Broccoli puree

Broccoli puree

Not everyone knows about the benefits of broccoli, because this vegetable has not been used in our country for very long. But there are already legends about it, as almost a panacea for all diseases. Indeed, broccoli contains an indescribably large amount of vitamin C (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, surpassing even citrus fruits. Broccoli is also a very low-calorie vegetable, and contains a sufficient amount of protein, so it is comfortable, tasty and healthy to use in various diets aimed at losing weight.

Broccoli contains a huge amount of minerals necessary for the body to function, such as potassium, sodium and phosphorus. This product also contains sulforaphane, which helps prevent cancer and fight stomach ulcers. For kids, this vegetable is simply irreplaceable and very useful. Broccoli can be consumed in various forms: raw, steamed, boiled or fried. The less time you cook it, the more nutrients remain in it.

As for the taste of broccoli, it is reminiscent of cauliflower, but a little more spicy, rich and soft. Broccoli puree is truly delicious and healthy. It can be combined with meat, vegetables, fish or poultry. It is very simple and very quick to prepare, and with all this, the puree comes out very tender and pleasant. Once you try broccoli puree, you will definitely become a fan of it!

Products for making broccoli puree

  • Broccoli – 400 gr;
  • Milk – 1/3 cup;
  • Butter – 10-20 g;
  • Salt - to taste;
  • Drinking water.

Broccoli puree recipe

Wash the broccoli under running water, divide into florets and place in a pan of bubbling salted water.

Cook over low heat with the lid ajar for about 10 minutes. Then drain the water.

Using a hand blender, puree the still hot broccoli into a smooth puree.

Pour in the milk and return the pan to the heat. While vigorously stirring, quickly boil the puree with milk to a suitable mixture and remove from heat.

Add a little butter to the puree and mix well.

Broccoli puree is ready! Serve it deliciously on a separate plate, either hot or warm - depending on your preference.

If you are on a diet, then do everything the same, but you don’t have to add milk and butter to the puree. The puree will still be very tasty, but it will have the least amount of calories.

Bon appetit and enjoy cooking!

Broccoli puree: puree recipes for kids and adults - methods for cooking broccoli for puree

Broccoli, which is very beautiful in shape and color, is becoming increasingly popular. And it’s not mind-blowing, because the inflorescences of this vegetable are very useful. Broccoli is widely used in dietary nutrition and is valued by mothers who begin feeding their children under one year of age vegetable purees. Now we will talk specifically about broccoli puree, look at the main rules for choosing broccoli and methods for cooking it.

Rules for choosing a high-quality vegetable

When choosing the freshest vegetable in the store, pay close attention to the appearance of the inflorescences and their smell. A product of good quality must have a deep greenish color, without darkened or yellowed areas. Broccoli should be firm and elastic to the touch. The absence of a rotten aroma indicates that the broccoli is not susceptible to rottenness inside the inflorescences.

If the choice fell on a frozen product, then the frozen bag should be held in your hands and shaken a couple of times. The inside must be crumbly. You should also touch the broccoli through the cellophane. If the inflorescences are very small, 2–3 centimeters, then it is better to avoid such freezing.

Before cooking, broccoli is separated into florets and washed in cold water. No additional manipulations are required with a frozen product. It is cooked without defrosting.

Methods for cooking broccoli for puree

The puree is made from boiled broccoli. There can be several methods of heat treatment of vegetables:

  • Cooking in water. Fill the pan halfway with water and place on fire. Place broccoli florets in boiling water and cook over moderate heat, covered, for 7 to 10 minutes. A closed lid, in this case, is needed to protect more water-soluble vitamins from evaporation.

  • In a slow cooker. The cooking procedure in a modern device does not differ from the previous recipe. The only thing you need to do is install the appropriate software. This could be “Steaming” or “Soup”.
  • In a steamer. Steaming broccoli couldn't be easier. A small amount of water is poured into the main bowl of the steamer, 200 - 250 ml will be enough, and after the water boils, place a lattice container with broccoli florets on top. With all this, you can use a regular steamer or a multicooker with the “Steam” function. If you don’t have these devices in your home, then you can use a special device for making steamed dishes in an ordinary saucepan. Cooking time for broccoli is 15 minutes.
  • In the oven. Place the broccoli florets on foil and wrap them carefully. The twist is placed in an oven preheated to 180 degrees and left there for 25 minutes.

Kalal "Nana`s Recipes" in his own video will talk about making puree from frozen broccoli or cauliflower on the stove

Chop the finished broccoli using a masher, fork or blender. In this case, the extreme option will allow you to create a very gentle puree, with a uniform elastic mixture. If the broccoli was cooked in water, then you can use a hot broth to dilute the puree.

