Cocktail Tequila Sunrise – Mexican sunrise

Cocktail Tequila Sunrise – Mexican sunrise

During rituals, the Aztec tribes drank agave juice at dawn. In tribute to the memory of their own forefathers, the Mexicans made an alcoholic cocktail “Tequila Sunrise”, the appearance of which resembles a sunrise. The drink turned out not only wonderful, but also very tasty. In a few moments you will learn how to prepare Tequila Sunraz at home. We will look at all aspects.

Historical reference. The recipe for the Tequila Sunrise cocktail was invented in the 30-40s. bartenders of the Arizona Biltmore Hotel, which is located on the border of Mexico and the United States (the United States of America is a state in North America) . The drink became famous thanks to the rock group “The Rolling Stones”. During their own tour of the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) in 1972, the musicians drank only this cocktail.

There is a plausible legend that one day in a bar, Mick Jager (a favorite of the Rolling Stones) asked to create a Margarita cocktail for him. In response, the bartender suggested that the musician try a candidate - Tequila Sunsize (both drinks are very similar in composition). Jaeger agreed. Since then, the entire group did not recognize other cocktails except Tequila Sunrise.

At the moment, the Tequila Sunrise cocktail is included in the official list of the IBA (International Bartenders Association) - the International Bartenders Association. This means that any self-respecting bartender should know his recipe.

The main properties of Tequila Sunrise:

  • ABV: 11.4%;
  • category: long drink (huge cocktail);
  • degree of difficulty: normal;
  • production time: 1 minute;
  • Regular serving size: 150 ml;
  • Recommended glass: Highball (the tallest cylindrical glass with a volume of 270 ml).

During its existence, the proportions of Tequila Sunrise changed a couple of times, but in the end one of the options nevertheless became traditional. We'll take a closer look at it.

  • tequila – 3/10 parts;
  • orange juice – 6/10 parts;
  • grenadine – 1/10 part.

Ingredients for one serving:

  • silver (transparent) tequila – 45 ml;
  • orange juice – 90 ml;
  • grenadine (pomegranate syrup) – 15 ml;
  • ice cubes – 6-7 pieces.

Tequila Sunrise Recipe

1. Fill a highball glass with ice.

2. Add tequila.

3. Pour in orange juice.

4. Add pomegranate syrup in the center of the glass.

5. Stir the ingredients with a cocktail spoon. The gradation of colors after mixing creates an effect reminiscent of the rising sun.

6. Decorate the drink with a cherry or a slice of orange on top.

7. Drink through a straw.

For greater clarity, I advise you to watch the video, which perfectly shows the entire manufacturing development from Vasily Zakharov.

Tequila Sunset

If there is a sunrise, then there must certainly be a sunset. It was precisely this principle that the bartenders were guided by when creating this alcoholic cocktail, which in composition resembles a recognizable analogue and almost all other cocktails with tequila. To get the sunset effect, use blueberry brandy instead of grenadine.

  • tequila – 50 ml;
  • orange juice – 100 ml;
  • blueberry brandy (liqueur) – 20 ml.

1. Pour tequila and orange juice into a glass filled with ice.

2. Add brandy (liqueur), waiting until it sinks to the bottom.

3. Decorate with a cherry or a piece of orange.

Tequila Sunset

  • Cocktail Tequila Sunrise


    Silver tequila – 45 ml
    Orange juice – 90 ml
    Grenadine syrup – 15 ml


    • Fill a highball glass to the top with ice cubes;
    • Pour in tequila and orange juice;
    • Stir lightly with a spoon;
    • Add grenadine syrup on top and do not stir;
    • You can decorate with a slice or a circle of orange.

    Inventory for production:

    History of the Tequila Sunrise cocktail:

    The history of the Tequila Sunrise cocktail is diverse, and it is impossible to say with accuracy the year of creation of this drink and its creator. They say that this drink was created near the Mexican town of Tijuana at the Agua Caliente Hotel. This particular hotel was specially opened for American guests during the Prohibition era of the United States (the United States of America is a state in North America) , and it was in this hotel that the name of the drink was found in local booklets.

    In these booklets, a cocktail called “Sunrise Tequila” was presented as “the drink of the gods.” Thus, hotel guests were practically encouraged to drink this cocktail, focusing on ancient traditions - drinking drinks from agave juice during sunrise at the time of Aztec rituals. What can I say?! “Tequila Sunrise” at all times was truly inimitably tasty and attractive on the outside.

