Goat curd

Goat curd

Fermented milk products should definitely be on the table; eating them has a beneficial effect on the functioning of all body systems. The immune status increases, digestion improves, and the musculoskeletal system is strengthened. Homemade goat milk cottage cheese provides a person with calcium, protein, fats, vitamins and microelements. Cottage cheese is eaten fresh, as well as a component of other dishes. In addition, cottage cheese is the basis for the production of certain cheeses.

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Composition and value of the product

During the production of cottage cheese, most of the necessary substances from goat milk flow into it, leaving an insignificant amount of fats, macroelements and vitamins in the whey. This is a highly nutritious extract, provided with protein, milk fat, vitamins and microelements. Consuming goat curd can provide the body with almost all the essential elements.

Ingredients of goat cheese made from whole milk:

  • 16-18% proteins;
  • 7-10% fat;
  • 2-3% carbohydrates;
  • 0.11% potassium;
  • 0.16% calcium;
  • 0.22% phosphorus.

Cottage cheese is a protein product; 100 g contains 16-18 g of protein. Thus, for an adult it is enough to eat 500 grams of cottage cheese in order to completely satisfy the daily need for it. 100 grams of cottage cheese made from whole milk contains 9 grams of fat and its calorie content is 150 kcal, which is 1/10 of the norm. If you prepare curd mass from skim milk (skimmed milk), then its fat content does not exceed 1-2% and such a product is useful to eat during a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) .

Calcium plays an important role in the body. Most of it is found in the bones, the rest of the calcium is contained in the blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) and cells of various tissues. The amount of calcium needed depends on age, gender and weight - newborns require 400 mg per day, and children up to 1.5 g, and over the years its consumption only increases. A deficiency of this microelement leads to severe disorders - rickets and osteodystrophy, muscle spasms. Cottage cheese contains a huge amount of calcium; a serving of 400 grams can fully meet the daily requirement of an adult for this element.

In addition to calcium, goat curd is rich in phosphorus and potassium; 100 grams of the product provides 20% of the daily value. In sufficient quantities, this fermented milk food product contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A, B, D. It also contains trace elements - iron, copper.

Making cottage cheese from goat milk

To produce cottage cheese, you can use any kind of milk - fresh, fresh, yesterday's milk, or even sour milk. Some peasants recommend boiling milk, which is necessary to suppress bacterial microflora, but this is necessary only if the technology for obtaining and storing milk is not followed (goats unhealthy with mastitis, dirty dishes).

Goat milk cottage cheese is a valuable food product that is easy to prepare at home.

Fermentation can be carried out in any container, the main thing is that its size is larger than the initial size of the milk. Sourdough is added to the milk. You can use sour cream, drink, yogurt, yogurt, or special cheese and other starters, including pepsin. For 3 liters of milk you will need about 150-200 ml of yogurt or kefir.

If you put milk in the refrigerator before creating a fermented milk product, you will get a larger size of sour cream, and you can get cottage cheese with a low fat content. Low-fat cottage cheese is also made from skim milk, but for this you need to expel the milk through a separator in advance.

Fermentation must be carried out at room temperature. The milk should have contact with air, but be sure to cover the container with gauze. After 10-12 hours, ripening should end; readiness can be assessed by the following factors:

  • the pleasant smell of fresh yogurt;
  • the appearance of small bubbles on the surface;
  • acquiring the jelly mixture by shaking the jar.

Now the curdled milk needs to be heated over low heat, constantly stirring the mass so that the curd warms up better. When the temperature reaches 45-50 degrees, turn off the stove and let the cottage cheese ripen for 30 minutes. Insert a fine sieve into another container and transfer the cottage cheese into it using a slotted spoon. When all the curd is in the sieve, it should be left for 1 hour so that all the remaining whey is drained. The sieve can be replaced with a gauze bag; when it is full, it is tied tightly, which allows you to better squeeze out the whey. The cottage cheese is ready, you can throw it in the refrigerator, but for long-term storage it is better to freeze it. The whey can also be used in food.

If you add cream or sour cream to the cottage cheese, you get a curd mass. This is the most affectionate product. By combining it with the freshest berries or jam, you can greatly vary the flavor range. In addition, berries enrich the milk product with a number of vitamins and microelements, but the shelf life is sharply reduced.

You can create processed cheese from goat curd. To do this you will need:

  • 1 kg of cottage cheese;
  • 1-2 teaspoons table salt (to taste);
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda;
  • 2 chicken eggs.

