Yogurt in a slow cooker

Yogurt in a slow cooker

In the USSR (Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, also the Soviet Union - a state that existed from 1922 to 1991 in Europe and Asia), yogurt has been produced since
the 1920s.
It was sold in pharmacies as a medicinal product under the name

Material from Wikipedia

Natural, “real” yogurt is found on store shelves, but not as often as the usual yogurt with fillers for all of us. Most often, what is sold in the brightest jars can only be called yogurt conditionally, because upon careful examination, the composition will certainly reveal dyes and flavors “similar to natural”, as well as thickeners, stabilizers, emulsifiers and preservatives - in other words, everything that Well, you can’t call it useful. You can, of course, take real yogurt in the store, but in this case you will face considerable expenses - just calculate how much your health from store-bought jars will cost you, even if you take one of them every day for each family member?

This is precisely why yogurt makers are increasingly being installed in our kitchens. But owners of a multicooker do not need this kitchen device - a smart saucepan will help you prepare yogurt in a multicooker without much hassle. Moreover, the presence of a separate “Yoghurt” program is not at all necessary! But first you need to understand the principles of making yogurt. Yogurt is a fermented milk product formed as a result of the joint work of {living} microbes: thermophilic streptococci and Bulgarian bacillus. These tiny organisms live at a temperature of 36-40°C. The required amount of starter is added to milk heated to this temperature and left alone for several hours. The longer the bacteria work, the thicker our yogurt will end up. But it is also not allowed to overexpose; the product may become acidic. To stop the activity of microbes, the finished yogurt is cooled and stored in the refrigerator.

The properties of milk are of great importance. As a standard, you need to take fresh milk from the market, so you will be 100% sure that it will not contain any additives like powdered milk or vegetable fats. But even the freshest, “only from cattle” milk still needs to be boiled in order to kill unnecessary bacteria that can interfere with the process, otherwise you will end up with an equally necessary fermented milk product, but it will not be yogurt. For the same purposes, all containers in which yogurt will be prepared, as well as spoons and spatulas for mixing, should be scalded with boiling water or even sterilized in boiling water. If you do not have the ability to purchase village milk, opt for a reliable brand and use store-bought milk. Milk with a short shelf life will also have to be boiled, because it contains many {live} microbes. Therefore, most often the choice of housewives falls on ultra-pasteurized milk in tetra bags - it is one hundred percent free from “unnecessary” microbes, but at the same time it has not been subjected to long-term heat treatment, which makes it possible to preserve the maximum usefulness in the product.

Sourdough is another component of the success of homemade yogurt. The highest quality sourdough is dry. You can buy it at a pharmacy or specialty health food store. When purchasing, pay attention to the storage conditions - dry, live sourdough must be stored in the refrigerator. If you don’t want to bother with dry starter cultures, buy non-drinkable yogurt with a short shelf life without fillers (Activia or Actimel).

How to prepare yogurt in a multicooker Regardless of the presence of the “Yogurt” program, the process of making a healthy product is similar for both the yogurt maker and the multicooker. The prepared milk, heated to the required temperature (not higher than 40°C!) is combined with the required amount of starter and poured into jars. Cover the bottom of the multicooker bowl with a cloth so as not to destroy the coating, pour warm water at 40°C to a level ⅔-¾ of the height of the jars and turn on the “Yogurt” or “Heating” program for 2-3 hours. Afterwards, turn off the multicooker and let the yogurt sit for another 2-3 hours without opening the lid. After this, the yogurt is cooled and placed in the refrigerator. The neck of the jars must be covered with lids or covered with cling film to prevent condensation from getting inside. Yogurt in a multicooker can be prepared without jars - just in the multicooker bowl, and later pour the finished product into another container. This makes it possible to prepare a huge amount of yogurt right away.

Properly prepared yogurt has a smooth and shiny surface. If you want to get drinkable yogurt, keep the yogurt for the shortest possible time. Accordingly, for the thickest yogurt, the holding time should be increased. The thickness of the finished product is also affected by the fat content of the milk. If you are watching your figure and counting calories, use milk with low fat content or completely skim, and for other family members, and especially for children, take milk with regular or high fat content. Our website has spoken about the usefulness of fats in the human diet more than once. To increase the fat content of milk, you can add 1-3 tablespoons to it. cream. Well, yogurt made from milk with the highest fat content, to be honest, is much tastier than yogurt made from low-fat milk!

