Cake Kyiv

Cake Kyiv

Kiev cake is one of the most popular factory-made cakes. With all this, you can simply prepare Kiev cake at home. Read more about Kiev cake .

I’ll tell you now, friends, about a recipe with a story. The recipe is a perfectly recognizable “Kiev” cake. But the story is not at all about how two unconscious pastry chefs “fermented” a bunch of chicken proteins and later figured out where to use them, not at all! This is the saga of how the “Kiev” cake arose and settled firmly in our family.

A very tasty and easy to make cake, very similar to a real cake from Kyiv.

The main difference between the Kyiv cake and other airy nut cakes is that the cakes are made with fermented proteins, which gives them extraordinary tenderness.

The recipe for this Kiev-style cake is very close to GOST, only in my Kiev cake, in addition to airy meringue cakes, there is a sponge cake. Such a cake will undoubtedly decorate the New Year's table 2021!

Now we will prepare the “Kyiv” cake again. A good ancient classic, but with a modern twist. The cake will be with hazelnuts and Charlotte cream. Join us!

Real recipe for Kyiv cake.)

Each housewife has her own recipe for Kyiv cake. This is the calling card of the city of Kyiv. At any holiday you can meet the “Kyiv” cake or receive it as a gift. It differs from all cakes in one ingredient - fermented proteins.

Naturally, you can buy a ready-made “Kiev” cake, it’s simpler, quicker and can be quite tasty. But homemade “Kiev” cake is always a holiday! And we will tell you the recipe for the “Kyiv” cake.

Everyone recognizes the most delicious Kyiv cake. I always ate this kind of cake bought in a store, but here I happened to see a recipe for this miracle in an old book at my granny’s. I baked it and was glad that it turned out)))

If you want to amuse your loved ones with unique baked goods, prepare them a nut cake “Izbushka” with Charlotte butter cream and meringue. This delicious and wonderful cake will create a feeling of celebration and will become a real table decoration.

Kiev cake is a relatively young recipe; it originated back in 1965 at the Kyiv confectionery factory. Kiev cake according to GOST consists of 2 airy nut meringue cakes with layers of cream. Also, from time to time they prepare Kiev cake with a sponge layer. The recipe for Kyiv cake according to GOST is prepared using butter cream called Charlotte. To prepare the cream for the Kyiv cake, you will need milk, eggs, sugar, butter, cream, cocoa powder, vanilla, and cognac. Kiev cake is usually decorated with cream on top and sprinkled with nut crumbs on the side. Just like in making any other cake, it is important that you get a beautiful and decorated Kiev cake , the video recipe will show you how to decorate a Kiev cake. If you have questions about making a Kyiv cake, the Kiev cake (photo) and Kiev cake (recipe with photo) recipes will help you answer them.

Kyiv Cake. Recipe and history of creation

Cake Kyiv. Recipe and creation story.

Kyiv cake.
Kiev cake is a product whose recipe and development was developed in 1965 at the Kyiv confectionery factory named after Karl Marx (now the Kiev confectionery factory Roshen).

At one point, the confectioners forgot to put a batch of egg whites created for a sponge cake into the refrigerator. The next morning, the head of the biscuit shop, Konstantin Nikitovich Petrenko, with the help of 17-year-old confectioner's assistant Nadezhda Chernogor, in order to hide the mistake of his colleagues, at his own horror and risk, covered the frozen egg white cakes with butter cream, sprinkled them with vanilla powder, and decorated the surface with floral designs.

This is how the predecessor of the cake arose, which was destined to become the calling card of Kyiv for many decades.

The recipe for “Kyiv cake” has undergone changes over time: in the 1970s, confectioners improved the process of making the protein-nut consistency, then they began adding hazelnuts to the flatbreads and experimenting with peanuts and cashews.

But these expensive nuts increased the cost of the cake, so the factory returned to hazelnuts.

