What is katyk and what beneficial qualities does Asian curdled milk have?

What is katyk and what beneficial qualities does Asian curdled milk have?

A source of longevity that can be prepared at home.

Dairy products are available in all state kitchens. Trying to preserve this perishable drink, people invented different dishes using it and processing methods.

In our country there is not enough that can compare in popularity with kefir or yogurt, but in Central Asia and Bulgaria katyk is widely known. What is this anyway? What are its benefits and harms for the human body? Let's figure it out together.

What is this anyway?

Katyk, which depending on the area is also called gatyk, gatig or gatikh, is a common drink of the Turkic and Bulgarian peoples. This name can be translated as “addition to food,” in other words, a sauce or seasoning.

Katyk has been known since ancient times and is famous for its healing qualities that grant longevity.

Modern research has shown that this milk product actually has a rich composition and provides a person with most of the substances necessary for health.

This drink is often called Asian curdled milk; it is made from baked sheep or goat milk in a clay container at a temperature of about 90 degrees. In such conditions, the liquid does not boil, but evenly loses up to a third of its water, becoming fatty and saturated. After simmering, a starter of Bulgarian bacillus and streptococcus is added to it.

The texture of gatyk resembles sour cream and has a pleasant smell, and its taste depends on the recipe used - it can be sweet, sour and even spicy. According to GOST, this drink can be either snow-white or cream in color, and have a viscous and uniform consistency. It is typically low in lactose and has a short shelf life.

Difference from other fermented milk drinks

Exotic gatyk is often compared to another, more common “milk” for us.

The main difference from fermented baked milk is the milk used. For katyk you need baked milk from a goat, sheep or buffalo, and for fermented baked milk you usually use cow's milk. The Asian drink is the thickest and fattest.

In order to understand what is healthier – a drink or a Turkic milk product, you need to pay attention to the method of their production.

The drink is made by fermenting whole milk with the addition of special fungi and yeast. During its production, milk microelements and vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) are not lost. For katyk you need heat-treated goat or sheep milk, as well as a starter made from yogurt, sour cream or katyk purchased the day before. This is where the difference appears, because when heated, milk loses some of its own desirable features.

The difference between katyk and matsoni is small. Both drinks are prepared using similar methods, only katyk has the highest fat content and is widespread mainly in Central Asia, and matsoni - in the Caucasus.

Composition and calorie content

The composition of the katyk includes:

  • vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) A - increases immunity, improves metabolism and vision;
  • vitamin (low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) E – balances hormonal levels, eliminates inflammation (Inflammation (lat. inflammatio) is a complex, local and general pathological process that occurs in response to damage to the cellular structures of the body or action pathogenic irritant and manifested in a reaction) on the skin;
  • vitamin (low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, essential for all living things) D – promotes the absorption of calcium and magnesium, keeps bones and muscles strong;
  • vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) of group B - stabilize the nervous system, fight stress (Stress from the English stress - pressure, pressure, pressure; oppression; load; tension) ;
  • calcium – normalizes blood pressure, reduces the risk of osteoporosis and heart disease;
  • iron – makes hair stronger, improves blood composition (the internal environment of the human and animal body) ;
  • copper – maintains youthful skin;
  • zinc is an antioxidant, reduces the risk of arthritis.

The calorie content of katyk depends on the milk used. Usually, we are talking about 50 kcal per 100 grams.

On sale you can find a drink with a fat content of 3.2%, 2.5% and even 1%. The homemade product is the most fatty (up to 6%), and its calorie content is already 160 kcal.

Useful characteristics for guys and ladies

Katyk contains “excellent” lactic acid bacteria and Bulgarian bacillus. This promotes the proliferation of beneficial microflora in the intestinal tract, improves digestion and reduces the number of harmful microbes that cause decay in the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .

Calcium strengthens bones and teeth - our body requires such support throughout life from infancy to old age.

A natural drink without flavoring additives is able to maintain blood sugar (in the internal environment of the human and animal body) at a normal level, which is why it is included in the diet of people with diabetes.

It also reduces the characteristics of “disgusting” cholesterol (Insoluble in water, soluble in fats and organic solvents.) and makes the walls of blood vessels more elastic, which reduces the risk of thrombosis, heart attack and heart attack.

Thanks to its diuretic properties, katyk fights swelling and the formation of stones in the kidneys and bladder.

