Italian ciabatta bread in a bread machine: kneading without hassle

Italian ciabatta bread in a bread machine: kneading without hassle

Crispy crust and porous, airy pulp, smelling of the summer and the south - that’s what ciabatta is! Surely, anyone who has visited Italy has tried these oblong, golden brown loaves. The birthplace of ciabatta is Liguria. In fact, this is an ordinary village flatbread, the name of which is translated as “boot”, “slipper”. But its wonderful taste puts it on par with other amazing breads for which Italy is famous. The calorie content of the flatbread is low: 100 grams of bread contains 258 kilocalories. Making dough for ciabatta, just like for a French baguette, requires a very long kneading. This is the main guarantee of good taste and the correct mixture of the loaf. But since most of us are busy people, let’s try to make the task easier for ourselves and prepare ciabatta bread in a bread machine. The unit will help you knead the dough without unnecessary trouble. And if the size of the kitchen assistant’s bowl allows, you can bake your own ciabatta there. Below are recipes for different brands of bread machines. When stowing goods, you should still rely on the manufacturer's instructions.

The main principle of ciabatta

Let's look at the most common recipe, which contains only flour, yeast, salt and water. Although usually dry garlic, Italian herbs, crushed dark olives are added to ciabatta, and the top of the product is sprinkled with grated cheese. So, put 250 g of flour, a spoonful of salt and 25 g of {live} yeast (or half a bag of dry) into the bread machine bowl. Pour 180 ml of water. Set the “Dough” mode. After the sound signal, do not lift the lid. Leave the dough like this for two hours. Then we form two small ciabatta loaves. In the bread machine, grease the bowl with olive oil. Turn on the “Baking” mode. Set the timer for one hour. Select the intensity of frying the crust – “Medium”. The finished bread makes a dull sound when tapped, and when cut open, it delights the eye with large pores, like Swiss Emmental cheese.

Recipe for Moulinex

The set of ingredients and their quantities remain the same as in the above method. But ciabatta in the Moulinex bread machine requires double kneading. Place the ingredients in the bowl in this order: water, salt, a little sugar, flour and only later yeast. Install program 2. After 15-20 minutes, open the unit. If the dough is very liquid, add flour. An hour later, after the beep, let the ciabatta stand. We take it out and form two oval-shaped loaves. Place them on a thin tray and grease them with olive oil. Set the “Baking” mode and the timer to 35 minutes. Let the bread cool.

Ciabatta in a Panasonic bread machine

The unit from this manufacturer also kneads the dough in two steps. Pour flour into the container of the bread machine (the amount of ingredients remains the same), dry yeast, salt, garlic, and spices. Pour warm water into this mixture. Turn on the “Kneading” mode. After the program is completed, do not open the bread maker. Let the dough rest for two hours. After this time has passed, we again set the “Kneading” mode. We take out the finished dough, divide it equally, and form two loaves. We leave them for half an hour. After this, the ciabatta is baked in a bread maker or in a regular oven. As a last resort, you need to carefully transfer the very soft loaves onto baking paper lightly greased with vegetable oil. The oven must be preheated to maximum. But 10 minutes after placing the ciabatta in the oven, the fire should be reduced to two hundred and 20 degrees. The products need to be baked for about a quarter of an hour.

Ciabatta: recipe in bread machine SD-257 Panasonic

The goods are placed in the bucket in the following sequence: flour, yeast, warm water. Mix by hand and leave for 10 minutes. Add salt, spices and turn on the “Dumplings” mode. Set the timer for 20 minutes. Don't be afraid that the dough is runny. Transfer it to a bowl and leave in a warm place for three hours. If we bake ciabatta in a bread machine, the holes will come out not big, branded, but small, like in an ordinary loaf. Therefore, we will use the oven, which should already be quite warm at the time of installation of the culinary products. Line a baking tray with baking paper and sprinkle with a small amount of flour. Carefully dump out half of the dough and form a loaf. If there is space for a second one, place another loaf next to it. Leave for 20 minutes until the ciabattas rise slightly. Set the oven temperature to 220 C and bake for about 20 minutes. During this period of time, crush a clove of garlic with a spoon of olive oil. We grease the top of the hot bread with the consistency given to us.