Now the cake consists of two airy nut meringue layers with layers of cream. The surface of the cake is decorated with various creams, the side surface is sprinkled with hazelnut crumbs.

The Roshen Confectionery Company has a brand certificate and patents for the industrial standard and cake production method.

Specifically, “Kiev Cake” was one of the gifts from the Ukrainian SSR to L. I. Brezhnev for his 70th birthday. The three-tiered work of culinary art consisted of 70 cake layers and weighed over 5 kg. They say that the Secretary General liked the gift so much that he insisted that his own chefs repeat the masterpiece.

The detailed unique recipe at the Kyiv factory is kept secret to this day.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with this secret recipe!

Even if the recipe does not coincide 100% with the recipe from the Kyiv factory, it is very close to it. But there is reason to believe that the unique recipe was exactly that. Because the taste properties and appearance are one hundred percent the same.

Ingredients for 2 cakes (pan 24-25 cm across):

chicken proteins – 300 g (this is approximately 8 pieces)
sweet powder – 75 g
vanilla sugar – 30 g (1.5 bags)
lemon juice – 1 tsp.
flour – 70 g
nuts – 220 g
sugar – 275 g
For Charlotte cream:
milk – 200 g
sugar – 1 glass
chicken yolks – 4 pcs.
butter – 250-300 g
cognac – 1.5 tbsp.
vanilla sugar – 15 g
For chocolate cream:
butter – 100 g
sweet powder – 40 g
condensed milk (with sugar) – 2 tbsp.
cognac – 1 tbsp.
cocoa – 2 tbsp.
Cream for cake “Kievsky” – double 2
Cream “Charlotte”:
milk – 250 ml
yolks – 6 pcs.
sugar – 1 1/4 cups
sweet powder with vanilla – 10 g
butter – 400 g
cognac – 2 tbsp.
Chocolate cream:
“Charlotte” cream – 200 g,
boiled condensed milk – 3 tbsp.
cocoa – 3 tbsp.
cognac – 1.5 tbsp.
Beige cream:
Charlotte cream – 150 g
chocolate cream – 2 tbsp.

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1. For the “Kyiv” cake, as well as for the “Macaron” cookies, the whites must first be left for 12-24 hours at room temperature.
The protein begins to lose its usual structure and whips even better. *****
2. Before whipping the whites, you need to prepare the “dry” component for the cakes.
Fry cashew nuts in a dry frying pan until golden brown, chop not very finely. *****
3. Mix sugar with flour, add cooled chopped nuts.

