must be dry, there must not be rotten grains.


  • sweet sand - 2 tbsp. l.
  • raisins – 10−15 pcs.
  • whole oat grains – 1 cup

Sugar can be replaced with honey, the drink will only be healthier.

Making recipe:

  1. Wash the oat grains, first put them in a 2-liter jar, add sugar, raisins and fill with raw filtered water at room temperature up to the shoulders. Stir until the sugar dissolves, cover the jar with gauze. Kvass should infuse at room temperature for 3-5 days. The number of days depends on the room temperature.
  2. You don’t need to drink the first kvass you buy, it’s still immature and tasteless. It is needed to start the fermentation process and to create a starter for making the drink. Therefore, after the first fermentation, the resulting liquid must be poured out, leaving the oat grains behind.
  3. Transfer the grains into a 3-liter jar, add 2 tablespoons of sugar, 3-4 raisins and fill the jar again with water up to the shoulders (remember that the water is not boiled), cover with gauze and leave again for 3 days.
  4. Pour the finished oatmeal kvass into comfortable containers, for example glass or plastic bottles (in this case it is convenient to use a lid with holes). Before putting it in the refrigerator, try it. If the kvass seems a little sour, you can add sugar to the bottle; if it seems a little bland, you can throw in a couple more raisins. Raisins add sharpness and sharpness to kvass.
  5. Fill the remaining oats with water again and add sugar. You don't have to add raisins every time.

If for some reason you do not need another portion of kvass, then the oat grains can be placed in the refrigerator. They will serve as sourdough, which will last you for 1.5-2 months. When you decide to create a drink, take the starter out of the refrigerator, add water, sugar and raisins.

The drink has a typical, specific taste and not many people like it. By adding dried fruits (raisins, dried apricots, prunes, dates, dried apples, pears) you can give it the most pleasant notes.

The benefits of oat kvass

Any plants have powerful energy, which is especially concentrated in the seed. And cereal grains, like a natural battery, accumulate and store solar energy, providing human strength and health for 1000 years.

Oats are a miracle cereal that contains a balanced complex of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. He gives all these useful substances to kvass.

What is the benefit of the drink and what effect does it have on our body:

  • Oats contain a huge amount of carbohydrates and amino acids, so the drink can increase the energy balance in the human body and increase its performance. Useful for enormous physical burdens due to the ability to quickly restore muscle tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substances united by a common origin, structure and functions) and the entire body as a whole.
  • The provided vitamin composition will strengthen the immune system. It is especially useful for people weakened after illness and operations, and for those who suffer from frequent colds.
  • A huge amount of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) B has a beneficial effect on a depleted nervous system, helps to cope with acquired lethargy, recover from sensory stress, and speeds up falling asleep and increases sleep quality.
  • Useful for people with problems with blood vessels and heart. Kvass helps lower cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) , cleans blood vessels, and promotes the removal of toxins.
  • The drink restores metabolic processes in the body, which has a positive effect on the condition of hair, skin and nails.
  • Kvass promotes the breakdown of adipose tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) , therefore weight loss occurs without dieting and harm to the body.
  • Restores metabolic processes, accelerates digestion, increases the acidity of gastric juice, suppresses pathogenic microorganisms that invade the digestive tract.
  • Oatmeal kvass is useful for pregnant women because it is rich in folic acid, which promotes the normal formation of the fetal nervous system. It has a mild diuretic effect, eliminates stagnant water and swelling.
  • Despite the sugar content in the composition, the glycemic index of homemade oat kvass is comparatively small - within the range of 15-45 units. In addition, fermented oats even out the functioning of the pancreas.
  • The product is often used as a means for tubage (cleansing the liver and bile ducts). Official medicine advises including it in the diet of people with a history of hepatitis of various types and cirrhosis of the liver. Drink the drink in a course of 4-6 weeks, repeat frequency is 3-4 times a year.

Oatmeal kvass - harm and contraindications

Every desired product has contraindications, oat kvass is no exception. Be sure to study the list of contraindications.

  • This drink is not suitable for those with gluten intolerance (celiac disease)
  • This is a fermentation product, so it is better not to consume it during an exacerbation of fungal diseases (thrush, intestinal dysbiosis, etc.)

In mild cases, a probiotic such as oat kvass can help if taken at the initial stages of microflora imbalance.

  • Oatmeal kvass should be consumed with caution by people with high acidity, gastritis and ulcers.
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For these diseases, you should not completely exclude this drink from your diet. It is necessary to approach the question “to drink kvass or not” personally, monitoring the reaction of your own body. For example, do not drink it on an empty stomach. Almost everyone, on the contrary, notices improvements from taking this drink rather than discomfort.

  • Do not abuse the drink if you have problems with your kidneys and liver.
  • Temporary refusal is needed during exacerbation of enterocolitis and enteritis, gout, arthritis.
  • With urolithiasis, colic may occur due to the advancement of stones.