"Lazy" ciabatta

Place 220 g of wheat and 35 g of rye flour, a pinch of salt, half a packet of dry yeast, and one and a half tablespoons of olive oil into a bucket. Pour in 160 ml (two thirds of a faceted glass) of whey. “Lazy” ciabatta in the bread machine is prepared in the “Main” mode. We also order the following characteristics: “Medium crust” and the weight of the product is half a kilo.

How to bake ciabatta bread in a bread machine

Ciabatta is a type of Italian white bread. It has a porous and airy structure, and is covered with a crispy crust on top. Since about the end of the 90s, this type of bread has spread far beyond the borders of Italy.

Currently, this bakery product is baked in the USA (the United States of America is a state in North America) and in European countries. Therefore, every housewife definitely needs to have a recipe for such savory bread in her piggy bank.

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Ingredients Quantity
flour - 250 gr
water - cup
dry yeast - 5-6 g
sugar - a couple of pinches
salt – pinch
olive oil - 5 ml
Production time: 180 minutes Calorie content per 100 g: 265 Kcal

Correct manufacturing procedure:

  1. First, the dough is made. To do this, you need to pour dry yeast into a glass bowl, add salt and sweet sand;
  2. Then fill everything with warm water and add flour at the end;
  3. Unlike making regular bread, the dough for ciabatta does not have to stand for some time and swell;
  4. The dough should be stirred immediately with a mixer at highest speed. The result should be a homogeneous dough that quietly moves away from the walls of the container;
  5. After this, the dough needs to be left to stand for some time for it to rise. To do this, cover the container with a towel and leave for 2-3 hours;
  6. After the dough has risen, flour should be poured onto the surface of the desktop;
  7. Place the dough on the flour; no need to knead it anymore;
  8. We form future bread from the dough. Real ciabatta looks like a loaf;
  9. We leave the base to stand for a while so that it fits again;
  10. Grease the bread machine with olive oil;
  11. Place in the bread machine and set the time to 40 minutes;
  12. After the ciabatta is ready, you need to take it out and let it stand until it cools completely.

Ciabatta bread with dough kneading in a Panasonic unit

Products for making Italian pastries:

  • 250 g flour;
  • water – 150 ml;
  • 3-4 grams of dry yeast;
  • 1 teaspoon salt;
  • 10 grams of Italian herbs spice consistency;
  • 1 teaspoon dry crushed garlic;
  • 25-30 ml vegetable oil.

Production time – 3 hours.

Nutritional value – 275 kcal.

How to create:

  1. Pour flour into the bread machine bowl, add salt, dry yeast, Italian herbs, dried garlic;
  2. Next, fill everything with water, turn on the device in dough kneading mode and knead the dough;
  3. After the dough is perfectly kneaded, turn off the device and leave the base to stand for 2 hours;
  4. After this, mix the dough again;
  5. Then you need to carefully remove the dough from the bowl of the bread machine, remove the knife and grease the container with vegetable oil;
  6. We make the shape of a ball or an oblong loaf from the base;
  7. Place the base in the bread maker container and close it;
  8. After this, leave the dough for 40 minutes, during this period it should rise perfectly and double in size;
  9. After this, on the device you should select the “baking” program and the time of 30 minutes;
  10. The ideal crust level for ciabatta is medium;
  11. Next, bake the bread for the indicated time;
  12. Once the ciabatta is ready, it should be taken out, cooled and served.

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Recipe for gluten-free bread in the Mulinex bread machine

Products for manufacturing:

  • 250 g gluten free flour;
  • 2 huge spoons of corn flour;
  • 5 grams of dry yeast;
  • water – 200 ml;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 25-30 ml vegetable oil.

How long does it take to cook – 2-3 hours.

Calorie content – ​​254 kcal.