4. Start beating the whites prepared the day before at medium speed.
In order for the protein mass to whip better, add a little acid, for example lemon juice or vinegar, at the time when a soft foam begins to form from the proteins. Acid promotes the binding of protein cells, so the protein whips faster and becomes more stable and homogeneous. As the foam begins to thicken, add vanilla sugar and sweet powder evenly.
We increase the speed to the limit, forming a mass with stable peaks. We will add dry ingredients into it. *****
5. Carefully begin to introduce the “dry” component into the protein component (in several stages, almost 4-5 spoons each, otherwise the protein mass may fall off), connecting everything with a spatula or spoon with smooth movements from top to bottom.
The result should be a fluffy, homogeneous mass. ******
6. I bake both shortcakes in the oven using convection mode.
I prepare two springform pans in advance, lining them with parchment. It is not allowed to grease molds and parchment with any fat; upon contact with it, the protein mass will begin to fall off. Therefore, we will make sure in advance that the detachable forms are ABSOLUTELY clean and dry. For this amount of proteins, I took two forms with a diameter of 25 cm. We spread the same amount of protein mass into two forms, level the surface with a spatula and place in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for 2 hours.
7. If the cakes begin to get very dark (which is unlikely, but still, all ovens are different), then lower the temperature to 140 degrees.
There is no need to open the oven during baking so as not to disturb the temperature regime. After a full 2 ​​hours, turn off the oven and cool the cakes in it for another 30 minutes. *****
8. After the cakes are baked, they should sit in the pan for at least another 12 hours, and ideally a day. I tip the molds “upside down” for the first 2 hours, until the cakes cool down one hundred percent, so that they probably don’t settle: Don’t be afraid that they will fall out, the mass is glued tightly to the walls of the mold and won’t let the cakes fall off.
Then I turn the molds over and leave the cakes in a cold place without drafts and open sunlight (also away from household members) and forget about them at night (that is, in the dark) and part of the day.
The next day, towards evening, I carefully cut the shortbreads along the entire diameter with a knife, remove the ring, and turn the shortbread over onto a sheet of parchment, helping with my other hand so that it does not “smash” and crumble.
Prepare for yourself a lot of clean, free space covered with parchment, because crumbs will fly everywhere, and we will need them for decorating the sides of the cake. Carefully pour everything that has floated around from the parchment into a separate container. Now all that remains is to remove the parchment from the bottom (which at the moment is already the top) of the cake; it will “come off” without any desire, so we start immediately from several sides towards the center in order to destroy the texture as little as possible. After this, I leave the shortcakes for another 3-4 hours so that the top hardens a little. During this period of time you can prepare the cream. *****
9. The Kiev cake uses 2 creams: Charlotte butter cream and chocolate butter cream with condensed milk.
Let’s prepare “Charlotte” first.
There are two versions of this cream - with a whole egg and with yolks.
I used cream on yolks, because we had plenty of them left after making the cakes. And he, moreover, is the most affectionate (in my opinion). Mix milk with sugar and vanilla sugar, heat until sugar is completely dissolved.
In a deep bowl, beat the yolks with a pinch of salt until smooth, pour in hot milk in a narrow stream, stirring the mixture with a whisk. Pour the egg-milk mixture into the saucepan where the milk was heated and cook the cream over medium heat, stirring it constantly with a whisk. This procedure takes 4-5 minutes after boiling. The cream should be a mixture of thick jelly. We rub the cream through a fine sieve (I didn’t have any lumps anyway, but if it’s necessary, it’s necessary), pour it into a cup and, covering with cling film, let the cream cool to room temperature. Add cognac to the base. ******
10. Beat the soft butter into a fluffy foam in a deep bowl and begin adding the egg base, spoonful at a time, whisking each time until completely incorporated.
The result should be a cream that is gentle and light in structure.
11. Let's prepare chocolate cream.

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Everything is even easier and faster here.
Beat soft butter into a fluffy foam with sweet powder. Add cocoa and beat again until smooth.

12. Add condensed milk and cognac and beat again until smooth cream.
13. We received cream of 2 colors, and now we need to create an intermediate color to decorate the cake with its emblem - a chestnut branch.
I took 150 g of Charlotte cream (and put the rest in the refrigerator for a short time to make it easier to apply to the shortcakes), added a full tablespoon of chocolate cream, whisked everything vigorously - the cream was ready, the gentle color of coffee with milk. I also put it in the refrigerator to make the decoration function easier for myself. *****
14. Assembling the cake.
On the bottom cake (the top side should be the side from which the paper was removed) spread Charlotte cream, leaving 2-3 tbsp. cream for applying to the sides. We even out the cream with a spatula as it should, because pressing down the cakes is not allowed. We apply the top crust with the same side from which the paper was removed. Apply the remaining snow-white cream to the sides and smooth them out. You can set aside not 150, but 200 g of Charlotte cream and mix it with chocolate.

And then the sides of the cream can be created darker rather than snow-white.

This is what I did when I made the cake for the second time.

Real Kyiv cake at home

To make a Kyiv cake, the following ingredients will be useful:

How to prepare a real Kiev cake at home:

First, let's bake the shortcakes. Cashew nuts for the cakes must be dried in the oven until golden brown. We dry the nuts at 180˚C, watch them closely, shake and turn over. After 20 minutes, the nuts will already be quite golden brown and crispy. Remove them from the oven and let cool.

Then grind it into coarse crumbs.

