Shallots with apples and cranberries

Shallots with apples and cranberries

For the recipe you will need:

  • apple – 2 pcs.
  • sugar – 1 glass
  • flour – 1 cup
  • cranberries (frozen or fresh) – 100g
  • testicle – 4 pcs.
  • butter for greasing the pan
  • lemon (juice) – 3-4 drops
  • vanillin – 1 pinch
  • baking powder – 1 tsp.
  • sweet powder for decoration.

Making recipe:

To make charlotte, pour sugar into a small bowl. Separate the yolks from the whites. Pour the yolks into a bowl with sugar.

Separately in a cup, beat the whites with a few drops of lemon until a fluffy mass forms. This will free the biscuit from any foreign aroma during baking.

Beat the sweet sand with the yolks well and pour in the whites. Carefully whisk again all the components of the prepared mass.

Wash the cranberries, dry them on a cardboard towel and remove any debris from them. If the cranberries are frozen, it is not necessary to defrost them.

Place baking paper in the mold. Soak the top layer of paper with a small amount of oil. Remove the skin from the apples. Cut into thin semicircles and place in rows on the bottom of the mold.

Add a packet of vanillin, baking powder and prepared flour in small parts to the resulting egg mixture. Mix well and add cranberries. Stir the dough again and pour it into the prepared pan with apples.

Bake in the oven for 40 minutes in an oven previously preheated to 180C. During the first few minutes of baking, you should not open the oven, because a sudden temperature change may cause the cake to settle. You can check the readiness of the dough with a wooden stick by piercing the dough with it. If it is dry, the cake is baked.

Turn off the oven and let the finished charlotte with apples and cranberries cool. Turn the cooled pie out of the pan onto a plate. The apples that were on the bottom of the pan will now be on top. Sprinkle sweet powder over the top of the biscuit. Cut into portions and serve.

Charlotte with cranberries

Option 1. Traditional recipe for charlotte with cranberries

Traditional charlotte is prepared with sweet and sour apples. But it is completely acceptable to replace them with other fruits or berries. For example, create an unforgettable charlotte with cranberries, the taste of which will amaze everyone who is lucky enough to taste it.


  • three testicles;
  • 6 spoons of sugar;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • a spoonful of baking powder;
  • a glass of flour;
  • fresh cranberries – 120 g.

Before you start beating the dough, be sure to cool the chicken eggs. In this case, you will get a strong mass in just a few minutes. In addition, use only the freshest eggs, otherwise they will not only spoil the taste of the baked goods, but may also be unsafe for health.

Step-by-step recipe for charlotte with cranberries:

Cool the chicken eggs, then break them into a dry bowl and immediately add a few tablespoons of snow-white sugar.

Next, mix baking powder, sifted flour and a pinch of salt in a separate bowl.

Using a mixer whisk at medium speed, beat the strong egg mixture and pour the flour mixture inside.

Continue mixing using a wide spatula so that the dry ingredients “disperse” without lumps, and the dough comes out homogeneous and thick.

Now line the round pan with parchment or generously grease it with soft butter, then pour in the dough and smooth the surface.

Wash the fresh cranberries, dry them briefly with cardboard towels and place them in a mold with dough. Try to distribute the berries sparingly.

Place the future charlotte with cranberries in the oven and bake a wonderful pie at 180 degrees for 40 minutes. It is better not to touch the oven for the first half hour, but after this time it is important to check the readiness of the baked goods. To do this, lightly press down on its surface. If it springs back, the pie is ready to serve.

Cranberries have a bitter-sour taste, so you may need to increase the amount of sugar. Especially if you are a gourmand. You can also add various spices, such as vanilla or cinnamon. This will certainly enhance the taste of the dish.

Option 2. Frisky recipe for charlotte with cranberries

It is unrealistic to prepare charlotte in 10 minutes, but it is still possible to significantly reduce the time. We will tell you how to create this correctly, without making serious mistakes, right now.


  • fresh cranberries – 90 g;
  • two testicles;
  • 5 spoons of sugar;
  • vanilla;
  • flour – 110 g;
  • spoon of baking powder.

How to quickly prepare charlotte with cranberries:

Beat the previously cooled chicken eggs with a mixer together with sugar until strong peaks form. To speed up the process, do it at maximum speed.

Now sift the wheat flour inside and add baking powder and vanilla.

Mix the thick dough with active movements, ensuring that the lumps disappear, and then pour the mixture into a round pan lined with baking paper.