This fermented milk product increases immunity and gives the skin a healthy appearance. It reduces the effect of stress on the body, allows you to relax more quickly, improves sleep quality, restores the functioning of the heart muscle and is able to give strength after physical activity.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding

Katyk reduces toxicosis at the initial stage of pregnancy. In addition, it contains vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and minerals that a woman may lack during this period. Thus, iron helps normalize hemoglobin, magnesium restores blood pressure, counteracts the development of anemia, and calcium reduces the risk of miscarriage.

In the first months after childbirth, this milk drink normalizes metabolism, restores the microflora of the intestinal tract and reduces anxiety, which is typical for almost all young mothers.

It increases the immunity of not only the woman, but also the baby, providing him with vitamins through mother's milk.

When can you give it to your child?

Despite all the beneficial characteristics of katyk, I advise you to consult a pediatrician before introducing it into your child’s diet. Asian curdled milk, like almost all other fermented milk products, contains casein. This is a complex protein, and the baby’s body will have difficulty digesting it, so it is better to wait until the child is one and a half to two years old.

Katyk also contains mineral salts, which put additional stress on the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) and can cause digestive problems in children.

To avoid complications, introduce this drink into the menu, starting with small portions, about 30 ml. This will allow the baby to get used to the new taste and protect him from a powerful allergic reaction.

When losing weight

Katyk is low in calories, it perfectly cleanses the body of toxins and speeds up metabolism, without causing unpleasant feelings in the intestinal tract. Therefore, its low-fat version is not only possible, but also necessary, to be used in the diet menu.

For fasting days, katyk seems to me to be even more suitable than a drink, because with similar properties it allows you to maintain a feeling of fullness longer.

It’s easy to regain your lightness after a hearty feast with the help of a Turkic drink: just drink 70 ml every 2-3 hours and try to walk more.

Introduction to cooking

Katyk is not only a tonic drink, but also an essential ingredient in almost all state dishes of Central Asia.

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It is used to make ayran, just like natural yogurt; without it, it is impossible to imagine kurt cheese and chalop soup.

In Tatarstan and Bashkiria, cherry or beet juice is added to katyk to give the drink a wonderful color.

Homemade recipe

Katyk can be created without the help of others.

Bring the milk to a boil, then reduce the heat and continue cooking, stirring constantly. When the amount of water is reduced by a quarter, remove it from the heat, pour into a glass jar and cool to 40 degrees.

Add starter at the rate of 100 grams of starter per 1 liter of milk. For the first time, full-fat sour cream can be used as a starter, and later, previously prepared katyk.

Place the container in a warm space for 5-6 hours, then put it in the refrigerator for a few more hours.

After this, hearty and natural Asian curdled milk will be ready.

Fundamentally! The shelf life of katyk is short - only 2-3 days in the refrigerator, after which the drink becomes very sour.

You can watch a nice video about making gatyk at the link.

Katyk has few contraindications. Usually, we are talking about diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , gastritis and ulcers, accompanied by high acidity.

In other options, it is enough to choose the freshest and most natural drink in order to protect yourself from unnecessary body reactions.

If you are overweight, I advise you to choose a low-fat product.


I think it’s great that at the moment it’s much easier to find classic products from other countries and peoples. Do not deny yourself pleasure and discover new tastes, especially when it comes to such a healthy drink as katyk.

Have you already tried it? Tell me, is it really similar to our yogurt?

“Katyk – how to cook and what to serve with?”


It is believed that people who often consume fermented milk products, acquired by fermenting whole milk from cattle and other animals, live much longer and better. It is not for nothing that one of the main products in the diet of Caucasian centenarians is the drink, kumiss, yogurt, curdled milk, ayran, tan or katyk.

These drinks, saturated with lactic acids and beneficial microbes, have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract, suppressing the processes of anaerobic fermentation in the intestinal tract, which leads to an improvement in the condition of the immune, nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory, musculoskeletal and excretory systems.

Katyk - what is it anyway?

Katyk is a fermented milk product found among the Turkic peoples. Apart from Central Asia, this product, acquired by fermenting milk using special bacterial cultures, is widespread in the Balkan countries, for example, in Bulgaria.

So what exactly is katyk, what is the benefit of its constant inclusion in the menu, and what are the methods for making a medicinal drink at home? Translated from the Turkic language, the word “katyk” means a food additive, seasoning, food vinegar or sauce.

And this speaks of its multifaceted use in cooking. In Central Asia, it is consumed in its pure form, used as a dressing for salads, hot dishes, soups, including cool chalop soup (analogous to Russian okroshka with kefir) - the state Uzbek dish made from greens, young vegetables and katyk.

