Pavlova cake

Pavlova cake

The famous Pavlova cake recipe that I didn’t dare make! Everything worked out for me, everything is simple and recklessly delicious. This needs to be prepared and experienced, everything is so harmonious and enchanting!

Protein – 4 pcs. (120 g)
Sugar – 200 g
Corn starch – 1.5 tbsp. spoons
Lemon juice – 1 teaspoon
Vanilla extract – 2 drops
For the inside:
Cream (33%) – 200 ml
Sweet powder – 2 tbsp. spoons
Strawberries – 150-200 g
For decoration:
Fresh mint – 3 leaves

For this magical recipe, the most ordinary products will be useful.

First, in the bowl of a mixer (at low speed), beat the egg whites with lemon juice until slightly foamy. Increase the speed and add sugar little by little.

The whites have set, now add vanilla extract (a few drops) and beat until stiff peaks form. And at the very end, add the starch and beat for another 1 minute so that the starch is distributed.

Place the whites on the prepared parchment. I outlined a circle on the outside, beyond the boundaries of which I will not go. Choose the size yourself.

Please note that perfectly whipped whites should be glossy.

We form the base of the cake, you should get a bowl with thick edges. In the middle we make a depression for the cream and berries.

Using a pastry palette or knife, smooth out the sides. And with the palette given to us, we make the deepest strokes (diagonally) on the sides.

The oven is preheated to 130 degrees. Place the cake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 130. Later, reduce the temperature to 90-100 degrees and bake (dry) for 1.5 hours.

We take the Pavlova cake out of the oven, the crust comes out dry and crispy, and the inside is soft, like a soufflé. Let cool. Let's start making the cream; it prepares very quickly.

Whip the heavy cream (I use 33%) well, adding sweet powder in the process. A couple of tablespoons was enough for me, use your own taste.

We put the finished cream into the cake bowl, the cream is very tender!

We cut the strawberries into fine pieces and spread them on top of the cream.

Now a few mint leaves for beauty - and you get a wonderful dessert that pleases the eye and tastes simply bliss!

The combination of a sweet base (meringue) with a crispy crust, tender cream and strawberries is simply an explosion of taste! The ingredients are ordinary and easy to prepare, so you can check it out! Ecstasy!

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Pavlova cake

Friday, June 24, 2016

Named after the majestic Russian dancer, this light, airy and indescribably delicious dessert will melt the hearts of even those who don’t have a sweet tooth. The famous Pavlova cake has conquered virtually the whole world and there is nothing unusual about it: a crispy crust, tender and soft meringue inside, airy whipped cream and a lot of fragrant fresh strawberries! How can we stand here?

This famous dessert arose in the first half of the last century after Anna Pavlovna Pavlova’s tour of New Zealand and Australia. At that time, the whole world worshiped Russian ballet, and sweets and perfume were even named after its most striking star. And so, in the end, the cake was created. By the way, no one can now say the exact date and place of birth of Pavlov’s cake, while New Zealanders and Australians still dispute the right of primacy over it.

In essence, the idea of ​​a Pavlova cake is indescribably ordinary, and the composition of this dessert is striking in its simplicity: a meringue base (the crust crunches like a tutu), whipped cream and the freshest fruit. So, in the first half of the 20th century, this dessert was usually decorated with slices of kiwi and strawberries. Today, in a traditional Pavlova cake, it is customary to use only strawberries. However, there are a huge number of options for decorating this sweet - in the UK, for example, they put raspberries on top, some people like tropical fruits or seasonal local berries. There are no rules here, you can experiment according to your own taste.

If you like the traditional Pavlova cake recipe and would like to repeat it at home, remember that it must be prepared just before serving. Namely, decorate the meringue base (it can be baked in advance and stored until the right moment for several days) with whipped cream and berries. Otherwise, even in the refrigerator, the cake will leak (berry juice will begin to stand out) and the dessert will lose its former attractiveness.


Making a dish step by step:

To make this simple, delicious, and easy summer cake, use egg whites, powdered sugar, heavy cream, cornstarch, wine vinegar, and lots of fresh strawberries. We use only heavy cream that is suitable for whipping - with a fat content of at least 32%. Corn starch (it will make the crust crispy, while keeping the meringue soft inside) can be replaced with potato starch, then take 1 tablespoon. Instead of wine vinegar, you can use lemon or lime juice. For decoration, you can also take fresh mint or lemon balm leaves - it will turn out even more attractive.