  1. First you need to knead the base. You need to fill the container with water;
  2. Next, add salt, dry yeast, corn flour and gluten-free flour;
  3. After this, we place the container in the bread machine, set mode No. 2, it is also necessary to select the type of crust that should be obtained in the end;
  4. Press the “Start-Stop” button and leave;
  5. After 1 hour 20 minutes, you need to open the bread maker and take out the dough;
  6. From the dough you need to create two oblong loaves;
  7. Place the ciabatta on a tray and coat with vegetable oil;
  8. Place the tray in the bread machine, press the “Start-Stop” button
  9. Leave to bake for 35 minutes;
  10. Take the finished cibatta out of the bread maker and leave it to stand for a little while so that the bread becomes warm.

How to bake lazy ciabatta

For manufacturing, the following components are required:

  • 220 g flour;
  • rye flour – 40 g;
  • dry yeast – 1 small spoon;
  • whey – 160 ml;
  • a few pinches of table salt;
  • 1.5 large spoons of olive oil.

Production period – 3 hours.

Calorie content – ​​278 kcal.

  1. Place the ingredients in the bread machine container - dry yeast, wheat flour, rye flour, salt, olive oil;
  2. All ingredients are finally filled with whey, which is at room temperature;
  3. Next, select the “Baking” mode, select the medium crust;
  4. The entire mode of kneading, proofing, baking will continue for 3 hours;
  5. That’s why this ciabatta is called lazy, because all the ingredients are simply laid out, and the bread machine does everything itself;
  6. After 3 hours, you can remove the finished ciabatta from the bread maker;
  7. After it has cooled, it can be served.

Rye ciabatta

Ingredients for making Italian bread:

  • 110 grams of wheat flour;
  • 4 tbsp rye flour;
  • water – 300 ml;
  • ½ teaspoon dry yeast;
  • 3 huge spoons of grain consistency;
  • a pinch of sweet sand;
  • a pinch of salt.

Production period – 2-3 hours.

Calorie content – ​​251 kcal.

Let's start making:

  1. Pour warm water into the bread machine container, add dry yeast, salt, sugar, grain mixture;
  2. Next, add two types of flour – wheat and rye;
  3. Close the bread maker, leave the dough to knead and infuse for 80-100 minutes;
  4. After this, the risen dough can be mixed again;
  5. After this, take out the dough and form it into a round or rectangular shape;
  6. Then we grease the tray with vegetable oil and place the ciabatta on it;
  7. Let sit for a little while so that the ciabatta rises;
  8. Place in the bread machine, leave to bake for 40 minutes, select a medium crust;
  9. Remove the finished ciabatta, cool and serve.
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Useful tips

  • All ingredients should be placed in the bread machine in the correct sequence, this will result in real Italian bread;
  • It is better to grease the base with vegetable oil before baking. This results in a narrow, crispy crust;
  • It is absolutely not necessary to knead the dough on your own; this process can be performed by a bread machine;
  • the base for ciabatta must have a medium thickness - not very thick, and not very watery;
  • For aroma and special taste, you can add herbs and spices to the dough.

If you have such a miracle device as a bread machine, then preparing ciabatta will not be particularly difficult; the main thing is to strictly follow the manufacturing recipe. This Italian pastry will be a beautiful addition to any main dish - porridge, potatoes, soups, salads, meat, fish. The bread comes out very soft on the inside and crispy on the outside. And its smell will fill the entire room, so those who want to try it will eagerly await when this pastry is ready.

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Ciabatta bread, a crispy pastry originally from Italy

Ciabatta - this Italian bread is known and loved all over the world. This is a bread that takes a long time to ferment, but the flexible crumb, slightly sour taste, and crispy crust are worth the effort. How to bake ciabatta at home may not be clear to many, but now your culinary notebook will be replenished with a couple more delicious recipes.

Ciabatta in the oven “Smell of Italy”

To make homemade ciabatta in the oven, you will need the following set of products:

  • half a kilo of premium flour;
  • flour for dusting;
  • 330 ml. lukewarm water.
  • 1 g dry yeast.

