Development of making homemade strawberry wine

Development of making homemade strawberry wine

Strawberries have been grown in Europe since the 15th century. Over the course of several centuries, it has become one of the favorite berries of summer residents, which is eaten raw and made into jam and compotes. I’ll tell you how to create strawberry wine at home using a regular recipe. After aging, you will get a tasty, fragrant drink.

The main difficulty in making strawberry wine is obtaining the juice. Strawberries give it very reluctantly, so you can’t do without adding water and sugar. Another fundamental point - if for most fruit wines the fruits are not washed so that natural yeast remains on the skin, then strawberries must be washed, otherwise the wine will have a nasty earthy taste. For normal fermentation, add raisins.

Before working with berries, all containers should be washed with boiling water and wiped dry with a clean cloth. I do not recommend using vessels in which milk was previously stored.


  • strawberries – 3 kg;
  • sugar – 2 kg;
  • water – 3 liters;
  • raisins – 100 g (optional).

Strawberry wine recipe

1. Remove stems and leaves from strawberries. Wash the berries thoroughly (almost until they shine), then mash them with your hands or a wooden rolling pin to make a homogeneous puree; any strawberry must be crushed.

2. Heat water to 30°C, add 1 kg of sugar, stir.

3. Place the resulting strawberry pulp in a container with a wide neck - an enamel pan, a plastic bowl or bucket. Add sweet syrup. I also recommend throwing in a handful of unwashed raisins. Mix. Raisins contain natural wine yeast that promotes fermentation. It is possible to do without them, but then there is no guarantee that the strawberry slurry will ferment.

Fill the container no more than ¾ full, otherwise the wort may overflow during fermentation.

4. Bandage the neck with gauze or cover it to protect it from flies, place the container for 5-7 days in a black space with a temperature of 18-28°C. To avoid the occurrence of mold and souring of the juice, I advise you to stir the wort 2-3 times a day with a wooden stick or a clean hand, knocking off the surface and sinking the pulp - the floating layer of pulp - into the juice.

After a couple of hours, a day at most, signs of active fermentation will appear (foaming, hissing, a slight smell of mash), this means that everything is going fine.

5. Filter the juice through cheesecloth, squeeze out the pulp well (do not use further).

6. Pour the untainted juice into a fermentation container, add 500 grams of sugar, stir. You must leave at least 25% free space for new portions of sugar and foam.

To seal and remove carbon dioxide, install a water seal of any design, you can put on a honey glove with a hole in the finger (pierce it with a needle).

Water seal designs for wine, mash and beer

7. Move the container to a black, warm (18-28°C) space. After 5 days, add 250 grams of sugar. To do this, drain 200 ml of wort separately, dilute sugar in it, then add the purchased syrup to the wine and close with a water seal. After another 5 days, repeat the function according to the described technology, adding the remaining sugar - 250 g.

8. After 30-60 days, fermentation will be completed: the water seal will not release bubbles, sediment will appear on the bottom of the container, and the wort will lighten.

Attention! If fermentation continues longer than 50 days, so that bitterness does not arise, the wine must be carefully drained from the sediment and again placed under a water seal to ferment.

Drain the fermented young strawberry wine from the sediment through a narrow tube, for example, from a dropper. Taste, if desired, add more sugar for sweetness or fix with vodka (alcohol) in an amount of 2-15% of the size. Fixing makes the taste harsher and the smell less refined, but it helps preserve the wine.

It is better to fill containers for storing drinks to the top so that there is no contact with oxygen, and seal them hermetically. If sugar was added at the previous step, it is better to leave the water seal during the first 7-10 days of aging.

9. Move the wine to a cellar or refrigerator at a temperature of 5-16°C for maturation. Aging homemade strawberry wine for at least 65 days, preferably 90-100 days, then the taste will noticeably improve.

As sediment accumulates on a day 2-5 cm wide (at first, any 20-30 days, later less often), filter by pouring into another container. The wine is considered ready if sediment no longer appears, then the drink can be bottled and corked.

