Minced beef steak recipes - traditional and additional production options

Minced beef steak recipes - traditional and additional production options

Hello, dear blog readers! You see, it happens when you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with something delicious, but you don’t know what. That is why in this article I will tell you one fascinating and simple recipe. Specifically about minced beef steak. This dish is not only tasty, but also filling. The steak will come with an egg. And I’ll make the task even easier by making a step-by-step recipe with photos, so don’t rush to leave, besides, there will be an extraordinary prize at the end of the article.

  1. Minced beef steak according to a traditional recipe
  2. Beefsteak in the oven
  3. Ground beef steak in a slow cooker
  4. Video recipe:

Minced beef steak according to a traditional recipe

Number of servings: 6

Calories: 386 kcal per serving


  • Ground beef – 800 gr
  • Milk – 150 ml.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Flour – 4-5 tbsp. spoons
  • Onions – ½-1 pcs.
  • Vegetable oil for frying
  • Salt/pepper to taste


Step 1.

Prepare all the ingredients. (Don’t look at the color of the minced meat, it’s just still frozen.)

Step 2.

Peel the onion and finely chop it so it looks something like this:

Step 3.

Place ground beef in a bowl. Add egg and onion to it. Salt and pepper. Mix the ingredients thoroughly.

Step number 4.

Pour the milk evenly into the bowl and watch the mixture.

Step 5.

Sprinkle flour onto a clean sheet, put 100-150 grams of minced meat, sprinkle flour on top again and simply flatten it with your hand, giving it an oval shape. The steak should be 1-1.5 cm wide when raw.

Step 6.

Pour oil into a naturally heated frying pan and place the steaks. (Because my frying pan is small, I fry two pieces at a time). Keep on medium heat for about 2-4 minutes, depending on what degree of doneness you want the dish to be.

Step seven.

We turn our steaks over and fry on the other side for the same amount of time.

Step eight.

You can add a fried egg to the finished steaks. To do this, simply fry it in a frying pan. (Reasonable)

The ground beef steak is ready. Buon appetito!

But if you thought that was all, then you were mistaken.

Beefsteak in the oven

Ground beef – 1 kg

Chicken egg – 2 pcs.

Flour – 4-5 tbsp. spoons

Onions – ½-1 pcs.

Salt/pepper to taste


  1. We carry out the previous steps up to the 5th.
  2. In a separate bowl, beat the second egg.
  3. Dip the steaks in the egg.
  4. Place on a baking sheet with parchment.
  5. Place the baking sheet in the oven, which has already been preheated to 180 degrees for just 25 minutes.

The difference between this method and the most common one (frying) is that the dish comes out very tender. As they say, it just melts in your mouth.

Ground beef steak in a slow cooker

This recipe is perfect for those people who watch their figure. In addition, in a slow cooker the dish will retain its beneficial properties a little more.


  • Ground beef – 1 kg
  • Milk – 150 ml.
  • Loaf.
  • Chicken egg – 1 pc.
  • Onions – ½-1 pcs.
  • Salt/pepper to taste

Step by step recipe.

1. Peel the onion and chop finely.

2. Soak the loaf pieces in milk.

3. Add onion, eggs, soaked loaf to the minced meat, also add salt and pepper.

4. Give the minced meat its shape. (Because the capacity of the multicooker is not very spacious, we make the steaks much smaller)

5. Place the prepared minced meat into the multicooker container and select the mode that suits us, in other words, “Frying”.

6. That's all, in just half an hour you will be able to enjoy the most delicious steaks. For steaks cooked in a slow cooker, you can create a side dish: boiled potatoes, vegetables, the same egg from the first recipe.

And finally the prize I promised. Maybe you've heard of this cooking method called flambé. No? Then I’ll tell you a little about it. The essence of this method is that the dish is briefly fired over a fire. With all this, the catalyst for combustion is an alcoholic drink. Using this technique you can cook almost anything, including steak from ground beef. But with all this method, you need to be very careful and prudent and arm yourself with a frying pan with a longer handle. Another fact: when flambéing, it is forbidden to use frying pans with Teflon coating, only equipment made of stainless steel or cast iron. To make it, we will use the ingredients and recipe from the first method before frying. + let's take at least some wine.

Read also:  Chicken breast in kefir


  1. Fry for 1-2 minutes on one side.
  2. Then turn it over to the other side and fry again.
  3. Remove from the heat, pour in wine and quickly set it on fire. (In principle! Use long matches so as not to get burned)
  4. When the fire has burned down, place the steak on a plate.