Next, moderately distribute the well-washed cranberries over the surface of the dough and move the workpiece onto a wire mesh in a well-heated oven. By the way, it is important to bring it to 200 degrees.

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Bake the charlotte with cranberries for 30 minutes, without lowering the temperature, then turn off the stove. Cut the hot pie into portions, add sour cream and serve.

The highest beating speed and high temperature will reduce the time for making charlotte by 10-15 minutes. But at the same time, pay attention to the quality of the dough and the readiness of the baked goods, so as not to serve a “stuffed” and under-baked dessert.

Option 3. Charlotte with cranberries and apples

If you want to experiment with ingredients, but are afraid to change the recipe too much, do it carefully. For example, adding the freshest cranberries to the charlotte, leaving the classic apples for this baking.


  • one apple;
  • three testicles;
  • a glass of flour;
  • fresh cranberries – 90 g;
  • a spoonful of baking powder;
  • seven tablespoons of sugar;
  • cinnamon.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Wash the freshest cranberries and throw them on a woven towel to dry the berries. At this time, break the chicken eggs into a dry container and immediately add sugar.

Beat the mixture with the beaters of a mixer at medium speed. When the base of the dough has doubled in size and turned white, add wheat flour (it is better to sift it), cinnamon and a spoonful of baking powder.

Now pour the contents of the bowl into a baking dish, which is recommended to be greased or lined with baking paper.

In the next step, peel the large apple and coarsely grate the fruit. Place the cooked cranberries and grated apple in the dough, using gentle movements to distribute the ingredients inside.

Place the mold with the future charlotte with cranberries into a previously preheated oven and cook the dessert for approximately 40-45 minutes at 180 degrees. During this period of time, the charlotte will grow significantly and acquire an appetizing crust.

Before serving, we recommend letting the pie cool slightly, add sour cream or jam, and serve it with tea for breakfast for your beloved family. As for spices, it is permissible to replace the cinnamon with vanilla or chopped mint.

Option 4. Charlotte with cranberries in a slow cooker

To make a fluffy charlotte, baking powder is usually used. But if you transfer the process to a slow cooker, you can safely give up this ingredient. After all, in this machine all the pies turn out only fluffy and tender.


  • wheat flour – 110 g;
  • two chicken eggs;
  • 5 spoons of sugar;
  • fresh cranberries – 110 g;
  • oil for lubrication;
  • breadcrumbs.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Pour the snow-white sugar into a dry, clean bowl, and also break the cooled chicken eggs inside.

Beat the mixture to stiff peaks using a mixer. It is recommended to do this at medium speed.

When the mass turns white and significantly increases in volume, sift the wheat flour and mix with a spatula a thick dough without lumps.

Grease the inside of the multicooker bowl with soft butter, sprinkle with breadcrumbs and pour the dough inside.

Now add the washed fresh cranberries, trying to arrange the berries moderately.

Set the “Baking” mode, close the machine tightly with the lid and cook the pie for 60 minutes (the time given by the program). After the signal, turn off the multicooker and, without opening the lid, leave it to cool slightly. That's all, the charlotte with cranberries is ready to serve.

To remove the cake without damaging it, shake the bowl slightly, then place the steaming container and turn it upside down. If the charlotte is not burnt, it will easily leave the surface and end up on the plate.

Option 5. Charlotte with frozen cranberries

The freshest cranberries are not always available. But by freezing it in the autumn, you can eat the berries all year round. For example, prepare the desired winter fruit drink or bake the most delicious charlotte.


  • a glass of flour;
  • seven tablespoons of sugar;
  • a spoonful of baking powder;
  • three testicles;
  • frozen cranberries – 120 g;
  • vanilla;
  • butter.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Place frozen cranberries in a sieve so that the berries can thaw naturally. If you don't have time, pop it in the microwave and defrost it for a few minutes.

In the next step, beat the cool eggs with sugar until stiff peaks form. To do this, use the beaters of a mixer, setting the speed to medium.

Pour the flour combined with baking powder and vanilla into the increased egg mass and mix the dough with a spatula until smooth (without lumps).

Wipe the round baking dish dry, grease it with oil and pour the viscous, fragrant dough inside. Place defrosted berries on top, drain the juice from them, and place the charlotte with cranberries in the oven.

Bake the tender pie for 45 minutes, setting the temperature to 180 degrees, then leave the charlotte to cool. When this happens, decorate the pastries with sour cream, add tea and serve.