Let's look at a step-by-step traditional recipe for ciabatta bread:

  1. It is better to leave the dough overnight (that is, in the dark) , because the yeast will ferment in it for a long time. Mix flour and yeast, throw in a pinch of salt. Sift into a large bowl.
  2. Pour water into the prepared mixture. Stir with a spoon so that the water is absorbed into the flour. Cover the bowl with film and leave at room temperature for 12-15 hours. This is the most fundamental step in this scheme.
  3. Distribute the flour over the entire work surface of the table. Don't skimp because the dough will be quite sticky. Place the dough in flour. This must be done gently, without crushing. It contains bubbles, which are later responsible for the uniqueness of the bread.
  4. Fold the left and right sides of the dough alternately, then the top and bottom, so that it resembles an envelope or a candy bar. Stop when the dough holds its shape.
  5. For ciabatta to come out right at home, divide the dough into two parts. Take dense tissue (a medical system of cells and intercellular substance, united by a common origin, structure and functions) , sprinkle it generously with flour and place ciabatta there, leaving a fold of tissue between the loaves (The structure of tissues of living organisms is studied by the science of histology) . Leave in this position for an hour.
  6. Carefully move the loaves onto a baking sheet and place in the oven preheated to 220 degrees. We need steam, so either place a bowl of water on the bottom of the oven or spray it on the walls inside the oven from time to time, taking precautions.
  7. The ciabatta bread will be ready in 30-35 minutes. You will know that the bread is baked by its golden brown crust.

The recipe for sourdough Ciabatta bread is the same as described a little higher, only instead of yeast, we add a special sourdough starter (watch the video recipe). By sprinkling the finished bread with a drop of olive oil and taking a bite, you will be transported to the land of pizza and pasta just in your kitchen.

Ciabatta in the Italiano bread machine

Tender, porous crumb under a toasted crust is the dream of a tired traveler. Homemade ciabatta, even without a long journey, will give a lot of taste. {Instructions} for making Ciabatta bread in a bread machine for your attention. The ingredients are:

  • wheat flour, premium – 250 g;
  • water - a little more than half a glass;
  • a teaspoon of salt;
  • two teaspoons of sugar;
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • olive oil to grease the bread.

{Instructions} for self-production at home:

  1. We introduce the products into the container of the bread machine in the following order: water, salt, sugar, flour, and only then yeast.
  2. Return the container to the oven.
  3. We select the “Main” production mode, “Medium” - the degree of baking of the crust and the weight of the loaf - half a kilo.
  4. When the ready signal sounds, take out the loaf, sprinkle it with olive oil, rub it with basil or any other herbs for aroma.

Note: you can prepare this bread by adding malt, any herbs to the dough, and sprinkling the top of the loaf with grated cheese.

Ciabatta in the Pantheon multicooker

The multicooker comes to the aid of the housewife, virtually any day. A recipe in which you can prepare Italian ciabatta bread in a slow cooker without the help of others is for your attention.

You need to prepare:

  • a quarter kilogram of flour (you can use whole grain flour, this will make the bread healthier and the crust a little tougher);
  • a teaspoon of yeast;
  • water 2 glasses;
  • olive oil 60 ml;
  • a tablespoon of sugar;
  • a tablespoon of salt.
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Your action plan should be as follows:

  1. Pour yeast, salt and sugar into a deep bowl. Dilute with lukewarm water and stir until smooth. Add flour evenly, little by little, and knead. Leave in a warm place for 12 hours.
  2. After the dough has fermented, take it out and mix with a wooden spatula from the edges to the center. The dough is sticky, but the end result is worth the hassle.
  3. Close the dough again and leave for 6 hours in a warm place.
  4. Again, take the dough out onto a floured board and knead it gently.
  5. Lubricate the inside of the multicooker with oil, preferably olive oil. If the smell of Italy does not motivate you, feel free to take our native Russian vegetable oil.
  6. Place the dough in the slow cooker, cover with a lid and leave to rest for another 4 hours. During this period of time, the number of bubbles will increase, the bread will be airier and lighter.
  7. Turn on the machine to the “Baking” mode for an hour and a half.
  8. Take out the bread, turn it over and put it back on “Baking” for half an hour.