That's all I wanted to tell you now. I hope you found something interesting and useful in my article. I will be very happy about this. As a thank you, you can subscribe to this blog. Thank you for being with me now. See you soon!

Video recipe:

Beefsteak - aspects of meat selection and manufacturing rules

How to cook beef entrecote according to traditional and modern recipes

Kharcho soup recipes: traditional and additional production options

A collection of recipes for cooking stewed beef with vegetables with photos

3 baked beef recipes up your sleeve in half an hour


Vegetable steak

During Lent, when you want something savory, you can prepare a huge number of lean, but exciting and light dishes, for example, these vegetable steaks. They are very tasty and come in breathtakingly different compositions. Vegetable steaks go well with any side dish. They are prepared quickly and as simply as possible. But most importantly, they are very useful!

Grandma's chopped steak

A dish for our mothers, and maybe even grandmothers, but chopped beefsteak is one of the simplest and at the same time most delicious dishes. Juicy beef, fried sweet onions, eggs, and if you add a bottle of red wine to all this, then an ordinary dinner will be transformed into a real pleasure. The recipe does not pretend to be a classic, but thanks to some tricks it allows you to prepare a wonderful, tasty and unique dish from non-individual goods, even for those who do not have the necessary experience.

Russian trimmed beefsteak according to GOST

Such steaks were served in the canteens of ministries, large and wealthy companies, and in our professorial canteen of the institute, where we, being already senior students and having gained the impudence, visited from time to time. With potatoes, fried onions, a juicy and hot steak - it's magic! I think one more option for a tasty dish will not hurt anyone.

Vegetarian steak

This is another recipe for the “Fasting with Moulinex” competition. I now have a small anniversary on Povarenka - 3 months. During this period of time, Povarenok became a second family for me! I am grateful to all the cooks and the administration for the warm welcome into my family (now mine).


Steak. How I remember him. I tried this dish for the first time in the 80s. We, then still young girls, at lunchtime from time to time walked to a cafe located next to work. The prices were expensive, and we had to choose something cheaper from the proposed menu. But steak was just a precious dish. As I remember at the moment, an order was placed for broth with profiteroles, steak and tea. I'm afraid I'll be wrong, quite a few years have passed, but lunch then cost me something like 3.50 rubles. The funds were considerable at that time. And then my friend’s book “On Savory and Healthy Food” caught my eye. And here it is beefsteak! I looked at the Internet and methods for making steak and came to the conclusion that there doesn’t seem to be a clear recipe. Everyone prepares it their own way. The composition remains constant: minced beef, salt and dark ground pepper. Some people add eggs, garlic, chopped bacon, onions, but this is their own preference. I did not copy the recipes of other creators, but decided to cook the steak the way I remember it tastes and looks.

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Beefsteak Festi

Feszti szelet. This dish was intended by Károly Gundel, the creator of the famous Small Cookbook, to the Hungarian artist Arpad Festi (1856 -1914), who painted paintings depicting scenes related to Hungarian history and religion. This is the introduction. And now I invite everyone to my “historic” dinner.

Beefsteak a la “Ukraine”

If you have a piece of good lard, you can consider that the heart of your beloved man is in your pocket. Just combine it with minced meat, fry the cutlet over an open fire, and the prince is at your feet. Tested on my spouse

Beefsteak a la Lindström

This recipe from Carlson’s homeland has taken root in our family. Children adore it for its captivating color and pleasant taste.

Florentine steak

I don’t understand what this steak has to do with Florence, but I found it under that title in the magazine “Steak Florentine”. And it comes with garlic sauce and delicate fragrant puree with baked garlic.

Beefsteak for a lover “Temptation”

Fragrant trimmed pork and beef steak, with a delicate cheese sauce. Treat your man to a beautiful winter dinner. After all, there is nothing more beautiful in the world than food prepared with love. The dish can also be served at any holiday, surprising guests and family.

Beefsteak . Beefsteak is a dish of British cuisine, translated as “beef steak”.

Bishtex is prepared using various methods - in a frying pan, grill, open fire. It is made with blood (the internal environment of the body) , in a marinade, with various spices.

To prepare a real beefsteak, you must, first of all, choose the right meat, which must be marbled. The word “marbled” refers to the veins of fat that hold the muscle fibers together. Specifically, they prevent the steak from shrinking during cooking. Thanks to them, the beef steak will turn out juicy and rich with a special smell.

The most juicy and tender steak is cut. The rib steak is no less needed. Dietary options - fillet steak or meatball. In general, almost all parts are suitable for steak, not counting the brisket and shank. The outermost ones are quite hard, but the others fit completely. True, it is necessary to know some of the individual characteristics of the manufacture of various parts. So, sirloin steak is best cooked over an open fire. For the barrel, grilling or stewing is recommended. Fillet can be cooked in a frying pan, on the grill, or in a saucepan - all options are good.