Do not pour out the remaining juice, but boil it with sugar until a thick mixture and serve with charlotte. Also, before putting the pie in the oven, you can sprinkle it with sweet powder, which, when baked, forms a sweet crust with a beautiful golden color.

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Option 6. Charlotte with cranberries and nuts

By adding walnuts to the dough, you will get subtle tart notes that will enhance the taste of the charlotte. This pie is perfect not only for a homemade breakfast, but also as a dessert for a special occasion.


  • 6 spoons of sugar;
  • a glass of flour;
  • fresh cranberries – 110 g;
  • vanilla;
  • walnuts – 70 g;
  • three testicles;
  • spoon of baking powder.

How to cook - step by step recipe:

Beat the walnuts, remove the shells and grind the kernels into crumbs using a coffee grinder or blender (if there is such a function).

Combine the sifted wheat flour with nuts, vanilla and baking powder and set the mixture aside.

In a dry bowl, beat snow-white sugar with chilled eggs until a strong mass, then pour in the dry ingredients, constantly stirring with a spatula as the mass thickens before your eyes. At this step, bring the dough until smooth, otherwise lumps will spoil the properties of the charlotte with cranberries.

Pour the nut dough into a parchment-lined pan and pour over the previously washed fresh cranberries.

In a perfectly heated oven at 180 degrees, bake the pie for 40 minutes, after which cool the baked goods by opening the door, cut it and serve with sour cream and cold milk.

In addition to walnuts, you can also eat other types. For example, peanuts, forest or nutmeg. And if you have nothing to grind this ingredient with, grind it in a wooden mortar or using a rolling pin on a wooden board.

Cranberry charlotte

Surely, it is difficult to imagine a person who, as a child, did not feast on freshly baked charlotte. The mention of her brings to mind a memoir about apple pie. But over time, the traditional recipe was increasingly subject to changes. The cranberry version of this sweet is suitable for boosting immunity and a good mood. Therefore, we present this recipe and share the secrets of making a delicious pie. Charlotte with cranberries is a dessert for the whole family.


  • fresh cranberries – 120 g;
  • apple – 1 pc.;
  • flour – 200 g;
  • sugar – 5 tbsp. l.;
  • eggs – 3 pcs.;
  • baking powder – 1 tsp;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Making the inside

  1. First, peel the apple and cut it into cubes.
  2. Next, mix the apples and cranberries in a bowl. Sprinkle our filling with cinnamon and mix again.

Charlotte with frozen cranberries is prepared according to the same principle as with fresh ones. But it is worth paying attention to a number of points. Before cooking, place the berries in a sieve for natural thawing. And before combining them with the apple, you should drain all the water and squeeze the berries. Freezing cranberries while they are in season is a good solution so that you can entertain your loved ones with delicious cranberries all year round.

Making the dough

  1. First, you need to break the eggs into a dry container and add sugar to them.
  2. Next, beat the mixture with a mixer at medium speed.
  3. We perform these actions until the base turns white and doubles in size.
  4. Mix flour and a teaspoon of baking powder in a separate bowl.
  5. Add flour to our egg mixture and continue kneading the dough.

Baking a pie

Now let's start baking. It’s important to follow the instructions literally:

  1. The mold should be greased with butter or covered with baking paper.
  2. Next, pour half of the dough into the mold and distribute it sparingly.
  3. We put our filling on top, then pour the remaining dough on top.
  4. Turn on the oven and preheat to 180 degrees.
  5. Place the pie in the oven and bake for 20 - 30 minutes.

Tips for making

  • To begin with, I would like to pay attention to the test eggs. They must be completely dry, otherwise your mixture will not rise and the entire dough will not form a suitable mixture.
  • Don't be afraid to eat frozen cranberries. The winter season is not a reason to give up sweets from your beloved. But defrost only at room temperature so that the berry does not lose its beneficial characteristics.
  • Before serving, you can brush the top of the pie with sour cream whipped with sweet powder. This option will certainly appeal to your household.

This is how you can quickly prepare a tasty dish worthy of a photo in a culinary magazine. Now all that remains is to wish our readers success in the kitchen and a good mood.

How to make cranberry charlotte at home

There are few more pleasant things in the world than being treated to fragrant herbal tea with fluffy homemade cakes in a close family circle. To add an element of novelty to this lovely tradition, we suggest from time to time, instead of ordinary apple charlotte, you can create your favorite pastries with fresh or frozen cranberries!

