Viburnum juice

Viburnum juice

Viburnum juice is a healthy drink that can be prepared at home from fresh or frozen fruits. The highest concentration of vitamins and microelements gives the fruits a sourish-bitter taste. The bright reddish berries of viburnum are especially good after the first frost, their bitterness disappears and the taste becomes more pleasant. Viburnum berries are a real gift of nature.

They have no equal in their healing properties. Viburnum juice is very beneficial for the immune system. In folk medicine, viburnum berries are used to treat colds, bronchitis, tracheitis, and pharyngitis in children and adults.

Viburnum juice recipe


  • fresh viburnum 600 gr.
  • water 1.5 l
  • honey or sugar to taste and optional

How to make viburnum juice

  1. Wash the berries with the twigs (this way you will avoid the loss of viburnum juice).
  2. Then separate the twigs from the berries.
  3. Using a wood masher (the masher must be wood, do not use an alloy!) for potatoes, crush the berries, separate the acquired juice from the cake using a strainer. Throw the viburnum juice aside for a while.
  4. You can use a juicer to extract juice or rub the berries through a sieve.
  5. Place the viburnum cake in a saucepan and fill it with hot water. Place the pan on the fire and bring to a boil. When the water boils, immediately turn off the pan.
  6. At this step, you can add sugar to taste if you decide to sweeten the viburnum juice.
  7. Strain the purchased broth through a strainer or through a sieve. Throw away the cake.
  8. Let the broth cool to room temperature, now you can combine the broth with viburnum juice.
  9. At this step, you can add honey if you decide to sweeten your fruit drink with honey rather than sugar.
  10. Personally, I don’t add sugar or honey to fruit drinks. I just like the taste of viburnum without sweeteners.
  11. Viburnum juice is ready. With this manufacturing technology, all the beneficial characteristics of the berry are preserved. Bon appetit and be healthy!

How to make fruit drink from frozen viburnum

  1. In the winter and spring seasons we use frozen viburnum berries. How to prepare fruit drink from frozen viburnum berries.
  2. Determine the ratio of berries and water based on your own personal preferences. I take 1.2 liters per 500g of frozen viburnum. water. You can have your own proportions.
  3. Remove viburnum berries from the freezer, wash with water (it is better to use boiled water at room temperature), and let the water drain.
  4. Grind the berries using a wood masher.
  5. Pour boiling water over the berries. At this step, you can add sugar if you decide to sweeten the viburnum juice. Let the fruit drink brew. When the fruit drink has cooled to room temperature, strain the fruit drink through a sieve to separate the cake from the finished drink.

Morse from frozen viburnum is ready! Bon appetit!

Benefits and harms of viburnum juice

Viburnum is rich in vitamin C, therefore it is intensively used to combat viral and infectious diseases and increases the body's defenses.

Apart from vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food), viburnum C contains other substances useful to the body, including vitamins (a group of low molecular weight organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) A, E, K and P, a number of essential amino acids, flavonoids, copper, manganese, potassium, etc.

Main healing characteristics

  • Useful for increased nervous excitability, including sleep disorders in children and adults - Mg (magnesium), found in viburnum fruits, helps restore sleep.
  • The presence of folic acid and iron will help prevent anemia.
  • Prevents the formation of fatty deposits (if you prepare and consume fruit drinks without sweeteners), and helps remove toxins from the body.
  • Viburnum juice has a good diuretic effect.
  • Can be used as an additional agent at high temperatures. Viburnum fruits are an antipyretic, which is why viburnum juice is so useful at high temperatures.
  • Berries have the ability to lower high blood pressure.
  • Increase blood clotting (internal environment of the human and animal body) .
  • In folk medicine, viburnum is used to treat dermatological diseases (eczema, scrofula, etc.) For example, for goldenrod: juice from viburnum fruits is combined with water in a 1:1 ratio and given as many drops as the child is old.
  • Viburnum juice is useful at high temperatures (fever)
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Contraindications for viburnum juice:

  • It is not better to consume viburnum fruits for hypotensive people (people with low blood pressure).
  • People prone to blood clots.
  • Due to the high acid content, viburnum should be excluded from the diet for people suffering from gout and high acidity of gastric juice.

Be sure to include the required viburnum juice in your diet. Be healthy and see you soon!