    As is usually the case, there are other versions of the origin. One of them says that the Tequila Sunrise cocktail arose a little later - in the 40s. And what one of the bartenders at the restaurant at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix came up with when one of the guests approached him and asked him to create something with tequila - his favorite drink. And he added that the cocktail could be drunk for a long time by the pool to prolong the pleasure.

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    At that time, Tequila sunrise contained lime juice and blackcurrant liqueur Creme de Cassis . In some places they added soda instead of orange juice. But over time, due to a shortage of the then rare liqueur, they stopped adding it to the cocktail. And due to the presence of orange juice in the ingredients, which has its own acidity, they stopped adding lime.

    There are also stories that the cocktail became famous after the famous Rolling Stones in 1972, where Tequila Sunrise was sold at concerts and in dressing rooms by the gallon. Although at first no one knew about this drink. Just at one fine moment Mick Jagger , who ordered a Margarita cocktail at one of the meetings with the press, was offered by the bartender to drink something else instead of his order.

    In addition to all this, the group “Eagles” named a song after the cocktail, and in 1988 a movie with Mel Gibson with the same title “Tequila Sunrise” . In addition to everything, the Cypress Hill included a song with the same title in one of their own albums. In general, it is clear that this drink is not on the list of cocktails of the International Bartenders Association for nothing.

    In its current form, the “Tequila Sunrise” cocktail is not even a twist, but a completely different drink, different from the original version. But if the IBA believes that it should be this way, then we will also think so. However, we think that you definitely need to try the old version of this sunny, catchy refreshing cocktail:

    • 50 ml tequila;
    • 20 ml lime juice;
    • 5 ml Grenadine syrup;
    • 10 ml blackcurrant liqueur;
    • Add soda to the top of the glass.

    If you have a recipe for your own cocktail, be sure to send it to us. We will place it in our database, and other bartenders from all over the Russian region will find out about it.

    Cocktail Tequila Sunrise: dawn in the cacti

    The Tequila Sunrise cocktail is a kind of sign of freedom and flashy life. It can be compared with the dawn, which captivates with its own color palette and promises an exciting day ahead. Everyone has heard the name of this cocktail, but not everyone is familiar with the details, features and history of this unusual drink.


    As with almost all other options, it is virtually impossible to trace a clear “path” of the drink into modern bar menus. There is a version that the ancient Aztecs drank agave juice at dawn for ritual purposes. But this is more of a wonderful legend than a confirmed fact.

    More believable is the version about prohibition in the first half of the twentieth century and the desire to somehow circumvent it. According to this version, tequila sunrise began to be prepared in Tijuana, one of the local bars on the border of Mexico and the United States (the United States of America is a state in North America) . For the heirs of the Aztecs, the law was slightly simpler, so it was possible to somehow solve the issue of thirst for alcohol by simply disguising tequila with flashy orange juice. And a drop of grenadine gave the drink a bewitching gradient of the pre-dawn. Version 2 is about a small bar in Arizona, where, during the same Prohibition era, they disguised alcohol like this. What can you do, style is nothing, thirst is everything.

    Whatever it may be, the drink experienced a boom in popularity already in the 2nd half of the last century, not without the help of rock and pop culture. According to the story (since this data has not been confirmed), throughout the United States (the United States of America is a state in North America), this cocktail was popularized by the Rolling Stones on their own tour. But in fact, the people who were most intrigued by this drink were the Eagles group with the song of the same name and the movie starring Michael Douglas. But no matter how much you discuss the story, you won’t smell orange in your mouth.

    common feature

    The traditional Tequila Sunrise cocktail is considered one of the most famous and is included in the list of the International Bartenders Association in the category of long drinks. Possesses the following features:

    • The taste is catchy, soft, fruity. The alcohol component is not noticeable, which makes it a winner among women and young people in general;
    • The color is heterogeneous, beautiful. Due to the layering of components, a fascinating gradient arises that evokes specific associations with dawn. Grenadine settles at the bottom, then a thick fraction of orange juice, and at the top is a yellow mixture of juice residue and melting ice cubes;
    • The cocktail's strength is low - 11-12%.
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    Tequila sunrise is served in large highball glasses. As a decoration, they usually use a circle of the freshest orange and a cocktail cherry. The drink does not require an irresistible snack, but mixes well with ordinary desserts such as ice cream and fruit. They drink it in small sips through a straw, prolonging the pleasure.