All ingredients are combined in a small saucepan (deep cup), achieving homogeneity. Now put the pan in a water bath and stir continuously. The cottage cheese melts actively and can simply burn, so it needs to be stirred constantly, in addition, this is necessary to obtain a homogeneous mass. The processed cheese will be ready when it becomes uniformly thick and a crust begins to appear on the surface. Now you need to pour the cheese into a container and cool.

Goat milk cottage cheese is a necessary and natural product. It is prepared much easier than any type of cheese, and in terms of nutritional value and taste it is not very inferior to them. Cottage cheese can be used both in its natural form (a good dessert) and to complement various dishes.

TOP 4 goat curd recipes

  • Individual manufacturing
  • TOP 4 cottage cheese recipes
    • Traditional without sourdough
    • On serum
    • With sour cream sourdough
    • In a slow cooker
  • Video recipes

Goat curd is a product made from goat milk. It is considered more dietary than traditional cow's cottage cheese. It is better absorbed and contains more essential components. It is especially recommended for children's diets, and therefore any mother must be able to prepare it on her own, because it is not always possible to buy cottage cheese from goat's milk in the store - it is even less common than cow's milk. In general, there is nothing complicated in this process; the main task is to find high-quality milk. Ready-made cottage cheese can be eaten in its pure form, or you can use it to create casseroles, cheesecakes and other savory dishes.

Read also:  Beef goulash with gravy recipe

Individualities of making goat milk cottage cheese

Making goat curd is a simple process. It’s interesting that if you can’t make cottage cheese from cow’s milk without leaven, then in the case of goat’s milk there is a recipe that does not require the use of this component. In this case, the curdling process (dividing milk into curds and whey) is activated by ordinary salt.

Both cottage cheese with and without sourdough is prepared using the same technology. The milk (with salt or starter) is heated, left in a warm place for a certain number of days so that it sours, and then placed in a gauze bundle and hung to separate the whey. In general, after this the product is ready, but some people prefer to put it under a press for several hours to get the most dense structure.

Goat curd at home can be prepared from either boiled or raw milk, but in extreme cases you must be completely convinced of its quality. If there is even the slightest doubt, boil it to avoid poisoning.

“Sterility” is fundamental in the manufacture of a product; all items that are used in the process of making goat’s milk cottage cheese must be unstained, otherwise you can provoke the growth of pathogenic microbes in the curd that are not necessary.

It is also important to eat cooked cottage cheese just right - the freshest homemade product is good for no more than 3 days. Keep this in mind when measuring milk for your next batch.

By the way, keep in mind that the amount of cottage cheese that comes out is significantly less than the amount of milk taken for production. To get approximately 500 g of cottage cheese, you will need about 3 liters of milk.

TOP 4 goat milk cottage cheese recipes

Any goat cottage cheese recipe is within the capabilities of every housewife - it is easy to prepare, but at the same time, the product cannot be obtained quickly, because the curdling can last for a number of days. But the end result - fresh, delicious homemade cottage cheese without harmful additives - is worth it.

Traditional goat's curd without sourdough

The traditional recipe for making homemade goat cottage cheese involves the absence of leaven and the use of only two components - milk and salt.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 156 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 2
  • Production time - active - 30 minutes, passive - 3 days


  • Milk - 1 l
  • Salt - a pinch

Step-by-step preparation of traditional goat curd without sourdough:

  1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, immediately throw a pinch of salt into it, and bring to a boil.
  2. After it boils, it must be immediately removed from the heat.
  3. The next task is how to prepare traditional goat milk cottage cheese - to achieve the correct curdling. To do this, the mass must stand for a couple of days in a warm place. You can also simply leave the future cottage cheese at room temperature, but in this case there is a risk that the temperature will be very low and the milk will simply spoil instead of curdling. To avoid this situation, make sure that the temperature is not lower than 23 ° C.
  4. After 2-3 days, the mass must be slightly warmed up, and then transferred to gauze, made a “bundle” and hung up so that the whey drains.

That's all, in general, the cottage cheese is ready, you can take it out of the bundle and eat it here, mixing it, for example, with berries, or you can make fresh cheesecakes.

Goat curd with whey

The whey that remains from the previous recipe does not necessarily need to be poured out; it can be used to create pancakes, pancakes, and can be used in making a new batch of goat milk cottage cheese at home. It usually helps speed up the curdling process and gives a quicker and better effect than adding salt.