So, first you need to prepare the base for the cake - meringue. In addition to goods, we will also need suitable dishes and a mixer. Take a bowl, wash it and dry it thoroughly. You can degrease it with lemon juice, and then wipe it well again. Pour in the cool whites and, if desired, add a tiny pinch of salt (but this is not at all necessary). By the way, a question about the temperature of the proteins: some chefs say that warm (room temperature) proteins ultimately give the softest foam. But personally, I prefer working with chilled ones - I didn’t see much of a difference. It must be said that my whites were frozen, and later they simply thawed overnight (that is, in the dark) in the refrigerator. I often cook with egg yolks, so I simply collect the whites in a bag and store them in the freezer. There is no difference between fresh and frozen meringue proteins.

Start beating the egg whites with a mixer at low speed, gradually increasing the speed to medium. We continue to beat at virtually the highest speed for another minute or two. While beating, add sweet powder one tablespoon at a time. Increase the mixer speed to high and beat the meringue, not forgetting about the sugar. If you use a planetary mixer, it will be even easier because your hands are free. Using a hand mixer, beat the egg whites as if drawing a figure eight or an infinity symbol. This is necessary so that the mass is beaten moderately. In general, it will take you about 10-15 minutes to beat the egg whites. At the end, add wine vinegar and sifted starch. We mix them into the meringue carefully and not very intensively, folding them from bottom to top.

Look how the finished meringue for the meringue base looks - it is thick and compacted, but at the same time shaggy, smooth and glossy.

Airy meringue holds its shape perfectly if it is sufficiently whipped.

It's time to dry the meringue so that it becomes crispy on the outside, but remains tender, airy and juicy on the inside. You can create one large cake, 2 much smaller ones (like mine) or completely prepare it in portions in the form of cakes. Place the meringue on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper to the size of the desired circle(s). Later, use a spoon to level the meringue so that the edges of the airy cream are slightly in the middle.

The deposited pieces must be baked in a previously preheated oven at 140-150 degrees for 4-5 minutes, after which the temperature drops to 110 degrees and the meringue is cooked for approximately another 25-30 minutes. But still rely on the features of your own oven! Do not open the oven during baking (the temperature difference has a detrimental effect on the appearance of the meringue), otherwise the following problem may occur: my meringue sank in the center. The finished baked goods did not suffer in taste, but gave me a couple of minutes of aesthetic torment. Let the puffed pieces cool completely, but for now let’s make the cream and berries for our Pavlova cake.

In the traditional version of the Pavlova cake, the freshest strawberries are used, so that’s what we’ll take – fortunately, it’s just the season. Wash the berries, remove the stems, dry them completely (!) and cut into large slices. If you have small strawberries, leave them completely.

Next, beat the chilled heavy cream with a mixer at medium speed. You can whip the cream with a whisk - it’s even safer. Don't overdo it, otherwise you'll end up with butter and whey. Personally, I don’t add sweet powder to the cream, because ours is already quite sweet. You can also add 1-2 tablespoons of sweet powder before whipping. We need to get a fairly dense, yet tender and airy buttercream.

Assembling a Pavlova cake. Place the crispy meringue base on a flat dish.

Spread whipped cream on top in an even layer (half the entire amount if you are making 2 cakes, like I did).

The most enjoyable part of making remains - decorating the cake with a substantial amount of the freshest strawberries (put as many as your heart desires)!

Well, what’s it like here without the greenish stop? The freshest leaves of fragrant lemon balm or mint will be absolutely incredible. And if you wish, you can sprinkle the finished dessert with sweet powder. We assemble the second cake in the same way.

The Pavlova cake is served immediately after production. It is unsurpassed when cut into portioned pieces, it comes out indescribably tender, moderately sweet, fragrant... in general, wonderful! Try this truly summer dessert.

Cake “Anna Pavlova”

Crispy meringue melting in your mouth combined with butter cream and the light sourness of new berries is the perfect dessert for a summer evening tea party. It is better to consume this cake immediately after making it. You can decorate the cake with any other berries, as well as fruits.

Ingredients for “Anna Pavlova Cake”:

For the meringue

  • Egg white – 4 pcs.
  • Lemon juice - 1 tsp.
  • Sweet powder (or small sugar) - 200 g
  • Starch (corn) - 1 tbsp. l.

For cream

  • Cream (33-35%) – 250 ml
  • Sweet powder (optional) - 1 tsp.

