The Daiquiri cocktail – the object of admiration for Kennedy and Hemingway

The Daiquiri cocktail – the object of admiration for Kennedy and Hemingway

There are quite a few cocktails that can equal the Daiquiri in recognition. Thanks to its usual composition and unique taste, it has a lot of admirers all over the world, including famous people. I will tell you how to prepare Daiquiri at home, and we will separately look at the most popular options.

Daiquiri (correctly the accent on the last vowel, the British version of the name "Daiquiri") is a Cuban alcoholic cocktail consisting of rum, sugar and lime. In some recipes, in addition to the usual ingredients, fruit juices are also added, for example, orange or strawberry.

Traditional Daiquiri cocktail recipe

Composition and proportions:

  • snow white rum – 9 parts (45 ml);
  • lime juice (lemon) – 4 parts (20 ml);
  • sugar – 1 part (5 g);
  • ice – 100 gr.


1. Fill a shaker with crushed ice, add other ingredients, and mix well.

2. Chill the martini glass.

3. Pour the cocktail through a strainer from the shaker into a glass.

A slightly different recipe is shown in the video.

The advantage of the Daiquiri cocktail is that anyone can experiment with its composition by adding fruit juices. For example, let's look at how to create a strawberry Daiquiri.

Preparation: mix 40 grams of rum, one tablespoon of lemon juice, 100 grams of frozen strawberries and add sugar to taste. Beat with a blender. In this recipe, the role of ice is made by frozen strawberries, so the ice itself is not needed.

Strawberry Daiquiri

Making an orange Daiquiri is even easier - simply add the juice of half a medium orange to the usual ingredients.

It is not necessary to follow the recipes exactly. Using the basic ingredients (rum, sugar and lemon juice), you can make your own cocktail with an inimitable taste. The main thing is not to be afraid to experiment.

Daiquiri history

The cocktail was invented by English sailors in the middle of the 18th century. In those days it was called "grog". In the formidable sea conditions, the survival of the entire crew depended on the grog. The fact is that the alcohol found in rum and vitamin (a low-molecular organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) in lime were the best prevention of scurvy - a terrible disease (disruption of normal functioning, performance) at that time.

In tropical conditions, drinking water quickly deteriorates, because in order not to die of thirst before a long sea voyage, the ship’s crew constantly stocked up on rum. Over time, this became irrelevant, and the cocktail was forgotten.

The second birth of the cocktail happened in 1909, when the South American physician Lucius Johnson became interested in the Daiquiri recipe. He learned about the drink while studying maritime history. One of the treatises contained a detailed description of a forgotten recipe. After several tests, Johnson selected the perfect proportions of ingredients.

Lucius offered to try the cocktail to members of the US Army and Navy Club (the United States of America is a state in North America) . Sailors really liked Daiquiri; they spread its recipe among their friends. A couple of years later, Daiquiri was already known not only in America, but also in Europe.

The daiquiri was Hemingway's favorite cocktail.

The most famous admirers of this cocktail were the President of the United States (the United States of America is a state in North America) John F. Kennedy and the writer Ernest Hemingway. Extreme even mentioned Daiquiri in several of his own works. In the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America), July 19 is National Daiquiri Day.

Daiquiri cocktail - the ideal of taste and pleasure

The Daiquiri cocktail is a drink that the President of the United States (the United States of America is a state in North America) J. Kennedy and the world-famous writer E. Hemingway were in love with. It has a free, tropical character and, in addition to the traditional version, has a huge number of varieties with completely different additional components. Only the base remains constant, the foundation is snow-white rum and lime, thanks to which it still remains the most famous drink.

History of the Daiquiri cocktail

There are several versions of the origin of the drink. According to one of them, it was invented by sailors who needed something to drink. Since ordinary water quickly went rancid in the tropical heat, we had to take something stronger, that is, rum. Limes were also not translated on board as the best method of preventing scurvy (a disease that occurs from a lack of vitamin C ). Ah, so I met lime juice in the same glass with rum and a new page began in the world history of cocktails.