    Tequila Sunrise recipe at home

    Everything we like on the menu of our favorite bars is something we would certainly like to replicate at home. Fortunately, this cocktail is perfect for beginners, as long as you get the right ingredients - silver tequila, good orange juice and grenadine. If you want something cheaper, you can check out the Alyosha cocktail, it is prepared from the most affordable ingredients. But let's return to our cacti.


    In order for Tequila Sunrise to work out properly at home, we will need:

    • Silver (snow-white) tequila – 50 ml;
    • Orange juice – 100 ml;
    • Ice cubes – 4-5 pieces;
    • Pomegranate syrup – 20 ml.

    Also, for serving and decoration, you need to prepare a tall glass, a straw and an orange slice.


    1. Place ice cubes in a highball glass, add juice and tequila.
    2. Pour pomegranate syrup into the center of the filled glass in a narrow stream. There is no need to stir - thanks to the drips of grenadine, you will get a very beautiful “dawn” trail.
    3. Decorate the edge of the glass with a slice of orange, immerse the straw and you can start drinking.

    Cocktail options

    The more popular the drink, the more often other versions based on it appear. Some of them arose when users wondered how to replace grenadine in Tequila Sunrise, as well as other ingredients. In addition to the previously mentioned Alyosha cocktail, there are such noteworthy options as “tequila sunrise”:

    • “Caribbean Dawn” – just swap tequila for rum;
    • “Tequila sunset” , in other words sunset, is obtained by replacing pomegranate syrup with blueberry liqueur;
    • “Berry” - just replace half the orange juice with cranberry juice;
    • “Madras” – it’s enough not to add pomegranate syrup to the berry variation;
    • “Florida Sunrise” - prepared using the consistency of orange and pineapple juice in equal proportions;
    • “Non-alcoholic dawn” – just swap tequila for soda;
    • “Dawn on the Red Sea” is also a non-alcoholic version, but with the introduction of lemonade.

    You see, this is a democratic cocktail that can be prepared in completely different variations, including for teetotalers and children. Whatever its history, it will be a beautiful addition to any summer party or celebration in a hot Mexican style. Have a nice tequila dawn!

    Cocktail recipe Tequila Sunrise

    If you have a desire to pleasantly surprise your loved ones and friends, then the Tequila Sunrise alcoholic drink is perfect for you. Excellent appearance, cool fruity taste and a wonderful citrus smell are some of the main features of the Tequila Sunrise cocktail, which can be easily and quickly prepared at home, following the step-by-step instructions of a recipe tested over the years.

    The drink was not made by chance. They say that during a ritual dedicated to the memory of their forefathers, the Mexican Aztec tribes drank at dawn a drink specially made for this option, which later received the name “Tequila Sunrise”. So, let's find out what ingredients are included in the Tequila Sunrise cocktail and what sequence needs to be followed to make such an unusually beautiful and tasty alcohol.

    The main properties of Tequila Sunrise

    • Strength: from 11.3 to 15 degrees;
    • Category: long drink (huge size mix);
    • Manufacturing difficulty level: easy;
    • Production time: from 3 to 5 minutes;
    • Regular serving: from 170 to 230 ml;
    • Serving container: Highball – the tallest glass of regular cylindrical shape with a volume of 270 ml.

    Old Fashioned Tequila Sunrise Cocktail Recipe

    To be honest, over time, the unique Mexican composition of the drink has changed slightly and taken on the form most adapted to modern realities. But I decided to offer you the closest to a unique recipe, maybe it will intrigue real connoisseurs of good alcohol. Naturally, the ingredients are slightly changed and very carefully selected by experimental mixologists. But with all this, the recipe differs significantly from the version served in modern bars.

    In my opinion, the homemade drink looks richer, juicier and more beautiful, its taste is more intense and rich, and the presence of lime juice gives the drink a surprisingly special sourness. As a reference, include real tequila made from 100% agave in the ingredient list.

    Required Ingredients

    Components Quantity
    —silver tequila— 45-55 ml
    lime juice 15-20 ml
    citrus syrup 8-13 ml
    Grenadine syrup (pomegranate) 5-8 ml
    liqueur Creme de Cassis (black currant) 5-8 ml
    soda 90-120 ml
    ice cubes 200-260 g
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    Step-by-step production

    1. Fill the shaker one hundred percent with ice cubes.
    2. Pour in tequila, freshly squeezed lime juice and citrus syrup.
    3. Carefully shake the ingredients for 11-15 seconds.
    4. Fill the highball glass halfway with ice cubes and strain the contents of the shaker using a strainer.
    5. In a separate container, mix blackcurrant liqueur and grenadine, then pour the mixture into a glass with the remaining ingredients.
    6. We wait a minute, the black mass should settle on the bottom and give the characteristic appearance to the cocktail.
    7. We fill the free space of the highball with soda or other gas-water.