You can add any toppings to homemade yogurt. This could be grated chocolate, cocoa, pieces of berries and fruits, jam, jam, natural juices, nuts, dried fruits, vanillin... It is important to remember that all these products can only be added to ready-made yogurt. Under no circumstances put them into milk immediately with the starter, otherwise you will get a completely unexpected result at the end.

There are not many recipes for making yogurt, and this is understandable - it’s impossible to come up with anything simpler. But for those housewives who for the first time dared to prepare yogurt at home, our website provides several recipes, after trying which you will soon learn to determine the ratio of goods and production time. For multicookers with the “Yoghurt” program, there are annotations and recipes included with the “cyber-saucepan”, but you choose the operating time of the “Heating” mode yourself. The recipes given below give small values; you have the right to decide on your own how long to keep the yogurt on the heat.

2 liters of milk 2.5% fat,
500 ml 10% cream,
5 tbsp.
sugar, 1 jar of Activia without fillers.

Pour milk and cream into the multicooker bowl and turn on the “Steam” or “Baking” mode. Bring, stirring constantly, to a boil, boil for 5 minutes and turn off the multicooker. Let the milk cool under the lid to a temperature of 40°C. Add the yogurt, stir well and close the lid. Turn on the “Heating” mode for 1-2 hours, then turn off the multicooker and leave for 3-6 hours without opening the lid. Pour the finished yogurt into another bowl, mix with sugar and place in the refrigerator. Fillings - according to your taste.

1 liter of milk 3.5% fat,
1 bottle of Actimel.

Heat the milk to 40°C and mix with Actimel yoghurt. Pour the resulting mixture into sterile jars or cups, cover them with lids, but do not screw them on. Place a napkin on the bottom of the multicooker bowl, place the glasses and pour in warm water. Set the “Heating” mode for 15-20 minutes, then turn off and leave the multicooker for 5 hours without opening the lid. Cover the finished yogurt with lids and place in the refrigerator overnight (that is, in the dark) .

Read also:  Rolls with sour cream

1 liter of milk of any fat content,
1 bag of dry sourdough.

Thoroughly mix the dry starter in milk heated to 40°C. It’s better to do it this way: pour 1 glass of milk, add the starter and stir well. Then pour the contents of the glass into the rest of the milk and stir. Remember that all utensils must be sterile! Pour the milk with the starter into cups, cover the top with cling film or foil and place them in the multicooker bowl. Pour in warm water, turn on the “Heating” mode for 15 minutes, then turn off the multicooker. Do not open the lid! After 5-6 hours, transfer the cups to the refrigerator.

You see, making yogurt in a slow cooker is not at all difficult. You need to see that when making yogurt using dry starter, the first portion comes out slightly slimy, similar to jelly. This does not in any way affect the taste and beneficial properties of yogurt. Set aside 2-3 tbsp. prepared yogurt in a separate bowl and use it as a starter for the next portion, and each time your yogurt will become tastier and tastier.

Bon appetit and the latest culinary discoveries!

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker: 7 regular recipes

Once upon a time I wanted to make yogurt at home, without any preservatives or stabilizers. I already wanted to get a yogurt maker, but for my birthday I received a Polaris 0517 multicooker, which has a program for making yogurt and even comes with special cups. Cooking in a slow cooker is a pleasure.

Unfortunately, I have not yet found the opportunity to purchase special starters for yogurt in our town, but I really wanted to try it, so I went with a very common method - I used ready-made yogurts in the production.

In turn, I took three products to try as a starter: natural “Activia”, “Actimel” and “Bio-max”. Naturally, I understand that at this base you won’t find the especially necessary microbes in yogurt, but, on the other hand, I’m not afraid of any horror stories about the fact that something else terrible and terrible will grow there. The main thing is to purchase the freshest imported yogurt.

What can grow there? For centuries they drank yogurt (sour milk), and were not afraid that something pathogenic had grown there. So with the introduction of ready-made yoghurts, a tasty product just comes out, needed no more and no less than no matter what kind of fermented milk.

