Cake cream

Cake cream

Cream, like glaze, is not only the base of taste for any cake, but also its decoration. Creams for cakes are made from sour cream, cottage cheese, condensed milk, cream, etc. In this topic, our culinary experts share cake cream recipes with photos and step-by-step manufacturing instructions.

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How to create cream for a cake?


Snow-white chocolate without additives – 100 g

Condensed milk – 200 g

Coconut flakes – 35 g

Butter – 100 g


Thick sour cream – 400 g

Sweet powder – 150 g

If the fat content of sour cream is below 30%:

Thickener for sour cream – 20 g


Egg whites – 4 pcs.

Citric acid – 0.25 tsp.

Gel food coloring - optional


Cottage cheese – 300-400 g

Condensed milk – 1 can

Butter – 200 g

Vanilla sugar - optional


Butter 82% – 100 g

Fat cottage cheese – 200 g

Sweet powder – 100 g


Boiled condensed milk – 1 can

Sour cream – 300 ml

Vanilla sugar – 1 sachet


Yogurt without additives – 200 g

Condensed milk – 100 g


Boiled condensed milk – 1 can

Cream 35% – 170 ml

Dark chocolate – 200 g

Butter – 170 g


Butter – 100 g

Condensed milk – 70 g

Snow-white chocolate – 150 g

For cupcakes:

Butter – 100 g

Baking powder – 1/2 tsp.


Cream 35% – 300 ml

Boiled condensed milk – 3-5 tbsp.


Bitter chocolate – 150 g

Mascarpone cheese – 250 g

Butter – 40 g

Sweet powder – 70 g


Cookies – 300 g (“sugar”, “for tea”, etc.)



Cream 35% – 400 ml

Boiled condensed milk – 3 tbsp. or to taste


Instant coffee – 1 tbsp.


Cream 30% – 400 g

Cream 45% – 200 g

Ricotta light – 100 g

Instant coffee – 1 tbsp.


Walnuts – 100 g

Glaze – ganache:

Cream 10% – 40 ml

Black chocolate – 50 g


Boiled condensed milk – 300 g

Cream (33%) – 150 g

Butter – 130 g

Dark chocolate – 130 g


Cream cheese – 400 g

Condensed milk – 4 tbsp.

Gel food coloring – as needed


Cream 33% – 150 ml

Cream cheese – 400 g

Sweet powder – 70 g


Chicken egg (yolk) – 4 pcs.

Corn starch – 2 tbsp.

Wheat flour – 2 tbsp.

Dark chocolate – 1 bar (90-100 g)

Cocoa powder – 1-2 tbsp.

Butter – 20-50 g (optional)


Butter – 150 g

Condensed milk – 120-150 g

Vanilla sugar – 0.5 sachet

New in the selection


Peaches – 1 pc. (big)

Lemon juice – 1 tbsp.

Chicken egg – 2 pcs.

Butter – 50 g


Sugar – 0.5 cups

Chicken egg – 2 pcs.

Wheat flour – 3 tbsp.

Vanillin - on the tip of a knife


Milk of any fat content – ​​400 ml

Wheat flour – 3.5 tbsp.

Lemon flavoring – 3 drops

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Cake cream

Chocolate cake with curd and yoghurt cream

Pieces of wonderful chocolate sponge cake framed by the most delicate curd and yoghurt cream, chocolate glaze and notes of currant jam... What could be tastier. Don’t pay attention to the fact that I have a lot of steps and a lot of things written, this is my rule, to create everything carefully, so that in the future there will be no problems with production! In a word, as always, I wrote longer than I cooked. In fact, the cake is very simple to make, and the result is very worthy.

An ordinary cake with the most delicate curd cream

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Sour cream for cake

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Chocolate cake with butter cream

A favorite cake in our family. Tender, chocolatey, creamy and delicious.

Cream for cake . Cake cream is a thick, creamy whipped mass used for decorating cakes and pastries, as well as for soaking cake layers. Such creams can be fluffed with different mixtures and very unique flavor colors. They differ in the list of ingredients and method of production.

One of the lightest and most tender is butter cream - it is an ideal filler for various cakes. And as a layer, such cream is only suitable for biscuits. Custard obtained by brewing certain ingredients is also good for filling cakes, pastry tubes and baskets. Protein cream, which consists of whites whipped with sugar, will be a good interior for any sweet baked goods; in addition, this cream has proven itself in the design of various parts of the decor. But it is not suitable for layering cakes - its very fluffy and airy texture prevents this.

But the most popular cake cream is butter cream. It holds its shape perfectly and does not spill at all, which allows it to be used for decorating various confectionery products - usually, all the flowers and other figures that appear on them are made specifically from butter cream. Such a cream is prepared on the basis of unsalted butter, but it is important to ensure that it does not have any foreign tastes or suspicious odors.

There are a huge number of recipes for making creams. A good cream should always be quite thick, homogeneous and sweet. And in order for it to turn out exactly like that, it won’t hurt to know some culinary tricks.