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True, with the development of navigation, new abilities for desalination and storage of water, the need for such drinking disappeared and the consistency was forgotten until 1909, until Dr. Lucius Johnson, a physician from the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America), . He became interested in the cocktail and offered it to some acquaintances. Very soon the drink became popular far beyond the Caribbean and even in the Ancient World.

There is also a version according to which Daiquiri originated in one of the bars of the city of the same name in Cuba. The gin there, quite inopportunely, ran out, but the guests were in no hurry to finish. The resourceful bartender solved the problem with rum, but in order to disguise the pirates’ “unintelligent” drink, he ennobled it with lime juice and sweet syrup. This is how the world-recognizable cocktail with a tropical name was born.

Traditional Daiquiri cocktail recipe

No matter how much you say “Daiquiri”, but your mouth and heart don’t become any happier, it’s time to move on to practice. The traditional Daiquiri cocktail requires you to stock up on good ingredients. You should not try to save and use substitutes, the cheapest analogues - you simply will not get the right result.

Cocktail ingredients Daiquiri

For production you will need:

  • Light rum (standard – snow-white Bacardi) – 60 ml per serving;
  • Fresh lime juice – 30 ml. You should not take packaged ones - the taste can vary greatly;
  • Sweet syrup – 15 ml;
  • Ice – 200 gr.


All ingredients must be placed in a shaker and shaken quickly. The more your cocktail shakes, the weaker it will become as the ice melts. Therefore, immediately pour through the Steiner into a martini glass or champagne saucer. Don't forget to add some decoration - a slice of lime and a little cinnamon will go a long way.

Another decoration option is granulated sugar around the rim of the glass. This decoration adds solemnity and a touch of fun to the drink. In addition, sweet grains will further soften the bouquet of consistency.

Strawberry Daiquiri cocktail

Now let's talk about one romantic option. This is the beauty of the Caribbean drink - it is very democratic in terms of additives (within reason, of course). With the help of strawberries you can give it a special romantic tone. To do this, just add frozen berries or strawberry syrup. The proportions will look like this:

  • Snow white rum – 45 grams;
  • Lime juice – 25 grams;
  • 4-5 frozen strawberries or 1 tbsp. spoon of syrup;
  • If you use berries, then take another 15 ml of syrup, otherwise crushed ice.

You can prepare it either in a shaker (if all the ingredients are watery) or in a blender (to grind the strawberries). Serve in a martini glass, garnished with a mint sprig, a lime wedge or a berry.

Banana Daiquiri cocktail

This is a different variation. This cocktail comes out sweet, with a distinctive aroma of the tropics. The base remains constant - this is 45 ml of snow-white rum, but further the composition will differ noticeably due to the extreme sweetness of bananas. In total you will need:

  • A couple of slices of lime or lemon;
  • Sweet syrup - 1 tsp, but you can completely without it;
  • Half a small banana.

Everything is whipped with a blender and filtered through a stainer into a glass. Garnish with a slice of citrus.

We advise you to study recipes for cocktails for making at home: rum with juice and coffee with rum.

Daiquiri cocktail: history and best bar classic recipes

Irreproachable. Harmonic. Laconic. So in three words you can describe the main cocktail of the bar classics. And it’s true: the composition of “Daiquiri” is simple, and the taste with light sweetness and simultaneous sourness is elegant. Read the history of the cocktail and the best recipes in our material.

How did the Daiquiri come about?

“Daiquiri” is an incredibly ordinary mix of rum, citrus juice and sweetener. And this fact suggests the idea that the first inventors of this cocktail were English sailors in the 18th century. They called it then - grog, and made it from the daily goods of the daily ration: rum, a portion of which was given out to disinfect water; limes or lemons, which were constantly available on the ship as a remedy for scurvy; and sugar, which helped soften the hardness of rum in those days.

