Chicken breast broth recipes

Chicken breast broth recipes

One of the most dietary types of meat that everyone can and should eat is chicken. In particular, the breast, if the skin is removed from it, is only low in calories, its fat content is almost zero. These chicken pieces can be consumed by diabetics and people who adhere to a diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food) , this meat is also extremely useful for children, therefore it must certainly be in their diet. Chicken breast broth, a recipe suitable for both unhealthy people and those who want to lose weight.

But not everyone loves snow-white chicken meat; it is the hardest and driest compared to the same wings or legs. But, if you cook it correctly, you simply cannot find more appetizing chicken meat.

Individualities of making broth for the sick

Experience teaches you how to cook this or that dish correctly. Nevertheless, there are a certain number of rules that help make a truly nice broth, from which it would be a pity to create something later. If you do not understand the very principle of preparing a decoction, remember how you prepare jellied meat. In fact, this is the same broth, only due to the main components it tends to harden. But the manufacturing principle is the same.

The process of making broth based on breast

  1. Naturally, the chicken itself will come in handy. It should be noted that the broth from the breast will not be the richest, this is specifically a dietary option. With chicken drumsticks, where there is a bone, it will turn out not only the fattest, but also transparent.
  2. The secret to making this recipe is to cook it very slowly. The broth should not boil, its task is to simmer.
  3. After some time, be sure to skim off the foam, otherwise the broth will turn out cloudy.
  4. The same goes for fat that floats up. Typically this fat comes from the chicken skin, so for the leanest version, it can be removed from the breast before cooking. However, leaving the skin will give not only a golden color, but will also make the broth more saturated.
  5. You can prepare vegetable or meat soups using the prepared broth.

Health benefits of chicken breast

Snow-white meat is very tasty if used for cutlets, meatballs and other meat dishes. The most important thing here is to maintain all proportions. Chicken breast or fillet is a dietary product; it is classified in this group because snow-white meat does not actually contain fat, but is rich in animal protein and an abundance of other essential nutrients. This is especially true for the phosphorus content, which is simply needed to maintain the normal functioning of the human body.

The best options for making chicken breast broths

How to make traditional chicken breast broth

  1. Pour a liter of settled water into a small saucepan, then put it on high heat and bring to a boil according to the recipe. Wash the breast thoroughly under running water. Peel the onions and carrots. Next, cut the carrots into large cubes. When the water boils, place the breasts in the pan, reduce the heat and skim off any foam that will be created before boiling.
  2. Add chopped onion, carrots to the pan, add salt and pepper to the water, and then turn the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid and leave to cook the breast for about 30 minutes. 10 minutes before the end of making the broth, add bay leaf and other spices to the pan to taste.
  3. Remove the pan from the heat, add finely chopped herbs and chopped garlic, then close the lid again and leave to steep for another 20 minutes over low heat.
  4. After this, the chicken meat can be pulled out, cut and consumed either with broth, or with any side dish - mashed potatoes, cereals or pasta.
  5. The broth is usually served at the table in a beautiful bowl decorated with hot greens. Can be served with hot white bread.

Chicken breast broth - recipe with celery

It is important to note that in terms of phosphorus content, chicken fillet is second only to seafood.

  1. Wash the cooked breasts well and remove the skin. Pour water into the pan. The amount of water should be such that it only slightly covers the chicken meat when it is cooked. Place the pan on the fire and wait for the water to boil.
  2. Throw the peeled carrots and onions into the boiling liquid. Cut the celery stalk into large pieces and also throw it into the broth. Add dark peppercorns - 5-8 pieces will be enough, add salt. After 10 minutes, place the cooked chicken meat in boiling water. Turn the heat on to maximum and wait until the water boils again, then skim off the foam and turn down the heat until it boils lightly. Add bay leaf.
  3. After 15 minutes, turn off the heat and leave the broth under a tightly closed lid to stand for 10-15 minutes. This is necessary in order to preserve the smell. After time has passed, remove the breast to a plate. On a cutting board, cut the boiled meat into portioned pieces: whatever you like - huge or small, depending on the upcoming plan for using chicken meat as a main or auxiliary dish.
  4. The prepared and slightly cooled broth can be poured into mugs, generously sprinkled with chopped herbs and served with meat and warm bread.
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Chicken breast broth


Chicken breast on the bone – 400 g

Onion – 30 g

Dill – 4 sprigs

Bay leaf – 1 pc.