After 2-3 days of storage in a cool place, the acidity of the drink increases, which allows it to be used instead of vinegar as a seasoning for food. And on the basis of katyk they prepare a type of kefir among the Balkan, Caucasian and Turkic peoples - ayran, diluting it with mineral water, kumiss, whey, whole milk and adding table salt, spices and herbs.

Well, of course, you can use katyk to bake golden brown pancakes, pancakes, flatbreads and pancakes, and also add it to baking dough, replacing the classic drink or sour cream in the recipe. I will share the recipe for pancakes based on katyk, which I mastered thanks to a friend from Tatarstan, at the end of the article.

Production development

Unlike all types of curdled milk, yogurt and kefir, katyk is made not from fresh whole milk, but from boiled cow, goat, sheep, buffalo or camel milk, which ensures the highest percentage of lipid content in the finished product. From time to time, milk is not only boiled, but also evaporated into a third part (baked milk).

Bacterial cultures are added to warm milk. Usually, this is a combination of lactic acid streptococci and thermophilic Bulgarian bacillus. The drink is kept warm for 6-10 hours at rest, in other words, avoiding shaking, shaking or stirring. The ambient temperature during the ripening process is maintained at 35-40°C.

From time to time, the finished product is tinted with natural food colors, namely beetroot or cherry juice. Usually katyk is classified as a fatty product, but modern manufacturers also offer low-fat katyk with the lowest fat content in their range of fermented milk drinks.

Ryazhenka and Varenets are prepared using a similar technology (on the basis of milk after heat treatment), which is why they are considered fermented milk products similar in taste and nutritional properties.

But katyk and ryazhenka have some differences. The fact is that fermented baked milk is a product necessarily made from baked milk. Katyk is made not only from melted milk, but also simply from boiled milk. In addition, the process of fermenting katyk takes several hours longer (ryazhenka is ready in 3-4 hours).

Usefulness of katyk, healing characteristics

Once in the intestinal tract, beneficial bacteria, which are used in the process of making katyk, ensure the normalization of the microflora, restoring its better balance and suppressing the processes of decay and fermentation. And, as is clear, most of the cells of the immune system are located specifically in the narrow intestinal tract.

That is why the constant inclusion of katyk in the diet benefits the entire body - it not only improves the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , eliminates dysbiosis, restores stool and cleanses the body of metabolites and toxic compounds, and also activates the defenses, allowing you to effectively resist infectious agents and fight foreign invasions into our body.

Thanks to the beneficial protein compounds present in katyk, namely essential and non-essential amino acids, drinking the drink improves the regeneration of muscle tissue cells and all organs. At the same time, the proteins in the fermented milk drink are in a bioavailable form, being absorbed 100% in a short time.

The product is also rich in essential vitamins (A, groups B, C, D), macro- and microelements (calcium, iron, phosphorus, copper, potassium, etc.) involved in all biochemical reactions of our body. In general, the constant presence of katyk and other fermented milk products in the menu promotes rejuvenation, prolongation of active longevity, and strengthening the health of people of all ages.

Cooking katyk at home

Buying a drink now is not difficult - this fermented milk masterpiece is included in the line of fermented milk products of almost all Russian manufacturers, both widely recognized and small, farm-owned, personal. For those who have the opportunity to often receive natural homemade milk, information on how to create katyk in your kitchen using special bacterial starters will not be superfluous.

Fortunately, modern kitchen appliances (yogurt maker, multicooker), which facilitate the process of heating milk and maintain these temperature properties for a long time, are available to virtually every housewife. At the same time, katyk made from homemade milk, especially fresh milk, is much tastier and healthier than from store-bought, pasteurized and sterilized milk.

We bring to your attention a recipe for katyk at home, which any zealous housewife can master. In the absence of a multicooker, previously boiled milk is simmered in an ordinary oven, setting the temperature at 90°C. In a multicooker, to make baked milk, use the “Heating”, “Stewing” or “Chef” mode.

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After reducing the size of the water by ¼, the product is removed, cooled to a temperature of 40°C and starter is added to it, taking 2-3 tablespoons of ready-made katyk for any 1-2 liters or special bacteria purchased at a pharmacy or store. The jar for fermentation or the bowl of the yogurt maker is previously rinsed with boiling water to eliminate bacteria.