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Broccoli puree recipes

The usual method for preparing puree for a side dish

Cabbage, 400 g, is boiled using any of the methods listed above. While the main ingredient is being prepared, melt 50 grams of butter in a small saucepan. After it has completely dispersed, add 3 cloves of garlic, cut into thin slices, into the bowl. Heat the garlic in oil for no more than 30 seconds. After this, the pieces of garlic that have given off the smell are removed. Flavored oil and a small amount of salt are added to the cooked broccoli. The products are pureed with a blender, and then immediately laid out on portioned plates.

Marina Perepelitsyna will talk about the method of making delicious broccoli puree with carrots and celery root in water

Broccoli for babies

Broccoli puree can be introduced into your baby’s diet as early as six months. With all this, the dish must be very homogeneous and not very thick. Spices, salt and oil are not added to the first feeding. They are introduced evenly, adding to the puree in small portions.

The cabbage is first boiled using any method. Then the mass is pureed using a blender or simply ground through a very fine sieve. Excessively thick puree is diluted with breast milk, cabbage broth or diluted milk consistency.

Oksana Storozhenko will talk about making vegetable puree from broccoli, cauliflower and zucchini in a slow cooker

Vegetable and fruit additives for broccoli puree

You can make puree not only from just one type of cabbage. Combinations of broccoli with cauliflower, potatoes, carrots, celery, zucchini or pumpkin are very tasty. You can also create a sweet puree from broccoli by adding a boiled apple to it.

You need to keep in mind that asparagus cabbage cooks very quickly, so vegetables with a long cooking cycle are sent to the pan first, and broccoli is added to them at the very end.

How to store puree

Freshly prepared puree can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 3 days. If the product was prepared for a baby, then the puree is laid out in sterile 100-gram jars and tightly sealed with a lid. In this form, the puree can be stored for up to 72 hours. In the latter case, broccoli complementary foods can be frozen in portioned cubes using ice trays. This preparation, as needed, is added to porridges or soups.

Broccoli puree - the best recipes. How to properly and deliciously prepare broccoli puree.

Broccoli puree - general principles of production

If you care about your own figure or want to make your regular diet as healthy as possible, then include broccoli in your diet. This vegetable is not only healthy, but also very tasty if cooked correctly. Broccoli puree will be very tasty. They can successfully replace regular mashed potatoes without losing any taste.

How does broccoli differ from other types of cabbage? This vegetable is considered an unrivaled preventative against ulcers, excess weight and even cancer. Like other greenish vegetables, broccoli is intensively involved in the renewal of blood (the internal environment of the human and animal body) and the maintenance of general tone.

Broccoli is most often thought to be associated with baby food, and for good reason! After all, broccoli dishes are good for children because they participate in the formation of bone and muscle tissue (the structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) . You can feed your children broccoli puree starting from 6 months.

It is believed that broccoli does not have a very catchy taste. This is not the case if you prepare it correctly. Seasonings and spices, a little butter - and broccoli can be served as a main dish.

This cabbage is useful not only for children, but also for adults, because it is rich in sodium, potassium, phosphorus, and iron. Prepare delicious puree from broccoli and enjoy the delicate taste.

Broccoli puree - preparing goods and utensils

In order to make broccoli puree, you can use either fresh or frozen cabbage. If you are preparing a dish from frozen cabbage, defrost it ahead of time.

The greatest advantage of broccoli puree is that the finished dish retains all its beneficial properties and health benefits.

Wash the cabbage and separate it into large florets. After the cabbage has boiled, cool it and puree it using a blender. Add butter, cream, other vegetables and spices to the puree.

Broccoli puree recipes:

Recipe 1: Broccoli Puree

This recipe is simple and easy to follow. If you do not add butter, the puree will be dietary and low-calorie. You can add ground pepper, dried thyme or basil to the finished dish.

Required ingredients:

  • Broccoli 450 gr
  • Garlic 3 cloves
  • Seasonings
  • Butter

Manufacturing method:

  1. Place the saucepan on the fire, melt a piece of butter in it.
  2. Peel the garlic and cut any clove into two or three pieces.
  3. Place the garlic in the melted butter for 2-3 minutes and fry. After this, take out the garlic (it will no longer be useful), and place the broccoli in a saucepan with fragrant oil. Simmer the cabbage for about 8-10 minutes with the lid closed. Turn off the heat and cool the broccoli.
  4. Grind the cabbage in a blender into a puree along with the oil in which it was stewed, and serve, seasoned with spices and fresh butter if desired.
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Recipe 2: Broccoli Mashed Bacon

This dish can no longer be called dietary, but it is very healthy, nutritious and, of course, tasty! Instead of bacon, you can eat chicken or other meat. Serve meat puree with broccoli to men as a main course. The same recipe can be adapted for a “ladies’” version, using pieces of chicken or turkey instead of bacon.