When making creams for cakes, it is completely acceptable to replace sugar with sweet powder - it is added to creams to give them the most unique taste. But if the recipe specifies sweet powder, then you should not replace it with sugar.

Natural butter with a fat content of at least 72% is considered an ideal oil for making creams. Because the butter is practically constantly whipping, it must be taken out of the refrigerator in advance and allowed to soften a little naturally by lying at room temperature. It is unacceptable to heat it up, let alone melt it before whipping!

If the cream is prepared on the basis of cream, then its fat content must be no lower than 33% - if it is lower, then the cream simply will not whip into a fluffy foam. And the cocoa powder used to make the cream must always be sugar-free; in addition, it is recommended to sift it to obtain the best result.

Creams for cakes

Cake creams are the highlight of baked goods, giving the cake a special taste and piquancy. Knowing the main recipes for making creams for cakes, you can give free rein to your imagination, independently inventing cakes, pastries and pies. For example, replace lemon cream with chocolate or almond cream, completely changing the taste of your own confectionery masterpiece. There are several main groups of creams for cakes: butter, protein and custard. Based on these types, dozens of creams of various mixtures, tastes and compositions were made. By skillfully adding different ingredients, including flavorings, you can achieve unique results that will transform an ordinary cake into a work of confectionery art. We want to offer you a number of easy but very exciting recipes for cake creams.

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Custard nut cream

We offer a recipe for airy custard with nut praline. The cream holds its shape very well, so it can be used not only for layering cake layers, but also for decorating cupcakes and smoothing cakes. This cream mixes well with used ingredients.

Frisky “Napoleon” with pâtissière cream

Lazy puff pastry for fast “Napoleon” will be ready in 5-7 minutes. All you need to do is painstakingly combine the butter with flour to a small crumble and mix it with milk. From the items listed in the recipe, it makes 8 to 12.

Cream “Ice cream” with butter

Cream “Plombir” is a type of custard. It is prepared with milk or sour cream, with the addition of eggs or just yolks, and whipped with butter or cream. One thing in common is that the cream-seal has a custard base (

Charlotte cream

Charlotte cream is suitable not only for layering the cake, but also for decorating it, because... holds its shape unsurpassedly and does not spill. Its base is British custard cream. If you cook the British cream correctly and beat the good butter on low.

Butter cream with condensed milk and nuts

The usual recipe for cream, which is suitable not only for layering cakes, but also as the inside of cookies and nuts. Make sure you buy good boiled condensed milk in advance. It must be thick so that the finished cream comes out as a suitable mixture. Although I'm pi.

Chocolate cake with curd and yoghurt cream

Recipe for chocolate cake with a layer of curd-yogurt cream and coconut flakes. Such pastries can be prepared not only for holidays, but also any day for tea, because the recipe is simple and does not require much time. Try it, it will definitely be for you.

Custard protein cream with butter

The recipe is very tasty and easy to make protein cream, cooked in a water bath. Those. As a result, we end up with custard protein cream. And if you add butter to it, you get something between protein and butter.

Curd cream

To make curd cream, choose full-fat cottage cheese. Before mixing it with the rest of the ingredients, bring it until smooth, so that no grains are felt in the finished cream. Curd cream prepared according to this recipe is suitable.


Custard is perfect for layering cakes and filling pastries. At the same time, both cakes and pastries can be made from any kind of dough: choux, puff pastry, shortbread or biscuit. Custard can become the basis for a dessert if it is combined, e.g.

Butter cream with mascarpone

A savory cream based on butter with the addition of mascarpone, which is suitable for layering cakes and filling pastries. Instead of mascarpone, you can use any cream cheese.

Chocolate profiteroles with craquelin and chocolate cream

If you add cocoa to ordinary choux pastry, you will get chocolate choux pastries or profiteroles. And if you cover the profiteroles with circles of shortcrust pastry before baking, then the finished cakes will have a crispy, sweet crust. Cream for such a cake.

Chantilly cream with dark chocolate

The most common product to make is a mild-tasting chocolate cream based on whipped cream. The sweetness of the cream can be adjusted independently by increasing the amount of sugar in this recipe. It is better to take bitter chocolate, with a cocoa butter content of at least 70%.

Top 10 most delicious creams

Any pastry cream is made by mixing, whipping, and from time to time - cooking. Typically, creams have a sweet, tender taste and high calorie content. Due to their fluffiness and plasticity, they are widely used for greasing cakes, designing cakes and pastries and other desserts.

Thanks to the efforts of famous confectioners in France, Great Britain, and Italy, recipes for traditional cake creams have been developed. Confectioners such as the Austrian culinary specialist Franz Sacher, the Bavarian confectioner Johann Conrad Vogel, the Hungarian master József Dobos and others contributed to the cream recipe. This material contains traditional recipes for the most delicious and famous creams in the world. A savory cream recipe is already half the battle in developing a good dessert.

Italian meringue

Italian meringue is actually a white custard made from egg whites, sugar, water and salt. This cream holds its shape unsurpassedly and is widely used for creating mousses, decorating confectionery products, and as a separate dish.