Next, the container with the drink is wrapped in a blanket and placed on the radiator for 10 hours, but it is more convenient to use a yogurt maker in which the temperature is maintained at about 40°C all night (that is, in the dark) .

Thin pancakes on katyk

A few years ago, a friend from Kazan visited us. It was she who taught me how to bake such delicious pancakes that always turn out without burning. You can cook katyk pancakes using this recipe any day, but they are especially popular in my family on Maslenitsa.

  • chicken eggs – 2 pcs.;
  • sifted wheat flour - 6 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • salt – ½ tsp;
  • sugar – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • katyk – 1 glass;
  • lard - a piece for greasing a frying pan.
  1. I beat the dough in a blender bowl using the mixer attachment. This is much more convenient, and drops of water don’t fan out all over the kitchen.
  2. I beat the eggs into the container, add butter, sugar, salt, half the katyk, all the flour and mix with a whisk at low speed with a blender.
  3. After the flour lumps disappear, I add the remaining pellet and continue mixing.
  4. The dough is ready. Advice! If a fermented milk drink is initially extremely thick, for example, a store-bought one with a low fat content is always runny, but you can insert a spoon into a homemade product, then I dilute the purchased dough with boiled water so that the mixture resembles a drink, and beat it again with a mixer. The first time you will have to experiment, but then there will be no problems with the mixture.
  5. For baking pancakes, it is better to use a special frying pan with a non-stick coating.
  6. Before pouring each portion of dough, I carefully grease the bottom of the heated frying pan with a piece of lard pinched onto a fork.
  7. The amount of dough is approximately so that the pancakes are thin, but with smooth edges.
  8. Bake over medium heat on each side until golden brown.
  9. If desired, you can put a piece of butter on each product (Maslenitsa, after all).
  10. You can also wrap curd mass, thick jam or jam in them.

Try it, you won't regret it! Now it’s clear to you what katyk is and what it’s eaten with - and if you’ve never tried this fermented milk product, then I advise you to quickly go to a large hypermarket (they always have the largest selection there) and buy your first one in own life, a package with the favorite drink of the inhabitants of Central Asia.

By the way, when you take your first sip, don’t forget to make a wish, because there is a belief that it will definitely come true if you try something for the first time.

Katyk: benefits and harm to the body, composition and calorie content

The usefulness of katyk for the human body does not cause doubt. In families that often drink fermented milk drinks, there is an increase in life expectancy, and a noticeable decrease in the number of acquired gastrointestinal diseases (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) . Katyk is a Turkic fermented milk product made from whole baked milk by fermentation.

The drink came from ancient times; information about it was found in sources that are more than 2 thousand years old. The secret of its production was passed down in families, and recipes were jealously guarded from strangers. Modern fermentation technologies do not differ enough from ancient folk recipes.

Chemical composition of katyk

Katyk is a necessary drink, the unique beneficial effect of which is explained by the presence of active chemical substances in its composition at the biological level. It includes:

  • vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) A, E, D, B;
  • micro- and macroelements - a huge amount of calcium, iron, copper, zinc, phosphorus, silicon;
  • essential amino acids that are not synthesized by the body - tyrosine, tryptophan, valine.

The composition of the unique product is balanced and brings the highest benefits; it is absorbed virtually without residue. Thus, silicon and vitamin D (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) stimulate the absorption of calcium, and the smallest organisms contribute to the best digestion of the drink.

How is katyk useful?

The question often arises: what is healthier, a drink or a katyk. The individuality of the production of fermented milk products allows us to answer this question. The microflora of kefir starter consists of yeast fungi and strains of milk microbes. And the starter used to make katyk is combined from Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid streptococci. And their effect on the human body differs in almost every way. The ancient product katyk brings the following benefits:

  1. Suppresses the development of pathogenic microbes, creating a suitable environment for the growth of beneficial microflora in the gastrointestinal tract (the gastrointestinal tract is the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) .
  2. Restores the functioning of the digestive organs, restores the acid balance in the intestinal tract necessary for the existence of microflora.
  3. It has a general strengthening effect on the body and increases immunity.
  4. Evens out the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improving the elasticity of blood vessels and normalizing heart rhythms.
  5. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to relieve stress and restore fibers.
  6. Improves the condition of hair and dermatological integuments.
  7. Restores the amount of sugar in the blood (internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  8. It has a mild diuretic effect and carefully cleanses the intestinal tract.