Photo by user Alexander M.

The result will be homemade strawberry wine with an alcohol content of 10-12%. When stored in the refrigerator or basement, the shelf life is up to 2 years. Yield – 60-70% of the original wort size.

Strawberry wine

Saturday, July 14, 2018

You’ve probably already lost your strawberries too... Don’t worry, you can make homemade strawberry wine using this recipe at any time of the year from frozen berries. In the latter case, use it next year, right? Fragrant, sweet, pleasant and very tasty wine made from aromatic strawberries is a paradise for lovers of liqueurs and other dessert alcoholic drinks.

To make homemade strawberry wine, you only need berries and sugar. The essence of making such a drink can be summed up in two words: strawberries are combined with sugar, crushed, fermented, filtered, again fermented under a water seal (under a rubber glove), filtered if desired, bottled, infused if possible, and consumed. I can’t call myself a professional in this matter, but I will carefully tell you what and how I personally do to make delicious homemade strawberry wine.

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Making a dish step by step:

To make homemade strawberry wine, we need only two ingredients - strawberries and sweet sand.

The berries specifically for this recipe are suitable for any condition: small or large, elastic or wrinkled. The main thing is that they are not putrefactive. We sort out the strawberries and wash them. To do this, we fill a huge container with cool water, put the berries in it and let them swim for almost a minute - in this way the sand will sink to the bottom. Gently mix the strawberries with your hands, then remove and transfer to a colander. It is important not to remove the stalks until the berries are unstained. Otherwise, the strawberries will absorb a huge amount of water and become soggy.

Remove the stems and place the unstained berries in a suitable sized container. The weight of strawberries (1 kilogram) is indicated in already prepared form.

Cover the berries with sweet sand - take 500 grams.

Now, using a masher or directly with your hands, mash the berries with sugar until the strawberries release juice. Why not grind everything, for example, with an immersion blender? I will say: when you strain the puree, the homogeneous mass will clog the sieve. As a result, the process will be long and nasty. But strain this heterogeneous porridge quickly and simply.

Pour the sweet strawberry mass into a suitable jar (just wash it well). I took a three-liter one because I didn’t have the smallest size on hand (I would have taken a 2-liter one).

Cover the jar with gauze (3-4 layers) and tighten with an elastic band or thread. In this way, the strawberries will be able to breathe, and annoying midges and other insects will not get into the jar. We leave the future strawberry wine to ferment in a warm and dark place for 5-7 days.

On the second day, the first signs of fermentation should appear: you will smell the mash and the characteristic hissing. For a week, once a day, take out the jar and vigorously mix the contents with a wooden spoon or spatula. Or you can do it by hand. This is necessary to prevent the possible occurrence of mold.

After a week, the contents of the jar must be strained, for which we cover a sieve with 2-3 layers of gauze and pour strawberry mash into it. We squeeze the gauze well with our hands so that in the end there is a fairly dry cake left in it.

This is what strained strawberry juice with sugar looks like – it’s a 1 liter jar.

In the next step, you need to create a water seal or use a rubber glove. We quickly made a water seal on our own, using the latest IV tube (you can buy it for pennies at any pharmacy without any problems). The essence of such a device is this: we put a rubber lid on the jar of future wine, in which we make a small hole across the diameter of the tube. We insert a tube into this hole (I also covered it with adhesive tape to make it airtight) so that the tube captures air and not liquid. In other words, this tube does not go down, but descends into the jar almost a centimeter. We lower the second end of the tube into the second jar with ordinary water. Thus, during fermentation, all gases will be released into the water.

The structure stood on my nightstand (in a warm and black place) near my desktop for exactly a month. During this period of time, the future wine fermented well - small bubbles endlessly appeared on the surface, rising from the bottom of the jar. In addition, a layer of cloudy sediment formed in the jar, and the wine itself became more transparent. I didn’t add water to the second jar, I just changed it once.