  • Milk - 3 l
  • Serum – 100 ml

Step-by-step production of goat curd using whey:

  1. If you are convinced of the quality of milk, then in this recipe you can not boil it, otherwise, start with boiling.
  2. Then pour whey into either raw or boiled milk.
  3. Place the mixture in a warm place, here, again, as in the previous recipe, it is necessary that the temperature is at least 23 ° C. If the weather is warm, you can simply place the container on the windowsill in the sun; if it is cool, you will have to find a radiator or wrap milk with whey .
  4. Within a day, you can begin to inspect how well the curdling process is going; if the entire mass is pieces of cottage cheese grains floating in the whey, this means you can already move on to the next step, otherwise, give the mass some more time to stand.
  5. After curdling, the mass, according to the recipe for making goat cheese, must be placed in a water bath and heated for 20 minutes, then cooled and placed on cheesecloth to drain the whey. The whey cottage cheese is ready - you can eat it!

Goat cottage cheese with sour cream

Another method involving the introduction of sourdough is a recipe for goat milk cottage cheese with sour cream. The manufacturing process is the same as in previous recipes, but to activate curdling we use sour cream. With all this, it can be either a cow or a goat.


  • Milk - 1 l
  • Sour cream - 2 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation of goat cottage cheese with sour cream:

  1. Boil the milk or, if you are convinced of the quality and freshness, pour the raw milk directly into a jar and place it in a high saucepan filled with water - this is how we organize a water bath.
  2. When the milk is slightly warmed up, add sour cream, stir well, then remove the mass from the heat and transfer to a warm space.
  3. All that remains is to wait for the milk to curdle and place the resulting mass in cheesecloth to drain off excess liquid.

Don’t forget, before preparing goat milk cottage cheese, if you want to get the densest mass, after all the whey has gone, the product can be put under a press and put in the refrigerator for some time.

Goat cottage cheese in a slow cooker

A recipe for goat cottage cheese at home in a slow cooker is a good opportunity for the housewife to save even more time. If you have such a technique at home, be sure to try to prepare the product according to this recipe.


  • Milk - 3 l
  • Drink - 1 tbsp.

Step-by-step preparation of goat curd in a slow cooker:

  1. Combine milk and drink and place in a warm space to curdle.
  2. Before creating goat milk cottage cheese, pour the resulting mass into the multicooker bowl, turn on the heating mode and leave for 3-4 hours.
  3. Place the mixture in cheesecloth and leave to drain off excess whey.
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In terms of taste, cottage cheese from a multicooker is no different from a product prepared using the usual method. If you want to get wonderful grainy cottage cheese in a multicooker, try to very carefully pour the curdled mass into the multicooker and do not stir it.

Goat curd video recipes

Delicious homemade goat milk cottage cheese

Homemade goat milk cottage cheese has a special taste and smell. And with all this, the product turns out to be very useful, because to create it, housewives use only natural ingredients. For this reason, such cottage cheese deserves to occupy the central space on your table, especially if there are small children in the family.

Taste and usefulness in any gram

Before that, I’ll tell you how to create cottage cheese from goat’s milk without the help of others, I’d like to outline its amazing properties.

  • Firstly, it will be useful for people of all ages. This is clearly confirmed by residents of regions where this product is consumed virtually once a day - these people get sick significantly less and they are not aware of the problem of being overweight.
  • Secondly, it has excellent taste characteristics - goat’s curd is slightly fattier than cow’s curd, but at the same time it is absorbed by the body even easier and better.
  • Thirdly, this fermented milk product can be safely included in the diet of allergy sufferers; it will be useful for insomnia, joint problems, and various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.

Goat milk cottage cheese can be on the menu for one-year-old children, pregnant women, and nursing mothers. It helps improve metabolic processes, ensures normal formation of bone tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) and saturates the body at the biological level with active substances. Goat cottage cheese is rich in protein and contains an extraordinary amino acid - methionine, which can control cholesterol levels (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) .

Recipes for making a special fermented milk product

Regular recipe

To make regular homemade goat cheese, you will need a liter jar of fresh milk and about three pinches of large salt.

  • pour the milk into the pan, add salt and bring to a boil;
  • remove the container from the stove, cover it with a lid and leave at room temperature for a day;

Recommendation! To ensure that the milk is guaranteed to curdle, it is better to transfer it to some warm space!

after the designated time, pour the fermented milk into an enamel pan and heat it slightly over low heat;

Fundamentally! At this point, do not bring the milk to a boil! Just warm it up a little! Otherwise, the finished cottage cheese will have a nasty aftertaste!