The usefulness of katyk for guys

Katyk in the diet brings tangible benefits to the powerful half of the world's population:

  1. It strengthens bone and muscle tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) .
  2. Helps remove toxins (Ancient Greek toxin (toxikos) - poisonous - poison of biological origin) and waste, relieves lethargy.
  3. Promotes sound, healthy sleep, neutralizes the effects of stress, removing irritability.

Fermented milk drink is a great way to improve intellectual activity. It helps with physical burdens and exhaustion. Promotes longevity.

The usefulness of katyk for ladies

Ladies often use katyk not only as a beautiful healthy food product, but also as a cosmetic product. Useful masks for the face and body, hair rinse - the drink has an unrivaled effect on dermatological and hair of any type, restoring natural elasticity and beauty.

For ladies who are watching their figure, the drink is also very useful. Although the calorie content is quite high, it perfectly removes the body from toxins and processed goods, restores metabolism, which helps burn excess fat. The drink helps preserve youth and beauty.

Harm from katyk

Katyk is a milk product with high fat content. Excessive use of it can have a bad effect on health: this is the occurrence of excess weight, aggravation of the condition in dilemmas with the liver and pancreas. A personal reaction of the body is also possible in case of intolerance to individual components included in the composition.

Calorie content of katyk

The calorie content of a healthy drink depends almost entirely on the fat content and composition of the homemade milk that is used to make it. For a product sold in retail outlets, the fat content is 4%; 100 g contains:

  • carbohydrates – 4.2 g;
  • proteins – 2.8 g;
  • fats – 3.7 g.

Calorie content – ​​56 kcal per 100 ml.

Contraindications to katyk

Despite its benefits, katyk has a number of contraindications for use:

  • lactose intolerance;
  • being overweight (if we are talking about a product with the highest fat content);
  • allergic reactions;
  • exacerbation of acquired diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, designed for processing and extracting nutrients from food) , in which fatty and dairy-containing products are contraindicated.

People suffering from gastritis with high acidity should drink it with caution. Especially in the case when the drink was produced more than 1-2 days ago.

Rules for katyk consumption

The beneficial characteristics of katyk are revealed at their best when used correctly. For the Turkic peoples, this is a common everyday product, which is used as follows:

  • as an ordinary fermented milk drink, where neither sugar nor other sweeteners are added;
  • You can add herbs to the drink to taste, spices, seasonings, which increases its benefits;
  • as a sour sauce for main courses, pilaf, salads;
  • added to greenish soups, used as a base for the state chalop soup;
  • It is stored for drinking for no more than 2 days, then it acquires a pronounced acidic taste and is used in cooking;
  • To add color and an exciting taste, you can add cherry or beet juice to the drink when making it.
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The state Turkic cheese, called “kurt,” is created from katyk. Prepare the ayran drink by diluting it with milk or water, adding salt and spices.

Katyk when breastfeeding a newborn

Fermented milk products are recommended for consumption by mothers during breastfeeding. Almost always, katyk is completely harmless, apart from a pronounced personal reaction in the mother or baby.

  1. The drink can be drunk from the first days after childbirth to stimulate lactation.
  2. A product made from goat or sheep milk is recommended for use by those women who have been diagnosed with intolerance to cow protein or have had a negative reaction in their baby.
  3. It helps to recover after childbirth, saturating the body with useful substances, improving the composition of breast milk.
  4. Restores digestive processes, stimulating the flow of nutrients into the blood (the internal environment of the body, formed by liquid connective tissue. Consists of plasma and formed elements: leukocyte cells and postcellular structures: erythrocytes and platelets) .
  5. Gently restores the microflora of the intestinal tract, provokes the production of red blood cells, which is important after blood loss during childbirth.


The usefulness of katyk has been tested for centuries. The state Central Asian drink helps preserve youth and gives strength. It has an excellent effect on the digestive system, normalizing the functions of all organs, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. A drink in the diet strengthens the immune system, helping the body fight winter epidemics of influenza and ARVI, and also promotes fruitful work in both intellectual and physical labor. It is useful for people of all ages and all professions and has few restrictions, the most important of which are the personal reaction to the components of the drink and certain diseases (disturbances in normal functioning, performance) of the gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract - the digestive system of the organs of real multicellular animals, intended for processing and extraction of nutrients from food) in the acute stage.

Cooking katyk in Tatar style

In the traditions of various peoples - Tatars, Uzbeks, Bashkirs, etc., katyk is an everyday food product. Usually, especially in rural areas, residents prepare katyk every day and pass on the culture of its starter culture from generation to generation. Depending on the specific area, katyk has its own unique flavor.