  • 15 kcal
  • 30 min.
  • 5 minutes.
  • 35 min.

Photo of the finished dish

Step-by-step recipe with photos

The recipe for making savory chicken broth is simple, although not frisky. Such a broth can be prepared not only from homemade chicken, it can also be cooked from a purchased broiler breast of the bird given to us. By following very simple rules, you will get a clean, clear and low-fat broth. The only thing I would immediately like to clarify is that this recipe is for ordinary and healthy people.

Prepare all the necessary products and let's figure out how to cook chicken broth from breast. Peel the onions and carrots, rinse together with dill.

Using a sharp knife, carefully remove the skin from the chicken breast, remove all fat, and cut the fillet from the bone. Cut the bone or cut it into two halves.

Boil water in a saucepan and place the bone in it. The white in boiling water will immediately coagulate and the water will not change color; in addition, there will be no need to collect the foam that always floats up. Cook the bone for 15 minutes over moderate heat.

After a while, add the onion and carrots, cut crosswise, and cook the broth for another 5 minutes.

Next, put the chicken fillet in the pan, turn the heat on the stove to low and cook everything together for 40 minutes with the lid ajar. The broth should not boil very much, it should barely gurgle. About 10 minutes before the end of cooking, add the bay leaf.

Now carefully fish out the bone and chicken fillet, all the vegetables and bay. Season the broth with salt and pepper, add finely chopped dill. By the way, if you want pure and clear chicken broth, you can strain it through cheesecloth before adding salt and dill.

If desired, you can cut the breast into small pieces and add a little to each serving. Or you can use it in other dishes - for example, in salads or appetizers.

Pour the prepared chicken broth from the breast into huge cups or broth bowls and serve with a slice of fresh bread.

How to make perfect chicken broth and 4 soups based on it

Chicken broth is a must. It can not only be eaten with croutons, but also turned into a base for soup, sauce or side dish. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

What to cook the broth from?

First you will need chicken. The standard is a soup hen, in other words, a middle-aged laying hen. Unlike broiler, it can cook for hours, imparting flavor to the broth without turning into mush. If you still decide to use broiler, reduce the cooking time to approximately 1 hour.

The traditional broth recipe uses the whole chicken, but individual parts of it or just a soup set from any hypermarket are also suitable. It’s not worth using just the breast: the meat may turn out tough and the broth may not be rich.

In addition to the main ingredient, chicken, onions, carrots, celery and seasonings are added to the broth. To give the most saturated color, vegetables can be sautéed in a small amount of oil.

  • 1 kg chicken;
  • 5 liters of water;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • salt, peppercorns - to taste;
  • greens for decoration.

How to cook broth

Rinse the chicken and place it in a deep pan. The whole carcass does not need to be cut.

Pour water so that it covers the meat. If you want the chicken to be tasty, then add salt right away. If you prefer a savory and clear broth, add salt at the end of cooking.

Wash and peel the carrots and onions. Cut the carrots into several pieces, leave the onion whole or cut in half.

Place the pan over low heat. Make sure that the water does not boil; only small bubbles should form on the surface. This will allow the broth to remain transparent. To do this, remove the resulting foam in time.

During the cooking process, water may boil away, so it should be added.

After 1.5 hours (if you are using broiler chicken, then after 10 minutes), add carrots, onions and peppers to the broth. Cook for another 1 hour.

When the time is up, try to separate the meat from the bones. If it doesn't work, cook some more. If the meat comes away, it is ready - remove the pan from the heat and cool slightly.

Cooked vegetables can be removed from the broth: they have already provided all the useful characteristics. Also remove the chicken. The meat can be consumed in soups, salads and snacks.

Strain the broth through cheesecloth.

The finished broth can be consumed in its pure form or used as a base for soups.

4 soups with chicken broth

1. Chicken noodles with giblets


  • 150 g chicken stomachs;
  • 150 g chicken hearts;
  • 150 g chicken liver;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 carrot;
  • ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 500 ml chicken broth;
  • 50 g egg noodles;
  • greenery;
  • 2 quail eggs.