To make protein cream, you need to take chilled whites of 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 40 ml of cool water and 120 g. Sahara. Mix sugar in a saucepan with water and place over medium heat. You must immediately begin the process of beating the egg whites with salt. After boiling the syrup for 5 minutes, you need to cool it slightly, and pour it into the whites, whipped to hard peaks, in a thin stream, continuing the whipping process for another four minutes. That's it, the Italian meringue is ready!

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Traditional custard cream

Custard-type cream is medium in thickness, suitable for Napoleon and Medovik cakes, it can also be used to grease any shortbread, fill tubes, and eclairs.

To cook custard, you need to take 500 g. milk, 200 gr. sugar, 5 gr. vanilla sugar, 40 gr. flour and four eggs. First you need to beat the sugar and eggs, then stir in the vanilla and flour. Then the mass is diluted with cold milk and mixed well until completely homogeneous. Now the cream must be brought to a boil over medium heat. The custard mixture should be stirred constantly so that it does not curdle. After boiling, cool it and beat again as necessary.

Custard recipe video:

Bavarian cream

Bavarian cream is more like a delicate mousse rather than an ordinary cream. For several centuries it has been served as a celebratory dessert in almost all countries of the world. The ingredients of the Bavarian sweet are the same: cream, gelatin and traditional custard. Optional additives can include berries, chocolate, liqueur, rum, coffee and other ingredients.

The recipe for Bavarian cream is simple. First you need to prepare custard from 2 eggs, 125 g. sugar, 500 ml milk and vanilla sugar without adding flour. Its recipe is given above. Next you need to pour 20 grams. gelatin powder 150 ml of water, let it swell for 15 minutes and heat the liquid. Once cooled slightly, stir it into the hot custard. Now we are whipping 33% fat cream, you will need 500 ml of it. Whipped cream is mixed into the cream mass, and it is poured into molds and cooled for four hours.

Cream "Tiramisu"

This cream is usually used to make the famous dessert “Tiramisu” (layered Savoyardi cookies are spread with a gentle mixture) and to create an independent dessert.

The ingredients for the cream are as follows: 500 gr. Mascarpone cheese, 4 eggs, 100 gr. granulated sugar, vanillin. Chilled egg whites are whipped into a strong foam, the yolks are whipped into a foam with vanilla and sugar. The cheese, mashed with a spatula, is carefully beaten with the yolks, then the whites are mixed into the cream.

Whipped cream

Whipped cream is a very common, but for almost everyone, the most delicious cream. Its application is very extensive - from decoration to the production of ice cream, mousses and other desserts. Only very heavy cream is suitable for whipping - from 30% fat content. The basic rule for successfully whipping them is that everything must be very cool, including the whisk, dishes and the cream itself. You need to beat them evenly, starting at low speed. High-quality cream will whip very quickly, it will take about 5-7 minutes. If desired, you can add sweet powder to them.

Creamy cream

Buttercream is usually quite fatty and very sweet; it is intended only for decorating sweets.

To make the cream you need to take 250 grams. high quality butter, 200 gr. powder (sweet), 100 ml of milk and a pinch of vanillin. The mass is made simply: boiled milk must be cooled to a warm state, add all the ingredients to it, except butter, beat well, and heat for 5 minutes over low heat, whisking. Gently add the butter into the slightly cooled mixture, continuing to beat the cream.

Protein cream

The cream is called protein cream because proteins are its main ingredient. Apart from proteins, it contains water, salt and sugar. You can prepare the protein mass in almost 10 minutes.

From 200 gr. sugar and 100 ml of water, you need to boil the syrup (cooking time - 20 minutes). Then you need to beat 4 egg whites with a pinch of salt until they reach peaks, and pour the hot syrup evenly into the foam in a narrow stream. The finished mixture can be used to decorate cakes and fill tubes and braids.

You can watch the process of making protein cream in the video:

Curd cream

Cottage cheese cream is not the least suitable; it is suitable both for decoration and for filling sweets made from dough. To prepare it, you need to take 200 grams. butter, 400 gr. cottage cheese, 150 gr. sweet sand, vanilla. The cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve, and the softened butter should be beaten with vanilla and sugar. Then the cottage cheese and sweet butter need to be mixed, adding the cottage cheese evenly, and beat until a smooth and uniform mass is obtained.

Sour cream

Sour cream type cream is less fatty and dense than creams made from cottage cheese and butter. The recipe requires the use of only the freshest and fairly thick sour cream, the ideal fat content is 30%.

To prepare sour cream, you need to whisk a glass of chilled sour cream. The best way to whip the mixture is to place the container in another, larger one, filled with cool water and ice. Whipped sour cream should be mixed evenly with vanilla and 4 tablespoons of sweet powder.

Oil cream

Buttercream, like buttercream, is intended for decoration. To make it you need to beat 200 grams. soft butter with a bag of vanilla sugar and six tablespoons of condensed milk. Condensed milk should be added to the butter evenly, spoon by spoon. The finished cream can be enriched by adding a spoonful of liqueur, cognac, or berry syrup.

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