A recipe for healthy viburnum juice for the winter - a powerful dope for the immune system

11/14/2017 Lena Cooking recipes No explanation

Hello, dear readers! And again, with a recipe for my own beloved viburnum, I now offer you a super-tasty and super-healthy fruit drink from viburnum for the winter, which is simply prepared according to my recipe at home. Try to prepare it and drink it for your health, it is especially useful in winter during the period of colds, because it is a powerful dope for the immune system.

Viburnum juice for the winter: recipe with photos at home

Viburnum is one of the favorite berries that are used as a natural medicine. Fruit juice made from viburnum brings the same benefits.

Viburnum juice for the winter: a recipe at home

Fruit drinks have always been considered healthier than compotes, because their composition, in addition to water, includes berry juice. In addition, the viburnum cake is cooked most of the time, and the juice is added at the very end, therefore, undergoing minimal heat treatment, it retains a larger amount of vitamins.

Viburnum juice has a catchy and rich color, sweet taste and pleasant bitterness corresponding to this berry. If you drink it cool, it refreshes and invigorates, if you drink it hot, it warms.

Ingredients for making

What you need for the recipe:

  • 300 grams of viburnum;
  • 2000 ml water;
  • 3 dessert spoons of honey;
  • 200 grams of sugar.

How to make viburnum juice

Step-by-step recipe for viburnum juice:

First, start preparing the viburnum - separate the berries from the branches, sort them, weeding out spoiled fruits, and rinse well with water.

Soak the clean viburnum in a colander for some time to drain the water.

Place the berries in parts into the blender bowl, blend, turning on the machine at full power.

Afterwards, load the viburnum composition in small portions into a sieve with small fractions. Place a bowl down to collect the juice. Press down on the mass with a spoon, separating the watery base from the seeds.

You will get two separate containers - with juice and cake. Set the juice aside for a while; you will need it in the future.

Place the cake in a saucepan placed on the burner, fill it with the given amount of water, bring it to the point of boiling, and boil for 10 minutes.

Then remove from the heat, cool slightly, allowing the consistency to brew, then separate the liquid from the cake by straining. Return the pan to the heat, add sugar in a suitable volume.

Add the juice that was left, cook for 3 minutes, covering the container with a lid. Towards the end of the process, add honey.

Pour the fruit drink into sterile jars, screw on the lid, check for consistency by placing the jar on its side. Cool the workpiece under a blanket for 24 hours, then move it to the cellar.

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This super-tasty and necessary drink is very pleasant to drink in the winter frosts, wrapped in a warm blanket near the fireplace. Be healthy!

Making viburnum juice

What drink has long been recognized as an elixir of health, a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and essential substances? Naturally, this is a fruit drink made from viburnum - it is not only very tasty, but can safely be considered a real pharmaceutical product. Helps with colds, used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.

But, naturally, we like viburnum juice most of all for its taste - pleasant sweetness and refreshing sourness make it an unsurpassed cool drink on a hot summer day or evening.

There are several recipes for making viburnum juice at home. Let's look at the most tested ones.

Regular viburnum juice


  • Viburnum – 400 g + –
  • Water – 1 l + –
  • Sugar – 150 g + –

How to prepare fruit juice at home

  • We wash the viburnum berries and remove the stems. Rinse again and leave to drain in a colander.
  • Pour them into a saucepan and crush them with a masher. It is better to use wood, because the alloy will oxidize. Fill the pulp with water, add sugar and put on fire.
  • When we see that bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, wait 2 minutes and turn off. We do not boil fruit juice for a long time in order to preserve all the beneficial substances.
  • Remove from heat and let cool under the lid.
  • Once the drink has cooled, filter it through cheesecloth placed in a sieve and pour into a bottle.

Serve chilled with ice, biscuits and cookies. There is nothing complicated in making it, you see, but there are several other recipes.

Homemade viburnum juice with juice

If you want to get the most intense taste, prepare fruit drink with juice.

  • Divide the available berries (400 g) into 3 parts and rinse 2/3.
  • Pound the washed berries in a saucepan, add sugar and let stand.
  • Squeeze the juice out of 1/3. You can create this by crushing the berries with a masher or in a blender, and then squeezing out the liquid.
  • We don’t throw away the cake and put it in a saucepan with the candied viburnum. Fill everything with a liter of water and put it on fire. Boil, as in the previous recipe, for no longer than a couple of minutes, turn off, cool and filter.