On serum

In order to get half a kilo of cottage cheese, you will need a three-liter jar of milk and half a glass of sour whey.

  • add whey to the milk, mix and leave it warm, for example, on a saucer in a room where the sun constantly shines through the windows, or not far from the radiator;
  • if you make cottage cheese in the summer, then the milk will curdle within 24 hours, in the winter - a little longer, after about 2-3 days - we determine readiness by the state of the mass, in which the separated pieces appear;
  • Heat the water in a wide, tall saucepan, place a jar of the resulting yogurt in it and heat it for 20 minutes;

Advice! In order for the whey to sink to the bottom faster, during the heating process the contents of the jar should be carefully stirred two or three times from bottom to top!

With sour cream sourdough

To make goat cheese according to this recipe, you will need a liter of milk and two tablespoons of sour cream.

  • Place the jar of milk in a high saucepan filled with water and heat it slightly in a water bath;
  • take out the jar, add sour cream to the warm milk, mix and transfer the jar to a warm space, leave for a couple of days;
  • The formation of curdled milk in the jar will be indicated to you by rising air bubbles, at this time the contents of the jar need to be heated again in a water jar - 15 minutes over low heat;
  • Next, we strain the warm yogurt through cheesecloth, tie it in a bag and hang it over a bowl for several hours to remove excess liquid.

In a slow cooker

If you have a multicooker in your kitchen, then making goat milk cottage cheese at home can be even easier. So, a three-liter jar of milk and a glass of kefir will be useful for you.

  • combine the milk with kefir and leave for a day at a temperature of +25°C; in the end you should get compacted yogurt with good thick pieces;
  • pour the resulting mass into the multicooker bowl, turn on the heating mode, close the lid and leave for 3 hours;

On a note! It is better to pour the curdled milk carefully and without stirring - this technique will allow you to get an appetizing-looking grainy cottage cheese!

Note to the owner!

Goat milk cottage cheese is unique in its properties, but in order for it to be able to fully demonstrate them, you need to take into account certain subtleties of production and storage:

  • You can use unboiled milk only in this case if you are completely convinced of its quality, but when in doubt, it is better to boil it first;
  • pay special attention to the accessories that you use in the process of making cottage cheese: gauze and dishes should be unstained, the colander should be enameled or made of stainless steel, you can use wicker instead;
  • It is better to consume the freshest cottage cheese within the first 3 days after its production; for future storage it is better to freeze it;
  • if the temperature at which milk is fermented is less than +23. 25°C, then in this case it will not turn sour, but simply spoil;

And don’t rush to throw away the expressed whey, because it can be needed on the farm - it is used to prepare dough for pancakes, pancakes, or make okroshka. In addition, serum is a beautiful ingredient for homemade skin and hair care cosmetics, which can be prepared for a number of days and stored in the refrigerator.

All materials on the Priroda-Znaet.ru website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Olga Tsarina

Posted: 14-04-2017

Updated: 08-11-2019

Olga is responsible for the selection of creators and the quality of published materials on our website.

Recipes for making cottage cheese from goat milk. How to quickly create it in a slow cooker?

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Goat milk is a product that is definitely worth paying attention to for those who are concerned about their own health. It’s not mind-blowing: by consuming this wonderful artiodactyl drink, you can help the body receive the necessary beneficial microelements that have the most beneficial effect on health.

One of the products that can be made from goat milk and has a beautiful taste and health benefits is cottage cheese. There are several easy recipes for making it.

  • 1. How to prepare a savory product at home?
    • 1.1. Traditional recipe
    • 1.2. Ordinary
    • 1.3. How to quickly cook in a slow cooker?
    • 1.4. With sour cream
    • 1.5. For babies
  • 2. Tips
  • 3. Useful video

How to prepare a savory product at home?

Traditional recipe

A tasty dish can also be prepared at home using kitchen utensils that are available in any household. To make cottage cheese according to this recipe you will need:

  • fresh goat milk - 3 l;
  • vinegar - 1 tsp.
  1. Heat the milk slightly and add vinegar to it.
  2. After this, pour the product into a three-liter jar and leave it to sour for about 1 day.

    Tender, soft cottage cheese comes out at a temperature of 40˚С, the driest - at 70˚С. Experienced housewives and young mothers advise bringing the fermented milk mixture to the highest possible temperature - this way the possibility of survival of microbes and viruses becomes small.