When the fermentation process is over (fewer bubbles will appear every day and in the end they will completely disappear), the strawberry wine can be considered ready. Just don’t let the wine go sour! Using a dropper tube (you still have some left), we carefully distill the wine into a suitable container - this way no sediment will get into the beautiful bottle. We close the bottle hermetically and put it in a cold space (I have wine and it’s currently in the refrigerator) for at least another couple of weeks (ideally a couple of months). During this period of time, the wine will ripen even more, become tastier and more aromatic.

I literally won’t tell you the degrees, but homemade strawberry wine comes out decently sweet, very juicy and rich. It was simply created for girls' get-togethers. Cook for your health and bon appetit, friends!

Strawberry wine: 3 recipes at home

  • 1 Tips before starting
  • 2 Traditional strawberry wine
  • 3 Homemade strawberry wine
  • 4 Fortified strawberry wine

We are all waiting for summer to enjoy the taste and smell of fresh strawberries. And experienced winemakers, as well as new ones, are waiting for the berry wine season to begin.

They also make strawberries: liqueur, tincture, liqueur, syrup

Tips before the start

For most fruit wines, it is strictly forbidden to wash the fruits so as not to wash away the wild yeast, but with strawberries everything is different. If you skip this step, the finished drink will have a nasty earthy aftertaste.

Natural yeast for strawberry wine can be replaced with raisins or prepared with the help of others. The berries are not washed for her.

You can't make dry wine from strawberries. This ingredient is suitable for dessert and liqueur types of wine. Because without sugar and water, the berries will not be able to produce the required amount of juice.

For fermentation, it is not recommended to use a container in which milk was previously stored.

Before starting production, it is better to wash all containers with boiling water, and then wipe them dry with a clean towel.

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Now you can safely move on to recipes and step-by-step instructions for making homemade wine.

Traditional strawberry wine


Sweet sand – 2 kg

High quality raisins – 100 g

Preparation method

Strawberries need to be thoroughly washed, stems and spoiled berries removed. Then crush each strawberry with your hands or using a wooden spatula.

Heat the water to 30 degrees, add 1 kg of sweet sand and mix well until the granules are completely dissolved.

Pour the cooked berries, unwashed raisins into a container with a wide neck (basin, bucket or enamel pan) and fill with syrup. All ingredients should not exceed 3/4 the size of the container, because during the fermentation process the wort may overflow.

We cover our container with gauze and leave it for 5–7 days in a dark place with a temperature of about 18–28 degrees. Don’t forget to stir the contents of the container with a wooden spatula a couple of times a day.

Once the active fermentation stage is completed, the liquid must be strained, squeezed out the cake, and then filtered.

Fill the glass container 70–75% with the purchased strawberry juice, add 500 g of sugar, mix and install a water seal. Or, the old fashioned way, we use a honey glove with a small hole in the finger. Leave for 1–2 months in a dark, warm place (18–28 degrees).

After 5 days of quiet fermentation, add another 250 g of sweet sand. To do this, drain 200 ml of water, dissolve sugar in it and then pour it back into a common container. We install a water seal and after 5 days we repeat this manipulation again with the remaining sweet sand.

Once fermentation is complete, the young wine needs to be drained from the sediment using a dropper tube or any other method that is convenient for you.

Then we take a sample and, if desired, you can add a sweetener or add strength with vodka or good alcohol.

If you added sugar at the last step, then it is better to install the water seal again and let it sit for another 10 days.

The storage container does not have to have empty space between the lid and the drink.

Homemade wine should be moved to a room with a temperature of 5–16 degrees and left to stabilize the taste for 3 months. As sediment settles out, the drink must be carefully drained and poured into a clean container.

Since strawberry wine will not form sediment, we bottle it and store it for no more than 2 years.

Homemade strawberry wine


Sweet sand - at the rate of 150 g per 1 kg of berries

Preparation method

Repeat point 1 from the first recipe.

Transfer the prepared berries into a 10 liter bottle and add sugar. Cover the neck with gauze and leave for three days in a warm place.