Combine the crushed nuts with flour, add 135 g of sugar.

Mix everything well.

Measure 200 g of egg whites into a separate container. Because we will be whipping the whites, the container must be completely clean and dry, without traces of water and fat. Just in case, for the best degreasing, you can wipe it with vinegar (we’ll also wipe the mixer whisks, it won’t hurt). We separate the whites from the yolks very carefully so that not a drop of the yolk gets into our container. In various recipes for Kyiv cake, it is often advised to prepare the proteins in advance - ferment them in a warm place for 24 hours, freeze (with subsequent defrosting, obviously) or pass through a sieve. The goal of such manipulations is the same - to change the structure of the egg white, to create it as watery and homogeneous as possible (even in the standard, countless air bubbles should appear in the white). My experience indicates that it is possible to do without this, and a mixer, even an ordinary hand mixer (and far from the most powerful, by the way), gives the desired effect in the very first seconds of operation - there will be liquefaction and bubbles. The taste of the finished cake will not change - tested. Therefore, let’s not complicate life for ourselves and immediately start working with proteins.

Add salt and citric acid to the proteins.

Beat into a fluffy, stable foam.

Continuing to beat, add sugar (the remaining 100 g) with vanilla in several additions.

Beat for 3-4 minutes until you obtain a dense, smooth and shiny foam that holds its shape well and does not flow out of the container when turned over.

Gradually add the nut mixture to the protein foam (with a spoon or spatula).

Mix in with careful movements from bottom to top so that the whipped whites do not settle.

Do not stir for a long time, just until the ingredients are combined.

Place the mixture in two pans lined with non-stick parchment. We take molds of different diameters - we will then cut one of the cakes to the size of the second, and sprinkle the sides of the cake with crumbs from the scraps. Level the surface of the protein mass with a spatula.

Baking cake layers for a Kyiv cake is a rather difficult task. It will be something between baking and drying. The temperature required for this is 120-150˚C, depending on the characteristics of your oven, baking time is 2-2.5 hours. The shortbreads should be slightly browned and acquire a pleasant warm color. If the cakes quickly darken, the temperature is very high and needs to be reduced. To lower the temperature, you can try baking cakes with the oven ajar, inserting a knife so that the door does not close one hundred percent (this is exactly how I come to an understanding with my own old gas oven). From the indicated amount of ingredients I got two shortcakes 3 cm wide with diameters of 17 and 21 cm. Let the shortcakes cool one hundred percent in the oven, and only after that we remove them from the molds and free them from the parchment.

Cut the cooled shortcakes to one size.

We collect the scraps and grind them into crumbs.

Now you can do the cream. Combine the yolks with milk in a fireproof container.

Mix thoroughly and only later add sugar and vanilla. If you immediately add sugar to the yolks, they may curdle, so milk is a must at first.

Place the mixture over medium heat and heat through, stirring continuously so as not to burn. Bring to almost a boil, but do not boil, but immediately remove the syrup from the heat and stir for a few more minutes. If the mixture is overheated, the yolks will curdle.

Cover the syrup with cling film and leave to cool.

Beat the softened butter with a mixer until fluffy.

Continuing to beat, add the cooled syrup one spoon at a time.

If the butter and syrup do not want to combine, you can heat the cream a little, just slightly. And continue whisking. The finished cream will be homogeneous, glossy and silky.

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Separate half the cream and add cocoa and cognac.

And mix thoroughly.

The shortcakes and cream are ready - you can assemble the cake. Set aside a little light and dark cream for decoration. Place the first shortbread on the baking sheet with the flat side down (you can put a spoonful of cream under the shortbread so that it does not slide on the substrate). Coat it with light cream.

Cover the first cake with the second one, with the flat side facing up.

Coat the top and sides of the cake with dark cream, sprinkle the sides with crumbs.

Decorate the cake with the remaining cream.