  3. After bringing the curd to the desired temperature and removing it, it should be strained. You can create this using a sieve and gauze. Place the sieve in a saucepan and line it with several layers of gauze. For this purpose, ordinary cotton fabric is suitable (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) .
  4. Cool the removed cottage cheese slightly, then pour into the prepared sieve. Gather the material or gauze by the edges to allow excess serum to drain.

    The longer the whey drains, the drier the product comes out. The recommended time is 2 hours.


    The steps of this recipe are identical to the previous one, but there is a difference: the product prepared in this way acquires a unique salty taste.

    To make cottage cheese according to the classic recipe you will need to take:

    • fresh goat milk - 1 l.;
    • large salt - 3 pinches.
    1. Pour the milk into a saucepan, mix with salt and bring to a boil.
    2. Remove the resulting mixture from the stove and leave to sour for a day, covered with a lid.
    3. After the time has passed, pour the fermented milk into a clean enamel pan and heat slightly over low heat.

      This particular period is enough to get a tasty and tender product.

      How to quickly cook in a slow cooker?

      This recipe can be used if you need to get cottage cheese quickly and preserve its taste.

      This recipe will require:

      • fresh goat milk - 3 l.;
      • drink - 1 glass.
      1. Mix milk and drink in an unstained container and leave for 1 day in a warm place. Recommended temperature +25 ˚С.
      2. Pour the resulting yogurt into the multicooker bowl and leave it to simmer in heating mode for 3 hours.

        With sour cream

        Goat milk cottage cheese prepared with sour cream will allow you to enjoy a beautiful and healthy breakfast of fermented milk product in the morning. To make 1 serving of this dish you will need to take:

        • fresh goat milk - 0.5 l.;
        • sour cream - 1 tbsp. l.
        1. Pour the milk into a small jar and place in a water bath. Using this method, carefully heat it up, then leave it to sour for 1-2 days.

          Sour cream placed in milk at this step significantly speeds up the souring process. The process is complete when rising bubbles become noticeable on the surface.

        2. Place the jar in a water bath again and heat for 15 minutes. before the curd begins to form.
        3. Strain the purchased product through a sieve or colander lined with gauze. The curd is ready for use after removing the whey from it.

        For babies

        The stomach of children is very sensitive to almost all products, so goat milk cottage cheese should be prepared from non-hazardous products. The recipe contains:

        • fresh goat milk - 0.5 l.;
        • yogurt - 0.5 l.;
        • lactic acid bacteria - 0.5 ampoule.
        1. Heat the milk in a saucepan to 40–43 ˚С, then dilute the starter in it.
        2. Pour the resulting mixture into small containers and place in the oven for 5–6 hours at a temperature of 45 °C.
        3. Turn off the oven. Leave for a few more hours. Baby cottage cheese is ready.


        Whatever recipe is chosen for production, an appetizing recipe is only half the success in order to amuse your loved ones with a tasty dish. It is even more important to follow some tips, with the help of which the cottage cheese will turn out really tasty and will retain this property during storage:

        1. It is recommended to boil fresh goat milk in advance to avoid contamination from entering the body. It is better to use an unprocessed product only if it is purchased from a reputable dealer.
        2. All utensils, fabrics (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) and other devices used in the process of cottage cheese production must be clean, like the hands of the housewife. Now it is worth paying special attention if the product is intended for a child.
        3. The calorie content of the future product can be selected independently, depending on the calorie content of the milk used.
        4. It is not recommended to store freshly prepared goat cottage cheese for more than 3 days - the product not consumed within this period should be frozen.
        5. It is recommended to store the finished product in the freezer in a closed container to avoid the introduction of foreign odors.
        6. When preparing a dish, it is recommended to always use a kitchen temperature gauge - otherwise the milk will not sour properly, but will simply spoil and acquire a nasty aftertaste.
        7. Since some people may have an allergic reaction to goat's milk, before making cottage cheese from it, you need to make sure that there are no symptoms of this problem.
        8. It is necessary to correctly calculate the mass of the finished product correctly - from 3 liters. Milk yields about 650–700 g of finished cottage cheese.
        9. To ensure proper souring, you need to ensure a room temperature of at least 25 ° C, otherwise the milk will not reach a suitable state.
        10. Since the finished product has a specific smell, it is recommended to add spices or herbs to it.
        11. The whey obtained during the process should not be thrown away - you can use it to make the most delicious pancakes or pancakes.

        Useful video

        Video recipe for goat milk cottage cheese:

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