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But the name of this cocktail “Daiquiri” was given much later. In 1902, South American entrepreneur William Astor Chanler bought steel mines near the Cuban town of Santiago. He learns from the local population about a popular rum drink, and then introduces the newest cocktail to New York clubs. Chanler gave the name to the drink in honor of the name of his own mines, as well as the beach not far from them - “Daiquiri”.

Over the next decades, Daiquiri steadily gained popularity, and its peak came in the 1940s. Due to World War II, whiskey and vodka became the least available in America, but Franklin Roosevelt's policies aimed at improving trade relations with the Caribbean, Latin America and Cuba increased the flow of rum into the country. The Pan-American program helped create prestigious Latin America. As a consequence, rum-based drinks (once frowned upon as the choice of sailors and simpletons) also became fashionable, and the popularity of the Daiquiri in the United States (United States of America - a country in North America) increased sharply.

At first, the drink was served in a tall glass filled with crushed ice. Sweet syrup was poured on top of the ice, the juice of a whole lime was squeezed out and 50-90 ml of rum was added. The entire mixture was stirred with a bar spoon with a long handle and served to the guests. Modern development of cocktail making involves mixing the ingredients with ice in a shaker, and only later pouring into a chilled cocktail glass for serving.

Recipes for making Daiquiri

Almost everyone loved the Daiquiri cocktail, and its most important admirers in history were John Kennedy and Ernest Hemingway. For last resort, the popular La Floridita bar in the Cuban capital, Havana, invented a special version of the cocktail. Old Hem (or Papa Hem, as Hemingway is sometimes called) suffered from diabetes, so he asked the bartender to modify a local popular drink: add more rum and much less sugar. This is how the newest Daiquiri came into being - Hemingway Special. But over such a long history, the cocktail has undergone upgrades many times. Read the most noteworthy recipes below.

"Traditional Daiquiri"

According to the standards of the International Bartenders Association (IBA - International Bartenders Association), the traditional cocktail recipe is as follows:

  • Light rum – 4 parts;
  • Fresh lime – 2 parts;
  • Sweet syrup – 1 part.

For one serving, take 60 ml of Bacardi rum, 30 ml of lime juice and 15 ml of syrup. Add all the ingredients to a shaker along with ice, shake well so that the whole mixture is very cool and pour into a chilled Martin glass.

"Hemingway Daiquiri"

“Hemingway Special”, “Daiquiri Floriditaili” or “Papa Double” are usually prepared immediately in large portions:

  • Rum – 150 ml;
  • Lime (juice) – 1 pc.;
  • Grapefruit (juice) – half;
  • Marasin liqueur (or other dry liqueur with almond flavor) – 15 ml.

The cocktail is prepared without sugar!

Shake all ingredients in a shaker with ice. To serve, you will need a large Hurricane cocktail glass. In some bars, this drink is sometimes served frozen in half a grapefruit.

"Strawberry Daiquiri" and "Banana Daiquiri"

These cocktails are prepared with the addition of flavored fruit syrup to replace regular sweets. The version with strawberry syrup is often called "Old Rose Daiquiri". But there is an option for making it with the freshest fruits. Also from time to time there is a variant of “Daiquiri” with avocado.

  • Rum – 60 ml;
  • Lime juice – 30 ml;
  • Fresh strawberries or banana – 50 g;
  • Syrup – 15 ml.

For this cocktail, all ingredients must be mixed in a blender with crushed ice, and then poured into a suitable cocktail glass. For example, “daisy”. The texture of the drink will be somewhat similar to a smoothie.

"Mulata Daiquiri"

Mulata Daiquiri is a cocktail based on a traditional recipe, and coffee or chocolate liqueur is added to it.

Mango Daiquiri

"Daiquiri sorbet cocktail"

The Sorbet Daiquiri or Frozen Daiquiri is a fascinating cocktail due to the method of presentation. All ingredients are mixed with frappe ice (crushed ice) to form a very thick sour cream. If the room is hot, then after blending the cocktail you will have to put it in the freezer for an hour; otherwise you won’t be able to put out the “Frozen Daiquiri”. It should also be noted that to beat the ingredients you need a professional, powerful blender with metal bowls, because ice (even crushed ice) can destroy the knives and bowls of an ordinary household blender.