Required ingredients:

  • Broccoli 450 gr
  • Bacon 200 gr
  • Butter
  • Fresh green basil
  • Salt

Manufacturing method:

  1. Using your hands, separate the washed broccoli into large florets.
  2. Fill a pan with water, add salt and place the broccoli in it. Boil the cabbage for about 7-9 minutes. Remove broccoli to a plate and cool.
  3. Cut the bacon into thin strips.
  4. Rinse the basil.
  5. Grind the cabbage in a blender, adding butter and basil.
  6. Add bacon to the finished puree and stir.

Recipe 3: Broccoli puree with green peas

If you add canned green peas to broccoli, you will emphasize the taste of the puree and make it the most eye-catching color. Serve this puree with fish or as a separate dish.

Required ingredients:

  • Broccoli 450 gr
  • Canned peas 200 gr
  • Garlic 2 cloves
  • Snow-white sesame 1 tablespoon
  • Sunflower oil for frying
  • Butter
  • Seasonings

Manufacturing method:

  1. Wash the broccoli and separate it into large florets with your hands.
  2. Boil the cabbage in a saucepan filled with water for about 7-9 minutes. Remove cooked broccoli to a plate and cool.
  3. Open the can of peas and drain the liquid. You will need half the contents of the jar.
  4. Grind the cabbage and peas in a blender, adding butter and seasonings to the vegetables.
  5. Squeeze the garlic into the puree through a press, stir with a spoon.
  6. Sprinkle the puree with white sesame seeds before serving.

Recipe 4: Broccoli puree with cheese

Cream cheese mixes well with broccoli, making the puree the most tender and at the same time satisfying. Use grated processed cheese or spreadable cream cheese.

Required ingredients:

  • Broccoli 450 gr
  • Cream cheese 150 gr
  • Carrot 1 piece
  • Seasonings
  • Salt
  • Butter

Manufacturing method:

  1. Wash the broccoli and separate into florets.
  2. Wash the carrots from the soil, cut off the tail.
  3. Boil the carrots and broccoli in a pan filled with water for 8-10 minutes. When the vegetables are cooked, remove them from the water and set them aside to cool.
  4. Grate the processed cheese.
  5. Grind the carrots and broccoli in a blender, adding oil, salt, and spices.
  6. Add cheese to the puree, stir and serve.

Recipe 5: Broccoli puree with cream and mushrooms

A very delicate tasting dish, which is achieved as such thanks to the addition of cream. If you add a little more cream, you will get a creamy soup. When you pour the cream into the puree, it should not be cool, but at room temperature.

Required ingredients:

  • Broccoli 450 gr
  • Cream 15-20% fat 100 ml
  • Mushrooms 200 gr
  • Hard cheese 150 g (any kind of salted cheese)
  • Seasonings

Manufacturing method:

  1. Boil broccoli in salted water until soft, no more than 8 minutes. Remove the cabbage from the water and place on a plate to cool.
  2. In a separate container, boil the mushrooms for 8-10 minutes.
  3. Grate the cheese.
  4. Grind the cooled cabbage in a blender, adding mushrooms, cream and spices.
  5. Sprinkle the finished puree with grated cheese before serving.

Broccoli puree for babies: recipe options with photos

The content of the article:

  1. Vegetables and complementary foods: what are the benefits?
  1. Where to start?
  1. Recipe options
  1. Seasonal vegetables or frozen?

Broccoli and complementary foods: what are the benefits?

You can give monocomponent puree from this variety of cabbage from six months onwards. By this age, the baby’s digestive system has already matured enough to assimilate other products, not counting mother’s milk or an adapted baby consistency.

This vegetable is known for its hypoallergenicity, therefore, together with zucchini and cauliflower, it can be used for the first acquaintance with true “adult” food. But broccoli has many other benefits:

  • the fiber in its composition “accelerates” the baby’s digestive tract, forces him to work more actively, and solves the problem with constipation;
  • a real treasure! And the treasures are valuable vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and diverse chemical nature) and minerals! Source of vitamin (vitamins are a group of organic substances combined by chemical nature, united on the basis of their absolute necessity for a heterotrophic organism as an integral part of food) C, carotene, protein and essential amino acids;
  • low calorie content (at the same time, this vegetable is quite filling) and vegetable fat content, which has a positive effect on the baby’s weight;
  • A natural immunomodulator, it helps strengthen your immune system and fight diseases.

Naturally, these characteristics are preserved with moderate consumption of products containing broccoli, if it is prepared properly. How to cook broccoli so that the baby gets all the most valuable substances? More on this later.

Where to start?