I made the first yoghurts only from milk and a container of yoghurt, but my gourmands asked to add a little sugar, so subsequent batches came with a slightly different composition.

I took ultra-pasteurized milk, because I read that often yogurt does not come out of regular milk, besides, regular milk needs to be boiled and then cooled. I didn't boil or heat anything. I have both milk and yogurt from the refrigerator door, in other words, at the same storage temperature.

I add sugar and yogurt to the milk and stir well.

I do this in a glass teapot to make it easier to pour into glasses later. Here it is important to make sure that the yogurt is thoroughly mixed in the milk and does not remain in clumps on the day. I pour the resulting mixture into cups (they are plastic with a lid) and close the lids.

I put the cups in the slow cooker.

I turn on the “Yogurt” program for 8 hours. I usually do this in the evening so that the yogurt is ready during the day. The multicooker itself will heat up to the appropriate temperature and will retain the required heat in this mode.

I noticed that when added, the extreme ones slightly separate the whey when stirring, apparently due to the fact that liquid gets in, but the freshest fruits and berries ground with sugar have no effect on the thickness of the yogurt.

According to storage conditions: we don’t store yoghurts for more than a day, we eat 6 jars per day, so I’m not worried about their properties.

How to make thick yogurt

I’ve heard many times that it doesn’t come out thick in a slow cooker. It looks like you look under the lid - it’s beautiful, but when you scoop it up with a spoon, it turns out that it’s useless - the product came out watery. Because cooking it in a slow cooker is thick? Here is a recipe for thick yogurt.

Getting ready to drink

On the shelves of hypermarkets the selection of drinking yogurt is simply huge. But oh, how I doubt its naturalness. So if you prefer this type, let’s cook it ourselves, and you won’t have to hesitate in quality.

Yogurt with sourdough

This sourdough product is a true living treasure. And it contains a huge amount of necessary bifidobacteria. And what could be better than preparing real goodness at home?

Low fat

Perfectly suitable for those who care about their own figure and nutrition. I often prepare this for my own family with the arrival of spring, when we all diligently begin to prepare for the beach season.

Recipe with fruits

Perhaps fruity is one of my favorite summer versions of this fermented milk product. It turns out incredibly delicious. Oh, how the children gobble it up!

Recipe without using jars

Perhaps this recipe, specifically for me, is the most common and easiest way to make it - in a slow cooker without jars. I also call it the “lazy” method. Why? Judge for yourself.

Cooking without the “yogurt” mode

In some models of multicookers, as annoying as it may sound, there is no special mode for making the most delicious homemade fermented milk product. But this is not a problem at all, because it can be prepared without a special mode. Read how specifically!

Production in 4 favorite models of multicookers

In Redmond

Typically, Redmond multicookers do not come with special yogurt cups. But is this really a problem? You can use any small glass containers of similar size that you have.

In Scarlett

The Scarlett multicooker produces good yogurt with dry starter. That’s why I offer a recipe specifically with it.

At Panasonic

If you have a Panasonic in your kitchen, which has a special mode for making yogurt, then you won’t have any problems making a tasty product!

In Polaris

Yogurt is definitely worth making.
Do you understand why? Firstly, the beneficial bacteria that it contains suppress the diseased microflora of the intestinal tract, and, as follows, our gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food ) works correctly. Some studies even say that those who often consume natural yogurt prepared at home have virtually no chance of developing intestinal cancer.

Secondly, natural fermented milk product contains calcium, which we need at any age. And thirdly, just 300 ml per day of this natural product will strengthen the immune system and completely improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .

Secrets of making yogurt at home

Choosing the right leaven

The right starter is the key to success in making yogurt. As a starter, I use either natural yogurt from the store without additives, or store-bought ready-made starter. And, of course, from time to time I use dry starter cultures, which are sold at the pharmacy. I tried the 3 most popular sourdoughs, and I really liked them all. I even have the necessary table with data for dry starter cultures.