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We also take the traditional recipe as the base for the cocktail, adding 50 grams of new fruit and 100 grams of ice. Whisk the mixture and place it in a daisy glass, forming a mound. The slide cone can be decorated with a slice of fruit and a mint leaf.

"Non-alcoholic Daiquiri"

Craving the taste of a Caribbean cocktail but avoiding alcohol? Try making Sorbet Daiquiri without adding rum. This is perhaps the best non-alcoholic version of the cocktail.

Naturally, there are dozens of options for the Daiquiri cocktail recipe. Try adding your own favorite liqueur to the traditional version for a new flavor experience. You can also use any fruit you like for it. So you can get watermelon, mango, raspberry or any other “Daiquiri”. Specifically because of its universal taste, “Traditional Daiquiri” is included in the main mixes of bar classics from the “Unforgettable” section.

Daiquiri cocktail

This popular Cuban alcoholic drink has a fairly common composition. Its unique taste is appreciated by gourmets in different parts of the world. The Daiquiri cocktail is not difficult to prepare without the help of others and amuse yourself and those close to you.

Ingredients and production method

There are a huge number of recipe options. Here is the most traditional of them. Its main ingredients are rum and lime. Manufacturing time takes no more than 5 minutes. The strength of the drink is about 45%, but the amount of alcohol can be varied.

Regular Daiquiri recipe

For 1 serving of drink you will need:

Diamond – 45 ml;
Lime (lemon) juice – 25 ml;
Sweet syrup – 15 ml;
Ice – 100 gr.

Manufacturing method:

Place crushed ice in a shaker.
Add the remaining ingredients.
Beat vigorously.
Pour the cocktail into a martini glass using a strainer.

There are countless varieties of this drink with the addition of various fruit juices. Therefore, feel free to experiment, making the usual composition the most unusual. When serving, don’t forget to garnish the glass with a strawberry, a slice of orange, or a slice of banana.

Strawberry Daiquiri

Light rum—40 g;
Lemon juice - 1 tbsp.
l.; Strawberries (fresh or frozen) -100 g;
Sugar—quantity as desired;
Ice—100 g (if the strawberries are fresh).

Orange Daiquiri

Rum - 50ml;
Orange juice—50 ml;
Lime juice—12 ml;
Sweet syrup—1 teaspoon.

Banana Daiquiri

Rum light or black—30ml;
Banana liqueur—20ml;
Lemon juice—20 ml;
Sweet syrup - 10 ml.

The drink comes out immediately sour, bitter and sweet. And these are not all the variants of the world famous cocktail. Maybe by experimenting specifically you will discover another one of them.

History of the drink and noteworthy facts

According to the main version, the drink originated in 1896 thanks to the South American mining engineer Gening Cox, who lived in Cuba. And the engineer’s employee gave him the name, that’s the name of the place next door.

Another version says that the popular cocktail was invented by English sailors in the 18th century. In those days it was called "grog". The drink was considered very useful. It was a specific prevention of scurvy because it contained alcohol and vitamin C (a low molecular weight organic compound of relatively simple structure, necessary for all living things) .

But for some time the popularity of the cocktail fell, until the South American physician Lucius Johnson remembered it. Thus, in 1909, the drink was revived. At first he enjoyed success among American sailors, and then he was appreciated throughout America and Europe.

Among the drink's admirers were celebrities: US President (the United States of America is a state in North America) John F. Kennedy, writer Ernest Hemingway. It is believed that the cocktail gained enormous popularity just after the weakness of two famous Yankees for this drink became publicly known. In honor of Hemingway, a type of drink with a double shot of rum, as the writer loved, was called “Papa Doble.” The drink is mentioned more than once in literary works, and not only by this writer.

The cocktail is recognized by the International Bartenders Association as traditional. The drink even has its own holiday: in the United States of America, July 19 is National Daiquiri Day. Try it, and maybe you will soon join the lovers of this cocktail.

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