Video on how to make kvass from oatmeal at home

The drink can be prepared not only from whole oat grains. Oatmeal is also used to make a drink.

Kvass recipe:

  • water - 1.5 liters
  • oatmeal - 1 cup
  • sugar - 4 tbsp. l.
  • dried apricots - a handful
  • raisins - 10−15 pcs.

You will learn how to prepare the drink by watching the video.

Agree that oat kvass is a very economical drink that is easy to make. Its beauty is that it not only relieves thirst, but also has a beneficial effect on the human body.

Kvass from oats: 6 recipes at home

Homemade kvass made with oats is a good tonic drink. It contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, and in ancient times it was used as a pharmaceutical.

  • 1 Traditional recipe for oat kvass
  • 2 Recipe for homemade oat kvass without yeast
  • 3 Oatmeal kvass recipe for weight loss
  • 4 Recipe for oat kvass with raisins
  • 5 Recipe for kvass made from oatmeal with raisins
  • 6 Recipe for kvass from oatmeal with honey
  • 7 Benefits of oat kvass
  • 8 Oat kvass also has contraindications

Traditional oat kvass recipe


Sweet sand – 5 tbsp. l.

Preparation method

Rinse and dry the container in which the kvass will ferment.

Impurities are removed from cereals. The oats are soaked and sorted again.

Mix sugar with water and oats. The container is covered with a towel or gauze, which must be folded in advance in the form of several layers.

The drink is infused for approximately 3–4 days. Must be at room temperature.

The finished oat kvass is filtered and bottled. The drink must be stored in a cool place.

Recipe for homemade oat kvass without yeast

To make kvass, you can use small containers. A 3 liter jar is enough.


Oat grains - to taste

Sweet sand – 3 tbsp. l.

Preparation method

The jar is filled with oats to about a quarter of its entire size.

Water is filled to the top.

Sweet sand is added.

The jar is covered with gauze and left to ferment at room temperature for a day.

The kvass is strained using a new piece of gauze.

The remaining oats are again filled with water. Sweet sand is added to the jar at a rate of approximately 1 tbsp. spoon for 1 liter.

A day later, the kvass is filtered and cooled.

Oatmeal kvass recipe for weight loss

This drink promotes the breakdown of fats and significantly reduces appetite. Oats contain macro- and microelements that will help you lose weight.


Sweet sand – 8 tsp.

Preparation method

Oat grains are washed under running water.

The oats are placed in a glass container and filled with water.

The drink is infused in a room at room temperature for four days. Beforehand, the container must be covered with rags or gauze.

The kvass is strained. The liquid is poured out, and the grounds are refilled with water.

Sugar is added to the drink.

Oatmeal kvass must be infused for 5 days.

Recipe for oatmeal kvass with raisins


Preparation method

Oat grains are carefully washed under running water. It is necessary to remove blackened impurities and carefully sort through the grains.

Pour the oats into a glass jar, which has a size of 3 liters.

The raisins are scalded with boiled water and poured into a glass container.

The jar is closed with a cloth (a collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) , gauze or a plastic lid with holes.

Kvass is infused for three days at room temperature.

Using the remaining grounds, you can create kvass a couple more times.

Recipe for kvass made from oatmeal with raisins


Oat flakes – 260 g

Preparation method

Oatmeal is poured with water and cooked over low heat for half an hour.

The acquired mass is cooled to a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius.

The flakes are filtered using a sieve or gauze.

Raisins are added. It should not be washed; it will contribute to the fermentation effect.

The mixture is filled with water and left for about a day.

The drink has an expiration date. It is recommended to consume it within the next 2 days.

Recipe for kvass from oatmeal with honey


Sweet sand – 14 tsp.

Preparation method

The cereals are carefully washed and poured into glass containers.

Oats are poured with boiled water. Approximately 2 centimeters to the top should be free.

Sweet sand is added.

The drink is infused for 5 days. Liquid is poured into the sink.

The starter is again filled with water, honey and sugar are added.

The drink will be ready after a day. It must be strained using gauze.

The benefits of oat kvass

This drink preserves all the beneficial substances contained in the grain crop. This is justified by the fact that oats are not heat treated. The main positive aspects of the drink:

Fat oxidation increases. This has a beneficial effect on metabolism in the human body.

The functioning of the cardiovascular system improves. Kvass contains a huge amount of carbohydrates, proteins, trace elements and minerals.

The functioning of the nervous system is normalized. The drink is recommended for use in severe disorders.

The body tone increases due to the presence of starch in the composition.

The level of sugar in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) . Kvass is a must for diabetics.

The body is cleansed of toxic substances.

Blood pressure is normalized.

Oatmeal kvass also has contraindications

It is not allowed to drink the drink if you have a peptic ulcer (impaired normal functioning, performance) or if you have high stomach acidity.

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