When choosing beef for a steak, remember that the best meat is premium, you can only find it in a butcher shop. Selected meat also has beautiful features. The most affordable is the varietal, slightly harder and least fragrant.

It is better not to take meat with spices - it is very difficult to find its properties, and the cost is always higher. It is safer to marinate beef on your own.

A good piece for steak is the size of your palm (thickness - up to 2 cm).

Minced beefsteak

Recipes: 9

minced beef 1 kg
onions 100 g
baked beets 200 g
pickled beets 100 g
capers 70 g

  • 51
  • 72


  • 09 September 2011, 23:16

mixed minced meat, beef + pork - 400 gr.
reptated onion - one large onion
mixture of grains - 1 tbsp.
millet + 2 tbsp. buckwheat + half tbsp. rice chicken egg - 4 pcs.
pepper, dry basil.

  • 59
  • 70


  • 06 June 2011, 08:56

1 kg.
minced meat 2 huge onions
salt, ground pepper
for breading:
3 eggs

  • 33
  • 47


  • May 20, 2011, 04:07

500 gr.
minced beef 1 egg
2 pieces of bread
1 onion
1 clove of garlic

  • 21
  • 36


  • 15 October 2009, 16:25

1 kg.
minced beef 1 egg
2 cloves garlic
1 large onion
1 reddish paprika
a few sprigs of basil, rosemary and parsley

  • 22
  • 46


  • 15 April 2009, 19:01

pork pulp,
melted butter,
1 large onion.
for pancakes:
2 huge potatoes,
1 egg.

  • 12
  • 32
Read also:  Sponge cake with condensed milk


  • March 12, 2009, 11:52 pm

minced lamb (you can use whatever you like) – 750 gr.
any kind of spicy cheese – 250 gr.
onion – 1 large head,
garlic – 2 large cloves,
raw egg – 1 pc.
butter – 40 gr.

  • 16
  • 46


  • 19 February 2009, 18:14

minced beef-600 gr.
one medium tomato / grated /
one egg yolk
grated crackers - 2 tbsp.
finely chopped parsley - 2 tbsp.
fresh mint, finely chopped - 1 tbsp. /pinch dry/

  • 14
  • 42


  • 11 February 2009, 01:13

mashed potatoes (powder) 150 gr.
flour 150 gr.
margarine 100 gr.
baking powder 1 tsp.
cold water
soda 1 tbsp. –

  • 22
  • 57


  • 15 September 2008, 20:34

Nina and Ulyana Tarasova “And we have cookies!”


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Mind-blowingly juicy minced beefsteak in the oven

Mon, December 19, 2016 06:29 + to quote book

Hello to you, dear guests! Would you like to try some steak? The softest and juiciest steak in the world - forget about the “sole meat”! Cheese, tomatoes, golden brown crust, attractive smell from the oven...

Juicy, tender, with a dizzying smell! How will we achieve such a result? Let's just bake the steak in the oven!

About everything thoroughly - in my step-by-step recipe, which is already waiting for you! Therefore, let’s not delay, let’s get down to business, but first we’ll choose a good melody to set the mood.

Musical background

I suggest listening to R. Kelly “If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time”

Right along with the music, we lay out everything that will be useful to us, and move on to the recipe with a photo!


The word "beefsteak" translates as "piece of beef." This piece, like steak, was previously simply fried. But later they came up with the idea of ​​making it from chopped meat.

And we will prepare a beefsteak from minced meat - it will turn out especially soft and tender! Let's get started, we're already drooling.


1. First, let's create the ground beef. Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the meat and onion. Later, add 2 eggs, salt, pepper and mix everything thoroughly.

The onion can be finely chopped and sautéed. Then the taste and smell of our dish will become more tender and pleasant.

2. Is the minced meat ready? This means you can form steaks. You need to create such cutlets or even flat cakes: 0.5 cm wide, 10-12 cm in diameter.

When working with minced meat, your hands can be slightly moistened with water.

4. Then dip in the eggs and place in a mold (or baking sheet) covered with parchment.

Foil instead of parchment, in principle, will also work

5. Can I put it in the oven yet? In general, yes. But I want to create a dish even more delicious!

Therefore, we place tomato slices on the “meat products” and sprinkle them with cheese.

Categories: on satisfaction for meat eaters

Tags: beefsteak ground beef oven tomato cheese

Cited 57 times
Liked by: 20 users

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