Wash the chicken giblets and remove films. Place any type in a separate pan and fill with cool water. Place on the fire, add salt and pepper and bring to a boil. After boiling, cook the liver for 20–25 minutes, hearts for 40 minutes, and stomachs for about an hour.

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Finely chop the onion and carrots. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan, add vegetables and fry them over low heat, stirring constantly. After 2-3 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and transfer its contents to a napkin to remove excess oil.

Place the prepared giblets in a saucepan with broth and bring to a boil. Add the onions and carrots, then the egg noodles. Add the pasta completely or break it into pieces. Season with salt and pepper.

After 3-4 minutes, add finely chopped herbs. When the noodles become soft, the soup is ready. Pour it into plates and place a boiled quail egg in each.

2. Creamy tomato soup with chicken broth


  • 700 ml chicken broth;
  • ½ cup rice;
  • 90 g tomato paste;
  • 500 g of tomatoes in their juice;
  • 100 g cream cheese;
  • parsley.


Place the broth over medium heat and bring to a boil. Add rice, tomato paste and tomatoes. Cook for 10 minutes, then add cream cheese and bring to a boil again. Season with salt and pepper. Add finely chopped parsley and cook until the rice is done.

Serve the soup hot with croutons and herbs.

3. Tuscan white bean soup


  • 2 medium carrots;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 celery stalk;
  • 1 clove of garlic;
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 2 cans of snow white beans in their juice;
  • 3 liters of chicken broth;
  • 4 cups spinach leaves;
  • 30 g grated parmesan;
  • green peas and herbs for decoration.


Finely chop the carrots, onions, celery and garlic. Heat olive oil in a thick bottomed saucepan. Add chopped vegetables, salt and pepper. Simmer for 10 minutes over medium heat, stirring occasionally.

Drain the juice from the beans, wash and dry. Mash ½ cup of legumes with a fork, add to vegetables and simmer for 2-3 minutes over medium heat. Then add the whole beans to the pan and stir. Pour the mixture with chicken broth, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer, covered, for another 20 minutes.

Add spinach, rinsed in cool water, to the soup and cook for 2 minutes until the leaves wilt. Remove the soup from the heat, pour into bowls, sprinkle with grated Parmesan, add green peas and herbs.

Serve with crispy croutons.

4. Meatball soup with chicken broth


  • 1 onion;
  • ½ tablespoon of vegetable oil;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 300 g of any minced meat;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • 3 liters of chicken broth;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 potato;
  • 100 g vermicelli;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • greenery.


Start by making the meatballs. Finely chop the onion and fry in vegetable oil. Finely chop the garlic or put it through a garlic press. Mix it with onions and minced meat, add salt and pepper and stir well. Make meatballs. The size can be any size, but it is better to make small balls, about the size of a quail egg.

Place the pan with the broth on the fire and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and add meatballs. Cook for 5–7 minutes.

Wash the carrots and potatoes and peel them. Cut the carrots into slices, and the potatoes into cubes. Place the chopped vegetables into the broth. Cook until the potatoes are done. Then add vermicelli and bay leaf. Cook for 2 minutes. Remove from heat and cover with a lid.

Pour the finished soup into bowls and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

How to make chicken broth from breast

Chicken breast broth is a beautiful, nutritious dish at any time of year. In the winter it will help keep you warm, and in the summer it will be a good and light lunch. Chicken broth is all-purpose. It can be consumed in its pure form, and can also be used to make various soups. In urban areas, housewives usually prepare broth from chicken breasts. Naturally, it would be better to eat whole domestic chicken, but you yourself realize that in a large city this cannot always be the case.

The benefits of chicken broth

Chicken breast broth is an incredibly healthy and nutritious dish. It is not in vain that weakened people are prescribed it specifically to give strength. Indeed, such a simple dish can lift a person to his feet.

The main advantage of broth is the small amount of fat in it. It is for this reason that boiled breast and soup are considered dietary foods.

Despite the lightness of similar food, it is at the same time very nutritious. It would seem that it is difficult to make broth? It's completely simple. But novice housewives often wonder how to cook chicken broth from breast. There are several simple secrets that will allow you to prepare a wonderful dish.

How to make chicken broth from chicken breast?

The proposed recipe allows you to prepare an independent dish, as well as a base for soup. You can serve pies and crackers with the broth. It turns out very tasty, although quite unpretentious and simple.