The first feeding is a responsible and at the same time very joyful task.
Your task is to introduce the little one to the latest food, to intrigue him with new tastes and the action itself. But don't feed! After trying to eat half a spoonful, you feed the baby in the usual way, not the other way around. Otherwise, after a hearty lunch, enthusiasm for new food will noticeably fade. We remember that we begin to get acquainted with vegetable puree only when the baby is ready to swallow and assimilate the food offered.
At what age can you introduce vegetable purees specifically? At 6 months the baby is already quite old enough for this. Now about the product itself. Naturally, you can purchase ready-made containers of baby food at your local hypermarket. It’s comfortable: they prepared the puree for you in industrial conditions, strictly observing all the norms and rules, packed it in beautiful sterile containers, gave advice on the label, indicated the age and composition.

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But we cannot disagree with the fact that home-made food is tastier and healthier, prepared from new goods, with soul, with love! Do you prefer to cook homemade cutlets yourself or buy a semi-finished product in plastic packaging, and then heat them up and eat them later? What will taste better? The answer, I think, is obvious.

The same goes for baby food. It tastes better when your mother made it. Herself. At home.

One desire is not enough. We remember that only vegetables steamed or boiled in water for a short time are suitable for the first complementary feeding. There is no need to cook broccoli for a long time; just wait until the florets become soft, but do not lose their bright green color. This way, all the beneficial substances will be preserved, and there will be no additional overload on the gentle children’s stomach. Naturally, only the freshest, tested vegetables are prepared, preferably seasonal ones.

For children with allergies, you can soak broccoli (or any other vegetable suitable for first feeding) in water for a couple of hours beforehand.
This will reduce the possibility of food allergies and remove any possible nitrates and pesticides, if any. Let's remember the basic rule of complementary feeding!
let's introduce you! Little by little! For the first time, it is enough to offer just a little bit, just half a baby spoon, each time evenly increasing the size to a whole spoon, and later increasing to 2-4. If a child likes a vegetable, he eats several spoons with pleasure, and there are no side reactions; you can give him such purees from time to time, and also offer him purees from another component. For example, zucchini.

And one more thing: always offer your baby only a freshly cooked portion! Do not leave for the next day, do not store in the refrigerator, do not prepare for future use! It is convenient to cook in advance, half an hour before lunch or dinner. Take the amount of vegetables exactly for one serving. It’s faster and easier this way.

Recipe options

1. Broccoli puree for babies: traditional recipe

You will need:

  • fresh cabbage (a few inflorescences are enough);
  • purified water;
  • blender.

How to cook:

Boil water in a small saucepan or saucepan without adding salt. Once the water boils, add the broccoli and cook until soft, about 7-10 minutes. Turn off the heat, drain the water, cool and puree using a blender.

2. Cabbage in a slow cooker or steamed

You will need:

  • fresh cabbage (a few inflorescences are enough);
  • purified water;
  • blender.

How to cook:

We disassemble the washed cabbage into inflorescences, pour water into the steamer, and place the vegetables on a mesh. Turn it on and bring it to readiness. You can grind vegetables through a strainer or use a blender.

3. Cabbage with milk or baby consistency

4. Vegetable mix

Seasonal vegetables or frozen?

The trivial answer to this question is, of course, seasonal vegetables grown in the garden under the summer sun. But in winter, I also want to offer my baby vegetable treats.

What should I do? Frozen vegetables for future use are a good alternative to fresh cabbage, zucchini or potatoes. It is better to prepare preparations for the winter on your own, by buying new vegetables at the market, and prepare them in any way that is comfortable for you.

A couple of tips:

  • Dry the vegetables very well before storing them in the freezer. This way there will be less chance that they will become covered with a crust of ice;
  • It is more convenient to cut potatoes and zucchini into cubes, and disassemble broccoli and cauliflower into small inflorescences;
  • Freeze in portions to make it easier to cook the next time. One large bag of vegetable consistency must be defrosted before consuming some. And repeated freezing is very undesirable, because the vegetables will lose not only their beneficial properties, but also water, making the stout soggy and tasteless.

But if it was not possible to create preparations for the winter or this task is not for you, there is always the opportunity to purchase industrially produced baby food. There is nothing disgusting about them; standards for the production of food specifically for children are currently very strict, and occasionally it is possible to find a bad product. But it is not allowed to lose attentiveness. When choosing a suitable container for your first feeding, look not only at the taste, excellent packaging and price tag. Consider these other reasons:

  • compound . Apart from water and, in fact, the vegetables indicated in the title, there should be nothing there. Some manufacturers make the mistake of adding starch or other fillers. This doesn't have to be the case;
  • without salt, not to mention other spices and herbs;
  • date of manufacture;
  • pay attention to the storage conditions and storage tips on the packaging;
  • When opening the can, you should hear the corresponding sound of the lid opening. Depressurization occurs and the lid makes a popping noise. This is a sure sign that the puree is not expired and is ready for use. It is better to throw away containers with swollen lids or those that do not make a loud pop sound;
  • the mixture must be homogeneous. There are no lumps, flakes or strange inclusions, the color of the puree is even, the liquid does not have to separate or float on top in a separate layer.

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