As the juice sinks to the bottom of the container and the pulp rises, we filter the juice into another container and install a water seal. Leave the drink until fermentation is complete (about 2-3 months).

Then we transfer the container to a cold room and leave it for 1–2 months until the water is completely clarified.

After clarifying the drink, carefully drain it from the sediment and bottle it.

Ready homemade wine should be stored in a cool place.

Fortified strawberry wine


Preparation method

We follow point 1 from the first recipe.

In a glass fermentation container, mix the cooked berries, sugar and hot water.

We install the plug with the outlet pipe and leave it for 5–7 days in a warm, black place.

Once active fermentation is complete, you need to squeeze out the pulp using gauze.

Mix the resulting strawberry liquid with vodka. Let it brew for another week in a cold place.

Then we pass the finished fortified wine through a filter and bottle it.

You can start tasting after the taste has stabilized, after one week.

Store the finished drink in the refrigerator or cellar.

Is there an error or do you have anything to add?

A typical homemade strawberry wine recipe

With the advent of summer, one of the most beloved berries by almost everyone - strawberries - begins to ripen in summer cottages. Over several centuries of cultural cultivation of this berry for us, it has captured the love of almost all people. The taste of strawberries is incomparable, they are eaten fresh, compotes, jams and preserves are made from them. Strawberries make fragrant alcoholic drinks, including liqueurs, liqueurs, tinctures and even moonshine. And, of course, homemade strawberry wine. Drinks such as strawberry wine are not sold in an ordinary store; you can only create it yourself. You can make dessert, liqueur-like, fortified, sparkling wine. Unfortunately, it is not possible to make dry wine from strawberries, because the berries do not release juice well, and sugar, which must be added to the recipe, will help to enhance the separation of juice. Nevertheless, the result is a very good light wine with a unique taste, a bright red color, with which you can spend a romantic evening with a loved one. The wine matures closer to winter and will remind you of warm summer with its taste.

Before making wine from strawberries, you need to learn a few common rules, following them, you will get a decent drink. For the strawberry wine recipe described below, only ripe, fully colored fruits are used; unripe berries are not suitable. Unlike other berry and grape raw materials, it is recommended to wash strawberries before production, otherwise the wine will give off a nasty earthy taste. And simply replace wild yeast with raisin or strawberry starter. At all stages of wine production, you must use unstained, antiseptic-treated containers made of glass, stainless steel or food-grade plastic.

  1. Traditional strawberry wine at home
  2. Frozen strawberry wine
  3. Making strawberry wine - recipe from compote
  4. Wine made from strawberry jam at home
  5. Strawberry sparkling wine
  6. Strawberry wine with lemon
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Traditional strawberry wine at home

This is the most common recipe for making strawberry wine; it is easy to repeat even for novice winemakers. The wine comes out very tasty and fragrant with an alcohol content of 10-12%. Some of the strawberries can be replaced with wild strawberries, in this case you will get the richest taste of the drink. When stored in a cool room, the drink can be kept for up to 2 years.


  • Fresh strawberries – 3 kg;
  • Water – 3 l;
  • Sweet sand – 2 kg;
  • Raisins for sourdough – 100 gr.

How to create wine:

  1. Remove leaves and stems from strawberries. Wash well and mash all the fruits into a pulp with a spoon or rolling pin.
  2. Heat the water to a temperature of 30 degrees, add half of the sweet sand and stir.
  3. In a fermentation container, it could be a saucepan, a large jar or a plastic bucket, place the strawberry mass and pour in sweet syrup.
  4. Add raisins. Raisins are used as a starter instead of washed off wild yeast from the surface of strawberries.

It is important to leave 1/3 of the free space in the container, because during vigorous fermentation, an abundant foam cap rises, which can escape.

Frozen strawberry wine

It was not a failure that we were unable to create wine from the freshest berries. Strawberry wine can be made at home from frozen berries. Naturally, you cannot get the same smell as from the freshest strawberries, however, the result is high-quality, tasty wine. To obtain a high-quality drink, you need to defrost the berries correctly. They should thaw naturally at room temperature; in this case, strawberries retain vitamins (a group of low-molecular organic compounds of relatively simple structure and varied chemical nature) and taste properties.