To prepare chicken broth, we will need the following products: onions, carrots, garlic, spices, herbs and the meat itself. All ingredients must be fresh, the taste depends on this. The broth from skinless chicken breasts comes out much better. Children especially do not like the skin, so it is better to remove it in advance.

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Carrots and onions need to be peeled and cut into rings, and a few cloves of garlic should be prepared. The greens should be thoroughly washed and chopped. Place chicken fillet, onion, carrots, garlic, bay leaf, and aromatic pepper into the pan. Fill all the products with 2 liters of cool water and put the dishes on the fire. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, add a couple of pinches of salt and continue to cook over low heat for about fifty minutes. We add herbs and spices almost at the very end. You should keep in mind that you will have to carefully watch the broth and skim off the resulting foam, otherwise the dish will turn out ugly with floating particles.

You can strain the finished chicken breast broth if you intend to use it in its pure form. It can be stored for several days in the refrigerator. Housewives also practice freezing the broth, in this form its shelf life increases to a month. But you should keep in mind that nothing compares to a freshly prepared dish.

Some aspects of making broth

When preparing, you should keep in mind that chicken meat should be filled only with cool water.

When preparing the broth, you should salt it carefully so as not to overdo it. If there is insufficient saltiness, it is better to add salt to the dish at the very end. If by chance you still didn’t calculate, then don’t be upset, everything can still be saved. To do this, at the end of production you need to add peeled potatoes. It must cook and take on the unwanted taste. Make sure that the potatoes do not boil over (you need to take them out and throw them away in advance), otherwise the broth will become cloudy.

As for spices, they can be added either at the beginning of the process or later. The difference is that by adding the spices earlier, you will get the richest and most flavorful broth. If you want to get a less intense smell, you can add spices later.

Do not cook the broth over high heat; it should not boil, but only simmer. During production, it is necessary to remove the foam and add boiling water as needed. If you still missed the mark, didn’t remove the “noise” in time and it sank to the bottom, then you can throw in a few ice cubes, then it will rise to the top again and you can carefully collect it.

How to get the perfect color for your broth?

If you want to get a nice golden color to your dish, you can cook the onion directly in the peel. The top layers should be removed from the onion, but the bottom layers should not be touched and cooked as is.

You can also lightly bake the carrots in the oven in advance, and later put them in the pan, then the broth will turn out more attractive.

Clear broth

The main question that constantly worries housewives is: “How to get clear broth?” For some reason, the dish often becomes cloudy... In order for the broth to become transparent, you should strain it through several layers of gauze.

Whipping raw egg whites with water also cleans the dish perfectly. This mixture should be added to the broth and stirred. The protein, coagulating, will take on unnecessary particles. Next, the purified broth is filtered through cheesecloth, removing egg residues.

Preparation time

How long does it take to cook chicken breast broth? This is a very burning question, since almost all housewives are divided in their views. If you are preparing broth from homemade chicken, it will cook for a very long time. As for store-bought fillet, it cooks much faster. On the slowest fire, the whole process will take from forty to fifty minutes.

Calorie content

From an early age, our ancestors taught us to eat chicken broths and soups based on them. And this is not easy. Such dishes are light, healthy and immediately nutritious.

Chicken broths have been known to the world's population since the time when the very first birds were domesticated. The nutritional profile of the dish is what makes it so popular. Chicken breast broths are considered very dietary, as they are prepared from the more healthy part. Snow-white meat contains a lot of phosphorus (more of it only in seafood and fish).

Chicken broth is very useful for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, gastritis and ulcers. Even with viral diseases, it is excellent to consume such a dish, as it contains anti-inflammatory substances.

The broth contains many minerals and vitamins. Despite all the nutritional value, the dish is very dietary. The calorie content of chicken broth from chicken breast is only 20 kilocalories per 100 grams of product. It can be consumed even by those who are on diets. With all this, snow-white bread should be replaced with rye bread and crackers.

Broth is the basis of the diet (Diet is a set of rules for human consumption of food)

For those who want to lose weight, broths are an excellent nutritional option. They contain essential amino acids, vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and phosphorus. And at the same time, chicken breast broths are low in calories.

They perfectly saturate the body, supplying the necessary elements, and at the same time remove toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) and cleanse. The broth is easily digested by the stomach, which makes it an ideal dish for people with diseases of the digestive system.

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