Read also:  Open pie with berries made from yeast dough in the oven

How to make yogurt in a slow cooker

It's no secret that fermented milk products are good for the digestive system. Well, for the whole body as a whole. Bifidobacteria, vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) , calcium, again, are all important and necessary in any diet.

For me, the best prototype of fermented milk is yogurt. Light, tasty, mixed with all fruits and berries - easy to eat. But the question is: how to choose this product in the store so that it turns out to be more useful than harmful? Dyes, flavorings, preservatives – it’s scary when you read the ingredients.

I dared to learn how to cook such happiness at home. My mother understands how to create yogurt in a slow cooker, so she borrowed the recipes from her. The first one was even done together at her home - well, so that I could probably do it myself.

Yogurt in the Polaris multicooker

If you don’t have any starter on hand, you can use either leftover homemade or store-bought yogurt. My mother and I cooked with a store-bought one in her slow cooker, and everything worked out for us.


Milk 3.2% 800 g
Yogurt with bifidobacteria 150 g
Sweet sand 60-70 g
Fruits or berries optional

To make yogurt tasty and healthy, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing ingredients:

  • You can use any kind of milk, whole milk or pasteurized milk – you’ll get yogurt in any case. The main thing is that it is fresh, do not be lazy to check the end date on the packaging. Milk must also be sold from the refrigerator. If you buy whole meat at the market, always pay attention to the cleanliness of the trader’s hands and never hesitate to take a sample. There, this is the only method to establish that it is not bad and has not gone sour.
  • Take any yogurt, preferably in a glass. At least with filling, at least without - to your taste. The main thing is that the expiration dates were observed, it was sold from the refrigerator, and the label indicated that it contained bifidobacteria suitable for us. My mother takes Activia, and everything always works out.
  • Take fruits or berries according to your desire, taste and season. Even frozen ones are fine. This is an optional ingredient, but they make yogurt taste much better.

If you have everything you need at hand, you can start creating our fermented milk dish.

Step-by-step production

  1. Pour 800 grams of milk into a deep container, add 150 grams of yogurt enriched with bifidobacteria.
  2. Add 60-70 grams of sweet sand to the milk, stir the contents of the container using a mixer at low speed.
  3. Pour the resulting mixture into cups (my mother came with them with the multicooker). Cover the glasses with lids and place them in an empty multicooker bowl.
  4. Select the “yogurt” mode on the monitor, set the timer for 9 hours and turn on the equipment, let it work.
  5. After the time has passed, remove the cups, add fruits or berries if desired, and close the lids. My mother and I added two frozen strawberries to each jar. Place the cups in the refrigerator for at least one hour. After this, you can eat dessert.

Making recipe video

If you still have questions about how to make yogurt in a slow cooker, just watch this video. Here, step by step, the entire method of creating this healthy and tasty fermented milk product is discussed.

Yogurt in a Redmond multicooker in jars

At home, I decided to prepare this dessert strictly according to the recipe - with sourdough. I don’t have multicooker cups, so I cooked in jars with lids. It didn't turn out any worse.

You see, the set of dishes and equipment has not changed much. Nothing complex was added to the products either.


Whole milk 520 g
Cream 10% 200 g
Sugar 40 g
Dry starter 1 jar

You already know how to choose milk, for now let’s figure out the rest:

  • Cream can be found in any store. As with any dairy product, the main aspects here are that they are sold from the refrigerator, the expiration dates are in order, and the container is not damaged.
  • Dry sourdough can currently be purchased anywhere. But I am suspicious and only buy it at the pharmacy - there at least some control of the properties is applied in relation to the product. It is important that it is kept in the refrigerator, that it is hermetically sealed and that the end date is in order. Otherwise, the bacteria inside the container will die or there will be fewer of them, and this is completely unsuitable for us.

When you have everything you need in the kitchen, you can start preparing our fermented milk dessert.

Step-by-step production

  1. Pour 150 grams of cream into a deep container. Add the contents of one container of dry starter to another 50 grams, mix well.
  2. Add 40 grams of sugar to the starter and stir well again. Pour the diluted starter into our container, add 520 grams of milk there, mix everything well.
  3. Now pour this mixture into jars (I got 4 from Nutella jars), cover them with lids and place them in an empty multicooker bowl.
  4. Close the multicooker lid, turn on the “yogurt” mode, set the temperature to 38°C, and leave the time for 8 hours. Turn on the program.
  5. After the allotted time, remove the containers from the multicooker and place them in the refrigerator for 3-4 hours. After this, the yogurt is completely safe to eat.