  • Thawed berries - 3 kg;
  • Sugar – 2 kg;
  • Vodka – 500 ml;
  • Water – 2 l
  • Wine yeast – 11 gr.

Making wine from strawberries:

  1. Mash the thawed strawberries with a rolling pin and place in an enamel pan.
  2. Make syrup from sugar and water and cool. Pour into strawberry puree.
  3. Add prepared yeast. Cover with gauze and leave for 3 days.
  4. Separate the juice and squeeze out the pulp. Pour into a fermentation container. Install a water seal.
  5. Thanks to wine yeast, vigorous fermentation lasts much less than with feral yeast. After just two weeks, the fermented wine can be transferred to ripening, having been removed from the sediment.
  6. At this step, the wine is fixed with vodka.
  7. The wine matures in a cold place for 2-3 months, when sediment forms, it is poured into clean containers.
  8. Pour the finished wine into bottles, tightly closing.

Making strawberry wine - recipe from compote

Strawberry compote can also become the basis of wine. The recipe is very simple and not difficult. The result is a strawberry-flavored wine drink.


  • Strawberry compote – 3 l;
  • Sugar – 350 gr;
  • Rice – 50 gr.

How to create:

  1. Strain the compote through cheesecloth and pour into a five-liter jar.
  2. Add sugar and rice.
  3. Install a water seal.
  4. And put it in a warm space for a month.
  5. At the end of fermentation, strain the drink and bottle it.
  6. Keep in a cold place for 2 months.

Wine made from strawberry jam at home


  • Strawberry jam – 1 l;
  • Water – 1 l;
  • Raisins – 100 gr.


  1. Place the jam in a saucepan, add water and add raisins.
  2. Cover with a lid and leave in a warm place for 5-6 days, occasionally melting the foam cap.
  3. Drain the watery fraction into the fermentation tank and install a water seal.
  4. Ferment for 30-40 days at a temperature of 25C.
  5. Remove the young wine from the sediment and keep it in a closed container for another 2-3 months in a cold room. If sediment forms, drain the drink from it.

Strawberry sparkling wine

Strawberry champagne (sparkling wine) will decorate any festive table. This tasty foamy drink is sure to amuse the female half.


  • Fresh strawberry juice – 3 l;
  • Sweet sand – 3 kg;
  • Water – 1.5 l;
  • Raisins and sugar for adding to bottles.

How to create sparkling wine:

  • Mix all ingredients in a large jar, cover with gauze.
  • As soon as signs of fermentation appear (2-3 days), install a water seal.
  • Violent fermentation will end in 30-50 days.
  • Drain the young wine from the sediment and pour into black thick-walled champagne bottles. Add a teaspoon of sugar and three raisins to each.
  • Close hermetically with corks, tie the corks with wire or muzzle.
  • Place the bottles in a space where the temperature is no higher than 12 degrees, caps down.
  • Leave for 10-15 days, rotating the bottles once a day.
  • Then, carefully opening the bottle, remove the sediment from it, then add wine and cork again.
  • In the future, store sparkling wine at + 10 degrees.

Strawberry wine with lemon

To give the drink a personal touch, you can add lemons or tangerines to it.


  • Berries – 3 kg;
  • Lemon – 1⁄2 pcs.;
  • Sugar - 2 kg;
  • Water – 4 l;
  • Wine yeast – 20 gr.

How to cook:

  1. Peel the berries and wash thoroughly, place in a bottle.
  2. Pour in water and add half the sugar.
  3. Add yeast, stir, install a water seal.
  4. After 5 days, drain 300 ml of wort, dissolve sugar in it, add lemon and return everything back under the water seal.
  5. At the end of fermentation, leave the wine to mature in a cold space for 2-3 months. Store the finished drink in the basement or refrigerator.

Attention, excessive alcohol consumption is harmful to your health!

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