    Traditional Tequila Sunrise cocktail recipe

    It is with this composition that Tequila Sunrise is most often served in modern clubs and bars. To make it, it is best to take the best ingredients: grenadine should be of the highest quality, orange juice can be replaced with fresh juice.

    The drink is served unstirred, but it must be stirred before specific use. You can get creative with the number of servings: if you want to create the strongest Sunrise, then increase the dose of alcohol and reduce the amount of fresh juice, and vice versa.

    Required Ingredients

    Components Quantity
    silver tequila 45-55 ml
    Grenadine syrup (pomegranate) 8-12 ml
    orange juice 145-160 ml
    orange 1 circle
    cubed ice 200-230 g

    Step-by-step production

    1. Fill the highball glass to the very top with ice cubes.
    2. Carefully pour in the silver alcohol, then the orange juice.
    3. Add a few drops of Grenadine pomegranate water on top of them and carefully stir everything with a bar spoon.
    4. We wait a few minutes until the Grenadine settles and gives the drink its proper appearance.
    5. Decorate the alcohol with a narrow circle of the freshest orange and carefully lower the straw into the glass.

    Phlox Tequila Sunrise

    One of the varieties of the traditional recipe. The hot drink not only has a breathtakingly beautiful, catchy color, but also a wonderful, unforgettable, unsurpassedly refreshing taste. With its help, you will quickly cope with thirst and feel cheerful and funny.

    Required Ingredients

    Components Quantity
    silver tequila 45-55 ml
    —blackcurrant cream liqueur— 8-12 ml
    lime juice 10-13 ml
    soda 145-165 ml
    cubed ice 200-230 g

    Step-by-step production

    1. Fill the glass to the very top with ice cubes and pour in alcohol in a narrow stream.
    2. Add lime juice there and carefully stir everything with a bar spoon.
    3. Add a small amount of blackcurrant liqueur and wait for it to settle.
    4. Carefully pour the soda down the side of the glass so as not to stir up the settled blackcurrant liquid. I recommend using a knife against the wall of a highball glass.
    5. Dip two straws into the glass and, if desired, decorate the alcohol with an umbrella.

    Hibiscus Tequila Sunrise

    “Hibiscus Tequila Sunrise” received its name due to its similarity to a lovely, tender flower with an unusually pretty peach color and an inimitably subtle scent. You can safely replace the peach syrup with tangerine syrup or add freshly squeezed orange juice.

    Required Ingredients

    components quantity
    silver tequila 55-65 ml
    peach syrup 8-12 ml
    agave syrup 8-12 ml
    grapefruit juice 8-12 ml
    cubed ice 140-150 g
    orchid (optional) 1 flower
    soda 45-60 ml

    Step-by-step production

    1. Fill a glass with a narrow stem with crushed ice and pour in alcohol.
    2. Add agave syrup, peach syrup and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice.
    3. Stir the prepared ingredients with a bar spoon and pour in soda.
    4. We wait a minute until the drink takes on the appearance that matches it.
    5. To decorate the alcohol, place an orchid flower and a small straw into the glass.

    With berries

    Sunrise always contains fruit syrups or juices, so why not complement its taste with fresh or frozen berries? The alcohol acquires a pronounced, rich taste and an unusually rich, complex smell.

    Required Ingredients

    components quantity
    silver tequila 55-65 ml
    orange juice 45-55 ml
    cranberry juice 65-80 ml
    orange 3-4 slices
    cranberry 13-15 berries
    cubed ice 190-240 g

    Step-by-step production

    1. Place a few cranberries at the bottom of the highball glass and squeeze the juice from 2-3 orange slices into it.
    2. Fill the glass to the top with ice cubes and stir everything thoroughly.
    3. Pour in alcohol, orange juice and cranberry juice.
    4. Stir the contents of the glass using a long spoon.
    5. We put several fresh cranberries on a skewer and lower them into a glass.
    6. We attach a circle of the freshest orange to the edge of the highball.
    7. Place two thin straws into the glass and enjoy the freshness of the strong drink.

    Tequila Sunrise cocktail recipe video

    In order to quickly learn how to prepare a delightfully romantic Tequila Sunrise cocktail at home, I advise you to definitely familiarize yourself with the proprietary recipe in the video. A professional bartender will demonstrate to you step by step the complete process of creating this wonderful drink, and will also tell the story of its appearance.

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