Top up the finished fruit drink with the freshest berry juice and taste for sugar. Sweeten the drink a little as needed. We store it only in the refrigerator and no longer than 2 days.

Recipe for viburnum juice with honey

When it seems that the taste lacks softness, we include honey in the composition.

To do this, choose any of the presented recipes and cook according to it, but cut the amount of sugar in half.

  • We strain the fruit drink not into a bottle, but into a saucepan - it will be even easier to stir the honey in it.
  • Once the drink has cooled to 45 - 50°C, dissolve 2 tbsp in it. honey Then we pour everything into bottles and cool.

The usual recipe for viburnum juice does not involve adding any spices, but if desired, you can put ¼ tsp there. ground ginger or ½ spoon of grated fresh root. We put it in the cake before boiling, so that later we can strain it quietly.

Cinnamon and cloves also go well with the taste of viburnum. We add them to taste, but just a little bit, so as not to drown out the berries.

Making fruit juice from viburnum does not require any complicated actions or rare goods from us, but will bring a lot of usefulness and joy. It's worth trying to cook it!

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Making viburnum juice

What drink has long been recognized as an elixir of health, a storehouse of vitamins, microelements and essential substances? Naturally, this is a fruit drink made from viburnum - it is not only very tasty, but can safely be considered a real pharmaceutical product. Helps with colds, used as an anti-inflammatory and hemostatic agent.

But, naturally, we like viburnum juice most of all for its taste - pleasant sweetness and refreshing sourness make it an unsurpassed cool drink on a hot summer day or evening.

There are several recipes for making viburnum juice at home. Let's look at the most tested ones.

Regular viburnum juice


  • Viburnum – 400 g + –
  • Water – 1 l + –
  • Sugar – 150 g + –

How to prepare fruit juice at home

  • We wash the viburnum berries and remove the stems. Rinse again and leave to drain in a colander.
  • Pour them into a saucepan and crush them with a masher. It is better to use wood, because the alloy will oxidize. Fill the pulp with water, add sugar and put on fire.
  • When we see that bubbles begin to rise from the bottom, wait 2 minutes and turn off. We do not boil fruit juice for a long time in order to preserve all the beneficial substances.
  • Remove from heat and let cool under the lid.
  • Once the drink has cooled, filter it through cheesecloth placed in a sieve and pour into a bottle.

Serve chilled with ice, biscuits and cookies. There is nothing complicated in making it, you see, but there are several other recipes.

Homemade viburnum juice with juice

If you want to get the most intense taste, prepare fruit drink with juice.

  • Divide the available berries (400 g) into 3 parts and rinse 2/3.
  • Pound the washed berries in a saucepan, add sugar and let stand.
  • Squeeze the juice out of 1/3. You can create this by crushing the berries with a masher or in a blender, and then squeezing out the liquid.
  • We don’t throw away the cake and put it in a saucepan with the candied viburnum. Fill everything with a liter of water and put it on fire. Boil, as in the previous recipe, for no longer than a couple of minutes, turn off, cool and filter.

Top up the finished fruit drink with the freshest berry juice and taste for sugar. Sweeten the drink a little as needed. We store it only in the refrigerator and no longer than 2 days.

Recipe for viburnum juice with honey

When it seems that the taste lacks softness, we include honey in the composition.

To do this, choose any of the presented recipes and cook according to it, but cut the amount of sugar in half.

  • We strain the fruit drink not into a bottle, but into a saucepan - it will be even easier to stir the honey in it.
  • Once the drink has cooled to 45 - 50°C, dissolve 2 tbsp in it. honey Then we pour everything into bottles and cool.

The usual recipe for viburnum juice does not involve adding any spices, but if desired, you can put ¼ tsp there. ground ginger or ½ spoon of grated fresh root. We put it in the cake before boiling, so that later we can strain it quietly.

Cinnamon and cloves also go well with the taste of viburnum. We add them to taste, but just a little bit, so as not to drown out the berries.

Making fruit juice from viburnum does not require any complicated actions or rare goods from us, but will bring a lot of usefulness and joy. It's worth trying to cook it!

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