Making recipe video

This video carefully explains the entire process of creating homemade yogurt in a slow cooker. Be sure to watch it, then even if you are a beginner, you will literally succeed.

How to decorate a dish

The yogurt itself is quite dense, so you can put beautifully chopped fruits or berries on top of it directly into open containers:

  • Oranges;
  • Kiwi;
  • Bananas;
  • Peaches;
  • Cherries;
  • Raspberries;
  • Blackberry.

Choose any fruit or berries according to the season - they will definitely decorate the fermented milk product and add taste to it. In addition, if desired, this dessert can be topped with thin streams of topping or melted chocolate, or even jam. Or just sprinkle with chocolate chips - all options are good, choose to your own taste.

Tips for making yoghurt in a slow cooker and serving it

  • When making such a product at home, it is very important that the milk, cream and yoghurt (or starter) be at the same temperature, preferably from the refrigerator.
  • The fattier the milk from which you are going to create yogurt, the thicker it will turn out.
  • In order for yogurt to come out, bifidobacteria need to work. If after the allotted time you open the multicooker, and the contents of the jars are completely liquid, close everything and leave for another hour or two, everything will certainly work out.
  • Store the finished fermented milk product only in the refrigerator and for no more than 3 days - there are no preservatives, it tends to spoil.

These desserts are served chilled. This is a good light breakfast for those on a diet. Yogurt looks great for an afternoon snack. This dish can be the perfect dessert for any table and any meal.

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Options for making yoghurts

In fact, preparing “yogurt at home” is not at all an easy task. In addition, it can be prepared using various methods:

  • If you have such a machine, you will like the recipe for making yogurt in a yogurt maker, it is very simple and just as delicious.
  • Greek yogurt turns out really great, be sure to try making it, it’s a great dessert.
  • An unexpected but pleasant discovery for me was a fruit salad with yogurt. Be sure to prepare it, both you and the children will love this dessert; everyone in my family loved it.

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Yogurt in a slow cooker – preparing your favorite dairy dessert in a “smart” device

Almost all people often include fermented milk products such as yogurt in their diet. Small children especially adore it, because it is not only healthy, but also tasty. Unfortunately, the products that fill store shelves are increasingly raising doubts due to the presence of various additional additives in their composition, and natural fermented milk products are quite expensive to obtain.

That is why almost all housewives began to try to create this light dessert at home on their own. For some time now this process has taken up a lot of time. But at the moment, you can make real, desired yogurt in a slow cooker and be sure of its naturalness. This multifunctional magic of technology will simply cope with the task, and you can enjoy your favorite dairy masterpiece, made at home without any chemicals or foreign ingredients.

Let’s look step by step and with photos at how to prepare yogurt in a multicooker of different models, also with and without jars.

Tips before production

  • All utensils must be sterilized to avoid the development of harmful microflora;
  • It is better to give preference to store-bought milk (super-pasteurized as a standard). It will no longer need to be boiled, unlike any other. Naturally, fresh homemade milk will be healthier than store-bought milk, but you need to be sure that it is not diluted with anything. Also, the diet of livestock directly affects the taste and properties of the product. Therefore, it is better to choose a proven trader;
  • Ready-made homemade yogurt in a slow cooker may turn out different depending on the mixture. It depends on the fat content of the base. For making low-fat yogurt, milk with a fat content of 0.5-2.5% is perfect. When cooking for children, you can use the highest fat milk - 2.5-3.2%;
  • When choosing a starter, carefully study its composition. The more microbes it contains, the healthier the finished dish will be;
  • You can use the resulting homemade yogurt as a starter. But do not forget that it must be stored for no more than 3 days, even in the cold;
  • When cooking, you can also use the Multicook program.

Yogurt recipes in a slow cooker

Now let's move on to the manufacturing instructions. First, let's look at a recipe for yogurt in a slow cooker - regular and with cream. This scheme is suitable for all models.