We put the cake in the refrigerator for several hours, or better yet, at night (that is, in the dark) so that it hardens and brews. After this, you can finally experience it! Well, how do you recognize this taste? The most real Kiev cake!

Kyiv cake

Kyiv cake

Kyiv cake is a real legend. I have prepared for you the most detailed recipe with step-by-step photos on how to prepare Kiev cake at home according to GOST standards.

I think that everyone will now agree with me that the Kiev cake is one of the most favorite. For almost everyone, this is the most beloved Russian cake, which recalls childhood and youth. For example, this is my father-in-law's favorite cake. On every birthday he asks me to prepare a real Kiev cake for him! And every time they say that it has the most real taste, just like it was before.

I don’t share my love for this cake, but in my opinion it definitely deserves respect and attention on my blog. At least because the Kiev cake has become a true legend and emblem of the town and the whole country. People lined up behind him. They took it to any holiday or important event. And from Kyiv everyone was expecting that famous cake in a beautiful round cardboard package as a gift.

The history of the creation of the Kyiv cake

This cake has its own legend that at one point the pastry chef forgot to put the whites in the refrigerator before leaving at the end of his shift. Returning a day later, I saw that the whites had fermented due to the fact that they were in the heat. And in order not to throw away the product, it was necessary to urgently invent something. And the result of this story for us is the Kiev cake that has become famous and beloved. It was probably hard to say whether it was true or not. But it is a fact that the recipe for the Kyiv cake originated at the factory in 1956.

A unique recipe for Kyiv cake

That recipe from the factory has not been revealed. But we have a version of the Kyiv cake according to GOST, which everyone usually adheres to. In a unique Russian recipe, the whites must be fermented. The nuts are made with cashews or hazelnuts, and the butter cream is charlotte with cognac and cocoa. The traditional decoration of the Kyiv cake consists of sprinkling with crumbs from a meringue shortcake, as well as a creamy chestnut flower and canned fruit. I can't say that this cake is not easy. But there are certain aspects to its manufacture and I would like to examine them very carefully here.

How to properly prepare egg whites for Kyiv cake

As written above, the proteins for the Kyiv cake must be fermented. To do this, carefully separate the whites from the yolks and place the whites in a clean container. Leave at room temperature for 12-24 hours. As a result, you will end up with a huge number of bubbles on the surface. Meringue from such proteins will be the most measured and easier to beat.

Is it possible not to age squirrels? In my opinion, yes. Naturally, you can come across different ideas and advice. But the only difference is that such aged and slightly fermented whites are easier to whip into a thick meringue. Then it will be easier for even a completely new person to cope with production. If you don’t have the ability to ferment the whites for a long time, then you can let them sit for at least a short time and warm up to room temperature and then beat them.

How to bake shortcakes

Almost everyone has questions about baking cakes. Especially if the oven is small and it’s problematic to place two pans at once. In this case, I advise you to cook the shortcakes in batches, one at a time. Yes, it will take a little longer, but the good result is definitely worth the inconvenience. Unfortunately, shortcakes of this type, where there is a huge amount of meringue in the base, cannot be left in the mold at room temperature or in the refrigerator for two hours.

Charlotte cream

Buttercreams are ideal for meringue cakes.
This kind of cream will prevent shortcakes based on a huge amount of meringue from becoming soggy into porridge. For this cream, milk and egg syrup with sugar is boiled.
After boiling, it must be boiled thoroughly so that it becomes more viscous. The recipe indicates a sufficient amount of sugar so that the egg does not curdle during the boiling process. After making the syrup, it must be cooled to room temperature. It is also better to remove the butter from the refrigerator in advance. It needs to heat up enough to become soft and make it easier to beat until it reaches the desired fluffy and creamy mixture.

Below I will give a recipe for a Kyiv cake according to GOST (only slightly increasing the amount of cream, but maintaining the proportions) with detailed step-by-step photos. It will take more than one day to make it, although the actions themselves in the process are quite ordinary. But be sure to plan your production ahead of time.

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