Katyk, or, as it is also called in Uzbekistan, “sour milk,” is not just a food product. This is an independent dish, a base for soups and salads, a dressing for them, a refreshing drink, a component for dough, a face cream, a hair balm, and even a hangover cure. Let’s immediately agree not to confuse the Uzbek katyk with the most famous Mongolian or Bashkir. Despite the fact that they are named identically, these are completely different products. Mongolian katyk is made from baked milk, which is why it has a brown-orange color and high fat content. Uzbek katyk is prepared from skim boiled milk.

There are different versions of katyk, which differ somewhat from each other both in production and in taste. In any case, the end result is a refreshing product that is easily digestible, good for digestion and increases the body’s protective functions, helping it cope with seasonal diseases without the help of others. Katyk tones, strengthens, helps prolong youth and maintain health. Famous eastern centenarians always have katyk in their diet.

Katyk is used to season salads or consumed separately, adding herbs and pepper to taste.

The uniqueness of making katyk in the Tatar traditions is not simply the preliminary boiling of milk, but its melting over a slow fire with continuous stirring in such a way that the milk does not boil, but heats up to 90 degrees, evenly losing water up to a third of its size.

Usually the newest katyk is prepared on the basis of a starter from already prepared katyk, but if it is not available, the starter can be prepared for the first time without the help of others.


  • 1 liter of natural milk
  • 1 tbsp. l. ready-made katyk (matsoni, curdled milk)

Sourdough making options:

Sourdough starter

We take fresh milk, or just fresh milk, with the highest percentage of fat content. Add sour cream to it at the rate of 100-150 g. for 1 liter of milk and put it in a warm space for a day, without covering it with a lid.

Sourdough with cherry leaves

Place 100 grams of milk in the warm milk prepared for katyk. curdled milk (not fermented with sour cream) and for a previously finely chopped small young twig of a cherry tree with leaves. This leaven will give the future katyk a typical, unique taste and smell.

Sour milk starter

A good starter for katyk would also be milk that is not very sour. Such a starter does not have to be at the peroxidation stage (medium acidic).

Sourdough starter

Sour cream is also a good option for sourdough, which is often found in recipes for making katyk.

The process of making katyk:

As a standard, we need high-quality, homemade milk, from which the cream has not yet been skimmed, i.e. milk with the highest percentage of fat content - this will make the katyk even tastier.

The utensils for making katyk can be clay, porcelain, glass, enameled, but not iron, so that unnecessary chemical reactions do not occur during the manufacturing process.

Step 1

1. Heat the milk over very low heat, stirring occasionally.

Step 2

2. After the milk has decreased by approximately one-third of its original size, filter it through gauze or light cotton fabric (medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) . This is necessary for the upcoming uniform souring of the katyk.

The juice remaining on the tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) after straining the milk can be added to cabbage soup, borscht, used in the manufacture of curd pastes, cheesecakes, cheesecakes, or simply spread on bread.

At this point, you can add additional flavor and color to the katyka. To do this, take previously boiled or baked beets, peel them, and finely chop them into strips. For one liter of milk, half a medium-sized beet is enough.

An option for making colored katyk for cherry lovers: add 2-3 mashed pitted cherries to 1 liter of strained baked milk.

Step 3

3. Wait until the milk cools to approximately 30-35 degrees. This temperature can be found independently, without resorting to a temperature indicator. Touch the milk with your hand. It should be quite hot, but not scalding.

Step 4

4. Take katyk from the previous day or prepared sourdough at the rate of 100 grams. for 1 liter of milk. Stir it in a separate bowl until a homogeneous mass is obtained, then pour it into the prepared warm milk. Again, carefully stir, cover with a saucer, carefully wrap our vessel in a warm cloth (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance united by a common origin, structure and functions) or a towel, and leave in a warm room for 8-10 hours, where there will be no milk be subjected to even the slightest shaking.

Step 5

5. After this time, the vessel with almost ready katyk must be taken out to a cold room or put in the refrigerator in order to stop the process of its peroxidation and give the katyk the opportunity to thicken.

Cooled, thickened katyk with a dense, homogeneous, grain-free mixture is ready for use.

If you prepare this product from milk any day, using the starter from the katyk of the previous day, then in a month or two you will have your own, real katyk, with its special taste and qualities.

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