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The light sourness of this northern berry, saturated with vitamin C, which it contains more than citrus fruits, will greatly enrich the taste of the beloved sweetness.

Cranberry pie named after the British queen is prepared (according to one version) using the usual method from the most economical goods that can always be found in kitchen bins. It only takes a couple of minutes to get a light, sour cream-like dough - and you can, by launching the appropriate program on the multicooker control panel, put on the kettle...

Charlotte with fresh cranberries: traditional recipe

Since the base of this baking is a fluffy, stable sponge cake, to make it you only need to use the finest sifted wheat flour. The highest grade is what you need!

For the inside, it is best to take freshly picked berries, as they are the most fragrant. This step-by-step recipe will teach you how to cook this wonderful dish!


  • Flour – 250 g;
  • Snow-white granulated sugar – 1 cup;
  • Medium chicken eggs – 4 pcs.;
  • Cranberry – 0.5 cups;
  • Vanilla - on the tip of a knife;
  • Sweet powder – 3-4 tbsp;
  • Sunflower oil – 1 tbsp;
  • Breadcrumbs - 1 tbsp.

How to bake a savory charlotte with cranberries in a slow cooker

The base of the fluffy biscuit dough is perfectly foamed fresh eggs. You can turn them into thick foam using two methods: with a mixer or using a food processor.

  1. So, break the eggs into a deep bowl, turn on low speed and for now just mix the white and yolk parts.
  2. When foam appears on the surface of the egg scramble, you can add sugar and vanilla. At this step, the mass must be whipped at high speed.
  3. The mass has increased in size and become slightly porous - time to add flour. We continue to beat the almost finished dough until it is perfectly homogeneous.
  4. The multicooker comes into play: grease the sides and bottom of the baking bowl with butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs. They can be safely replaced with dry semolina.
  5. Now pour out the third part of the dough and let it spread moderately along the bottom of the container.
  6. We drown washed cranberries sprinkled with sweet sand in the sweet mass.
  7. Cover with the remaining dough. If there are a lot of berries, you can pour them into the dough a couple of times - the pie will turn out even juicier.
  8. Select the “Baking” or “Cake” program in the menu (depending on the multicooker model), the time on the timer is 50 minutes and press “Start”.

When the sound signal sounds, signaling the end of the process, you should not immediately try to remove the cake from the mold - this way you can significantly reduce its splendor. It’s better to let it sit for a little while with the lid open and only later remove it.

If the occasion for baking it is significant, for example, a name day, it would be great to put a few small marshmallows, fresh cranberries or candied fruits on top. It will turn out very beautiful and incredibly tasty!

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Charlotte with frozen cranberries in the oven


  • Frozen cranberries – 1 cup + –
  • Chicken eggs - 5 pcs. + –
  • Snow-white granulated sugar – 1 cup + –
  • Wheat flour – 1 cup + –
  • Baking powder – 1 sachet + –
  • Vanillin + –
  • Cinnamon + –
  • Butter - 1 tbsp. + –

How to make your own cranberry charlotte in the oven

  1. Mix the eggs (preferably cool) until smooth for about 10 minutes and evenly add the sweet sand, beating with a mixer at the most powerful speed. As the sweet crystals dissolve, you can add in portions other bulk products mixed earlier - flour, baking powder and spices.
  2. Turning the oven on to maximum to warm up, coat the pan with oil. Pour 2/3 of the dough into it, then add the berry filling mixed with sugar and the rest of the test mixture on top.
  3. It is best to place a baking sheet with a pie dish in the middle of the oven - this way the charlotte will be moderately baked and appetizingly browned at a temperature of about 180 degrees, so you will have a good, savory dessert. Approximate baking time is 30 minutes.

Savory homemade sweets are a source of just pride for the housewife and satisfaction for the family. A fluffy charlotte with cranberries melting in your mouth, made according to an ancient recipe, will definitely be the center of everyone's attention and admiration!

Naturally, it is difficult to find the freshest northern berries in the store (and even more so in nature), but the unsurpassed type of baked goods with a pleasant sour taste will be a worthy reward for the efforts...

Traditional apple charlotte from the chef, video recipe

In just half an hour you will receive an impeccable dessert for tea, apple compote and an extraordinary alcoholic cocktail. Our chef allows you to prepare an almost apple-like home party for unexpected guests in just half an hour.

In addition to the video recipe, we want to amuse you with a selection of the most unexpected charlotte recipes.

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