Ordinary recipes with ciabatta

Recipes with ciabatta are ordinary and unpretentious, for example, you can cook:

  • Sandwiches with ciabatta, snow-white mushrooms and arugula.
  • Fry the mushrooms, place on a ciabatta block, sprinkle with arugula and thin Parmesan cheese on top.
  • Bruschetta with tomato and basil.
  • Fry pieces of ciabatta, cut them and rub with a clove of garlic. Place peeled tomato and basil on top.
  • Hot sandwich “Russians in Italy” - Cut a quarter of the loaf into a pocket, put sausage, cheese, and tomato inside. Dip the sandwich in beaten egg and fry in a frying pan.

Video: Sourdough Ciabatta bread - step-by-step recipe for making

Ciabatta in a bread machine

Ciabatta is of Italian origin; in fact, it is its own bread, and it is distinguished by its porous crumb. The ciabatta dough should not be as thick as when baking regular bread. Well, in general, the development of baking ciabatta is quite complicated. And for a lazy housewife, long cooking is not good. Moreover, when you have such a wonderful assistant in the kitchen as a bread machine, you no longer feel like kneading the dough with your hands.

And therefore, through experimentation, it was possible to achieve perfect proportions for kneading dough and baking ciabatta in a bread machine.

It turned out that the porosity of the crumb is best achieved if the ciabatta dough is made using the sponge method. Usually the dough rises in one hour, and in any advanced model of bread machine there is such a mode, which provides a sponge method for making baked goods. It differs in the longest operating time of the mode. For example, in the Philips HD9046 bread machine, for the sponge method of baking yeast dough, the Baking program is used; it is perfectly designed for baking Easter cakes, in other words, sweet yeast baked goods, but the technology doesn’t care what you bake in it, it’s not she who thinks, but you.

All you have to do is measure out the correct proportions of all the ingredients, then you will get crispy bread with a porous crumb called Italian ciabatta.

Note: There is no sugar in this ciabatta recipe (just like French bread

To bake ciabatta in a bread machine you will need:

Water or whey 160 ml
Fine salt – 1 tsp.
Oil (olive as standard) – 1.5 tbsp.
Rye flour – 35 g
Wheat flour – 220 g
Dry yeast – 1.5 tsp.

How to bake ciabatta in a Philips bread machine

Products are placed in the bread machine according to the instructions. The Philips HD 9046 bread machine is loaded starting with watery ingredients.

Pour a measured amount of whey or water into the bread machine bucket. It is better that the liquid is warm. Add salt.

Add all the rye flour and some of the wheat flour. And all the yeast.

Turn on the “Baking” mode. This is where the ingredients will be mixed. And after an hour a beep will sound. This is what the dough looks like on ciabatta:

During kneading, you need to add wheat flour. And when the bun is formed, it will need to be poured with oil.

Then the bread maker will work autonomously, your intervention will no longer be necessary.
The ciabatta dough rises unsurpassedly, the viewing window is fogged up, but the rise of the dough in it is clearly visible:

The baked ciabatta must be placed out of the bread machine bucket onto a grid. It is better to cut it when it has cooled down so that the crumb does not get crushed.

And although ciabatta consists of the most ordinary ingredients, it tastes different from ordinary snow-white or rye-wheat bread. Try it!

Ciabatta recipe No. 2

1st grade wheat flour - 500 gr.
Milk at room temperature - 250 ml.
Russian type cheese - 50 gr.
Salt - 10 gr. (2 tsp.)
Dried dill - 4 tsp.
Dry yeast - 4 gr. (1.5 tsp)

How to bake ciabatta in a bread machine

on the “French bread” mode

Pour all the watery ingredients into the bread maker bucket. If the drink is taken from the refrigerator, then it is better to warm it up slightly; I do this in the microwave.

Grate the cheese on a grater with small holes.

Add salt, dill, grated cheese to water and kefir:

Add sifted flour and place dry yeast on top:

Set the mode under the title “French bread”, indicating the weight of 750 g and the average color of the crust.

This is where things get messy. Please note that the dough you knead will be somewhat thinner than that of an ordinary loaf of bread, and this is how it should be. Here is a photo of a ciabatta bun in a bread machine:

Now do not open the lid until the ciabatta is completely baked.

As a result, we get ciabatta with holes, as expected:

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