For decoration

Production time: 160 minutes

Number of servings: 6

Nutritional and energy value:

Ready meals
1889.9 kcal
19.8 g
85.2 g
276.3 g
315 kcal
3.3 g
14.2 g
46.1 g
100 g dish
194.8 kcal
2 g
8.8 g
28.5 g

Recipe for “Anna Pavlova Cake”:

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Pavlova cake

The traditional recipe for Pavlova cake came to us from afar. Almost 100 years ago, the majestic Russian dancer Anna Pavlova went on a tour of Australia and New Zealand. For this occasion, local confectioners developed a white cake with a narrow, crispy crust and a soft, airy center, which personified the amazing strength of character and at once the tenderness of the dancer. To this day, Australians and New Zealanders argue for the right to call Pavlov's cake their state dish, and not so long ago the Americans also joined them. I propose not to think about which of them is right, but to figure out how to prepare this delicious dessert. :)

The essential ingredients of Pavlova are egg whites, sugar, fruits or berries; optionally, whipped cream or curd is added to them.

Protein shortcakes for Pavlova cake

As you can easily tell from the composition, the base of this cake is meringue, in other words, whites whipped with sugar. The main thing here is not to get confused in concepts. The most common version of baked meringue in Russia is often called meringue and for some reason this term is used for all desserts with a similar composition.

The meringue is dry and crispy through and through. Pavlova should not be considered a meringue cake; it does not have to be dry. If you prepare the meringue strictly according to the recipe, the middle remains soft, similar to a soufflé. This is facilitated by the baking method and the addition of starch.

Look at the very first Pavlova that I once prepared. The cut clearly shows that the cake is not completely dry.

Returning to the fact that not every meringue can be considered meringue, I’ll give another example. Remember my article with a step-by-step recipe for homemade marshmallows . In addition to fruit or berry puree, it contains protein and sweet syrup, in other words, meringue. But it wouldn’t occur to anyone to call this dessert meringue, would it? :)

Secrets of making meringue (meringue) at home

- separate the whites from the yolks in advance (preferably a day in advance) and bring to room temperature, so when whipping, you can introduce more air into them and, accordingly, increase the volume of the cakes; getting the smallest particle of yolk into the whites will reduce all efforts to nothing;

- the bowl and whisk must be wiped dry and degreased by wiping with vinegar or lemon juice; if fat and water get in, the whites may not whip or increase in volume as necessary, the same principle applies to the humidity level in the kitchen, it should be the lowest;

- sugar must be added evenly and it must certainly dissolve completely (you can check by rubbing the meringue between your fingers), the less sugar you use, the faster and better the whites will whip.

Possible errors

- the cake is caramel, not snow-white - the oven temperature was very high;

- the crust cracked during baking and syrup came out - the sugar did not completely dissolve;

- there is a large cavity between the inside and the crust - the whites were underbeaten or overbeaten;

- after baking, the donkey shortbread is the result of a sharp temperature difference, Pavlova must be cooled evenly;

— for the best result, you need to bake the cake on the convection mode, thanks to it you can get a product with a crispy crust and a tender, not overdried middle, the top-bottom mode can also be used, but I never do that.

Cake molding

Truly whipped meringue holds its shape unsurpassedly and is easy to lay out the way you need it. You can create several even or slightly careless cake layers, pipe them figuratively with a pastry bag, or form one cake with a recess for the inside, as in the photo in the recipe text. You can also create Pavlova in portions. Portioned cakes with lemon curd inside will be a good dessert for Easter, because they resemble a chicken egg in cross-section.

Cream for Pavlova

The most common option is to fill and/or decorate the Pavlova with sugar-free whipped cream and sour berries or fruits to compensate for the excessive sweetness of the meringue.

If you need a more complex taste, you can add curd ; it is usually made from passion fruit, but in our criteria, citrus is also suitable.

The point of the inside is to enrich the taste of the cake without disturbing the harmony of textures, because any heavy cream will not work.

Storage and serving

Naturally, it is better to eat a cake with this texture right away and not store it, but if properly prepared, it can spend a number of days in the refrigerator if desired, I inspected it. The only thing is: what he sees will no longer be very marketable.

To serve beautiful pieces to your guests, you need to cut the pavlova with a very sharp knife, then the crust will not really remember the core.

If you are afraid of not being able to cope, and serving is of great importance, it is easier to prepare portioned cakes.

What to cook with leftover egg yolks?

The most trivial option is Kurd for the inside. I have a recipe for lemon curd in the article “Immaculate Lemon Cake” and in a separate article . Others prepare according to the same principle.

Also pay attention to British cream or crème anglaise - a traditional sweet sauce for baked goods and desserts. I served it with hazelnut-orange crumble .

And the cherry on the cake is the favorite traditional French cookies of my blog readers - Palets Breton . If you haven’t tried it yet, be sure to improve!

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Pavlova cake

Traditional Pavlova cake recipe. Protein shortcakes with a crispy crust and a tender soufflé center, whipped cream and berries.

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