Basic option

  1. In a saucepan, heat a liter of milk to 40 degrees, add the contents of 1 yoghurt cup (preferably without additives), stir until the mixture is homogeneous;
  2. Place the resulting mixture in jars covered with cling film on the bottom of a multi-device covered with fabric (A collection of different and interacting tissues form organs) ;
  3. Fill the bowl with warm water (approximately 40 degrees) up to the hangers of the jars, close the lid of the device and activate the “Heating” mode for 20 minutes, then turn off the device and leave the product for an hour without opening the lid;
  4. Repeat the same actions again.

With cream

  1. Combine half a liter of milk and 11% cream, add one package of yogurt and three huge spoons of sugar, beat well;
  2. Fill the device’s bowl with warm water to the bottom line;
  3. Distribute the mixture into cups and lower them into the device, close the lid, activate “Heating” for 60 minutes;
  4. Turn off the device and leave it for another couple of hours without opening the lid;
  5. Place the purchased product in the cold.

Vanilla option

  1. Boil 600 ml of milk, add two huge spoons of sugar and a bag of vanilla, stir well until the bulk ingredients are completely dissolved;
  2. Add three tablespoons of thin starter and mix again;
  3. Distribute the mixture into containers and place them in a bowl. We activate the “yogurt” program for 8 hours;
  4. The dessert needs to be cooled before serving. It can be decorated with nuts, coconut, jam.

For the Polaris model

Polaris is one of the most common multi-devices. It’s very easy to prepare your favorite fermented milk dessert in it.

  1. Pour two liters of milk into a multi-bowl and boil it;
  2. Then cool and combine with sourdough (one bag in dry form);
  3. Distribute the liquid among the glasses, immerse them in the saucepan of the device, previously covered with a towel. Set the “yogurt” mode for 6 hours;
  4. Place the resulting product in the refrigerator.

Fruit recipe for the Redmond model

Redmond is another popular multi-cooker company. Let's take a look at the instructions for making homemade yogurt in this unit.

  1. Place 250 g of natural yogurt in a 2-liter bowl, add one small spoon of sweet powder;
  2. Mix the mass (do not beat) with a whisk, carefully adding milk;
  3. Washed and peeled fruits (200-300 g) are slightly dried and cut into small squares;
  4. We put them in yogurt containers, fill them with the previously prepared consistency, stir a little;
  5. We cover the bottom of the multi-saucepan with a napkin, set out our containers covered with lids;
  6. We activate the “Multi-cook” program with a temperature of 40 degrees for 10 hours;
  7. Place the cups with the finished product in the refrigerator. You can also add fruit to a 100% finished product.

Making yogurt in a slow cooker without cups

Almost all housewives do not have special yogurt containers. But this is not a failure. You can prepare your favorite delicacy without jars, right in the bowl of the unit. Let's look at a few instructions.

Recipe with Evitalia sourdough

  1. Boil, then cool to 40 degrees 2 liters of milk. The foam must be collected;
  2. Pour the cooled mixture into a multi-bowl. Pour a little water into the glass bottle with the starter and shake slightly, then add its contents to the container of the device;
  3. We start the “yogurt” mode for approximately 7 hours. After this, the dessert will be ready. Distribute it into sterile glass containers and store in the refrigerator.

Recipe with Activia

  1. Pour a liter of boiled, cooled milk into a multi-pan, add Activia (150 ml), mix everything thoroughly.
  2. We ferment the mixture in a suitable mode for 6 hours, then keep it in the cold for a couple of hours before using it.

Option with sourdough starter “Prostokvashino”

  1. In a multi-cooker container, combine a liter of milk, 100 ml of Prostokvashinskaya sourdough (shake well) and 100 g of sugar.
  2. Stir all ingredients until sugar is completely dissolved.
  3. Turn on the “Yogurt” program for 6 hours for a watery mixture, for the thickest one – for 8 hours.
  4. Cool the finished treat for 2-3 hours.

Now you understand how to create yogurt in a slow cooker. This modern, functional device will help you save time, and ultimately you can enjoy your favorite fermented milk miracle without chemicals.

Video: Recipe for homemade yogurt in a slow cooker

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